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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569240


Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de las anomalías dentomaxilares (ADM) y necesidad de tratamiento de ortodoncia en escolares de 6 años en cinco comunas en Chile. Material y método: Estudio de corte transversal, observacional y descriptivo. La muestra fue de 1102 escolares. Se realizaron exámenes clínicos aplicando la Guía de Referencia Clínica a Ortodoncia para Servicios Públicos de Salud, para determinar la prevalencia de las ADM y necesidad de tratamiento de ortodoncia. El análisis estadístico utilizó el programa STATA®, considerando estadísticamente significativo p 0.05. Resultados: 1102 escolares de 6 años fueron examinados, 48,8% niñas y 51,2% niños. La prevalencia de niño/as con anomalías dentomaxilares fue 59.1%. Las tres más prevalentes fueron: apiñamiento dentario o rotaciones (21,6%), resalte aumentado (17,6%) y overbite aumentado (15,9%). La necesidad de tratamiento de ortodoncia encontrada fue de 34,7% con evidente necesidad y un 25,3% con leve necesidad. Conclusión: Se evidencia la necesidad de incluir en las políticas públicas de salud oral, estrategias de diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano de ADM por su alta prevalencia.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of dento-maxillary anomalies (DMA) and the orthodontic treatment need in 6-year-old schoolchildren in five areas of Chile. Material and method: Cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study. The sample consisted of 1102 6-year-old schoolchildren. Clinical examinations were carried out applying the Clinical Reference Guide for Orthodontics in Public Health Services, to determine the prevalence of DMA and the need for orthodontic treatment. Statistical analysis used the STATA® program, considering p ≤ 0.05 statistically significant. Results: 1102 6-year-old children were examined, 48.8% were girls and 51.2% boys. The prevalence of children with DMA was 59.1%. The three most prevalent were: dental crowding or rotations (21.6%), increased overjet (17.6%), and increased overbite (15.9%). The orthodontic treatment need was 34.7% of patients with great need and 25.3% with moderate need. Conclusion: The need to include early diagnosis and treatment strategies for DMA in public oral health policies is evident due to its high prevalence.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528856


Uno de los principales problemas durante la dentición mixta es la determinación de la futura discrepancia entre tamaño dentario y el espacio disponible. Para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de los dientes permanentes no erupcionados se han introducido diferentes métodos de análisis. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue comparar el método Tanaka-Johnston con una nueva ecuación de regresión para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares permanentes no erupcionados en una población de la región de Valparaíso, Chile. Material y método: Este estudio fue realizado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Valparaíso, desde octubre de 2022 a junio de 2023 (8 meses), la muestra estuvo compuesta por 202 modelos de estudio del departamento de ortodoncia (91 hombres y 111 mujeres) en el rango de edad de 11 -20 años. Resultados: Se demostró que el método elaborado por Lara-Sandoval presenta mayor fiabilidad respecto a las medidas mesiodistales reales de los pacientes (ICC 0,773 para maxilar y 0,762 para mandíbula), en comparación con el método de Tanaka-Johnston (ICC 0,665 para maxilar y 0,623 para mandíbula). No existen diferencias significativas entre los valores reales y el método de Lara-Sandoval. Conclusión: El método de Lara-Sandoval es mejor que el propuesto por Tanaka-Johnston para determinar el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares para esta muestra. Es necesario validar este método en otras regiones del país para ser utilizado con mayor seguridad que el ya existente como método estándar nacional.

One of the main orthodontic problems in mixed dentition is the determination of future tooth and size arch discrepancy. In order to predict the mesiodistal widths of unerupted permanent teeth different methods of analyses have been introduced. The aim of this study is to compare the Tanaka-Johnston analysis with a new regressive equation to predict the mesiodistal width of unerupted permanent canines and premolars in a Chilean population sample, from Valparaíso region. This study was conducted at the Universidad de Valparaíso Dental Faculty, from october 2022 to june 2023 (8 months), and the sample comprised historical dental casts from 202 patients (91 boys and 111 girls) in the age range of 11-20 from the orthodontics department. All the patients are from the Valparaíso region, Chile. The results show that the predictions of the new regressive equation method are closer to the actual mesiodistal measurements of the patients (ICC 0,773 for maxilla and 0,762 for mandible), compared to the Tanaka- Johnston method (ICC 0,665 for maxilla and 0,623 for mandible). There are no significant differences between the real values and the Lara-Sandoval method. Lara-Sandoval method is better than the one proposed by Tanaka-Johnston to determine the mesiodistal width of canines and premolars in this sample population. It is necessary to validate this method in other regions of the country to be used with greater security than the ones that already exists as a national standard method.

