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Humanidad. med ; 23(3)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534558


León Olivé es considerado uno de los filósofos de la ciencia e investigadores contemporáneos más importantes de México e Iberoamérica. Su pensamiento se distingue por las aportaciones realizadas en ámbitos de investigación como: la epistemología y la filosofía de las ciencias, el análisis de las relaciones interculturales y el estudio de las relaciones entre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Recurrió al pluralismo como enfoque epistémico para examinar los contextos multiculturales latinoamericanos donde coexisten conocimientos científico-tecnológicos con conocimientos tradicionales; ello le permitió desarrollar una concepción novedosa de la innovación a través de las Redes Sociales de Innovación (RSI). Sustentado en estos argumentos el presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la articulación entre las categorías de Apropiación Social del Conocimiento (ASC) y cultura científico-tecnológica desde la perspectiva epistemológica pluralista de dicho autor. El análisis de documentos constituyó el método principal para la reconstrucción sintética del contenido objeto de estudio.

León Olivé is considered one of the most important contemporary philosophers of science and researchers in Mexico and Latin America. His epistemology is distinguished by the contributions made in research areas such as: epistemology and philosophy of science, the analysis of intercultural relations and the study of the relationship between science, technology and society. He resorted to pluralism as an epistemic approach to examine Latin American multicultural contexts, where scientific-technological knowledge coexists with traditional knowledge; this allowed him to develop a novel conception of innovation through Social Innovation Networks (SIN). Based on these arguments, the aim of this article is to analyze the articulation between the categories of Social Appropriation of Knowledge (ASC) and scientific-technological culture from a pluralist epistemological perspective. Document analysis constituted the main method for the synthetic reconstruction of the content under study.

Int J Psychoanal ; 104(1): 174-177, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36799636


While pluralism allows for the recognition of different psychoanalytic models, it still remains a challenge to build processes and arguments strong enough to resolve basic disagreements. The Three-Level Model constitutes a valuable tool to an open critical discussion among analysts of different theoretical orientations regarding a clinical material, by providing sources of evidence about patient transformations in an analytic process.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Teoria Psicanalítica , América Latina , Dissidências e Disputas
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(42): e2214005119, 2022 10 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36215511


How does the mind make moral judgments when the only way to satisfy one moral value is to neglect another? Moral dilemmas posed a recurrent adaptive problem for ancestral hominins, whose cooperative social life created multiple responsibilities to others. For many dilemmas, striking a balance between two conflicting values (a compromise judgment) would have promoted fitness better than neglecting one value to fully satisfy the other (an extreme judgment). We propose that natural selection favored the evolution of a cognitive system designed for making trade-offs between conflicting moral values. Its nonconscious computations respond to dilemmas by constructing "rightness functions": temporary representations specific to the situation at hand. A rightness function represents, in compact form, an ordering of all the solutions that the mind can conceive of (whether feasible or not) in terms of moral rightness. An optimizing algorithm selects, among the feasible solutions, one with the highest level of rightness. The moral trade-off system hypothesis makes various novel predictions: People make compromise judgments, judgments respond to incentives, judgments respect the axioms of rational choice, and judgments respond coherently to morally relevant variables (such as willingness, fairness, and reciprocity). We successfully tested these predictions using a new trolley-like dilemma. This dilemma has two original features: It admits both extreme and compromise judgments, and it allows incentives-in this case, the human cost of saving lives-to be varied systematically. No other existing model predicts the experimental results, which contradict an influential dual-process model.

Julgamento , Princípios Morais , Humanos , Motivação , Comportamento Social
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 25(4): 644-667, out.-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1424087


O artigo tematiza a noção de validade diagnóstica na nosologia psicopatológica, de um ponto de vista epistemológico. Argumenta-se que a crise dos modelos operacionais, representados pelos DSMs, se aprofundou nas últimas décadas em virtude da adoção de uma concepção literal de validade, entendida como correspondência entre classificações diagnósticas e propriedades intrínsecas. Tal concepção relega as categorias diagnósticas ao estatuto de tipos artificiais sem substrato ontológico. A partir de autores como Dupré, Rorty, Goodman, Zachar, Agich etc., sugere-se uma recolocação do problema em termos de um nominalismo pragmático. Além de nos deslocar da dicotomia natural/artificial, uma postura nominalista pragmática teria a vantagem adicional de admitir um pluralismo nosológico, que tende a ser incompatível com sistemas classificatórios literais, com pretensões essencialistas.

