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Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(3): 560-563, ago. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575238


Resumen El vapeo es la práctica de inhalar un aerosol creado al calentar un líquido con cigarrillo electrónico. Estos aerosoles contienen tóxicos, compuestos cancerígenos y nicotina, sustancia adictiva. En nuestro país está pro hibida la comercialización del cigarrillo electrónico. La lesión pulmonar aguda asociada al vapeo (EVALI) es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda potencialmente mortal. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 18 años, tabaquis ta, que consultó por falta de aire y fiebre. Presentaba insuficiencia respiratoria hipoxémica y leucocitosis, refiriendo reciente inicio de utilización de cigarrillo electrónico. En la tomografía computarizada de tórax (TC) se observaban extensas áreas en "vidrio esmerilado" bilaterales y áreas de consolidación con broncograma aéreo. Se inició tratamiento antibiótico y se realizó una fibrobroncoscopia que mostró restos hemáticos sin lesiones endoluminales. Se interpretó como EVALI y se indicaron corticoides sistémicos. El paciente evolu cionó favorablemente y egresó a las 48 h de finalizado el tratamiento. En TC de control se observó mejoría de las lesiones. El diagnóstico de EVALI es de exclusión. Existen dife rentes scores que describen la probabilidad de un EVALI. Los Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pro pusieron en 2019 una definición de caso confirmado de EVALI basado en la exposición al vapeo, las imágenes, la presentación clínica y los antecedentes. La primera notificación de un caso de EVALI en la Argentina fue en el año 2019. Es importante conocer los criterios diagnós ticos para poder iniciar un tratamiento preciso y precoz, considerando el aumento exponencial del uso de ciga rrillo electrónico, principalmente en la población joven.

Abstract Vaping is the practice of inhaling an aerosol cre ated by heating a liquid with an electronic cigarette. These aerosols contain toxic, carcinogenic compounds and nicotine, an addictive substance. In Argentina, the commercialization of electronic cigarettes is prohibited. Acute lung injury associated with vaping (EVALI) is an acute respiratory disease that can be life threatening. An 18-year-old male patient, smoker, consulted for shortness of breath and fever. He presented with hypox emic respiratory failure, and leukocytosis. The patient reported use of electronic cigarettes. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed extensive areas of ground glass opacities with areas of consolidation with air bronchogram. Antibiotic treatment was started and a fibrobronchoscopy was performed, which showed he matic debris, without endoluminal lesions. A diagnosis of EVALI was done and high doses systemic corticoste roids were prescribed. The patient evolved favorably, hewas discharged 48 hours after the end of treatment. In the control ambulatory CT was observed an improve ment of the lesions.561 EVALI is an exclusion diagnosis, so it is necessary to rule out infectious diseases and pulmonary inflamma tory processes. There are different scores that describe the probability of EVALI. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), developed in 2019 a definition of confirmed case based on vape exposure, imaging, clinical presentation and history. In 2019 was first reported an EVALI in Argentina. It is important to know the criteria for a confirmed case to initiate accurate and early treat ment, considering the exponential increase in electronic cigarette use, mainly in the young population.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(4): 774-779, ago. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575276


Abstract We present a patient with a rare systemic autoinflam matory disease (mevalonate kinase deficiency -MKD-) with the identification of two heterozygous variants (c.1129G>A and c.32C>T) in the Mevalonate Kinase gene, detected by next generation sequencing and a highly prevalent glomerulonephritis (IgA nephropathy). The patient presents clinically with a monthly recurrent periodic fever from 12 days of age, accompanied by mucocutaneous lesions (maculopapular rash in ex tremities, aphthous stomatitis), joint (arthralgias in ankles, wrists and knees), lymphoid (cervical lymph adenopathy, splenomegaly), gastrointestinal (diarrhea, abdominal pain) and kidney (hematuria and protei-nuria) with repeated biopsies showing IgA nephropathy alternating activity with chronicity. During follow-up. The patients presented a poor therapeutic response to multiple immunosuppressive regimens used for 7 years (corticosteroids, azathioprine, mycophenolate, cyclo phosphamide, rituximab and tocilizumab), and finally a good response to canakinumab. Four years after starting canakinumab, during the course of an infection due to a muscle abscess, the clinical presentation is complicated by a severe renal microvascular event (renal cortical necrosis -RCN-) with acute kidney injury and dialysis requirement. Therecurrent episodes of inflammation due to MKD could act as triggers for the reactivation of glomerulonephritis (which would explain the poor response to immunosuppressants and the rapid pro gression to histological chronicity) and to generate a microenvironment that predisposes the development of RCN in the face of a non-serious infection. A defect in IgA molecules has been described in MKD, a phenom enon also observed in IgA nephropathy. This raises the challenging hypothesis of a common pathogenetic link between all the patient's clinical manifestations.

