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Heliyon ; 10(11): e32363, 2024 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38933944


and middle-income countries, key constraints such as dense traffic flows, jams, and pollution constitute frequent issues that potentially explain many negative consequences in terms of (e.g.) efficiency, sustainability, and mobility safety. In this regard, recent evidence supports the idea that fostering public transportation is crucial to offering solutions for this difficult panorama. However, transport mode-related choices and shifts have been proven to depend highly on key perceptions and needs of potential users. The aim of this study was to analyze a set of key users' perceptions, usage, and perceived quality of public transportation in the Dominican Republic, as well as to explore the most relevant features for Dominicans from the "desired quality" paradigm. For this research at a national level, data retrieved from a nationwide sample of 1254 inhabitants of the Dominican Republic was used, proportional to the ONE census in terms of sex, age, habitat, and region. Overall, the results show that the general quality of transportation is 6.70 points out of 10. The use of public transportation in the Dominican Republic has a medium-low rating and is very focused on urban buses (41 %) and public cars (27.1 %). Nonetheless, the metro remains the most highly rated means of transport (M = 8.75). Concerning the quality variables analyzed, the highest scores are for accessibility (M = 7.08) and frequency of service (M = 6.99). Further, Dominicans focus on improving comfort, vehicle conditions, and safety. This study constitutes a first approximation to the desired quality of public transportation for Dominican Citizens, which may help policymakers scope user-based needs in public transportation systems and encourage a more frequent (and friendlier) public transport use in the country.

J Transp Geogr ; 109: 103594, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37123884


The COVID-19 pandemic strongly affected the mobility of people. Several studies have quantified these changes, for example, measuring the effectiveness of quarantine measures and calculating the decrease in the use of public transport. Regarding the latter, however, a low level of understanding persists as to how the pandemic affected the distribution of trip purposes, hindering the design of policies aimed at increasing the demand for public transport in a post-pandemic era. To address this gap, in this article, we study how the purposes of trips made by public transport evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Santiago, Chile. For this, we develop an XGBoost model using the latest available origin-destination survey as input. The calibrated model is applied to the information from smart payment cards during one week in 2018, 2020, and 2021. The results show that during the week of maximum restriction, that is, during 2020, the distribution of trips by purpose varied considerably, with the proportion of trips to work increasing, recreational trips decreasing, and trips for health purposes remaining unchanged. In sociodemographic terms, in the higher-income communes, the decrease in the proportion of trips for work purposes was much greater than that in the communes with lower income. Finally, with the gradual return to in-person activities in 2021, the distribution of trip purposes returned to values similar to those before the pandemic, although with a lower total amount, which suggests that unless relevant measures are taken, the low use of public transportation could be permanent.

Ergonomics ; 65(9): 1202-1214, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34939893


This study verified typing performance on smartphones of public transportation passengers using subjective assessments of comfort and difficulty and objective assessments of the number of errors and typing speed. Three frequency values (5, 10, and 15 Hz), two magnitudes (0.6 and 1.2 m/s2) and two types of operating systems (Android and IOS) were adopted. Tests without vibration were applied to analyse the residual effect of vibration. The results showed that vibration significantly influences comfort. The higher the frequency, the less errors and the faster the typing speed. In the magnitude analysis, the increase caused a greater number of errors and greater difficulty. In both assessments, the discomfort was proportional to the increase in frequency or magnitude and the number of errors was inversely proportional to the typing speed. Finally, the IOS operating system showed worse comfort when compared to Android, although no significant differences were observed for the objective assessment. Practitioner summary: Public transportation passengers are exposed to WBV while typing on smartphones. The results showed that vibration influences comfort, the number of errors and the typing speed. Therefore, manufacturers should be aware of the level of vibration that vehicles are exposed to in order to provide more performance to the user. Abbreviations: WBV: whole-body vibration; PID: proportional-integral-derivative; RMS: root mean square; HLM: hierarchical linear modeling; OLS: ordinary least squares; STH: seat-to-head.

