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Res. Biomed. Eng. (Online) ; 33(3): 195-201, Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-896188


Abstract Introduction Early detection of epilepsy by the review of large electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings is very stressful, time-consuming, and subjective for neurologists. Several automatic seizure detection systems have been proposed in the literature to solve this problem. Methods This study proposes two complementary wavelet-based approaches for detecting epileptiform paroxysms in EEG signals. First methodology applied the wavelet multiresolution analysis (MRA) to filter non-epileptiform activity in long-term EEG. Second methodology used the wavelet dyadic scalogram to analyze which scales were related to the epileptiform paroxysms. For tests, 65 wavelet functions were selected between daubechies, biorthogonal, symlets, reverse biorthogonal and coiflet wavelet families in order to evaluate their performance. Results For MRA, it was noted a better performance by using the db4 function, by reaching 48.30% of energy with 8 wavelet coefficients, 0.717658 of correlation and 36.799 of root mean square error (RMSE). For wavelet dyadic scalograms, were chosen bior3.9 and rbio1.5 functions, by reaching 77.98% of sensitivity, 94.08% of specificity, 87.87% of efficiency and 0.9613 of area under the curve (AUC value) by using bior3.9. Conclusion The presented approaches are highly complementary for a whole automatic seizure detection system by using the MRA as pre-processing stage to filter non-epileptiform activity, and wavelet dyadic scalogram for extracting desired features from filtered EEG signals.

Rev. bras. eng. biomed ; 29(3): 242-253, set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-690212


INTRODUÇÃO: A Doença de Chagas é uma endemia rural, prevalente em grande parte da América Central e América do Sul e, aproximadamente, metade dos pacientes contaminados com o parasita Trypanosoma cruzi não apresentam sinais clínicos, eletrocardiográficos e radiológicos de envolvimento cardíaco. Este trabalho, entretanto, propõe uma técnica de auxílio ao diagnóstico da Doença de Chagas baseada em sinais de eletrocardiografia, que extrai informações relevantes desses sinais. MÉTODOS: Duas abordagens são estudadas e implementadas. Ambas utilizam sinais de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) e classificação por meio de rede neural, mais especificamente, o mapa auto-organizável de Kohonen. A VFC, que reflete a modulação neural autonômica simpática e parassimpática do coração, é avaliada com base em séries contínuas de intervalos RR do ECG convencional registradas durante 5 minutos. Na primeira abordagem, indicadores estatístico-temporais obtidos diretamente dos sinais de VFC são utilizados como entrada da rede neural para treinamento e teste do método de classificação. Na segunda proposta, são utilizados escalogramas wavelet com função de base DoG (derivative of Gaussian) para avaliação dos sinais de VFC. Indicadores obtidos dos escalogramas são utilizados como entrada da rede neural no treinamento e no teste do algoritmo. Os mapas topológicos de Kohonen são utilizados para comparar a capacidade dos indicadores calculados dos sinais de VFC em discriminar pacientes chagásicos cardiopatas, chagásicos indeterminados e indivíduos normais. Os indicadores temporais convencionais e os indicadores escalográficos são comparados. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostram que os indicadores escalográficos têm poder discriminatório estatisticamente superior aos indicadores temporais convencionais. Em particular, a potência média da densidade de potência do escalograma na banda de altas frequências mostrou ser estatisticamente o indicador de maior poder discriminatório (p < 0,05 para os 3 casos). CONCLUSÃO: A metodologia proposta mostrou-se capaz de distinguir entre indivíduos normais, chagásicos cardiopatas e chagásicos indeterminados. Os índices escalográficos propostos mostraram maior capacidade classificatória que os índices temporais tradicionais.

INTRODUCTION: Chagas' disease is an endemic rural disease prevalent in much of Central America and South America, and approximately half of the patients infected with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi show no clinical, electrocardiographic and radiological cardiac involvement. This paper, however, proposes a technique for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease based on ECG signals, which extracts relevant information from these signals. METHODS: Two approaches are studied and implemented. Both approaches use heart rate variability (HRV) signals, and classification by a neural network, more specifically, the Kohonen self-organizing map. The HRV, which reflects sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic neural modulation of the heart, is evaluated based on continuous series of RR intervals, calculated from 5-minute records of conventional ECG. In the first approach, statistical/temporal indexes obtained directly from the HRV signals are used as neural network inputs for training and testing of the classification method. In the second approach, derivative of Gaussian (DoG) wavelet scalograms are used to evaluate the HRV signals. Scalographic indexes are used as neural network inputs for training and testing of the algorithm. Kohonen topological maps are used to compare the ability of these HRV indicators of discriminating between patients with Chagas heart disease, Chagas indeterminate heart disease, and normal subjects. Conventional temporal indicators and indicators obtained from DoG scalograms are compared. RESULTS: Results of the application of the proposed methods to HRV signal databases, and performance comparisons, are presented. The results show that scalographic indicators have superior discriminatory power than conventional time-domain indicators. Based on an analysis of statistical significance, we show that the average power of the high-frequency band of the scalogram power spectral density is the indicator with greatest discriminatory power (p < 0,05 for all 3 cases). CONCLUSION: The proposed method has the ability to discriminate between normal subjects, subjects with Chagas cardiomyopathy, and subjects with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease. It was observed that scalographic neural networks present greater discrimination ability than temporal neural networks.