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J Migr Health ; 7: 100143, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36568827


The last decade has seen high levels of displacement in Central America and Mexico, with women and girls representing a growing share of this flow. Women and girls face a unique set of sexual and reproductive health risks, both as a direct result of the migration process, and as a consequence of violence, conflict and oppressive gender norms in the region. This scoping review adopts a five-stage process to search for, identify, and review selected literature to answer two questions: (1) what sexual and reproductive health and rights risks, challenges, and needs do women and girls face before and during displacement; and (2) how do issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights influence women and girls' coping mechanisms and decisions in displacement in the region? Extracted data from intersecting literature on migration, gender, and health in the corridors of migration in Central America and Mexico are mapped and analyzed against a framework adapted from the Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on components of sexual and reproductive health and rights. Many Central American and Mexican women and girls flee conditions of gang-related conflict, gender-based violence, poverty, and other situations of extreme disadvantage. Findings from this study demonstrate they face further deprivation and suffering from the denial of health and rights throughout the migratory cycle. This review finds that migrant women and girls encounter considerable barriers to accessing services of sexual and reproductive health, are vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, and face many violations of sexual and reproductive rights. Young migrants and sex workers, who are often connected with irregular migration in border areas, appear to be particularly vulnerable. Findings also reveal that the literature tends to focus on sexual health and rights, with a relative paucity of evidence on wider reproductive health issues. Of critical importance is how women and girls must constantly balance risk and opportunity in situations of constrained choice, and how their coping strategies and decisions define and influence their migration trajectories and broader wellbeing. This review identifies a gap in the literature around comprehensive studies that define sexual and reproductive health and rights beyond the confines of disease and sexual behavior, as well as a need for greater focus on under-represented migrant groups such as adolescent girls.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0237, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431591


Resumen Se analiza la construcción, por parte de inmigrantes internacionales, de redes sociales en el país de destino, y las características de estas redes según el país de origen. Se estudia el caso de tres colectivos residentes en Chile, utilizando metodología cualitativa basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas, que se analizan mediante análisis narrativo. Los resultados muestran que quienes tienden a incorporarse con mayor rapidez en el lugar de destino, suelen establecer redes de vínculos débiles. Por el contrario, quienes tienen más dificultades para incorporarse en el lugar de destino, o lo hacen solo parcialmente, establecen redes densas más cerradas en lo cultural.

Resumo Este artigo analisa a construção, por imigrantes internacionais, de redes sociais no país de destino e as características dessas redes de acordo com o país de origem. O caso de três grupos residentes no Chile é estudado por meio de um desenho metodológico qualitativo baseado em entrevistas semiestruturadas, que são abordadas a partir da análise sociológica do discurso. Os resultados mostram que aqueles que se incorporam com mais facilidade e rapidez no local de destino tendem a estabelecer redes de vínculos fracos. Ao contrário, aqueles que têm mais dificuldade em se incorporar ao local de destino, ou o fazem apenas parcialmente, tendem a estabelecer redes culturalmente fechadas e coesas.

Abstract This article analyzes international immigrants' construction of social networks in the country of destination, and the characteristics of these networks according to the country of origin. The case of three groups residing in Chile is studied through a qualitative methodological design based on semi-structured interviews, examined by means of narrative analysis. Results show that those who adapt more easily and quickly to the place of destination tend to establish networks with weak ties. Conversely, those who have more difficulties in adapting to the place of destination, or do so only partially, tend to establish closed, tightly-knit cultural networks.

Humanos , Emigração e Imigração , Rede Social , Peru , Argentina , Bolívia , Relatos de Casos , Chile
Front Sociol ; 7: 1009567, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36755565


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted social interactions and coexistence around the globe in dimensions that go far beyond health issues. In the case of the Global South, the pandemic has developed along with growing South-South migratory movements, becoming another key factor that might reinforce social conflict in increasingly multicultural areas as migrants have historically served as "scapegoats" for unexpected crises as a way to control and manage diversity. Chile is one of the main destination countries for migrants from the Latin American and Caribbean region, and COVID-19 outbreaks in migrant housing have intensified discrimination. In such a context, there is a need for understanding how the pandemic has potentially changed the way non-migrants perceive and interact with migrant neighbors. Drawing on the national social cohesion panel survey study ELSOC (2016-2021, N = 2,927) the aim is to analyze the changes in non-migrants' attitudes toward migrants-related to dimensions of social cohesion-over the last years and their relation with individual status and territorial factors. We argue that social cohesion in increasingly multicultural societies is partially threatened in times of crisis. The results indicate that after the pandemic, convivial attitudes toward Latin American migrants decreased. Chileans started perceiving them more negatively, particularly those respondents with lower educational levels and who live in increasingly multicultural neighborhoods with higher rates of migrant residents.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0191, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365655


