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Investig. desar ; 32(2): 212-237, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575122


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

ABSTRACT University social responsibility is a set of actions that helps to promote the active participation of students in their university education, with ethical conduct to create a culture of social commitment based on values and academic quality. The main role of the university is to develop the functions of teaching, research and social responsibility; this allows creating a broader vision of the needs in the community, generating competent professionals and causing a positive impact (Palomino, Vázquez, Vicente, & Tomás, 2019). Objective: To identify the main authors of the subject from the systematic review of the literature, to point out the four axis that RSU has and the four university impacts. Materials and methods: This research is exploratory and documentary with a qualitative approach. The information sources used correspond to consultation pages, among which are: Google academic, and Likewise, inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to collect information and the results obtained were delimited after adding search conditions such as the year interval from 2017 to 2023. Another limitation is that they were only review articles and in any language. Results: The results obtained were 10 definitions of prominent authors which haves an impact on the fact that the University social responsibility has 8 dimensions among which are: Responsible Campus, Citizen Education, Social Knowledge Management, and Mutual Learning Communities for Development, Organizational, Educational, Cognitive and social. The four axis of the RSU are the basis of the organizations to be able to fulfill the mission that each university community pursues. Within the responsible campus, care is taken to ensure that environmental and sustainable care is met and students are taught to participate in it. , responsible citizen and professional training, deontology, which is the duty of people, this helps the university community to do things ethically and with good morals inside and outside universities, knowledge management is a of the main tasks of higher education institutions, social work, the reason for being of various organizations, thanks to which they can disseminate their knowledge and contribute to the development of community and group culture, and finally the need for The society of inclusion and communication between people occur within communities of mutual learning for development. The organizational impacts, within the RSU, impact people, management and sustainability. The educational impacts are related to the training of students (their ethics, their way of interpreting the world and the social role that corresponds to them) and involves all university processes (curriculum, central administration and knowledge management policies). Cognitive impacts are the dissemination of knowledge and social impacts are the relationship within and on the university campus, the treatment and participation of students; Students in the different branches offered. When reviewing and reading the different existing articles, it was observed that there is little information regarding the RSU, focusing on a chronology of the different authors from 2014 to date. Within the articles reviewed, it can be defined that RSU trains, teaches, supports, promotes, guides and organizes; involving the student community, teachers, administrative and managerial staff. The RSU transmits responsible knowledge, ethical principles and helps to train responsible citizen professionals. Conclusion: After studying the literary review, it can be mentioned that all the axis of the RSU must have the participation of the students and all the people who make up the university community in order to have a responsible university, both internally and externally, according to the different concepts that are mentioned of University Social Responsibility; In other words, it is a way to help the professional and civic training of all students, since this is part of what social responsibility seeks. It is mentioned that university students must get involved in real problems within their professional and civic training, since this helps to create links between learning and social responsibility and thus be able to promote human development, both ethically and morally, as that participation in the different projects that the same institution carries out in its activities will grow.Ramírez (2020),Quezada and Rodríguez (2019),Arauco and Apaza (2022),Évora (2017), agree that RSU is reflected in the existence of four axis for the socially responsible management of universities, so that the students are aware that everything that is done within the institution will be reflected outside of it. Complying with Social Responsibility in higher education is a transformation resource that promotes compliance with transparent practices and ethical conduct for sustainable development, generating social well-being on the university campus for the comprehensive and ideal training of its students. Currently, globalization leads to constant changes in organizations and forces them to be able to identify their challenges for the new trends that their environment requires. Therefore, globalization, competition, technology, social responsibility, knowledge and intangible assets demand serious modifications in their structures and strategies from companies.Niebles Nuñez et al. (2018)the universities have the important mission of equitably distributing knowledge and social information. That is why universities must assume the position of University Social Responsibility and analyze whether effective or null knowledge is being provided. The current era is characterized by its constant change, in social demands, in the role of traditional actors, in the situation at the regional and international level, in development approaches (Uribe et al., 2020). Addressing the issue of RSU requires articulating the various parts of the institution in an equitable and sustainable social promotion project, for the production and transmission of responsible knowledge and the training of equally responsible citizen professionals (Mosquera Tayupanta and Alba Granados, 2021; Peña y otros, 2017). There is a proposal for university social responsibility that provides a space for participation in the activities carried out and that are adapted to the new acquisition modalities for students, in addition to the fact that university social responsibility seeks not only to work on the axis of transformation within of the institution, but is also aimed at the entire society that is involved (Pedró, 2019). The university must promote the participation of its students in cultural, social, sports and environmental activities.

Entramado ; 20(1): 1-ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574816


RESUMEN La discusión mundial sobre la sostenibilidad incluye como parte fundamental a las compañías cotizadas pues, como resultado del desarrollo de sus negocios, afectan su entorno. Este estudio tiene por objetivo medir la comunicación empresarial realizada en los sitios web de compañías cotizadas chilenas y polacas, relacionada con los Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). La metodología consta, en primer lugar de la revisión de una lista de chequeo con 25 variables elaborados a partir de los indicadores contenidos en los ODS; en segundo lugar, se construyó un índice a través de estadística descriptiva y, finalmente, se evaluó las variables influyentes de la divulgación, la cual fue medida a través de un análisis multivariante basado en regresión múltiple. La muestra está compuesta por 214 empresas cotizadas, 107 chilenas y 107 polacas. Los resultados muestran un buen nivel de divulgación, aunque con brechas importantes en algunas materias comparadas por país. Este trabajo aporta evidencia empírica sobre la transparencia en la web, por lo tanto, contribuye a la amplia discusión sobre sostenibilidad e información a diferentes grupos de interés, toda vez que se concentra la atención en aspectos por mejorar en la comunicación corporativa en Chile a partir de las buenas prácticas polacas en materias medioambientales. CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: M5, M49, G41

