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Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536293


Introducción: El trabajo interdisciplinario busca derribar barreras existentes entre las diversas disciplinas, para que puedan interactuar entre sí, de manera regulada, bajo directrices, metodologías y procedimientos, buscando alcanzar un propósito. El objetivo del estudio fue sistematizar evidencias científicas sobre el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario en la Carrera de Medicina. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática, utilizando como fuentes de información la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud Regional (BVS) y el motor de búsqueda Google académico. La búsqueda se realizó entre los años 2018 al 2022. Se usaron descriptores, palabras claves y ecuaciones de búsquedas. Resultados: Se encontraron 363 artículos y se seleccionaron los que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, quedando un total de 7 artículos seleccionados, en los que se encontraron aspectos importantes sobre las dificultades existentes en el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario entre las disciplinas Bases Biológicas y Principal Integradora en la carrera medicina. Conclusiones: existen problemas en lograr la integración interdisciplinar entre las disciplinas Bases Biológicas y Principal Integradora de la carrera de medicina. Todo esto incrementa la necesidad de crear un conjunto de acciones para fortalecer el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario entre las asignaturas estudiadas, en función de formar un estudiante integral.

Introduction: Interdisciplinary work seeks to break down existing barriers between the various disciplines, so that they can interact with each other, in a regulated manner, under guidelines, methodologies and procedures in order to achieve a purpose. The objective of the study was to systematize scientific evidence on interdisciplinary methodological work in the Medical Career. Material and methods: A systematic review was carried out using the Regional Virtual Health Library (VHL) and the Google Scholar search engine as sources of information. The search was carried out between the years 2018 and 2022. Descriptors, keywords, and search equations were used. Results: A total of 363 articles were found and those that met the inclusion criteria were selected, leaving a total of 7 articles selected, in which important aspects of the existing difficulties in interdisciplinary methodological work between the Biological Bases and Main Integrative disciplines were found in the medical career. Conclusions: There are problems in achieving interdisciplinary integration between the Biological Bases and the Main Integrative disciplines of the medical career. All this increases the need to create a set of actions to strengthen the interdisciplinary methodological work between the subjects studied, in order to form a well-rounded student.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262337744, 22/11/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1567068


A prática interdisciplinar tem o potencial de contribuir para a superação de uma visão fragmentária em saúde, encontrando potencialidade de desenvolvimento na formação da residência multiprofissional em saúde. Assim, objetivou-se reconhecer as vertentes da interdisciplinaridade na residência multiprofissional em saúde com lócus na atenção primária sob a ótica dos campos de operacionalização. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, que contemplou as perspectivas de 13 profissionais envolvidos no processo organizacional e pedagógico dos programas de residência multiprofissional em saúde do estado do Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil. Os dados foram organizados conforme proposta da análise de conteúdo. Quatro categorias analíticas foram estruturadas, condizentes com as finalidades da interdisciplinaridade: científica, escolar, profissional e prática. Reconheceu-se a presença transversal de todas as finalidades da interdisciplinaridade nessa modalidade de formação. No entanto, identificou-se uma maior valorização da finalidade escolar, embricada no processo formativo baseado em competências estruturadas na articulação de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. Ao passo, a finalidade científica demonstrou-se menos perceptível no conteúdo analisado, implicando na menor proposição e incentivo dos programas de residência a essa prática. Destarte, suscitam-se reflexões relevantes à saúde coletiva ao enfatizar a interdisciplinaridade como possibilidade para a formação efetiva em saúde.

Interdisciplinary practice has the potential to contribute to overcoming a fragmented view of health, finding potential for development in the formation of multidisciplinary residency in health. Thus, the objective was to recognize the purposes of interdisciplinarity in multiprofessional residency in health with a locus in primary care from the perspective of operational fields. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, which included the perspectives of 13 professionals involved in the organizational and pedagogical process of multidisciplinary residency programs in health in the state of Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. Data were organized according to the content analysis proposal. Four analytical categories were structured, consistent with the purposes of interdisciplinarity: scientific, academic, professional and practical. The transversal presence of all the purposes of interdisciplinarity in this training modality was recognized. However, a greater appreciation of the school purpose was identified, embedded in the training process based on structured competences in the articulation of knowledge, skills and attitudes. At the same time, the scientific purpose proved to be less noticeable in the analyzed content, implying a lower proposition and encouragement of residency programs to this practice. Thus, reflections relevant to collective health are raised by emphasizing interdisciplinarity as a possibility for effective training in health.

BMC Med Educ ; 23(1): 236, 2023 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37046287


BACKGROUND: Rapid demographic, epidemiological, technological, cultural/behavioural, and educational transitions, as they become more complex, demand new integrated and complementary professional skills and abilities. Interprofessional Education (IPE) is a promising alternative to deal with these changes, especially in courses in the health area. This systematic review was to explore the potentialities and limitations of IPE, from the perspective of undergraduate students, through a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. METHODS: A thematic synthesis of qualitative studies was conducted. The question elaborated for this review was: "What is the impact of interprofessional education on the teaching and learning of students in the health area inserted in Higher Education Institutions?". The search strategy was performed in the electronic databases PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Cochrane Library, and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). In addition, searches were carried out in grey literature on the ERIC platforms, ProQuest Disserts and Theses, and Academic Google. The assessment of the quality of the studies was carried out using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool. Data were summarized through thematic synthesis. From the databases, 8,793 studies were identified. After standardized filters procedures, critical summaries, and assessment of relevance to the eligibility criteria, 14 articles were included. RESULTS: The synthesis of the studies revealed the potential of this teaching approach, arranged in three analytical themes: learning from each other and about them; the value of education and interprofessional practice; patient-centred health care. On the other hand, some limitations were also identified, such as barriers related to EIP; the difficulties related to teaching methodologies. CONCLUSION: Overcoming the identified limitations can enhance the results of the IPE, in view of its impact on the education of students and on the health care of the population.

