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Brain Sci ; 12(6)2022 Jun 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35741619


The field of neuroscience has seen significant growth and interest in recent decades. While neuroscience knowledge can benefit laypeople as well as professionals in many different areas, it may be particularly relevant for educators. With the right information, educators can apply neuroscience-based teaching strategies as well as protect themselves and their students against pseudoscientific ideas and products based on them. Despite rapidly growing sources of available information and courses, studies show that educators in many countries have poor knowledge of brain science and tend to endorse education-related neuromyths. Poor English skills and fewer resources (personal, institutional and governmental) may be additional limitations in Latin America. In order to better understand the scenario in Latin America's largest country, we created an anonymous online survey which was answered by 1634 individuals working in education from all five regions of Brazil. Respondents stated whether they agreed with each statement and reported their level of confidence for each answer. Significant differences in performance were observed across regions, between educators living in capital cities versus the outskirts, between those teaching in private versus public schools, and among educators teaching different levels (pre-school up to college/university). We also observed high endorsement of some key neuromyths, even among groups who performed better overall. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to conduct a detailed analysis of the profile of a large group of educators in Brazil. We discuss our findings in terms of efforts to better understand regional and global limitations and develop methods of addressing these most efficiently.

Sci Educ (Dordr) ; 31(5): 1339-1361, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35125659


The paper reflects on public discourses about science and pseudoscience, proposing the same discursive structure for both-the Esperantist-Epideictic genre. This genre of discourse might bring together characteristics that we understand as constituents of the public discourse on science. It also enables us to depict the process by which to maintain cohesion on a group's values. The discursive activity points to science as neutral, free, and independent of social influences captivating those already in this discursive sphere. The discursive hermeticity appears in the Esperantist content and the Epideictic form by avoiding the dialogical situations where there is no epistemological and axiological dispute. We thus, show that the Esperantist-Epideictic genre helps to understand the process of maintaining a cohesive group whose beliefs about the Flat Earth appear in social media. We use data from three sources: transcriptions from seminars held at that 1st FlatCon Brazil, most viewed videos on YouTube where affirmationists talk about Flat Earth, and semi-structured exploratory interviews conducted at FlatCon. Our findings indicate that some conceptions of validation of knowledge, scientific method, science bias, reality, and truth compound a distinct part in the current conversations about the Flat Earth movement. Moreover, the Esperantist-Epideictic genre of discourse can be an analytical tool for framing the echo chamber in social media while defending or attacking the Flat Earth movement. We conclude that in a time where there is a growing consensus that science is under attack, the ways in which its defenders are trying to stand up to it may be causing some harm.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(6): e3800, oct.-dic. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1149963


El Dr. Francisco Rojas Ochoa fue un intelectual pleno, poseedor de una sensibilidad artística realmente formidable. Sus aportes más notables trascendieron el marco de la ciencia. Desde muy temprano, comprendió la importancia de cuidar la calidad del dato primario como pilar de las estadísticas de salud; defendió infatigablemente los principios de la Salud Pública Cubana, se sumó al combate decidido contra la pseudociencia, cultivó la demografía, las técnicas de dirección administrativa y, sobre todo, la ética médica. Desplegó una valiosa contribución a la Historia de la Medicina y la Salud Pública. No tuvo formación estadística, pero sí un poderoso sentido común que le permitía apropiarse de los resultados de esta disciplina, para cuya interpretación práctica demostraba gran destreza. Durante toda su vida publicó decenas de artículos científicos y numerosos libros. La etapa más fructífera la desarrolló en el marco de diversas instituciones académicas, entre ellas, nuestra actual Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Su última publicación, considerada entre las más destacadas, fue Actor y Testigo, constituye un verdadero testamento intelectual(AU)

Dr. Francisco Rojas Ochoa distinguished himself by a full intellectual conviction and a really formidable artistic sensitivity. His most outstanding contributions went beyond the framework of science. Very early in his life, he realized the importance of caring for the quality of primary data as a pillar of health statistics; he tirelessly defended the principles of the Cuban Public Health, joined the decided combat against pseudoscience, developed demography and management techniques and, above all, he safeguarded the principles of medical ethics. He made a significant contribution to the History of Medicine and Public Health. Dr. Rojas Ochoa did not have statistical formation, but he actually had a powerful common sense that allowed him to benefit from its results, demonstrating great skill for their interpretation. During all his life, he published lots of scientific articles and many books. His most fruitful period was specially developed within the framework of several academic institutions, among them, our National School of Public Health. His last publication, which is considered one of the most outstanding, is "Actor y Testigo", a genuine intellectual testament that reveals both privileged spaces as reflected in its title(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Publicações , Estatísticas de Saúde , Saúde Pública , História da Medicina
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;39(3): 556-570, jul.-sep. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-686862


