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JMIR Form Res ; 8: e55000, 2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38875702


BACKGROUND: Journey to 9 Plus (J9) is an integrated reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health approach to care that has at its core the goal of decreasing the rate of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in rural Haiti. For the maximum effectiveness of this program, it is necessary that the data system be of the highest quality. OpenMRS, an electronic medical record (EMR) system, has been in place since 2013 throughout a tertiary referral hospital, the Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais, in Haiti and has been expanded for J9 data collection and reporting. The J9 program monthly reports showed that staff had limited time and capacity to perform double charting, which contributed to incomplete and inconsistent reports. Initial evaluation of the quality of EMR data entry showed that only 18% (58/325) of the J9 antenatal visits were being documented electronically at the start of this quality improvement project. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to improve the electronic documentation of outpatient antenatal care from 18% (58/325) to 85% in the EMR by J9 staff from November 2020 to September 2021. The experiences that this quality improvement project team encountered could help others improve electronic data collection as well as the transition from paper to electronic documentation within a burgeoning health care system. METHODS: A continuous quality improvement strategy was undertaken as the best approach to improve the EMR data collection at Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais. The team used several continuous quality improvement tools to conduct this project: (1) a root cause analysis using Ishikawa and Pareto diagrams, (2) baseline evaluation measurements, and (3) Plan-Do-Study-Act improvement cycles to document incremental changes and the results of each change. RESULTS: At the beginning of the quality improvement project in November 2020, the baseline data entry for antenatal visits was 18% (58/325). Ten months of improvement strategies resulted in an average of 89% (272/304) of antenatal visits documented in the EMR at point of care every month. CONCLUSIONS: The experiences that this quality improvement project team encountered can contribute to the transition from paper to electronic documentation within burgeoning health care systems. Essential to success was having a strong and dedicated nursing leadership to transition from paper to electronic data and motivated nursing staff to perform data collection to improve the quality of data and thus, the reports on patient outcomes. Engaging the nursing team closely in the design and implementation of EMR and quality improvement processes ensures long-term success while centering nurses as key change agents in patient care systems.

BMJ Open Qual ; 12(1)2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36941011


BACKGROUND: Unplanned extubations are recurrent adverse events in mechanically ventilated children and have been the focus of quality and safety improvement in paediatric intensive care units (ICUs). LOCAL PROBLEM: To reduce the rate of unplanned extubation in the paediatric ICU by 66% (from 2.02 to 0.7). METHODS: This is a quality improvement project that was conducted in a paediatric ICU of a private hospital at the quaternary level. All hospitalised patients who used invasive mechanical ventilation between October 2018 and August 2019 were included. INTERVENTIONS: The project was based on the Improvement Model methodology of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to implement change strategies. The main ideas of change were innovation in the endotracheal tube fixation model, evaluation of the endotracheal tube positioning, good practices of physical restraint, sedation monitoring, family education and engagement and checklist for prevention of unplanned extubation, with Plan-Do-Study-Act, the tool chosen to test and implement ideas for change. RESULTS: The actions reduced the unplanned extubation rate to zero in our institution and sustained this result for a period of 2 years, totalling 743 days without any event. An estimate was made comparing cases with unplanned extubation and controls without the occurrence of this adverse event, which resulted in savings of R$955 096.65 (US$179 540.41) during the 2 years after the implementation of the improvement actions. CONCLUSION: The improvement project conducted in the 11-month period reduced the unplanned extubation rate to zero in our institution and sustained this result for a period of 743 days. Adherence to the new fixation model and the creation of a new restrictor model, which enabled the implementation of good practices of physical restraint were the ideas of change that had the greatest impact in achieving this result.

