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Sci Total Environ ; 891: 164557, 2023 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37286003


In this study, we used a large national database to assess the rainfall erosivity (RE) patterns in time and space over the Brazilian territory. Thereby, RE and erosivity density (ED) values were obtained for 5166 rainfall gauges. Also, the concentration of the RE throughout the year and the RE's gravity center locations were analyzed. Finally, homogeneous regions regarding RE values were delimited and estimative regression models were established. The results show that Brazil's mean annual RE value is 5620 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 year-1, with considerable spatial variation over the country. The highest RE magnitudes were found for the north region, while the northeast region shows the lowest values. Regarding the RE's distribution throughout the year, in the southern region of Brazil, it is more equitable, while in some spots of the northeastern region, it is irregularly concentrated in specific months. Further analyses revealed that for most of the months, the RE's gravity centers for Brazil are in the Goiás State and that they present a north-south migration pattern throughout the year. Complementarily, the ED magnitudes allowed the identification of high-intensity rainfall spots. Additionally, the Brazilian territory was divided into eleven homogeneous regions regarding the RE patterns and for each defined region, a regression model was established and validated. These models' statistical metrics were considered satisfactory and, thus, can be used to estimate RE values for the whole country using monthly rainfall depths. Finally, all database produced are available for download. Therefore, the values and maps shown in this study are relevant for improving the accuracy of soil loss estimates in Brazil and for the establishment of soil and water conservation planning on a national scale.

FAVE, Secc. Cienc. vet. (En línea) ; 22: 12-12, jun. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574899


Resumen La erosión hídrica es un proceso que combina factores naturales y antrópicos, con efectos sobre la productividad sistémica y sobre la calidad de los recursos naturales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar estimaciones de pérdidas potenciales (EP) y actuales (EA) de suelo en sistemas de producción (SP) con diferente cobertura y características topográficas, dentro de los límites de la cuenca del Arroyo Ludueña (Santa Fe, Argentina), utilizado la Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelos y el programa EROSION 6.0. Para doce SP se modelaron 10 años de rotaciones bajo siembra directa: agricultura continua con predominio de soja (AC), agricultura continua intensiva con alta proporción de gramíneas (ACi) y rotaciones agrícola-ganaderas con diferentes proporciones de pasturas (AG 40:60 y AG 30:70). La EP estimada afectaría la estabilidad sistémica ya que supera las 18 tn.ha-1.año-1 en todos los casos. La EA fue un 18, 30 y 53% mayor en AG 70:30, ACi y AC respecto a AG 60:40, con tasas máximas y mínimas para el total de simulaciones de 7,2 y 1,0 tn.ha-1.año-1. Las características del relieve evidenciaron que por encima del valor 0,131 del factor LS (longitud y gradiente de pendiente), la AC no sería sustentable por las altas tasas de EA y porque estos SP están asociados a vías de escurrimiento que pueden facilitar transporte de agroquímicos hacia sectores más bajos. La información generada a escala predial permitiría avanzar en el estudio de la dinámica del proceso erosivo y su impacto a nivel de cuencas.

Abstract Water erosion is a process that combines natural and anthropic factors, with effects on systemic productivity and the quality of natural resources. The objective of this work was to make estimates of potential (EP) and current (EA) losses of soil in production systems (SP) with different coverage and topographic characteristics, within the limits of the Ludueña stream basin (Santa Fe, Argentina), using the Universal Soil Loss Equation and the EROSION 6.0 program. For twelve SP, 10 years of rotations under no-tillage were modeled: continuous agriculture with a predominance of soybeans (AC), continuous intensive agriculture with a high proportion of grasses (ACi) and agricultural-livestock rotations with different proportions of pastures (AG 40:60 and AG 30:70). The estimated EP would affect systemic stability since it exceeds 18 tn.ha-1.year-1 in all cases. The EA was 18, 30 and 53% higher in AG 70:30, ACi and AC compared to AG 60:40, with maximum and minimum rates for the total simulations of 7.2 and 1.0 tn.ha-1 .year 1. The characteristics of the relief showed that above the value of 0.131 of the LS factor (length and slope gradient), the AC would not be sustainable due to the high rates of EA and because these SP are associated with runoff routes that can facilitate transport of agrochemicals towards lower sectors. The information generated at the farm scale would allow progress in the study of the dynamics of the erosion process and its impact at the basin level.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(3): 471-483, maio-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286326