This article discusses the notion of diagnostic validity in psychopathological nosology, from an epistemological perspective. The crisis of operational models, represented by the DSM, has deepened in recent decades due to the adoption of a literal conception of validity, understood as correspondence between diagnostic classifications and intrinsic properties. Such conception relegates the diagnostic categories to the status of artificial types devoid of ontological substrate. Based on authors such as Dupré, Rorty, Goodman, Zachar, Agich, etc., it suggests reframing the problem in terms of a pragmatic nominalism. Besides shifting us from the natural/artificial dichotomy, a pragmatic nominalist stance would admit a nosological pluralism, usually incompatible with essentialist classificatory systems.

Cet article traite de la notion de validité diagnostique en nosologie psychopathologique, dans une perspective épistémologique. La crise des modèles opérationnels, représentés par les DSM, s'est aggravé au cours des dernières décennies en raison de l'adoption d'une conception littérale de la validité, comprise comme une correspondance entre les classifications diagnostiques et les propriétés intrinsèques. Une telle conception relègue les catégories diagnostiques au statut de types artificiels dépourvus de substrat ontologique. S'appuyant sur des auteurs tels que Dupré, Rorty, Goodman, Zachar, Agich, etc., on suggère de recadrer le problème en termes de nominalisme pragmatique. En plus de nous éloigner de la dichotomie naturel/artificiel, cette position admettrait un pluralisme nosologique, généralement incompatible avec les systèmes classificatoires essentialistes.

Este artículo aborda la noción de validez diagnóstica en la nosología psicopatológica desde un punto de vista epistemológico. Se argumenta que la crisis de los modelos operativos, representada por los DSM, se ha profundizado en las últimas décadas debido a la adopción de una concepción literal de validez, entendida como una correspondencia entre clasificaciones diagnósticas y propiedades intrínsecas. Esta concepción relega las categorías diagnósticas al estatus de tipos artificiales sin sustrato ontológico. A partir de autores como Dupré, Rorty, Goodman, Zachar y Agich, se sugiere reposicionar el problema en términos de nominalismo pragmático. Además de desplazarnos de la dicotomía natural/artificial, una postura pragmática nominalista tendría la ventaja adicional de admitir un pluralismo nosológico, que tiende a ser incompatible con los sistemas clasificatorios literales de pretensiones esencialistas.

Front Psychol ; 13: 834763, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35369258


For the past several decades, coordinated efforts from within the women's social movement in Perú have led to groundbreaking legislation surrounding gender equity - for example, the National Gender Equality Policy of 2019 and the Gender Parity Law of 2020. These institutionalized policy changes mark milestones on the path to gender equity, certainly in Perú, but activist efforts that targeted these outcomes can inform women globally. The current study investigated key components of feminist activism by social movement actors themselves through the use of testimonio with nine key leaders in the movement. Using a liberation psychology approach and thematic narrative analysis, the findings suggested three key components of feminist activism: conflict, militant identity, and pluralism that were critical in processes of change. Centering majority world women's voices contributes to the production of knowledge regarding approaches to gender equity, in particular because much that has been written about feminist action in psychology has been produced among samples of white women in the United States. Implications for understanding how the findings have the potential for global change are discussed.

Front Psychol ; 13: 815819, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35282237


From an evolutionary perspective, phenotypic, social, and environmental factors help to shape the different costs and benefits of pursuing different reproductive strategies (or a mixture of them) from one individual to another. Since men's reproductive success is mainly constrained to women's availability, their mating orientations should be partially calibrated by features that women prefer in a potential partner. For long-term relationships, women prefer traits that signal access to resources, protection skills, and the willingness to share them. Using generalized linear models with laboratory data taken from a Chilean population (N = 197), this study aimed to test whether real and potential resources (measured as self-reported socioeconomic status), protection skills (measured as handgrip strength), and the willingness to provide resources and protection (measured as their disposition toward parenthood) are related to mating orientation in men. Our predictions were: (1) socioeconomic status would be positively associated with long-term and short-term mating orientation but for long-term-oriented individuals, this would be enhanced by having a more favorable parenthood disposition and (2) strength would be positively related to long-term mating orientation in men with higher socioeconomic status and a favorable disposition toward parenthood and it would have a positive and direct association with short-term mating orientation. Our results partially supported the first hypothesis, since men with higher socioeconomic status were more long-term oriented, but parenting disposition did not moderate this effect. Contrary to our expectations, socioeconomic status was not related to short-term mating orientation. Strength appeared not to be significant for long-term mating orientation, even interacting with other traits. However, strength by itself was powerfully linked with a short-term mating orientation. Our results suggest that only some individuals that are attractive for long-term relationships are indeed long-term oriented and may reflect the overall conflict of interests between mating strategies among sexes.