J Orthod ; : 14653125231204888, 2023 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37830219


INTRODUCTION: The management of eruption disturbances in orthodontics may be challenging and requires a careful diagnosis and treatment planning. This case report discusses the challenges of a two-phase orthodontic treatment of a patient presenting with a dental eruption pattern anomaly. PATIENT CONCERNS: A 10-year-old boy was presented with no complaints for a routine orthodontic evaluation during mixed dentition. PRIMARY DIAGNOSES: The patient was diagnosed with a skeletal Class I malocclusion with unilateral posterior crossbite, incomplete mandibular lateral incisor-canine transposition and a unilateral maxillary ectopic canine. INTERVENTIONS: Phase 1 started with rapid maxillary expansion to correct maxillary constriction and the ectopic eruption of the right maxillary canine. In the mandibular arch, phase 1 included the extraction of the left primary lateral incisor and canine, alignment of the left permanent lateral incisor and orthodontic traction of the left permanent canine. The duration of phase 1 was 14 months. Phase 2 involved a comprehensive course of orthodontic treatment and started when the patient was aged 13 years. This phase lasted 18 months. RESULTS: An adequate dental occlusion was obtained, and the treatment results were stable after an 18-month follow-up. CONCLUSION: In this case, the early diagnosis of the dental anomalies was valuable as it allowed an early intervention to be undertaken, which resulted in overall treatment simplification and potentially minimised the adverse effects. This case report reinforces the importance of a careful follow-up during mixed dentition.

Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 16(63): 55-63, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1518331


Resumo A impacção dental, distúrbio irruptivo caraterizado pelo impedimento de erupção espontânea do dente, apresenta baixíssima prevalência para incisivos centrais superiores. Os fatores etiológicos mais comumente envolvidos são a presença de dentes supranumerários, tumores odontogênicos e trauma na dentição decídua. A impacção do incisivo central superior provoca grande comprometimento estético e psicossocial. O sucesso da intervenção ortodôntica depende de diagnóstico precoce, localização do dente e relação deste com dentes adjacentes. Sendo assim, o cuidadoso diagnóstico, planejamento individualizado e criterioso acompanhamento radiográfico são imprescindíveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o caso clínico de um paciente em fase de dentadura mista com incisivo central impactado pela presença de um odontoma. Foi realizado o tracionamento ortodôntico pela técnica de erupção fechada com ancoragem em dentes posteriores. Foi mantida a integridade radicular do dente tracionado, bem como a dos dentes adjacentes. Além disso, foi obtida adequada margem gengival. Concluiu-se que o tracionamento de incisivos centrais superiores impactados, quando executado de maneira criteriosa, promove estética e função satisfatórias com consequente melhora na autoestima e interação psicossocial do paciente. (AU)

Abstract Dental impaction, an irruptive disorder characterized by the impediment of spontaneous tooth eruption, presents a very low prevalence for maxillary central incisors. The etiological factors are the presence of supernumerary teeth, odontogenic tumor, and primary dentition injuries. The impaction of the upper central incisor causes great aesthetic and psychosocial impairment. The orthodontic intervention success depends on early diagnosis, tooth location, and relationship with adjacent teeth. Therefore, careful diagnosis, individualized treatment planning, and careful radiographic follow-up are essential. This study aimed to report the clinical case of a patient with a central incisor impacted by the presence of an odontoma. Orthodontic traction was performed by the closed eruption technique with anchorage in posterior teeth. Tooth root integrity was maintained, as well as that of adjacent teeth. In addition, adequate gingival margin was obtained. It was concluded that an accurate traction of impacted upper central incisors promotes satisfactory aesthetics and function, with consequent improvement in the patients self-esteem and psychosocial interaction.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Ortodontia Interceptora , Dente Impactado , Odontoma
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 16(62): 90-96, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1444827


