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Rev Argent Microbiol ; 52(3): 245-255, 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32622724


Understanding plant resistance requires an interdisciplinary effort between biological and agricultural sciences. In this setting, phytopathology has experienced an upsurge of interest from researchers and scholars in the disciplines of ecology, evolution and molecular biology. This encounter did neither avoid misunderstandings among scholars nor the use of similar concepts with different meanings. The purpose of this paper is to offer a modern comprehensive view of plant resistance against pathogens using a classical phytopathology concept as framework: Van der Plank s concept of horizontal and vertical resistance. This concept is used in other agricultural science disciplines (plant breeding and genetics), supporting why it is a proper framework for explaining plant resistance. Within this frame, other classical phytopathologycal concepts are explained in combination with modern model descriptions of plant-pathogen interactions and how all these concepts are related with quantitative and field resistance. This review is written in Spanish because it serves an additional purpose. In the Spanish-speaking America, besides interdisciplinarity, phytopathology as an academic discipline faces another challenge: the students' low-English language proficiency. In this regard, this review intends to become a companion guide for plant-pathology teachers in the region interested in providing an insight into the modern concepts of plant resistance.

Agricultura , Plantas , Humanos , Redação
Acta biol. colomb ; 23(1): 5-16, Jan.-Apr. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-886079


ABSTRACT One of the most challenging questions in plant breeding and molecular plant pathology research is what are the genetic and molecular bases of quantitative disease resistance (QDR)?. The scarce knowledge of how this type of resistance works has hindered plant breeders to fully take advantage of it. To overcome these obstacles new methodologies for the study of quantitative traits have been developed. Approaches such as genetic mapping, identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and association mapping, including candidate gene approach and genome wide association studies, have been historically undertaken to dissect quantitative traits and therefore to study QDR. Additionally, great advances in quantitative phenotypic data collection have been provided to improve these analyses. Recently, genes associated to QDR have been cloned, leading to new hypothesis concerning the molecular bases of this type of resistance. In this review we present the more recent advances about QDR and corresponding application, which have allowed postulating new ideas that can help to construct new QDR models. Some of the hypotheses presented here as possible explanations for QDR are related to the expression level and alternative splicing of some defense-related genes expression, the action of "weak alleles" of R genes, the presence of allelic variants in genes involved in the defense response and a central role of kinases or pseudokinases. With the information recapitulated in this review it is possible to conclude that the conceptual distinction between qualitative and quantitative resistance may be questioned since both share important components.

RESUMEN Una de las preguntas más desafiantes del fitomejoramiento y de la fitopatología molecular es ¿cuáles son las bases genéticas y moleculares de la resistencia cuantitativa a enfermedades?. El escaso conocimiento de cómo este tipo de resistencia funciona ha obstaculizado que los fitomejoradores la aprovecharlo plenamente. Para superar estos obstáculos se han desarrollado nuevas metodologías para el estudio de rasgos cuantitativos. Los enfoques como el mapeo genético, la identificación de loci de rasgos cuantitativos (QTL) y el mapeo por asociaciones, incluyendo el enfoque de genes candidatos y los estudios de asociación amplia del genoma, se han llevado a cabo históricamente para describir rasgos cuantitativos y por lo tanto para estudiar QDR. Además, se han proporcionado grandes avances en la obtención de datos fenotípicos cuantitativos para mejorar estos análisis. Recientemente, algunos genes asociados a QDR han sido clonados, lo que conduce a nuevas hipótesis sobre las bases moleculares de este tipo de resistencia. En esta revisión presentamos los avances más recientes sobre QDR y la correspondiente aplicación, que han permitido postular nuevas ideas que pueden ayudar a construir nuevos modelos. Algunas de las hipótesis presentadas aquí como posibles explicaciones para QDR están relacionadas con el nivel de expresión y el splicing alternativo de algunos genes relacionados con la defensa, la acción de "alelos débiles" de genes R, la presencia de variantes alélicas en los genes implicados en la respuesta de defensa y un papel central de quinasas o pseudoqinasas. Con la información recapitulada en esta revisión es posible concluir que la distinción conceptual entre resistencia cualitativa y cuantitativa puede ser cuestionada ya que ambos comparten importantes componentes.

Acta biol. colomb ; 16(2): 3-14, ago. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635072


Uno de los factores que más afectan los cultivos son las enfermedades ocasionadas por patógenos. La resistencia vegetal ha sido clásicamente dividida en dos tipos: i) completa, vertical o cualitativa que es gobernada por un solo gen e ii) incompleta, horizontal o cuantitativa la cual es gobernada por varios genes. Aunque la resistencia cuantitativa provee resistencia de amplio espectro y es durable, los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes no han sido estudiados en detalle. En esta revisión se propone un modelo basado en co-localización de genes similares a los genes clásicos de resistencia cualitativa con QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) para explicar el mecanismo involucrado en el reconocimiento del patógeno durante la resistencia cuantitativa. Además se presenta información acerca del progreso obtenido en los últimos tres años para entender este tipo de resistencia, lo que culminó con la clonación de varios genes asociados a resistencia cuantitativa. En conjunto, estos datos proveen nuevas luces sobre la naturaleza genética de este tipo de resistencia y de cómo puede ser empleada en programas de mejoramiento genético.

Plant pathogens are some of the most important factors affecting crop production. Classically two general types of plant resistance to pathogens have been recognized: i) complete, vertical or qualitative resistance governed by a single gene; and ii) incomplete, horizontal or quantitative resistance, which is governed by several genes. Although quantitative resistance provides broad spectrum and more durable resistance, the underlying molecular mechanism involved in pathogen recognition has not been deeply studied. In this review, we proposed a model to explain the molecular mechanism involved in the pathogen recognition during the quantitative resistance. This is based on the co-localization of similar classical qualitative resistance genes with QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci). In addition, information is presented about the progress made in the last three years towards understanding this complex resistance, which has culminated in the cloning of several quantitative resistance genes. Taken together these data provide new insights about this type of resistance and how we can use it for crop improvement.