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Rev. cuba. farm ; 49(2)abr.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-776409


Introducción: el D-004 es un ingrediente farmacéutico activo obtenido de los frutos de la palma real cubana (Roystonea regia), compuesto fundamentalmente por una mezcla de ácidos grasos libres entre 8 y 18 átomos de carbono, con potencialidades en el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna. Objetivo: determinar la vida útil del D‒004 en frascos de polietileno de alta densidad en las zonas climáticas IV y II. Métodos: muestras de tres lotes pilotos de D-004, envasadas en frascos blancos de polietileno de alta densidad y protegidos por cajas de cartón, se colocaron en las condiciones de las zonas climáticas IV (30 ºC/70 % HR) y II (25 ºC/60 % HR). Se determinaron las características organolépticas y los contenidos de material insaponificable, ácidos grasos y microbiológicos desde el tiempo inicial hasta los 36 meses, y se determinaron gráficamente los tiempos de vida útil en ambas zonas. Resultados: en las dos zonas climáticas el D‒004 cumplió con los parámetros de estabilidad evaluados durante los primeros 33 meses, pero a los 36 meses el contenido de ácidos fue inferior al límite establecido en varias de las muestras. Los análisis de regresión permitieron determinar tiempos de vida útil del D‒004 en las zonas IV y II. Conclusiones: se demostró que el ingrediente activo D‒004 que se obtuvo a escala piloto, se envasa en frascos de polietileno de alta densidad y protegido por un envase secundario (caja de cartón), presenta una vida útil de 30 y 32 meses en las zonas climáticas IV y II, respectivamente(AU)

Introduction: D­004 is a pharmaceutical active ingredient obtained from the Cuban royal palm fruits (Roystonea regia), mainly composed by a mixture of free fatty acids between 8 and 18 carbon atoms, potentially useful to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Objective: to determine the shelf life of D­004 in high-density polyethylene flasks in climatic zones IV and II. Methods: samples of three pilot batches of D­004, packed in white high-density polyethylene flasks and protected by cardboard boxes, were placed under conditions of the climatic zones IV (30 ºC/70 % RH) and II (25 ºC / 60 % RH). Organoleptic characteristics and unsaponifiable matter, fatty acids and microbiological contents were determined from the initial time till 36 months, and shelf lives were graphically determined in both zones. Results: in the two climatic zones, the D­004 fulfilled the tested stability parameters during the first 33 months, but at the month 36th, the acid content in several samples was lower than the set limit. The regression analyses allowed determining the shelf lives of D­004 in climatic zones IV and II. Conclusions: it was demonstrated that the active ingredient D­004, obtained at pilot scale, packed in high density polyethylene flasks and protected by a secondary container (cardboard box), exhibits a shelf life of 30 and 32 months in the climatic zones IV and II, respectively(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Plantas Medicinais , Hiperplasia Prostática/terapia , Estabilidade Enzimática , Óleo de Palmeira/uso terapêutico , Embalagem de Medicamentos
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 33(3): 275-288, jul.-set. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-746953


INTRODUCCIÓN. el D-004, extracto lipídico del fruto de Roystonea regia (palma real), constituido por una mezcla reproducible de ácidos grasos -principalmente oleico, palmítico, láurico y mirístico- ha mostrado ser efectivo en modelos experimentales de hiperplasia prostática. OBJETIVO. resumir los resultados parciales (18 meses) del estudio de carcinogenicidad por exposición repetida y prolongada del D-004 en ratas Sprague Dawley, el cual culminará al concluir el tiempo establecido (24 meses). MÉTODOS. ratas Sprague Dawley de uno y otro sexo fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos (50 ratas/sexo/grupo): uno control de vehículo y tres tratados con D-004 (500, 1000 y 1500 mg/kg, respectivamente). Los tratamientos se administraron oralmente por intubación gástrica. Este reporte incluye los resultados de peso corporal, observaciones clínicas, mortalidad y frecuencia de aparición de tumores hasta ese momento (18 meses). RESULTADOS. la frecuencia de mortalidad es baja: en los grupos tratados fue de un 8,3 % por un 9 % en los controles. No se evidencia una disminución en el tiempo de supervivencia y las observaciones diarias no revelaron signos indicativos de toxicidad atribuibles al tratamiento. Además, el momento de aparición de tumores y la frecuencia de estos en los animales tratados y en los controles fueron estadísticamente similares en ambos sexos. CONCLUSIONES. en conclusión, la administración oral de D-004 (500-1500 mg/kg) a las ratas no mostró, durante los primeros 18 meses del estudio, evidencias de toxicidad o carcinogenicidad temprana relacionadas con el tratamiento