Resumo Os apinhamentos suaves a moderados na dentição mista podem ser tratados com expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) associada à expansão lenta do arco dentário inferior. A expansão lenta no arco inferior pode ser conduzida com uma alternativa de aparelho fixo e com parafuso. O objetivo deste artigo consiste em apresentar o protocolo laboratorial e clínico do expansor de Williams. Apresentou-se um caso clínico de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 9 anos de idade, com a face simétrica do Padrão I na dentadura mista, com apinhamento moderado dos incisivos inferiores e apinhamento suave no arco superior. O tratamento foi realizado com expansão superior e inferior. No arco superior, a ERM mediante o aparelho Hyrax foi realizada. No arco inferior, procedeu-se à expansão lenta com expansor de Williams. Obteve-se uma adequada oclusão com o alinhamento dos incisivos permanentes e uma melhora do corredor bucal no sorriso. O expansor de Williams representa uma alternativa para os casos que necessitam expansão lenta do arco dentário inferior, independendo da colaboração do paciente. Quando adequadamente construído, o expansor mostra-se confortável e efetivo. (AU)

Abstract Mild to moderate crowding in the mixed dentition can be treated with rapid maxillary expansion (RME) associated with dentoalveolar expansion of the mandibular arch. Dentoalveolar expansion of the mandibular arch can be conducted with an alternative fixed and screw appliance. The aim of this study is to present the laboratory and clinical protocol of the Williams expander. A clinical report of a female patient, 9 years old, with the symmetrical face in the mixed dentition, with moderate crowding of the lower incisors and mild crowding of the upper arch, was presented. The treatment was carried out with maxillary and mandibular expansion. In the maxillary arch, RME was performed using the Hyrax device. In the mandibular arch, dentoalveolar expansion was performed with a Williams expander. Adequate occlusion was obtained with the alignment of the permanent incisors and an improvement in the buccal corridor in the smile. The Williams expander represents an alternative for cases that require dentoalveolar mandibular expansion, regardless of patient cooperation. When properly constructed, the expander is comfortable and effective.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Ortodontia Interceptora , Ortodontia Preventiva , Má Oclusão
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 28(1): e2321298, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1430277


ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of lingual spurs has been described as one efficient option, with great stability of results, but with scarce information of toleration for use in the mixed and permanent dentition phases. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of lingual spurs on the oral health-related quality of life of children and/or adolescents during anterior open bite treatment. Methods: The review was recorded in the PROSPERO database. Eight electronic databases and partial gray literature were searched, without restrictions until march 2022. A manual search was also performed in the references of the included articles. Studies assessing the impact of lingual spurs on the oral health-related quality of life were included. Risk of bias was assessed using JBI or ROBINS-I tool, according to the study design. The level of evidence was assessed through GRADE. Results: Five studies met the eligibility criteria. Two non-randomized clinical trials had a serious risk of bias. Of the case-series studies, two had a low risk of bias and the other, a moderate risk of bias. The certainty of the evidence was classified as very low for all the evaluated results. In general, the studies reported an initial negative impact with the use of lingual spurs, however this was transitory in nature. A quantitative analysis was not performed due to the great heterogeneity between the studies. Conclusion: Current evidence, although limited, suggests that lingual spurs have an initial transient negative impact during interceptive treatment. Additional well-conducted randomized clinical trials are needed.