Smartphone , Vibração , Humanos , Meios de Transporte , Vibração/efeitos adversos
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 53(5): 942-959, set.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041667


Resumen Una plena comprensión de los procesos regulatorios requiere tomar en cuenta su dimensión política, hasta ahora escasamente considerada en la literatura de administración pública. A este objetivo contribuye el concepto de poder empresarial que ha desarrollado la economía política. Como lo demuestra el estudio de caso de Transantiago, resulta de especial interés la vertiente estructural del poder empresarial. El process tracing aplicado al caso de este sistema de transporte demuestra que la incapacidad de las autoridades de imponer sus preferencias se debe principalmente a las restricciones estructurales que enfrentan, cuyos efectos se manifiestan de manera distinta en la etapa de adjudicación de la licitación y en la fase de implementación.

Resumo O pleno entendimento dos processos regulatórios exige considerar sua dimensão política, até agora raramente considerada na literatura da administração pública. O conceito de poder de negócio desenvolvido pela economia política contribui para esse objetivo. Como demonstra o estudo de caso do Transantiago, o poder estrutural dos negócios é de especial interesse. O process tracing aplicado ao caso desse sistema de transporte, inaugurado em 2007, mostra que a incapacidade das autoridades em impor suas preferências se deve principalmente às restrições estruturais que enfrentam, cujos efeitos variam na fase de leilão e implementação do processo de regulação.

Abstract Full understanding of regulatory processes requires taking into account their political dimension, until now rarely considered in public administration literature. The concept of 'business power' developed in comparative political economy contributes to comprehend this dimension. The case study of the transport system "Transantiago" presented in this article demonstrates that businesses' structural power is of special interest. The process tracing applied to the case of Transantiago, shows that the inability of the authorities to impose their preferences is mainly due to the structural constraints they faced. The effects of this inability are observed in the bidding process and in the phase of implementation of the regulation process.

Política , Controle Social Formal , Meios de Transporte , Administração Pública , Economia
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28608826


This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) informed the decision of expanding public transportation services to rural, low income communities of southern Doña Ana County, New Mexico on the U.S./Mexico border. The HIA focused on impacts of access to health care services, education, and economic development opportunities. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from surveys of community members, key informant interviews, a focus group with community health workers, and passenger surveys during an initial introduction of the transit system. Results from the survey showed that a high percentage of respondents would use the bus system to access the following: (1) 84% for health services; (2) 83% for formal and informal education opportunities; and (3) 81% for economic opportunities. Results from interviews and the focus group supported the benefits of access to services but many were concerned with the high costs of providing bus service in a rural area. We conclude that implementing the bus system would have major impacts on resident's health through improved access to: (1) health services, and fresh foods, especially for older adults; (2) education opportunities, such as community colleges, universities, and adult learning, especially for young adults; and (3) economic opportunities, especially jobs, job training, and consumer goods and services. We highlight the challenges associated with public transportation in rural areas where there are: (1) long distances to travel; (2) difficulties in scheduling to meet all needs; and (3) poor road and walking conditions for bus stops. The results are applicable to low income and fairly disconnected rural areas, where access to health, education, and economic opportunities are limited.

Avaliação do Impacto na Saúde , População Rural , Meios de Transporte , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , New Mexico , Adulto Jovem
Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;21(3): 437-445, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-794661


RESUMO: O sistema de transporte coletivo da cidade de Curitiba, no Paraná, é reconhecido pelas suas soluções inovadoras e modelo para o Brasil. Neste trabalho foi analisada a influência do combustível (diesel e biodiesel) e das condições da frota de veículos do transporte coletivo de Curitiba nas emissões de NOx, e essa é uma iniciativa pioneira. Foram selecionados 188 veículos (9,7% do total) com motores de 7 a 12 L, denominados B7R, B10M, B12M e B215RH, e foram realizadas medições de NO e NO2 na saída dos escapamentos. Com relação ao tipo de combustível, as emissões de NO e NO2 para o biodiesel (B100) foram, respectivamente, 37 e 26% superiores aos valores observados com o combustível diesel (S10). Comparando motores B12M com até 3 e 10 anos de operação, as emissões médias de NOx foram próximas de 40% maior. Assim, foi possível observar que os veículos a biodiesel tiveram maior emissão de NOx quando comparados com veículos a diesel, em condições similares de operação e tempo de uso do motor. Entretanto, embora o uso de biodiesel traga vantagens ambientais, como energia renovável, novas tecnologias e dispositivos devem ser desenvolvidos para controlar emissões de NO e NO2 em motores que utilizam esse tipo de combustível. Para trabalhos futuros, os autores recomendam testes em dinamômetro, para simular emissões de NOx em motores a diesel e biodiesel em diferentes condições de carga e regime de rotação do motor.