El presente trabajo constituye la primera de las dos partes en que se ha organizado un conjunto de observaciones derivadas de la réplica realizada por el Dr. Jorge García Salman a nuestro artículo El debate sobre la Medicina Natural y Tradicional y sus implicaciones para la salud pública, publicado en esta misma revista. Expresamos aquí las zonas de confluencia con los argumentos expuestos por el García Salman y seguidamente analizamos aquellos criterios relacionados con aspectos metodológicos que merecen respuesta. Se ofrecen criterios en defensa del método científico como proceso universalmente aceptado para realizar aportes a la ciencia y se cuestiona que no sea utilizado con sistematicidad en el ámbito de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional. Se argumenta acerca de la experimentación como conquista intelectual y se fundamenta que los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados bien diseñados aportan la manera más penetrante y reveladora de hacer juicios sobre causalidad en los procesos biomédicos. Se exponen elementos esenciales relacionados con el papel del efecto placebo en la investigación. Se concluye que la mayor expresión de respeto a la ciencia en general, y a la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en particular, reside en señalar sus ocasionales errores, de los cuales se ofrecen numerosos ejemplos

The present paper is the first of the two parts showing a set of observations derived from Dr. Jorge Garcia Salman's reply to the article entitled The debate on Natural and Traditional Medicine and its implications for the public health published by this journal. The points of convergence with the opinions of Garcia Salman were stated and then an analysis was made on the criteria about the methodological aspects that deserve to be answered. Some criteria to defend the scientific method as a universally accepted process to make contributions to science were offered, and at the same time, the non-systematic use of this process by the Natural and Traditional Medicine was questioned. Some arguments were provided about the clinical experimentation as an intellectual conquest as well as the role of the randomized clinicals trials which provides the deepest and most revealing way of developing criteria about causality in the biomedical processes. Likewise, essential elements on the role of placebo in research were presented. It was concluded that the highest expression of respect to science in general and to Natural and Traditional Medicine in particular, lies in pointing out their occasional errors of which a number of examples was offered

Ciência/ética , Medicina Tradicional , Saúde Pública/ética
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;39(3): 571-587, jul.-sep. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-686863


La presente contribución complementa el trabajo Medicina Convencional y Medicina Natural y Tradicional: razones y sinrazones metodológicas, publicado por nosotros en este mismo número de la Revista Cubana de Salud Pública. La Medicina Natural y Tradicional, tal y como se desarrolla en nuestro país, exige un salto cualitativo que la ponga a tono con las demandas de ejercer la autocrítica, inherente a todo esfuerzo científico verdadero. Se reflexiona en torno a que dicha disciplina tiene un recorrido que transitar para alcanzar un desarrollo adecuado. Se fundamenta la necesidad de superar la precariedad teórico conceptual, con el fin de separarla de esoterismos y expresiones pseudocientíficas que actualmente lastran su posición en los medios académicos. Se reivindica e ilustra la importancia tanto metodológica como ética de manejar la información con el debido rigor y superar las endebleces metodológicas que suelen exhibir sus publicaciones. Fundamentamos la idea de que no existen paradigmas contradictorios que pugnen por una hegemonía conceptual y operativa. Se sostiene y justifica la convicción de que ha de prevalecer un cuerpo teórico-práctico coherente con las conquistas científicas ya conseguidas, independientemente de su origen

This is the second part of the article Conventional Medicine, and Natural and Traditional Medicine: reasons and unreasons published in this same issue of Revista Cubana de Salud Pública. This discipline, as it is developed in our country, requires a qualitative leap to be in tune with the demands for self-criticism inherent to every true scientific effort. Reflections were also made about the road that the Natural and Traditional Medicine must go in order to reach an adequate level of development. It is necessary to overcome the existing conceptual and theoretical scarcities to separate this discipline from esoteric elements and pseudoscientific expressions which affect its position in the academic circles. The ethical and methodological importance of handling information with due rigor and of overcoming methodological weaknesses in their publication were illustrated and underlined. The idea of non-existence of contradictory paradigms striving for conceptual hegemony was substantiated. This paper finally justified and supported the conviction that a coherent body of theories and practices in line with the already known accomplishments must prevail, regardless of their origin

Humanos , Ciência/ética , Medicina Tradicional , Saúde Pública/ética
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;39(1): 107-123, ene.-mar. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-686821


Se reflexiona en torno a la importancia del debate y de la aplicación rigurosa del método científico para fortalecer la Medicina Natural y Tradicional como recurso de la salud pública. Se esclarecen e ilustran los conceptos de ciencia errónea, ciencia espuria y pseudociencia, todos relevantemente peligrosos para la salud de la población. A la vez que se señala que bajo la sombrilla de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional, se ubican legítimos recursos terapéuticos, se advierte sobre la existencia de otros que no cuentan con el aval del método científico o cuya validez ha sido directamente refutada por él. Se reivindica la importancia medular de considerar el mejor conocimiento disponible en cada momento histórico para el diseño de acciones de salud adecuadas y se concluye que solo la honradez intelectual, el debate constructivo y la experimentación son capaces de garantizar este propósito

