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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 7-25, jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360477


Resumen El Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), medida de engagement laboral, ha tenido controversias respecto a la interpretación de su dimensionalidad, es decir, si sus puntajes pueden ser unidimensionales, multidimensionales o de dos niveles (unidimensional y multidimensional). El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo examinar la estructura interna (dimensionalidad, invarianza de medición y confiabilidad) del UWES (dos versiones: larga y breve) en una muestra de 636 trabajadores peruanos. Se aplicó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales para la evaluación de tres modelos de dimensionalidad: un solo factor (unidimensionalidad), tres factores relacionados (multidimensionalidad) y bifactor (dos niveles de interpretación: factor general y factores específicos). Los resultados indican que, luego de aplicar el modelamiento bifactor, la varianza común obtenida de un factor general es más fuerte que la interpretación de tres dimensiones. Este resultado se repitió en ambas versiones del UWES (larga y breve). La invarianza de medición fue satisfactoria en el nivel configuracional, métrica y escalar (en ambas versiones). Con respecto a la consistencia interna, se obtuvieron coeficientes satisfactorios (mayores a .70). Se concluye que el modelo de tres dimensiones del UWES para obtener los puntajes debe ser reemplazado por un modelo unidimensional, representado con un puntaje total. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

Abstract The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), a measure of work engagement, has had controversies regarding the interpretation of its dimensionality, that is, whether its scores can be one-dimensional, multidimensional or two-level (one-dimensional and multidimensional). The dimensionality of the UWES has been questioned mainly due to the high covariation between its components, an aspect consistently verified in the observed scores and latent variables (De Bruin y Henn 2013), even by the same authors (Schaufeli et al., 2006). This has two implications, one operational and one conceptual. In the operational context, the calculation of scores is also influenced by the statistical differentiation of the factors found in the factor analyzes. This means that if one or more factors are retained and justified, this also determines the same number of observed scores that can be calculated and interpreted. On the other hand, the conceptual implication is that the comprehensive framework of a three-dimensional psychological phenomenon differs from the one-dimensional. For example, the differentiation between dimensions generates the possibility of different trends between dimensions (e. g., one of three is high and the other low) and in this case, the concept of engagement becomes very generic and ambiguous to name and understand the different possibilities. Specific combination of its dimensions or jeopardizes its content validity, implying the need for other more specific concepts, which although related to engagement, can be independent. The objective of the present study was to examine the internal structure (dimensionality, measurement invariance and reliability) of the UWES (two versions: long and short) in a sample of 636 Peruvian workers. Structural equation modeling was applied to evaluate three dimensionality models: a single factor (one-dimensionality), three related factors (multidimensionality) and bifactor (two levels of interpretation: general factor and specific factors). The results indicate that, after applying bifactor modeling, the common variance obtained from a general factor is stronger than the three-dimensional interpretation. This result was repeated in both versions of the UWES (long and short). The measurement invariance was satisfactory at the configurational, metric and scalar levels (in both versions). Regarding internal consistency, satisfactory coefficients (greater than .70) were obtained. Three issues emerge from this study that modify the original theoretical interpretation of the UWES (which consists of using three related factors). The first is the existence of a general factor underlying the items, and which is statistically substantial as a source of variance of the items, independent of specific factors. In this general factor, the items generally contribute to their variance, except for two items whose discriminative capacity is moderately low (11 and 13, both of the specific factor Absorption). The main element of this general factor is the Dedication factor, whose items completely represented this general factor. Second, the differentiation of two specific factors corresponding to Vigor and Absorption does not appear to be psychometrically sufficient to describe nested constructs within the engagement construct, and therefore its independent interpretation of the general factor could be questioned. However, a contrary argument is that both factors show different amount of specific variance, although low compared to the general factor; for example, Absorption shows more divergent validity compared to Vigor, while the latter contains more common variance (general factor). Third, Dedication was completely absorbed by the general factor, and is only relevant insofar as its items are completely related to the general factor. Therefore, this component lost statistical autonomy and, consequently, very poor conceptual differentiation. It is concluded that the UWES - three-dimensional model to obtain the scores must be replaced by a one-dimensional model, represented with a total score. Implications are future research are discussed.

Liberabit ; 25(2): 195-212, jul.-dic. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143224


Objetivos: Se evaluó empíricamente un modelo de factores de riesgo familiares y prácticas de disciplina severa que predicen la conducta agresiva infantil, identificando su adecuación en términos del ajuste de datos y congruencia conceptual. Método: Se utilizó una muestra de 409 madres de niños de escuelas primarias públicas. Los factores de riesgo familiares seleccionados fueron: síntomas de ansiedad materna, violencia marital y prácticas de disciplina severa; la variable criterio fue la conducta agresiva infantil. El modelo supone que la ansiedad materna y la violencia marital tienen efectos sobre la conducta agresiva infantil, mediados por las prácticas de disciplina severa. La estrategia de investigación se diseñó con un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, el cual fue satisfactorio (CFI = .952, NNFI = .94 y RMSEA = .08); el modelo predijo el 34% de la varianza de los problemas de conducta agresiva infantil. Por sus efectos directos, la disciplina severa depende de la ansiedad materna (β = .44) y de la violencia marital (β = .10). La disciplina severa es una variable mediadora entre la conducta agresiva de los niños y la ansiedad materna y la violencia marital (β = .59). Resultados: Los resultados indican que la ansiedad materna y la violencia marital tienen efectos significativos en los problemas de conducta agresiva de los niños mediados por las prácticas disciplinarias. Conclusión: La confirmación de los resultados requiere de nuevos estudios con diferentes poblaciones que permitan generalizar los hallazgos.