El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los patrones generales de incorporación laboral de migrantes sur-sur y sus hijos e hijas en Argentina. En primer lugar, detallamos las características de la incorporación laboral de los migrantes y sus hijos en comparación con la población nativa y sus hijos. En segundo lugar, analizamos las formas de la incorporación en los diferentes segmentos laborales de la sociedad argentina. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren una incorporación estructurada por los vectores de género y generaciones. Las generaciones más jóvenes dentro del hogar (hijas e hijos tanto de población nativa como migrante) se incorporan en los segmentos más precarios y esta incorporación interactúa, de manera complementaria, con el género. Las mujeres hijas de hogares migrantes se insertan mayoritariamente en los segmentos más bajos de la estructura laboral mientras que, en el otro extremo, los hombres nativos se incorporan en mayor proporción en los segmentos más altos de la estructura laboral.

O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os padrões gerais de incorporação laboral dos migrantes sul-sul e seus filhos e filhas na Argentina. Primeiro, detalhamos as características de incorporação laboral dos migrantes e seus filhos em comparação com a população nativa e seus filhos. Em segundo lugar, analisamos as formas de incorporação nos diferentes segmentos laborais da sociedade argentina. Os resultados obtidos sugerem uma incorporação estruturada pelos vetores de gênero e de gerações. As gerações mais jovens dentro do lar (filhas e filhos tanto da população nativa como da migrante) são incorporadas nos segmentos mais precários e, de forma complementar, esta incorporação interage com o gênero. As mulheres filhas de lares migrantes inserem-se, maiormente, nos segmentos mais baixos da estrutura laboral, enquanto, no outro extremo, os homens nativos incorporam-se nos segmentos mais altos da estrutura laboral.

The objective of this article is to analyze the general patterns of labor incorporation of migrants and children of south-south migrants in Argentina. Firstly, we detailed the characteristics of the labor incorporation of migrants and their children in comparison with the native population and their children. Secondly, we analyzed the forms of incorporation into the different labor segments of Argentine society. The results obtained suggest an incorporation structured by the vectors of gender and generations. The younger generations within the household (daughters and sons of both native and migrant populations) are incorporated into the most precarious segments and in a complementary way, this incorporation interacts with gender. Women who are daughters of migrant households are mostly inserted in the lower segments of the labor structure, while at the other extreme, native men are incorporated in a greater proportion in the higher segments of the labor structure.

Humanos , Argentina , Dinâmica Populacional , Filhos Adultos , Migração Humana , Mobilidade Ocupacional , Características da Família , Emigração e Imigração , Emprego
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0188, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365656


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a dinâmica das migrações internacionais sul-sul a partir do estudo de caso da recente imigração de zimbabweanos para a província de Tete, Moçambique, historicamente uma região de emigração. Nesse sentido, examinamos as características sociodemográficas desses novos imigrantes, assim como as condições e motivações individuais, familiares e estruturais subjacentes ao fluxo migratório. Para tanto, combinamos dados quantitativos provenientes do Censo moçambicano de 2007 e dos registros de trabalhadores imigrantes da Direção Provincial de Trabalho, Emprego e Segurança Social, com entrevistas semiestruturadas junto aos imigrantes zimbabweanos em Tete. Os resultados indicam uma multiplicidade de fatores que contribuíram para a recente onda de imigração em Tete, com destaque, além das motivações econômicas e de subsistência familiares, para aspectos sociais e culturais relacionados à longa tradição da mobilidade intrarregional na África Austral, facilitada por fronteiras relativamente porosas e fortes laços culturais, linguísticos e de parentesco. Discutimos, também, como a instalação de megaprojetos de mineração com capital brasileiro, em Tete, contribuiu para torná-la atrativa como destino migratório, num contexto em que se assistiam violentas ondas de xenofobia contra imigrantes na África do Sul, principal destino das migrações na região.