Extubação , Melhoria de Qualidade , Criança , Humanos , Extubação/efeitos adversos , Extubação/métodos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Respiração Artificial/efeitos adversos , Intubação Intratraqueal
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2022. 223 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1532317


Objetivo: A presente tese é apresentada em forma de quatro artigos que se articulam por meio do objetivo geral: Avaliar o impacto de um programa de melhoria da qualidade nos erros de preparo e administração de medicamentos via sonda nasoenteral. Os objetivos específicos dos artigos foram: (artigo 1) Desenvolver um guia de boas práticas voltado para o preparo e para a administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral, a fim de apoiar prescritores e enfermeiros na prestação de cuidados de qualidade e seguros aos pacientes hospitalizados; (artigo 2) Avaliar um programa de melhoria da qualidade para reduzir a proporção de erros no preparo e na administração de medicamentos via sonda nasoenteral; (artigo 3) avaliar a implementação de uma tomada de decisão multicritério em grupo associado a um ciclo Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) dentro de um programa de qualidade para a segurança no uso de medicamentos por toda a equipe de enfermagem para o preparo dos comprimidos (trituração e reconstituição do pó) e do equipamento a ser utilizado para a lavagem da sonda durante a administração de medicamento enteral, dentro de um ciclo PDSA; (artigo 4) Avaliar o impacto de um programa de melhoria da qualidade na redução das frequências de obstruções, analisar as variáveis preditoras deste incidente de segurança e a estimativa econômica dos custos relacionados ao programa de melhoria da qualidade no período de 2014-2019. Métodos: No artigo 1, foi realizado estudo descritivo, em duas fases. Na primeira, foi realizada revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE, Web of Science, MICROMEDEX® Solutions, além de busca manual no site da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), em guidelines, livros texto relacionados ao assunto, teses e dissertações. Na segunda fase, o guia foi refinado para uso no hospital por meio de reuniões com a equipe multidisciplinar. No artigo 2, foi realizado estudo de intervenção voltado para a comparação de medidas de resultados antes (linha de base) e depois da implementação do programa de melhoria da qualidade voltado para a redução de erros no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral. Foram utilizados os ciclos PDSA para o planejamento e para a ação do programa de melhoria. As intervenções testadas incluíram: desenvolvimento e implementação de um guia de boas práticas para auxiliar a equipe de enfermagem no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral; capacitação da equipe de enfermagem com relação à utilização do guia; disponibilização, para os enfermeiras e médicos, de uma lista impressa com os medicamentos orais que não podem ser triturados e administrados via sonda nasoenteral. No artigo 3, foi utilizada uma abordagem participativa, por meio da aplicação de um Modelo de Tomada de Decisão em Grupo (MTDG), como parte do ciclo PDSA, em um hospital brasileiro, para apoiar a equipe de enfermagem na tomada de decisão sobre os processos de preparo e administração de medicamentos orais via sonda. No artigo 4, foi realizado estudo de intervenção para testar o uso de um equipamento (Easy Crush®) na tritura de comprimidos até pó fino e homogêneo. Nesta fase, medidas de resultado, de