Resumen Presentamos un paciente con una rara enfermedad autoinflamatoria sistémica (deficiencia de mevalonato quinasa -DMQ-) con la identificación de dos variantes heterocigotas (c.1129G>A y c.32C>T) en el gen Meval onato Quinasa, detectadas por secuenciación masiva en paralelo y una glomerulonefritis de alta prevalencia (nefropatía por IgA). El paciente presentó un cuadro de fiebre periódica recurrente mensual desde los 12 días de vida, acompañada de lesiones mucocutáneas (rash maculopapular en extremidades, estomatitis aftosa), compromiso articular (artralgias en tobillos, muñecas y rodillas), linfoideo (linfoadenopatía cervical, esplenome galia), gastrointestinal (diarrea, dolor abdominal) y renal (hematuria y proteinuria) con repetidas biospias most rando nefropatía por IgA alternando actividad y cronic idad. Durante el seguimiento, tuvo una pobre respuesta terapéutica a múltiples esquemas inmunosupresores utilizados durante 7 años (corticoides, azatrioprina, micofenolato, ciclofosfamida, rituximab y tocilizumab), y buena respuesta finalmente a canakinumab. Cuatro años posteriores al inicio de canakinumab, durante el curso de una infección por un absceso muscular, el cuadro clínico se complica con un evento microvascular renal grave (necrosis cortical renal -NCR-) con fallo renal agudo y necesidad de diálisis. Los episodios recurrentes de inflamación por la DMQ podrían actuar como gatil los para la reactivación de su glomerulonefritis (lo que explicaría la escasa respuesta a inmunosupresores y la progresión rápida a cronicidad histológica) y para gen erar un microambiente que predisponga el desarrollo de una NCR ante una infección no grave. En la DMQ se ha descripto un defecto en las moléculas de IgA, fenómeno también observado en la nefropatía por IgA. Esto plantea la desafiante hipótesis de un vínculo patogénico común entre todas las manifestaciones clínicas del paciente.

Rev. argent. cir ; 116(3): 201-208, ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575955


RESUMEN Antecedentes: En las últimas décadas ha habido un cambio considerable hacia un enfoque más conservador en el tratamiento del traumatismocerrado de abdomen, con énfasis en la preservación de la función de órganos; actualmente, el tratamiento no operatorio (TNO) se ha convertido en la técnica de manejo estándar en pacientes hemodinámicamente estables con lesiones de órgano sólido. Objetivo: Describir las variables clínicas asociadas a la tasa de éxito en una serie de pacientes con TNO de trauma abdominal cerrado con lesión de órganos sólidos. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, longitudinal, analítico entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2022, sobre pacientes admitidos con diagnóstico de traumatismo abdominal cerrado. Las variables evaluadas fueron: edad, sexo, estadía hospitalaria, complicaciones, requerimiento de transfusiones, tasa de éxito y mortalidad. Resultados: De 2590 pacientes ingresados por Guardia de Cirugía General, 24 pacientes se internaron con diagnóstico de traumatismo cerrado de abdomen. Fueron excluidos 15 pacientes por no cumplir con los criterios de inclusión. Los 9 pacientes seleccionados tuvieron un promedio de edad de 39 años (15-80) y 9 fueron varones. En el 36% presentaron lesiones esplénicas grados I-II, 27% presentó lesión renal grado II y el 18% restante con lesión hepática grado II. La tasa de éxito del tratamiento fue del 100% en nuestra serie sin evidenciar fallos en la terapéutica instaurada. Conclusión: Con los criterios empleados en TNO del traumatismo abdominal cerrado con lesión de órganos sólidos fue factible y permitió alcanzar una alta tasa de éxito, sin mortalidad.

ABSTRACT Background: In recent decades, there has been a significant shift toward a more conservative approach to the management of blunt abdominal trauma with an emphasis on preserving organ function; currently, non-operative management (NOM) has become the standard of care for hemodynamically stable patients with solid organ injury. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the different clinical variables associated with the success rate of NOM of blunt abdominal trauma with involving solid organs. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective, observational, longitudinal, and analytical study of patients admitted for blunt abdominal trauma between January 1, 2017, and December 1, 2022. The variables evaluated were age, sex, length of hospital stay, complications, transfusion requirements, success rate and mortality. Results: Between January 2017 and December 2022, of 2590 patients seen in the emergency department, 24 were admitted with a diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma. Fifteen patients did not meet the inclusion criteria. The mean age of the 9 patients included was 39 years (15-80 years) and 6 were men. Thirty-six percent had grade I and II splenic lesions, 27% had grade II renal lesions, and 18% had grade II hepatic lesions. The success rate of our series was 100% and there were no failures. Conclusion: The variables analyzed allowed us to affirm that NOM of blunt abdominal trauma with solid organ injury was feasible and allowed us to achieve a high success rate, without deaths.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 53(2): 66-70, 31 de agosto de 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568213


Lactante de 1 año con picaduras por abejas africanizadas. Las manifestaciones secundarias a las picaduras de abejas son independientes de la cantidad de veneno que se inocule. Nuestro paciente presentó 177 picaduras y tuvo reacciones locales y alteraciones en los laboratorios sugestivos de rabdomiólisis y lesión miocárdica. (provisto por Infomedic International)

One-year-old infant with stings by Africanized bees. Manifestations secondary to bee stings are independent of the amount of venom inoculated. Our patient presented 177 stings and had local reactions and laboratory alterations suggestive of rhabdomyolysis and myocardial injury. (provided by Infomedic International)

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 112(2): 1120833, mayo-ago.2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566803


Objetivo: La gingivitis espongiótica es una patología benigna poco común y una entidad clínica patológica poco frecuente que los odontólogos pueden observar durante la atención odontológica. Es importante conocer la misma para poder diagnosticarla adecuadamente, describir sus características clínicas y elaborar un plan para su tratamiento. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un caso clínico de esta patología poco conocida, describir sus características y su manejo clínico. Caso clínico: Un niño de 7 años que ingresó derivado por su odontólogo a la cátedra de Estomatología de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, presentaba en la encía libre e insertada del maxilar superior una lesión con ausencia de sintomatología y evolución crónica, benigna y con cambios estéticos notorios. Se deriva a la cátedra de Periodoncia para realizar un tratamiento interdisciplinario. Tuvo una respuesta favorable al tratamiento de la lesión, y se realizó un seguimiento periódico de la misma evitando la técnica quirúrgica convencional para su tratamiento.(AU)

