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Plants (Basel) ; 13(15)2024 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39124176


The growth of cover crops can contribute to the increase in phosphorus content at depth by root decomposition. The aim of this work was to verify the effect of cover crops on soil phosphorus availability and use by successive plants, and the accumulation of soil P in a no-tillage system conducted for 14 years. This research was carried out during the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 crop seasons, whose treatments have been installed and maintained since 2003. The experimental design was a randomized block design, and the plots consisted of spring crops: pearl millet, forage sorghum, sunn hemp, and additionally, a fallow/chiseling area. The evaluation of available P was determined by P fractionation. In general, in the two years of evaluation, the accumulation of P in the shoot dry matter was higher in sunn hemp growth, on average 25% higher than pearl millet in 2016 and 40% higher than sorghum in 2017. The highest contents of labile inorganic P were in the sorghum-soybean and fallow/chiseling-soybean successions, with values higher than 50 mg kg-1 of P in the 0-0.1 m soil layer. However, in the other layers analyzed, the cover crops obtained higher availability of labile inorganic P. The systems using cover crops recovered 100% of the P fertilized in soybean.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28754, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38596071


Edaphic factors can modulate the effects of microbial inoculants on crop yield promotion. Given the potential complexity of microbial inoculant responses to diverse soil management practices, we hypothesize that sustainable management of soil and water irrigation may improve soil quality and enhance the effects of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). Consequently, the primary objective was to assess the effectiveness of microbial inoculants formulated with Herbaspirillum seropedicae (Hs) and Azospirillum brasilense (Ab) on maize growth in soils impacted by different historical conservation management systems. We evaluated two soil management systems, two irrigation conditions, and four treatments: T0 - without bioinoculant and 100% doses of NPK fertilization; T1 - Hs + humic substances and 40% of NPK fertilization; T2 - Ab and 40% of NPK fertilization; T3 - co-inoculation (Hs + Ab) and 40% of NPK fertilization. Using a reduced fertilization dose (40% NPK) associated with microbial inoculants proved efficient in increasing maize shoot dry mass : on average, there was a 16% reduction compared to the treatment with 100% fertilization. In co-inoculation (Hs + Ab), the microbial inoculants showed a mutualistic effect on plant response, higher than isolate ones, especially increasing the nitrogen content in no-tillage systems irrigated by swine wastewater. Under lower nutrient availability and higher biological soil quality, the microbial bioinputs positively influenced root development, instantaneous water use efficiency, stomatal conductance, and nitrogen contents.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(21)2023 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37960118


Soil management systems can directly interfere with crop yield via changes in the soil's physical and hydraulic properties. However, short- to medium-term experiments of conduction do not always demonstrate the modifications of the management systems in these properties. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the physical properties of the soil in a long-term management system and to relate it to the storage and availability of water to plants, verifying its effect on soybean yield. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks in a split-plot scheme with four replications. Plots were composed by soil management (conventional tillage and no-tillage), and subplots represented three soil depths (0.0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m). The soil's physical and hydraulic properties, root development, and soybean yield were evaluated. The no-tillage system not only presented higher bulk density and soil resistance to compaction up to a depth of 0.2 m but also greater root development. This management also did not affect the process of water infiltration in the soil and presented an increase in soybean grain yield by 6.5%. The long-term no-tillage system (33 years) offers less risk of water stress to soybean plants; it contributes to greater grain yield of this crop when compared to the conventional tillage system.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(2): 895-910, mar.-abr. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1511359


The bulk density values indicative of compaction in clayey soils correspond to a wide range of values (1.30-1.47 Mg m-3), due to the diverse types of soil management. Our hypothesis is that if we consider bulk density values within similar management groups (those that fall to the ground and those that do not fall), the values will be more accurate within each management group. Our objective in this work was to analyze using the concepts of (Yates & Cochran, 1938; Whitehead, 2002) what is a suitable statistical way of grouping these results to reach a consensus regarding a tested hypothesis, the greatest number of density values surveyed between 1977 and 2021, considered for the study of compaction in clayey Oxisols under different managements, to verify whether our hypothesis will be confirmed. We selected 1,521 studies with bulk densities in the literature, corresponding to 44 years (1977 and 2021), which were analyzed by a statistical technique that integrates the results of two or more independent studies on the same subject and combines them into a summary measure (portion forestry). From the data collected in the literature, it was possible to separate two groups of bulk density and management in clayey soils indicative of compaction: the managements that perform little or no manipulation of the soil, such as pasture and no-tillage, densities between 1.41-1.45 Mg.m-3 (average 1.43 Mg m-3), and for the others, such as conventional plowing and minimum tillage, soil densities between 1.31-1.38 Mg.m-3 (average 1.35 Mg m-3). Finally, we conclude that compaction must be analyzed considering the texture and type of soil management.(AU)