Psicol. USP ; 33: e210092, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1406392


Resumo Este ensaio traz o método do racional desregramento de todos os sentidos, do poeta Arthur Rimbaud, como ponto de partida para uma reflexão sobre a relação entre razão e afeto e para um possível diálogo com a noção de sentimento de racionalidade, do psicólogo e filósofo William James, sob a perspectiva teórico-metodológica do construtivismo semiótico-cultural em psicologia. Aborda-se o experimento de inalação do óxido nitroso de James como uma experiência de desregramento dos sentidos que proporcionou a ele uma compreensão sobre a questão da unidade e da variedade, ajudando a enriquecer sua cosmovisão empirista e pluralista, em oposição ao racionalismo monista de Hegel.

Abstract This essay uses Rimbaud's rational derangement of all the senses as a starting point for its reflection on the relationship between reason and affection, and for possible dialogues with psychologist and philosopher William James' sentiment of rationality, from the perspective of semiotic-cultural constructivism in psychology. James' experiment of nitrous oxide inhalation is seen as an experience of derangement of the senses that gave him insight on the question of unity and variety, thus enriching his empiricist and pluralist worldview opposed to Hegel' s monistic rationalism.

Résumé Cet essai utilise le raisonné dérèglement de tous les sens de Arthur Rimbaud comme point de départ de sa réflexion sur la relation entre raison et l'affection, et des dialogues possibles avec le sentiment de rationalité du psychologue et philosophe William James, dans la perspective du constructivisme sémiotique-culturel en psychologie. L'expérience d'inhalation d'oxide nitreux de James est considérée comme une expérience du dérèglement des sens qui lui a donné un aperçu de la question de l'unité et de la variété, enrichissant ainsi sa vision empiriste et pluraliste du monde, opposée au rationalisme moniste de Hegel.

Resumen Este ensayo toma el método del racional desarreglo de todos los sentidos del poeta Arthur Rimbaud como punto de partida para una reflexión sobre la relación entre la razón y el afecto, y un posible diálogo con la noción del sentimiento de la racionalidad del psicólogo y filósofo William James, bajo la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del constructivismo semiótico-cultural en psicología. El experimento de la inhalación de óxido nitroso de James se aborda como una experiencia de desarreglo de los sentidos que le proporcionó una comprensión de la unidad y la variedad, contribuyendo a enriquecer su cosmovisión empirista y pluralista en oposición al racionalismo monista de Hegel.

Psicologia , Sensação , Atitude , Filosofia
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 548-555, dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392383


La cultura constituye un complejo dinámico de conocimientos, creencias, conductas aprendidas y transmitidas por generaciones, a través del lenguaje y la vida cotidiana. El concepto de cultura se relaciona con el proceso salud-enfermedad puesto que el bienestar social, espiritual, psicológico y biológico de individuos y comunidades es expresión del medio ambiente, estilo de vida, vivienda, alimentación, educación y acceso adecuado a bienes y servicios. En el campo de salud se identifican la medicina tradicional desarrollada por pueblos indígenas; la medicina popular basada en creencias de la familia y la comunidad y la medicina profesional, basada en el estudio científico. La medicina indígena se caracteriza por la atención holística del sujeto, asequibilidad y acceso en poblaciones donde los sistemas de salud oficiales no tienen presencia, no obstante, presenta bajo reconocimiento por parte de los gobiernos. Con el presente estudio se pretende reflexionar acerca de la importancia de fomentar la interculturalidad en salud con base en las necesidades, organización y visión del mundo de los pueblos indígenas a partir del enfoque intercultural. Se expone una panorámica que aborda con mirada actual, las particularidades de la interculturalidad y la multiculturalidad en el contexto pluricultural, que contribuye a un mejor entendimiento de la necesidad de redimensionamiento de los sistemas de salud a partir de los elementos que aporta el enfoque intercultural como modelo de franca concepción humanista, en contraposición con el modelo hegemónico de salud actual, que favorece las desigualdades en salud(AU)

Culture constitutes a dynamic complex of knowledge, beliefs, behaviors learned and transmitted through generations, through language and everyday life. The concept of culture is related to the health-disease process since the social, spiritual, psychological and biological well-being of individuals and communities is an expression of the environment, lifestyle, housing, food, education and adequate access to goods and services. In the field of health, traditional medicine developed by indigenous peoples is identified; folk medicine based on family and community beliefs; and professional medicine, based on scientific study. Indigenous medicine is characterized by the holistic care of the subject, affordability and access in populations where the official health systems do not have a presence, however, it is under recognition by governments. This study aims to reflect on the importance of promoting interculturality in health based on the needs, organization and worldview of indigenous peoples from the intercultural approach. A panorama is presented that addresses with a current perspective, the particularities of interculturality and multiculturalism in the multicultural context, which contributes to a better understanding of the need to resize health systems based on the elements provided by the intercultural approach such as model of frank humanist conception, in contrast to the current hegemonic model of health, which favors inequalities in health(AU)