This article analyses the dynamics of international South-South migration through the case study of the recent immigration of Zimbabweans to the province of Tete, Mozambique, historically a region of emigration. We examine immigrants' socio-demographic characteristics, as well as the individual, family and structural conditions and motivations underlying this new migration flow. The analysis combines quantitative data from the 2007 Mozambican Census and administrative records for immigrant workers from the Provincial Directorate of Labour, Employment and Social Security, with semi-structured interviews with Zimbabwean immigrants in Tete. The results indicate a multiplicity of factors that contributed to the recent wave of immigration in Tete. In addition to economic and subsistence motivations, social and cultural aspects related to the long tradition of intra-regional mobility in Southern Africa, facilitated by relatively porous borders and strong cultural, linguistic and kinship ties, seem to be important. We also discussed how the installation of mining megaprojects with Brazilian capital in Tete, contributed to its appeal as a migrant destination, in a context in which violent waves of xenophobia against immigrants were occurring in South Africa, the main destination for migrants in the region.

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la dinámica de la migración internacional sur-sur a partir del estudio de caso de la reciente inmigración de zimbabuenses a la provincia de Tete, Mozambique, históricamente una región de emigración. En este sentido, examinamos las características sociodemográficas de estos nuevos inmigrantes, así como las condiciones y motivaciones individuales, familiares y estructurales inherentes a este flujo migratorio. Para este fin, combinamos datos cuantitativos del censo de Mozambique de 2007 y registros de trabajadores inmigrantes de la Dirección Provincial de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social, con entrevistas semiestructuradas con inmigrantes zimbabuenses en Tete. Los resultados indican una multiplicidad de factores que contribuyeron a la reciente ola de inmigración en Tete, entre los que se destacan, además de las motivaciones económicas y de subsistencia familiar, aspectos sociales y culturales relacionados con la larga tradición de movilidad intrarregional en el sur de África, facilitada por fronteras relativamente porosas y por fuertes lazos culturales, lingüísticos y de parentesco. También discutimos cómo la instalación de megaproyectos mineros con capital brasileño en Tete contribuyó con su atractivo como destino migratorio, en un contexto en el que se asistía a violentas oleadas de xenofobia contra inmigrantes en Sudáfrica, el principal destino de las migraciones en la región.

Humanos , Zimbábue , Dinâmica Populacional , Emigração e Imigração , Moçambique , Censos , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Xenofobia , Mineração
J Migr Health ; 4: 100072, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34778855


INTRODUCTION: The entangled health and economic crises fueled by COVID-19 have exacerbated the challenges facing Venezuelan migrants. There are more than 5.6 million Venezuelan migrants globally and almost 80% reside throughout Latin America. Given the growing number of Venezuelan migrants and COVID-19 vulnerability, this rapid scoping review examined how Venezuelan migrants are considered in Latin American COVID-19 vaccination strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a three-phased rapid scoping review of documents published until June 18, 2021: Peer-reviewed literature search yielded 142 results and 13 articles included in analysis; Gray literature screen resulted in 68 publications for full-text review and 37 were included; and official Ministry of Health policies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru were reviewed. Guided by Latin American Social Medicine (LASM) approach, our analysis situates national COVID-19 vaccination policies within broader understandings of health and disease as affected by social and political conditions. RESULTS: Results revealed a heterogeneous and shifting policy landscape amid the COVID-19 pandemic which strongly juxtaposed calls to action evidenced in literature. Factors limiting COVID-19 vaccine access included: tensions around terminologies; ambiguous national and regional vaccine policies; and pervasive stigmatization of migrants. CONCLUSIONS: Findings presented underscore the extreme complexity and associated variability of providing access to COVID-19 vaccines for Venezuelan migrants across Latin America. By querying the timely question of how migrants and specifically Venezuelan migrants access vaccinations findings contribute to efforts to both more equitably respond to COVID-19 and prepare for future pandemics in the context of displaced populations. These are intersectional and evolving crises and attention must also be drawn to the magnitude of Venezuelan mass migration and the devastating impact of COVID-19 in the region. Integration of Venezuelan migrants into Latin American vaccination strategies is not only a matter of social justice, but also a pragmatic public health strategy necessary to stop COVID-19.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34770155


The objective of the article is to understand Afro-Colombian women's emotional experiences of the migratory process, and their labor insertion in Chilean territory. The Antofagasta region is one of the doors that connects Chile with its neighbors; at the same time, it is a national territory that is linked to important economic and human movements due to its mining activity. In the analysis of the data collected through of group and individual interviews conducted in the city of Antofagasta, we found experiences of xenophobia, labor abuse, discrimination, prejudices, and stereotypes articulated, along with the tendency of Chilean culture to value European traits over native Latin American traits.