Aim: Spongiotic gingivitis is a rare benign pathology and a rare clinical pathological entity that dentists can observe during dental care. It is important to know it to be able to properly diagnose it, describe its clinical characteristics and develop a plan for its treatment. The aim of this article is to present a clinical case of this little-known pathology and describe its characteristics as well as its clinical management. Clinical case: A 7-yeard-old child who was referred by his dentist to the Department of Stomatology of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, presented a lesion in the free and inserted gingiva of the upper jaw, with absence of symptoms and chronic, benign evolution with notable aesthetic changes. He is referred to the Periodontics department to perform interdisciplinary treatment. He had a favorable response to the treatment of the lesion, and a periodic follow-up was carried out, avoiding the conventional surgical technique for its treatment.(AU)

Clin Transl Oncol ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39136926


PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of percutaneous microwave ablation (MWA) for treating hepatic malignant tumors and to identify factors influencing tumor recurrence post-treatment. METHODS: A total of 249 patients with hepatic malignant tumors treated at the Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute were included, and 101 patients were analyzed. Disease-free and overall survival rates were assessed at 1, 2, and 3 years post-MWA. Correlations between tumor recurrence and factors such as Child-Pugh B classification and lesion count were examined, and a meta-analysis was conducted to identify independent risk factors for recurrence. RESULTS: The study found disease-free survival rates of 80.2%, 72.3%, and 70.3% at 1, 2, and 3 years post-MWA, with overall survival rates at 99%, 97%, and 96%. Significant correlations were observed between tumor recurrence, Child-Pugh B classification, and the number of lesions. Meta-analysis confirmed lesion count and Child-Pugh B classification as independent risk factors for recurrence following MWA treatment. CONCLUSION: The study underscores the importance of considering Child-Pugh B classification and lesion count in predicting tumor recurrence after MWA for hepatic malignant tumors. These findings offer valuable insights for clinicians in decision-making and post-treatment monitoring.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 14(13)2024 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39001252


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common acquired inflammatory and demyelinating disease in adults. The conventional diagnostic of MS and the follow-up of inflammatory activity is based on the detection of hyperintense foci in T2 and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and lesions with brain-blood barrier (BBB) disruption in the central nervous system (CNS) parenchyma. However, T2/FLAIR hyperintense lesions are not specific to MS and the MS pathology and inflammatory processes go far beyond focal lesions and can be independent of BBB disruption. MRI techniques based on the magnetic susceptibility properties of the tissue, such as T2*, susceptibility-weighted images (SWI), and quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) offer tools for advanced MS diagnostic, follow-up, and the assessment of more detailed features of MS dynamic pathology. Susceptibility-weighted techniques are sensitive to the paramagnetic components of biological tissues, such as deoxyhemoglobin. This capability enables the visualization of brain parenchymal veins. Consequently, it presents an opportunity to identify veins within the core of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions, thereby affirming their venocentric characteristics. This advancement significantly enhances the accuracy of the differential diagnostic process. Another important paramagnetic component in biological tissues is iron. In MS, the dynamic trafficking of iron between different cells, such as oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia, enables the study of different stages of demyelination and remyelination. Furthermore, the accumulation of iron in activated microglia serves as an indicator of latent inflammatory activity in chronic MS lesions, termed paramagnetic rim lesions (PRLs). PRLs have been correlated with disease progression and degenerative processes, underscoring their significance in MS pathology. This review will elucidate the underlying physical principles of magnetic susceptibility and their implications for the formation and interpretation of T2*, SWI, and QSM sequences. Additionally, it will explore their applications in multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly in detecting the central vein sign (CVS) and PRLs, and assessing iron metabolism. Furthermore, the review will discuss their role in advancing early and precise MS diagnosis and prognostic evaluation, as well as their utility in studying chronic active inflammation and degenerative processes.

Antioxidants (Basel) ; 13(7)2024 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39061870


While cytostatic chemotherapy targeting DNA is known to induce genotoxicity, leading to cell cycle arrest and cytokine secretion, the impact of these drugs on fibroblast-epithelial cancer cell communication and metabolism remains understudied. Our research focused on human breast fibroblast RMF-621 exposed to nonlethal concentrations of cisplatin and doxorubicin, revealing reduced proliferation, diminished basal and maximal mitochondrial respirations, heightened mitochondrial ROS and lactate production, and elevated MCT4 protein levels. Interestingly, RMF-621 cells enhanced glucose uptake, promoting lactate export. Breast cancer cells MCF-7 exposed to conditioned media (CM) from drug-treated stromal RMF-621 cells increased MCT1 protein levels, lactate-driven mitochondrial respiration, and a significantly high mitochondrial spare capacity for lactate. These changes occurred alongside altered mitochondrial respiration, mitochondrial membrane potential, and superoxide levels. Furthermore, CM with doxorubicin and cisplatin increased migratory capacity in MCF-7 cells, which was inhibited by MCT1 (BAY-8002), glutamate dehydrogenase (EGCG), mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (UK5099), and complex I (rotenone) inhibitors. A similar behavior was observed in T47-D and ZR-75-1 breast cancer cells. This suggests that CM induces metabolic rewiring involving elevated lactate uptake to sustain mitochondrial bioenergetics during migration. Treatment with the mitochondrial-targeting antioxidant mitoTEMPO in RMF-621 and the addition of an anti-CCL2 antibody in the CM prevented the promigratory MCF-7 phenotype. Similar effects were observed in THP1 monocyte cells, where CM increased monocyte recruitment. We propose that nonlethal concentrations of DNA-damaging drugs induce changes in the cellular environment favoring a promalignant state dependent on mitochondrial bioenergetics.

Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed) ; 89(3): 404-417, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39033039


Acute liver failure is a rare but serious syndrome, with an incidence of approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cases per year in North America. Its pathophysiology and clinical course vary, depending on the cause of the primary liver injury, and can lead to high morbidity and mortality or the need for liver transplantation, despite available therapies. This syndrome involves excessive activation of the immune system, with damage in other organs, contributing to its high mortality rate. The most accepted definition includes liver injury with hepatic encephalopathy and coagulopathy within the past 26 weeks in a patient with no previous liver disease. The main causes are paracetamol poisoning, viral hepatitis, and drug-induced liver injury, among others. Identifying the cause is crucial, given that it influences prognosis and treatment. Survival has improved with supportive measures, intensive therapy, complication prevention, and the use of medications, such as N-acetylcysteine. Liver transplantation is a curative option for nonresponders to medical treatment, but adequate evaluation of transplantation timing is vital for improving results. Factors such as patient age, underlying cause, and severity of organ failure influence the post-transplant outcomes and survival.

Falência Hepática Aguda , Humanos , Falência Hepática Aguda/terapia , Falência Hepática Aguda/etiologia , Falência Hepática Aguda/diagnóstico , Prognóstico , Transplante de Fígado
Int Endod J ; 57(11): 1689-1698, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38984709


AIM: To compare the effects of Cervical Access Cavity (CervAC) and Traditional Access Cavity (TradAC) on root canal preparation, root canal filling, and fracture resistance in mandibular incisors. METHODOLOGY: Twenty recently extracted and intact mandibular incisors were initially scanned using a micro-CT device. The specimens were anatomically matched to create two groups (n = 10). A wedge-shaped non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL) was created on the buccal aspect of all teeth using a double-faced segmented diamond disc. In group 1, a TradAC was prepared, whilst in group 2, access was created through the simulated NCCL using a round diamond bur 1012. After root canal preparation with Rotate instruments sizes 15/0.04, 20/0.04, and 25/0.04, the teeth were scanned again and evaluated for root canal volume and surface area, static voxels, volume of removed dental tissue, and dentine thickness. After that, the root canals were filled using the single-cone technique, teeth were restored with composite resin, and subsequently rescanned to calculate the volume of filling materials and voids. Then, the restored teeth were subjected to fracture resistance tests using a universal testing machine. Statistical comparisons between groups were performed with the Mann-Whitney test or the Student's t-test, with a statistical significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Statistical comparisons indicated no significant differences between groups in terms of root canal volume, surface area, static voxels, removed root dentine, root canal filling volume, percentage of voids, or fracture resistance load (p > .05). Conversely, teeth prepared with TradAC showed a significantly higher percentage of dental tissue removed from the crown (p = .001) and a greater volume of filling material remnants in the pulp chamber (p < .001) compared to the CervAC group. A significantly lower percentage reduction in dentine thickness was observed only on the mesial aspect of root at Level 1 in TradAC group (p = .008). CONCLUSIONS: CervAC can be considered a viable alternative approach in the presence of NCCL in mandibular incisors.

Incisivo , Mandíbula , Obturação do Canal Radicular , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Fraturas dos Dentes , Humanos , Obturação do Canal Radicular/métodos , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Preparo de Canal Radicular/métodos , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Colo do Dente/patologia , Cavidade Pulpar , Técnicas In Vitro
HIV Med ; 25(10): 1145-1153, 2024 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39031851


This study aimed to describe the prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) types in the anal canal in a cohort of people living with HIV (PLWHIV) with a history of malignancy. SETTING: Referral tertiary care hospital for adult patients with cancer. METHODS: We reviewed data of patients from the AIDS Cancer Clinic on antiretroviral therapy in chronic control who were consecutively referred for high-resolution anoscopy (HRA), where they underwent anal evaluation, collection of specimens for anal cytology and anal human papillomavirus (HPV) followed by HRA with directed biopsy if needed. RESULTS: A total of 155 patients were included; 149 (96.1%) were men, all of them men who have sex with men (MSM); the median age was 39 (IQR 32-47) years; 105 (67.7%) with Kaposi sarcoma, 40 (25.8%) with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and 10 (6.4%) with other neoplasms; only 7 (4.5%) had active cancer. The prevalence of HR-HPV infection was 89% (n=138) (95% CI 83-93) with at least one HR-HPV infection, and 62% (96) had coinfection with at least two types; the median HR-HPV types of coinfection were 3 (IQR 2-4). The number of patients infected with HPV 16 was 64 (41.3%, 95% CI 33.8-49.3), HPV 18 was 74 (47.7%, 95% CI 39.9-55.7) and with both 35 (22.6%). Some 59 patients (38%) had high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and 49 (31.6%) had low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL). The prevalence of HR-HPV and HSIL among patients aged ≤35 and >35 years was the same. CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of PLWHIV with a history of malignancy we found a high prevalence of HR-HPV 16 and 18 and anal HSIL, even in persons aged ≤35 years. These data highlight the importance of anal cancer screening in PLWHIV and history of malignancy.