Educação Interprofissional , Estudantes , Humanos , Atenção à Saúde , Escolaridade , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Relações Interprofissionais
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515505


Introducción. La distocia de hombros es una complicación del parto vaginal que se produce por dificultad en el parto de los hombros fetales. Puede desencadenarse en forma impredecible e imprevista, por lo que debería ser considerada como riesgo potencial de todo nacimiento. La mayoría de las recomendaciones sobre las maniobras de resolución de distocia de hombros lo hacen desde la posición de litotomía y sin considerar los movimientos intrínsecos de la pelvis durante el parto. Objetivos. Analizar las maniobras de resolución de distocia de hombros a partir del conocimiento de la biomecánica de la pelvis y su relación con los hombros fetales, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes posiciones de parto. Métodos. Revisión bibliográfica no sistematizada. Resultados. Ante la distocia del hombro anterior, si la gestante se encuentra en litotomía podría recomendarse la maniobra de McRoberts con presión suprapúbica seguida de la extracción del brazo posterior. Si la gestante se encuentra en posición vertical, se sugiere pasar a posición de cuatro apoyos y una variante original resultado del análisis de los movimientos de la pelvis llamada 'cuatro apoyos en asimetría'. Esta puede ser realizada desde cualquier posición, no es invasiva y requiere un mínimo de entrenamiento. Conclusiones. La resolución de distocia de hombros no posee un único algoritmo; dependerá del tipo de distocia, la posición de la gestante, el contexto y la mayor o menor habilidad de una maniobra sobre otra. La postura de Gaskin y cuatro apoyos en asimetría debería ser tenida en cuenta antes de realizar maniobras internas para la resolución de la distocia de hombros.

Introduction: Shoulder dystocia is a complication of vaginal delivery caused by a difficulty in delivering the fetal shoulders. It can be triggered in an unpredictable and unplanned manner, so it should be considered as a potential risk for every vaginal birth. Most of the recommendations on shoulder dystocia resolution maneuvers are made from the lithotomy position and without considering the intrinsic movements of the pelvis during labor. Objectives : To analyze the maneuvers for resolving shoulder dystocia based on knowledge of the biomechanics of the pelvis and its relationship with the fetal shoulders, considering the different birthing positions. Methods: Non-systematized bibliographic review. Results : In the case of anterior shoulder dystocia, the McRoberts maneuver with suprapubic pressure followed by extraction of the posterior arm could be recommended for a birthing woman in lithotomy position. If the birthing woman is in an upright position, it is suggested to move to the four-support position and an original variant resulting from the analysis of the biomechanics of the pelvis called 'four-lying in asymmetry'. These maneuvers are non-invasive techniques, require minimal training and resources, and can be performed from any childbirth position. Conclusions : The resolution of shoulder dystocia does not have a single algorithm; it will depend on the type of dystocia, the position of the birthing woman, the context, and the greater or lesser ability of one maneuver over another. Gaskin maneuver and four supports in asymmetry should be considered before performing internal maneuvers for the resolution of shoulder dystocia.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e230153, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521059


Objetivando compreender a interconsulta entre médicos e enfermeiros na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), empreendeu-se um estudo exploratório e descritivo, qualitativo, com a técnica de grupo focal, analisado à luz do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Participaram quatro enfermeiras e três médicos, cujos discursos sobre sua compreensão da interconsulta e seus formatos originaram quatro ideias centrais: 1. a interconsulta é um trabalho integrado e complementar entre categorias, protagonizado por quem iniciou o atendimento, baseado na comunicação e buscando a integralidade; 2. seu formato depende da segurança dos profissionais, do tempo trabalhando juntos, do ambiente e da demanda do paciente; 3. é importante manter o protagonismo da Enfermagem, rompendo com a lógica centrada no médico; e 4. o modelo "ping-pong" de interconsulta não é funcional. Revelou-se a interconsulta como dispositivo de cuidado bem-sucedido, desafiando a lógica centrada no médico pela atuação integrada e complementar de médicos e enfermeiros da APS.(AU)

With the aim of understanding doctor-nurse interconsultation in primary health care, we conducted a descriptive exploratory qualitative study using focus groups. The data were analyzed using collective subject discourse. Four nurses and three doctors participated in the study, whose discourses on their understanding of interconsultation and its different formats gave rise to four central ideas: interconsultation is integrated and complementary across professions, instigated by the person who began the appointment, communication-based and seeks to promote comprehensiveness; format depends on professional confidence, length of time working together, the environment and patient demands; it is important to maintain nurse protagonism, breaking with doctor-centered logic; the "ping-pong" interconsultation model does not work. The findings reveal that interconsultation is a successful care tool that challenges doctor-centered logic by promoting integrated and complementary working between doctors and nurses.(AU)

