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Appetite ; 142: 104346, 2019 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31278955


The successful promotion of vegetable consumption by children requires a deep understanding of children's vegetable preferences as well as the factors shaping them throughout childhood. This study analyzed children vegetable liking in four different age ranges (5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12 years old) in Chile, China and the United States. Three hundred and eighty-four children completed this study. All participants tasted and rated 14 different vegetables for liking and described the samples using Check-All-That-Apply (CATA). We found significant differences in degree of overall liking among children from the three countries (p < 0.001). Specifically, children in China gave higher overall liking scores than children in the US, and in the US higher than in Chile. Child age and gender did not influence children's vegetable overall liking across the three countries. Across all countries and age groups, liking of taste and texture were the best predictors of children overall liking. The penalty analysis of CATA selections by children showed that the mean impact of the attributes that children used to describe the samples on their liking varied among countries, with the descriptors having the least impact on liking for Chinese children.

Comparação Transcultural , Preferências Alimentares/etnologia , Verduras , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Chile , China , Escolaridade , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Sensação , Olfato , Paladar , Estados Unidos
Front Psychol ; 9: 989, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30038588


Even though innate behaviors are essential for assuring quick responses to expected stimuli, experience-dependent behavioral plasticity confers an advantage when unexpected conditions arise. As being rigidly responsive to too many stimuli can be biologically expensive, adapting preferences to time-dependent relevant environmental conditions provide a cheaper and wider behavioral reactivity. According to their specific life habits, animals prioritize different sensory modalities to maximize environment exploitation. Besides, when mediating learning processes, the salience of a stimulus usually plays a relevant role in determining the intensity of an association. Then, sensory prioritization might reflect an heterogeneity in the cognitive abilities of an individual. Here, we analyze in the kissing bug Rhodnius prolixus if stimuli from different sensory modalities generate different cognitive capacities under an operant aversive paradigm. In a 2-choice walking arena, by registering the spatial distribution of insects over an experimental arena, we evaluated firstly the innate responses of bugs confronted to mechanical (rough substrate), visual (green light), thermal (32°C heated plate), hygric (humidified substrate), gustatory (sodium chloride), and olfactory (isobutyric acid) stimuli. In further experimental series bugs were submitted to an aversive operant conditioning by pairing each stimulus with a negative reinforcement. Subsequent tests allowed us to analyze if the innate behaviors were modulated by such previous aversive experience. In our experimental setup mechanical and visual stimuli were neutral, the thermal cue was attractive, and the hygric, gustatory and olfactory ones were innately aversive. After the aversive conditioning, responses to the mechanical, the visual, the hygric and the gustatory stimuli were modulated while responses to the thermal and the olfactory stimuli remained rigid. We present evidences that the spatial learning capacities of R. prolixus are dependent on the sensory modality of the conditioned stimulus, regardless their innate valence (i.e., neutral, attractive, or aversive). These differences might be given by the biological relevance of the stimuli and/or by evolutionary aspects of the life traits of this hematophagous insect.

Fisioter. pesqui ; 22(4): 435-442, out.-dez. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-775754


RESUMO Grande parte dos sobreviventes de acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) apresenta, além de outras sequelas, algum déficit sensorial. Para avaliar o impacto desse déficit na atividade e o efeito de protocolos de reeducação sensorial é importante utilizar instrumentos objetivos. Os objetivos desta revisão sistemática foram analisar quais instrumentos de avaliação sensorial para pacientes pós-AVE estão disponíveis em português brasileiro e descrever suas características e/ou propriedades. Realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados eletrônicas SciELO, LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, MEDLINE via OVDI e Embase. Os estudos relevantes foram analisados quanto à acessibilidade, objetividade da pontuação e propriedades de medida, acrescentando-se artigos por meio de busca manual quando necessário. As buscas resultaram em 96 estudos, reduzidos a cinco estudos elegíveis. Um estudo foi adicionado por meio da lista de referências, e a busca manual foi utilizada para complementação. Entre os sete artigos analisados, há somente três instrumentos de avaliação sensorial disponíveis em português: Moving touch pressure (MTP), domínio sensibilidade da Escala de Fugl-Meyer (EFM) e Avaliação Sensorial de Nottingham (ASN). Além disso, embora a confiabilidade da EFM e da ASN possa ser considerada adequada, as demais propriedades de medida necessitam ser avaliadas em futuros estudos.