Canal Anal , Neoplasias do Ânus , Infecções por HIV , Infecções por Papillomavirus , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Infecções por Papillomavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/virologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/complicações , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Infecções por HIV/virologia , Feminino , Canal Anal/virologia , Canal Anal/patologia , Neoplasias do Ânus/virologia , Neoplasias do Ânus/epidemiologia , Papillomaviridae/isolamento & purificação , Papillomaviridae/genética , Homossexualidade Masculina/estatística & dados numéricos , Centros de Atenção Terciária , Papillomavirus Humano
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(2): 7, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576172


Abstract Postoperative acute kidney injury is an underdiagnosed condition. Its incidence is variable and depends on demographic, clinical, and surgical stress-associated factors; hence the pathophysiology is multifactorial. It is extremely important to acknowledge those risk factors early and use tools to estimate the risk of developing the condition, in order to adopt perioperative measures to mitigate its occurrence and impact. Some of the complications resulting from this condition include prolonged ICU stay, higher susceptibility for infections, hospitalization-related complications, progression to acute and chronic kidney failure, and even the need for transient or permanent renal replacement therapies (RRT) in addition to diseases that increase the cardiovascular risk, such as systemic high blood pressure and/or coronary heart disease that result in increased comorbidities and mortality, with subsequent increases in healthcare costs, lower quality of life and increased burden of the disease in the short and long term. A systematic search of the literature was conducted in PubMed, Google Schoolar, and Lilacs, under the terms MeSh and DeCs using Boolean operators; a review was conducted of the summary of the articles identified and 57 of them were selected for their comprehensive reading. This narrative review summarizes the relevant information on this pathology for prevention and identification purposes, for the adequate management of patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery.

Resumen La lesión renal aguda posoperatoria es una entidad subdiagnosticada. Su incidencia es variable y depende de factores demográficos, clínicos y los inherentes al estrés quirúrgico; por ende, la fisiopatología es multifactorial. Es de vital importancia reconocer precozmente dichos factores de riesgo durante la valoración preanestésica y hacer uso de herramientas para calcular el riesgo de desarrollarla para, de esta forma, adoptar medidas perioperatorias para mitigar su aparición e impacto. Entre las complicaciones derivadas de esta entidad se encuentran la estancia en unidades de cuidado intensivo prolongadas, mayor susceptibilidad de infecciones, complicaciones derivadas de la hospitalización, progresión a enfermedad renal aguda y crónica e incluso necesidad de terapias de reemplazo renal (TRR) transitorias o permanentes, además de enfermedades que aumentan el riesgo cardiovascular como hipertensión arterial sistémica y/o enfermedad coronaria, lo que genera aumento en morbimortalidad, con aumento en costos asociado a la atención en salud, menor calidad de vida y mayor carga de la enfermedad a corto y largo plazo. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en bases de datos PubMed, Google Schoolar, Lilacs, bajo los términos MeSh y DeCs, usando los operadores booleanos, se revisó el resumen de los artículos encontrados y se seleccionaron 57 artículos para su lectura completa. Esta revisión narrativa sintetiza la información relevante sobre esta patología que permita prevenirla y reconocerla para el manejo adecuado de los pacientes que van a cirugía mayor no cardiaca.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 709-717, jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564595


SUMMARY: Spinal cord injury (SCI) usually arises from compression due to traffic accidents and falls, resulting in varying degrees of movement, sensory loss, and possible paralysis. Glabridin (Gla) is a natural compound derived from licorice. It significantly affects drug development and medicine because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-tumoral, antibacterial, bone protective, cardiovascular protective, neuroprotective, liver protective, anti-obesity, and anti-diabetic properties. Various methods were employed to administer Gla to SCI mice in order to investigate its impact on the recovery of motor function. The mice were allocated into four cohorts using a randomization procedure. In the sham cohort, solely the lamina of vertebral arch was surgically exposed without causing any harm to the spinal cord tissue. Conversely, the injury cohort was subjected to spinal cord tissue damage and received no treatment thereafter. The mice in the remaining two cohorts received a dosage of 40 mg/kg Gla every two days via either intraperitoneal or intrathecal injection for a duration of 42 d following spinal cord injury. We conducted behavioral tests utilizing the Basso Mouse Scale score and gait analysis techniques. Magnetic resonance imaging and hematoxylin and eosin were employed to evaluate scar tissue formation. Systemic inflammation in mice was evaluated by employing an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Gla promoted motor function recovery in mice following SCI and improved the pathological environment in the damaged area. These alterations were more evident in mice subjected to the intrathecal injection method. Intraperitoneal injections appear to be more beneficial for controlling systemic inflammatory responses. Although more intensive studies are required, Gla exhibits promising clinical potential as a cost-effective dietary phytochemical.