Con el objetivo de comprender la interconsulta entre médicos y enfermeros en la Atención Primaria de la Salud (APS), se realizó un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, cualitativo, con la técnica de grupo focal, analizado a la luz del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Participaron cuatro enfermeras y tres médicos, cuyos discursos sobre su comprensión de la interconsulta y sus formatos originaron cuatro Ideas Centrales: la interconsulta es un trabajo integrado y complementario entre categorías, protagonizado por quien comenzó la atención, con base en la comunicación y buscando la integralidad; su formato depende de la seguridad de los profesionales, del tiempo trabajando juntos, del ambiente y de la demanda del paciente; es importante mantener el protagonismo de la enfermería, rompiendo con la lógica médico-centrada; el modelo "ping-pong" de interconsulta no es funcional. La interconsulta se reveló como un dispositivo de cuidado exitoso, desafiando la lógica médico-centrada por la actuación integrada y complementaria de médicos y enfermeros de la APS.(AU)

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0036, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449766


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar os mapeamentos de retina realizados em interconsultas oftalmológicas, analisando as prevalências de alterações encontradas e comparando-as com o motivo da interconsulta. Métodos Estudo transversal, com dados encontrados durante exame de mapeamento de retina de pacientes internados ou em atendimento no pronto-socorro. Os dados analisados de cada paciente foram idade, sexo, especialidade médica solicitante, motivo da interconsulta e achados do exame fundoscópico. Resultados Foram avaliados 104 pacientes, com prevalência de alterações ao exame em 43,27%. Os motivos mais frequentes de solicitação de avaliação oftalmológica foram trauma (16,35%) e alterações neurológicas (15,38%). O achado com maior prevalência foi o edema de papila, presente em 17,3% das avaliações gerais. Outros achados muito prevalentes foram as retinopatias diabética e hipertensiva, ambas com 11,53% na avaliação geral, mas com 83,3% e 53,84% de prevalência nos pacientes cujos motivos da consulta foram diabetes mellitus descompensada e crise hipertensiva, respectivamente. Conclusão O edema de papila e as retinopatias diabética e hipertensiva foram as alterações mais prevalentes, o que demonstra a importância do atendimento multidisciplinar sempre que possível, com maior atenção aos pacientes hipertensos e diabéticos.

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the indirect ophthalmoscopy performed in ophthalmologic consultations, analyzing the prevalence of the study and comparing them with the reason for the consultation. Methods Cross-sectional study, with data found during the indirect ophthalmoscopy exam of inpatients or in emergency room care. The data analyzed for each patient was sex, the requested medical age, the reason for the consultation and the funduscopic examination findings. Results One hundred and four patients were evaluated and 43.27% of patients with a prevalence of changes in the exam. The most requested reasons for requesting ophthalmologic evaluation were trauma (16.35%) and neurological alterations (15.38%). The most prevalent finding was papillary edema, representing 17.3% of the general estimates. Other very prevalent findings were diabetic and hypertensive retinopathies, both with 11.53% in the general assessment, but with 83.3% and 53.84% prevalence in patients whose reasons for consultation were decompensated DM and hypertensive crisis, respectively. Conclusions Papillary edema and diabetic and hypertensive retinopathies were the most prevalent alterations, which demonstrates the importance of multidisciplinary care whenever possible, with greater attention to hypertensive and diabetic patients.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med ; 35(12): 2331-2337, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32627610


INTRODUCTION: MAP is associated with severe morbidity and maternal mortality. Therefore, it requires that patients with this condition to be attended in centers that have trained personnel and specific infrastructure. We aimed to identify the hospitals in Colombia that count on the minimum amount of medical specialties to manage this pathological condition and describe their general care practices. METHODOLOGY: Observational study in 87 obstetric tertiary care centers in Colombia. The requested information was collected using a predesigned survey, applied to the reported hospitals, and stored in an electronic database. RESULTS: Eighty-six hospitals were identified as possessing the capacity to care for women with accreta, of which 71 provided information (82.55% compliance). Although 83.09% of hospitals choose to treat patients with accreta, only 36.6% has a fixed group of specialists, 32.21% did not have interventional radiology, 25.36% did not have a blood bank, and 67.79% did not have intraoperative cell recovery devices; 77.46% of the surveyed hospitals had cared for five or fewer patients with accreta per year. CONCLUSION: Most hospitals manage a low number of MAP cases per year, which are handled by shift specialists and not by a fixed group of professionals, which increases the difficulty of achieving expertise.

Placenta Acreta , Cesárea , Colômbia , Feminino , Humanos , Histerectomia , Assistência ao Paciente , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Placenta Acreta/cirurgia , Placenta Acreta/terapia , Gravidez
Eur J Dent Educ ; 26(1): 174-181, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33825283


