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Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;52(3): 131-140, Sept. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340912


Resumen Para aumentar la resistencia de las plantas a los patógenos se requiere de un trabajointerdisciplinario de las ciencias biológicas y agrícolas. En este escenario, la fitopatología se habeneficiado del encuentro de disciplinas biológicas claves, como la ecología, la evolución y labiología molecular. Sin embargo, este encuentro no ha estado exento de controversia entre losacadémicos de estas disciplinas, quienes a menudo han otorgado diferentes significados a unmismo concepto. Este documento tiene como propósito ofrecer una visión abarcativa y modernade la resistencia de las plantas a los patógenos, enmarcada dentro del concepto clásico deresistencia vertical y horizontal propuesto por Van der Plank. Este concepto tiene implicacionesen áreas centrales para la agricultura, como el fitomejoramiento y la genética vegetal, loque justifica su uso como el marco conceptual indicado. Dentro de este contexto se explicanotros conceptos clásicos de la fitopatología en combinación con descripciones modernas de lainteracción entre plantas y patógenos, y se discute cómo estos conceptos están relacionadoscon la resistencia cuantitativa y de campo. Asimismo, esta revisión tiene un propósito adicionalcomo aporte a la ense˜nanza de la fitopatología en la América de habla hispana, dado que enesta región existe, además de la barrera interdisciplinaria, un factor adicional y persistenteque impide llevar la discusión a un terreno común: la baja competencia lingüística en el idiomainglés en todos los niveles educativos. Esta revisión pretende ser una herramienta de apoyopara los docentes de fitopatología de la región, interesados en explicar los conceptos modernosde resistencia a patógenos en plantas.

Abstract Understanding plant resistance requires an interdisciplinary effort between biolo-gical and agricultural sciences. In this setting, phytopathology has experienced an upsurge of interest from researchers and scholars in the disciplines of ecology, evolution and molecular biology. This encounter did neither avoid misunderstandings among scholars nor the use of similar concepts with different meanings. The purpose of this paper is to offer a modern comprehensive view of plant resistance against pathogens using a classical phytopathology concept as framework: Van der Plank s concept of horizontal and vertical resistance. This concept is used in other agricultural science disciplines (plant breeding and genetics), supporting why it is a proper framework for explaining plant resistance. Within this frame, other classical phytopathologycal concepts are explained in combination with modern model descriptions of plant-pathogen interactions and how all these concepts are related with quantitative and field resistance. This review is written in Spanish because it serves an additional purpose. In the Spanish-speaking America, besides interdisciplinarity, phytopathology as an academic discipline faces another challenge: the students' low-English language proficiency. In this regard, this review intends to become a companion guide for plant-pathology teachers in the region interested in providing an insight into the modern concepts of plant resistance.

Rev Argent Microbiol ; 52(3): 245-255, 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32622724


Understanding plant resistance requires an interdisciplinary effort between biological and agricultural sciences. In this setting, phytopathology has experienced an upsurge of interest from researchers and scholars in the disciplines of ecology, evolution and molecular biology. This encounter did neither avoid misunderstandings among scholars nor the use of similar concepts with different meanings. The purpose of this paper is to offer a modern comprehensive view of plant resistance against pathogens using a classical phytopathology concept as framework: Van der Plank s concept of horizontal and vertical resistance. This concept is used in other agricultural science disciplines (plant breeding and genetics), supporting why it is a proper framework for explaining plant resistance. Within this frame, other classical phytopathologycal concepts are explained in combination with modern model descriptions of plant-pathogen interactions and how all these concepts are related with quantitative and field resistance. This review is written in Spanish because it serves an additional purpose. In the Spanish-speaking America, besides interdisciplinarity, phytopathology as an academic discipline faces another challenge: the students' low-English language proficiency. In this regard, this review intends to become a companion guide for plant-pathology teachers in the region interested in providing an insight into the modern concepts of plant resistance.

Agricultura , Plantas , Humanos , Redação