RESUMO Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, monitorar e identificar precipitações erosivas e as perdas de solo (PSs) por meio de parcelas experimentais instaladas na Sub-Bacia do Córrego do Gigante, calibrar o modelo Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) em sua versão encosta, tendo como base os resultados obtidos nas parcelas, e aplicá-lo na área da sub-bacia, para estimativa das PSs por erosão hídrica. O regime pluvial no período de estudo apresentou elevado grau de erosividade e de concentração, pois 57,3% dos eventos foram erosivos, dos quais, os quatro de maior magnitude, participaram com 47,2% da erosividade anual. As áreas contempladas pelas interações entre classe de solo, declividade (D) e uso de solo, nas parcelas experimentais, totalizaram 174,32 ha (50% da área da sub-bacia), cujos valores obtidos resultaram em PS média ponderada de 0,623 t ha-1 ano-1, e foram referência no ajuste do modelo WEPP na versão encosta, com estimativa de 0,651 t ha-1 ano-1. A aplicação do modelo sobre uma superfície com 93,0% de abrangência da sub-bacia resultou em uma estimativa de 0,802 t ha-1 ano-1 para a taxa de PS. As áreas de solo exposto, embora participando com apenas 7,9% da área da sub-bacia, produziram 85,1% das PSs estimadas, o que, por outro lado, reflete a influência positiva da cobertura vegetal na diminuição da erosão hídrica. Simulando a implantação de cobertura sob a forma de campo/pastagem e/ou reflorestamento, nas áreas de solo descoberto, as taxas de PS na sub-bacia reduziriam significativamente para 0,215 t ha-1 ano-1.

ABSTRACT The objective of the present work was to monitor and identify erosive precipitations and monitor soil losses through experimental plots installed in the Córrego do Gigante sub-basin, to calibrate the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model, in its slope version, based on the results obtained in the plots, and apply it to the sub-basin area to estimate soil losses due to water erosion. The rainfall regime during the study period showed high degrees of erosivity and concentration, since 57% of the events were erosive, of which, the four most erosive events corresponded to 47.2% of the annual erosivity. The areas covered by the interactions between soil class, slope, and land use, in the experimental plots, totaled 174.32 ha (50% of the sub-basin area), whose values obtained resulted in a weighted average loss of 0.623 t ha-1 year-1, which were a reference in the adjustment of the WEPP model in the hillside version, with an estimate of 0.651 t ha-1 year-1. The application of the model on a surface with 93.0% coverage of the sub-basin resulted in an estimate of 0.802 t ha-1 year-1 for the soil loss rate. The exposed soil areas, although accounting for only 7.9% of the sub-basin area, produced 85.1% of the estimated soil losses, which, on the other hand, reflects the positive influence of vegetation cover in the decrease of water erosion. Simulating the implementation of cover in the form of field/pasture and/or reforestation in the areas of bare soil significantly reduced the rates of soil losses in the sub-basin to 0.215 t ha-1 year-1.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(1): 1-9, jan.-fev. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154116


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar o potencial de perda de solo por meio da equação universal de perda de solo e identificar os fatores que controlam o processo erosivo em uma bacia hidrográfica de encosta. O fator erosividade da chuva (R) foi calculado por meio de dados normais de precipitação, obtendo-se, assim, índices mensais de erosão. O fator erodibilidade do solo (K) foi obtido a partir de uma amostragem de solo realizada por meio de uma malha de 340 pontos, na qual os valores foram interpolados pelo método da krigagem ordinária. O fator topográfico (LS) foi gerado a partir do Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE), já os fatores uso e manejo e práticas conservacionistas (CP) foram obtidos por meio de observações de campo e valores tabelados. As maiores taxas de perdas abrangem 27% da área e se concentram em locais de maiores declividades nos quais predominam solos rasos, como Neossolos Litólicos e Neossolos Regolíticos. O fator LS determinou a magnitude do processo erosivo e o fator CP apresentou a maior relação com o controle das perdas de solo. Os resultados encontrados mostram a importância do fator cobertura do solo, em que medidas de manutenção da vegetação e práticas conservacionistas devem ser adotadas e consideradas pelos gestores ambientais em regiões de encosta com predomínio de solos rasos associados a relevo declivoso.

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to estimate the soil loss potential through the universal soil loss equation and to identify the factors that control the erosive process in a hillside watershed. Rainfall erosivity factor (R) was calculated through normal precipitation data, thus obtaining monthly erosion indexes. The soil erodibility factor (K) was obtained from a soil sampling in an irregular grid of 340 points, in which the values were interpolated by the ordinary kriging method. The topographic factor (LS) was generated from the Digital Elevation Model (MDE) and the use and management and conservationist practices factors (CP) through field observations and tabulated values. The highest loss rates cover around 27% of the area, and are concentrated in places with higher slopes where shallow soils such as Litolics Neosols and Regolithic Neosols predominate. The LS factor determined the magnitude of the erosive process and the CP factor showed the highest relation with the soil loss control. The results found show the importance of the cover-management factor, in which measures of vegetation maintenance and conservation practices should be adopted and considered by the environmental managers in hillside regions with predominance of shallow soils associated to slope relief.