INTRODUCTION: Interprofessional education (IPE) offers relevant theoretical, conceptual and methodological approaches to the development of effective teamwork competencies. OBJECTIVE: To analyse an interprofessional experience of teaching-service-community integration carried out at a public university in the South of Brazil. METHODS: A case study with a qualitative approach was carried out. The study's participants were thirty-eight undergraduate dental students who attended the IPE activity between 2012 and 2019. Data collection was developed in two sequential steps that included the application of an online instrument and semi-structured interviews. The textual material was interpreted by content analysis, considering Kirkpatrick's evaluation levels (reaction, learning and behaviour). RESULTS: In the reaction level, students highlighted the contents provided by the National Curricular Guidelines regarding public health system and teamwork, as well as the pedagogical teaching proposal by tutoring groups, which stimulated students' autonomy. It was observed that the learning was geared towards the development of collaborative teamwork competencies and cultural competencies. In the behaviour level, students perceived positive changes in their attitudes and behaviours towards patients, focused on needs related to life conditions, realising that dentists may work within a team. The elective/optional nature of the experience allied with the absence of other IPE activities in the curricular grid showed to be challenging. CONCLUSION: IPE in undergraduate education presented positive results related to the reaction, learning and behaviour of dental students. We recommend the inclusion of interprofessional activities of teaching-service-community integration in Dentistry curricular structure to complement uniprofessional education.

Integração Comunitária , Educação Interprofissional , Currículo , Odontologia , Educação em Odontologia , Humanos , Relações Interprofissionais
Mastology (Online) ; 32: 1-13, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400095


Timely and correct assessment of histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular features of biopsy and surgical specimens is of paramount importance in the provision of care to patients with breast cancer, particularly in the current era of precision oncology. In order to ensure that tissue samples are obtained, processed, analyzed and reported in an optimal way, a concerted effort is required by institutions and individuals, taking into account state-of-the-art scientific and technical knowledge and circumventing logistic and operational constraints. This may be particularly challenging in some settings due to several sources of economic, structural, organizational and communication inefficiencies. In the current article, we present a brief review of breast cancer epidemiology and challenges in the disease diagnosis, especially in Brazil, and report the results of a multidisciplinary working group convened in May 2020 in an expert panel to identify and discuss the barriers and challenges related to the journey of breast cancer samples in Brazil. Following the identification of the issues, the working group also discussed and proposed recommendations for improving the journey and quality of breast cancer samples based on their professional experience and the current scientific literature, including guidelines of national and international health organizations (e.g. World Health Organization), consensus of medical societies and other published literature on the topic. We outline the most salient issues related to that journey in Brazilian public and private medical institutions, based on the experts' clinical experience, since all of them are actively working at both sectors, and discuss current recommendations to address these issues aiming at mitigating and preventing preanalytical and analytical issues affecting diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Such issues are grouped under four headings pertaining to education, communication, procedures in the operating room and sample transportation, and procedures in the pathology laboratory. Selected recommendations based on the current literature and discussed by the group of Brazilian experts are reviewed, which may mitigate the issues identified and optimize diagnostic and therapeutic decisions for patients with breast cancer, currently the most frequent malignant tumor worldwide and in Brazil. This paper has been submitted and published jointly, upon invitation and consent, in both the Surgical and Experimental Pathology and the Mastology journals.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20223150, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376243


ABSTRACT Objective: the recommendations of the decisions made by the Tumor Board (TB) should be followed to identify barriers that may interfere with the execution of the previously decided, best care for the patient. The aim of this study is to assess whether the TB conduct decision was performed in patients with pancreatic tumors, their life status 90 days after the TB decision, and to analyze the reasons why the conduct was not performed. Methods: we conducted a retrospective study with patients with pancreas tumors, evaluated between 2017 and 2019. We collected data on epidemiological status, whether the TB procedure was performed, the reason for not performing it, life status 90 days after the TB decision, and how many times each patient was discussed at a meeting. We compared categorical variables using the chi square test, numerical variables were presented as means and standard deviation. Results: we studied 111 session cases, in 95 patients, 86 (90.5%) diagnosed with cancer. After 90 days of TB, 83 patients (87.37%) remained alive, 9 had (9.47%) died, and 3 (3.16%) were lost to follow-up. The TB decision was not observed in 12 (10.8%) cases and the reasons were: 25% (3) for loss of follow-up, 8.33% (1) for patient refusal, and 66.67% (8) due to clinical worsening. The cases of patients with metastases had a lower rate of TB conduct compliance (p=0.006). Conclusions: the TB conduct was performed in most cases and the most evident reason for non-compliance with the conducts is the patient's clinical worsening.

RESUMO Objetivo: as recomendações das decisões em Tumor Board (TB) deveriam ser acompanhadas para identificar barreiras que possam interferir na execução do melhor cuidado para o paciente decidido previamente. O objetivo do estudo é avaliar se a decisão de conduta em TB foi realizada em pacientes com tumores pancreáticos, o status de vida 90 dias após TB e analisar os motivos pelos quais a conduta não foi realizada. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo com pacientes com tumores de pâncreas, avaliados entre 2017 a 2019. Dados epidemiológicos, se a conduta de TB foi realizada, o motivo da não realização, o status de vida em 90 dias após decisão de TB e quantas vezes cada paciente foi discutido em reunião foram coletados. As variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo teste de qui-quadrado; variáveis numéricas foram apresentadas como médias e desvio padrão. Resultados: 111 casos, 95 pacientes, 86 (90,5%) com diagnóstico de câncer. Após 90 dias de TB, 83 pacientes (87,37%) permaneceram vivos, 9 pacientes (9,47%) faleceram e 3 (3,16%) perderam o seguimento. A conduta do TB não foi realizada em 12 (10,8%) dos casos e os motivos foram: 25% (3) por perda de seguimento, 8,33% (1) por recusa do paciente e 66,67% (8) devido à piora clínica. Os casos de pacientes com metástases tiveram menor execução de conduta de TB (p=0,006). Conclusões: a conduta do TB é realizada na maior parte dos casos e o motivo mais evidente para o não cumprimento das condutas é a piora clínica do paciente.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(3): e106, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407372