Os valores de densidade do solo indicativos de compactação em solos argilosos correspondem a uma ampla faixa de valores (1,30-1,47 Mg m-3), devido aos diversos tipos de manejo do solo. Nossa hipótese é que se considerarmos os valores de densidade do solo dentro de grupos de manejo semelhantes (os que caem no chão e os que não caem), os valores serão mais precisos dentro de cada grupo de manejo. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho foi analisar usando os conceitos de (Yates & Cochran, 1938; Whitehead, 2002) qual é uma forma estatística adequada de agrupar esses resultados para chegar a um consenso sobre uma hipótese testada, o maior número dos valores de densidade levantados entre 1977 e 2021, considerados para o estudo da compactação em Latossolos argilosos sob diferentes manejos, para verificar se nossa hipótese será confirmada. Selecionamos 1.521 estudos com densidades do solo na literatura, correspondentes a 44 anos (1977 e 2021), que foram analisados por uma técnica estatística que integra os resultados de dois ou mais estudos independentes sobre o mesmo assunto e os combina em uma medida resumida (forest plot). A partir dos dados levantados na literatura, foi possível separar dois grupos de densidade do solo e manejo em solos argilosos indicativos de compactação: os manejos que realizam pouca ou nenhuma manipulação do solo, como pastagem e plantio direto, densidades entre 1,41 -1,45 Mg.m-3 (média 1,43 Mg m-3), e para as demais, como aração convencional e preparo mínimo, densidades de solo entre 1,31-1,38 Mg.m-3 (média 1,35 Mg m-3). Por fim, concluímos que a compactação deve ser analisada considerando a textura e o tipo de manejo do solo.(AU)

Solo/química , 24444 , Compactação de Resíduos Sólidos , Pastagens
Bull Entomol Res ; 113(2): 220-229, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36258270


Glyphosate-resistant weeds are difficult to manage and can serve as hosts for pests that threaten cultivated crops. Chrysodeixis includens (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is one of the main polyphagous pests of soybean in Brazil that can benefit from weeds' presence during season and off-season. Despite its pest status, little is known about C. includens survival and development on alternative hosts, including those resistant to glyphosate. Therefore, we assessed the biology, reproduction, preference, and survival at different feeding periods of C. includens on seven glyphosate-resistant weeds (Sumatran fleabane, Italian ryegrass, sourgrass, goosegrass, smooth pigweed, wild poinsettia, hairy beggarticks) commonly found in Brazilian agroecosystems, under laboratory conditions. Our results showed that C. includens survival and reproduction were similar on soybean and wild poinsettia. Survival and reproduction were lower on smooth pigweed and hairy beggarticks. Also, these plants prolonged the larval stage. Larvae did not pupate when fed on sourgrass, goosegrass, Italian ryegrass, and Sumatran fleabane. However, on Sumatran fleabane their biomass was higher. The mean generation time was lower on wild poinsettia. This weed was preferred to soybean. An antifeeding factor was observed on Sumatran fleabane. Larvae fed for 11 days on soybean, wild poinsettia and smooth pigweed developed into pupae. In agricultural systems, farmers must pay attention to the management of these weeds, especially wild poinsettia, smooth pigweed, and hairy beggarticks, to interrupt the cycle of this pest, since these plants can serve as main sources of infestation for the soybean crop.

Mariposas , Animais , Larva , Glicina/farmacologia , Reprodução , Plantas Daninhas , Glycine max , Glifosato
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(3): 403-413, ago. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451483


A utilização de plantas de cobertura de solo, em especial de verão em janelas entressafras, é uma prática pouco comum por competirem com as culturas de importância econômica. O objetivo foi avaliar o uso de plantas de cobertura, na cobertura do soloe supressão de plantas espontâneas na entressafra milho-trigo no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Para isso, utilizou-se crotalária espectabilis, mucuna-cinza, feijão-de-porco, tremoço, trigo-mourisco, milheto, consórcio de milheto e crotalária (50%) e pousio (testemunha). As espécies foram semeadas após a colheita do milho safra com 0,45 m de espaçamento entre linhas em blocos ao acaso com seis repetições. A taxa de cobertura do solo foi analisada aos 30, 45, 60, 75 e 90 dias após a semeadura. A matéria seca foi determinada na plena floração de cada cultura, separada em talos/colmos e folhas e secos a 65ºC. A incidência de plantas espontâneas foi avaliada no momento de plena floração. No período entressafra o milheto, consórcio de milheto + crotalária, mucuna-cinza e feijão-de-porco apresentam maior eficiência de cobertura do solo, ambos atingindo 100% de cobertura de solo. Os maiores acúmulos de matéria seca foram do milheto (11.204 kg.ha-1) e consórcio (9291 kg.ha-1). As culturas mais eficientes para a supressão de plantas espontâneas foram o milheto, o consórcio e a mucuna-cinza. A crotalária e trigo-mourisco apresentarambaixo desempenho, logo, não são recomendadas para cultivo solteiro na entressafra milho-trigo.(AU)

The use of cover crops, especially in summer in off-season, is an uncommon practice because they compete with crops of economic importance. The objective was to evaluate the use of cover crops, soil cover and suppression of weeds in the corn-wheat off-season in northwest of Rio Grande do Sul. For this, sunn hemp, gray mucuna, jack bean, lupine, buckwheat, millet, millet, and sunn hemp intercrop (50%) and fallow (control) were used. The species were sown after harvesting the corn crop with 0.45 m spacing between rows in randomized blocks with six replications. The soil cover rate was analyzed at 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after sowing. Dry matter was determined at full flowering of each crop, separated into stalks/stems and leaves, and dried at 65ºC. The incidence of weeds was evaluated at the time of full flowering. In the off-season, millet, millet + crotalaria, gray mucuna and jack bean intercropped have greater soil cover efficiency, both reaching 100% soil cover. The highest accumulations of dry matter were from millet (11,204 kg.ha-1) and intercropped (9291 kg.ha-1). The most efficient crops for the suppression of weeds were pearl millet, intercropped and gray mucuna. Sunn hemp and buckwheat showed low performance; therefore, they are not recommended for single cultivation in the corn-wheat off-season.(AU)