ABSTRACT: The public transportation system in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, is recognized by its innovative solutions; and is a model for Brazil. In this work, the influence of fuel (diesel and biodiesel) and the conditions of the public transport vehicle fleet of Curitiba in NOx emissions was assessed, and this is a pioneered initiative. A total of 188 vehicles (9.7% of the total) with engines of 7 and 12 L were selected, named B7R, B10M, B12M and B215RH, and measurements of NO and NO2 were performed in the exhaust output. In relation to the type of fuel, the emissions of NO and NO2 for biodiesel (B100) were, respectively, 37 and 26% superior to the values observed with the fuel diesel (S10). Comparing the engines B12M with up to 3 and 10 years of operation, the average emissions of NOx were close to 40% higher. Thus, it was possible to observe that the biodiesel vehicles had higher NOx emissions when compared with diesel vehicles in similar conditions of operation and engine wear time. Therefore, although the use of biodiesel brings environmental advantages, as renewable fuel, new technologies and devices must be developed to control emissions of NO and NO2 in engines that use this type of fuel. For future works the authors recommend tests on dynamometer to simulate NOx emission in diesel and biodiesel engine in different conditions of charge and engine speed.

Bol. Acad. Paul. Psicol. (Impr.) ; 34(87): 523-536, 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-66823


Atualmente, o mercado de trabalho está com os olhos mais voltados naprodutividade e na busca da satisfação do cliente, deixando, algumas vezes, de preocuparsecom a saúde mental do trabalhador. Dentro disso, está presente o estresse, que é oresultado da interação entre sujeito e ambiente, e os efeitos negativos surgem quando osujeito não possui mais recursos de adaptação. O desgaste gera desconforto, cansaço,diminuição do ritmo de vida e da capacidade de manter o equilíbrio das atividades diárias,podendo ocasionar problemas de saúde e nos relacionamentos pessoais. Assim, asatisfação no trabalho tem despertado interesse no campo das pesquisas devido àsconsequências organizacionais no que se refere ao comportamento do sujeito trabalhador,seu desempenho, afastamentos e estresse ocupacional. Este artigo tem como objetivoavaliar o nível de estresse e identificar os principais estressores do motorista de transportecoletivo. Participam do estudo 80 motoristas de uma empresa localizada na regiãometropolitana de uma capital do estado do sul do Brasil. Para a coleta de dados foiutilizada a Escala dos Principais Estressores e o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress paraAdultos de Lipp. Neste estudo, é encontrado um baixo índice de estresse quando comparadoa outras pesquisas, que foi identificado em 27,5% dos motoristas estudados. Verifica-seque a maior parte da amostra encontra-se na fase de resistência e que há a prevalênciade sintomas psicológicos. Nesta população, os estressores estão relacionados ao exercícioda profissão, e às condições e organização do trabalho. Em função dos estressores nãoserem alterados, pode-se pensar que estes profissionais que apresentam sintomas deestresse, talvez não estejam utilizando as estratégias de coping adequadamente paraenfrentar as situações do dia a dia no trabalho(AU)

The labor market is highlighting the productivity and the search for clientsatisfaction recently, thus giving less attention to the employee’s mental health, sometimes.In this context, the stress presents itself, which is the result of the interaction between subject and environment, and the negative effects occur when the subject hasno adaptive resources left. The exhaustion generates discomfort, weariness, decreasein the life rhythm and capability of sustaining the daily activities’ balance, which mightresult in health and relationship problems. Thus, the satisfaction at work has riseninterest in the research field, for the organizational consequences about the subject’sbehavior at work, performance, absence and occupational stress. This article aims toassess the public transportation driver’s level of stress and identify his main stressors.80 drivers from a firm located at the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre participated ofthe study. The Escala dos Principais Estressores (Main Stressors Scale) and theInventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (Lipp’s Stress Symptoms’ Inventoryfor Adults) were employed to collect the data. In this study, low stress levels werefound when compared to other researches, which was found in 27.5% of the drivers. It wasverified that the majority of the sample is at the resistance stage and there has been theprevalence of psychological symptoms in it. It is possible to think that these professionalswho show stress symptoms might not be using the right coping strategies to face thedaily job situations, for these stressors cannot be changed(AU)

