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PeerJ ; 11: e15200, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37077313


The relationship between phenotypic variation and landscape heterogeneity has been extensively studied to understand how the environment influences patterns of morphological variation and differentiation of populations. Several studies had partially addressed intraspecific variation in the sigmodontine rodent Abrothrix olivacea, focusing on the characterization of physiological aspects and cranial variation. However, these had been conducted based on geographically restricted populational samples, and in most cases, the aspects characterized were not explicitly contextualized with the environmental configurations in which the populations occurred. Here, the cranial variation of A. olivacea was characterized by recording twenty cranial measurements in 235 individuals from 64 localities in Argentina and Chile, which widely cover the geographic and environmental distribution of this species. The morphological variation was analyzed and ecogeographically contextualized using multivariate statistical analyses, which also included climatic and ecological variation at the localities where the individuals were sampled. Results indicate that the cranial variation of this species is mostly clustered in localized patterns associated to the types of environments, and that the levels of cranial differentiation are higher among the populations from arid and treeless zones. Additionally, the ecogeographical association of cranial size variation indicate that this species does not follow Bergmann's rule and that island populations exhibit larger cranial sizes compared to their continental counterparts distributed at the same latitudes. These results suggest that cranial differentiation among the populations of this species is not homogeneous throughout its geographic distribution, and that the patterns of morphological differentiation are also not completely consistent with the patterns of genetic structuring that have been described recently. Finally, the analyses performed to ponder morphological differentiation among populations suggest that the contribution of genetic drift in the formation of these patterns can be ruled out among Patagonian populations, and that the selective effect imposed by the environment could better explain them.

Arvicolinae , Olea , Animais , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Sigmodontinae , Murinae
Front Plant Sci ; 9: 1073, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30100913


The current relationship between leaf traits and environmental variables has been widely used as a proxy for climate estimates. However, it has been observed that the phylogenetic relationships between taxa also influence the evolution of climatic related leaf traits, implying that the direct use of the physiognomy-climate relation should be corrected by their ancestor-descendant relations. Here, we analyze the variation of 20 leaf traits during the evolution of 27 species in the Gondwana family Nothofagaceae. We evaluate whether the evolution of these traits is exclusively associated with past climate variations or whether they are restricted by phylogenetic relationships. Our results indicate that four leaf traits, associated with size and shape, had consistently a phylogenetic independent evolution, suggesting adaptive variation with the environment. While three of the traits, presented consistently phylogenetic signal and fit a Brownian motion or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of evolution, suggesting that the evolution of these traits is restrained by phylogenetic relationships and implying that phylogenetic corrections should be made for the family Nothofagaceae to use them as climatic proxy. Finally, this study highlights the importance of evaluating the evolutionary history of climatic related leaf traits before conducting paleoclimate estimates.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(7): 920-925, jul. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-902564


During the first Modern Era (15th-17th c.), bodily health and expressions of physiognomy were explained under the doctrine of humors. This doctrine -based on Corpus Hipocraticum-established a close relation between humors (blood, yellow bile, phlegm, and black bile), qualities (dry, moist, warm, and cold) and the elements (water, air, earth, and fire). One of these humors -black bile-, commonly a hallmark of the melancholic temperament, was associated to the complexion and nature of American Indians. This accusation was legitimized by the empirical examination of the physiognomy of a subject that was melancholic, sad and pusillanimous. In this article, we describe, based on the analysis of colonial texts (16th-17th c.), how the essential premises of the humor theory were transferred to the New World and in particular and how the Indian complexion was defined through the examination of subjects plagued by black humor and phlegm. With this, we determine the way these individuals -referred as 'Indians'- were inscribed in medical knowledge, during the global spread of the Hippocratic-Galenic postulates.

Humanos , História do Século XV , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVII , Fisiognomia , Temperamento , Indígenas Sul-Americanos/história , Teoria Humoral , Transtorno Depressivo/história
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(1): 21-24, jan.-mar. 2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-599677


É importante definirmos corretamente um termo, porque pode haver implicações práticas e imediatas. Dois conceitos importantes para serem definidos acuradamente são os de "cerrado" e de "bioma". Da maneira como vem sendo usado no Brasil, o conceito de bioma adquiriu erroneamente uma conotação florística. Na verdade, o conceito de bioma é similar ao de formação vegetal, mas leva em conta a associação da vegetação com a fauna e com os microrganismos. Assim, por um lado, o conceito de bioma é fisionômico e funcional, isto é, levam-se em conta a aparência geral da vegetação e aspectos como os ritmos de crescimento e reprodução; por outro, o conceito não é florístico, isto é, a afinidade taxonômica das espécies que aparecem em várias unidades de um mesmo bioma é irrelevante. Para sermos coerentes com toda a literatura internacional e usarmos o conceito de bioma acuradamente, devemos considerar o cerrado sensu lato como formado por três biomas: o campo tropical (campo limpo), a savana (campo sujo, campo cerrado e cerrado sensu stricto) e a floresta estacional (cerradão).