processo e de equilíbrio foram selecionadas e monitoradas ao longo do tempo, por meio de cinco ciclos PDSA. O impacto do programa de melhoria da qualidade, que ocorreu entre os anos de 2014 a 2019, foi avaliado por meio de análise de regressão logística. Além disso, foi realizada estimativa dos custos do programa de melhoria de qualidade nesse mesmo período. Resultados: Artigo 1: Na fase 1, das 104 referências encontradas, sete atenderam aos critérios de inclusão propostos para o estudo e foram lidas na íntegra. Dessa revisão, resultou a primeira versão do guia de boas práticas no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral. Na fase 2, foram realizadas quatro reuniões para adaptar o guia de boas práticas ao contexto do hospital. Participaram das reuniões: três enfermeiros, uma nutricionista, uma farmacêutica e dois médicos. No artigo 2, foi observada melhora nas seguintes medidas: triturou comprimido com revestimento entérico e misturou mais de um medicamento durante o preparo (de 54,9% na Fase I para 25,6% na Fase II; p 0,0010) e triturou forma farmacêutica de ação modificada ou drágea (de 32,8% na Fase I para 19% na Fase II; p 0,0010). Contudo, piora foi verificada nas seguintes medidas: não triturou comprimido até pó fino e homogêneo (de 7,4% na Fase I para 95,3% na Fase II; p 0,0010) e sondas obstruídas (de 41,8% na Fase I para 53% na Fase II; p 0,0950). No artigo 3, participaram do processo de decisão, profissionais envolvidos no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral, ou seja, a equipe de enfermagem e farmacêutica. Foram realizadas duas negociações sobre as técnicas e foi discutida a necessidade de aquisição de um novo equipamento para preparar, de modo mais eficiente, os comprimidos. Ao analisar o ciclo PDSA anterior, sem qualquer participação na tomada de decisão, com o ciclo PDSA em conjunto com o método do MTDG, aumentou as chances de implementação efetiva das práticas de melhoria da qualidade, principalmente quanto à técnica de trituração de comprimidos (de 95,3% de não conformidade no ciclo PDSA sem método MTDG para 0% de não conformidade no ciclo PDSA com método MTDG). No artigo 4, foi observada melhora na medida de resultado obstrução da sonda (de 41,8% em 2014 para 53% em 2017 e para 9,6% em 2019). Nas medidas de processo, também observamos uma redução do número de medicamentos orais prescritos via sonda nasoenteral, em 24 horas, (de 4,9% em 2014 para 5,6% em 2017 para 4,5% em 2019). Em relação ao número de medicamentos orais aprazados para o mesmo horário, também verificamos uma redução (de 3,3% em 2014 para 2,3% em 2017 para 1,3% em 2019). Na medida de equilíbrio, foi identificada melhora na seguinte medida: comprometimento de aspectos biofarmacêuticos durante a tritura de medicamentos sólidos (de 11,6% em 2014 para 12,3% em 2017 e para 0% em 2019). Na análise de regressão logística, foi verificado impacto significativo do programa de melhoria da qualidade na redução de sondas obstruídas (p=0,0010). Também foi verificado impacto positivo do programa de melhoria da qualidade no custo do preparo das doses: de R$ 1.067,50 em 2014, para R$ 719,80 em 2017 e R$ 433,10 em 2019. Conclusão: Os resultados dos estudos desenvolvidos na presente tese destacam a importância de programas de melhoria da qualidade para reduzir erros relacionados aos processos de preparo e de administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral. As mudanças testadas por meio de ciclos PDSA impactaram significativamente os processos e resultou em redução de custos para a instituição