Abstract: Introduction: The discussion about the curriculum of health area courses becomes relevant for the proposal of educational strategies that promote the development of collaborative skills. This situation will enable a change in the culture of health care, especially for the demands of the older adults. Objective: To assess the collaborative skills acquired by undergraduate students attending the Gerontology discipline. Method: This is a qualitative study, carried out with students from the Nursing, Medicine, and Nutrition courses of a public university, who took an optional course with an interprofessional focus in 2019. Data collection included the conduction of a focus group and the application of a semi structured interview. The data were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. Results: Nine students were evaluated, and they reported the development of collaborative skills, such as teamwork, effective communication, and the planning of comprehensive care for the older adults. Conclusion: The individualized expressions of the students participating in this study make us believe that interprofessional learning qualifies as an opportunity to develop collaborative skills.

Resumo: Introdução: A discussão sobre a grade curricular dos cursos da área da saúde torna-se relevante para a proposição de estratégias de ensino que promovam o desenvolvimento de habilidades colaborativas. Tal condição possibilitará uma mudança na cultura de atenção à saúde, principalmente, para as demandas da pessoa idosa. Objetivo: Avaliar as competências colaborativas adquiridas por graduandos em uma disciplina de gerontologia. Método: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, realizado com estudantes dos cursos de Enfermagem, Medicina e Nutrição de uma universidade pública, que cursaram uma disciplina optativa com enfoque interprofissional, em 2019. A coleta de dados incluiu a realização de um grupo focal e a aplicação de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: Nove alunos avaliados relataram o desenvolvimento de competências colaborativas, como trabalho em equipe, comunicação eficiente e planejamento de cuidado integral à pessoa idosa. Conclusão: As expressões individualizadas dos alunos participantes deste estudo nos fazem acreditar que a aprendizagem interprofissional se qualifica como uma oportunidade para desenvolver as competências colaborativas.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(6): e589-e593, dic. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1343022


Una característica esencial de las instituciones de salud es el trabajo en equipo, el cual implica una filosofía organizacional donde el talento colectivo, con objetivos comunes que trazan direcciones claramente identificadas, posibilita mejores resultados. La comunicación ocupa un lugar central en este modelo, entendido como un proceso de interacción y no solo una actividad destinada a transmitir información. El error médico y el conflicto en el ámbito institucional son causados, frecuentemente, por fallas en la comunicación efectiva. Al igual que en otras áreas de la salud, los aspectos comunicacionales del trabajo en equipo evolucionan con el aprendizaje. La adquisición de estas competencias, el desarrollo de la escucha activa y la interacción entre disciplinas favorecen la formación profesional y la seguridad del paciente. De hecho, junto con otros factores, estos aspectos necesarios de la comunicación ponen de relieve la calidad de atención en el campo de la salud.

An essential characteristic of health care facilities is teamwork, and this implies an organizational philosophy where collective talent, with common goals in clearly identified directions, allows to obtain better results. Communication is at the core of this model, understood as an interaction process, not just an activity aimed at conveying information. Medical errors and conflict in the institutional setting are usually caused by failures in effective communication. Like in other areas of health, communicational aspects of teamwork advance with learning. The acquisition of such competences, the development of active listening, and an interaction among disciplines favor professional training and patient safety. Actually, together with other factors, these aspects necessary for communication underscore the quality of health care

Humanos , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Comunicação , Erros Médicos , Segurança do Paciente
Arch Argent Pediatr ; 119(6): e589-e593, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34813238


An essential characteristic of health care facilities is teamwork, and this implies an organizational philosophy where collective talent, with common goals in clearly identified directions, allows to obtain better results. Communication is at the core of this model, understood as an interaction process, not just an activity aimed at conveying information. Medical errors and conflict in the institutional setting are usually caused by failures in effective communication. Like in other areas of health, communicational aspects of teamwork advance with learning. The acquisition of such competences, the development of active listening, and an interaction among disciplines favor professional training and patient safety. Actually, together with other factors, these aspects necessary for communication underscore the quality of health care.

Una característica esencial de las instituciones de salud es el trabajo en equipo, el cual implica una filosofía organizacional donde el talento colectivo, con objetivos comunes que trazan direcciones claramente identificadas, posibilita mejores resultados. La comunicación ocupa un lugar central en este modelo, entendido como un proceso de interacción y no solo una actividad destinada a transmitir información. El error médico y el conflicto en el ámbito institucional son causados, frecuentemente, por fallas en la comunicación efectiva. Al igual que en otras áreas de la salud, los aspectos comunicacionales del trabajo en equipo evolucionan con el aprendizaje. La adquisición de estas competencias, el desarrollo de la escucha activa y la interacción entre disciplinas favorecen la formación profesional y la seguridad del paciente. De hecho, junto con otros factores, estos aspectos necesarios de la comunicación ponen de relieve la calidad de atención en el campo de la salud.