RESUMO Introdução: O uso de esporões linguais tem sido descrito como uma opção eficiente, com grande estabilidade de resultados, mas com poucas informações quanto à tolerância de seu uso nas fases de dentição mista e permanente. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto dos esporões linguais na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal de crianças e/ou adolescentes durante o tratamento da mordida aberta anterior. Métodos: Essa revisão foi registrada no banco de dados PROSPERO. Oito bases de dados eletrônicas e parte da literatura cinzenta foram pesquisadas, sem restrições, até março de 2022. Uma busca manual também foi realizada nas referências dos artigos incluídos. Estudos avaliando o impacto dos esporões linguais na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal foram incluídos. O risco de viés foi avaliado usando a ferramenta JBI ou ROBINS-I, de acordo com o desenho do estudo. O nível de evidência foi avaliado por meio do GRADE. Resultados: Cinco estudos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. Dois ensaios clínicos não randomizados apresentaram sério risco de viés. Dos estudos de série de casos, dois tiveram baixo risco de viés e o outro, risco moderado de viés. A certeza da evidência foi classificada como muito baixa para todos os resultados avaliados. Em geral, os estudos relataram um impacto negativo inicial com o uso dos esporões linguais; porém, de caráter transitório. Não foi realizada análise quantitativa, devido à grande heterogeneidade entre os estudos. Conclusão: As evidências atuais, embora limitadas, sugerem que os esporões linguais têm um impacto negativo transitório inicial durante o tratamento interceptativo. São necessários mais ensaios clínicos randomizados bem conduzidos.

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 15(1): 12-15, abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385241


RESUMEN: El canino maxilar permanente (CMP) es el segundo diente con mayor frecuencia de impactación debido a su largo descenso intraóseo y cronología de erupción. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el grado de desarrollo dentario y posición del CMP entre los 8 años y los 11 años 11 meses con el fin de sugerir una edad cronológica óptima para su evaluación temprana en radiografía panorámica. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, en donde se analizaron 239 radiografías panorámicas de niños de 8 a 11 años. Éstas se agruparon según edad, género y área apical; luego se analizó el grado de desarrollo dentario y posición del vértice CMP izquierdo. En los resultados se observó que no existen diferencias significativas de la posición del CMP respecto a la edad cronológica. Además, entre los ocho años seis meses y nueve años seis meses un 61% de los caninos tuvieron más de la mitad de formación radicular. En conclusión, la evaluación temprana con radiografía panorámica del CMP se sugiere desde los ocho años seis meses a los nueve años seis meses, para alertar al clínico en casos donde el trayecto eruptivo se encuentre desviado.

ABSTRACT: The permanent maxillary canine (PMC) is the second most frequently impacted tooth due to its long intraosseous descent and eruption chronology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of dental development and position of the PMC between the ages of 8 and 11 years 11 months in order to suggest an optimal chronological age for their early evaluation in panoramic radiography. A retrospective study was carried out, where 239 panoramic radiographs of children aged 8 to 11 years were analyzed. They were grouped according to age, gender and apical area; Then, the degree of dental development and position of the left PMC apex were analyzed. The results show that there are no significant differences in the position of the PMC with respect to chronological age. Furthermore, between eight years six months and nine years six months, 61% of the canines had more than half of the root formed. In conclusion, the early evaluation with panoramic radiography of the PMC is suggested from eight years six months to nine years six months, to alert the clinician in cases where the eruptive path is deviated.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Radiografia Panorâmica , Dente Canino/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Dentição Permanente
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 24(1): 02-05, 20220322.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362796


Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is the protocol of choice for early treatment of transverse malocclusions and it is achieved with fixed expanders that produce heavy forces to achieve midpalatal suture opening. One third of patients with maxillary constriction have a greater transversal deficiency at the intercanine width than at the intermolar. The aim of this article is to present a protocol for early treatment of posterior crossbite with the use of the expander with differential opening (EDO) for RME. It is a new appliance to perform RME and its main advantage would be to allow the expansion individualization. EDO was proposed aiming to promote greater expansion on the anterior rather than on the posterior region. A 9 year-old female sought treatment. The interceptive treatment plan was based on using EDO for RME. The post-expansion orthopedic response showed an opening of 7.5 mm between the maxillary central incisors, at the level of the incisal edge. It was observed an opening of 4.8mm in the midpalatal suture. The opening at a distance of 10 mm and 20 mm from the crest to posterior at the midpalatal suture were 3.9mm and 2.8mm. The upper intercanine distance showed an increase of 9.31 mm. The upper intermolar distance had increased 8.04 mm. The upper arch perimeter showed a difference from 74.02 mm to 80.11 mm . And the upper arch length, from 29.83 mm to 31.56 mm. The posterior crossbite was 2 mm overcorrected. Early diagnosis and treatment of posterior crossbite has a very favorable prognosis. (AU)

A expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) é a técnica de escolha para o tratamento precoce das más oclusões transversais e é ativada com expansores fixos que produzem forças pesadas para possibilitar a abertura da sutura palatina mediana. Um terço dos pacientes com atresia maxilar apresenta uma maior deficiência transversal na região intercaninos do que na região intermolares. O objetivo desse artigo é apresentar um protocolo de tratamento precoce para a mordida cruzada posterior utilizando o expansor maxilar Diferencial (EMD) para realizar a ERM. EMD é um novo dispositivo que pode ser empregado para realização da ERM e sua principal vantagem seria permitir a individualização da expansão. EMD foi proposto para proporcionar maior expansão na região anterior do que na região posterior da maxila. Uma menina de 9 anos de idade buscou tratamento. O plano de tratamento interceptativo proposto foi ERM utilizando o dispositivo EMD. A resposta ortopédica pós expansão mostrou uma abertura de 7,5 mm entre os incisivos centrais superiores, ao nível da borda incisal. Foi observada uma abertura de 4,8 mm na sutura palatina mediana. A abertura a uma distância de 10 mm e 20 mm da crista para posterior na sutura palatina mediana foi de 3,9 mm e 2,8 mm. A distância intercaninos superior apresentou aumento de 9,31 mm. A distância intermolares superiores aumentou 8,04 mm. O perímetro do arco superior apresentou diferença de 74,02 mm para 80,11 mm. E o comprimento do arco superior, de 29,83 mm para 31,56 mm. A mordida cruzada posterior foi sobrecorrigida em 2 mm. O diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento da mordida cruzada posterior tem um prognóstico muito favorável. (AU)

Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 15(60): 73-77, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1425521


Resumo O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a previsibilidade da expansão dentoalveolar do pacote Invisalign em pacientes com dentadura mista. Foram selecionados de maneira consecutiva 15 pacientes (9 meninos e 6 meninas) com média de idade de 7 anos e 10 meses com indicação de tratamento ortodôntico e necessidade de aumento transversal dentoalveolar do arco superior. Todos os pacientes foram tratados seguindo o mesmo protocolo de expansão, trocando os alinhadores a cada 7 dias. O tratamento seguiu até que o resultado desejado fosse alcançado. Os modelos digitais iniciais e finais foram exportados para o software Orthocad® (Align Technology, California, Estados Unidos da América) no qual as distâncias lineares inter primeiros molares permanentes, inter segundos molares decíduos, , inter primeiros molares decíduos e intercaninos foram medidas. A quantidade de expansão dentoalveolar planejada foi obtida no software ClinCheck, no qual o tratamento realizado para confecção dos alinhadores é elaborado e aprovado. O teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk foi realizado e o teste-t pareado e o teste de Wilcoxon foram utilizados para comparações pareadas. O nível de significância 5% (p>0,05) foi adotado para todos os testes. A maior quantidade de expansão foi observada na região dos primeiros molares decíduos (4,5mm), seguida pelos segundos molares decíduos (3,8mm), primeiros molares permanentes (3,4mm) e caninos decíduos (3,3mm). A maior previsibilidade ocorreu, respectivamente na região dos primeiros molares decíduos (99,5%), primeiros molares permanentes (98,9%), segundos molares decíduos (98.0%) e caninos decíduos (95,5%). Dessa forma se concluiu que o sistema Invisalign First é uma opção eficiente para expansão dentoalveolar em dentadura mista (AU)