Humanos , Saúde de Populações Indígenas , Competência Cultural , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde , Medicina Tradicional , Sistemas de Saúde , Processo Saúde-Doença , Diversidade Cultural , Equidade em Saúde , Cosmovisão , Estilo de Vida
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth ; 21(1): 716, 2021 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34702209


BACKGROUND: Pre-eclampsia is a leading cause of preventable maternal and perinatal deaths globally. While health inequities remain stark, removing financial or structural barriers to care does not necessarily improve uptake of life-saving treatment. Building on existing literature elaborating the sociocultural contexts that shape behaviours around pregnancy and childbirth can identify nuanced influences relating to pre-eclampsia care. METHODS: We conducted a cross-cultural comparative study exploring lived experiences and understanding of pre-eclampsia in Ethiopia, Haiti and Zimbabwe. Our primary objective was to examine what local understandings of pre-eclampsia might be shared between these three under-resourced settings despite their considerable sociocultural differences. Between August 2018 and January 2020, we conducted 89 in-depth interviews with individuals and 17 focus group discussions (n = 106). We purposively sampled perinatal women, survivors of pre-eclampsia, families of deceased women, partners, older male and female decision-makers, traditional birth attendants, religious and traditional healers, community health workers and facility-based health professionals. Template analysis was conducted to facilitate cross-country comparison drawing on Social Learning Theory and the Health Belief Model. RESULTS: Survivors of pre-eclampsia spoke of their uncertainty regarding symptoms and diagnosis. A lack of shared language challenged coherence in interpretations of illness related to pre-eclampsia. Across settings, raised blood pressure in pregnancy was often attributed to psychosocial distress and dietary factors, and eclampsia linked to spiritual manifestations. Pluralistic care was driven by attribution of causes, social norms and expectations relating to alternative care and trust in biomedicine across all three settings. Divergence across the contexts centred around nuances in religious or traditional practices relating to maternal health and pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Engaging faith and traditional caregivers and the wider community offers opportunities to move towards coherent conceptualisations of pre-eclampsia, and hence greater access to potentially life-saving care.

Comparação Transcultural , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde/etnologia , Pré-Eclâmpsia/etnologia , Condicionamento Psicológico , Etiópia/etnologia , Feminino , Haiti/etnologia , Modelo de Crenças de Saúde , Humanos , Gravidez , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Características de Residência , Zimbábue/etnologia
J Ethnopharmacol ; 279: 114384, 2021 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34217796


ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: In French Guiana, traditional phytotherapies are an important part of self-healthcare, however, a precise understanding of the interactions between local phytotherapies and biomedicine is lacking. Malaria is still endemic in the transition area between French Guiana and Brazil, and practices of self-treatment, although difficult to detect, have possible consequences on the outcome of public health policies. AIM OF THE STUDY: The objectives of this research were 1) to document occurences of co-medication (interactions between biomedicine and local phytotherapies) against malaria around Saint-Georges de l'Oyapock (SGO), 2) to quantify and to qualify plant uses against malaria, 3) and to discuss potential effects of such co-medications, in order to improve synergy between community efforts and public health programs in SGO particularly, and in Amazonia more broadly. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017 in SGO. Inhabitants of any age and nationality were interviewed using a questionnaire (122 questions) about their knowledge and habits regarding malaria, and their use of plants to prevent and treat it. They were invited to show their potential responses on a poster illustrating the most common antimalarial plants used in the area. In order to correlate plant uses and malaria epidemiology, all participants subsequently received a medical examination, and malaria detection was performed by Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). RESULTS: A total of 1566 inhabitants were included in the study. Forty-six percent of them declared that they had been infected by malaria at least once, and this rate increased with age. Every person who reported that they had had malaria also indicated that they had taken antimalarial drugs (at least for the last episode), and self-medication against malaria with pharmaceuticals was reported in 142 cases. A total of 550 plant users was recorded (35.1% of the interviewed population). Among them 95.5% associated pharmaceuticals to plants. All plants reported to treat malaria were shared by every cultural group around SGO, but three plants were primarily used by the Palikur: Cymbopogon citratus, Citrus aurantifolia and Siparuna guianensis. Two plants stand out among those used by Creoles: Eryngium foetidum and Quassia amara, although the latter is used by all groups and is by far the most cited plant by every cultural group. Cultivated species accounts for 91.3% of the use reports, while wild taxa account for only 18.4%. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that residents of SGO in French Guiana are relying on both traditional phytotherapies and pharmaceutical drugs to treat malaria. This medical pluralism is to be understood as a form of pragmatism: people are collecting or cultivating plants for medicinal purposes, which is probably more congruent with their respective cultures and highlights the wish for a certain independence of the care process. A better consideration of these practices is thus necessary to improve public health response to malaria.