Comunicação , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Humanos , Erros Médicos , Segurança do Paciente
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 32(3): e1692, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1351972


La comunicación en salud ha sido reconocida como un elemento crucial en los resultados y desenlaces de los procesos de salud-enfermedad, y por eso se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias de comunicación centradas en lograr que el individuo y la población en general adopten conductas saludables. No obstante, la comunicación y la salud son dos campos que han transitado de manera paralela, pero hasta hoy no han podido ser integradas de manera eficiente para alcanzar los resultados esperados en la población. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar los elementos teórico-prácticos relacionados con la comunicación en el ámbito de la salud y exponer la importancia de una construcción interdisciplinaria como forma de mejorar los resultados de la comunicación. Se realizó una revisión documental de propuestas y planteamientos teóricos y se contrastó con la reflexión de cómo llevar a la práctica la integración entre disciplinas. Se concluye que persiste el distanciamiento entre las disciplinas involucradas y la limitación en la comunicación de los profesionales de la salud con los usuarios y la comunidad para lograr el impacto en las conductas de salud. Las perspectivas que concurren en el ámbito de la comunicación en salud aún confrontan sus visiones paradigmáticas, lo que mantiene un enfrentamiento entre las ciencias que se declaran sociales. La confluencia de ambas disciplinas es requerida para establecer modelos de comunicación que consideren la interpretación social en este sentido y desestimen los desencuentros que tensionan y complejizan la intensión de una comunicación integradora(AU)

Health communication plays a vital role in the results and outcomes of health-disease processes. Thus, a number of communication strategies have been developed whose aim is the adoption of healthy practices by the population. However, communication and health have developed along parallel paths, and it has not been possible to integrate them efficiently to achieve the results expected. The purpose of the study was to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of communication in the field of healthcare, as well as show the importance of an interdisciplinary construction as a way to improve communication results. A document review was conducted of theoretical statements and proposals, contrasting it with reflections on how to implement the integration of disciplines. It was found that distancing continues to exist between the disciplines involved, as well as limitations in the communication required between health professionals and users and the community to achieve an impact on health practices. Perspectives on health communication still differ on their paradigmatic views, maintaining a clash between the sciences declared to be social. Agreement between the two disciplines is required to establish communication models that consider social interpretation in this respect, disregarding differences that only tense up and hamper the efforts to achieve integrating communication(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estratégias de Saúde , Atenção à Saúde/métodos , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Comunicação em Saúde/métodos , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde
Indian J Anaesth ; 65(2): 153-156, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33776091


BACKGROUND: The concern about massive haemorrhage associated with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) prompts the routine use of general anaesthesia (GA) at many centres. We aimed to describe the effects of establishing a fixed multidisciplinary team (PAS team) on anaesthetic practices and clinical results. METHODS: In this before-and-after study, we included patients with prenatal PAS suspicion treated between December 2011 and December 2019. We evaluated the anaesthetic techniques used before (Group 1) and after (Group 2) a PAS team was established. RESULTS: Eighty-one patients were included. Neuraxial anaesthesia (NA) was used in 23.3% of group 1 patients and 76.4% of group 2 patients. Likewise, the frequency of conversion to GA after initial management with NA decreased from 14.3% in group 1 to 7.7% in group 2. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of a PAS team is related to increased use of NA during the management of PAS patients.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(2): e095, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279838


Resumo: Introdução: Devido à complexidade da atual abordagem médica, várias áreas temáticas que não lhe são específicas devem ser de seu entendimento, como a hermenêutica. Durante os últimos séculos, essa linha filosófica participou de diversas mudanças de paradigmas, os quais só puderam ser de fato superados a partir do século XX, principalmente com a obra Ser e tempo, de Martin Heidegger. Desenvolvimento: Foi realizado um ensaio acerca de algumas implicações da obra Ser e tempo para as práticas de ensino-aprendizagem semiológica. Nota-se que o entendimento fenomenológico pode contribuir para ensino-aprendizagem para além dos domínios cognitivos ao abordar: o que é semiologia, o que é a fala, como a antropologia interage com a medicina, o que é "empatia" e de como lidar com a "morte". Destaca-se o potencial dessa abordagem para o fornecimento de perspectivas propriamente mais humanas, o que, na prática médica, deve ser transmitido nas atividades de ensino-aprendizagem. Conclusão: Apesar de não prover resoluções, tal discussão aponta o campo da hermenêutica fenomenológica como de possível interesse para o desenvolvimento profissional.

Abstract: Introduction: Due to the complexity of the current medical approach, several topics from different fields should be considered as part of its understanding, such as hermeneutics. This philosophical branch has contributed to several paradigm shifts in the last few centuries, but such paradigms could only be truly overcome from the 20th century onwards, especially since Martin Heidegger's work, Being and Time. Development: This purpose of this essay was to relate some implications of Being and Time to medical semiology, one of the cornerstones of the medical activity. Exploring briefly some basic themes of medical practice in light of hermeneutic phenomenology, it is possible to identify contributions it has made to the training of health professionals beyond technical parameters, by asking questions such as: what is Semiology? What is talking? How do Anthropology and Medicine interact? What is "empathy" and how should we deal with "death"? It is necessary to highlight the importance of this approach to provide greater human understanding about medical practices. Conclusion: Although this discussion does not provide definitive solutions, it shows how hermeneutic phenomenology is a field of potential interest to medical training.