ABSTRACT At a fundamental level, the global discussion on sustainability includes listed companies, since they affect their environment due to their business development. This study aims to measure business communication, related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), on the websites of some Chilean and Polish listed companies. The methodology consists of the review of a checklist with 25 items considered in the SDGs; an index was made through descriptive statistics and, finally the influential variables of disclosure were evaluated. Disclosure was measured through a multivariate analysis based on multiple regression. The sample comprises 214 listed companies: 107 are Chilean and 107 are Polish. The results show a good level of disclosure, although with important gaps in some subjects compared by country. This work provides empirical evidence on transparency on the web, therefore, it contributes to the broad discussion on sustainability and disclosing of information to different interest groups, since attention is focused on aspects to improve corporate communication in Chile through following environmental good practices of Polish companies. JEL CLASSIFICATION: M5, M49, G41

RESUMO A discussão global sobre sustentabilidade inclui as empresas de capital aberto como parte fundamental dessa discussão, pois elas afetam seu ambiente como resultado do desenvolvimento de seus negócios. Este estudo tem como objetivo medir a comunicação corporativa nos websites de empresas chilenas e polonesas listadas relacionadas aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). A metodologia consiste, em primeiro lugar, na revisão de uma lista de verificação com 25 variáveis elaboradas a partir dos indicadores contidos nos ODS; em segundo lugar foi construído um índice por meio de estatísticas descritivas e, por fim, foram avaliadas as variáveis influentes da divulgação, que foi medida por meio de uma análise multivariada baseada em regressão múltipla. A amostra é composta por 214 empresas listadas, 107 chilenas e 107 polonesas. Os resultados mostram um bom nível de divulgação, embora com lacunas significativas em algumas áreas comparadas por país. Este artigo fornece evidências empíricas sobre transparência na Web, contribuindo, assim, para a ampla discussão sobre sustentabilidade e informações para diferentes partes interessadas, pois se concentra em aspectos a serem aprimorados na comunicação corporativa no Chile com base nas boas. CLASSIFICAÇÃO JEL: M5, M49, G41

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557704


Fundamento: las llamadas provincias de Las Villas y La Habana atesoran las primeras experiencias sobre la psicología en Cuba, después del triunfo de la Revolución; aunque esta historia ha sido insuficientemente divulgada en la región central del país. Objetivo: identificar aspectos distintivos de la psicología de la salud desde 1964 hasta 2023 en la antigua provincia de Las Villas, y posteriormente, en Villa Clara. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de tipo histórico en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, entre enero-marzo 2023. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos: investigación documental en fuentes históricas de probada veracidad, entrevistas a informantes clave y testimonios de las autoras. Resultados: en el curso 1968-1969 se insertó la Psicología en los programas del Ministerio de Salud Pública, en La Habana y Las Villas. A partir de la fundación de la Sociedad Nacional de Psicología de la Salud y la Filial de Las Villas (1975), la especialidad ha ido en progreso: la graduación de varios especialistas, realización de cuatro maestrías y una línea de investigación doctoral, varios eventos con participación internacional, los intercambios científicos con otras universidades, y la acreditación de la especialidad son algunos de los avances que la distinguen. Conclusiones: la psicología de la salud en la región central de Cuba ha ido en ascenso desde su fundación. Sus logros en los escenarios científicos y académicos se han fortalecido bajo la dirección de un grupo de fundadores que con creatividad y responsabilidad se han convertido en promotores y actores de sus éxitos.

Background: the so-called provinces of Las Villas and Havana treasure the first experiences on health psychology in Cuba; although this story has been insufficiently disseminated in the central region of the country. Objective: to identify distinctive aspects of health psychology from 1964 to 2023 in the former province of Las Villas, and later, in Villa Clara. Methods: a historical research was carried out at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, from January to March 2023. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, historical-logical and systemic; empirical: documentary research in historical sources of proven veracity, interviews with key informants and testimonies of the authors. Results: in the 1968-1969 academic year, Psychology was inserted into the programs of the Ministry of Public Health, in Havana and Las Villas. Since the founding of the National Society of Health Psychology and the Las Villas Branch in 1975, the specialty has been in progress: the graduation of several specialists, completion of four master's degrees and a line of doctoral research, several events with participation International exchange, scientific exchanges with other universities, and the accreditation of the specialty are some of the advances that distinguish it. Conclusions: health psychology in the central region of Cuba has been on the rise since its foundation. Its achievements in the scientific and academic scenarios have been strengthened under the direction of a group of founders who, with creativity and responsibility, have become promoters and actors of its successes.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557705


Fundamento: la responsabilidad social universitaria constituye un enfoque de gestión académica promotor del desarrollo social sostenible. Objetivo: analizar la gestión del conocimiento en el departamento de Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas, de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Salvador Allende", durante los años 2018 al 2022, sobre la base de la responsabilidad social universitaria. Métodos: se desarrolló una investigación descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo, complementando las metodologías del estudio de caso y de la teoría fundamentada constructivista. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción, ascenso de lo abstracto a lo concreto e histórico lógico; y empíricos: revisión documental, análisis de contenido y grupo focal. Resultados: el análisis realizado evidenció que la gestión del conocimiento en el departamento de Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas, de la referida facultad, ostenta un enfoque estratégico y ha tenido un impacto educativo positivo como resultado del aprendizaje organizacional, y está vinculado con la gestión académica. Conclusiones: la gestión del conocimiento departamental determinó una actualización de la cultura organizacional, causante de un impacto social favorable, mediado por una intervención educativa tributaria de una formación profesional pertinente.

