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RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 72: e20240012, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1564997


ABSTRACT The Removable Partial Denture stands as an effective rehabilitation choice for patients who have undergone partial maxillectomy surgery due to maxillary tumors, involving the partial surgical removal of the maxillary bone. Removable partial denture are meticulously designed to restore masticatory, phonetic, and aesthetic functions, thereby contributing significantly to enhancing self-esteem and aiding patients in resuming social activities. During the patient's history-taking phase, it is of paramount importance to assess the patient's overall health, psychological state, expectations, and limitations. Ensuring regular follow-ups is imperative to prevent complications and to guarantee the durability of the prosthesis. Prosthetic planning constitutes a critical phase and can pose challenges, especially in achieving proper retention, stability, and suitable supports. Factors such as the defect size, the number of remaining teeth, and the amount of remaining bone structures can influence the treatment prognosis. It is crucial to emphasize that lack of adequate planning can lead to rehabilitation failures, resulting in discomfort, compromised functionality, and even potential harm to the patient's health. In this context, this study aims to present a successful clinical case of a patient who underwent partial maxillectomy and was rehabilitated through a Removable Partial Denture fixed with clasps on the entire left upper hemi-arch. This case vividly illustrates the importance of a personalized approach to prosthetic rehabilitation in patients with partial maxillectomy, taking into account the specificities of each case and highlighting the necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve satisfactory outcomes.

RESUMO A prótese parcial removível é uma opção eficaz de reabilitação para pacientes que passaram por cirurgia de maxilectomia parcial em decorrência de tumores maxilares, ou seja, remoção cirúrgica parcial do osso maxilar. A prótese parcial removível deve ser projetada para recuperar as funções mastigatória, fonética e estética, contribuindo assim na melhoria da autoestima e ajudando o paciente a retornar às atividades sociais. Durante a anamnese, é de grande importância verificar o estado geral e psicológico do paciente, suas expectativas e limitações, garantir o acompanhamento frequente para evitar complicações e garantir a durabilidade da prótese. O planejamento protético é uma etapa crítica e pode apresentar desafios, especialmente na obtenção de retenção, estabilidade e suportes adequados. Fatores como o tamanho do defeito, o número de dentes remanescentes e a quantidade de estruturas ósseas remanescentes podem interferir no prognóstico do tratamento. É importante ressaltar que a falta de planejamento pode levar a falhas na reabilitação, resultando em desconforto, má funcionalidade e até mesmo danos à saúde do paciente. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um caso clínico de sucesso de uma paciente que foi submetida a uma maxilectomia parcial e reabilitada por meio de uma prótese parcial removível fixada por grampos em todo o hemiarco superior esquerdo. Este caso ilustra a importância de uma abordagem personalizada para a reabilitação protética em pacientes com maxilectomia parcial, considerando as particularidades de cada caso e a colaboração interdisciplinar para a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e238152, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1437694


Aim: This study evaluated the influence of a wide diameter on extra-short dental implant stress distribution as a retainer for single implant-supported crowns in the atrophic mandible posterior region under axial and oblique load. Methods: Four 3D digital casts of an atrophic mandible, with a single implant-retained crown with a 3:1 crown-to-implant ratio, were created for finite element analysis. The implant diameter used was either 4 mm (regular) or 6 mm (wide), both with 5 mm length. A 200 N axial or 30º oblique load was applied to the mandibular right first molar occlusal surface. The equivalent von Mises stress was recorded for the abutment and implant, minimum principal stress, and maximum shear stress for cortical and cancellous bone. Results: Oblique load increased the stress in all components when compared to axial load. Wide diameter implants showed a decrease of von Mises stress around 40% in both load directions at the implant, and an increase of at least 3.6% at the abutment. Wide diameter implants exhibited better results for cancellous bone in both angulations. However, in the cortical bone, the minimum principal stress was at least 66% greater for wide than regular diameter implants, and the maximum shear stress was more than 100% greater. Conclusion: Extra-short dental implants with wide diameter result in better biomechanical behavior for the implant, but the implications of a potential risk of overloading the cortical bone and bone loss over time, mainly under oblique load, should be investigated

Implantes Dentários , Arcada Parcialmente Edêntula , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Análise de Elementos Finitos
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-13, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427085