Sci. agric. ; 78(4): 1-9, 2021. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31350


The method used to sample the runoff collected from soil erosion plots can be a significant source of error. In this study, we performed a laboratory experiment to evaluate the efficiency of the runoff sampling method most commonly used in Brazil. It is based on the manual homogenization and sampling of the collected runoff. Using soil material with 583 g kg-¹ of sand and 89 g kg-¹ of clay, the manual sampling method was tested for its ability to produce representative samples of artificial suspensions with a concentration of 2, 10 and 50 g L-¹ of total solids. An underestimation of 30 % or more of the concentration of total solids was observed, with a variation of the same magnitude (CV between 20 and 45 %). We then developed a prototype sample splitter to replace the manual sampling method and tested it using the same artificial suspensions. The splitter was efficient in producing samples representative of the artificial suspensions, even without altering the particle size distribution of the total solids. Both absolute percentage errors (|< 5 %|) and the variation between five replicates (CV < 3 %) were small. The problems with the manual method are due to the inefficient homogenization that facilitates the differential sedimentation of particles of different sizes. If these problems are also found in other areas, then the prototype that we developed is a reasonable alternative.(AU)

Monitoramento do Solo , Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/métodos
Sci. agric ; 782021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497912


ABSTRACT: Sugarcane covers 10.6 Mha of Brazilian agricultural land (13 % of all cropland), mainly in the south-central region. In tropical climate conditions, the physiological characteristics of sugarcane allow a wide range of management systems with contrasting soil erosion outcomes. Models can assess these differences and the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) based models are the most frequently used. The cover-management factor (C Factor) is the USLE input variable that represents the changes in soil cover and management. We collected, compared, and evaluated sugarcane C Factor values reported in technical and scientific literature to support modelers and soil scientists on the adequate choice of these values. We analyzed references reporting primary C Factor values and sources that applied these values or described them. We found 50 references, showing a wide value variation ranging from 0.0012 to 0.5800. Thirteen references were primary sources. We found seven primary sources for Brazilian sugarcane growing conditions, but only two papers were peer-reviewed. Sugarcane C Factor modelers frequently used C values based on a poor understanding and description of the methodological and geographical origin of these values and out of the context of the specific crop management systems of application. Therefore, the results may not be compatible with the study site conditions. The primary sources lack clarity in the description of the sitespecific environmental and management conditions in which the C Factors were obtained, hindering the use of these specificities by the end user.

Sci. agric ; 78(4): 1-9, 2021. ilus, tab, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497963


The method used to sample the runoff collected from soil erosion plots can be a significant source of error. In this study, we performed a laboratory experiment to evaluate the efficiency of the runoff sampling method most commonly used in Brazil. It is based on the manual homogenization and sampling of the collected runoff. Using soil material with 583 g kg-¹ of sand and 89 g kg-¹ of clay, the manual sampling method was tested for its ability to produce representative samples of artificial suspensions with a concentration of 2, 10 and 50 g L-¹ of total solids. An underestimation of 30 % or more of the concentration of total solids was observed, with a variation of the same magnitude (CV between 20 and 45 %). We then developed a prototype sample splitter to replace the manual sampling method and tested it using the same artificial suspensions. The splitter was efficient in producing samples representative of the artificial suspensions, even without altering the particle size distribution of the total solids. Both absolute percentage errors (-< 5 %-) and the variation between five replicates (CV < 3 %) were small. The problems with the manual method are due to the inefficient homogenization that facilitates the differential sedimentation of particles of different sizes. If these problems are also found in other areas, then the prototype that we developed is a reasonable alternative.

Erosão do Solo/análise , Erosão do Solo/métodos , Monitoramento do Solo
Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;25(6): 933-946, nov.-dez. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142918


RESUMO A erosão hídrica constitui um sério problema de degradação do solo, com impacto em diversas áreas. Sua mensuração é de extrema importância e onerosa. Os modelos empíricos de estimativa de perdas de solo, como a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo Revisada (RUSLE), são utilizados para suprir essa demanda. Consideram-se poucos estudos no Brasil que avaliam o efeito da sazonalidade agroclimática nas estimativas de perda de solo por erosão hídrica em bacias hidrográficas. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sazonalidade agroclimática na estimativa de perdas de solo por meio da RUSLE e identificar os fatores que controlam a erosão na Bacia Hidrográfica do Arroio Fragata (BHAF). O fator erosividade da chuva (R) e a média anual de precipitação foram calculados por meio de dados de quatro estações pluviométricas.. O fator erodibilidade do solo (K) foi obtido a partir de informações de solo. O fator topográfico (LS) foi gerado com base no modelo digital de elevação (MDE) e o fator cobertura do solo e práticas conservacionistas (CP) por meio de imagens do satélite Landsat8/OLI. A variação sazonal teve efeito na perda de solo, com maiores taxas de erosão no período de verão e primavera. Perdas de solo entre 5 e 50 Mg ha-1ano-1 foram registradas em 24% da BHAF, associadas a períodos de chuvas mais erosivas, maior declividade e baixa cobertura vegetal. Os fatores da RUSLE com maior contribuição na erosão foram R, LS e CP. A abordagem apresentada pode ser útil para quantificar as perdas de solo em bacias hidrográficas.