Background: university social responsibility constitutes an academic management approach that promotes sustainable social development. Objective: to analyze knowledge management in the Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences, of the "Salvador Allende" Faculty of Medical Sciences, from 2018 to 2022, based on university social responsibility. Methods: a descriptive investigation was developed, with a qualitative approach, complementing the methodologies of the case study and the constructivist grounded theory. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, ascent from the abstract to the concrete and historical logic; and empirical ones: documentary review, content analysis and focal group. Results: the analysis carried out showed that knowledge management in the Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences, of the aforementioned faculty, has a strategic approach and has had a positive educational impact as a result of organizational learning, and it´s linked to academic management. Conclusions: the departmental knowledge management determined an update of the organizational culture, causing a favorable social impact, mediated by an educational intervention tributary of a relevant professional training.

Medisur ; 21(6)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550574


Fundamento: para que cualquier meta de salud sea alcanzada es necesario involucrar a múltiples actores sociales cuya participación intersectorial condiciona la materialización de las políticas públicas sanitarias. Objetivo: aportar al sector salud herramientas de decisión suficientes para que ponga en práctica una política de alianzas intersectoriales para el fomento de la responsabilidad personal con la salud de la población cubana en un horizonte temporal hasta el 2030. Métodos: estudio de prospectiva estratégica desde enero 2018 a marzo 2020. Se empleó el método Matriz de Alianzas y Conflictos: tácticas, objetivos, recomendaciones, con la participación de 12 expertos. Resultados: se identificaron 25 actores que conformaron 10 grupos. El actor con mayor poder son los ciudadanos; mientras, el objetivo estratégico con mayor movilización es trascender el paradigma paternalista de la práctica salubrista en Cuba. Se demostró la posibilidad de trabajar de forma intersectorial para desarrollar alianzas duraderas entre todos los actores involucrados y que de existir contradicciones estas no tendrán carácter antagónico. Al contrario, pueden comportarse como elementos generadores de soluciones innovadoras para el desarrollo futuro. Conclusiones: el mapeo y análisis del juego de actores permitió evidenciar las posibilidades de alianzas entre los actores sociales y el alineamiento estratégico de estos con los objetivos estratégicos formulados. Se recomienda monitorear la evolución de esta situación durante el horizonte temporal previsto con el objetivo de reevaluar el sistema y reducir la incertidumbre ante un entorno cambiante.

Foundation: for any health goal to be achieved, it is necessary to involve multiple social actors whose intersectoral participation conditions the materialization of public health policies. Objective: provide the health sector with sufficient decision tools to implement a policy of intersectoral alliances to promote personal responsibility with the health of the Cuban population in a time horizon until 2030. Methods: strategic prospective study since January 2018 to March 2020. The Matrix of Alliances and Conflicts method was used: tactics, objectives, recommendations, with the participation of 12 experts. Results: 25 actors who formed 10 groups were identified. The actor with the greatest power are the citizens; Meanwhile, the strategic objective with the greatest mobilization is to transcend the paternalistic paradigm of health care practice in Cuba. The possibility of working intersectorally to develop lasting alliances between all the actors involved was demonstrated and that if there are contradictions these will not have an antagonistic nature. On the contrary, they can behave as elements that generate innovative solutions for future development. Conclusions: the mapping and analysis of the set of actors made it possible to demonstrate the possibilities of alliances between social actors and their strategic alignment with the formulated strategic objectives. It is recommended to monitor the evolution of this situation during the planned time horizon with the aim of reevaluating the system and reducing uncertainty in the face of a changing environment.

Environ Dev ; 46: 100865, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37192845


Many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were caused on people's health and the economy of countries in its first year, especially in emerging economies such as Brazil, were dire. Social distancing and the reduction of jobs caused impacts in many organizations, which led to the adoption of strategies allowing employees to work from home, adjusting family residences into home offices while facing reduction in industrial production and a decrease in economic activities. The pandemic also changed consumption behaviors, the use of social media (social networks), and people's socioenvironmental awareness. This research aims to evaluate the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of social media, on environmental awareness, on sustainable consumption awareness and on the social responsibility awareness of different generations in Brazil one year after the beginning of the pandemic. For data analysis, the structural equation modeling method was used from a final sample of 1120 respondents. The results indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic positively influences the growing in social media usage (environmental issues and social responsibility issues) and sustainable consumption awareness. The study highlights that social media usage has the ability to positively influence environmental awareness, sustainable consumption awareness, and social responsibility awareness. The results provide a framework to analyze the consequential factors of the COVID-19 pandemic on sustainability awareness and the use of social media.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514793