Objetive: To compare the stresses and deformations generated on the surrounding bone of the zygomatic implants when using an intra sinusal and extra-maxillary approach, through the finite element method. Material and Methods: Computer aided designs (CADs) were constructed using SolidWorks Software of a skull with bone resorption to be rehabilitated through a fixed hybrid prosthesis using two zygomatic and two conventional straight implants. For the boundary conditions (load conditions), symmetry in the sagittal plane was assumed and that all the materials were isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic. Two zygomatic implantation techniques were simulated: intra sinusal (Is) and extra maxillary (Em). Vertical and lateral loads of 150 N and 50 N were applied to the finite element models to obtain Von Mises equivalent stress and strain (displacement). Results: The average measurement of the Von Mises stress (MPa) recorded were as follows: Approach of the implant body (Is: 0.24- Em: 0.28,) effort of implant body with vertical load: Is: 0.69 - Em: 0.96; effort of peri-implant surface under horizontal load: Is: 2.11 - Em: 0.94. Average displacement under vertical load of peri-implant surface Is: 0.35 - Em: 0.40, and of implant body Is: 1.34 - Em: 2.04. Average total deformation in approach Is: 2.23 mm - Em: 0.80mm, and average total deformation in the implant body under horizontal load was Is: 0.14 - Em: 0.21. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that despite the differences that occurred in both stress and strain (displacement) between the intra-sinus and extra-maxillary approaches, the static strength of the bone, which is approximately 150 MPa in tension and 250 MPa in compression was not exceeded. Considering the limitations of finite element analysis, there seems to be no biomechanical reason to choose one approach over the other.

Objetivo: Comparar por el método de elementos finitos los esfuerzos y deformaciones generados sobre el hueso circundante de implantes cigomáticos tratados con un abordaje intra sinusal y extra maxilar. Material y Métodos: Se construyeron los diseños asistidos por computadora (CAD) utilizando el Software SolidWorks de un cráneo con una reabsorción ósea para ser rehabilitado, a través de una prótesis híbrida fija, mediante dos implantes cigomáticos y dos rectos convencionales. Para las condiciones de frontera (condiciones de carga) se asumió simetría en el plano sagital y que todos los materiales eran isotrópicos, homogéneos y linealmente elásticos. Se simularon dos técnicas de implantación cigomática: una intra sinusal (Is) y otra extra maxilar (Em). Se aplicaron cargas verticales y laterales de 150 N y 50 N a los modelos de elementos finitos para obtener el esfuerzo equivalente de Von mises y la deformación (desplazamiento). Resultados: La medición promedio del esfuerzo de Von Mises (MPa) registró: abordaje del cuerpo de implante (Is: 0.24-Em: 0.28) esfuerzo del cuerpo de implante con carga vertical: (Is:0.69 ­ Em: 0.96); esfuerzo de la superficie peri implantar ante carga horizontal (lateral):( Is:2.11 ­ Em:0.94). Desplazamiento promedio ante carga vertical de la superficie peri implantar (Is:0.35 ­ Em:0.40) y del cuerpo del implante (Is:1.34 ­ Em:2.04). Deformación total promedio en mm en abordaje (Is: 2.23 ­ Em:0.80) y deformación total promedio en el cuerpo del implante ante carga horizontal (Is:0.14 ­ Em:0.21). Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio indican que a pesar de las diferencias que se presentaron tanto en el esfuerzo como en la deformación (desplazamiento) entre los abordajes intra sinusal y extra maxilar, la resistencia estática del hueso, que es de aproximadamente 150 MPa en tensión y 250 MPa en compresión no se superó. Considerando las limitaciones de los AEF, parece no haber razones biomecánicas para elegir uno u otro enfoque.

Humanos , Implantes Dentários , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Seio Maxilar/fisiologia , Zigoma/cirurgia , Arcada Parcialmente Edêntula/reabilitação , Suporte de Carga , Desenho Assistido por Computador
Braz. dent. sci ; 25(4): 1-8, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1396074


Maxillary sinus pneumatisation pose a grave clinical challenge for implant fixed rehabilitation in posterior maxilla owing to diminished bone volume. This necessitates sinus lift and grafting which increase the duration and cost and possible surgical complications. Pterygoid implant has a greater short term osseointegration and is a proven treatment method for rehabilitation of highly resorbed posterior maxilla. To overcome the limitations of sinus grafting techniques, the current case report describes the use of flapless, tilted and pterygoid implant for restoration of partially edentulous atrophic maxilla eliminating grafting (AU).