ABSTRACT Water erosion is a serious soil degradation problem, with impact in several areas. Its measurement is extremely important and costly. Empirical models of soil loss estimation, such as the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), are used to meet this demand. Few studies in Brazil are considered to evaluate the effect on agroclimatic seasonality in the estimates of soil loss due to water erosion in watersheds. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the agroclimatic seasonality in the estimation of soil losses through RUSLE and to identify the factors that control erosion in the watershed of the Fragata stream. Rainfall erosivity (R) was calculated by means of precipitation data for four seasons and annual average. The soil erodibility factor (K) was obtained from soil information. The topographic factor (LS) was generated from the Digital Elevation Model (MDE) and the soil cover factor and conservationist practices (CP) through Landsat8/OLI satellite images. Seasonal variation had an effect on soil loss, with higher erosion rates in the summer and spring months. Soil losses between 5 and 50 Mg ha-1ano-1 were recorded in 24% of the BHAF, associated with periods of more erosive rainfall, higher slope and low vegetation cover. RUSLE factors with the greatest contribution to erosion were R, LS, and CP. The approach presented can be useful in quantifying soil losses in river basins.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;25(3): 531-542, maio-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133796


RESUMO A região semiárida do nordeste brasileiro é marcada por elevadas incertezas quanto à ocorrência de chuvas intensas, bem como por anos sequenciados de secas. Esses fenômenos naturais, somados à reduzida utilização de práticas conservacionistas, podem gerar degradação dos solos. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a importância do uso de cobertura morta e espécies de oleaginosas não convencionais perenes (Moringa oleifera Lam. e Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) no controle da erosão do solo em parcelas de erosão, em condições de chuvas naturais. O estudo realizou-se durante os anos de 2016 e 2017 na bacia representativa do Mimoso, localizada no município de Pesqueira (PE), Brasil. Na área de estudo, instalaram-se três parcelas de erosão, cada uma com área igual a 40 m2 (2 × 20 m), que foram intensamente monitoradas no tocante à intensidade de precipitação, à umidade e à temperatura do solo, ao escoamento superficial e à produção de sedimentos. Para cada parcela experimental, adotaram-se os seguintes tratamentos: oleaginosas; oleaginosas + cobertura morta; solo descoberto. A cobertura do solo com oleaginosas e cobertura morta resultou em maior retenção de umidade do solo e menores valores de escoamento superficial e perdas de solo. O desenvolvimento da estrutura das oleaginosas diminuiu o impacto direto das gotas de chuva no solo, reduzindo as perdas de solo quando comparadas ao descoberto.

ABSTRACT The semiarid region of the Brazilian Northeast is marked by strong uncertainties regarding the occurrence of extreme rainfall, as well as the occurrence of sequenced year droughts. These natural phenomena, together with limited use of soil and water conservation practices, can generate soil degradation. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the importance of the use of mulch and non-conventional perennial oleaginous species (Moringa oleifera Lam. and Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) in soil erosion plots under natural rainfall. The study was conducted during the years of 2016 and 2017 in the representative basin of Mimoso, located in the municipality of Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil. Three erosion plots each with an area of 40 m2 (2 m × 20 m), were installed in the study area, which were intensively monitored for rainfall intensity, soil moisture and temperature, runoff and sediment production. For each experimental plot, the following treatments were adopted: Oleaginous; Oleaginous + mulch; Bare soil. Soil cover with oleaginous species and mulch resulted in higher soil moisture and lower amounts of runoff and soil loss. The development of the tree structure of the oleaginous reduced the direct impact of raindrops on the soil surface, reducing the soil losses when compared to the bare soil.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;24(5): 959-963, set.-out. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056107


RESUMO A erosão do solo em carreadores de cana-de-açúcar é um problema que não pode ser desprezado, dado o aumento de área plantada com essa cultura no território brasileiro. No presente artigo, são estimadas as perdas de solo, através do emprego da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS), de quatro trechos de carreadores de cana de uma fazenda no município de Itirapina (SP). Os resultados mostraram estimativas de perdas que variaram de 60,6 a 90,1 t.ha-1 para o tipo de solo Neossolo Quartzarênico.

ABSTRACT Soil erosion in earth roads of sugar cane is a problem that cannot be ignored, given the increase in planted area to this crop in Brazil. In this article soil losses are estimated using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), at four stretches of sugar cane earth roads of a farm at Itirapina (São Paulo State). Results showed that loss estimates ranged from 60.6 to 90.1 t.ha-1 for typic Quartzipsamment soil.