La lesión de la médula espinal (LME) generalmente surge de la compresión producto de caídas y accidentes de tránsito, lo que resulta en alteraciones del movimiento, pérdida sensorial y posible parálisis. La Glabridina (Gla) es un compuesto natural derivado del regaliz, constituyéndose en un aporte significativo para el desarrollo de fármacos y la medicina debido a sus propiedades antiinflamatorias, antioxidantes, antitumorales, antibacterianas, osteoprotectoras, cardioprotectoras, neuroprotectoras, hepatoprotectoras, antidiabéticas y contra la obesidad. En el presente trabajo se emplearon varios métodos para administrar Gla a ratones con lesión medular con el fin de investigar su impacto en la recuperación de la función motora. Los ratones fueron distribuidos en cuatro grupos mediante un procedimiento de aleatorización. En el grupo simulado, únicamente se expuso quirúrgicamente la lámina del arco vertebral sin causar ningún daño al tejido de la médula espinal. Por el contrario, el grupo lesionado fue sometido a daño del tejido de la médula espinal, sin recibir tratamiento posterior. Los ratones de los dos grupos restantes recibieron una dosis de 40 mg/kg de Gla cada dos días mediante inyección intraperitoneal o intratecal durante 42 días después de la lesión de la médula espinal. Fueron realizadas pruebas de comportamiento utilizando la puntuación de la escala Basso Mouse y técnicas de análisis de la marcha. Se emplearon imágenes por resonancia magnética y se aplicaron tinciones histológicas (Hematoxilina & Eosina) en muestras para evaluar la formación de tejido cicatricial. La inflamación sistémica en ratones se evaluó mediante el empleo de un ensayo inmunoabsorbente ligado a enzimas. Gla promovió la recuperación de la función motora en ratones después de una lesión medular y mejoró el entorno patológico en el área dañada. Estas alteraciones fueron más evidentes en ratones sometidos al método de inyección intratecal. Las inyecciones intraperitoneales parecen ser más beneficiosas para controlar las respuestas inflamatorias sistémicas. Aunque se requieren estudios más intensivos, Gla exhibe un potencial clínico prometedor como fitoquímico dietético rentable.

Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Fenóis/administração & dosagem , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/tratamento farmacológico , Isoflavonas/administração & dosagem , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Sobrevivência Celular , Imunofluorescência , Fármacos Neuroprotetores , Recuperação de Função Fisiológica , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Atividade Motora/efeitos dos fármacos
Estima (Online) ; 22: e1531, JAN - DEZ 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1568188


Objetivo: construir y validar un folleto educativo enfocado en la atención domiciliaria de lesiones por presión. Método: estudio metodológico realizado en tres etapas: elaboración de los temas, construcción del folleto y validación del contenido por parte de los jueces. El folleto fue elaborado en la plataforma digital de diseño gráfico Canva®, con un enfoque dinámico y autoexplicativo, adecuado al público objetivo, con una apariencia ligera, atractiva y con un lenguaje sencillo. La validación del contenido se realizó utilizando el Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC). Resultados: El folleto se tituló "Lesión por presión y cuidados domiciliarios: ¿Hablemos de eso?", validado por 8 jueces con un índice de validez de contenido global superior a ≥0,78. Teniendo en cuenta la preocupación de accesibilidad lingüística por parte de los jueces, se llevó a cabo una revisión de contenido y adecuación textual para la versión final. Conclusión: La tecnología construida y validada demostró potencial para ser utilizada y generar mejoras en la atención domiciliaria de las personas con lesiones por presión. Investigaciones futuras deberían centrarse en validar la usabilidad de la tecnología por parte de los usuarios. (AU)

Objective: To create and validate an educational pamphlet focused on home care for pressure injuries. Method:This methodological study was conducted in three stages: topic development, pamphlet creation, and content validation by experts. The pamphlet was designed using the Canva® digital graphic design platform, considering a dynamic, self-explanatory approach suitable for the target audience, featuring a light and attractive appearance with simple language. For content validation, the Content Validity Index (CVI) was used. Results: The pamphlet, titled "Pressure Injuries and Home Care: Let's Talk About It?", was validated by eight experts with an overall CVI above ≥ 0.78. Due to concerns raised by the experts regarding linguistic accessibility, a content review and textual adjustments were made for the final version. Conclusion: The constructed, validated pamphlet has demonstrated potential for use and improvement in home care for people with pressure injuries. Future research should focus on validating the usability of the technology by users. (AU)

Objetivo:Construir e validaruma cartilha educativa voltada ao cuidado domiciliar com lesão por pressão. Método:estudo metodológico realizado em três etapas: elaboração dos assuntos, construção da cartilha e validação de conteúdo por juízes.A cartilha foi elaborada na plataforma digital de design gráfico Canva®, considerando abordagem dinâmica, autoexplicativa, adequada ao público-alvo; contendo uma aparência leve, atrativa e linguagem simples. Para validação de conteúdo, utilizou o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC). Resultados: A cartilha foi intitulada "Lesão por pressão e cuidados domiciliares: Vamos falar sobre isso?", validada por oito juízes com índice de validade de conteúdo geral acima de ≥ 0,78. Considerando a preocupação por parte dos juízes, diante da acessibilidade linguística, foi realizada uma revisão do conteúdo e adequação textual para a versão final. Conclusão: A tecnologia construída e validada demonstrou potencial para ser utilizada e gerar melhoria dos cuidados domiciliares às pessoas que convivem com lesões por pressão. Como perspectiva para pesquisas futuras, ressalta-se a validação da usabilidade da tecnologia pelos usuários. (AU)

Humanos , Tecnologia Biomédica , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar , Tecnologia Educacional , Úlcera por Pressão , Estomaterapia
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(2): 261-266, jun. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564781


Resumen Introducción : Las lesiones osteocondrales de rodilla son una afección frecuente en jóvenes. Los trasplantes alogénicos usando injerto congelado se presentan como una opción de tratamiento en pacientes con lesiones grandes o sin zona dadora. Este trabajo buscó analizar retrospectivamente los resultados funcionales y la tasa de falla de los trasplantes osteocondrales con injerto cadavérico congelado. Métodos : Se incluyeron pacientes sometidos a tras plantes osteocondrales de rodilla con injerto cadavérico congelado en nuestra institución, entre 2014 y 2019, con dos años de seguimiento mínimo. Variables evaluadas: edad al momento de la intervención, escalas funciona les International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) y Lysholm pre y post operatorios, complicaciones y tasa de falla. Resultados : Incluimos 25 pacientes. La edad media fue de 43.5 años (RIQ 29-50), 45% fueron mujeres y el seguimiento promedio fue de 83 meses (DS 54.6). El ta maño promedio del defecto osteocondral fue de 4 cm2. La escala de Lysholm promedio pre y postoperatorio fue de 39 (DS 19.3) y 82 (DS 15.4) respectivamente (p < 0.01). El IKDC promedio pre y postoperatorio fue de 42 (DS 13.8) y 60 (DS 13.5) respectivamente (p < 0.01). La tasa de falla fue del 20% (n=5). Discusión : Los pacientes presentaron una mejoría postoperatoria evidenciada en los resultados funcio nales, y una tasa de falla del 20%. El uso de trasplante osteocondral congelado se presenta como un recurso útil para el tratamiento de lesiones condrales graves.