A pneumatização do seio maxilar representa um grande desafio clínico para a reabilitação fixa por implante na região posterior da maxila devido ao volume ósseo diminuído. Isso requer elevação do seio e enxerto, fatores que aumentam a duração, o custo e as possíveis complicações cirúrgicas. O implante pterigóide tem uma osseointegração maior em curto prazo e é um método de tratamento comprovado para reabilitação de maxila posterior altamente reabsorvida. Para superar as limitações das técnicas de enxerto de seio, o relato de caso atual descreve o uso de implante sem retalho, inclinado e pterigóide para restauração de maxila atrófica parcialmente edêntula eliminando o enxerto.(AU)

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Relatos de Casos , Implantes Dentários , Arcada Parcialmente Edêntula , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador , Carga Imediata em Implante Dentário
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(4): e4855, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341227


RESUMEN Introducción: la salud bucodental es un indicador clave de salud, bienestar y calidad de vida. Las enfermedades bucodentales como caries, periodontopatías, cáncer bucal pueden prevenirse y tratarse en sus etapas iniciales. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de las enfermedades bucodentales en la población que asistió a la consulta de estomatología del Hospital Referal Maliana, distrito Bobonaro, Timor Leste durante 2017-2018. Métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en 480 pacientes afectados con alguna patología bucodentaria, seleccionados por muestreo intencional no probabilístico. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino (51,9 %), el grupo de edad más afectado fue 10-19 años (40,4 %), las patologías más diagnosticadas fueron las caries (79,1 %) en edades entre 0 y 39 años, gingivitis (58,6 %) en jóvenes, y desdentamiento parcial (49,4 %) en todas las edades. Prevaleció la higiene bucal deficiente (83,8 %) en ambos sexos y consumo de mama malus (64,8 %) más observado en mujeres. Conclusiones: la población timorense estudiada es mayormente masculina, predominó el grupo de edad de 10 a 19 años; las enfermedades bucodentales más frecuentes fueron las caries en menores de 40 años, gingivitis en jóvenes, y edentulismo parcial en todas las edades. Los principales factores de riesgo asociados fueron la higiene bucal deficiente para ambos sexos y masticación de la mama malus (nuez de Areca o de betel) en las féminas, lo que evidencia una alta probabilidad de que incremente y confirma la severidad de las enfermedades bucodentales como problema de salud en esta población.

ABSTRACT Introduction: oral-dental health is a key indicator of wellbeing and quality of life. Oral-dental diseases as caries, periodontopathies and oral cancer can be prevented and treated at early stages. Objective: to determine the behavior of oral-dental diseases in the population attending the dentistry office at Referal Maliana Hospital, Bobonaro district, Timor Leste during 2017-2018. Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study in 480 patients who suffered from some of the oral-dental pathologies chosen by non-probabilistic intentional sampling. Results: male sex prevailed (51,9 %), the age bracket most affected was 10-19 years old (40,4 %), dental caries was the pathology having the highest diagnosis (79,1 %) between 0 and 39 years old, gingivitis (58,6 %) in young patients and partially-toothless patients in all ages. Deficient oral hygiene prevailed in both sexes (83,8 %) and mama malus consumption (64,8 %) more observed in women. Conclusions: the East Timorese population studied was mainly male, the predominant age group was 10-19 years; the most frequent oral-dental diseases were caries in younger than 40 years old, gingivitis in young population and partial edentulous in all ages. The main risk factors associated were deficient oral-dental hygiene for both sexes and the mastication of mama malus (Areca Nut or Betel Quid) in female population, which evidences a high probability of a continuous increasing and confirms the severity of the oral-dental diseases as a health problem in this population.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2018. 128 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-911576