Países em Desenvolvimento , Preconceito , Chile , Colômbia , Feminino , Humanos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Direitos da Mulher
Eur J Crim Pol Res ; 27(1): 113-133, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33462528


This article examines how Venezuelan forced migrants in Peru experience xenophobic discrimination, which has become increasingly linked to their criminalisation as thieves and murderers. Based on 12 months of qualitative fieldwork, including 72 in-depth interviews, five focus groups, and a survey (N116) in five Peruvian cities, we explore how Venezuelans experience, and make sense of, discrimination and criminalisation in everyday life. First, we discuss how criminalisation compares to general xenophobic discrimination, and other types of discrimination experiences. Second, we juxtapose the prevalence of xenophobic discrimination and criminalisation experiences across the five cities of our study, and between public spaces and the workspace. We then move to the qualitative discussion of the criminalisation experience in these different spaces. Fourth, we discuss how Venezuelan migrants perceive this criminalising discrimination as linked to their villanisation in the media and political discourses. Finally, we discuss our findings and make suggestion for further research. The paper contributes to the literature on migrant criminalisation by exploring how criminalisation processes play out in the context of large-scale intraregional forced displacement in the global South.

Poblac. salud mesoam ; 16(2): 102-133, Jan.-Jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091666


Resumen Objetivo: analizar la incorporación laboral de los migrantes peruanos en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, en el periodo 2001-2010. Métodos: Se realiza análisis estadístico descriptivo en la primera fase y análisis de correspondencias múltiples en la segunda fase (ACM), ambos en perspectiva comparada con la población nativa. Resultados: los hombres aumentan la participación en la industria, tanto los nativos como los migrantes. Sin embargo, en mayor magnitud para los hombres peruanos. Las mujeres nativas ven poco alterada su estructura ocupacional en el periodo. Para las mujeres nacidas en Perú el movimiento hacia el sector de la industria también se aprecia. Sin embargo, el rasgo más destacable para este grupo es la desconcentración de la categoría más frecuente: el trabajo doméstico, en un proceso que va en dirección a diversificar el espectro de ocupaciones. Conclusiones: en relación a los migrantes peruanos, el clivaje de género presenta estabilidad como un mecanismo que explica las inserciones diferenciales, donde las mujeres persisten en ocupaciones específicas en el periodo considerado. Esto apoya la hipótesis de una incorporación segmentada para las mujeres. Sin embargo, también se observa una variación, ya que aunque la categoría más frecuente sea el trabajo doméstico en ambos momentos censales, la menor proporción de ellas allí empleadas en el 2010, indica que otras ocupaciones adquieren relevancia. En el caso de los hombres el principal rasgo es el trasvase hacia la industria.

Abstract Objective: to analyze the labor incorporation of Peruvian migrants in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in the period 2001-2010. Methods: We use descriptive statistical analysis in the first step and analysis of multiple correspondences in the second step (MCA), both in comparative perspective with the native population. Results: men increase participation in the industry, both natives and migrants. However, the magnitude is greater for Peruvian men. For native women, the change in the occupational structure is small. For women born in Peru the movement towards the industry sector is also appreciated. However, the most remarkable feature for this group is the scattering of the most frequent category: domestic work, in a process that goes in the direction of diversifying the spectrum of occupations. Conclusions: in relation to Peruvian migrants, gender cleavage presents stability as a mechanism that explains differential incorporation, where women persist in specific occupations in the period considered. This supports the hypothesis of a segmented incorporation for women. However, there is also a variation, since although the most frequent category is domestic work in both census periods, the lower proportion of them employed there in 2010 indicates that other occupations acquire relevance. In the case of men, the main feature is the transfer to industry.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Argentina , Trabalho , Migração Humana , Ocupações , Peru