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Saúde Soc ; 32(1): e220601pt, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450428


Resumo Este ensaio busca analisar os impactos sociossanitários exercidos pelo meio ambiente, incorporando as dinâmicas trazidas pela covid-19 e evidenciando as repercussões da pandemia. O coronavírus atingiu sobretudo países que falharam na prevenção e não estabeleceram medidas de intervenção eficazes e colaborativas. A destruição da natureza se intensificou na pandemia, assim como as ameaças enfrentadas por seus defensores, o que agravou ainda mais a crise. Nesse contexto pode-se destacar os riscos apresentados aos indígenas brasileiros e aos ambientalistas latino-americanos; o surgimento de grupos perigosos; e a implementação de políticas governamentais de efeitos críticos que afetam a preservação ambiental e colocam em risco os modos de vida tradicionais. Assume-se, desse modo, que o planeta enfrenta uma crise sanitária, mas também socioeconômica e ambiental. Para que tal crise heterogênea seja superada, os esforços precisam ser multiformes, envolvendo: cuidados à saúde e aos ecossistemas; diminuição da pobreza global e da desigualdade sanitária; redução de riscos ambientais; proteção dos modos de vida tradicionais; defesa das democracias e dos direitos humanos; fomento de políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável; e cooperação internacional. Tais esforços também incidirão sobre os anos vindouros, minimizando os riscos de novas pandemias e atuando na preservação ambiental.

Abstract This essay analyzes the socio-sanitary impacts exerted by the environment, incorporating the dynamics brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and unveiling its repercussions. Countries that failed to prevent the virus spread and to established effective and collaborative intervention measures were hit the hardest. Environmental destruction reached new heights in the pandemic, as have the threats faced by its defenders, further aggravating the crisis. In this scenario one can highlight the risks posed to Brazilian Indigenous peoples and Latin American environmentalists; the emergence of dangerous groups; and the implementation of government policies with critical effects on environmental preservation that put traditional ways of life at risk. It is thus recognized that the planet faces not only a health crisis, but also a socioeconomic and environmental one. To overcome such heterogeneous crisis, efforts must be multifaceted, involving: caring for health and ecosystems; eliminating global poverty and sanitary inequality; reducing environmental risks; protecting traditional ways of life; defending democracies and human rights; and fostering sustainable development policies and international cooperation. These efforts will also affect the years to come, minimizing the risks of new pandemics and acting to preserve the environment.

Meio Social , Saúde Ambiental , Ecossistema , Atenção à Saúde , Povos Indígenas , COVID-19 , Ambientalismo , Brasil
Poiésis (En línea) ; 40(Ene. - Jul.): 17-24, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342078


Este artículo de reflexión desarrolla la siguiente premisa: realizar lectura de territorio para llevar a cabo procesos de gestión ambiental y planificación territorial, como un resultado de la investigación realizada en el 2018, Prácticas y saberes de intervención del Trabajo Social en el escenario ambiental; desde la experiencia de los departamentos de Antioquia y Caldas. El presente artículo pretende entonces abordar el papel que asume el trabajador social en relación con la intervención en el escenario ambiental, partiendo del reconocimiento y la lectura del territorio, entendido este no solo como un espacio geográfico, sino también como un espacio donde convergen diferentes aristas, tales como los ámbitos sociales y culturales inmersos en la cotidianidad del hombre; con ello se espera generar reflexiones y movilizaciones frente al reconocimiento de derechos e incentivar la participación ciudadana. Teniendo en cuenta este panorama, y pensando desde la ecología social, es indispensable que el ser humano comprenda el vínculo que tiene con la naturaleza, no solo desde el enfoque natural, sino también desde el social y el cultural.

This reflection article develops the following premise: to perform territory reading to carry out processes of environmental management and territorial planning, as a result of the research conducted in 2018, Practices and knowledge of Social Work intervention in the environmental scenario; from the experience of the departments of Antioquia and Caldas. This article aims then to address the role assumed by the social worker in relation to the intervention in the environmental scenario, starting from the recognition and reading of the territory, understood not only as a geographical space, but also as a space where different edges converge, such as the social and cultural spheres immersed in the daily life of man; with this, it is expected to generate reflections and mobilizations in front of the recognition of rights and encourage citizen participation. Considering this panorama, and thinking from the perspective of social ecology, it is essential that human beings understand the link they have with nature, not only from the natural approach, but also from the social and cultural ones.

Humanos , Gestão e Planejamento de Terrenos , Meio Social , Serviço Social , Gestão Ambiental
Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;17(2): 1-1, mar.-abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-759106


Objetivo Determinar las características de los ambientes escolares y su relación con el aprendizaje, el bienestar y la salud de los estudiantes. Método Enfoque de ecología del aula, sustentado en el paradigma cualitativo comprensivo de estudio de casos, desarrollado en seis escuelas públicas de estrato uno y dos. La información se recolectó mediante instrumentos y técnicas etnográficos tales como diarios de campo, filmaciones, registros observacionales y entrevistas. Análisis categorial en ciclos abiertos generales y focalizados. Resultados El enfoque ecología del aula permitió entender la relación entre los ambientes escolares, la salud y el bienestar en los procesos pedagógicos. Es preocupante el riesgo al que están expuestos los estudiantes por la contaminación y el hacinamiento que caracterizan las aulas presenciales, mientras que en las salas de computadores, el ambiente es más saludable. Existe interés y toma de conciencia por parte de las instituciones educativas en cuanto a la necesidad de incorporar estas temáticas en las reformas curriculares y en generar planes de acción que orienten la vida saludable del escolar y sus familias. Las escuelas realizan estrategias curriculares como talleres, charlas y conferencias de especialistas, tesis de grado, prácticas universitarias y el acceso controlado a internet. Se encontraron ideas y proyectos innovadores pero adolecen de presupuestos. Conclusión La comunidad educativa entiende que el concepto de salud forma parte integral del concepto de educación. Así mismo, la ecología del aula ofrece implicaciones determinantes para aprender y convivir en ambientes agradables, saludables incorporados a los proyectos educativos instituciones.(AU)

Objective To determine factors that characterizes school environments and their relationship with student learning, welfare and health. Method This is a case study supported by a comprehensive qualitative paradigm applied to classroom ecology. The fieldwork was carried out in six public schools for students in economic strata one and two that use computers in virtual classrooms. The information was collected through field journals, film recordings, observation, and recordings of interviews. The information was analyzed by categories in open general and focused cycles. Results The virtual era has enriched the debate about the importance of the environment in pedagogical processes. Nonetheless, the emergence of new diseases is a risk which students are exposed to. Pollution and overcrowding factors prevail in traditional classroom activities, while in the computer rooms the environment is healthier. Hence the need to incorporate these issues into the curriculum reforms and action plans to guide healthy living of schoolchildren and their families. Despite budget constraints, innovative ideas and projects were found. Schools have developed free preventive and corrective strategies such as workshops, talks and lectures by invited specialists, trainees, and students writing theses. They have also introduced controlled Internet access. Conclusion The educational community understands that the concept of health is at the heart of a comprehensive concept of education. In addition, classroom ecology has determining implications for learning and living together in pleasant and healthy environments that are incorporated into institutional educational projects.(AU)

Humanos , Política Pública , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Ecologia Humana , Promoção da Saúde