Antimaláricos/uso terapêutico , Malária/epidemiologia , Malária/terapia , Medicina Tradicional , Fitoterapia , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Febre/tratamento farmacológico , Guiana Francesa/epidemiologia , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Humanos , Masculino , Plantas Medicinais , Adulto Jovem
Entropy (Basel) ; 23(5)2021 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34069864


Social phenomena in their simplest form share infinite complexities and relationships, and by interacting with other entities, their levels of complexity become exponentially inexplicable and incomprehensible. Using a single form of study in complex phenomena could be insufficient, and new forms of analysis should be opened that allow for observing the multidimensionality of study problems from integrative perspectives. The emergence of research using mixed methods attempts to reconcile these methodologies through integration, configuring a stage of interconnection between research paradigms that cause cuts and leaks that may or may not be consistent with the study's object. At the time of integration, vices can be created by specific value and subjectivity judgments, with investigative diffraction being an alternative to extend integration through data fracture and redirecting the object of study. This work proposes a Predictive Sequential Research Design (DISPRE) for complex social phenomena, which uses fuzzy logic as a tool to solve the information biases caused by the investigative diffraction of each methodological approach as a strategy to capture, explain, understand and predict the intrinsic complexity of the social entity under study.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;28(2): 393-411, abr.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279135


Resumo A evolução biológica é frequentemente considerada um eixo central e unificador da biologia. O artigo discute aspectos históricos desse ideal de unificação, bem como os seus sinais de desintegração entre os anos 1960 e 1980. Argumentamos que apesar das novas propostas de síntese do conhecimento biológico, a biologia evolutiva contemporânea é caracterizada por um pluralismo. Os principais pontos a favor do pluralismo evolutivo são discutidos, e algumas consequências dessa perspectiva são apresentadas, particularmente em relação ao ideal de unificação da biologia. Por fim, defendemos um pluralismo evolutivo crítico do ideal de unificação como um objetivo da ciência, mas ainda favorável a integrações locais.

Abstract Biological evolution is often regarded as a central and unifying axis of biology. This article discusses historical aspects of this ideal of unification, as well as signs of its disintegration from the 1960s to 1980s. We argue that despite new proposals for the synthesis of biological knowledge, contemporary evolutionary biology is characterized by pluralism. The main points in favor of evolutionary pluralism are discussed and some consequences of this perspective are presented, particularly in terms of the ideal of a unified biology. Finally, we defend an evolutionary pluralism that critiques the ideal of unification as a scientific objective, but still favors local integrations.

Biologia/história , Consenso , Evolução Biológica , História do Século XX
Int J Psychoanal ; 102(1): 51-67, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33952014


Enactment as a psychoanalytic concept was coined by Jacobs in 1986. Since then, it has developed within the psychoanalytic community as a concept. Originally, enactment described an aspect of countertransference expressed through subtle actions within the analytic process, as distinct from noisier performances that fall within the spectrum of "acting out". Nowadays, the concept of enactment poses some difficulties that should not be ignored. As a theoretical concept, enactment has a complex epistemological position, and as a clinical concept it sheds light on contemporary psychoanalytic practices. This paper explores the results from an empirical and conceptual research work, focusing on the history, translations and usages of the term "enactment", and its comparison with related terms. It will also consider the epistemological perspective regarding the current status of enactment as a scientific concept and its relationship with the psychoanalytic theoretical field.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Contratransferência , Humanos , Conhecimento
Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;22(3): e287216, May-June 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127228


RESUMEN Hace unos cuantos siglos, en la materia médica de los nahuas prehispánicos se incluían alimentos curativos. En la actualidad, legitimado por las ciencias experimentales, nace el nutracéutico como un alimento con propiedades curativas que se utiliza en los modelos de salud preventivos del cáncer. En este artículo, comienzo por proponer que el conocimiento prehispánico puede ser validado epistémica y metodológicamente, si se apela al particular marco conceptual de los prehispánicos. Después, arguyo que el consumo de nutracéticos, como anticancerígenos, puede pensarse como parte de medidas preventivas primarias y secundarias, así como en la comprensión de las prácticas de autocuidado en el marco de la ética contemporánea del cáncer. Concretamente, que el consumo de nutracéticos y los alimentos prehispánicos mexicanos pueden legitimarse como prácticas de bienestar y prevención cada vez más pertinentes, en la intersección de la experiencia del enfermo y de su contexto. La responsabilidad de quien padece, dentro de un contexto sociopolítico cada vez más estructurado por las exigencias de vulnerabilidad del mercado terapéutico y de las estrategias confesionarias que otorgan verdad y validez a las figuras de autoridad, se gana en la práctica de conocerse y entenderse a sí mismo en la intersubjetividad contextual.(AU)