24444 , Usos do Solo , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nutrientes/análise
Colloq. Agrar ; 19(1): 15-27, jan.-dez. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1432782


The knowledge and characterization of aggregate stability are relevant to select adequate management and to avoidits degradation. Thus, this studyaimed to characterize the spatial variability of aggregate stability in cohesive soilsunder crop conservation systems. The experiment was performed intwo different areas of soybean production: no-tillage System (NTS) and livestock farming integration system (LFI), In each production area, a sampling mesh composed of 50 collection points, with a regular spacing of 40 m, at 0.00-0.20 mdepth, wascarried out. The results were expressed as a percentage of aggregates retained in sieves 2; 1; 0.5 and 0.25 mm, the values obtained were used to calculate the Mean Geometric Diameter (MGD) and Mean Weight Diameter (MWD). In the LFI system, which had a strong degree of spatial dependence (DSD), the attributes showed a moderate DSD, except for MWD. Generally, the reachedvalues of the attributes in the LFI system were lower than those found in the NTS system, showing less variability in the management system with no-tillage. Spatial distribution of the kriging maps demonstrated the LFI system leading to the formation of larger aggregates in the soil when compared to ones to the same attributes in the NTS. All attributes showed a strong to moderatespatial dependence. The soil managed with the LFI system revealed greater aggregate stability when compared to the NTS, which in turn presented less spatial variability than the LFI system and shows a more homogeneous soil.(AU)

O conhecimento e a caracterização da estabilidade dos agregados são relevantes para selecionar um manejo adequado e evitar sua degradação. Portanto, este estudoteve como objetivo caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da estabilidade de agregados em solos coesos sob sistemas de conservação de culturas. O experimento foi conduzido em duas áreas distintas de produção de soja: sistema de plantio direto (NTS) e sistema de integração pecuária (LFI). Foi realizada uma amostragem de 50 pontos de coleta, com espaçamento regular de 40 m, na profundidade de 0,00-0,20 m, em cada área de produção.Os resultados foram expressos como porcentagem de agregados retidos nas peneiras 2; 1; 0,5 e 0,25 mm, os valores obtidos foram utilizados para calcular o Diâmetro Médio Geométrico (DMM) e o Diâmetro Peso Médio (DMM). No sistema LFI, que possuía alto grau de dependência espacial (DDS), os atributos apresentaram um DSD moderado, exceto para MWD. De maneira geral, os valores de escopo dos atributos no sistema LFI foram inferiores aos encontrados no sistema NTS, apresentando menor variabilidade no sistema de manejo do plantio direto. A distribuição espacial dos mapas de krigagem mostrou que o sistema LFI leva à formação de agregados maiores no solo em comparação com outros com os mesmos atributos no NTS. Todos os atributos apresentaram dependência espacial de forte a moderada. O solo manejado com o sistema LFI revelou maior estabilidade dos agregados em relação ao NTS, que por sua vez apresentou menor variabilidade espacial do que o sistema LFI e apresenta um solo mais homogêneo.(AU)

Solo , Análise Espacial , 24444
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(7): e20210787, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404288


ABSTRACT: Weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most problematic weed in rice fields due to the few control management alternatives to control it, because of the genetic similarity with the crop. Different cropping systems (regarding soil preparation before sowing) have been used as options to control the persistence and emergence of the weed seedbank. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the longevity and vertical distribution of weedy rice seeds in the soil seedbank after 22 years of different rice cropping systems. Data was analyzed as a two-way factorial, with cropping systems carried out for 22 years [no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), wet direct-seeded (WDS)] as one factor and sampling depth (0-2, 2-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm) as the other factor. The number of whole and deteriorated seeds per m-2 were assessed, as well as the viability (%). No effect between the systems were detected up to 5 cm, however at 5-10 cm CT and WDS showed higher amount of seeds, and WDS at 10-20 cm. As the sampling depth increased, NT showed fewer amount of seeds, while less reduction of the soil seedbank was observed in WDS. CT and WDS spread viable seeds in the soil profile from 0 to 20 cm depth. After 22 years there are viable weedy rice seeds up to 10 cm of depth in the three cropping systems and there is no difference among them up to 5 cm of depth, demonstrating the serious problem of the seedbank for this species.