Abstract The aim of the present research was to evaluate the predictability of dentoalveolar expansion with Invisalign package in patients with mixed dentition. Fifteen patients were consecutively selected (9 boys and 6 girls) with a mean age of 7 years and 10 months with indication for orthodontic treatment and need of upper arch transverse dentoalveolar expansion. All patients were treated following the same expansion protocol, changing aligners every 7 days. Treatment continued until the aimed result was achieved. The initial and final digital models were exported to Orthocad® software (Align Technology, California, United States of America) in which the linear intercanine distances, inter first deciduous molars, inter second deciduous molars and inter first permanent molars were measured. The amount of planned dentoalveolar expansion was obtained using the ClinCheck software, in which treatment for aligners manufacturing is elaborated and approved. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was performed, and the paired t-test and the Wilcoxon test were used for paired comparisons. The significance level of 5% (p>0.05) was adopted for all tests. The greatest amount of expansion was observed in the region of the first deciduous molars (4.5mm), followed by the second deciduous molars (3.8mm), the first permanent molars (3.4mm) and deciduous canines (3.3mm). The greatest predictability occurred, respectively, in the region of the first deciduous molars (99.5%), the first permanent molars (98.9%), second deciduous molars (98.0%) and deciduous canines (95.5%). Thus, it was concluded that the Invisalign First system is an efficient option for dentoalveolar expansion in mixed dentition.(AU)

Aparelhos Ortodônticos , Ortodontia Interceptora , Técnica de Expansão Palatina
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 15(57): 110-119, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1359693


Abstract Summary: The Mixed Dentition Protocol (PDM) derived from the self-ligating technique in fixed Orthodontics, breaking a 120-years paradigm, in which sticking brackets on deciduous teeth was not a practice. Before the PDM Philosophy there has already been bracket collages in deciduous teeth used simply as an extra anchorage without the intention of moving them. However, the new findings on stem cells present in the internal and external structure of deciduous teeth made possible the development of our Philosophy, in addition to the evidence of several pertinent aspects such as teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis movement and direct synergistic desocclusive clues to the two-dimensional system. Finally, today we can perform Interceptive Orthodontics with controlled movements using fixed devices, and without the need for circuit breakers or other removable devices that require patient collaboration, minimizing the need for orthognathic surgeries. (AU)

Resumo: O Protocolo em Dentição Mista (PDM) derivou da técnica autoligada em Ortodontia fixa, quebrando um paradigma de 120 anos, em que colar bráquetes em dentes decíduos não era prática. Antes da Filosofia PDM já havia colagens de bráquetes em decíduos, porém sem a intenção de os movimentar, eram usados simplesmente como ancoragem extra. Mas as recém-descobertas sobre as células tronco presentes na estrutura interna e externa dos decíduos tornou possível o desenvolvimento da Filosofia, além das comprovações de vários aspectos pertinentes como a movimentação de dentes com rizogênese incompleta e pistas diretas desoclusoras sinérgicas ao sistema bidimensional. Enfim, hoje, pode-se fazer Ortodontia Interceptativa com movimentos controlados utilizando aparelhos fixos e sem a necessidade de disjuntores ou outros aparelhos removíveis que necessitem colaboração do paciente, minimizando a necessidade de cirurgias ortognáticas. (AU)

Ortodontia Interceptora , Dente Decíduo , Braquetes Ortodônticos , Odontopediatria , Dentição Mista
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 15(59): 55-62, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1401095


Resumo Este relato de caso apresenta procedimentos ortodônticos interceptivos na dentição mista realizados em paciente com má oclusão esquelética de Classe III de Angle. Aparelhos ortodônticos foram utilizados para beneficiar o posicionamento mandibular e direcionar a erupção dos dentes permanentes, dentre eles estão o aparelho progênico, Schwartz, recuperador e mantenedor de espaço. A utilização desses dispositivos nas fases adequadas ajudou a minimizar a discrepância sagital maxilomandibular, a correção da inclinação dentária e manutenção do perfil facial sem alterações perceptíveis. Sendo assim este relato de caso se apresentou como uma opção adequada na clínica de Ortodontia-odontopediatria no tratamento precoce em paciente com má oclusão Classe III de Angle.(AU)