Introducción : La responsabilidad social universitaria está presente en los discursos de los académicos, mas no logra permear en las acciones, que conlleven a la transformación de la universidad, por lo que es necesario un cambio de paradigma. En la actualidad, existen confusiones conceptuales que hacen muy difícil su promoción y práctica transformadora; en muchas universidades, se la confunde con proyección social, lo cual reduce su dimensión transversal. Objetivo : Analizar la evidencia científica relacionada con la responsabilidad social universitaria en Latinoamérica. Métodos : Revisión sistemática de la literatura; entre los meses de agosto a diciembre de 2021, se realizó la búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos: Scopus, Scielo, Doaj, Lilacs Y Redalyc; se aplicó el uso de los descriptores en ciencias de la salud (DECS) y la combinación de los operadores booleanos OR y AND. Se consideraron textos completos en español, entre los años 2015 a 2021. Resultados : Se obtuvo 508 artículos, los cuales fueron sometidos a la metodología prisma y se seleccionaron 20 artículos, agrupados en cuatro categorías, según el manual de responsabilidad social del modelo ÚRSUla: gestión, formación, cognitivo, y participación social. Conclusión : La RSU es un compromiso moral irrenunciable, es importante en la gestión universitaria para promover el desarrollo sostenible, con ética y respeto de los derechos humanos, es necesario la participación de actores comprometidos y se debe considerar que, actualmente, tiene un enfoque asistencialista y reduccionista, escaso apoyo, socialización e implementación y falta unificar criterios en su conceptualización.

Introduction: University social responsibility is present in the discourses of academics, but it fails to permeate the actions that lead to the transformation of the university, requiring a paradigm shift. At present there are conceptual confusions that make its promotion and transformative practice very difficult, in many universities it is confused with social projection, which reduces its transversal dimension. Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence related to university social responsibility in latin america. Methods: Systematic review of the literature, between the months of August to December 2021; the search for articles was carried out in the databases: Scopus, Scielo, Doaj, Lilacs and Redalyc; the use of Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) and the combination of the Boolean operators OR and AND were applied. Full texts in Spanish between the years 2015 and 2021 were considered. Results: 508 articles were obtained, which were submitted to the PRISMA methodology, selecting 20 articles, grouped into four categories according to the Social Responsibility Manual of the Úrsula Model: management, training, cognitive, and social participation. Conclusions: USR is an inalienable moral commitment, it is important in university management to promote sustainable development, with ethics and respect for human rights, the participation of committed actors is necessary, considering that it currently has a welfare and reductionist approach, scarce support, socialization and implementation and there is a need to unify criteria.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 13(3)2023 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36975246


The objectives of this research were: (1) to examine the influence of environmental awareness (EA), sustainable consumption (SC) and social responsibility (SR) on the environmentally responsible purchase intention (ERPI) of consumers in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, namely, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru; and (2) to analyze whether there is a moderating effect related to the country of residence and gender of the consumer. The study was conducted under a quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of 1646 consumers: 24.4% from Peru (n = 402), 25.4% from Mexico (n = 418), 26.1% from Colombia (n = 401) and 24.1% from Chile (n = 397). Data analysis and hypothesis testing were performed using a multigroup Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results show a positive influence among environmental awareness (EA), sustainable consumption (SC) and social responsibility (SR) on environmentally responsible purchase intention (ERPI). Gender and country of residence were also shown to be moderating variables in these relationships. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that the participants of this study recognize the importance of acquiring environmentally friendly products. Among them, the female population is more aware of this issue. It is recommended new business models be created to provide products and services oriented to this market according to consumers' tastes, desires and purchasing preferences; the proposals they have should be friendly to the environment and to society.

F1000Res ; 12: 1340, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086606


Objective: To evaluate the scientific production on university social responsibility (USR) from institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Methods: A bibliometric analysis was conducted on documents published in indexed journals in the Scopus database from its inception until April 2023. Eligible documents included those on USR describing experiences carried out by universities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The number of articles per author, average authors per article, average citations per article, and the number of documents with one or more author were described. Bibliometric indicators regarding authors per article, co-authors per article, and institutional collaboration were presented. Bibliometric networks were constructed based on bibliographic coupling analysis of documents by countries and term co-occurrence in titles and abstracts. Results: Of a total of 4075 documents retrieved from Scopus, 150 were included. Documents published between 1997 and 2023 were identified, with an average annual growth rate of 2.7%. A total of 439 authors were identified, 18 articles had a single author, and an average of 0.3 articles per author and a co-authorship index of 3.13 were found. The percentage of international collaborations was 30.7%. Brazil had the highest proportion of publications (26.4%), followed by Chile (17%) and Colombia (13.2%). Opción and Revista de Ciencias Sociales were the journals with the highest number of articles published (13 each). In the analysis of term co-occurrence, recent years showed an increase in the use of terms related to e-learning, information and communication technologies, virtual education, COVID-19, sustainable development goals, and URSULA (initiative on USR in institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean). Conclusions: A growth in scientific production on USR in Latin America and the Caribbean was identified. The interest in USR documents in recent years has been focused on COVID-19 and the challenges of virtual education and sustainable development.

Bibliometria , Responsabilidade Social , América Latina , Região do Caribe , Universidades , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Autoria , Editoração/estatística & dados numéricos , Editoração/tendências
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440046


Introducción: la pedagogía social es una oportunidad de abrir el pensamiento y las prácticas educativas a horizontes y destinos alternativos para la sociedad. Objetivo: describir una experiencia educativa relacionada con la expresión plástica como fortaleza de la pedagogía social en menores con trastornos de conducta. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el contenido del artículo en las bases de datos SciELO, Google Académico y en textos impresos, entre octubre 2021-enero 2022; las palabras claves fueron: pedagogía social, educación artística, artes plásticas, trastornos de conducta. Se seleccionaron 20 textos: diez artículos de revistas extranjeras y cubanas, dos libros clásicos, tres documentos normativos, cuatro tesis, y el diccionario de pensamientos martianos compilados por Valdés Galarraga. Resultados: se analizaron aspectos relacionados con la pedagogía social como ciencia, la educación artística y su impronta en la pedagogía social, la expresión plástica como actividad educativa, el taller de expresión plástica: generador de educación y cultura, y como fortaleza para una educación social; por último, se describe la experiencia de la aplicación de varios de esos talleres, según sus etapas de realización. Conclusiones: la expresión plástica se posiciona como fortaleza de la pedagogía social porque su aplicación en la reducación de menores con trastornos de la conducta significó un logro, ya que modificaron sus modos de actuación de forma positiva, según se constató en la experiencia descrita; además se demostró la necesidad de establecer un sistema articulado de trabajo educativo desde la escuela, como el que se presenta.