Environ Res ; 167: 515-523, 2018 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30142627


A major challenge when coupling soil loss models with precipitation forecasts from Global Circulation Models (GCMs) is that their time resolutions do not generally agree. Precipitation forecasts from GCM must be scaled down; however, the distribution of the rainfall intensity, which can affect soil loss as much as precipitation amounts, is usually not considered in this process. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a statistical equation for computing event-based rainfall erosivity under changing precipitation patterns using the least amount of information possible. For this purpose, an empirical equation for predicting event-based rainfall erosivity was developed using the product of the total precipitation P and the maximum 0.5-h rainfall intensity, I0.5. This equation was calibrated using measured precipitation data from 28 sites in Central Chile and then tested with simulated data with different rainfall patterns from the CLIGEN (CLImate GENerator) weather generator. More than 53,000 rainfall events were analyzed, where the equation consistently provided R2 values of 0.99 for every dataset used, revealing its robustness when used in potential climate change scenarios in the study site. However, because computing I0.5 requires estimating precipitation at a high time resolution, the relationship was recalibrated and tested using 1 through 24-h maximum rainfall intensities. Using these intensities, the equation provided erosivity estimates with R2 ranging from 0.78 to 0.99, where better results were obtained as the resolution of the data increased. This study provides the methodology for building and testing the proposed equation and discusses its advantages and limitations.

Chuva , Solo , Chile , Mudança Climática
Sci Total Environ ; 622-623: 140-151, 2018 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29212051


Land use and climate change can influence runoff and soil erosion, threatening soil and water conservation in the Cerrado biome in Brazil. The adoption of a process-based model was necessary due to the lack of long-term observed data. Our goals were to calibrate the WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model for different land uses under subtropical conditions in the Cerrado biome; predict runoff and soil erosion for these different land uses; and simulate runoff and soil erosion considering climate change. We performed the model calibration using a 5-year dataset (2012-2016) of observed runoff and soil loss in four different land uses (wooded Cerrado, tilled fallow without plant cover, pasture, and sugarcane) in experimental plots. Selected soil and management parameters were optimized for each land use during the WEPP model calibration with the existing field data. The simulations were conducted using the calibrated WEPP model components with a 100-year climate dataset created with CLIGEN (weather generator) based on regional climate statistics. We obtained downscaled General Circulation Model (GCM) projections, and runoff and soil loss were predicted with WEPP using future climate scenarios for 2030, 2060, and 2090 considering different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The WEPP model had an acceptable performance for the subtropical conditions. Land use can influence runoff and soil loss rates in a significant way. Potential climate changes, which indicate the increase of rainfall intensities and depths, may increase the variability and rates of runoff and soil erosion. However, projected climate changes did not significantly affect the runoff and soil erosion for the four analyzed land uses at our location. Finally, the runoff behavior was distinct for each land use, but for soil loss we found similarities between pasture and wooded Cerrado, suggesting that the soil may attain a sustainable level when the land management follows conservation principles.

J Environ Manage ; 203(Pt 1): 522-532, 2017 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28841519


In addition to causing physical degradation and nutrient depletion, erosion of cultivated soils in the Amazon affects aquatic ecosystems through the release of natural soil mercury (Hg) towards lakes and rivers. While traditional agriculture is generally cited as being among the main causes of soil erosion, agroforestry practices are increasingly appreciated for soil conservation. This study was carried out in family farms of the rural Tapajós region (Brazil) and aimed at evaluating soil erosion and associated Hg release for three land uses. Soils, runoff water and eroded sediments were collected at three sites representing a land cover gradient: a recently burnt short-cycle cropping system (SCC), a 2-year-old agroforestry system (AFS) and a mature forest (F). At each site, two PVC soil erosion plots (each composed of three 2 × 5 m isolated subplots) were implemented on steep and moderate slopes respectively. Sampling was done after each of the 20 rain events that occurred during a 1-month study period, in the peak of the 2011 rain season. Runoff volume and rate, as well as eroded soil particles with their Hg and cation concentrations were determined. Total Hg and cation losses were then calculated for each subplot. Erosion processes were dominated by land use type over rainfall or soil slope. Eroded soil particles, as well as the amount of Hg and cations (CaMgK) mobilized at the AFS site were similar to those at the F site, but significantly lower than those at the SCC site (p < 0.0001). Erosion reduction at the AFS site was mainly attributed to the ground cover plants characterizing the recently established system. Moreover, edaphic change throughout AFS and F soil profiles differed from the SCC site. At the latter site, losses of fine particles and Hg were enhanced towards soil surface, while they were less pronounced at the other sites. This study shows that agroforestry systems, even in their early stages of implementation, are characterized by low erosion levels resembling those of local forest environments, thus contributing to the maintenance of soil integrity and to the reduction of Hg and nutrient mobility.