Objetivo: Avaliar o uso, necessidade, qualidade de próteses e fatores associados em idosos residentes de Instituições de Longa Permanência Para Idosos (ILPI). Background: Os idosos correspondem a 8,4% da população brasileira com tendência a crescimento de 50,0% em dez anos. Existem 3.548 ILPI no Brasil atendendo cerca de 0,5% dessa população. Evidenciam-se significativas perdas dentárias e necessidade de próteses odontológicas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com público alvo de 1003 idosos residentes em ILPI filantrópicas de um município do Sudeste do Brasil, onde existem 27 ILPI dessa natureza. Todos que obtiveram nota acima do ponto de corte (21) do Mini-mental foram examinados e entrevistados, 191 idosos. Exames bucais avaliaram uso, necessidade, qualidade da prótese e grau de dependência do idoso (índice Katz). Utilizou-se o Programa STATA para avaliar a associação entre preditores e desfechos: uso e necessidade de prótese dentária. Por meio da análise multivariada pela Regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, obteve-se Razões de Prevalências e Intervalos de Confiança (95%). Resultados: A maioria era do sexo feminino, solteiros, com até 3 anos de escolaridade e independentes em suas atividades de vida diária. Constatou-se maior necessidade de prótese em homens que apresentaram menor uso. Os resultados mostraram uma tendência de quanto maior a idade, maior o uso e quanto menor, maior necessidade de prótese. Conclusões: Houve alta prevalência de necessidade de prótese dentária e de uso nas ILPI, com influência do sexo sendo que as mulheres usam mais prótese que os homens, que, por sua vez, necessitam mais.(AU)

Use of and Need for Dental Prostheses and associated factors in Nursing Home Elderly in a City in Southeastern Brazil Objective: To assess the use, need for, quality of prostheses and associated factors in the elderly who live in nursing homes. Background: The elderly account 8.4% of the Brazilian population, with a trend toward a 50% increase over the next ten years. There are 3,548 nursing homes in Brazil, serving around 0.5% of this population. Substantial tooth loss and the need for dental prostheses are clearly evident. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study involving 1,003 elderly people living in charity funded nursing homes in a city in southeastern Brazil, where there are 27 nursing homes of this kind. Everyone who scored above the mini-mental test cut-off point (21) was examined and interviewed, totaling 191 individuals. Oral examinations were conducted to assess the use, need for, and quality of the prosthesis, as well as the elderly person's degree of dependency (Katz). The STATA Program was used to assess the association between predictors and the use and need for dental prostheses. A multivariate analysis by Poisson regression with robust variance obtained Prevalence Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals. Results: Most of the elderly were female, single, with at least three years of schooling, and independent in their daily activities. A great need was seen in men, who presented the least amount of use. The results showed a trend toward the greater the age, the greater the use, and the lower the age, the greater the need for a prosthesis. Conclusions: There was a greater need for dental prostheses and use in nursing homes, with gender influence, where women used a prosthesis more often than men, who, in turn, showed a greater need for them.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Assistência Odontológica para Idosos , Serviços de Saúde Bucal , Prótese Dentária , Prótese Parcial Removível , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos , Saúde Bucal , Idoso , Estudos Transversais
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 32: e110, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974439


Abstract This randomized clinical trial evaluated the insertion torque (IT), primary, and secondary stability of dental implants with different surface treatments during the osseointegration period. Nineteen patients with bilateral partial edentulism in the posterior mandibular region were randomly allocated to two implant brand groups and received implants with different surface treatments in the opposite site of the arch: Osseotite and Nanotite or SLA and SLActive. During implant placement, the maximum IT was recorded using a surgical motor equipped with a graphical user interface. The implant stability quotient (ISQ) was assessed immediately after the IT, and was measured weekly via resonance frequency analysis during 3 months. The data were analyzed by a one-way ANOVA, the Bonferroni test, paired t tests and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The IT values were similar (p > 0.05) for all implant types ranging from 43.82 ± 6.50 to 46.84 ± 5.06. All implant types behaved similarly until the 28th day (p > 0.05). Between 35 and 56 days, Osseotite and SLActive showed lower ISQ values (p < 0.001) compared to Nanotite and SLA implants. After 56 days, only Osseotite maintained significantly lower ISQ values than the other implants (p < 0.05). After 91 days the ISQ values were significantly higher than the baseline for all four implant types (p < 0.001). The ISQ and IT values were significantly correlated at the baseline and at the final evaluation for Osseotite, Nanotite, and SLActive implants (p < 0.001). After 91 days, ISQ and IT values were only significantly correlated for the Osseotite implants (p < 0.05). All implants types exhibited acceptable primary and secondary stability.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Implantes Dentários/normas , Osseointegração/fisiologia , Implantação Dentária Endóssea/métodos , Valores de Referência , Propriedades de Superfície , Fatores de Tempo , Radiografia , Análise de Variância , Resultado do Tratamento , Planejamento de Prótese Dentária , Torque , Pessoa de Meia-Idade