Introduction: social pedagogy is an opportunity to open thought and educational practices to alternative horizons and destinations for society. Objective: to describe an educational experience related to plastic expression as strength of social pedagogy in adolescents with behavior disorders. Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out on the content of the article in the SciELO, Google Scholar databases and in printed texts, from October 2021 to January 2022; the keywords were: social pedagogy, artistic education, plastic arts, behavior disorders. Twenty texts were selected: ten articles from foreign and Cuban magazines, two classic books on pedagogy, three normative documents, three doctoral theses and one master's theses, and the dictionary of Marti's thoughts compiled by Ramiro Valdés Galarraga. Results: aspects related to social pedagogy as a science, artistic education and its imprint on social pedagogy, plastic expression as an educational activity, plastic expression workshop: generator of education and culture, and as a strength for social education were analyzed. Based on participation and opportunities for all; and finally, the experience of the application of several of these workshops is described, according to their stages of implementation. Conclusions: the plastic expression is positioned as strength of social pedagogy because its application in the reduction of adolescents with behavior disorders meant an achievement, since they modified their modes of action in a positive way, as verified in the described experience; In addition, the need to establish an articulated system of educational work from the school, such as the one presented, was demonstrated.

Qualidade de Vida , Mudança Social , Responsabilidade Social , Medicina do Comportamento , Medicina do Adolescente , Educação
Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33033, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448818


Abstract Brazil has advanced in tobacco control actions, with a significant decline in the prevalence of tobacco use. However, it is essential to identify more vulnerable populations, such as LGBT persons. This study aimed to analyze the discursive production sustaining the search for support and penetration of the tobacco industry among the LGBT population, taking the sponsorship of Philip Morris Brasil to the LGBT parade in São Paulo in 2019. We employed the critical discourse analysis of a report published on a blog. The analysis of the piece points to the use of vocabularies such as diversity, inclusion, modernity, and innovation, which concern the LGBT cause and the launch of its new product. The text conveys a high commitment and a courteous tone, using discursive resources that associate the company with technical and behavioral innovation ideas. It communicates intertextually with regulatory bodies about introducing its new product in the Brazilian market (prohibited in Brazil). It uses different ideological operators, such as the euphemism of the smokeless or smoke-free future. The work shows a tobacco industry strategy to promote its heated product while supporting LGBT cause and promoting a positive corporate image.

Resumo O Brasil tem avançado em ações de controle do tabaco, resultando em grande declínio da prevalência de tabagismo. Entretanto, é fundamental identificar populações mais vulneráveis, como as pessoas LGBT. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a produção discursiva que sustenta a busca de apoio e penetração da indústria tabageira junto à população LGBT, tomando o caso do patrocínio da Philip Morris Brasil à parada LGBT em São Paulo em 2019. A metodologia utilizada foi análise de discurso Crítica de notícia publicada em um blog. A análise da peça aponta para utilização de vocabulários como diversidade, inclusão, modernidade e inovação, que dizem respeito à causa LGBT e ao lançamento de novo produto. O texto traz alto grau de comprometimento e tom cortês, fazendo uso de recursos discursivos que associam a empresa às ideias de inovação técnica e comportamental. Comunica intertextualmente com órgãos regulatórios acerca da entrada no mercado brasileiro de seu novo produto (proibido no Brasil). Faz uso de diferentes operadores ideológicos, como o eufemismo do futuro sem fumaça ou futuro livre de fumaça. O trabalho apresenta uma estratégia da indústria do tabaco para promover seu produto de tabaco aquecido enquanto apoia a causa LGBT e promove imagem corporativa positiva.

Humanos , Publicidade
Investig. desar ; 30(2)jul.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534720


Este estudio es una revisión sistemática sobre responsabilidad social empresarial centrada en el sector salud. Objetivo: Analizar la aplicación de proyectos de responsabilidad social empresarial en salud por medio de la revisión de material bibliográfico en el periodo 2011 a 2020 en Suramérica, identificando los beneficios de esta en el ámbito de la administración. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación con enfoque cualitativo, tipo de estudio descriptivo, en el cual se analizó la información documentada sobre responsabilidad social empresarial en salud y la aplicación de dichos programas. Resultados: Se realizó el análisis de la información y se encontró que a nivel de Latinoamérica, a pesar de que desde hace mucho tiempo se ha venido hablando y abordando el tema de responsabilidad social en salud, hace falta mayor aplicación de esta para que un mayor porcentaje de la población se beneficie de estos proyectos. Discusión: La responsabilidad social empresarial en salud es un tema que se ha venido mencionando y aplicando desde hace unos años, sin embargo, en términos de aplicación es importante resaltar que a nivel de Colombia y Suramérica son pocas las instituciones que desarrollan dichos programas y benefician a poblaciones vulnerables. Conclusiones: A pesar de que los proyectos de responsabilidad social en salud generan beneficios positivos a nivel institucional y poblacional, es de vital importancia generar mayores procesos de sensibilización que conlleven al desarrollo, implementación y análisis de dichos programas esto con el fin de que un mayor porcentaje poblacional se vea beneficiado.

