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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 15-33, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430566


Resumen El juego de ficción, aquel que comporta la creación de una situación imaginaria, ha sido un objeto de estudio privilegiado en la psicología del desarrollo y se ha señalado su rol en el desarrollo de funciones psicológicas complejas. Recientemente, gracias a la utilización de herramientas de análisis de las artes temporales, se ha documentado una nueva forma de juego, el juego con las formas de la vitalidad, cuyo foco es la repetición y variación de motivos sonoro-kinéticos de modo interactivo, en detrimento de cualquier contenido figurativo. Se ha observado que durante el tercer año de vida este tipo de juego se presenta de modo combinado con el juego de ficción y que en esos casos podría ser parte del andamiaje del desarrollo del juego de ficción. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un microanálisis de los sonidos y movimientos de una escena de juego de ficción combinado con juego con las formas de la vitalidad de una niña de 1 año y 11 meses de edad, con el fin de conocer cómo se produce dicho andamiaje. Entre los resultados se destacan la presencia de sincronía interactiva basada en un pulso subyacente, la construcción de una mutualidad entre adulto e infante a partir de la calidad de los motivos compartidos, la ampliación del espacio de juego y el sostenimiento de la atención conjunta y la fluidez interactiva.

Abstract The pretend play, one that involves the creation of an imaginary situation, has been a privileged object of study in developmental psychology framed in the linguistic turn. Its important role in the development of complex psychological functions, such as language, theory of mind or narrative capacity, has been pointed out. In recent years, there has been a change in focus in the human sciences that has been dubbed the corporal turn: a re-focus on the analysis and conceptualization of bodily aspects that are at the base of various cognitive capacities. Thanks to the use of analysis tools typical of the temporal arts -such as music and dance- to the field of cognitive psychology, a new form of play has been documented in early childhood: the forms of vitality play. It recovers the idea of forms of vitality from Stern (2010), which refers to affects that cannot be reflected in the lexicon of Darwinian emotions. The forms of vitality are a Gestalt, an emergent property where movement, time, force, space and directionality/intentionality are integrated; they are a fundamental property of multimodal exchanges in the adult-baby dyad as well as of the experience, as spectator or performer, of non-figurative temporal arts such as dance and music. The forms of vitality play arise as a reconceptualization of the notion of musical play and is considered a reissue of early social play with a symmetrical participation of the child in the composition of play. It is defined as any pleasant or self-remunerative activity, in which motifs of movements and/or sounds are elaborated according to the repetition-variation form, at the expense of any figurative content. The forms of vitality play have been observed in the third year of the child's life and it has been pointed out that it can manifest in a simple way or in combination with the pretend play. Likewise, it was suggested that when the pretend play is presented in combination with the forms of vitality play, the latter could be scaffolding the pretend play, although how this happens has not been clearly specified. The objective of the present study is to carry out a microanalysis of the sounds and movements of a pretend play scene combined with forms of vitality play of a girl of 1 year and 11 months of age and an adult, in order to know how such scaffolding is produced. The sound envelope was analyzed in order to identify and describe the timing of the sounds. Regarding movement, specialized software was used to graph its trajectory and for the analysis of the expression of movements, the basic categories "Shape and Effort" of the Laban-Bartenieff system of movement analysis were used (Laban, 1971). The results indicate the presence of interactive synchrony based on an underlying pulse that sustains mutuality between the players and provides a temporal structure on which the synchrony of the self can be anchored. Furthermore, it allows the sharing of continuity and contrast in the quality of sounds and movements and thus provides the dyad with a primary level of understanding with non-mediated meanings; promotes the exploration of the play space and the expansion of the potential of the fictional scene; it favors the maintenance of joint attention and mutual understanding through ontogenetically pre-fiction semiotic mechanisms, which favor the interactive fluidity of play.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 9(2): 305-318, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-724917


En Colombia existe un alto porcentaje de niños y jóvenes que despliegan o son víctimas de conductas agresivas en el contexto escolar. Existe evidencia que muestra que estas conductas están asociadas con dificultades en la regulación emocional y en los procesos de teoría de la mente. Se llevaron a cabo seis estudios de caso a niños entre los 4 y 8 años de edad. A los participantes del estudio se les presentó un cuestionario en donde se planteaban situaciones conflictivas y buscaba fomentar el juego de ficción. Se evaluó la respuesta electrodérmica y las expresiones faciales durante la entrevista. Se presentó una mayor frecuencia de expresiones faciales y cambios en la respuesta electrodérmica cuando la agresión, en las situaciones conflictivas, era intencional y dirigida a un sujeto. Las emociones más frecuentes, registradas en la expresión facial, fueron rabia, tristeza y desprecio. Los resultados de este estudio, sugieren que las expresiones faciales y la respuesta electrodérmica pueden ser medidas interesantes para estudiar la regulación emocional y las conductas agresivas.

Colombia displays a high percentage of children and teenagers that deploy or are victims of aggressive behaviour in the school. There is evidence that shows that these behaviours are associated with difficulties during emotion regulation and in theory of mind. Six case studies were developed in children between 4 and 8 years of age. A questionnaire that involved conflict situations and that sought to promote pretense play was presented to participants. Facial expressions and electrodermic responses were evaluated during the interview. A higher frequency of facial expressions and changes in electrodermic response were recorded when the aggression, in the conflict situations, was intentional and directed towards a person. The most frequent facial expressions of emotion were anger, sadness, and contempt. The results of the present study suggest that facial expressions and electrodermic response could be interesting measures to study emotion regulation and aggressive behaviour.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 6(1): 13-25, jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635527


Este artículo presenta un estudio en el que se desarrolló un instrumento para determinar si niños con distintas dificultades en la interacción social logran realizar juegos de ficción en los que puedan atribuir una Teoría de la mente (ToM) al objeto, en especial, emociones e intenciones. Se llevaron a cabo cinco estudios de caso (individuos de sexo masculino de 11-13 años), diagnosticados con distintos trastornos psicológicos y en situaciones de vulnerabilidad. El instrumento consistió en una entrevista semi-estructurada y una muñeca con la que se buscaba facilitar el juego de ficción y la ToM. Los participantes presentaron dificultades en el juego de ficción, y requirieron ayuda para iniciarlo o para generar detalles sobre éste; en cambio, mostraron un lenguaje más fluido y relevante en tareas vinculadas con ToM. Esto no es consistente con la literatura, en la que el juego de ficción es precursor necesario de la ToM. Se sugiere indagar más sobre la relación entre ToM y juego de ficción, así como establecer si realmente existe una interdependencia y una línea cronológica del desarrollo.

Theory of mind (ToM) and pretense play have been topics of great interest to developmental psychology; nonetheless their relationship and interaction are still subjects of research. With this on mind, an instrument was developed with the purpose of determining if children with social interaction difficulties could generate ToM attributions to an object during pretense play, especially emotions and intentions. 5 case studies were conducted (male participants 11-13 years of age), diagnosed with various psychological disorders within a vulnerable social context. The instrument consisted of a semi-structured interview and a doll which had the intention of facilitating pretense play and ToM. The participants showed difficulties during pretense play tasks, requiring help to initiate play and generate a detailed explanation about the situation. In comparison, during ToM tasks their vocabulary was more fluid and relevant; which is not consistent with the literature where pretense play is a necessary precursor of ToM. We suggest that more research is needed to explain the relation between pretense play and ToM, and determine if there is an interdependency and chronological development of these cognitive abilities.