INTRODUCTION: D-004, a lipid extract from royal palm (Roystonea regia) fruit constituted by a reproducible mixture of fatty acids, mainly oleic, palmitic, lauric and myristic, has shown to be effective in experimental models of prostate hyperplasia. OBJECTIVE: summarize the partial results (18 months) of the study on carcinogenicity by repeated and long-term exposure of Sprague Dawley rats to D-004, to be completed in the planned period of 24 months. METHODS: sprague Dawley rats of both sexes were randomly distributed into four groups (50 rats / sex / group): one group was the vehicle control and three were treated with D-004 (500, 1000 and 1500 mg/kg, respectively). Treatments were administered orally by gastric intubation. This report includes the results obtained so far (18 months) concerning body weight, clinical observations, mortality and frequency of appearance of tumors. RESULTS: mortality is low: 8.3% in treatment groups and 9% in controls. A reduction in survival time was not observed, and daily observations did not reveal any signs of toxicity attributable to the treatment. The time of appearance and the frequency of tumors in treated animals and controls were statistically similar in both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: oral administration of D-004 (500­1500 mg/kg) to rats during the first 18 months of the study did not show any evidence of early carcinogenicity or toxicity associated with the treatment.

Ratos , Hiperplasia Prostática/terapia , Sabal serrulatum/uso terapêutico
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 32(3): 254-270, jul.-sep. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-705679


Introducción: el D-004, un extracto lipídico del fruto de la palma real, Roystonea regia, constituido por una mezcla reproducible de ácidos grasos, principalmente oleico, palmítico, láurico y mirístico, ha mostrado prevenir la hiperplasia prostática (HP) inducida con T en roedores y actúa mediante un mecanismo multifactorial que implica la inhibición de 5a-reductasa prostática, el antagonismo de las respuestas mediadas por los a1-ADR, efectos anti-inflamatorios y antioxidantes. Objetivo: el presente trabajo tiene como propósito resumir los resultados parciales (18 meses) del estudio de carcinogenicidad a largo plazo del D-004 en ratas, el cual culminará con el tiempo establecido de 24 meses. Métodos: se distribuyeron ratas Sprague Dawley (SD) de ambos sexos aleatoriamente, en cuatro grupos (50 ratas/sexo/grupo): un grupo como control de vehículo, y tres tratados con D-004 (500, 1 000 y 1 500 mg/kg, respectivamente). Los tratamientos se administraron por intubación gástrica. Este reporte incluye los resultados de peso corporal, observaciones clínicas, mortalidad y frecuencia de aparición de tumores hasta ese momento. Resultados: la frecuencia de mortalidad es baja, en los grupos tratados fue de un 8.3 por ciento por un 9 por ciento en los controles, no se evidencia disminución en el tiempo de supervivencia y las observaciones diarias no revelaron signos indicativos de toxicidad atribuibles al tratamiento. Además, el momento de aparición y la frecuencia de tumores en animales tratados y controles fueron estadísticamente similares en ambos sexos. Conclusiones: en conclusión, la administración de D-004 (5001500 mg/kg) a ratas durante los primeros 18 meses del estudio, no mostró evidencias de toxicidad o carcinogenicidad temprana relacionadas con el tratamiento

Introduction: D-004, a lipid extract from royal palm (Roystonea regia) fruit made up of a reproducible mixture of fatty acids, mainly oleic, palmitic, lauric and myristic, has shown to prevent prostate hyperplasia (PH) induced by T in rodents. It acts through a multifactorial mechanism involving prostatic 5a-reductase inhibition, antagonism of a1-ADR-mediated responses, and antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects. Objective: the paper is aimed at summarizing the partial results (18 months) of the long-term carcinogenicity study of D-004 in rats, which is set to conclude in the established 24-month period. Method: Sprague Dawley (SD) rats of both sexes were randomly distributed into four groups (50 rats/sex/group): one group as vehicle control and three treated with D-004 (500, 1 000 and 1 500 mg/kg, respectively). Treatments were administered by gastric intubation. This report presents the results obtained so far concerning body weight, clinical observations, mortality and frequency of appearance of tumors. Results: mortality rate is low: 8.3 percent in the treated groups and 9 percent among controls. No evidence was found of survival time reduction, and daily observations did not reveal any signs of toxicity attributable to the treatment. The time of appearance and the frequency of tumors in treated animals and controls were statistically similar in both sexes. Conclusions: administration of D-004 (5001 500 mg/kg) to rats during the first 18 months of the study did not show any evidence of early carcinogenicity or toxicity associated with the treatment

Ratos , Ácidos Graxos/análise , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Pesquisa , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Ratos Sprague-Dawley
Rev. cuba. farm ; 47(1): 110-116, ene.-mar. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-674116


Introducción: los esteroles han sido ampliamente estudiados por su importancia nutricional y farmacéutica. Sin embargo, para nuestro conocimiento, la composición de esteroles del aceite de los frutos de la palma real cubana (Roystonea regia) no ha sido determinada hasta el momento. Objetivos: determinar la composición de esteroles que pudieran estar presentes en la fracción insaponificable del aceite de R. regia mediante CG-EM. Métodos: muestras de dos lotes de aceite de R. regia fueron sometidas al procedimiento para la determinación de esteroles establecido por el del Instituto de Nutracéuticos de los EE.UU., el cual consiste, fundamentalmente, en una saponificación con disolución de KOH/EtOH y posterior extracción con n-hexano de las fracciones insaponificables. Las fracciones obtenidas fueron analizadas por CG-EM como derivados TMS e identificadas por comparación de sus espectros con los de patrones comerciales y los de la base de espectros Wiley. Para la cuantificación se utilizó el colestano como patrón interno. Resultados: en la fracción insaponificable del aceite de R. regia se encontró un contenido total de esteroles de 66,1por ciento; lo que representa un 0,14 por ciento del aceite. La fracción de esteroles, estuvo compuesta principalmente por â -sitosterol (51,2 por ciento), estigmasterol (9,6 porciento), campesterol (9,2 por ciento), 24-metilen-cicloartanol (9,2 porciento), Ã5-avenasterol (8,9 por ciento), cicloartanol (7,5 por ciento); además de otros componentes minoritarios como cicloartenol, ã-sitosterol y colesterol. Conclusiones: se identificaron y se cuantificaron mediante CG-EM los esteroles de la fracción insaponificable del aceite de R. regia, en la cual el â-sitosterol resultó el componente mayoritario. Estos resultados son una contribución al estudio de la composición química de dicho aceite y pudieran avalar su posible utilidad nutricional y seguridad

Introduction: sterols have been widely studied because of their pharmaceutical and nutritional importance. However, to our knowledge, the sterol composition of the oil from the Cuban Royal Palm fruits (Roystonea regia (Kunth) F. Cook), has not been yet identified Objectives: to determine by GC-MS the sterols that could be present in the unsaponifiable fraction of R. regia oil. Methods: samples of two batches of R. regia oil were subjected to the established procedure of the US Institute for Nutraceutical Advancement to determine sterols, which mainly consists of saponification with KOH/EtOH solution and a subsequent extraction of the unsaponifiable fractions by using n-hexane. These fractions were analyzed by GC-MS as TMS derivatives and they were identified by comparing their spectra with those of commercial available standards and with spectra of the Wiley mass spectrum library. Quantification was made by using cholestane as internal standard. Results: a total sterol content of 66.1percent was found in the unsaponifiable fraction of R. regia oil, which represents 0.14 percent from the oil. The sterol fraction was mainly composed of â-sitosterol (51.2 percent), stigmasterol (9.6 percent), campesterol (9.2 percent), 24-methylen-cycloartanol (9.2 percent), Ã5-avenasterol (8.9 percent) and cycloartanol (7.5 percent) in addition to other minor components such as cycloartenol, ?-sitosterol, and cholesterol. Conclusions: sterol compounds were identified and quantified by GC-MS in the unsaponifiable fraction of R. regia oil, in which the â-sitosterol was the predominant component. These results are a contribution to the chemical composition study of such oil and could support its possible nutritional usefulness and safety

Óleo de Palmeira/análise , Fitosteróis/análise
Rev. cuba. farm ; 46(3): 343-351, jul.-set. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-653834


Introducción: La finasterida, inhibidor de la 5 a-reductasa, se emplea en el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna, y ocasiona entre sus efectos adversos un aumento de cuadros de depresión. El D-004 es un extracto lipídico extraído a partir del fruto de la palma real (Roystonea regia), inhibe la 5 a-reductasa y previene la hiperplasia prostática benigna, y muestra un efecto antidepresivo moderado en el ensayo de nado forzado y suspensión por la cola. Objetivo: comparar el efecto del D-004 con la imipramina y la sertralina sobre la duración de las conductas de inmovilidad, nado y escalado en el ensayo de nado forzado. Métodos: se distribuyeron los ratones en ocho grupos: control (vehículo), tres tratados con D-004 (100, 250 y 500 mg/kg), dos con sertralina y dos con imipramina (30 y 50 mg/kg) respectivamente. Estos se colocaron en un cilindro de cristal que contenía agua a una altura de 6 cm y se cuantificaron las conductas. Resultados: la administración oral de D-004 (100, 250 y 500 mg/kg) durante 14 días redujo significativamente el tiempo de inmovilidad con respecto al grupo control (17, 22 y 25 porciento) y aumentó significativamente la conducta de nado en 1,58, 1,68 y 1,74 veces. Este efecto resulta moderado (25 porciento) comparado con las reducciones alcanzadas por la sertralina y la imipramina (³ 60 porciento). Las dosis mayores (250 y 500 mg/kg) ocasionaron incrementos de la conducta de escalado, 2,79 y 3,55 veces superiores a la del grupo control, lo que mostró semejanza con la imipramina, aunque con una menor eficacia. Conclusiones: el D-004 ejerce un moderado efecto antidepresivo, lo que pudiera contribuir al manejo de los pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna en los cuales se informa coincidencia de cuadros depresivos

Introduction: Finasteride is a 5 a-reductase inhibitor to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and one of the adverse effects is the increase of depressive symptoms. D-004 is a lipid extract from the real palm fruit (Roystonea regia) that is effective to prevent prostatic hyperplasia by inhibiting 5 a-reductase and shows moderate antidepressant effects in the forced swimming test (FST) and tail suspension test. Objective: to compare the effects of D-004, Imipramine and Sertraline on the duration of behaviours under conditions of immobility, swimming and climbing in the forced swimming test. Methods: mice were randomly distributed in 8 groups: control (vehicle), 3 treated with D-004 (100, 250 and 500 mg/kg), 2 with Sertraline and 2 with Imipramine (30 and 50 mg/kg) respectively. Mice were placed in a glass cylinder containing 6 cm high column of water and their behaviours were quantified. Results: oral administration of D-004 (100, 250 and 500 mg/kg) during 14 days reduced the length of time of immobility with respect to the control group (17, 22 and 25 percent), and significantly increased the behaviours at swimming by 1.58, 1.68 and 1.74 times. This is a moderate effect (25 percento) if compared with Sertraline and Imipramine (³ 60 percent) The doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg showed that climbing behaviours were 2.79 and 3.55 times higher than the control group. The results were similar to those of Imipramine but less effective. Conclusions: D-004 showed moderate antidepressant effect. This fact could help in the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, who reported similar depressive status

Animais , Camundongos , Óleo de Palmeira/análise , Depressão , Imipramina/análise , Sertralina/análise
Rev. cuba. farm ; 44(3): 360-366, jul.-sep. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-584536


El D004 es un nuevo ingrediente activo extraído de los frutos de la palma real cubana (Roystonea regia), promisorio en el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna. Para determinar su estabilidad en frascos de vidrio ámbar, se realizaron estudios donde las muestras se sometieron a diferentes condiciones. En condiciones de estrés se observó que el D004 es susceptible a la degradación térmica y oxidativa. En condiciones aceleradas (40 ± 2 ºC y 75 ± 5 por ciento humedad relativa) no se observaron cambios significativos en ninguno de los parámetros evaluados durante 12 meses, lo que permitió predecir un tiempo de vida útil de al menos 2 años en condiciones menos drásticas. Esto fue corroborado en las condiciones de las zonas climáticas II (25 ± 2 ºC y 60 ± 5 por ciento humedad relativa) y IV (30 ± 2 ºC y 70 ± 5 por ciento humedad relativa)

The D004 is a new active ingredient extracted from the Cuban real palm (Roystonea regia), promising in the treatment of the benign prostatic hyperplasia. To determine its stability in amber glass flasks studies were conducted where samples underwent different conditions. In stress situations D004 is sensitive to the thermal and oxidative degradation. Under accelerated conditions (40 ± 2 ºC ad 75 ± 5 percent of relative humidity) there weren't significant changes in any assessed parameters during 12 months allowing predicting a useful life time of at least 2 years under less drastic conditions. It was corroborated under climatic conditions II (25 ± 2ºC and 60± 5 percent of relative humidity and IV (30 ± 2 ºC and 70 ± 5 percent of relative humidity)

Embalagem de Medicamentos , Estabilidade de Medicamentos , Vidro , Óleo de Palmeira , Extratos Vegetais
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 15(2): 42-50, abr.-jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-585079


INTRODUCCIÓN: el D004, un ingrediente activo promisorio en el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna, se obtiene a partir del aceite del fruto de Roystonea regia (Kunth) OF Cook. Está compuesto por una mezcla de ácidos grasos libres que incluye los ácidos láurico y mirístico, ambos de gran interés por sus efectos farmacológicos. OBJETIVO: determinar la posible influencia de la época de colecta sobre el contenido de aceite y la concentración de los ácidos láurico y mirístico de los frutos de R regia. MÉTODOS: se colectaron cada mes, durante 2 años, frutos maduros de R regia en una población seleccionada. En las muestras secas y molidas se determinó el contenido de aceite gravimétricamente y el de ácidos grasos por cromatografía de gases. RESULTADOS: se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas en los contenidos de aceite y de los ácidos láurico y mirístico; no obstante, los contenidos determinados en todos los casos se mantuvieron dentro de las especificaciones calidad establecidas para el material vegetal. CONCLUSIONES: el material vegetal colectado durante todo el año puede ser empleado en la obtención del aceite de R. regia, materia prima empleada en la producción de D004

INTRODUCTION: D004, an promissory active ingredient in treatment and prevention of begnin prostatic hyperplasia, is obtained from the fruit oil of Roystonea regia (Kunth) OF Cook. It is composed by a mixture of free fatty acids including lauric and myristic acids, both very important by their pharmacological effects. OBJECTIVE: to determine the potential influence of harvest season on the oily content and the concentration of lauric and myristic acids from R regia fruits. METHODS: each month for two years, it was possible to collect mature fruits from R regia in a selected group. In dry and milled samples it was determined the oily content in a gravimetric way and that of fatty acids by gas chromatography. RESULTS: there were differences statistically significant in oily contents and of lauric and myristic acids; however, the contents determined in all the cases remained within the quality specifications established for the plant material. CONCLUSIONS: the plant material collected for all the year may be used in obtaining of R. regia oil, raw material used in the production of D004

Frutas , Hiperplasia Prostática/tratamento farmacológico , Ácidos Láuricos , Ácido Mirístico , Óleos de Plantas , Plantas Medicinais
Rev. cuba. farm ; 44(1)ene.-mar. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-576744


La depresión se encuentra entre las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad de la población adulta y su manejo farmacológico incluye, entre otras opciones alternativas, el uso de la medicina complementaria, como es el caso del aceite de pescado rico en ácidos grasos omega-3 (AGw3). El D-004, extracto lipídico de los frutos de la palma real (Roystonea regia) que consiste en una mezcla de ácidos grasos, ha mostrado poseer una moderada acción antidepresiva. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en comparar los efectos del tratamiento oral con D-004, con los AGw3 y con su terapia combinada en el modelo del nado forzado en ratones. Para ello, ratones machos se distribuyeron en 8 grupos: uno control tratado con el vehículo, dos con D-004 (250 y 500 mg/kg ), dos con AGw3 (250 y 500 mg/kg), dos con la combinación y uno con imipramina (10 mg/kg i.p.). Todos los tratamientos disminuyeron significativamente el tiempo de inmovilidad con respecto al control, sin diferencias entre dosis similares de los respectivos tratamientos. En conclusión, el D-004, los AGw3 y su terapia combinada resultaron igualmente efectivos en reducir el tiempo de inmovilidad de los ratones, sin manifestarse efectos aditivos o sinérgicos con la administración conjunta de ambas sustancias.

Depression is among the major causes of morbidity and mortality of adult population and its pharmacologic management includes among other alternative options, the use of the complementary medicine, e.g. the fish oil rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (AGw3). The D-004, a lipid extract of Real Palm fruits (Roystonea regia) consisting of a fatty acid mixture, has a moderate antidepressant action. The aim of present paper was to compare the effects of oral treatment using D-004 with the AGw3 and with its combined therapy in forces swimming in mice. Thus, the male mice were distributed into 8 groups: one as control treated with vehicle, two with D-004 (250 and 500, two with AGw3 (250 and 500 mg/kg), two with the combination, and another with imipramine (10 mg/kg i.p.). All treatments decreased significantly the immobility time regarding the control, without differences among similar dose of respective treatments. We conclude that D-004, the AGw3 and its combined therapy were similary effective to reduce the immobility time in mices without additive or synergic effects with the combined administration of both substances.

Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , /uso terapêutico , Depressão/tratamento farmacológico , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico
Rev. cuba. farm ; 43(3)sept.-dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-531371


D-004, a lipid extract of Roystonea regia fruits, inhibits norepinephrine-elicited contraction in rat vas deferens. Nevertheless, the effect of D-004 on a1-adrenergic contractile responses in isolated prostate preparations had not been studied. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of D-004 on phenylephrine-induced contractions in isolated rat prostate strips. D-004 (125-500 mg/mL) was added to prostate preparations in which contractions were induced with phenylephrine (10-6-10-4 M) or with ClK (50 mM). D-004 (250-500 mg/mL) significantly (p < 0,01).and dose-dependently inhibited the phenylephrine-induced contractions through a non-competitive mechanism, since it reduced (12-60 percent) the maximal contraction to phenyle phrine with respect to control preparations. D-004 at 500 mg/mL inhibited similarly both ClK and phenylephrine-contractile responses. Tamsulosin (0.01 mg/mL) abolished (100 percent inhibition) the phenylephrine, but unaffected the ClK-induced contractions.

D-004, un extracto lipídico de las frutas de Roystonea regia, inhibe la contracción provocada por la norepinefrina en el vas deferens de las ratas. No obstante, el efecto de D-004 sobre las respuestas contráctiles adrenérgicas a1 en las preparaciones aisladas de la próstata no ha sido estudiado. Por lo tanto, este estudio investigó los efectos de D-004 sobre las contracciones provocadas por la fenilefrina en las extracciones aisladas de la próstata de la rata. D-004 (125-500 mg/mL) fue adicionado a las preparaciones a partir de la próstata en la que las contracciones fueron provocadas por la fenilefrina (10-6-10-4 M) o por CIK (50 mM). D-004 (250-500 mg/mL) en forma significativa y la dosis en forma dependiente inhibieron las contracciones provocadas por la fenilefrina mediante un mecanismo no competetitivo, reduciendo así (12-60 por ciento) la contracción máxima por la fenilefrina con respecto a las preparaciones controles. D-004 a 500 µg/mL inhibieron de la misma forma tanto CIK como las respuestas contráctiles-fenilefrina. Tamsulosin (0,01 mg/mL) eliminó la acción de la fenilefrina (100 por ciento de inhibición), pero no afectó las contracciones provocadas por CIK.

Ratos , Produtos Biológicos , Estruturas Vegetais , Cycas , Fenilefrina/uso terapêutico , Fitoterapia , Próstata
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 14(3)jul.-sept. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-575607


INTRODUCCIÓN: D-004 es un nuevo ingrediente activo en fase de investigación y desarrollo, obtenido de los frutos de Roystonea regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook. OBJETIVO: precisar la estabilidad de D-004 en condiciones aceleradas en frascos de vidrio ámbar, de tereftalato de polietileno y de polietileno de alta densidad. MÉTODOS: muestras de 3 lotes se almacenaron a (40 ± 2) ºC y (75 ± 5) porciento de humedad relativa durante 12 meses. Se determinaron las características organolépticas, la densidad relativa, el índice de refracción (USP 27) y el contenido de ácidos grasos mediante cromatografía de gases. RESULTADOS: los parámetros medidos se mantuvieron dentro de las especificaciones de calidad establecidas, con excepción del contenido de ácidos grasos, que en los frascos de tereftalato y polietileno disminuyó significativamente a los 3, 6 y 4,5 meses, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: el vidrio ámbar protege al D-004 de la degradación más que los envases plásticos estudiados.

INTRODUCTION: D-004 is a new active ingredient under research and development stage, which is obtained from Roystonea regia (Kunth) O. F. Cook fruits. OBJECTIVE: to precise over the D-004 stability under accelerated conditions in amber glass, polyethylene terephtalate and high density polyethylene containers. METHODS: samples from three batches were stored at (40 ± 2) ºC and (75 ± 5) percent relative humidity for 12 months. Organoleptic characteristics, relative density, refractive index (USP 27) and fatty acids content by gas chromatography, were determined. RESULTS: measured parameters were within the set quality specifications , except for fatty acids content that significantly decreased in polyethylene terephtalate and high density polyethylene containers after 3, 4 and a half and 6 months, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: the amber glass protects more D-004 from degradation than the analyzed plastic containers.

Ácidos Graxos/análise , Cromatografia Gasosa/métodos , Embalagem de Medicamentos , Estabilidade de Medicamentos , Gorduras Vegetais
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 13(4)sept.-dic. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-515539


Introducción: el aceite de la palma real cubana, Roystonea regia (Kunth) O F Cook, tiene perspectivas de aplicación como materia prima, en la industria farmacéutica cubana. Objetivos: caracterizar el aceite de palma real cubana y estudiar su composición de ácidos grasos. Métodos: se emplearon métodos oficiales descritos en la USP 27. La composición de ácidos grasos se determinó mediante cromatografía de gases. Resultados: la densidad relativa estuvo entre 0,874 y 0,970 g/mL; el índice de refracción entre 1,454 y 1,463; el índice de saponificación entre 190,0 y 221,8; el índice de acidez entre 5,2 y 26,4; el índice de yodo entre 49,2 y 55,8; y el contenido de material no saponificable entre 2,0 y 13,4 por ciento. El total de ácidos grasos en los aceites analizados varió entre 74,4 y 89,4 por ciento. La composición de ácidos grasos, normalizada 100 por ciento, estuvo dada por las concentraciones siguientes: C8:0 y C10:0 (0,1-0,9 por ciento); C12:0 (17,9-27,8 por ciento); C14:0 (9,3-12,7 por ciento); C16:0 (9,3-15,0 por ciento); C16:1 (0,1-0,6 por ciento); C18:0 (2,5-3,7 por ciento); C18:1 (27,3-37,3 por ciento); C18:2 (12,8-17,4 por ciento); y C18:3 (0,1-0,5`por ciento). CONCLUSIONES: se estudiaron algunas de las características físicas y químicas del aceite obtenido de los frutos enteros de R regia.

Introduction: the Cuban royal palm tree oil, Roystonea regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook, has possibilities to be used as raw material in the Cuban pharmaceutical industry. Objectives: to characterize the Cuban royal palm tree oil and to study its fatty acid composition. Methods: the official methods described in USP 27 were used and the composition of fatty acids was estimated by gas chromatography. Results: relative density was 0.874 - 0.970 g/mL; refraction index 1.454 - 1.463; the saponification index ranged 190.0 to 221.8; the acidity index ranged 5.2 to 26.4; iodine index was 49.2 to 55.8; and the contents of non-saponificable material ranged 2.0 to 13.4 percent. The total of fatty acids in the analyzed oils varied from 74.4 to 89.4 percent. The composition of fatty acids standardized at 100 percent was given by the following concentrations: C8:0 y C10:0 (0.1-0.9 percent); C12:0 (17.9-27.8 percent); C14:0 (9.3-12.7 percent); C16:0 (9.3-15.0 percent); C16:1 (0.1-0.6 percent); C18:0 (2.5-3.7 percent); C18:1 (27.3-37.3 percent); C18:2 (12.8-17.4 percent); y C18:3 (0.1-0.5 percent). CONCLUSIONS: some of the physical and chemical characteristics of R. regia fruit oil were studied in this paper.

Óleo de Palmeira/análise , Cromatografia Gasosa/métodos
Curr Ther Res Clin Exp ; 69(1): 65-74, 2008 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24692784


BACKGROUND: The etiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is not completely understood, but hormonal changes in aging men seem to be pivotal. Dihydrotestosterone, a potent, active metabolite of testosterone, is formed by the enzymatic action of prostate 5α-reductase and causes cell growth and hyperplasia. Consistent with this action, male sexual dysfunction has been clinically documented to be among the drug-related adverse events associated with 5α-reductase inhibitors. The lipidosterolic extract of saw palmetto (LESP) fruit (Serenoa repens) has been used to treat BPH. D-004, a lipid extract of Roystonea regia Royal palm fruit, has been found to prevent prostatic hyperplasia induced by testoste-rone in rodents and to competitively inhibit prostate 5α-reductase activity in vitro. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of D-004 and LESP, administered as single or repeated doses, on the sexual activity in male rats. METHODS: This controlled, experimental study was conducted at the Pharmacology Department, Centre of Natural Products, National Centre for Scientific Research, Havana City, Cuba. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 250 to 300 g were randomized into 5 groups: 2 groups treated orally with D-004 (400 and 800 mg/kg); 2 groups treated orally with LESP (400 and 800 mg/kg); and 1 control group orally administered a water vehicle. Sexual activity behavior (the number of mounts and intromissions, mount latency, and intromission latency) was assessed during 2 observation periods: 90 minutes after the initial dose and at the end of the 30-day treatment. Latency was defined as time elapsed between the first mount and intromission. RESULTS: A total of 50 rats (mean [SD] age, 10 [3] weeks; mean [SD] weight, 295 [10] g) were included in the experiment. There were no significant difterences in the mean number of mounts, intromissions, mount latency, or intromission latency in the groups treated with single or repeated doses of D-004 or LESP (400 and 800 mg/kg) compared with the controls. There was also no between-group difterence in mating behavior among the active treatment groups. All rats survived up to study completion, with normal behavior (weight gain, food intake, daily observations, without any sign of toxicity). There were no observable adverse events during the study. CONCLUSIONS: D-004 and LESP administered as a single dose or repeated doses for 30 days did not significantly affect male rat sexual activity behavior compared with a vehicle control group.

Curr Ther Res Clin Exp ; 67(6): 406-19, 2006 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24678113


BACKGROUND: D-004, a lipid extract of the fruit of Roystonea regia, contains a mixture of fatty acids-mainly oleic, lauric, palmitic, and myristic acids, with oleic acid being among the most abundant-that has been found to reduce the risk for prostatic hyperplasia (PH) induced with testosterone (T) in rats. The pharmacokinetic profile of D-004 has not been reported. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study in rats was to assess plasma levels, tissue distribution, and excretion of total radioactivity (TR) after single-dose administration of oral D-004 radiolabeled with ((3)H)-oleic acid, as a surrogate for the pharmacokinetics of D-004. METHODS: This experimental study was conducted at the Pharmacology Department, Center of Natural Products, National Center for Scientific Research, Havana, Cuba. Single doses of suspensions of ((3)H)-oleic acid 0.16 µCi/mg mixed with D-004 400 mg/kg (radioactive dose/animal 7.2 µCi) were given orally to male Wistar rats weighing 150 to 200 g assigned to the treated or control group. Three rats were euthanized at each of the following times: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 144 hours after study drug administration. After administration, the rats euthanized at the last experimental time point were housed individually in metabolism cages. Urine and feces samples were collected daily. At each time point, blood samples were drawn and plasma samples were obtained using centrifugation. After euthanization, tissue samples (liver, lungs, spleen, brain, kidneys, adipose tissue, muscle, stomach, small and large intestines, adrenal glands, heart, testes, prostate, and seminal vesicles) were quickly removed, washed, blotted, and homogenized. Plasma (100 µL), tissue aliquots (100 mg), feces (10 mg), and urine (100µL) were dissolved and TR was measured. Samples were assayed in duplicate. Results were expressed in µgEq of radio-labeled oleic acid per milliliter of plasma or urine or gram of tissue or feces. Plasma, tissue, feces, and urine samples of rats that did not receive ((3)H)-oleic acid were used as controls. Excretion was expressed as the percentage of the radioactivity excreted via each route with respect to the total radioactive dose administered to each rat. RESULTS: A total of 50 rats were included in the experiment (mean age, 4 weeks; mean weight, 310 g). Absorption was rapid; mean Cmax was 195.56 (31.12) µgEq/mL, and mean Tmax was 2 hours. Thereafter, a biphasic decay of TR was found: a rapid first phase (t1/2α, 1.33 hours), followed by a slower second elimination phase (t1/2ß, 36.07 hours). Radioactivity was rapidly and broadly distributed throughout the tissues, with more accumulating in the prostate than elsewhere. In the first 8 hours, accumulation of TR was greatest in the prostate, followed by the liver, small intestine, and plasma. Subsequently, TR increased in the small intestine, while it decreased in the liver and plasma. In contrast, over the periods of 24 and 144 hours after administration, TR increased in the adipose tissue, while it decreased in the other tissues and plasma. During those intervals, TR was greatest in the prostate, followed by adipose tissue. Mean peak radioactivity in the prostate (562.41 µgEq/g) was reached at 4 hours and decreased slowly thereafter. The prostate had the highest values of t1/2ß and cumulative AUC compared with the other tissues and plasma. Mean (SD) TR was similar in feces (33.48% [4.90%]) and urine (28.96% [5.32%]), with total excretion being 62.40% (5.90%) of the administered dose. CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental study, after single-dose administration of oral D-004 radiolabeled with ((3)H)-oleic acid in rats, TR was rapidly and widely distributed across the tissues, with the prostate having the highest accumulation of radioactivity. Excretion of TR was limited, with similar amounts being excreted in feces and urine. The broad distribution of radiolabeled oleic acid and/or its metabolites suggests (SD) pharmacokinetic rationale for the effectiveness of D-004 in reducing the risk for PH induced with T in rats.