It is important to define correctly a given concept, because there may be immediate and practical implications. Two important concepts to be accurately defined are "cerrado" and "biome". As used in Brazil, the concept of biome has erroneously acquired a floristic meaning. As a matter of fact, the concept of biome is close to that of vegetation form, but takes into account the association between the vegetation and the animals and microorganisms. Thus, on the one hand, the concept of biome is physiognomic and functional, that is, it takes into account the general aspect of the vegetation, growth patterns, and reproduction patterns; on the other hand, it is not floristic, that is, the taxonomic affinities of the species that occur in different regions of the same biome are irrelevant. To be coherent with international literature and use accurately the concept of biome, we should consider the Brazilian cerrado as being composed of three biomes: tropical grassland (campo limpo), savanna (campo sujo, campo cerrado, and cerrado sensu stricto), and seasonal forest (cerradão).

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;57(1/2): 271-281, March-June 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637717


Floristic and physiognomic characteristics of disturbed thorny xerophytic scrubland in Punta de Piedras, Miranda Municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela. We determined the floristic and physiognomic aspects of disturbed thorny xerophytic scrubland in Punta de Piedras, Miranda Municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela. Botanical sampling was done twice monthly (November 2005-June 2006), in both rainy and dry seasons, for a total of 16 samples. The sampling was done in 10 vegetation patches, in an average area of 718,2 ± 706,24 m², and adjacent graminoid floristic components were identified using three 400 m² (20 x 20 m) plots, divided into 4 subplots (20 x 5 m²) and in these, were delimited 12 subplots (1 x 1 m²). In addition, human paths were carried out in order to identify other species plant. Thorny xerophytic scrubland showed human disturbances e.g. periodic fires, solid wastes, roads and human settlements and coastal semiarid thorny scrubland characteristics, similar to another Venezuelan localities. Forty-five species, in 22 families were identified, and the Poaceae (6), Mimosaceae (4), Boraginaceae (3), Cactaceae (3), Caesalpinaceae (3), Euphorbiaceae (3) and Fabaceae (3) presented the highest number of species. Human disturbances probably favor the appearance of vegetation patches and secondary grassland formations. In the last, Aristida venesuelae, Aristida pittieri y Portulaca pilosa showed the highest relative abundances and frequencies values with a summatory of 49,38% and 46,86%, respectively, while in the patches there were observed two layer: an herbaceous layer (less than 1 m high) as well as a bush-tree layer (2.63 ± 1.37 m high), comprised mostly of Opuntia wentiana, Piptadenia flava and Jatropha gossypifolia with relative abundances of 32,82, 15,60 and 15,14 %, respectively. The thorny xerophytic scrubland in Punta de Piedras presents a low number of species; however, the physiognomic characteristics are similar to other undisturbed thorny xerophytic scrublands in Venezuela. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 271-281. Epub 2009 June 30.