Mercúrio , Poluentes do Solo , Agricultura , Brasil , Agricultura Florestal , Florestas , Solo
Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;21(4): 677-685, out.-dez. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-828757


RESUMO Este estudo avalia a distribuição espacial do potencial natural e atual do solo à erosão hídrica na Bacia do Rio Sapucaí, sul de Minas Gerais, utilizando a equação universal de perda de solos revisada, através de modelagem cartográfica, para a obtenção da erosão potencial (EP) e da erosão atual (EA). Os resultados indicaram que a EP para a Bacia do Rio Sapucaí variou de "Muito forte", na sua região de cabeceira (Serra da Mantiqueira), a "Fraca", nas áreas com topografia mais suavizada e menor erosividade da chuva. Em relação à EA, mais de 55,17 % da Bacia do Rio Sapucaí apresenta perdas de solo abaixo de 10 t.ha-1.ano-1, significando baixo potencial atual de erosão. A identificação de áreas de risco associadas à erosão acelerada, realizadas neste estudo, fornecem subsídios fundamentais para medidas associadas ao manejo, conservação e planejamento do uso do solo.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out with the purpose to assess the natural and current soil erosion for the Sapucaí river basin using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) through cartographic modeling to obtain the natural soil erosion potential (EP) and the current soil erosion (EA). Results have indicated that the Sapucaí river basin has soils with EP varying from "Very strong", in its headwater region (Mantiqueira Range) to "Weak" potential, in areas with smoothing topography and smaller rainfall erosivity. Regarding EA, more than 55.17 % of the basin area present soil losses smaller than 10 t.ha-1.year-1, meaning low current soil erosion vulnerability. The identification of accelerated soil erosion areas, obtained by this study, can be very useful for supporting soil conservation management and planning.

Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;75(4,supl.2): 120-130, Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-769611


The multitemporal behavior of soil loss by surface water erosion in the hydrographic basin of the river Mourão in the center-western region of the Paraná state, Brazil, is analyzed. Forecast was based on the application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with the data integration and estimates within an Geography Information System (GIS) environment. Results had shown high mean annual rain erosivity (10,000–1.h–1.year–1), with great concentration in January and December. As a rule, soils have average erodibilities, exception of Dystroferric Red Latisol (low class) and Dystrophic Red Argisol (high class). Although the topographic factor was high (>20), rates lower than 1 were predominant. Main land uses comprise temporal crops and pasture throughout the years. The watershed showed a natural potential for low surface erosion. When related to usage types, yearly soil loss was also low (<50 ton.ha–1.year–1), with more critical scores that reach rates higher than 150 ton.ha–1.year–1. Soil loss over the years did not provide great distinctions in distribution standards, although it becames rather intensified in some sectors, especially in the center-eastern and southwestern sections of the watershed.

Resumo Este estudo visa analisar o comportamento multitemporal da perda de solo por erosão hídrica laminar na bacia hidrográfica do rio Mourão, localizada na região centro-ocidental do Estado do Paraná – Brasil. A predição foi baseada na aplicação da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE), com integração dos dados e estimativas realizados em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas). Os resultados mostram elevada erosividade da chuva média anual (10.000–1.h–1.ano–1). Os solos apresentam, em geral, média erodibilidade, com exceções do Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (classe baixa) e o Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico (classe alta). O fator topográfico atingiu índices elevados (>20), no entanto, predominaram os valores inferiores a 1. Os tipos de usos principais são as lavouras temporárias e pastagem, para todos os anos. A bacia apresentou Potencial Natural a Erosão laminar predominante baixo, quando relacionado aos tipos de usos resultou numa perda de solo anual estimada também baixa (<50 ton.ha–1.ano–1), com pontos mais críticos que atingem valores superiores a 150 ton.ha–1.ano–1. A perda de solo entre os anos não apresentou grandes distinções nos padrões de distribuição, apenas intensificou-se em alguns setores, como nas porções centro-leste e sudoeste da bacia.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Rios , Solo , Brasil , Modelos Teóricos , Estações do Ano
Braz. J. Biol. ; 75(4,supl.2): 120-130, Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-379196


The multitemporal behavior of soil loss by surface water erosion in the hydrographic basin of the river Mourão in the center-western region of the Paraná state, Brazil, is analyzed. Forecast was based on the application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with the data integration and estimates within an Geography Information System (GIS) environment. Results had shown high mean annual rain erosivity (10,000–1.h–1.year–1), with great concentration in January and December. As a rule, soils have average erodibilities, exception of Dystroferric Red Latisol (low class) and Dystrophic Red Argisol (high class). Although the topographic factor was high (>20), rates lower than 1 were predominant. Main land uses comprise temporal crops and pasture throughout the years. The watershed showed a natural potential for low surface erosion. When related to usage types, yearly soil loss was also low (<50 ton.ha–1.year–1), with more critical scores that reach rates higher than 150 ton.ha–1.year–1. Soil loss over the years did not provide great distinctions in distribution standards, although it becames rather intensified in some sectors, especially in the center-eastern and southwestern sections of the watershed.(AU)