In this study, we will find a systematic review on corporate social responsibility focused on the health sector. Objective: To analyze the application of corporate social responsibility projects in healthcare by reviewing bibliographic material, during the 2011 to 2020 period, in South America, identifying the benefits of this in the field of administration. Methodology: An investigation with a qualitative approach, a type of descriptive study, in which the documented information on corporate social responsibility in healthcare, and the impact of said programs, was analyzed. Results: An analysis of the information was carried out, finding that, at the Latin American level, despite the fact that, for a long time, the issue of social responsibility in healthcare has been discussed and addressed, a greater application of it is needed, so that a greater number of the population benefits from these Projects. Discussion: Corporate social responsibility in healthcare is a topic that has been mentioned and applied for a few years, however, in terms of application, it is important to highlight that at the level of Colombia and South America, there are few institutions that develop such programs for the benefit of vulnerable populations. Conclusions: Despite the fact that social responsibility projects in healthcare generate positive benefits at the institutional and population levels, it is vitally important to generate greater awareness-raising processes that lead to the development, implementation, and analysis of such programs, so that a greater percentage of the population is benefited.

Aval. psicol ; 21(4): 407-417, out.-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1447489


A avaliação psicológica (AP) constitui-se como uma um processo técnico-científico auxiliado por múltiplas ferramentas, que apresenta solidez no desenvolvimento de pesquisas que qualificam a prática e a formação em Psicologia. Sua relevância histórica e social é evidente, sendo que seus parâmetros estão em consonância com os mais rigorosos critérios praticados internacionalmente. Por essa via, considera-se que a AP constitui um importante recurso de proteção ao indivíduo e sociedade nos diferentes contextos de atuação. Ainda que apresente notório reconhecimento, há desafios que precisam ser enfrentados. Sob essa perspectiva, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo discutir os principais desafios presentes para uma AP mais qualificada, dentro dos elevados princípios éticos de nossa profissão. O trabalho está organizado de modo a traçar um panorama desses desafios, percorrendo tanto as esferas social, ética, de resoluções do Conselho Federal de Psicologia e de aspectos práticos, visando trazer contribuições que possam, por um lado, problematizar sobre a superação das dificuldades e, por outro, fortalecer ações que se revertam na superação dos desafios que hoje se apresentam.(AU)

Psychological assessment (PA) is a well established area in the development of research that helps to improve the quality of practice and training in psychology. Its historical and social relevance is clear, and its parameters are in line with the most rigorous criteria practiced internationally. In this way, it is considered that the PA protects society in the different contexts of action. Although it is well known, there are challenges that need to be faced. From this perspective, the present work aimed to discuss the main challenges present for quality PA, considering the strict ethical principles of the profession. The work is structured to identify these challenges, covering social and ethical considerations, the resolutions of the Federal Council of Psychology, and practical aspects. The goal is to provide contributions that can both problematize overcoming difficulties and strengthen actions to overcome them in the current context.(AU)

La evaluación psicológica (EP) se constituye un proceso técnico-científico apoyado en múltiples herramientas, que presenta solidez en el desarrollo de investigaciones que cualifican la práctica y la formación en psicología. Su relevancia histórica y social es evidente, y sus parámetros se ajustan con los criterios más rigurosos practicados internacionalmente. De esta forma, se considera que la EP es un recurso fundamental para la protección del individuo y de la sociedad en diferentes contextos de actuación. Aunque presenta un reconocimiento notorio, hay retos por afrontar. En esa perspectiva, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo discutir los principales desafíos actuales para una EP más calificada, dentro de los altos principios éticos de nuestra profesión. El estudio está organizado para delinear estos desafíos, abarcando tanto la esfera social, ética, las resoluciones del Consejo Federal de Psicología y los aspectos prácticos. La finalidad es traer contribuciones que puedan no solo problematizar la superación de las dificultades, sino también, fortalecer las acciones que se revierten en la superación de los problemas que se presentan hoy.(AU)

Humanos , Competência Profissional , Psicologia/educação , Psicologia/tendências , Ética Profissional , Psicometria , Responsabilidade Social , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico , Participação Social
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(3): 32-45, sep.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447044


Resumen Cumplir con las medidas de prevención de la salud es fundamental para controlar brotes de enfermedades infecciosas como aquellos causados por la COVID-19. Se han realizados numerosas investigaciones para comprender algunas variables psicosociales (desde personalidad hasta diferencias culturales) asociadas con las conductas de precaución en contextos de pandemia. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre el papel que el capital y la responsabilidad social pueden jugar en estos comportamientos de precaución en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19. El presente trabajo aborda variables psicológicas asociadas con el capital social y conductas socialmente responsables (e.g. amabilidad, empatía, apoyo social, justicia, impulsividad, conducta cívica), que ayudan a un grupo a desarrollar actividades socialmente valiosas propiciando el cumplimiento de las medidas de prevención. El presente estudio evaluó el efecto del capital social y variables asociadas (e.g., personalidad, apoyo social) en comportamientos precautorios relacionados con el COVID-19. Se utilizaron regresiones jerárquicas y modelos mediacionales en 3 diferentes muestras mexicanas (muestra 1: n=709, muestra 2: n=718, muestra 3: n= 309). Los resultados muestran que las variables asociadas con la responsabilidad social evaluadas aquí, con excepción de la legitimidad y la justicia distributiva, se relacionan con un mayor reporte de conductas de precaución. Estos resultados sugieren un enfoque encaminado a aumentar el capital y la responsabilidad social para reducir el efecto de enfermedades infecciosas como el COVID-19.