En la actualidad, el mercado de trabajo está más preocupado con laproductividad y la búsqueda de la satisfacción de los clientes, dejando a veces porfuera la salud mental del trabajador. Junto con esto, el estrés está presente. Y es elresultado de la interacción entre el sujeto y el medio ambiente, y los efectos negativossurgen cuando el sujeto no tiene más recursos de adaptación. El desgaste crea malestar,cansancio, disminución del ritmo de vida y de la capacidad para mantener el equilibrioen las actividades diarias, puede causar problemas de salud y en las relacionespersonales. Así, la satisfacción laboral ha despertado interés en el campo de lainvestigación debido a las consecuencias organizacionales con respecto a la conductadel sujeto en el trabajo, su rendimiento, permisos médicos y el estrés laboral. Esteartículo tiene como objetivo evaluar el nivel de estrés e identificar los principalesestresores presentes en los conductores de transporte público. Participaron en el estudio80 conductores de una empresa ubicada en la zona metropolitana de la capital de unestado del sur de Brasil. Para recoger los datos es aplicada la Escala de los PrincipalesEstresores y el Inventario de Síntomas de Estrés para Adultos de Lipp. En este estudio,encontramos un bajo nivel de estrés en comparación con otros centros de investigación,se identificó apenas en el 27,5% de los conductores. Se encontró que la mayor parte dela muestra está en fase de resistencia y con una permanencia de los síntomaspsicológicos. En esta población, los estresores están relacionados a la profesión, lascondiciones y la organización del trabajo. Dependiendo de estresores no cambian,pudiendose pensar que estos profesionales que muestran síntomas de estrés, tal vezno están utilizando las estrategias de coping adecuadas para hacer frente a situacionesde trabajo en el día a día(AU)

Cienc. Trab ; 15(48): 173-178, dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-700436


Objetivo: Conocer los niveles de Burnout y Carga mental en una muestra de conductores del transporte público de Chile (Transantiago), y la posible relación entre estas variables. Material y Métodos: La muestra del estudio la componen 112 conductores de transporte público de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el CESQT y el NASA-TLX (Task Load Index). Los análisis descriptivos y correlacionales se realizaron mediante el programa SPSS 22. Resultados: Confirmaron la hipótesis, Burnout se correlaciona con Carga mental, pues los niveles del síndrome se asociaron positiva y significativamente. Todas las subescalas presentaron valores de consistencia interna superiores a 0,70. La prevalencia del Burnout fue del 23,22% para el Perfil 1 y un 6,25% para el nivel clínico (Perfil 2) (Gil-Monte, 2005). Conclusiones: Los niveles de Burnout en la muestra recabada, de acuerdo a la literatura internacional, es alto, y se confirma la importancia de estos fenómenos en la salud mental de los conductores del transporte público de Santiago de Chile.

Objective: Knowing Burnout levels and mental workload in a sample of drivers of public transportation in Chile (Transantiago), and the possible relationship between these variables. Material and Methods: The study sample comprised 112 public transportation drivers in the city of Santiago de Chile. The instruments used were the CESQT and NASA TLX (Task Load Index). Descriptive and correlational analyzes were performed using the SPSS 22 program. Results: The results confirmed the hypothesis, Burnout correlates with mental workload, as levels of the syndrome were associated positively and significantly. All subscales had internal consistency values higher than 0,70. Burnout prevalence was 23,22% for Profile 1 and 6,25% for the clinical level (Profile 2) (Gil-Monte, 2005). Conclusions: Burnout levels in the sample collected, according to the international literature, are high, and the importance of these phenomena on the mental health of drivers of public transport is confirmed in Santiago, Chile.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Condução de Veículo/psicologia , Meios de Transporte , Esgotamento Profissional/diagnóstico , Carga de Trabalho , Esgotamento Profissional/epidemiologia , Chile , Saúde Mental , Inquéritos e Questionários , Esgotamento Psicológico/diagnóstico , Correlação de Dados
Estud. av ; Estud. av;27(79): 7-26, set. - Dec. 2013. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-705105