Objective: This thesis is presented in the form of four articles that are articulated through the general objective: To evaluate the impact of a quality improvement program on the errors of preparation and administration of drugs via nasoenteral probe. The specific objectives of the articles were: (Article 1) To involve a guide of good practices aimed at the preparation and administration of oral drugs via nasoenteral probe, in order to support prescribers and nurses in providing quality and safe care to hospitalized patients; (Article 2) Evaluate a quality improvement program to reduce the proportion of errors in the preparation and administration of drugs via nasoenteral probe; (Article 3) evaluate the implementation of a multi-criteria group decision-making associated with a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle within a quality program for the safety of the use of medicines by the entire nursing team for the preparation of tablets (grinding and reconstitution of powder) and the equipment to be used for washing the probe during enteral drug administration, within a PDSA cycle; (Article 4) Evaluate the impact of a quality improvement program on reducing the frequencies of obstructions, analyze the predictor variables of this safety incident and the economic estimation of costs related to the quality improvement program in the period 2014-2019. Method: In Article 1, a descriptive study was conducted in two phases. In the first, an integrative review of the literature was performed in the databases: LILACS, MEDLINE, Web of Science, MICROMEDEX® Solutions, in addition to manual search on the website of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), in guidelines, textbooks related to the subject, theses and dissertations. In the second phase, the guide was refined for non-hospital use through meetings with the multidisciplinary team. In Article 2, an intervention study was conducted aimed at comparing measures of results before (baseline) and after the implementation of the quality improvement program aimed at reducing errors, not preparing and administering oral medications via nasoenteral probe. Foram used PDSA cycles for planning and for the action of the improvement program. The interventions tested included: development and implementation of a good practice guide to assist the nursing team in the preparation and administration of oral medications via nasoenteral probe; training of the nursing team in relation to the use of the guide; availability, for nurses and physicians, of a printed list with oral medications that cannot be crushed and administered via nasoenteral probe. In Article 3, a participatory approach was used, through the application of a Group Decision Making Model (MTDG), as part of the PDSA cycle, in a Brazilian hospital, to support the nursing team in decision-making on the processes of preparation and administration of oral drugs via probe. In article 4, an intervention study was carried out to test the use of an equipment (Easy Crush®) in the grinding of tablets to fine and homogeneous powder. In this phase, results, process and equilibrium were selected and monitored over time, through five PDSA cycles. The impacto of the quality improvement program, which occurred between 2014 and 2019, was evaluated by logistic regression analysis. In addition, the costs of the quality improvement program were estimated in the same period. Results: Article 1: In phase 1, in the 104 references found, seven met the inclusion criteria proposed for the study and were read in full. This review resulted in the first version of the guide of good practices in the preparation and administration of oral drugs via nasoenteral tube. In phase 2, four meetings were held to adapt the guide of good practices to the hospital context. Three nurses, one nutritionist, one pharmacist and two physicians participated in the meetings. In Article 2, improvement was observed in the following measures: triturou tablet with enteric coating and mixed more than one drug during preparation (from 54.9% in Phase I to 25.6% in Phase II; p 0.0010) and crushed pharmaceutical form of modified or drágea action (from 32.8% in Phase I to 19% in Phase II; p 0.0010). However, worsening was observed in the following measures: it did not grind tablet to fine and homogeneous powder (from 7.4% in Phase I to 95.3% in Phase II; p 0.0010) and obstructed probes (from 41.8% in Phase I to 53% in Phase II; p 0.0950). In Article 3, professionals involved in the preparation and administration of oral medications via nasoenteral probe, i.e., the nursing and pharmaceutical team, were based in the decision-making process. Two negotiations were held on the techniques and the need to purchase new equipment was discussed to prepare the tablets more efficiently. By analyzing the previous PDSA cycle, without any participation in decision making, with the PDSA cycle in conjunction with the MTDG method, the chances of effective implementation of quality improvement practices increased, especially regarding the tablet crushing technique (95.3% non-conformity in the PDSA cycle without PARA MTDG method 0% non-conformity in the PDSA cycle with MTDG method). In Article 4, an improvement was observed in the measurement of probe obstruction result (from 41.8% in 2014 to 53% in 2017 and to 9.6% in 2019). In the process measures, we also observed a reduction in the number of oral drugs prescribed via nasoenteral tube in 24 hours (from 4.9% in 2014 to 5.6% in 2017 to 4.5% in 2019). Regarding the number of oral medicines available for the same time, we also found a reduction (from 3.3% in 2014 to 2.3% in 2017 to 1.3% in 2019). In the equilibrium measure, improvement was identified in the following measure: impairment of biopharmaceutical aspects during the crushing of solid drugs (from 11.6% in 2014 to 12.3% in 2017 and to 0% in 2019). In the logistic regression analysis, a significant impact of the quality improvement program on the reduction of obstructed probes was verified (p=0.0010). It was also verified a positive impact of the program to improve the quality of the cost of preparing doses: from R$ 1,067.50 in 2014, to R$ 719.80 in 2017 and R$ 433.10 in 2019. Conclusion: The results of the studies developed in this thesis highlight the importance of quality improvement programs to reduce errors related to the processes of preparation and administration of oral drugs via nasoenteral probe. The changes tested through PDSA cycles significantly impacted the processes and resulted in cost reduction for the institution