RESUMEN Gran parte de los supervivientes de accidente vascular encefálico (AVE) presentan, además de otras secuelas, alguno déficit sensorial. Para evaluar el impacto de ese déficit en la actividad y el efecto de protocolos de reeducación sensorial es importante utilizar instrumentos objetivos. Los objetivos de esta revisión sistemática son analizar cuales instrumentos de evaluación sensorial para pacientes pos-AVE están disponibles en portugués brasileño y describir sus características y/o propiedades. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos electrónicos SciELO, LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, MEDLINE vía OVDI y Embase. Los estudios relevantes fueron analizados en relación a la accesibilidad, objetividad de la puntuación y propiedades de medida, añadiéndose artículos mediante búsqueda manual cuando necesario. Las búsquedas resultaron en 96 estudios, reducidos a cinco estudios elegibles. Se agregó un estudio mediante la lista de referencias, y se utilizó la búsqueda manual para la complementación. Entre los siete artículos analizados, hay solamente tres instrumentos de evaluación sensorial disponibles en portugués: Moving touch pressure (MTP), dominio sensibilidad de la Escala de Fugl-Meyer (EFM) y Evaluación Sensorial de Nottingham (ESN). Además, aunque la confiabilidad de la EFM y de la ESN es considerada adecuada, las demás propiedades de medida necesitan ser evaluadas en estudios futuros.

ABSTRACT Most survivors of stroke present, among other consequences, a sensory deficit. To assess the impact of this deficit on the activity and the effect of sensory reeducation protocols, it is important to use objective instruments. The objective of this systematic review was to analyze which sensory evaluation tools for post-stroke patients are available in Brazilian Portuguese and describe its features and/or properties. A search was conducted in the electronic databases SCIELO, LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL, MEDLINE via OVDI, and EMBASE. The relevant studies were analyzed as to accessibility, objectivity of the score and measurement properties, adding articles through manual search when necessary. The search resulted in 96 studies, reduced to five eligible ones. A study was added through the list of references and the manual search was used for complementation. Among the seven reviewed articles, only three sensory evaluation tools are available in Portuguese: moving touch pressure (MTP), sensitivity domain of Fugl-Meyer Scale (FMS), and Nottingham Sensory Assessment (NSA). In addition, although the reliability of the FMS and of the NSA may be considered appropriate, the other properties of measurement need to be evaluated in future studies.

Arq. int. otorrinolaringol. (Impr.) ; 15(3): 350-358, jul.-set. 2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-606459


INTRODUÇÃO: Anormalidades do paladar e do olfato comprovaram ser um tema bem mais complexo do que se reconhecia anteriormente. Diversas entidades nosológicas cursam com alterações olfatórias e gustatórias, podendo ser congênitas ou adquiridas. OBJETIVO: Analisar os principais aspectos das disfunções olfatórias e gustatórias. MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados informatizados para a coleta de dados, tendo como palavras-chave "alteração", "olfato" e "paladar". Realizou-se também busca não-sistemática em publicações científicas e livros médicos. REVISÃO DA LITERATURA: Disfunções olfatórias e gustatórias possuem etiologia variada, destacando-se as doenças nasais e sinusais obstrutivas, infecções do trato respiratório superior, traumatismo cranioencefálico, envelhecimento, exposição a tóxicos e algumas medicações, neoplasias nasais ou intracranianas, patologias psiquiátricas e neurológicas, iatrogenia, causas idiopáticas e congênitas. Anamnese detalhada, exame físico atencioso e exames complementares adequados são importantes para o diagnóstico dessas alterações. CONCLUSÃO: Disfunções olfatórias e gustatórias frequentemente ocorrem juntas. A detecção precoce de tais disfunções pode levar a um tratamento mais efetivo, retardando a progressão das doenças que as ocasionam e atenuando a severidade dos sintomas. Em muitos casos o tratamento dessas alterações não é fácil e é necessária uma cooperação interdisciplinar entre o otorrinolaringologista, endocrinologista, neurologista, psiquiatra entre outros.

INTRODUCTION: Taste and smell abnormalities have proven to be an extremely more complex subject than previously regarded. Wide-ranging nosologic entities arise along with smell and taste alterations, and they can be congenital or acquired. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the main features of smell and taste dysfunctions. METHOD: Automated databases were used to collect data, by searching keywords like 'alteration', 'smell', and 'taste'. A non-systematic search was also made in scientific printings and medical books. LITERATURE REVIEW: Smell and taste dysfunctions have a vast etiology, the most significant of which are obstructive nasal and sinusal disease, infections of the upper respiratory tract, cranioencephalic trauma, aging, exposure to toxics and some drugs, nasal or intracranial neoplasias, psychiatric and neurological pathologies, iatrogenic disease, idiopathic and congenital causes. A detailed anamnesis, a careful physical examination and supplementary evaluations are important for the diagnosis of these alterations. CONCLUSION: As a rule, smell and taste dysfunctions occur in a combined way. The early discovery of such dysfunctions can lead to a more efficient treatment, making the progress of diseases causing them retard and the symptoms less severe. In many cases, treating these alterations is not easy and there needs to be a multidisciplinary cooperation among the otorhinolaryngologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, among others.

Modalidades Sensoriais , Distúrbios do Paladar , Transtornos do Olfato/patologia