Abstract Introduction : Knee osteochondral lesions represent a frequent pathology within young active patients. One possible indication for severe lesions or in case of im possibility of harvesting an autograft is the use of fresh frozen allograft. The objective of this study was to ret rospectively analyze functional results and failure rate after osteochondral transplants using fresh frozen al lografts. Methods : We analyzed data from patients who under went knee osteochondral transplant using mosaicplasty technique with fresh frozen allografts at our institution between 2014 and 2019. We included those patients with at least two-year follow-up. Demographic characteristics such as age at the moment of intervention and size of the defect were included. Functional results were assessed using pre and postoperative Lysholm and IKDC scores. Patients who underwent a knee replacement were considered failures. Results : Twenty-five patients were included. The me dian age was 43.5 years (IQR 29-50), 45% were female and the mean follow-up was 83 months (SD 54.6). Mean osteochondral defect size was 4 cm2. Mean pre and post operative Lysholm scores were 39 (SD 19.3) and 82 (SD 15.4) respectively (p < 0.01). Mean pre and postoperative IKDC scores were 42 (SD 13.8) and 60 (SD 13.5) respec tively (p < 0.01). Five patients (20%) underwent a knee replacement afterwards and were considered failures. Discussion : Our results after a mean seven-year follow-up evidenced an overall improvement in func tional scores and a failure rate of 20%. Osteochondral transplant using fresh frozen allografts is a reliable and feasible treatment for patients with large osteochondral defects.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 14(11)2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38893659


The diagnosis and identification of melanoma are not always accurate, even for experienced dermatologists. Histopathology continues to be the gold standard, assessing specific parameters such as the Breslow index. However, it remains invasive and may lack effectiveness. Therefore, leveraging mathematical modeling and informatics has been a pursuit of diagnostic methods favoring early detection. Fractality, a mathematical parameter quantifying complexity and irregularity, has proven useful in melanoma diagnosis. Nonetheless, no studies have implemented this metric to feed artificial intelligence algorithms for the automatic classification of dermatological lesions, including melanoma. Hence, this study aimed to determine the combined utility of fractal dimension and unsupervised low-computational-requirements machine learning models in classifying melanoma and non-melanoma lesions. We analyzed 39,270 dermatological lesions obtained from the International Skin Imaging Collaboration. Box-counting fractal dimensions were calculated for these lesions. Fractal values were used to implement classification methods by unsupervised machine learning based on principal component analysis and iterated K-means (100 iterations). A clear separation was observed, using only fractal dimension values, between benign or malignant lesions (sensibility 72.4% and specificity 50.1%) and melanoma or non-melanoma lesions (sensibility 72.8% and specificity 50%) and subsequently, the classification quality based on the machine learning model was ≈80% for both benign and malignant or melanoma and non-melanoma lesions. However, the grouping of metastatic melanoma versus non-metastatic melanoma was less effective, probably due to the small sample size included in MM lesions. Nevertheless, we could suggest a decision algorithm based on fractal dimension for dermatological lesion discrimination. On the other hand, it was also determined that the fractal dimension is sufficient to generate unsupervised artificial intelligence models that allow for a more efficient classification of dermatological lesions.

World J Nucl Med ; 23(2): 135-140, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38933074


Collisions lesions are rare neoplasms where two histologically distinct tumors coexist in the same organ or anatomical site. Vertebral hemangiomas (VHs) are the most common lesions involving the vertebral bodies and imaging findings of typical and atypical hemangiomas, variant forms of hemangioma such as aggressive hemangiomas are well known, but collision lesions involving VHs are extremely rare. This article presents a case report of a 73-year-old male patient diagnosed with clear cell renal cancer in a rare presentation of a bone metastasis coinciding with the same anatomical position as a VH (collision lesion). This required a multidisciplinary approach involving various diagnostic techniques to determine the best therapeutic management.

Pharmaceutics ; 16(6)2024 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38931825


Skin lesions are an important health concern, exposing the body to infection risks. Utilizing natural products containing chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L.) holds promise for curative purposes. Additionally, hyaluronic acid (HA), an active ingredient known for its tissue regeneration capacity, can expedite healing. In this study, we prepared and characterized an extract of C. recutita and integrated it into a nanoemulsion system stabilized with HA, aiming at harnessing its healing potential. We assessed the impact of alcoholic strength on flavonoid extraction and chemically characterized the extract using UHPLC/MS while quantifying its antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity. We developed a nanoemulsion loaded with C. recutita extract and evaluated the effect of HA stabilization on pH, droplet size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential, and viscosity. Results indicated that 70% hydroalcoholic extraction yielded a higher flavonoid content. The extract exhibited antioxidant capacity in vitro, a desirable trait for skin regeneration, and demonstrated efficacy against key microbial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) associated with skin colonization and infections. Flavonoids spireoside and apiin emerged as the most abundant bioactives. The addition of HA led to increased viscosity while maintaining a suitable pH for topical application. Zeta potential, droplet size, and PDI met acceptable criteria. Moreover, incorporating C. recutita extract into the nanoemulsion enhanced its antimicrobial effect. Hence, the nanoemulsion system loaded with C. recutita and HA stabilization exhibits favorable characteristics for topical application, showing promise in aiding the healing processes.

Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg ; 42(5): 366-374, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38776543


Objective: The proposed study aims to compare the effectiveness of conventional endodontic treatment (ET) with that of ET associated with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) in patients with apical lesion. Methods: Controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trial (RCT); superiority study with three parallel arms. Randomization will be conducted in exchange blocks of six, with allocation 1:1:1. The control group will receive conventional ET, while experimental group 1 (EG1) will receive conventional ET + aPDT with laser at 660 nm, fluence of 600 J/cm2; EG2 will receive conventional ET + aPDT with laser at 660 nm, fluence of 1200 J/cm2. The primary outcome will be canal disinfection before treatment, measured by analysis of colony formation (CFU/mL) and the success rate measured after 6 months on the clinical and radiographic evaluations. The mean and standard deviation will be calculated for continuous outcomes, and the CFU/mL mean between groups will be evaluated by ANOVA test. The Chi-squared test will be calculated for binary outcomes. A logistic regression analysis will be performed to assess differences in the success rate between groups, adjusted for the covariates. The Stata 18 software will be used, with a significance threshold of 5%. Conclusions: Few RCTs have evaluated the effectiveness of aPDT in root canal disinfection in patients with permanent dentition presenting apical lesion. New RCTs with larger numbers of participants are needed to support using aPDT as an adjuvant to conventional ET in root canal disinfection for routine use in clinical practice. The trial was registered prospectively in (NCT05916859).

Desinfecção , Dente Molar , Fotoquimioterapia , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Cavidade Pulpar , Desinfecção/métodos , Método Duplo-Cego , Fotoquimioterapia/métodos , Fármacos Fotossensibilizantes/uso terapêutico , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(64): 77-90, mai-ago.2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1567316


Introdução: A queilite angular é uma lesão multifatorial de caráter essencialmente fúngico, que acomete as comissuras labiais e clinicamente se manifesta através de um padrão característico. Em idosos, em decorrência da idade avançada, o surgimento e a persistência da queilite angular ocorre em virtude da perda de dimensão vertical, edentulismo, imunossupressão, aumento da dobra cutânea, próteses mal adaptadas e redução da qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Realizar um levantamento na literatura científica acerca dos aspectos clínicos, microbiológicos, fatores etiológicos e tratamento da queilite angular em pacientes idosos. Métodos: Foram consultadas as bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e LILACS, utilizando os descritores DeCS/MeSH em português e inglês: "idosos", "queilite", "lesão", "elderly", "cheilitis" e "lesion". Após o cruzamento com o operador booleano AND, foi realizada apuração e análise, com a inclusão de 21 trabalhos. Para aprofundar a fundamentação teórica, 13 novas referências foram adicionadas, totalizando 34 estudos. Resultados: Clinicamente, a queilite angular se manifesta através de fissuras, eritemas, crostas uni/bilaterais, acompanhada de dor e prurido. A presença dos microrganismos Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus e Streptococcus pyogenes são comuns e dificultam no manejo terapêutico desta condição. Dentre as variadas formas de tratamento, destacam-se a Terapia Fotodinâmica antimicrobiana, uso de ácido hialurônico, além de antimicrobianos locais, especialmente os antifúngicos. Considerações finais: Por apresentar aspecto multifatorial e envolver diferentes tipos de microrganismos, seu manejo terapêutico é multimodal. Portanto, para um tratamento adequado, faz-se necessário que o cirurgião-dentista identifique as características clínicas e microbiológicas, além dos fatores etiológicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da queilite angular.

Introduction: Angular cheilitis is a multifactorial lesion of essentially fungal character, which affects the labial commissures and clinically manifests itself through a characteristic pattern. In the elderly due to advanced age, the onset and persistence of angular cheilitis occurs due to loss of vertical dimension, edentulism, immunosuppression, increased skinfold, poorly adapted prostheses and reduced quality of life. Objective: To conduct a survey in the scientific literature about the clinical and microbiological aspects, etiological factors and treatment of angular cheilitis in elderly patients. Materials and methods: The PubMed, SciELO and LILACS databases were consulted, using the DeCS/MeSH descriptors in Portuguese and English: "idosos", "queilite" and "lesão"; "elderly", "cheilitis" and "lesion". After crossing with the Boolean operator AND, a survey and analysis was performed, with the inclusion of 21 studies. To deepen the theoretical foundation, 13 new references were added, totaling 34 studies. Results: Clinically, angular cheilitis manifests itself through fissures, erythemas, unilateral or bilateral crusts, accompanied by pain and itching. The presence of the microorganisms Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes are common and hinder the therapeutic management of this condition. Among the various forms of treatment, we highlight the antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy, use of hyaluronic acid, as well as local antimicrobials, especially antifungals. Final considerations: Because it presents a multifactorial aspect and involves different types of microorganisms, its therapeutic management is multimodal. Therefore, for an adequate treatment, it is necessary for the dentist to identify the clinical and microbiological characteristics, in addition to the etiological factors involved in the development of angular cheilitis.

Idoso , Queilite , Queilite/diagnóstico , Queilite/etiologia , Queilite/microbiologia , Odontologia