Este estudo visa analisar o comportamento multitemporal da perda de solo por erosão hídrica laminar na bacia hidrográfica do rio Mourão, localizada na região centro-ocidental do Estado do Paraná Brasil. A predição foi baseada na aplicação da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE), com integração dos dados e estimativas realizados em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas). Os resultados mostram elevada erosividade da chuva média anual (10.000–1.h–1.ano–1). Os solos apresentam, em geral, média erodibilidade, com exceções do Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (classe baixa) e o Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico (classe alta). O fator topográfico atingiu índices elevados (>20), no entanto, predominaram os valores inferiores a 1. Os tipos de usos principais são as lavouras temporárias e pastagem, para todos os anos. A bacia apresentou Potencial Natural a Erosão laminar predominante baixo, quando relacionado aos tipos de usos resultou numa perda de solo anual estimada também baixa (<50 ton.ha–1.ano–1), com pontos mais críticos que atingem valores superiores a 150 ton.ha–1.ano–1. A perda de solo entre os anos não apresentou grandes distinções nos padrões de distribuição, apenas intensificou-se em alguns setores, como nas porções centro-leste e sudoeste da bacia.(AU)

Análise do Solo , Bacias Hidrográficas/análise , Erosão Fluvial/análise
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;75(4)Nov. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468364


The multitemporal behavior of soil loss by surface water erosion in the hydrographic basin of the river Mourão in the center-western region of the Paraná state, Brazil, is analyzed. Forecast was based on the application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with the data integration and estimates within an Geography Information System (GIS) environment. Results had shown high mean annual rain erosivity (10,000, with great concentration in January and December. As a rule, soils have average erodibilities, exception of Dystroferric Red Latisol (low class) and Dystrophic Red Argisol (high class). Although the topographic factor was high (>20), rates lower than 1 were predominant. Main land uses comprise temporal crops and pasture throughout the years. The watershed showed a natural potential for low surface erosion. When related to usage types, yearly soil loss was also low ( 50 ton.ha1.year1), with more critical scores that reach rates higher than 150 ton.ha1.year1. Soil loss over the years did not provide great distinctions in distribution standards, although it becames rather intensified in some sectors, especially in the center-eastern and southwestern sections of the watershed.

Resumo Este estudo visa analisar o comportamento multitemporal da perda de solo por erosão hídrica laminar na bacia hidrográfica do rio Mourão, localizada na região centro-ocidental do Estado do Paraná Brasil. A predição foi baseada na aplicação da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (USLE), com integração dos dados e estimativas realizados em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas). Os resultados mostram elevada erosividade da chuva média anual (10.000 Os solos apresentam, em geral, média erodibilidade, com exceções do Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (classe baixa) e o Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico (classe alta). O fator topográfico atingiu índices elevados (>20), no entanto, predominaram os valores inferiores a 1. Os tipos de usos principais são as lavouras temporárias e pastagem, para todos os anos. A bacia apresentou Potencial Natural a Erosão laminar predominante baixo, quando relacionado aos tipos de usos resultou numa perda de solo anual estimada também baixa ( 50 ton.ha1.ano1), com pontos mais críticos que atingem valores superiores a 150 ton.ha1.ano1. A perda de solo entre os anos não apresentou grandes distinções nos padrões de distribuição, apenas intensificou-se em alguns setores, como nas porções centro-leste e sudoeste da bacia.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;19(2): 195-201, Apr-Jun/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-707060


A escassez de dados pluviográficos na região do Pantanal fez com que muitos autores utilizassem equações de regressão obtidas em outras regiões do Brasil para calcular o Fator R da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE). O presente estudo define equações para a previsão da erosividade em região do bioma Pantanal, correlacionando a erosividade das chuvas calculada pelo índice EI30 e o coeficiente de chuva (Rc). A equação desenvolvida, do tipo potencial, apresenta consistência e correlação significativa com os dados observados, obtendo valor de coeficiente de determinação de 97%. Portanto, a equação de erosividade proposta pode ser utilizada para estimativa do fator R da USLE a partir dos dados mensais e anuais de precipitação da região e de outras regiões com características climáticas semelhantes.

The scarcity of pluviograph data in the Pantanal zone forced many researchers to use regression equations obtained in others regions of Brazil to calculate the R factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). This study defines a model to predict the erosivity of the Pantanal Biome correlating the calculated rainfall erosivity index EI30 and the rainfall coefficient (Rc). The model showed a significant correlation with the observed data, yielding coefficient of determination of 97%. Therefore, the rainfall erosivity model proposed can be used to estimate the R Factor of USLE data from monthly and annual precipitation for the region and other regions with similar climatic characteristics.

R. Ci. agrovet. ; 12(2): 163-174, mar. 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-11741


As condições físicas da superfície do solo desempenham papel fundamental no controle da erosão hídrica e do escoamento superficial a ela associado. Baseado nisso, realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de quantificar as perdas de solo e água por erosão hídrica pluvial, nas doses de todo, metade e um quarto do total produzido dos resíduos culturais de aveia preta e milho, nos modos de semeadura direta sem e com hastes sulcadoras na máquina semeadora adubadora. Para isso, aplicou-se chuva simulada de 75 mm h-1, com duração de 1,5 h, em um Nitossolo Buno com declividade média de 0,16 m m-1. Avaliaram-se algumas características físicas do solo e as variáveis usuais de erosão hídrica. De modo geral, constatou-se que a semeadura direta com hastes sulcadoras aumentou a infiltração e a retenção superficial da água da chuva no solo e a retenção superficial dos sedimentos erodidos, diminuindo a enxurrada e a erosão. A perda total de água foi maior sob o resíduo de aveia preta do que de milho, e maior na semeadura direta sem hastes sulcadoras do que com hastes sulcadoras. Esta última ocorrência em ambos os tipos de resíduo e em qualquer das suas doses, mas, de modo geral, tendendo a aumentar com o aumento destas últimas. A perda total de solo foi pequena e se diferenciou pouco entre os modos de semeadura e doses de resíduo quando este era o de aveia preta, com o resíduo de milho, a uma exceção ela foi grande apenas na semeadura direta sem hastes sulcadoras, mas diminuiu muito com o aumento das doses de resíduo.(AU)