RESUMO: O arroz daninho (Oryza sativa L.) é a principal planta daninha do arroz cultivado e, devido à similaridade genética com a cultura, são poucas as alternativas de controle. Uma possibilidade são os sistemas de cultivo, em razão da influência na emergência e sobrevivência da espécie no banco de sementes do solo. Diante disso, o trabalho objetivou avaliar a longevidade e a distribuição das sementes de arroz daninho no perfil do solo, após 22 anos de cultivo, sob diferentes sistemas. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial, em que o fator A foi composto por três sistemas de cultivo, realizados consecutivamente durante 22 anos, sendo esses: semeadura direta (SD), sistema convencional (SC) e pré-germinado (PG); e, o fator B composto por quatro profundidades de amostragem: 0-2, 2-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm. As variáveis avaliadas foram: o número de sementes íntegras e deterioradas m-2; e, a porcentagem de viabilidade. Não foi verificado efeito dos sistemas até 5 cm, mas a 5-10 cm SC e PG mostraram maior quantidade de sementes, e PG a 10-20 cm. A SD proporcionou diminuição de sementes íntegras conforme aumentou a profundidade de amostragem, enquanto o sistema PG elimina menos sementes do banco de sementes do solo. Os sistemas SC e PG distribuem sementes viáveis no perfil do solo de 0 a 20 cm de profundidade. Após 22 anos, nos três sistemas de cultivo há sementes de arroz daninho viáveis até 10 cm de profundidade, sendo igual a quantidade de sementes viáveis até cinco centímetros de profundidade.

Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 109-122, mar. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426380


O dejeto de suíno (DLS) é usado como fertilizante cujos nutrientes são perdidos por erosão e contaminam o ambiente se o dejeto é usado inadequadamente. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de DLS nosolo e na erosão, num Nitossolo Bruno. Os tratamentos, 0; 50; 100; e 200 m³ ha-1de DLS foram aplicados superficialmente após a semeadura uma vez em cada um dos cinco cultivos, e na palhada do último cultivo, totalizando 0, 250, 500 e 1000 m³ ha-1, na aveia (Avena strigosa), milho (Zea mays), nabo (Raphanus sativus L.) e soja (Glycine max), e nos resíduos de aveia. A chuva simulada (65 mm h-1e 75 minutos) foi aplicada três vezes no milho e quatro vezes no nabo, na soja, e nos resíduos, com um simulador debraços rotativos. Antes e depois da pesquisa, determinou-se o teor de K, Ca e Mg no solo. As chuvas aplicadas em cada momento compuseram um teste (T). O T1 ocorreu após a aplicação do DLS e os demais testes em intervalos que variaram entre 14 e 70 dias, em função do clima. Durante o escoamento, em intervalos de cincominutos coletaram-se amostras de enxurrada para determinar as perdas de água e o teor de K, Ca e Mg na água. O DLS não influenciou o teor dos nutrientes no solo. O teore as perdas totais dos nutrientes foram maiores com 1000 m3ha-1de DLS do que na ausência do dejeto. Com o aumento de escoamento, diminuiu o teor na enxurrada e aumentou a perda total, a qual aumentou também com o aumento de teor dos nutrientes na enxurrada. Recomenda-se aplicar menos do que 500 m3ha-1de DLS total no solo, mesmo em aplicações intervalares, devido à elevada perda de K, Ca e Mg pela erosão hídrica.(AU)

Pigg slurry (PS) is used as a fertilizer whose nutrients are lost through erosion and contaminate the environment if the manure is used inappropriately. The objective was to evaluate the effect of PS on soil and erosion, in a Alfisol soil. The treatments, 0; 50; 100; and 200 m³ ha-1of PS were applied superficially after sowing once in each of the five crops, and in the straw of the last crop, totaling 0, 250, 500 and 1000 m³ ha-1, in oat (Avena strigosa), corn (Zea mays), turnip (Raphanus sativusL.) and soybean (Glycine max), and in oat residues. The simulated rain (65 mm h-1and 75 minutes) was applied three times to corn and four times to turnip, soybeans, and residues, with a rotating arms simulator. Before and after the research, the content of K, Ca and Mg in thesoil was determined. The rainfall applied at each moment made up a test (T). T1 occurred after the application of the PS and the other tests at intervals that varied between 14 and 70 days, depending on the weather. During the runoff, at five-minute intervals, runoff samples were collected to determine water losses and the content of K, Ca and Mg in the water. The PS did not influence the nutrient content in the soil. The content and total losses of nutrients were higher with 1000 m3ha-1of PS than in theabsence of manure. With the increase in runoff, the content inthe runoff decreased and the total loss increased, which also increased with the increase in the nutrient content in the runoff. It is recommended to apply less than 500 m3ha-1of total PS inthe soil, even in interval applications, due to the high loss of K, Ca and Mg by water erosion.(AU)

24444 , Análise do Solo , Gerenciamento de Resíduos/métodos , Potássio/análise , Suínos/fisiologia , Erosão Hídrica , Cálcio/análise , Magnésio/análise
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 109-122, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1432864


Pigg slurry (PS) is used as a fertilizer whose nutrients are lost through erosion and contaminate the environment if the manure is used inappropriately. The objective was to evaluate the effect of PS on soil and erosion, in a Alfisol soil. The treatments, 0; 50; 100; and 200 m³ ha-1 of PS were applied superficially after sowing once in each of the five crops, and in the straw of the last crop, totaling 0, 250, 500 and 1000 m³ ha-1, in oat (Avena strigosa), corn (Zea mays), turnip (Raphanus sativus L.) and soybean (Glycine max), and in oat residues. The simulated rain (65 mm h-1 and 75 minutes) was applied three times to corn and four times to turnip, soybeans, and residues, with a rotating arms simulator. Before and after the research, the content of K, Ca and Mg in the soil was determined. The rainfall applied at each moment made up a test (T). T1 occurred after the application of the PS and the other tests at intervals that varied between 14 and 70 days, depending on the weather. During the runoff, at five-minute intervals, runoff samples were collected to determine water losses and the content of K, Ca and Mg in the water. The PS did not influence the nutrient content in the soil. The content and total losses of nutrients were higher with 1000 m3 ha-1 of PS than in the absence of manure. With the increase in runoff, the content in the runoff decreased and the total loss incr