Abstract Compliance with health protection measures is essential to control outbreaks of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Extensive research has been done in the pursuit of understanding psychosocial variables (e.g., personality to cultural differences) associated with precautionary behaviors. However, little is known about the role social capital and responsibility may play on these behaviors in the context of COVID-19. The present work assessed psychological variables associated with social capital and responsibility (e.g. agreeableness, empathy, social support, justice, impulsivity, civic behaviors), which help the development of socially valuable activities leading individuals to comply with preventative measures. The present study, using 3 different Mexican samples (sample 1, n=709; sample 2, n=718; sample 3, n= 309) explored the effect of social capital, civic culture, and associated variables (e.g., personality, social support) on COVID-19 related precautionary behaviors using hierarchical linear regressions and mediational models. In the first sample, we explored the relationship between empathy, impulsivity, and precautionary behaviors. In the second sample, we explored whether trust in authorities, social support, and social pressure predicted these behaviors. In the third sample, we used a longitudinal design to assess the mediating role of prosocial and socially responsible behaviors between personality and precautionary behaviors. Results from the first sample showed that empathy predicted precautionary behaviors. In the second sample, we observed that although legitimacy and distributive justice did not predict precautionary behaviors, social pressure had a negative and social support had a positive effect on these behaviors. Finally, our longitudinal data suggested that those who report higher conscientiousness and agreeableness also report more socially responsible and prosocial behaviors and in turn report higher precautionary behaviors. In general, results from all samples, showed that the variables associated with social capital and responsibility are significantly related with increased report of precautionary behaviors. These results suggest that efforts should be focused on increasing social capital and responsibility while seeking to reduce the spread and deleterious effects of infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Entramado ; 18(2): e204, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404705


RESUMEN Las empresas requieren el desarrollo de prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial - RSE que sean un medio de relación con sus grupos de interés y que evidencien cómo contribuyen en la satisfacción de las necesidades de los mismos. Este artículo busca realizar un análisis descriptivo de las prácticas de RSE por grupo de interés que se presentan en la literatura y hacer un comparativo con las prácticas que reportan las PYMES más exportadoras del Valle del Cauca. Para lo cual se realiza una revisión de los artículos académicos entre 2010 y 2020 y se hace un análisis de contenido sobre las prácticas de RSE publicadas en las páginas web de las PYMES más exportadoras del Valle del Cauca de acuerdo al reporte de la Cámara de Comercio de Cali en el ano 2020, teniendo como base de comparación las dimensiones de RSE econòmica, filantrópica y ético-legal planteadas por Carroll. Los resultados indican que el grupo de interés que mayor cantidad de prácticas percibe por parte de las PYMES analizadas son los empleados y que la dimensión de RSE que más prácticas tienen es la ético-legal. Por último, se halla que múltiples prácticas van dirigidas a dos o más grupos de interés lo que permite una optimización de recursos y un mejor alcance por práctica de RSE aplicada en las PYMES.

ABSTRACT Companies require the development of corporate social responsibility - CSR practices that are a means of relating with their stakeholders and that demonstrate how they contribute to satisfying their needs. This article seeks to carry out a descriptive analysis of CSR practices by stakeholder presented in the literature and to make a comparison with the practices reported by the most exporting SMEs in Valle del Cauca.To this end, a review of academic articles between 2010 and 2020 was carried out and a content analysis was made of the CSR practices published on the web pages of the most exporting SMEs in Valle del Cauca according to the report of the Cali Chamber of Commerce in 2020, using as a basis for comparison the dimensions of economic, philanthropic and ethical-legal CSR proposed by Carroll. The results indicate that the stakeholder group that perceives the greatest number of practices on the part of the SMEs analyzed are the employees, and that the CSR dimension with the most practices is ethical-legal. Finally it is found that multiple practices are aimed at two or more stakeholders, which allows for an optimization of resources and a better scope per CSR practice applied in SMEs.

RESUMO As empresas exigem o desenvolvimento de práticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa - RSE que sejam um meio de relacionamento com suas partes interessadas e que mostrem como elas contribuem para satisfazer suas necessidades. Este artigo procura realizar uma análise descritiva das práticas de RSE pelas partes interessadas apresentadas na literatura e fazer uma comparação com as práticas relatadas pelas PMEs mais exportadoras do Valle del Cauca. Para isso, é feita uma revisão dos artigos acadêmicos entre 2010 e 2020 e é feita uma análise de conteúdo das práticas de RSE publicadas nos sites das PMEs mais exportadoras de Valle del Cauca, de acordo com o relatório da Câmara de Comércio de Cali em 2020, usando como base de comparação as dimensões da RSE econômica, filantrópica e ético-legal proposta pela Carroll. Os resultados indicam que o grupo de participantes com o maior número de práticas percebidas pelas PMEs analisadas são os funcionários e que a dimensão de RSE com o maior número de práticas ético-jurídicas. Finalmente, constata-se que múltiplas práticas visam duas ou mais partes interessadas, o que permite uma otimização dos recursos e um melhor escopo por prática de RSE aplicada nas PMEs.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36231210