Na “leitura” de uma cidade distingo infraestruturas físicas e sistemas de vida,a fim de avaliar se as primeiras dão suporte adequado às segundas. Para a abordagem e compreensão da cidade dou mais importância a aspectos antropológicos do que aos estatísticos. Para avaliar mobilidade urbana há que considerar três fluxos: os imateriais(informações), cargas (bens) e pessoas. Na de pessoas há expectativa de proximidade de embarque, pontualidade e conforto. Transporte público é sistema, do qual participam os diversos modais, inclusive o do pedestre. No futuro haverá mais locação do que propriedade privada do automóvel; e indústria de reciclagem dos elementos de carros usados. Deve o direito à mobilidade ser gratuito para o usuário ou ser por ele pago com subsídio? Políticas públicas deverão ter no urbanismo um processo de melhor gestão urbana, diminuir necessidade de deslocamentos, alterar o uso do carro, monitorar serviços com participação pública, sistematizar modais, garantir pontualidade e conforto do transporte.

When "reading" a city, I distinguish physical infrastructures from life systems in order to assess whether the former provide adequate support for the latter. To approach and understand a city, I attribute greater importance to anthropological than to statistical aspects. In evaluating urban mobility, we must consider three different flows: of intangibles (information), freight (goods) and people. Regarding the flow of people, the expectations are proximity to boarding points, punctuality and comfort. Public transportation is a system comprising various modes, including pedestrians. In the future, there will be more leasing than ownership of automobiles, as well as an industry devoted to recycling used cars parts. Should the right to mobility be free of charge to users or should they be made to pay, albeit with subsidies? Public policies must apply urban planning to improve urban management, reduce the need to commute, change car usage patterns, monitor services with governmental participation, systematize transportation modes, and ensure punctuality and comfort in transportation.

Antropologia Física , Cidades , Planejamento de Cidades , Veículos Automotores , Administração Pública , Estratégias de Saúde , Meios de Transporte , Urbanização
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 12(1): 79-88, ago. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-704360


Justificación: la movilidad en la comunidad es esencial en la vida de toda persona. El uso de transporte es una actividad instrumental que posibilita la movilidad en la comunidad. En la vejez esta actividad puede presentar características asociables al envejecimiento individual, la actividad misma, y el ambiente. Emerge la relevancia de conocer esta ocupación en las personas mayores chilenas y su implicancia para la terapia ocupacional como disciplina promotora de participación y autonomía en la vejez. Objetivo: se buscó explorar características del desempeño de un grupo de personas mayores en el uso transporte en Santiago a partir de sus experiencias y percepciones. Metodología: se realizó diez entrevistas a adultos mayores que luego fueron analizadas con un enfoque interpretativo – hermenéutico. Resultados: cinco temas principales emergieron del análisis de entrevistas: “función del uso del transporte público”, “adaptaciones preparatorias para un mejor desempeño”, “influencia del ambiente”, “¿bus o metro? razones para la elección” y “significado del uso: autonomía versus exclusión”. Conclusiones: en el grupo participante el uso del transporte se veía limitado por el ambiente físico, y facilitado por el ambiente social, y las personas desplegaban estrategias adaptativas para un mejor desempeño. El significado del uso de transporte se relacionó con la mantención de la autonomía y la identidad. El sistema de transporte en Santiago puede no ajustarse a las necesidades de la población mayor y puede percibirse como un elemento de exclusión social para las personas mayores.

Justification: community mobility is essential for daily living. The use of transportation is an instrumental activity of daily living that facilitates community mobility. In the elderly this activity may be conditioned by features related to the aging process, the activity itself, and the environment in which it is carried out. The importance of learning about the characteristics of this occupation in Chilean older people emerges as well as implications for occupational therapy as a promoter of social participation and autonomy in old age. Objective: to explore performance characteristics of a group of older people in the use of public transportation system in the city of Santiago. Methods: ten interviews were conducted to older adults. Interviews were later interpretively analyzed from a hermeneutic approach. Results: five main themes emerged from the speeches of the participants, "function of the use of public transportation", "preparatory adaptations for better performance," "environmental influence", "bus or subway? Reasons for this choice" and "meaning of the use of transport: autonomy versus exclusion." Conclusions: in the group of participants the use of transport is interfered by the physical environment, and facilitated by the social environment, and adaptive strategies are deployed. The meaning of the activity relates to the maintenance of autonomy and identity. The transport system in Santiago may not fit the needs of older people and may be perceived as an element of social exclusion in the elderly.

Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Envelhecimento , Meios de Transporte , Chile , Entrevistas como Assunto , Terapia Ocupacional , Percepção , Autonomia Pessoal , Pesquisa Qualitativa