Humanos , Preparações Farmacêuticas/administração & dosagem , Nutrição Enteral , Gestão da Qualidade Total , Segurança do Paciente
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; ago. 20222. 223 p.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1561124


Objetivo: A presente tese é apresentada em forma de quatro artigos que se articulam por meio do objetivo geral: Avaliar o impacto de um programa de melhoria da qualidade nos erros de preparo e administração de medicamentos via sonda nasoenteral. Os objetivos específicos dos artigos foram: (artigo 1) Desenvolver um guia de boas práticas voltado para o preparo e para a administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral, a fim de apoiar prescritores e enfermeiros na prestação de cuidados de qualidade e seguros aos pacientes hospitalizados; (artigo 2) Avaliar um programa de melhoria da qualidade para reduzir a proporção de erros no preparo e na administração de medicamentos via sonda nasoenteral; (artigo 3) avaliar a implementação de uma tomada de decisão multicritério em grupo associado a um ciclo Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) dentro de um programa de qualidade para a segurança no uso de medicamentos por toda a equipe de enfermagem para o preparo dos comprimidos (trituração e reconstituição do pó) e do equipamento a ser utilizado para a lavagem da sonda durante a administração de medicamento enteral, dentro de um ciclo PDSA; (artigo 4) Avaliar o impacto de um programa de melhoria da qualidade na redução das frequências de obstruções, analisar as variáveis preditoras deste incidente de segurança e a estimativa econômica dos custos relacionados ao programa de melhoria da qualidade no período de 2014-2019. Métodos: No artigo 1, foi realizado estudo descritivo, em duas fases. Na primeira, foi realizada revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE, Web of Science, MICROMEDEX® Solutions, além de busca manual no site da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), em guidelines, livros texto relacionados ao assunto, teses e dissertações. Na segunda fase, o guia foi refinado para uso no hospital por meio de reuniões com a equipe multidisciplinar. No artigo 2, foi realizado estudo de intervenção voltado para a comparação de medidas de resultados antes (linha de base) e depois da implementação do programa de melhoria da qualidade voltado para a redução de erros no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral. Foram utilizados os ciclos PDSA para o planejamento e para a ação do programa de melhoria. As intervenções testadas incluíram: desenvolvimento e implementação de um guia de boas práticas para auxiliar a equipe de enfermagem no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral; capacitação da equipe de enfermagem com relação à utilização do guia; disponibilização, para os enfermeiras e médicos, de uma lista impressa com os medicamentos orais que não podem ser triturados e administrados via sonda nasoenteral. No artigo 3, foi utilizada uma abordagem participativa, por meio da aplicação de um Modelo de Tomada de Decisão em Grupo (MTDG), como parte do ciclo PDSA, em um hospital brasileiro, para apoiar a equipe de enfermagem na tomada de decisão sobre os processos de preparo e administração de medicamentos orais via sonda. No artigo 4, foi realizado estudo de intervenção para testar o uso de um equipamento (Easy Crush®) na tritura de comprimidos até pó fino e homogêneo. Nesta fase, medidas de resultado, de processo e de equilíbrio foram selecionadas e