The importance of the debate and the rigorous application of the scientific method to strengthen the Natural and Traditional Medicine (NTM) as a public health resource were analyzed. Three concepts were clarified and illustrated: erroneous science, spurious science and pseudoscience, all of them significantly hazardous to the population´s health. While it is noted that legitimate therapeutic resources are located under the umbrella of the natural and traditional medicine, it was also warned against other resources which do not have the endorsement of the scientific method or whose validity has been directly refuted. The crucial importance of taking into account the best available knowledge at every historical period to design appropriate public health actions was highlighted. It was emphasized that only intellectual honesty, constructive debate and experimentation are able to secure this purpose

Humanos , Medicina Tradicional , Saúde Pública , Ciência
Univ. psychol ; 12(1): 261-270, jan. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-680561


Misperceptions of causality are at the heart of superstitious thinking and pseudoscience. The main goal of the present work is to show how our knowledge about the mechanisms involved in causal induction can be used to hinder the development of these beliefs. Available evidence shows that people sometimes perceive causal relationships that do not really exist. We suggest that this might be partly due to their failing to take into account alternative factors that might be playing an important causal role. The present experiment shows that providing accurate and difficult-to-ignore information about other candidate causes can be a good strategy for reducing misattributions of causality, such as illusions of control.

Los errores en la percepción de la causalidad constituyen la base del pensamiento supersticioso y la pseudociencia. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo fue demostrar cómo puede utilizarse nuestro conocimiento sobre los mecanismos involucrados en la inducción causal para impedir o reducir el desarrollo de este tipo de creencias. La evidencia disponible mostró que a veces las personas perciben relaciones causales que en realidad no existen. La propuesta es que esto podría deberse, al menos en parte, a que las personas no suelen tener en cuenta factores alternativos que puedan estar jugando un papel causalmente relevante. El presente experimento demuestra que efectivamente se pueden reducir los errores en la atribución causal, tales como las ilusiones de control, proporcionando a los participantes información precisa y difícil de ignorar sobre otras causas posibles.

Psicologia , Causalidade , Conhecimento
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;35(3): 0-0, jul.-set. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-525588


La presente reseña profundiza en los contenidos del libro "Salud Ecológica" desde la perspectiva de la Salud Pública. Si bien se trata de un texto que recopila información de valor histórico y cultural, que contiene atinadas denuncias a diversas expresiones de mercantilismo con implicaciones negativas para la salud de los ciudadanos, desde el punto de vista científico, se trata de un libro fallido. El texto amalgama afirmaciones basadas en el esoterismo, la defensa de corrientes creacionistas y las infundamentadas a diversos procedimientos diagnósticos o terapéuticos, todo en el contexto de un manejo marcadamente deficiente de la bibliografía. El libro refleja no sólo la posición de sus autores, sino que es representativo de una corriente de pensamiento que colisiona contra elementos ontológicos, epistemológicos y salubristas básicos. La valoración crítica desde la lógica convencional y la racionalidad que aquí se realiza abre un espacio para el debate que es medular para la genuina defensa de la salud colectiva.

The present paper delved into the contents of the book entitled "Salud Ecológica" from the public health viewpoint. Although this is a text that gathers information of historical and cultural values, and contains pertinent denunciations of several mercantilist expressions having negative impact on the population´s health, it is a failed book from the scientific viewpoint. The book combines esoterism-based statements, the defense of creationist currents and unsubstantiated praises of several diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, together with markedly deficient management of literature. It not only reflects the position of the authors but also represents a school of thought at odds with basic ontological, epistemological and public health elements. The critical appraisal presented here from conventional logics and rationality opens up the possibilities for debate, which is fundamental for the genuine defense of the collective health.

Livros , Saúde Pública
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 6(2)abr.-jun. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629763


La terapia piramidal es de uso corriente en algunas instituciones de salud cubanas, pero la energía piramidal nunca ha sido medida, ni se conoce qué es lo que produce sus supuestas acciones. No existen estudios que, con el debido rigor científico, hayan probado fehacientemente sus virtudes terapéuticas. Sus promotores han propuesto que este tipo de energía produce determinados efectos biológicos, pero no han publicado un solo estudio que avale estos efectos o que valide la ausencia de efectos adversos. Por las implicaciones éticas que esto conlleva, nos propusimos revisar las posibles consecuencias de algunos de estos efectos biológicos. De modo general, los efectos biológicos que se proponen, son potencialmente peligrosos. Si los promotores de esta terapia están convencidos de las acciones biológicas que han propuesto deben, en primer lugar, demostrarlas con todo el rigor científico. En segundo lugar, están obligados a realizar estudios precisos que demuestren la ausencia de efectos adversos de estas supuestas acciones.

“Pyramidal therapy” is commonly used in some Cuban health institutions. However, “pyramidal energy” has never been measured and it is not known the underlying mechanism that produces its supposed actions. There are no rigorous studies that for certain have proven its therapeutic powers. Promoters of this therapy have proposed that this kind of “energy”, produces some biological effects but they have not published studies supporting the existence of these effects or the absence of adverse effects. Since this entail ethical repercussions we decided to review the probable consequences of some of these biological effects. The proposed biological effects are potentially hazardous. If supporters of this therapy are convinced of the proposed biological actions they should first, demonstrate them with scientific rigor. Second they are compelled to do precise studies to demonstrate the lack of adverse effects of the supposed actions of this therapy.