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Neotrop Entomol ; 51(5): 649-659, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35945399


Native bees are important pollinators in neotropical forests. Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille) (Apidae: Meliponini) is a stingless bee widely distributed from the south of Mexico to Argentina. We characterized the patterns of preference of T. angustula for pollen in relation to the richness and abundance of plant species in the Tucumano-Boliviano Forest. During two field campaigns in different seasons (winter and spring), six colonies of T. angustula were studied. Pollen from flowers of plant species in the study area (pollen offer) and pot-pollen in each hive (pollen demand) were collected and their plant family of origin identified. Pollen from Asteraceae was more abundant in the winter than in the spring. Pollen of Solanaceae in the winter and Bignoniaceae in the spring were the most selected by the worker bees. Pollen from plants outside the sampling area was also found in the pots; it was mainly from Asteraceae. Tetragonisca angustula workers showed a polylectic foraging behavior, being able to use in a dynamic way the resources that are present in their environment at different times of the year; occasionally, it selected less abundant specific resources likely based on their nutritional value. More studies are needed to evaluate aspects of pollen quality consumed by this bee.

Florestas , Pólen , Animais , Argentina , Abelhas , Flores , Polinização , Estações do Ano
Aval. psicol ; 16(1): 116-118, 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-878129


Desde a Primeira Guerra Mundial, há um grande investimento na seleção de pilotos militares por parte das Forças Aéreas com o intuito de diminuir os altos custos envolvidos na formação do piloto militar por meio da diminuição do atrito (fracasso) na instrução aérea. Porém, foi na Segunda Guerra Mundial que os testes psicológicos, que mensuravam aptidões psicomotoras e cognitivas, passaram a ser mais efetivos em predizer a aptidão para a pilotagem, contribuindo para a diminuição do atrito encontrado nas instruções aéreas. Um dos poucos testes psicológicos construídos especialmente para a seleção de pilotos é o The Pilot Aptitude Tester (PILAPT), uma bateria de seis testes que avaliam aptidões psicomotoras e cognitivas voltadas para a atividade aérea, adquirido pela Força Aérea Brasileira para ser inserido em sua seleção de pilotos militares.(AU)

Since World War I, the Air Forces has made a major investment in the selection of military pilots with the purpose of reducing the high costs involved in military pilot training by reducing attrition (failure) in flight instruction. But it was in World War II that psychological tests that assess psychomotor and cognitive abilities became more effective in predicting aptitude for piloting, contributing to the reduction of attrition found in flight instructions. One of the few psychological tests designed for selecting pilots is The Pilot Aptitude Tester (PILAPT), a series of six tests that assess cognitive and psychomotor abilities with regard to flight activity, and which was acquired by the Brazilian Air Force to be used in their selection of military pilots.(AU)

Desde la Primera Guerra Mundial hay una gran inversión en la selección de los pilotos militares de la Fuerza Aérea con el fin de reducir los altos costos involucrados en la formación de pilotos militares, reduciendo la deserción (fracaso) en la instrucción de vuelo. Pero fue la Segunda Guerra Mundial que los tests psicológicos que mensuraban habilidades psicomotoras y cognitivas, se hicieron más eficaces en la predicción de la aptitud para pilotar, lo que contribuyen a la reducción de la deserción que se encuentra en las instrucciones de vuelo. Una de las pocas pruebas dirigidas especialmente para la selección de los pilotos es The Pilot Aptitude Tester (PILAPT), una batería de seis pruebas que evalúan las habilidades cognitivas y psicomotoras orientadas hacia la actividad aérea, adquirido por la Fuerza Aérea Brasileña para ser insertado en su selección de pilotos militares.(AU)

Seleção de Pessoal , Pilotos/psicologia , Psicologia Militar