monitoradas ao longo do tempo, por meio de cinco ciclos PDSA. O impacto do programa de melhoria da qualidade, que ocorreu entre os anos de 2014 a 2019, foi avaliado por meio de análise de regressão logística. Além disso, foi realizada estimativa dos custos do programa de melhoria de qualidade nesse mesmo período. Resultados: Artigo 1: Na fase 1, das 104 referências encontradas, sete atenderam aos critérios de inclusão propostos para o estudo e foram lidas na íntegra. Dessa revisão, resultou a primeira versão do guia de boas práticas no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral. Na fase 2, foram realizadas quatro reuniões para adaptar o guia de boas práticas ao contexto do hospital. Participaram das reuniões: três enfermeiros, uma nutricionista, uma farmacêutica e dois médicos. No artigo 2, foi observada melhora nas seguintes medidas: triturou comprimido com revestimento entérico e misturou mais de um medicamento durante o preparo (de 54,9% na Fase I para 25,6% na Fase II; p 0,0010) e triturou forma farmacêutica de ação modificada ou drágea (de 32,8% na Fase I para 19% na Fase II; p 0,0010). Contudo, piora foi verificada nas seguintes medidas: não triturou comprimido até pó fino e homogêneo (de 7,4% na Fase I para 95,3% na Fase II; p 0,0010) e sondas obstruídas (de 41,8% na Fase I para 53% na Fase II; p 0,0950). No artigo 3, participaram do processo de decisão, profissionais envolvidos no preparo e na administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral, ou seja, a equipe de enfermagem e farmacêutica. Foram realizadas duas negociações sobre as técnicas e foi discutida a necessidade de aquisição de um novo equipamento para preparar, de modo mais eficiente, os comprimidos. Ao analisar o ciclo PDSA anterior, sem qualquer participação na tomada de decisão, com o ciclo PDSA em conjunto com o método do MTDG, aumentou as chances de implementação efetiva das práticas de melhoria da qualidade, principalmente quanto à técnica de trituração de comprimidos (de 95,3% de não conformidade no ciclo PDSA sem método MTDG para 0% de não conformidade no ciclo PDSA com método MTDG). No artigo 4, foi observada melhora na medida de resultado obstrução da sonda (de 41,8% em 2014 para 53% em 2017 e para 9,6% em 2019). Nas medidas de processo, também observamos uma redução do número de medicamentos orais prescritos via sonda nasoenteral, em 24 horas, (de 4,9% em 2014 para 5,6% em 2017 para 4,5% em 2019). Em relação ao número de medicamentos orais aprazados para o mesmo horário, também verificamos uma redução (de 3,3% em 2014 para 2,3% em 2017 para 1,3% em 2019). Na medida de equilíbrio, foi identificada melhora na seguinte medida: comprometimento de aspectos biofarmacêuticos durante a tritura de medicamentos sólidos (de 11,6% em 2014 para 12,3% em 2017 e para 0% em 2019). Na análise de regressão logística, foi verificado impacto significativo do programa de melhoria da qualidade na redução de sondas obstruídas (p=0,0010). Também foi verificado impacto positivo do programa de melhoria da qualidade no custo do preparo das doses: de R$ 1.067,50 em 2014, para R$ 719,80 em 2017 e R$ 433,10 em 2019. Conclusão: Os resultados dos estudos desenvolvidos na presente tese destacam a importância de programas de melhoria da qualidade para reduzir erros relacionados aos processos de preparo e de administração de medicamentos orais via sonda nasoenteral. As mudanças testadas por meio de ciclos PDSA impactaram significativamente os processos e resultou em redução de custos para a instituição.