Human behavior during COVID-19 has led to the study of attitude and preferences among the population in different circumstances. In this sense, studying human behavior can contribute to creating policies for integral education, which should consider the convergence between social responsibility and spiritual intelligence. This can lead to the sensitization of practices and attitude modification within society. The purpose of our research was to explore the spiritual intelligence attitudes of university students from the perspective of social responsibility, considering the sociodemographic characteristics of the research subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research design is quantitative and sectional, due to the use of two quantitative scales. The participants were university students from a city located in south-central Chile. A total of 415 participations were collected, of which 362 applications were valid. Statistically significant differences were found according to gender and age. Women and the student cohort between 18 and 24 years of age placed more importance on spiritual necessities. We thus highlight the necessity to have adequate spaces for spiritual intelligence training given its links with socially responsible behavior and, finally, the development of explanatory studies to determine its causalities. In practice, these results contribute to designing an educational policy on the formation of integral spiritual intelligence for future professionals.

COVID-19 , Atitude , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Inteligência , Pandemias , Responsabilidade Social , Espiritualidade , Estudantes , Universidades
Front Psychol ; 13: 868057, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35967657


Organizations and their leaders are challenged to assume a responsible behavior given the increase of corporate scandals and the deterioration of employee commitment. However, relatively few studies have investigated the impact of responsible leadership (RL) on employee commitment and the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in this relationship. Using the social identity theory this article examined the mediating effect of CSR practices in the relationship between RL and affective organizational commitment (AOC). Data collection was done through a paper survey completed by 309 full-time Colombian employees. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results showed that CSR fully mediated the influence of RL on AOC. Thus, RL is an effective mechanism to develop CSR practices that in turn increase the levels of AOC of employees.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35564720


Social movements and the consequences of the current health crisis resulting from COVID-19 have deepened social injustices and inequities, which can be addressed through the benchmarks set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research is related to the perspective of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as social transformation agents. The purpose of this research is to create a scale to measure students' perception of the social responsibilities developed by HEIs from the SDGs' perspective. A matrix solution was found after Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) composed of four dimensions. The constructs that form the four dimensions can be used to design strategies which contribute to the SDGs' goals, for which it is necessary to have the opinions of the actors that are part of the educational community. Future research should consider carrying out comparative studies according to sociodemographic variables for a better understanding of the social phenomenon.

COVID-19 , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Objetivos , Humanos , Percepção , Responsabilidade Social , Estudantes
Multimed (Granma) ; 26(1)feb. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406078


RESUMEN El devenir de la ciencia contemporánea reclama de una conciencia moral y de una ética para la ciencia, la asunción de sentimientos, valores, normas, deberes y responsabilidades para el obrar y el quehacer científico en particular para los profesionales implicados en el uso de las radiaciones ionizantes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre las consideraciones bioéticas relacionados con el uso de las radiaciones ionizantes como expresión del desarrollo científico-tecnológico, para contribuir a elevar la responsabilidad social en su uso en el Servicio de Imagenología del Hospital Provincial General Docente "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila. Para la obtención de la información se efectuó una búsqueda en bases de datos bibliográficas de 2015-2019, en literatura científica de la BVS de Cuba como PubMed/Medline y Lilacs. Se consultaron fuentes de información disponibles a texto completo como SciELO Cuba y Ebsco. Se sistematizan los conocimientos relacionados con las insuficiencias detectadas en relación con la falta de percepción social sobre los riesgos que implica la radiación ionizante para la salud de los pacientes, familiares, trabajadores expuestos, así como para el medio ambiente por falta de una adecuada Cultura de Seguridad Radiológica.

ABSTRACT The future of contemporary science calls for a moral conscience and ethics for science, the assumption of feelings, values, norms, duties and responsibilities for the work and scientific work in particular for professionals involved in the use of radiation ionizing. The objective of this work is to carry out a bibliographic review on the bioethical considerations related to the use of ionizing radiation as an expression of scientific-technological development, to contribute to raising social responsibility in its use in the Imaging Service of the Provincial General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" of Ciego de Ávila. To obtain the information, a search was carried out in bibliographic databases from 2015-2019, in the scientific literature of the Cuban VHL such as PubMed/Medline and Lilacs. Information sources available in full text, such as SciELO Cuba and Ebsco, were consulted. The knowledge related to the insufficiencies detected in relation to the lack of social perception about the risks that ionizing radiation implies for the health of patients, relatives, exposed workers, as well as for the environment due to lack of an adequate Culture of Radiological safety.

RESUMO O futuro da ciência contemporânea exige uma consciência moral e ética para a ciência, a assunção de sentimentos, valores, normas, deveres e responsabilidades pelo trabalho e trabalho científico em particular para os profissionais envolvidos no uso das radiações. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as considerações bioéticas relacionadas ao uso de radiações ionizantes como expressão do desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico, para contribuir para aumentar a responsabilidade social em seu uso no Serviço de Imagiologia do Hospital Geral de Ensino Provincial "Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola" de Ciego de Ávila. Para obter as informações, foi realizada uma busca em bases de dados bibliográficas de 2015-2019, na literatura científica da BVS cubana como PubMed/Medline e Lilacs. Foram consultadas fontes de informação disponíveis em texto completo, como SciELO Cuba e Ebsco. O conhecimento relacionado às insuficiências detectadas em relação à falta de percepção social sobre os riscos que a radiação ionizante implica para a saúde de pacientes, familiares, trabalhadores expostos, bem como para o meio ambiente devido à falta de uma adequada Cultura de segurança radiológica.