O dejeto de suíno (DLS) é usado como fertilizante cujos nutrientes são perdidos por erosão e contaminam o ambiente se o dejeto é usado inadequadamente. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de DLS no solo e na erosão, num Nitossolo Bruno. Os tratamentos, 0; 50; 100; e 200 m³ ha-1 de DLS foram aplicados superficialmente após a semeadura uma vez em cada um dos cinco cultivos, e na palhada do último cultivo, totalizando 0, 250, 500 e 1000 m³ ha-1, na aveia (Avena strigosa), milho (Zea mays), nabo (Raphanus sativus L.) e soja (Glycine max), e nos resíduos de aveia. A chuva simulada (65 mm h-1 e 75 minutos) foi aplicada três vezes no milho e quatro vezes no nabo, na soja, e nos resíduos, com um simulador de braços rotativos. Antes e depois da pesquisa, determinou-se o teor de K, Ca e Mg no solo. As chuvas aplicadas em cada momento compuseram um teste (T). O T1 ocorreu após a aplicação do DLS e os demais testes em intervalos que variaram entre 14 e 70 dias, em função do clima. Durante o escoamento, em intervalos de cinco minutos coletaram-se amostras de enxurrada para determinar as perdas de água e o teor de K, Ca e Mg na água. O DLS não influenciou o teor dos nutrientes no solo. O teor e as perdas totais dos nutrientes foram maiores com 1000 m3 ha-1 de DLS do que na ausência do dejeto. Com o aumento de escoamento, diminuiu o teor na enxurrada e aumentou a perda total, a qual aumentou também

Environ Monit Assess ; 195(1): 253, 2022 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36585992


Increasing the diversity of plant species in agricultural production areas favors the maintenance or improvement of soil quality, particularly for soils with a sandy texture. This beneficial effect is related to the formation of aggregates of different origins. This study aimed to (i) verify whether soil use and management affect the proportion of biogenic (Bio) and physicogenic (Phy) aggregates and (ii) verify whether biogenic aggregation is more likely to lead to soil improvement than physicogenic aggregation. Three management systems were evaluated (permanent pasture, PP; no-tillage system, NT; and no-tillage + Brachiaria system, NT + B) as well as a reference area (Atlantic Forest biome vegetation, NF). According to their origin or formation pathway, the aggregates were separated, identified, and classified as Bio (formed by biological processes) and Phy (resulting from chemical and physical actions). The differentiation between Bio and Phy aggregates was performed based on the visualization of morphological features, such as shape, size, presence of roots, porosity, and subunit arrangements, and junctions. Only the PP area was able to promote greater aggregate formation of biological origin, with greater amounts of Bio aggregates. The highest total organic carbon (TOC) contents and the least negative δ13C values were also quantified in the aggregates of the PP area. The NT + B system provided an increase in the TOC content of its aggregates in comparison with aggregates in the NT and NF areas. Among the formation pathways, the Bio aggregates had the highest TOC and soil organic matter fractions contents and the most negative δ13C values. Perennial forage grasses vegetation was more important than the plant species diversity in favoring Bio aggregate formation. The beneficial effect of Brachiaria can be observed when incorporated as part of intercropping with corn in grain production systems. The biogenic aggregates favored the concentration of more labile soil organic matter fractions. The results of this study can provide important theoretical information for future studies focused on the combination of different plant species in agricultural food production areas on sandy-textured soils.

Areia , Solo , Solo/química , Brasil , Carbono/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental , Grão Comestível/química
Front Plant Sci ; 13: 1054484, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36438098


This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin content in soil under different cover crops with and without the application of nitrogen in the cover. The following cover plants were used: Crotalaria juncea (Crotalaria juncea L.), wild beans from Ceará (Canavalia brasiliensis Mart. ex Benth.), Guandú 'BRS mandarin' [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], millet 'BR05' [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] and sorghum 'BR 304' [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The absolute control of the experiment was the treatment without the use of cover crops, that is, the vegetation of spontaneous occurrence in the area. The experimental design was randomized blocks in subplots with three replications. Spore density, mycorrhizal colonization rate, easily extractable glomalin, and species present in the rhizosphere of the cover crops were determined. No differences were found in the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi associated with the different cover crops studied or in the values of spore density, root colonization, or glomalin content. Nitrogen application did not influence the mycorrhizal activity in the investigated cover crops. The most frequent species associated with cover crops were Scutellospora pellucida and Scutellospora persica in C. juncea; Gigaspora sp. on Sorghum; Glomus macrocarpum in Guandu; G. macrocarpum and Glomus clavisporum in millet; and Glomus microaggregatum and Glomus tortuosum in Spontaneous Vegetation.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36078295


Soils are dynamic and complex systems in their natural state, which are subjected to profound changes due to management. Additionally, agricultural soils are continuously exposed to wetting and drying (W-D) cycles, which can cause modifications in the complexity of their pores. Thus, we explore how successive W-D cycles can affect the pore network of an Oxisol under contrasting managements (conventional tillage-CT, minimum tillage-MT, no tillage-NT, and secondary forest-F). The complexity of the soil pore architecture was evaluated using a 3D multifractal approach combined with lacunarity, Shannon's entropy, and pore geometric parameters. Our results showed that the multifractal approach effectively identified and quantified the changes produced in the soil pore architecture by the W-D cycles. The lacunarity curves revealed important aspects of the modifications generated by these cycles. Samples under F, NT, and MT suffered the most significant changes. Pore connectivity and tortuosity were largely affected by the cycles in F and NT. Our findings demonstrated that the 3D geometric parameters and normalized Shannon's entropy are complementary types of analysis. According to the adopted management, they allowed us to separate the soil into two groups according to their similarities (F and NT; CT and MT).