Se determinaron los aspectos florísticos y fisonómicos de un matorral xerófilo espinoso intervenido de Punta de Piedras, municipio Miranda, estado Zulia, Venezuela. Se realizaron dieciséis muestreos quincenales, entre noviembre 2005 y junio 2006, para la recolecta, identificación y conteo de las especies tanto en el periodo lluvioso como en el seco. Los muestreos se llevaron a cabo en 10 manchones de vegetación con un área promedio de 718 ± 706.24 m², en una formación graminiforme en la que se emplearon tres parcelas de 20 x 20 (400 m²), dividiéndose cada una de éstas en cuatro subparcelas de 20 x 5 (100 m²) y a su vez, dentro de ellas, se delimitaron 12 subparcelas de 1 x 1. (1 m²), y también se realizaron recorridos para el reconocimiento de otras especies de la zona. El matorral xerófilo espinoso mostró evidencias de intervención antropogénica como quemas periódicas, deposición de desechos sólidos, caminerías para el tránsito de las personas y asentamientos poblacionales en las zonas circunvecinas; y presentó una vegetación semiárida de espinar costero característica y comparable a la señalada para otras regiones del país. Se identificaron 45 especies agrupadas en 22 familias, entre las cuales destacaron: las Poaceae (6), Mimosaceae (4), Boraginaceae (3), Cactaceae (3) Caesalpinaceae (3), Euphorbiaceae (3) y Fabaceae (3). La intervención antropogénica parece generar la aparición de manchones de vegetación arbustiva y arbórea y de una formación graminiforme o pastizal. En esta última, Aristida venesuelae, Aristida pittieri y Portulaca pilosa presentaron los mayores valores de abundancia y frecuencia relativa cuya sumatoria corresponde a 49.38% y 46.86%, respectivamente; mientras que en los manchones se destacaron dos estratos: uno herbáceo menor a 1 m, y otro estrato arbustivo-arbóreo de bajo porte (2.63 ± 1.37 m de altura media), conformado principalmente por Opuntia wentiana, Piptadenia flava y Jatropha gossypifolia, especies que presentaron las mayores abundancias relativas de 32.82, 15.60 y 15.14%, respectivamente. El matorral xerófilo espinoso de Punta de Piedras presentó un bajo número de especies en comparación con otras comunidades xerófilas, no intervenidas, del país. Sin embargo, a pesar de la intervención antropogénica presente en esta comunidad, los manchones de vegetación mostraron rasgos fisonómicos análogos a los correspondientes a otras formaciones xerófilas espinosas no perturbadas de Venezuela.

Humanos , Biodiversidade , Árvores/classificação , Monitoramento Ambiental , Densidade Demográfica , Estações do Ano , Venezuela
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;61(3)Aug. 2001.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467550


We studied three cerrado physiognomies (campo cerrado, a savanna woodland; cerrado sensu stricto, a woodland; and cerradão, a tall woodland) in a reserve with 1,225 ha, in Santa Rita do Passa-Quatro (21°36-38'S and 47°36-39'W), São Paulo State, South-eastern Brazil, to compare plant communities structure. As descriptors of the vegetation structure, we used richness, density, basal area, cylindrical volume, and diversity. Ten 40 m² quadrats were placed randomly in each physiognomy, in which we sampled the woody plants with stem diameter equal or larger than 1 cm (woody component), and ten 2.5 m² quadrats, in which we sampled the woody plants with stem diameter smaller than 1 cm and all the non-woody individuals (herbaceous component). In the woody component, we found significant differences among the physiognomies for richness, density and cylindrical volume. Cylindrical volume increased from campo cerrado to cerradão, but richness and density were higher in cerrado sensu stricto. In the herbaceous component, we detected differences for all variables, which were higher in the savanna physiognomies, campo cerrado and cerrado sensu stricto, than in the forest physiognomy, cerradão. Cylindrical volume was the best variable to distinguish the physiognomies. Floristic similarity followed the campo cerrado-cerrado sensu stricto-cerradão gradient, and beta diversity was higher in the herbaceous component.

Estudamos três fisionomias do cerrado (campo cerrado, cerrado sensu stricto e cerradão) em uma reserva com 1.225 ha, situada no munícipio de Santa Rita do Passa-Quatro (21°36-38'S e 47°36-39'W), Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de comparar a estrutura da vegetação, tanto do componente arbustivo-arbóreo quanto do herbáceo-subarbustivo. Como descritores da estrutura da comunidade, utilizamos a riqueza, a densidade, a área basal, o volume cilíndrico e a diversidade. Em cada uma das três fisionomias, lançamos aleatoriamente 10 parcelas de 40 m², em que amostramos as plantas lenhosas com diâmetro do caule no nível do solo maior ou igual a 1 cm (componente arbustivo-arbóreo), com subparcelas de 2,5 m², em que amostramos as plantas lenhosas com diâmetro do caule no nível do solo menor do que 1 cm e todas as não-lenhosas (componente herbáceo-subarbustivo). No componente arbustivo-arbóreo, encontramos diferenças significativas entre as fisionomias para a riqueza, a densidade e o volume cilíndrico. O volume cilíndrico aumentou do campo cerrado ao cerradão, enquanto a riqueza e a densidade foram maiores no cerrado sensu stricto. Para o componente herbáceo-subarbustivo, detectamos diferenças em todas as variáveis, que foram maiores nas fisionomias savânicas, campo cerrado e cerrado sensu stricto, do que nas fisionomias florestal e cerradão. O volume cilíndrico foi a melhor variável para distinguir diferenças entre as fisionomias. A similaridade florística seguiu o gradiente campo cerrado-cerrado sensu stricto-cerradão, e a diversidade beta foi maior para o componente herbáceo-subarbustivo.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 61(3)2001.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-445641