The physical conditions of the soil surface play an important role in controlling the soil water erosion and its associated surface runoff. Based on that, this study was developed with the objective of quantifying the soil and water losses by rainfall erosion, in the rates of all, half, and a quarter of the total produced of the black oat and corn residues, in the modes of direct seeding with and without shank soil-openers in the seeding-fertilizing machine. For this, was applied simulated rainfall of 75 mm h-1, with 1.5 h duration, in a Hapludox soil with 0.16 m m-1 average slope steepness. Had been evaluated some physical characteristics of the soil and the usual water erosion variables. In general, it was seen that the direct seeding with shanks increased the infiltration and the surface retention of the rainfall water in the soil and the surface retention of the eroded sediments, diminishing the runoff and the erosion. The total water loss was greater under the black oat than the corn residue, and higher in the no-tillage than furrow openers roll, this later occurrence in both types of residue and in any of their rates, but, in general, tending to increase with the increase of the latter. The total soil loss was relatively small and differed little among the modes of seeding and the rates of residue when this was that of black oat; with the corn residue, except in one case where it was great only in the direct seeding with no tillage, but expressively diminished with the increase in residue rates.(AU)

Permeabilidade do Solo/prevenção & controle , Erosão Hídrica/prevenção & controle , Erosão do Solo/efeitos adversos , Características do Solo
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 12(2): 163-174, mar. 2013.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487973


As condições físicas da superfície do solo desempenham papel fundamental no controle da erosão hídrica e do escoamento superficial a ela associado. Baseado nisso, realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de quantificar as perdas de solo e água por erosão hídrica pluvial, nas doses de todo, metade e um quarto do total produzido dos resíduos culturais de aveia preta e milho, nos modos de semeadura direta sem e com hastes sulcadoras na máquina semeadora adubadora. Para isso, aplicou-se chuva simulada de 75 mm h-1, com duração de 1,5 h, em um Nitossolo Buno com declividade média de 0,16 m m-1. Avaliaram-se algumas características físicas do solo e as variáveis usuais de erosão hídrica. De modo geral, constatou-se que a semeadura direta com hastes sulcadoras aumentou a infiltração e a retenção superficial da água da chuva no solo e a retenção superficial dos sedimentos erodidos, diminuindo a enxurrada e a erosão. A perda total de água foi maior sob o resíduo de aveia preta do que de milho, e maior na semeadura direta sem hastes sulcadoras do que com hastes sulcadoras. Esta última ocorrência em ambos os tipos de resíduo e em qualquer das suas doses, mas, de modo geral, tendendo a aumentar com o aumento destas últimas. A perda total de solo foi pequena e se diferenciou pouco entre os modos de semeadura e doses de resíduo quando este era o de aveia preta, com o resíduo de milho, a uma exceção ela foi grande apenas na semeadura direta sem hastes sulcadoras, mas diminuiu muito com o aumento das doses de resíduo.

The physical conditions of the soil surface play an important role in controlling the soil water erosion and its associated surface runoff. Based on that, this study was developed with the objective of quantifying the soil and water losses by rainfall erosion, in the rates of all, half, and a quarter of the total produced of the black oat and corn residues, in the modes of direct seeding with and without shank soil-openers in the seeding-fertilizing machine. For this, was applied simulated rainfall of 75 mm h-1, with 1.5 h duration, in a Hapludox soil with 0.16 m m-1 average slope steepness. Had been evaluated some physical characteristics of the soil and the usual water erosion variables. In general, it was seen that the direct seeding with shanks increased the infiltration and the surface retention of the rainfall water in the soil and the surface retention of the eroded sediments, diminishing the runoff and the erosion. The total water loss was greater under the black oat than the corn residue, and higher in the no-tillage than furrow openers roll, this later occurrence in both types of residue and in any of their rates, but, in general, tending to increase with the increase of the latter. The total soil loss was relatively small and differed little among the modes of seeding and the rates of residue when this was that of black oat; with the corn residue, except in one case where it was great only in the direct seeding with no tillage, but expressively diminished with the increase in residue rates.

Erosão Hídrica/prevenção & controle , Erosão do Solo/efeitos adversos , Permeabilidade do Solo/prevenção & controle , Características do Solo