Agricultura , Solo , Agricultura/métodos , Microtomografia por Raio-X
Plants (Basel) ; 11(11)2022 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35684246


In many countries, livestock slurry must be injected or incorporated into the soil to reduce nitrogen losses. However, when the injection is not feasible, farmers adopting conservation practices discard the use of slurry as fertilizer. New approaches related to slurry treatment or application management can stimulate the use of slurry in conservation agriculture (CA). This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic effects of some new management strategies to use dairy slurry for fertilization of ryegrass grown on stubble-covered soil, using as reference standard practices (slurry injection and mineral fertilizer application). The following treatments were considered: (i) bare soil: control (CB), mineral fertilizer (MB), injection (IN); (ii) stubble: control (CS), acidified dairy slurry (ADS), raw dairy slurry (RDS), irrigation following RDS (IR), mineral fertilizer (MS), RDS placed under the stubble (US), raw slurry applied 16 days after sowing (RDS T16). Effects on ryegrass yield, apparent nutrient recovery (ANR) and soil chemical properties were assessed. ADS reached 94% equivalence to MS and performed similarly to IN for productivity, ANR and soil parameters showing to be a sustainable alternative to replace mineral nitrogen and a potential solution to enable dairy slurry application in CA without injection or incorporation into the soil.

Colloq. Agrar ; 18(2): 61-69, mar.-abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399123


Enhanced-efficiency fertilizers, which provide a reduction in nitrogen (N) losses, can be a viable alternative for the anticipation of topdressing for the moment of sowing, besides reducing operations for the rural producer. This study aimed to determine the effect of the period of application of enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizers on the grain yield of corn and common bean in the Cerrado region in the direct seeding system. The experiment was carried out during two crop seasons (2019/2020 and 2020/2021), under field conditions. The completely randomized blocks experimental design was used, being arranged in a 2x4+1 factorial, with four replicates. Treatments consisted of the combination of the following two periods of nitrogen application: at sowing and recommended (four open leaves of corn and third trefoil in beans); and of the four following types of nitrogen fertilizers: 1. urea + NBPT + Zeolite; 2. urea + B + Cu + Zeolite; 3. Super N; and 4. Urea. Additionally, a control treatment (without N) was included. Nitrogen values for application in the treatments were adjusted so that 150 kg ha¹ N was applied to the corn, cultivated in summer, and 90 kg ha N was applied to the common bean, cultivated in winter. It was concluded that nitrogen sources and period of nitrogen application did not affect corn grain yield, yield components, and common bean grain yield. The application of nitrogen in corn or common bean provided significant increases in crop grain yield.

Os fertilizantes com eficiência aumentada, que proporcionam redução das perdas de nitrogênio (N), podem ser alternativas viáveis para proporcionar a antecipação da adubação de cobertura para a semeadura e reduzir operações para o produtor rural. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito da época de aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados de eficiência aumentada nas produtividades de grãos do milho e feijão-comum na região do Cerrado no sistema de semeadura direta. O experimento foi desenvolvido durante duas safras agrícolas, 2019/2020 e 2020/2021, em condições de campo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2x4+1, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram da combinação de duas épocas de aplicação de nitrogênio, semeadura e recomendada (quarta folhas aberta no milho e terceiro trifólio no feijão) com quatro tipos de fertilizantes nitrogenados (1. ureia + NBPT + Zeólita), 2. (ureia + B + Cu + Zeólita), 3. Super N e 4. Ureia). Adicionalmente foi incluído um tratamento controle (sem N). No milho, cultivado no verão, aplicou-se 150 kg ha² de N e no feijão-comum, cultivado no inverno, aplicou-se 90 kg ha¹ de N. Concluiu-se que as fontes nitrogenadas e a época de aplicação do nitrogênio não afetaram a produtividade de grãos da cultura do milho, os componentes de produção e a produtividade de grãos do feijão-comum. A aplicação de nitrogênio no milho ou no feijão-comum proporcionou incrementos significativos na produtividade de grãos das culturas.