Humanos , Filosofia Médica , Educação Médica/métodos , Hermenêutica , Estudantes de Medicina , Pesquisa Interdisciplinar
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(3): e185, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341000


Abstract: Introduction: The experience report describes the protocol used in one of the activities carried out during the initiative aimed at the search for health impact solutions through disruptive innovation - "IDEA2 Global, Guidance and transforming connections for innovators in medical technology", in May 2019, at the Institute of Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (IMES MIT). Experience report: The Pre-Texts methodology was chosen to stimulate creativity and instill the curiosity inherent in the search for solutions to complex problems, through the reading of a challenging text and related activities in a workshop format. Bringing together professionals from various segments and nationalities, the two-hour and forty-five-minute period was the time spent on the workshop inspired by practices from some Latin American countries. Discussion: Through observation, it was observed that participants were engaged and fascinated by hands-on activities, amid the active reading of a text on neural connections in creative processes. The feedback from the evaluation on the workshop confirmed the facilitators' impression. Conclusion: The Pre-Texts methodology is a strategy that can be applied in heterogeneous groups and can include skills such as creativity and collaboration. Thus, the use of this methodology should be encouraged in other similar situations.

Resumo: Introdução: O relato de experiência descreve o protocolo utilizado em uma das atividades realizadas durante a iniciativa destinada à busca por soluções de impacto em saúde através da inovação disruptiva - "IDEA2 Global, Orientação e conexões transformadoras para inovadores em tecnologia médica", em maio de 2019, no Instituto de Engenharia Médica e Ciência, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (IMES MIT). Relato de Experiência: A metodologia Pré-Textos foi escolhida para estimular a criatividade e instigar a curiosidade inerentes à busca por soluções de problemas complexos, através da leitura de um texto desafiador e atividades relacionadas, em formato de workshop. Reunindo profissionais de vários segmentos e nacionalidades, o período de duas horas e quarenta e cinco minutos foi o tempo dispensado ao workshop inspirado em práticas oriundas de alguns países da América Latina. Discussão: Por meio da observação participante, constatou-se que os partícipes se mostraram entusiasmos e engajados por atividades "mão na massa", em meio a leitura ativa de um texto sobre conexões neurais em processos criativos. A devolutiva da avaliação sobre o workshop confirmou a impressão dos facilitadores. Conclusão: A metodologia Pré-Textos é uma estratégia passível de aplicação em grupos heterogêneos, podendo contemplar habilidades como a criatividade e a colaboração. Assim, estimula-se a utilização desta metodologia em outras situações semelhantes.

Humanos , Educação Médica , Tecnologia Disruptiva/educação , Aprendizagem
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 29: e3450, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | BDENF - Enfermagem, LILACS | ID: biblio-1280468


Objective: to know the experiences lived during the residency by graduates of a Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family Health that could contribute to the development of Interprofessional Education and/or Collaborative Practice. Method: a qualitative study with residents who entered a Multiprofessional Residency Program of a Brazilian public university in 2017, a period in which the theme of interprofessionality was implemented in the activities of the residency. Data was collected using an electronic form built from the theoretical framework of interprofessional education. Content analysis was used to process the data. Results: nine residents participated, distributed among the professions of Physical Education, Nursing, Nutrition, Dentistry, Psychology and Social Work, five of whom were female and with a mean age of 28.4. Two categories emerged: the Residency as a setting for learning from the other, and the Residency as a setting for understanding the role of the other. Interprofessional education and practice provided opportunities for the development of collaborative skills, enhancing teamwork and interprofessional work. Conclusion: the multiprofessional logic was evidenced in the resident's practice; and the gradual insertion of activities such as case discussions, shared services and inter-sectoral actions aligned with the theoretical-methodological framework of interprofessionality favored an approach to interprofessional work.

Objetivo: conhecer as experiências vivenciadas durante a residência por egressos de um Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família que puderam contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Educação Interprofissional e/ou Prática Colaborativa. Método: estudo qualitativo com residentes que ingressaram em 2017 em um Programa de Residência Multiprofissional de uma universidade pública brasileira, período em que a temática da interprofissionalidade foi implementada nas atividades da residência. Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulário eletrônico construído a partir do referencial teórico da educação interprofissional. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada no processamento dos dados. Resultados: participaram nove residentes distribuídos entre as profissões de educação física, enfermagem, nutrição, odontologia, psicologia e serviço social, sendo cinco do sexo feminino e média etária de 28,4. Emergiram duas categorias: a Residência como cenário para a aprender com o outro e a Residência como cenário para compreender o papel do outro. Educação e prática interprofissionais oportunizaram o desenvolvimento de competências colaborativas potencializando o trabalho em equipe e interprofissional. Conclusão: a lógica multiprofissional foi evidenciada na prática do residente e a inserção gradual de atividades como discussões de caso, atendimentos compartilhados e ações intersetoriais alinhadas ao referencial teórico-metodológico da interprofissionalidade favoreceu uma aproximação ao trabalho interprofissional.