ABSTRACT The pre-Hispanic Nahuas had a medical system that included healing foods among their therapeutic practices. Nowadays, a new knowledge is born, legitimated by experimental sciences: the nutraceutical, a food with curative properties used in cancer preventive health models. In this article, I begin by proposing that pre-Hispanic knowledge can be validated epistemically and methodologically, if we appeal to the particular conceptual framework of the pre-Hispanic. Later, that the consumption of nutraceuticals, as anti-cancer drugs, can be thought of as part of primary and secondary preventive measures, as well as in the understanding of self-care practices in the framework of contemporary cancer bioethics. Specifically, that the consumption of nutraceuticals and Mexican pre-Hispanic foods can be legitimized as increasingly relevant wellness and prevention practices, at the intersection of the patient's experience and his or her context. The responsibility of those who suffer, within a sociopolitical context that is increasingly structured by the demands of vulnerability of the therapeutic market and the confessional strategies that give truth and validity to the figures of authority over whom they suffer, is gained in the practice of knowing and understanding oneself within contextual intersubjetivity.(AU)

Humanos , Biotecnologia/tendências , Materia Medica , Suplementos Nutricionais , Suplementos Nutricionais/provisão & distribuição , Licopeno/uso terapêutico , Neoplasias/prevenção & controle
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;27(2): 503-521, abr.-jun. 2020. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134062


Resumo Em meados do século XIX, em Portugal, discutiu-se, com relativa intensidade, medicina e sistemas médicos alternativos e complementares, quer na imprensa periódica especializada, quer em alguns jornais de cunho generalista. Desses sistemas médicos, que emergiram com vigor no Portugal do Romantismo, um parece ter gerado especial debate: o magnetismo animal. O presente artigo, em perspectiva comparada, visa resgatar o alcance histórico desse sistema clínico, analisando a curiosidade popular e especializada em torno dessa terapia. Finalmente, contextualizar-se-ão as querelas literárias e institucionais que o magnetismo animal desencadeou no período.

Abstract In mid-nineteenth century Portugal, alternative and complementary medical systems and medicine were discussed with relative intensity in the specialized press and in some mainstream newspapers. One of these medical systems, which gained ground during Portugal's romantic era, seems to have sparked particular debate: animal magnetism. A comparative approach is taken to review the historical scope of this healing system, analyzing popular and specialized curiosity regarding this therapy. Finally, the literary and institutional disagreements that animal magnetism unleashed during the period are contextualized.

Humanos , Terapêutica , Sistemas Médicos Complexos não Tradicionais , Hipnose , Portugal , História do Século XIX
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e45334, 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1135781


RESUMO. A área da psicopatologia -, aquela que contém o conjunto de conhecimentos referentes ao adoecimento mental - é permeada por diversas controvérsias de âmbito teórico, prático, ético e metodológico. A grande diversidade de modelos explicativos é uma das características da psicopatologia que contribuem para a criação e manutenção dessas controvérsias existentes, ao mesmo tempo em que estabelece desafios para o profissional dedicado a essa área do saber. Nesse artigo aborda-se a concepção de a existência de absolutismos tais como universalismo, objetivismo e fundacionalismo contribuir para as dificuldades de diálogo entre profissionais adeptos dos diferentes modelos explicativos existentes na psicopatologia. Tais dificuldades prejudicam tanto a pesquisa científica como o próprio tratamento de pacientes e, portanto, faz-se urgente um melhor entendimento dessas formas de absolutismo para que seja possível superá-las, sendo esse o principal objetivo desse artigo. Como alternativa aos absolutismos defende-se tanto o pluralismo em todos os âmbitos referidos anteriormente como o diálogo no sentido proposto por Hans-Georg Gadamer. Isso favorece a existência democrática da diversidade de modelos explicativos sem incorrer em dogmatismos que dificultem ou mesmo impeçam o diálogo interprofissional.

RESUMEN. El área de la psicopatología -, aquella que contiene el conjunto de conocimientos referentes a la enfermedad mental - está impregnada por diversas controversias de ámbito teórico, práctico, ético y metodológico. La gran diversidad de modelos explicativos es una de las características de la psicopatología que contribuyen a la creación y mantenimiento de esas controversias existentes, al mismo tiempo que establece desafíos para el profesional que se dedica a esa área del saber. En este artículo abordamos la concepción de la existencia de absolutismos tales como universalismo, objetivismo y fundacionalismo contribuyeren a las dificultades de diálogo entre profesionales adeptos de los diferentes modelos explicativos existentes en la psicopatología. Tales dificultades dificultan tanto la investigación científica como el propio tratamiento de pacientes y, por lo tanto, se hace urgente un mejor entendimiento de los absolutismos para que sea posible superarlos, y es ese el principal objetivo de ese artículo. Como alternativa a los absolutismos defendemos tanto el pluralismo en todos los ámbitos mencionados anteriormente como el diálogo en el sentido propuesto por Hans-Georg Gadamer. Eso favorece la existencia democrática de la diversidad de modelos explicativos sin que se incurra en dogmatismos que dificultan o incluso impidan el diálogo interprofesional.

ABSTRACT. The area of psychopathology -, that which contains the set of knowledge related to mental illness - is permeated by several controversies of theoretical, practical, ethical and methodological scope. The great diversity of explanatory models is one of the characteristics of psychopathology that contributes to the creation and maintenance of these existent controversies, while at the same time establishing challenges for the professional that is dedicated to this área of knowledge. In this article we defend the conception of ​​the existence of absolutisms such as universalism, objectivism and foundationalism contribute to the difficulties of dialogue between professionals who are adept of the different explanatory models existing in psychopathology. Such difficulties undermine both scientific research and the treatment of patients themselves and, therefore, a better understanding of absolutisms is urgently needed in order to overcome them, which is the main objective of this article. As an alternative to absolutisms we defend both pluralism in all the areas referred above and dialogue in the sense proposed by Hans-Georg Gadamer. This favors the democratic existence of the diversity of explanatory models without incurring in dogmatisms that hinder or even impede interprofessional dialogue.

Psicopatologia , Saúde Mental , Psiquiatria , Psicanálise , Psicoterapia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Diversidade Cultural , Teoria Freudiana , Transtornos Mentais/psicologia
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;26(4): 1263-1280, out.-dez. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056265


Abstract Homeopathy arrived from the United States to Peruvian soil in the last decades of the nineteenth century, broadening the repertoire of existing medical knowledge, which included an emerging medical profession, Chinese herbalists, and indigenous practitioners. This article examines the circulation and use of homeopathic therapies and medicines in Lima from the time when the American homeopath George Deacon initiated his practice, in the 1880s, until his death, in 1915. Although homeopathy was not the most widely used medical therapy in the country, it nevertheless posed a threat to professional medicine and the School of Medicine's desired monopoly of the field of medicine.

Resumo A homeopatia originária dos EUA adentrou solo peruano nas últimas décadas do século XIX, ampliando o repertório de conhecimento médico existente até então, o qual incluía uma profissão médica em ascensão, herbolários chineses e médicos locais. Este artigo analisa a circulação e o uso de tratamentos e medicamentos homeopáticos em Lima desde o período em que o homeopata norte-americano George Deacon iniciou sua prática, nos anos 1880, até sua morte, em 1915. Embora a homeopatia não fosse o tratamento médico mais disseminada no país, ela representou uma ameaça à medicina profissional e ao monopólio do campo da medicina almejado pela escola tradicional.

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Homeopatia/história , Peru , Faculdades de Medicina/história , Estados Unidos , Governo Federal/história , Regulamentação Governamental/história , Homeopatia/legislação & jurisprudência , Licenciamento em Medicina/história
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 21(2): 77-96, jul.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1430946


Procuro esclarecer e precisar o que seria o pluralismo moral com base em uma caracterização do que julgo ser a forma mais profunda e radical de conflito moral: o conflito entre valores incomensuráveis. A seguir, lido com os limites do papel da sensibilidade moral nos cenários de conflitos práticos. Por fim, introduzo um modelo de racionalidade prática consistente com o pluralismo moral mais radical. Concluo que, longe de significar a abdicação da racionalidade no domínio prático, o pluralismo, uma vez absorvido pela nossa cultura moral e política, traria importantes lições de tolerância para nossa época.

My aim is to clarify and specify what is moral pluralism. My starting point is what I consider the deepest and most radical type of moral conflict: the conflict between incommensurable values. Next, I deal with moral sensibility and the limits of its role in scenarios of practical conflict. Last, I introduce a model of practical rationality consistent with the most radical form of moral pluralism. My conclusion is that, rather than signifying the abdication of rationality in the practical domain, pluralism, once integrated in our moral and political culture, brings relevant lessons of tolerance to our age.