Objective: A model of family risk factors and harsh discipline practices that predict child’s aggressive behavior was empirically evaluated, identifying its adequacy in terms of data adjustment and conceptual congruence. Method: A sample of 409 mothers of children from public elementary schools was used. The selected family risk factors were: symptoms of maternal anxiety, marital violence and harsh discipline practices; the criterion variable was the child’s aggressive behavior. The model assumes that maternal anxiety and marital violence have effects on child’s aggressive behavior, which is mediated by harsh discipline practices. The research strategy was designed with a structural equation model. The results were satisfactory (CFI = .952, NNFI = .94 and RMSEA = .08) and the model predicted 34% of the variance of child’s aggressive behavior problems. Due to its direct effects, harsh discipline depends on maternal anxiety (β = .44) and marital violence (β = .10). Harsh discipline is a mediating variable between child’s aggressive behavior and maternal anxiety and marital violence (β = .59). Results: The results indicate that maternal anxiety and marital violence have significant effects on child’s aggressive behavior problems, which are mediated by disciplinary practices. Conclusion: The results must be confirmed with new studies conducted in different populations that allow generalizing the findings.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114629


Abstract The aims of the present study were to investigate the relationship between: a) Patristic ideology and mentalist and behaviorist beliefs, and b) the relationship between mentalist and behaviorist beliefs and cognitive, neuropsychological and interbehavioral beliefs. The beliefs were assessed through an instrument purposely built for this research. A sample composed of 284 university students of first-semester psychology (84 men and 200 women; mean ages M = 17.82 years, SD = 2.34, range 16-38 years) were enrolled. After performing structural equation modelling (SEM), results show that patristic ideology is not related to behaviorism (β = .09, p = .387), but it is related with mentalism (β = .26, p = .042), also the mentalism is related with cognitive beliefs (β = .72, p =.001) and neuropsychological beliefs (β = .87, p = .014), while behaviorism is related with interbehavioral beliefs (β = .42, p = .014). It was found that first-year psychology students show less acceptance of the early patristic ideology (M = 75.28), it is less successful than mentalism (M = 86.33). The conclusion is that mentalism, successor of Patristic ideology, continues to be related to cognitive and neuropsychological beliefs.

Resumen En este artículo se lleva a cabo primeramente una revisión teórica de filosofía, ciencia y psicología. Posteriormente, los orígenes de la psicología y sus creencias se analizan a partir de la historia de la antigua Grecia. Finalmente, se realiza una revisión de la ideología patrística y escolástica. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron investigar la relación entre: a) la ideología patrística y las creencias mentalistas y conductistas, y b) la relación entre las creencias mentalistas y conductistas y las creencias cognitivas, neuropsicológicas e interconductuales. Las creencias fueron evaluadas a través de un instrumento creado ex profeso para esta investigación. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 284 estudiantes universitarios de psicología de primer semestre (84 hombres y 200 mujeres, edad media M = 17.82 años, SD = 2.34, rango 16-38 años). Después de realizar el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM, por sus siglas en inglés), los resultados muestran que la ideología patrística no está relacionada con el conductismo (β = .09, p = .387), pero está relacionada con el mentalismo (β = .26, p = .042), también el mentalismo está relacionado con creencias cognitivas (β = .72, p = .001) y creencias neuropsicológicas (β = .87, p = .014), mientras que el conductismo está relacionado con creencias interconductuales (β = .42, p = .014 ) Se encuentra que los estudiantes de psicología de primer año muestran una menor aceptación de la ideología patrística temprana (M = 75.28), es menos exitoso que el mentalismo (M = 86.33). Sin embargo, a pesar de este descenso en prestigio, los estudiantes universitarios, quienes apenas han iniciado su carrera de psicología consideran a la ideología Patrística más creíble (M = 75.28) que el conductismo (M = 63.23). En otras palabras, aparentemente a estos estudiantes les parece más coherente creer que hay dos substancias incompatibles coexistiendo en uno mismo que aceptar que solo hay una. La conclusión es que el mentalismo, sucesor de la ideología patrística, sigue estando relacionado con las creencias cognitivas y neuropsicológicas.

rev. psicogente ; 17(32): 337-351, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963466


Se muestran los resultados de un estudio prospectivo, de una cohorte, de validación psicométrica que tuvo como objetivo validar un banco de 20 reactivos que buscaban medir las relaciones de poder en el aula. Estos reactivos se sometieron a juicio de expertos, a análisis de validez factorial y de invarianza de parámetros. Con los mejores reactivos, se armó la Escala de Relaciones de Poder en el Aula (ERPA), aplicada a una muestra de 198 estudiantes en el ámbito nacional. Los resultados indicaron que la ERPA presenta propiedades psicométricas que aseguran la calidad y precisión en sus mediciones. Este estudio permitió discutir las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas en la evaluación y fomento del aprendizaje universitario.

This paper presents the results of a prospective study of a cohort of psychometric validation aimed to validate a bank of 20 items that sought to measure the power relations in the classroom. These reactive were subjected to expert judgment, to analysis of factorial validity and invariance of parameters. With the best reagents, Power Relations Scale in the Classroom (PRSC). This scale was applied to a sample of 198 nationally students. The results indicated that the PRSC has psychometric properties that ensure the quality and accuracy in their measurements. This study allowed discussing theoretical and practical implications in the evaluation and promotion of college learning.