We studied three cerrado physiognomies (campo cerrado, a savanna woodland; cerrado sensu stricto, a woodland; and cerradão, a tall woodland) in a reserve with 1,225 ha, in Santa Rita do Passa-Quatro (21°36-38'S and 47°36-39'W), São Paulo State, South-eastern Brazil, to compare plant communities structure. As descriptors of the vegetation structure, we used richness, density, basal area, cylindrical volume, and diversity. Ten 40 m² quadrats were placed randomly in each physiognomy, in which we sampled the woody plants with stem diameter equal or larger than 1 cm (woody component), and ten 2.5 m² quadrats, in which we sampled the woody plants with stem diameter smaller than 1 cm and all the non-woody individuals (herbaceous component). In the woody component, we found significant differences among the physiognomies for richness, density and cylindrical volume. Cylindrical volume increased from campo cerrado to cerradão, but richness and density were higher in cerrado sensu stricto. In the herbaceous component, we detected differences for all variables, which were higher in the savanna physiognomies, campo cerrado and cerrado sensu stricto, than in the forest physiognomy, cerradão. Cylindrical volume was the best variable to distinguish the physiognomies. Floristic similarity followed the campo cerrado-cerrado sensu stricto-cerradão gradient, and beta diversity was higher in the herbaceous component.

Estudamos três fisionomias do cerrado (campo cerrado, cerrado sensu stricto e cerradão) em uma reserva com 1.225 ha, situada no munícipio de Santa Rita do Passa-Quatro (21°36-38'S e 47°36-39'W), Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de comparar a estrutura da vegetação, tanto do componente arbustivo-arbóreo quanto do herbáceo-subarbustivo. Como descritores da estrutura da comunidade, utilizamos a riqueza, a densidade, a área basal, o volume cilíndrico e a diversidade. Em cada uma das três fisionomias, lançamos aleatoriamente 10 parcelas de 40 m², em que amostramos as plantas lenhosas com diâmetro do caule no nível do solo maior ou igual a 1 cm (componente arbustivo-arbóreo), com subparcelas de 2,5 m², em que amostramos as plantas lenhosas com diâmetro do caule no nível do solo menor do que 1 cm e todas as não-lenhosas (componente herbáceo-subarbustivo). No componente arbustivo-arbóreo, encontramos diferenças significativas entre as fisionomias para a riqueza, a densidade e o volume cilíndrico. O volume cilíndrico aumentou do campo cerrado ao cerradão, enquanto a riqueza e a densidade foram maiores no cerrado sensu stricto. Para o componente herbáceo-subarbustivo, detectamos diferenças em todas as variáveis, que foram maiores nas fisionomias savânicas, campo cerrado e cerrado sensu stricto, do que nas fisionomias florestal e cerradão. O volume cilíndrico foi a melhor variável para distinguir diferenças entre as fisionomias. A similaridade florística seguiu o gradiente campo cerrado-cerrado sensu stricto-cerradão, e a diversidade beta foi maior para o componente herbáceo-subarbustivo.

Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;30(3)2000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454759


Forty five plots of 0,15ha (10 X 150m) distributed in the savannas of Roraima were analysed for physiognomy and their relationship to the edaphic characteristics of the surface soil. Quantitative measures of height, frequency, basal area and density of woody elements and qualitative measures of spatial distribution and % cover of tree/shrubs were used. The plots were classified in to four physiognomic types (grassland, tree and shrub savanna, woodland savanna and park savanna) each with very defined structural characteristics. The survey found 267 species , belonging to 55 families, 137 genera, 195 herbaceous species and 71 woody species. Among the woody, 51% were tree , 32% shrub and 17% dwarf shrubs. The herbaceous stratum is the richest, with 41 families, 98 genera and 207 species. However, only 18 species were found in more than 20% of the plots. Eighty percent of the plots classified as grassland were found on sandy soils, 81% of the tree and shrub savanna on clay soils, 64% of the woodland savanna on sandy soils and all the parks savannas were found on soils of loamy sand. However, the physiognomic types did not possess significant relationships with most of the analyzed nutrients; only the levels of A1+++, in the surface layer (0-10cm depth), were significantly different among the physiognomic types. That significant difference was due mainly to the differences found between the levels of A1+++ of the grassland and tree and shrub savanna and between the grassland and woodland savannas.