Zea mays , Phaseolus , Fertilizantes , Nitrogênio/administração & dosagem
Pest Manag Sci ; 78(6): 2113-2120, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35102678


Over the last decades, Argentine and Brazilian farmers have adopted no-tillage cultivation systems and multiple cropping, which have decreased the abundance of traditional pests, such as Nezara viridula, and favored the development of some stink bugs of secondary importance, like Dichelops furcatus, D. melacanthus and Euschistus heros. No-till farming leaves the soil undisturbed, to mitigate erosion, and sufficient crop residue on the field, which is used by D. furcatus as a shelter under unfavorable conditions, and as a shelter against insecticides. Moreover, implementing multiple cropping systems increases crop rotation from soybean to corn, and places overwintering adults of D. furcatus in contact with corn seedlings in spring. Attacks of this stink bug species produce deformation and abortion of corn seedlings, resulting in up to 50% corn yield reduction. The increasing abundance of D. furcatus intensifies the damage on developing pods and seeds of soybean, becoming a primary pest of soybean, and a new pest of corn. Here we summarize the current knowledge about D. furcatus, its biology, life cycle, and geographical distribution pattern in South America. Additionally, we describe the general causes and consequences of D. furcatus as a new pest of corn that emerges from crop stubble. Then, we provide an overview of the chemical control, natural enemies, and possible agronomical practices to improve sustainable crop production methods to control this pest. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.

Glycine max , Heterópteros , Agricultura , Animais , Plântula , Sementes , Zea mays
Sci. agric ; 79(6): e20210115, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1352260


Lowlands have been cultivated with irrigated rice (Oryza sativa) in a monoculture cropping system for more than a century in southern Brazil. Shallow topsoil with high bulk density and deficient water infiltration favors the of production paddy rice; however, this condition does not favor species non-tolerant to flooding or oxygen restriction. Thus, soil and irrigation management may be necessary to raise the rice-soybean (Glycine max) rotation systems to sustainable levels. We carried out a two-year field experiment to assess the effects of irrigation treatments and soil management on soil physical properties, soybean growth, and grain yield in lowland systems. The experiment comprised a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The main factor comprised the following irrigation treatments: sprinkler; surface, and rainfed. Four soil managements composed the second factor: conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage with raised-seedbed, and no-tillage with raised-seedbed. Soil physical properties, soil penetration resistance, crop parameters, grain yield and water productivity were evaluated. CT increased the soil penetration resistance near the soil surface layer. The highest soil bulk density at the 0.05-0.10 m layer in the CT reduces grain yield in rainfed soybean compared to NT. Supplementary irrigation increased soybean yield of about 36 % in years of uneven rainfall distribution. Sprinkler irrigation resulted in higher irrigated water productivity (90 %) compared to surface irrigation, contributing to a more sustainable increase in grain yield. Crop rotation in a no-tillage cropping scheme could improve the sustainability of diversified agriculture in lowlands.

Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Balanço Hidrológico/análise , Características do Solo/análise , Tratamento do Solo/economia , Oryza
Sci. agric ; 79(4): e20200339, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1290210


Adequate potassium (K) fertilization is essential for agricultural production in soils of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado biome) due to the high demand by crops (especially cotton), likelihood of leaching losses, and the dependence on fertilizer importations. Therefore, sustainability requires improvements in the soil efficiency management. This study evaluated the influence of soil management and crop succession or rotation combinations with cotton on K dynamics and exchangeable reserves in the soil profile, and the partial balance of K after nine years of cultivation in a clayey Oxisol in the Cerrado. The soil was sampled in layers up to 100 cm depth in four cotton production systems treatments: 1) conventional soil tillage (CST) with cotton monoculture; 2) CST with annual cotton-soybean-cotton succession; 3) CST with cotton/soybean/maize rotation; and 4) no-tillage system (NTS) with cotton/soybean/maize rotation and Urochloa ruziziensis (ruzigrass) as a cover crop in the off-season after grain crops. The experiment was conducted using a randomized block design with four replications. CST with cotton monoculture favored the leaching of K surplus from fertilization. Crop rotation including ruzigrass in the NTS allowed better control of K dynamics, ensuring its circulation in the soil-plant compartments and reducing leaching. The increased organic matter (OM) in this system enlarges the storage capacity of K in the topsoil. The adoption of no-tillage crop systems integrating ruzigrass is viable to improve the efficiency of K fertilizers in cotton cultivation in highly weathered tropical soils.

Potássio , Glycine max , Zonas Agrícolas/análise , Zea mays , Gossypium , /química , Agricultura Sustentável
Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(3): 657-664, July-Sept. 2021. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762641


Vegetation cover may show diversity and composition patterns of the soil invertebrate community, as a function of litter quantity and quality in a specific habitat. The objective of this work was to characterize the distribution of edaphic fauna in different monocultures. The study was carried out at Chapada Grande farm in Regeneração, PI. Four monoculture areas were chosen: no-tillage soybean, eucalyptus, pasture, and a preserved native cerrado forest. Soil fauna was collected in a dry and wet period by pitfall traps containing 4% formaldehyde. The edaphic fauna was evaluated by the number of individuals per trap per day, average richness and richness, Shannon diversity index and Pielou uniformity index. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The highest number of individuals per day trap and of average richness were registered in the pasture, eucalyptus and forest areas in both periods, while soybean showed lower values with predominance of Coleoptera and Formicidae groups. The pasture and forest areas showed of higher Shannon index values in the two evaluated seasons, probably due to higher contributions organic residues in the soil that favors the shelter, feeding and reproduction conditions. Regarding the Pielou index, the soybean system showed higher values in this variable. The Aranae, Coleoptera, Formicidae and Diptera groups predominated in the humid period, while Coleoptera and Formicidae predominated in the dry period. Systems that generate greater accumulation of residues harbor a greater diversity of invertebrates of the edaphic fauna. Seasonality had an effect on all variables analyzed and the wet period showed more expressive values.(AU)