Objective: This thesis is presented in the form of four articles that are articulated through the general objective: To evaluate the impact of a quality improvement program on the errors of preparation and administration of drugs via nasoenteral probe. The specific objectives of the articles were: (Article 1) To involve a guide of good practices aimed at the preparation and administration of oral drugs via nasoenteral probe, in order to support prescribers and nurses in providing quality and safe care to hospitalized patients; (Article 2) Evaluate a quality improvement program to reduce the proportion of errors in the preparation and administration of drugs via nasoenteral probe; (Article 3) evaluate the implementation of a multi-criteria group decision-making associated with a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle within a quality program for the safety of the use of medicines by the entire nursing team for the preparation of tablets (grinding and reconstitution of powder) and the equipment to be used for washing the probe during enteral drug administration, within a PDSA cycle; (Article 4) Evaluate the impact of a quality improvement program on reducing the frequencies of obstructions, analyze the predictor variables of this safety incident and the economic estimation of costs related to the quality improvement program in the period 2014-2019. Method: In Article 1, a descriptive study was conducted in two phases. In the first, an integrative review of the literature was performed in the databases: LILACS, MEDLINE, Web of Science, MICROMEDEX® Solutions, in addition to manual search on the website of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), in guidelines, textbooks related to the subject, theses and dissertations. In the second phase, the guide was refined for non-hospital use through meetings with the multidisciplinary team. In Article 2, an intervention study was conducted aimed at comparing measures of results before (baseline) and after the implementation of the quality improvement program aimed at reducing errors, not preparing and administering oral medications via nasoenteral probe. Foram used PDSA cycles for planning and for the action of the improvement program. The interventions tested included: development and implementation of a good practice guide to assist the nursing team in the preparation and administration of oral medications via nasoenteral probe; training of the nursing team in relation to the use of the guide; availability, for nurses and physicians, of a printed list with oral medications that cannot be crushed and administered via nasoenteral probe. In Article 3, a participatory approach was used, through the application of a Group Decision Making Model (MTDG), as part of the PDSA cycle, in a Brazilian hospital, to support the nursing team in decision-making on the processes of preparation and administration of oral drugs via probe. In article 4, an intervention study was carried out to test the use of an equipment (Easy Crush®) in the grinding of tablets to fine and homogeneous powder. In this phase, results, process and equilibrium were selected and monitored over time, through five PDSA cycles. The impacto of the quality improvement program, which occurred between 2014 and 2019, was evaluated by logistic regression analysis. In addition, the costs of the quality improvement program were estimated in the same period. Results: Article 1: In phase 1, in the 104 references found, seven met the inclusion criteria proposed for the study and were read in full. This review resulted in the first version of the guide of good practices in the preparation and administration of oral drugs via nasoenteral tube. In phase 2, four meetings were held to adapt the guide of good practices to the hospital context. Three nurses, one nutritionist, one pharmacist and two physicians participated in the meetings. In Article 2, improvement was observed in the following measures: triturou tablet with enteric coating and mixed more than one drug during preparation (from 54.9% in Phase I to 25.6% in Phase II; p 0.0010) and crushed pharmaceutical form of modified or drágea action (from 32.8% in Phase I to 19% in Phase II; p 0.0010). However, worsening was observed in the following measures: it did not grind tablet to fine and homogeneous powder (from 7.4% in Phase I to 95.3% in Phase II; p 0.0010) and obstructed probes (from 41.8% in Phase I to 53% in Phase II; p 0.0950). In Article 3, professionals involved in the preparation and administration of oral medications via nasoenteral probe, i.e., the nursing and pharmaceutical team, were based in the decision-making process. Two negotiations were held on the techniques and the need to purchase new equipment was discussed to prepare the tablets more efficiently. By analyzing the previous PDSA cycle, without any participation in decision making, with the PDSA cycle in conjunction with the MTDG method, the chances of effective implementation of quality improvement practices increased, especially regarding the tablet crushing technique (95.3% non-conformity in the PDSA cycle without PARA MTDG method 0% non-conformity in the PDSA cycle with MTDG method). In Article 4, an improvement was observed in the measurement of probe obstruction result (from 41.8% in 2014 to 53% in 2017 and to 9.6% in 2019). In the process measures, we also observed a reduction in the number of oral drugs prescribed via nasoenteral tube in 24 hours (from 4.9% in 2014 to 5.6% in 2017 to 4.5% in 2019). Regarding the number of oral medicines available for the same time, we also found a reduction (from 3.3% in 2014 to 2.3% in 2017 to 1.3% in 2019). In the equilibrium measure, improvement was identified in the following measure: impairment of biopharmaceutical aspects during the crushing of solid drugs (from 11.6% in 2014 to 12.3% in 2017 and to 0% in 2019). In the logistic regression analysis, a significant impact of the quality improvement program on the reduction of obstructed probes was verified (p=0.0010). It was also verified a positive impact of the program to improve the quality of the cost of preparing doses: from R$ 1,067.50 in 2014, to R$ 719.80 in 2017 and R$ 433.10 in 2019. Conclusion: The results of the studies developed in this thesis highlight the importance of quality improvement programs to reduce errors related to the processes of preparation and administration of oral drugs via nasoenteral probe. The changes tested through PDSA cycles significantly impacted the processes and resulted in cost reduction for the institution.