Quarenta e cinco parcelas de 0,15ha (10 X 150m) distribuídas nas savanas de Roraima foram analisadas quanto a fisionomia e sua relação com as características edáficas do solo superficial. Foram utilizadas medidas quantitativas de altura, frequência, área basal e densidade dos elementos lenhosos e medidas qualitativas de distribuição espacial e grau de cobertura arbustivo/arbóreo. As parcelas foram classificadas em quatro tipos fisionômicos (campo limpo, campo sujo, campos cerrados e savana parque) com características estruturais bem definidas. Foram encontradas 55 famílias, 137 gêneros e 267 espécies, sendo, 195 espécies herbáceas e 71 espécies lenhosas. Entre as lenhosas, 51% são arbóreas, 32% arbustivas e 17% subarbustivas. O estrato herbáceo é o mais rico em sua flora, com 41 famílias, 98 gêneros e 207 espécies. Porém, apenas 18 espécies foram encontradas em mais de 20% das parcelas. Oitenta por cento das parcelas classificadas como campos limpos foram encontradas sobre solos arenosos, 81% dos campos sujos sobre solos argilosos, 64% dos campos cerrados sobre solos arenosos e todas as savanas parques foram encontradas sobre solos de areia barrenta. Entretanto, os tipos fisionômicos não possuem relações significativas com a maioria dos nutrientes analisados; apenas os teores de Al+++, na camada superficial (0-10cm de profundidade) foram significativamente diferentes entre os tipos fisionômicos. Essa diferença significativa deve-se principalmente às diferenças encontradas entre os teores de Al+++ dos campos limpos e campos sujos e entre os campos limpos e campos cerrados.

Acta amaz. ; 30(3)2000.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-449815


Forty five plots of 0,15ha (10 X 150m) distributed in the savannas of Roraima were analysed for physiognomy and their relationship to the edaphic characteristics of the surface soil. Quantitative measures of height, frequency, basal area and density of woody elements and qualitative measures of spatial distribution and % cover of tree/shrubs were used. The plots were classified in to four physiognomic types (grassland, tree and shrub savanna, woodland savanna and park savanna) each with very defined structural characteristics. The survey found 267 species , belonging to 55 families, 137 genera, 195 herbaceous species and 71 woody species. Among the woody, 51% were tree , 32% shrub and 17% dwarf shrubs. The herbaceous stratum is the richest, with 41 families, 98 genera and 207 species. However, only 18 species were found in more than 20% of the plots. Eighty percent of the plots classified as grassland were found on sandy soils, 81% of the tree and shrub savanna on clay soils, 64% of the woodland savanna on sandy soils and all the parks savannas were found on soils of loamy sand. However, the physiognomic types did not possess significant relationships with most of the analyzed nutrients; only the levels of A1+++, in the surface layer (0-10cm depth), were significantly different among the physiognomic types. That significant difference was due mainly to the differences found between the levels of A1+++ of the grassland and tree and shrub savanna and between the grassland and woodland savannas.

Quarenta e cinco parcelas de 0,15ha (10 X 150m) distribuídas nas savanas de Roraima foram analisadas quanto a fisionomia e sua relação com as características edáficas do solo superficial. Foram utilizadas medidas quantitativas de altura, frequência, área basal e densidade dos elementos lenhosos e medidas qualitativas de distribuição espacial e grau de cobertura arbustivo/arbóreo. As parcelas foram classificadas em quatro tipos fisionômicos (campo limpo, campo sujo, campos cerrados e savana parque) com características estruturais bem definidas. Foram encontradas 55 famílias, 137 gêneros e 267 espécies, sendo, 195 espécies herbáceas e 71 espécies lenhosas. Entre as lenhosas, 51% são arbóreas, 32% arbustivas e 17% subarbustivas. O estrato herbáceo é o mais rico em sua flora, com 41 famílias, 98 gêneros e 207 espécies. Porém, apenas 18 espécies foram encontradas em mais de 20% das parcelas. Oitenta por cento das parcelas classificadas como campos limpos foram encontradas sobre solos arenosos, 81% dos campos sujos sobre solos argilosos, 64% dos campos cerrados sobre solos arenosos e todas as savanas parques foram encontradas sobre solos de areia barrenta. Entretanto, os tipos fisionômicos não possuem relações significativas com a maioria dos nutrientes analisados; apenas os teores de Al+++, na camada superficial (0-10cm de profundidade) foram significativamente diferentes entre os tipos fisionômicos. Essa diferença significativa deve-se principalmente às diferenças encontradas entre os teores de Al+++ dos campos limpos e campos sujos e entre os campos limpos e campos cerrados.