J Agromedicine ; 24(3): 257-267, 2019 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30860961


Objectives: This analysis documents the use of conventional health-care providers, traditional healers, and complementary therapies by Mexican farmworkers; identifies the purposes and perceived helpfulness of these modalities; and delineates variation in the use of traditional healers and complementary therapies. Methods: Two-hundred Mexican farmworkers in North Carolina completed interviews May-September, 2017. The International Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questionnaire (I-CAM-Q) elicited use of conventional health-care providers, traditional healers, and complementary therapies in the previous 12 months. Results: Most of the farmworkers had been treated by a conventional provider (63.0%). One-in-five had been treated by any traditional healer; 19.5% had been treated by a sobador, 4.5% by a curandero, 2.0% by an herbalist, and 2.0% by a spiritual healer. Conventional providers (69.8%) and sobadores (84.6%) most often treated acute conditions; 62.5% had used an herb, 46.0% a vitamin, 57.0% an over-the-counter medicine, and 13.5% a home remedy. Participants used various self-care practices, including music (36.5%), sleep (18.0%), prayer for health (15.0%), and social media (14.0%). Education was inversely associated with the use of a traditional healer and herbs; treatment by a conventional health-care provider was positively associated with using a traditional healer and vitamins. Conclusions: Mexican farmworkers use conventional health-care providers as well as traditional healers and complementary therapies. Research on how use of complementary therapies and a system of medical pluralism affects farmworker health is needed. Health-care providers need to recognize complementary therapy use and provide patient education about ineffective or harmful therapies.

Terapias Complementares/estatística & dados numéricos , Fazendeiros , Medicina Tradicional/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Escolaridade , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , México/etnologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Medicamentos sem Prescrição/uso terapêutico , North Carolina , Fitoterapia , Plantas Medicinais , Autocuidado/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Migrantes/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. colomb. bioét ; 14(1): 27-51, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140587


Este artículo propone reflexionar sobre la dificultad de determinar la reivindicación del derecho a morir con dignidad en la forma de eutanasia. Se discuten los conflictos éticos que surgen al ser defendido este derecho en aquellas personas que son incapaces de brindar su consentimiento de manera directa ­por su edad o condición­ y lo hacen a través de la figura ética y jurídica del "consentimiento por sustitución". Se analizan cuatro valores que suelen estar en conflicto en estos casos: entre quienes propenden por extremar las medidas terapéuticas ­aplicar una tecnología para postergar la muerte­ en oposición a quienes consideran que lo mejor sería suspender dichas medidas ­permitir el desenlace natural de la muerte­; entre quienes reclaman ser escuchados en calidad de sustitutos ­libertad­, frente a quienes atribuyen una serie de consecuencias desafortunadas si se respeta esta solicitud y consideran que lo justo sería hacer un control social al respecto ­justicia­. Las tesis para dar solución a tales conflictos son controvertibles y contradictorias en su raciocinio. Se plantea una aproximación metodológica para resolver esta aporía mediante la comprensión de los valores en conflicto y el intercambio que puede hacerse entre ellos. Con esto en mente, se propone una perspectiva bioética sustentada en capacidades críticas de origen dialéctico.

This article suggests reflecting on the difficulty to determine the assertion of the right to die with dignity through euthanasia. It discusses the ethical conflicts that arise when defending this right for those people that are unable to give their consent directly ­due to their age or condition­ and they do so by the ethical and legal figure of "consent by substitution". Four values that are often in conflict in such cases are analyzed: between those who favor the ultimate therapeutic measures ­the use of technology to delay death­ as opposed to those who consider that it would be best to suspend such measures ­allow the natural outcome of death­; between those who demand to be heard as substitutes ­freedom­ against those who claim there would be a of unfortunate consequences if this request is granted and consider it to be fair to exercise social control in this respect ­justice­. The reasoning behind the theses to solve such conflicts are both controversial and contradictory. To settle this aporia, a methodological approach is proposed to understand the conflicting values, as well as the exchange that can be made between them. With this in mind, a bioethical perspective based on critical abilities of dialectical origin is proposed.

Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a dificuldade de determinar a reivindicação do direito a morrer com dignidade sob a forma de eutanásia. São discutidos os conflitos éticos que surgem ao defender-se este direito para aquelas pessoas que são incapazes de dar seu consentimento de maneira direta ­ por sua idade ou condição ­ e o fazem por meio da figura ética e jurídica do "consentimento por substituição". São analisados quatro valores que costumam estar em conflito nestes casos: entre aqueles que tendem por maximizar as medidas terapêuticas ­fazer uso da tecnologia para postergar a morte­ em oposição àqueles que consideram que o melhor seria suspender tais medidas ­permitir o desenlace natural da morte­; entre aqueles que reivindicam ser escutados na qualidade de substitutos ­liberdade­ frente àqueles que atribuem uma série de consequências infelizes ao respeitar-se esta solicitação e consideram que o justo seria fazer um controle social sobre o assunto ­justiça­. As teses que buscam soluções para tais conflitos são controvertíveis e contraditórias em seu raciocínio. Sugere-se uma aproximação metodológica para resolver esta aporia mediante a compreensão dos valores em conflito e o intercambio que se pode fazer entre eles. Com isto em mente, se propõe uma perspectiva bioética sustentada em capacidades críticas de origem dialética.

Eutanásia , Bioética , Direito a Morrer , Ética