Humanos , Nutrição Enteral , Segurança do Paciente , Erros de Medicação
BMJ Open Qual ; 9(1)2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32034010


A major challenge for hospitals in low-income and middle-income countries is to improve management of patients diagnosed with sepsis. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Model as a strategy to implement a managed sepsis protocol aimed at reducing sepsis mortality. We performed a longitudinal, prospective, non-randomised study using PDSA cycles for translating and implementing improvement actions and tools. Baseline case mortality/case fatality data were collected, and compliance rates were evaluated according to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines (3-hour care-bundle). Sepsis multidisciplinary work teams were designated and were responsible to develop Driver Diagrams and implement process changes in the intensive care unit, wards and emergency department. Satisfaction levels of healthcare professionals were assessed (balance variables). The study was carried out in a public quaternary hospital, in São Paulo city, Brazil (Hospital Municipal da Vila Santa Catarina). The number of patients with sepsis studied was 416 who were followed over a 15-month period. The data analyses were carried out by statistical process control. Case fatality rates were kept below a prespecified target of 25% (15.9%) during the period. Satisfaction level of the participating staff was high (95.2%) and 71% of participants reported no work overload. The IHI model was found to be a feasible and useful strategy for implementing a sepsis management clinical protocol.

Melhoria de Qualidade , Sepse/terapia , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Anticorpos/uso terapêutico , Brasil , Protocolos Clínicos , Feminino , Hospitais Públicos/organização & administração , Hospitais Públicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Sepse/fisiopatologia
BMJ Open Qual ; 9(1)2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32075805


BACKGROUND: Patients with nasogastric/nasoenteric tube (NGT/NET) are at increased risk of adverse outcomes due to errors occurring during oral medication preparation and administration. AIM: To implement a quality improvement programme to reduce the proportion of errors in oral medication preparation and administration through NGT/NET in adult patients. METHODS: An observational study was carried out, comparing outcome measures before and after implementation of the integrated quality programme to improve oral medication preparation and administration through NGT/NET. A collaborative approach based on Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle was used and feedback was given during multidisciplinary meetings. INTERVENTIONS: Good practice guidance for oral medication preparation and administration through NGT/NET was developed and implemented at the hospital sites; nurses were given formal training to use the good practice guidance; a printed list of oral medications that should never be crushed was provided to all members of the multidisciplinary team, and a printed table containing therapeutic alternatives for drugs that should never be crushed was provided to prescribers at the prescribing room. RESULTS: Improvement was observed in the following measures: crushing enteric-coated tablets and mixing drugs during medication preparation (from 54.9% in phase I to 26.2% in phase II; p 0.0010) and triturating pharmaceutical form of modified action or dragee (from 32.8 in phase I to 19.7 in phase II; p 0.0010). Worsening was observed though in the following measures: crush compressed to a fine and homogeneous powder (from 7.4%% in phase I to 95% phase II; p 0.0010) and feeding tube obstruction (from 41.8% in phase I to 52.5% phase II; p 0.0950). CONCLUSION: Our results highlight how a collaborative quality improvement approach based on PDSA cycles can meet the challenge of reducing the proportion of errors in oral medication preparation and administration through NGT/NET in adult patients. Some changes may lead to unintended consequences though. Thus, continuous monitoring for these consequences will help caregivers to prevent poor patient outcomes.

Administração Oral , Nutrição Enteral/normas , Erros de Medicação/prevenção & controle , Melhoria de Qualidade , Brasil , Nutrição Enteral/métodos , Nutrição Enteral/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos
Am J Med Qual ; 31(3): 233-9, 2016 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25614512


This project was designed to improve the colposcopy rate in an urban patient population with known abnormal Pap smears within 75 days of the test to rapidly identify and treat premalignant lesions. Using Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, Lean techniques, and the electronic health record, the authors created a protocol to verify all Pap smears, then created a process whereby a phone-triage team contacted patients with abnormal Pap smears to educate them and schedule colposcopy. As a result, 100% of Pap smears were verified, compared with 95% prior to plan implementation. The mean time from Pap to colposcopy was 38.5 days, with 85% of patients having colposcopy performed after plan implementation, compared with 50% prior-a 70% improvement. If patients with medical contraindications were excluded, the percentage rose to 91%-an 82% improvement. Patient and provider satisfaction improved, staff and provider workload did not increase, and there was the potential for substantial economic savings.

Colposcopia/estatística & dados numéricos , Teste de Papanicolaou , Melhoria de Qualidade , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Melhoria de Qualidade/organização & administração , Fatores de Tempo , Triagem , População Urbana/estatística & dados numéricos