A cobertura vegetal pode mostrar padrões de diversidade e composição da comunidade de invertebrados do solo, em função da quantidade e qualidade da serapilheira em determinado habitat específico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a distribuição da fauna edáfica em diferentes monocultivos. O estudo foi realizado na fazenda Chapada Grande no município de Regeneração, PI. Foram escolhidas quatro áreas de monocultivos: soja em sistema de plantio direto, eucalipto, pastagem, além de uma mata nativa de cerrado preservada. Foram realizadas coletas da fauna do solo, em período seco e úmido, por meio de armadilhas do tipo pitfall contendo 4% de formol. A fauna edáfica foi avaliada pelo número de indivíduos por armadilha por dia, riqueza e riqueza média, índice de diversidade de Shannon e índice de uniformidade de Pielou. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e à análise multivariada de Componentes Principais (ACP). O maior número de indivíduos por armadilha dia e de riqueza média foram registrados nas áreas pastagem, eucalipto e mata nos dois períodos, enquanto que a soja mostrou valores inferiores com predomínio dos grupos Coleoptera e Formicidae. As áreas de pastagem e mata mostraram maiores valores de índice de Shannon nas duas épocas avaliadas provavelmente em função de maiores aportes de resíduos orgânicos no solo que favorece as condições de abrigo, alimentação e reprodução. Em relação ao índice de Pielou o sistema com soja mostrou maiores valores nessa variável. Os grupos Araneae, Coleoptera, Formicidae e Diptera predominaram no período úmido, enquanto Coleoptera e Formicidae se destacaram no período seco. Sistemas que geram maior acúmulo de resíduos abrigam uma maior diversidade de invertebrados da fauna edáfica. A sazonalidade apresentou efeito sobre todas as variáveis analisadas sendo que o período úmido mostrou valores mais expressivos.(AU)

Análise do Solo , Fauna , 24444 , Pradaria , Brasil
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(3): 657-664, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153381


Abstract Vegetation cover may show diversity and composition patterns of the soil invertebrate community, as a function of litter quantity and quality in a specific habitat. The objective of this work was to characterize the distribution of edaphic fauna in different monocultures. The study was carried out at Chapada Grande farm in Regeneração, PI. Four monoculture areas were chosen: no-tillage soybean, eucalyptus, pasture, and a preserved native cerrado forest. Soil fauna was collected in a dry and wet period by pitfall traps containing 4% formaldehyde. The edaphic fauna was evaluated by the number of individuals per trap per day, average richness and richness, Shannon diversity index and Pielou uniformity index. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The highest number of individuals per day trap and of average richness were registered in the pasture, eucalyptus and forest areas in both periods, while soybean showed lower values with predominance of Coleoptera and Formicidae groups. The pasture and forest areas showed of higher Shannon index values in the two evaluated seasons, probably due to higher contributions organic residues in the soil that favors the shelter, feeding and reproduction conditions. Regarding the Pielou index, the soybean system showed higher values in this variable. The Aranae, Coleoptera, Formicidae and Diptera groups predominated in the humid period, while Coleoptera and Formicidae predominated in the dry period. Systems that generate greater accumulation of residues harbor a greater diversity of invertebrates of the edaphic fauna. Seasonality had an effect on all variables analyzed and the wet period showed more expressive values.

Resumo A cobertura vegetal pode mostrar padrões de diversidade e composição da comunidade de invertebrados do solo, em função da quantidade e qualidade da serapilheira em determinado habitat específico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a distribuição da fauna edáfica em diferentes monocultivos. O estudo foi realizado na fazenda Chapada Grande no município de Regeneração, PI. Foram escolhidas quatro áreas de monocultivos: soja em sistema de plantio direto, eucalipto, pastagem, além de uma mata nativa de cerrado preservada. Foram realizadas coletas da fauna do solo, em período seco e úmido, por meio de armadilhas do tipo pitfall contendo 4% de formol. A fauna edáfica foi avaliada pelo número de indivíduos por armadilha por dia, riqueza e riqueza média, índice de diversidade de Shannon e índice de uniformidade de Pielou. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e à análise multivariada de Componentes Principais (ACP). O maior número de indivíduos por armadilha dia e de riqueza média foram registrados nas áreas pastagem, eucalipto e mata nos dois períodos, enquanto que a soja mostrou valores inferiores com predomínio dos grupos Coleoptera e Formicidae. As áreas de pastagem e mata mostraram maiores valores de índice de Shannon nas duas épocas avaliadas provavelmente em função de maiores aportes de resíduos orgânicos no solo que favorece as condições de abrigo, alimentação e reprodução. Em relação ao índice de Pielou o sistema com soja mostrou maiores valores nessa variável. Os grupos Araneae, Coleoptera, Formicidae e Diptera predominaram no período úmido, enquanto Coleoptera e Formicidae se destacaram no período seco. Sistemas que geram maior acúmulo de resíduos abrigam uma maior diversidade de invertebrados da fauna edáfica. A sazonalidade apresentou efeito sobre todas as variáveis analisadas sendo que o período úmido mostrou valores mais expressivos.

Humanos , Animais , Pradaria , Biodiversidade , Solo , Florestas , Ecossistema