Objetivo: conocer las experiencias vividas durante la residencia por egresados de un Programa de Residencia Multiprofesional en Salud de la Familia que puedan contribuir al desarrollo de la Educación Interprofesional y/o Práctica Colaborativa. Método: estudio cualitativo con residentes que ingresaron a un Programa de Residencia Multiprofesional de una universidad pública brasileña en 2017, período en el que se implementó el tema de la interprofesionalidad en las actividades de la residencia. Los datos fueron recolectados utilizando un formulario electrónico elaborado a partir del marco teórico de la educación interprofesional. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido para procesar los datos. Resultados: participaron nueve residentes, distribuidos entre las profesiones de educación física, enfermería, nutrición, odontología, psicología y trabajo social, cinco eran del sexo femenino y la edad promedio fue de 28,4 años. Surgieron dos categorías: la Residencia como escenario para aprender del otro y la Residencia como escenario para comprender el papel del otro. La educación y la práctica interprofesionales brindaron oportunidades para el desarrollo de competencias colaborativas, mejorando el trabajo en equipo y el trabajo interprofesional. Conclusión: la lógica multiprofesional se vio reflejada en la práctica del residente y la inserción paulatina de actividades como discusiones de casos, servicios compartidos y acciones intersectoriales alineadas con el marco teórico-metodológico de la interprofesionalidad favorecieron un acercamiento al trabajo interprofesional.

Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Brasil , Saúde da Família , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Internato e Residência , Relações Interprofissionais
Physis (Rio J.) ; 31(2): e310209, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287533


Abstract The present study aims to discuss the knowledge and practices of Primary Health Care professionals about the modes of disciplinary interaction. It is a descriptive study, with qualitative approach following the methodological proposal of cartography, in which we ran four focus groups with the participation of 33 professionals, among them doctors, nurses and dental surgeons who are part of Family Health teams (FHt). With a cartographic mapping, it was possible to see that the work context of the FHt can be represented by the plan of form, which is affected by the plan of forces, generating interrelationships. From this, the modes of disciplinary interaction emerge as a line of escape, producing new assemblages characterized by the perspectives and proposals listed by the professionals. Through this mapping, the importance of the modes of disciplinary interaction in the FHt practice was evident, mainly as a response to the micropolitics of living labor in health with a focus on lightweight technologies.

Resumo O presente estudo objetiva discutir o conhecimento e as práticas dos profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde sobre os modos de interação disciplinar. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, com a proposta metodológica da Cartografia, em que foram realizados quatro grupos focais com a participação de 33 profissionais, dentre eles médicos, enfermeiros e cirurgiões-dentistas, de equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF). A partir de um mapeamento cartográfico, foi possível perceber que o contexto do trabalho das eSF pode ser representado pelo plano de forma, que é afetado pelo plano de forças, gerando inter-relações. A partir destas, emergem os modos de interação disciplinar como linha de escape, produzindo novos agenciamentos, caracterizados pelas perspectivas e proposições elencadas pelos profissionais. Por meio desse mapeamento, ficou evidente a importância dos modos de interação disciplinar na prática das eSF como resposta, principalmente, à micropolítica do trabalho vivo em saúde, com centralidade nas tecnologias leves.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Relações Interprofissionais , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Gestão em Saúde , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Narrativa Pessoal
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 14(56): 10-18, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1352776


Resumo Este artigo apresenta um caso clínico cujo plano de tratamento interdisciplinar contemplou uma abordagem ortodôntico-cirúrgica previamente à fase de reabilitação oral em paciente do sexo feminino, adulta, portadora de má oclusão dentária e esquelética de Classe III e com desgastes dentários. A paciente relatou queixa estética da face e do sorriso e o exame extraoral mostrou o terço inferior da face reduzido e ausência de exposição de incisivos superiores com lábios em repouso. Ao exame intraoral, constatou-se a presença da relação de Classe III de molares e caninos, mordida cruzada anterior e desgastes dentários com encurtamento da altura dos incisivos e redução da dimensão vertical de oclusão. Ao final do tratamento, obteve-se Classe I de Angle em molares e caninos, melhora das proporções faciais e da relação sagital entre maxila e mandíbula. O tratamento ortodôntico cirúrgico proveu uma oclusão dentária favorável à reabilitação oral com recuperação da dimensão vertical da oclusão, reconstrução dos incisivos e provendo oclusão com estética e função satisfatórias. Este trabalho demonstra a importância e necessidade de uma abordagem interdisciplinar no tratamento da má oclusão esquelética e dentária da Classe III, além de uma interlocução clara entre os profissionais envolvidos. (AU)

Abstract This paper shows a case report in which interdisciplinary treatment plan comprised a surgically assisted orthodontic approach previously to the oral rehabilitation in a female, adult patient with dental and skeletal Class III malocclusion and tooth wear. The patient complained about her smile and face aesthetics and the extraoral exam revealed reduced lower lower facial third and absence of upper incisors exposure upper incisor exposure at rest. Intraoral exam exhibited molar and canine Class III relationship, anterior crossbite, tooth wear, shortening of incisors height and reduced occlusal vertical dimension. As treatment results, molar and canine class I relationship was obtained, as well as improvement of the facial proportions and sagittal relation between maxilla and mandible. The surgically assisted orthodontic treatment provided a dental intercuspation favorable to oral rehabilitation, restoring occlusal vertical dimension, reshaping the incisors, and providing occlusion with satisfactory aesthetics and function. This paper demonstrates the importance and necessity of an interdisciplinary approach on the treatment of dental and skeletal Class III malocclusion and clear communication of all the professionals involved. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Desgaste dos Dentes , Cirurgia Ortognática , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle