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CienciaUAT ; 14(2): 6-20, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124380


Resumen La vegetación ribereña constituye un elemento clave para el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas fluviales, en especial, en aquellos que se encuentran circundados por zonas urbanas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la variación espacial de la riqueza, la composición y la estructura de la vegetación ribereña en un tramo del río Santa Catarina sobre dos municipios de la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey. Para el análisis de la vegetación, se establecieron transectos de muestreo, en un tramo de 15.65 km. El estrato alto (plantas arbustivas y arbóreas), se analizó mediante un modelo de ordenación Bray-Curtis y una gráfica de dominancia-diversidad. Para el estrato bajo (plantas herbáceas), se utilizó el coeficiente de similitud de Jaccard. En el estrato alto, se registraron 16 familias pertenecientes a 25 géneros y 28 especies. Las especies con mayor número de individuos fueron Salix nigra, Leucaena leucocephala, Ricinus communis y Parkinsonia aculeata. La composición de la vegetación tiene una similitud de intermedia a alta, ya que los grupos variaron con valores de 60 % a 71.53 %. En el estrato bajo, se registraron 25 familias, 53 géneros y 60 especies, con una similitud de baja a intermedia, debido a que los primeros tres grupos variaron entre 23 % a 47 %. Las especies que se reportaron con mayor distribución en el estrato bajo, fueron Cyperus involucratus y Phragmites australis en 7 sitios cada una, Eragrostis mexicana, Heliantus annuus, Melinis repens, Polygonum pensylvanicum y Typha domingensis, en 6 sitios cada una. La composición de la vegetación se encuentra en un estado sucesional secundario, debido a que las especies con mayor presencia son introducidas, como Leucaena leucocephala y Ricinus communis para el estrato alto, y Cypereus involucratus y Melinis repens, para el estrato bajo.

Abstract Riparian vegetation constitutes a key element for the maintenance of fluvial ecosystems, especially for those that are surrounded by urban zones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the composition and variation of riparian vegetation in a stretch of the Santa Catarina river, over two cities of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area. For the analysis of the vegetation, sampling transects were established in a section of 15.65 km. The high stratum (shrub and tree plants) was analyzed using a Bray-Curtis ordering model and a dominance-diversity plot. The Jaccard similarity coefficient was used for the low stratum (herbaceous plants). In the high stratum, 16 families belonging to 25 genera and 28 species were recorded. The species with the highest number of individuals were Salix nigra, Leucaena leucocephala , Ricinus communis and Parkinsonia aculeata. The composition of the vegetation has a similarity level of intermediate to high, because the groups vary between 60 % to 71.53 %. In thelow stratum, 25 families, 53 genera and 60 species were recorded with a similarity level of low to intermediate, because the groups vary between 23 to 47 %. The species that were mostly registered in the low stratum were Cyperus involucratus in 7 sites, and Eragrostis mexicana , Heliantus annuus, Melinis repens, Polygonum pensylvanicum and Typha domingensis in six sites each one. The composition of the vegetation is in a secondary successional state, because the species with greater presence are exotic or invasive, such as Leucaena leucocephala and Ricinus communis for the high stratum and Cyperus involucratus, Typha domingensis and Melinis repens for the low stratum.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504020


The objective of this study was to develop a rapid multimetric index using benthic macrofauna as bioindicators of ecological conditions for the upper reaches of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Basin located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 33698 macroinvertebrates were collected in 27 sites. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled using the multi-habitat method that consists in sampling 20 m² of substrate collected in approximate proportion to the representation of all major habitat types in the reach. A subsampling procedure was used. The main steps followed to develop and test the index were: exclusion of unsuitable metrics using box-whisker plots, considering the degree of overlapping among interquartile limits (1º-3º) and confirmed by Mann-Whitney U test (p 0.05) using six reference rivers and six impaired rivers. From all the candidate potential metrics, 36 were considered suitable. After identifying redundant metrics, through Spearman correlation analysis, and considering practical application criteria, six core metrics were selected to compose the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Multimetric Index (PPPMI) using the continuous method: Family richness, Shannon-Wiener family diversity, EPT family richness, %Diptera, %MOLD (Mollusca + Diptera) and %Collectors. The sensitivity of the index was tested in 15 rivers using a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the six environmental variables. The first axis of the PCA was highly correlated to the PPPMI scores (r = 0.703, p 0.001). The PPPMI responded to a set of environmental variables associated to a gradient of human disturbance affecting the ecological condition of the waterbodies. This indicates that the PPPMI is an effective tool for biological monitoring and decision making in the hydrographic region of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto rivers.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441306


The objective of this study was to develop a rapid multimetric index using benthic macrofauna as bioindicators of ecological conditions for the upper reaches of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Basin located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 33698 macroinvertebrates were collected in 27 sites. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled using the multi-habitat method that consists in sampling 20 m² of substrate collected in approximate proportion to the representation of all major habitat types in the reach. A subsampling procedure was used. The main steps followed to develop and test the index were: exclusion of unsuitable metrics using box-whisker plots, considering the degree of overlapping among interquartile limits (1º-3º) and confirmed by Mann-Whitney U test (p 0.05) using six reference rivers and six impaired rivers. From all the candidate potential metrics, 36 were considered suitable. After identifying redundant metrics, through Spearman correlation analysis, and considering practical application criteria, six core metrics were selected to compose the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Multimetric Index (PPPMI) using the continuous method: Family richness, Shannon-Wiener family diversity, EPT family richness, %Diptera, %MOLD (Mollusca + Diptera) and %Collectors. The sensitivity of the index was tested in 15 rivers using a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the six environmental variables. The first axis of the PCA was highly correlated to the PPPMI scores (r = 0.703, p 0.001). The PPPMI responded to a set of environmental variables associated to a gradient of human disturbance affecting the ecological condition of the waterbodies. This indicates that the PPPMI is an effective tool for biological monitoring and decision making in the hydrographic region of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto rivers.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690314


The objective of this study was to develop a rapid multimetric index using benthic macrofauna as bioindicators of ecological conditions for the upper reaches of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Basin located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 33698 macroinvertebrates were collected in 27 sites. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled using the multi-habitat method that consists in sampling 20 m² of substrate collected in approximate proportion to the representation of all major habitat types in the reach. A subsampling procedure was used. The main steps followed to develop and test the index were: exclusion of unsuitable metrics using box-whisker plots, considering the degree of overlapping among interquartile limits (1º-3º) and confirmed by Mann-Whitney U test (p 0.05) using six reference rivers and six impaired rivers. From all the candidate potential metrics, 36 were considered suitable. After identifying redundant metrics, through Spearman correlation analysis, and considering practical application criteria, six core metrics were selected to compose the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto Multimetric Index (PPPMI) using the continuous method: Family richness, Shannon-Wiener family diversity, EPT family richness, %Diptera, %MOLD (Mollusca + Diptera) and %Collectors. The sensitivity of the index was tested in 15 rivers using a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the six environmental variables. The first axis of the PCA was highly correlated to the PPPMI scores (r = 0.703, p 0.001). The PPPMI responded to a set of environmental variables associated to a gradient of human disturbance affecting the ecological condition of the waterbodies. This indicates that the PPPMI is an effective tool for biological monitoring and decision making in the hydrographic region of the Piabanha-Paquequer-Preto rivers.