Abstract This case report presents interceptive orthodontic procedures in the mixed dentition performed in a patient with Angle Class III skeletal malocclusion. Orthodontic appliances were used to benefit mandibular positioning and direct the eruption of permanent teeth, among them are the progenic appliance, Schwartz appliance, recuperator and space maintainer. The use of these devices at the appropriate stages helped to minimize the maxillomandibular sagittal discrepancy, correct tooth inclination and maintain the facial profile without noticeable changes. Therefore, this case report was presented as an adequate option in the Orthodontics-pediatric Dentistry clinic in the early treatment of a patient with Angle Class III malocclusion.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Aparelhos Ortodônticos , Ortodontia , Ortodontia Interceptora , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 15(59): 89-100, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1401152


Resumo O Protocolo em Dentição Mista (PDM) foi derivado da técnica autoligada em Ortodontia fixa, quebrou um paradigma de 120 anos, em que colar bráquetes em dentes decíduos com o objetivo de os movimentar não era prática. Antes da Filosofia PDM, já havia colagens de bráquetes em decíduos, porém sem a intenção de os movimentar, eram usados simplesmente como ancoragem extra. Mas as recém-descobertas sobre as células tronco presentes na estrutura interna e externa dos decíduos tornou possível o desenvolvimento da Filosofia, além das comprovações de vários aspectos pertinentes como a movimentação de dentes com rizogênese incompleta e pistas diretas desoclusoras sinérgicas ao sistema bidimensional. Enfim, hoje pode se fazer Ortodontia interceptativa com movimentos controlados se utilizando aparelhos fixos e sem a necessidade de disjuntores ou outros aparelhos removíveis que necessitem a colaboração do paciente, minimizando a necessidade de cirurgias ortognáticas.(AU)

Abstract The Mixed Dentition Protocol (PDM) derived from the self-ligating technique in fixed Orthodontics, has broken a 120-years-old paradigm in which bonding brackets in deciduous teeth to move them was not a practice. Before the PDM philosophy, brackets have already been bonded in deciduous teeth, however without the intention of moving them, they were simply used as an extra anchorage. However, the recent findings about stem cells present in the internal and external structure of the deciduous teeth made the development of the Philosophy possible, in addition to the evidence of several relevant aspects such as the movement of teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis and direct desocclusive tracks synergistic to the two-dimensional system. So today we can perform interceptive Orthodontics with controlled movements using fixed appliances, and without the need of dysjunctors or other removable appliances that require patient collaboration, minimizing the need for orthognathic surgeries.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Ortodontia Interceptora , Dente Decíduo , Braquetes Ortodônticos , Odontopediatria , Dentição Mista
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 27(2): e22spe2, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1384682


ABSTRACT Introduction: Several orthodontic problems should already be treated at an early age to prevent the necessity of future complex and expensive procedures. Scientific evidence suggests that posterior crossbites, mild to moderate Class III, as well as certain Class II malocclusions, open bites and arch length discrepancies can benefit from simple, but efficient interceptive therapy. Objective: To summarize the existing evidence-based literature on early orthodontic treatment, and to illustrate its application and effectiveness by showcasing multiple clinical examples. Conclusion: Early short-term interceptive orthodontic treatment with simple appliances, in the deciduous or early mixed dentition phase, can efficiently correct certain malocclusions and help to either reduce the complexity or even avoid the necessity of complex and expensive procedures during puberty. For certain patients with significant arch length discrepancy the concept of serial extractions should be part of the orthodontic armamentarium.

RESUMO Introdução: Vários problemas ortodônticos devem ser tratados já em idade precoce, para evitar a necessidade de procedimentos futuros de maior complexidade e custo. A evidência científica sugere que as seguintes más oclusões podem se beneficiar de terapias interceptivas simples mas eficientes: mordidas cruzadas posteriores, Classe III leve a moderada, certas más oclusões de Classe II, mordidas abertas e discrepâncias no tamanho das arcadas. Objetivo: Resumir a evidência científica existente sobre o tratamento ortodôntico precoce e ilustrar sua aplicação e efetividade, por meio da exposição de múltiplos casos clínicos. Conclusão: O tratamento ortodôntico interceptivo precoce de curto prazo com aparelhos simples na fase da dentição decídua ou início da dentição mista pode corrigir eficientemente certas más oclusões e ajudar a reduzir a complexidade ou, até mesmo, evitar a necessidade de procedimentos complexos e onerosos durante a puberdade. Para certos pacientes com discrepância significativa no comprimento das arcadas, o conceito de extrações seriadas deve fazer parte do arsenal de recursos ortodônticos.

Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 109(3): 207-212, dic. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1373478


La maloclusión clase III se considera un reto en la práctica de todo ortodoncista. Una de las principales dudas al respecto reside en ¿cuándo es el mejor momento para intervenir? Exis- ten dos enfoques en el manejo ortodóntico del paciente: 1) la ortodoncia interceptiva; y 2) la ortodoncia correctiva. La or- todoncia interceptiva busca la prevención del establecimiento de la malolcusión. En este grupo, se encuentra el uso de más- cara facial con disyunción maxilar y el de aparatología fija (2x4 o 2x6). Por otro lado, la intervención correctiva hace re- ferencia al camuflaje de las características que trae consigo la maloclusión clase III ya establecida; dentro de este enfoque se encuentran las extracciones de piezas, el uso de minitornillos extraalveolares y la filosofía MEAW. Se puede concluir que el adecuado manejo de la maloclusión clase III radica en el oportuno y correcto diagnóstico, que debe realizarse a través de la minuciosa inspección de las características y hallazgos intra y extraorales de los pacientes (AU)

Class III malocclusion is considered a challenge in the practice of every orthodontist. One of the main questions is: when is the best time to intervene? There are 2 approaches to the orthodontic management of the patient: 1) interceptive orthodontics, and 2) corrective orthodontics. Interceptive or- thodontics seeks to prevent the establishment of malocclusion by means of the use of a facial mask with maxillary disjunc- tion, or the use of fixed appliances (2x4 or 2x6). Corrective intervention refers to camouflaging the characteristics of a Class III malocclusion that is already established. This ap- proach uses tooth extraction, extra-alveolar mini screws or the MEAW philosophy. To conclude, proper management of Class III malocclu- sion is based on timely, correct diagnosis, which must be made through careful inspection of the characteristics and intraoral and extraoral findings in patients (AU)

Humanos , Ortodontia Corretiva/métodos , Ortodontia Interceptora/métodos , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle/terapia , Técnica de Expansão Palatina , Aparelhos de Tração Extrabucal , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Fixos
Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 14(1): 133-139, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34326599


AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article was to report two clinical cases, showing the benefits of interceptive treatment using rapid palatal expansion (RPE) and the preservation of E-space. BACKGROUND: It is important to follow-up child throughout its development to detect irregularities in their occlusion and to avoid or attenuate orthodontic treatments in the future. Posterior crossbite and transverse maxillary deficiency can easily be corrected by RPE that enhances the width of the maxilla and promotes a gain of space in the arch. Another way to gain space in the arch is by using the E-space, which is the difference between the mesiodistal distance of the second primary molar in relation to the second premolar. This additional space can be used to resolve negative, mild, or moderate crowding. CASE DESCRIPTIONS: Two clinical cases that presented malocclusions due to lack of space and maxillary deficiency, along with clinical technic of how the RPE and E-space can be used to bring those patients back to normality. CONCLUSION: We concluded that with a right diagnosis, correct interceptive timing, and using what growth provides, the development can be reestablished. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical importance of this report is that RPE and E-space are efficient interceptive orthodontic treatments to correct skeletal posterior crossbite (SPC) and gain space in dental arches. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Lopes BKB, Scheicher GV, Matsumoto MAN, et al. Rapid Palatal Expansion and Utilization of E-space in Mixed Dentition: Mechanics that Helps in the Corrective Orthodontic Treatment. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021;14(1):133-139.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 14(1): 140-144, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34326600


The aim and objective of this study is to report the recurrence of the treatment of the anterior open bite after 5 years of treatment. A female patient aged 8 years 6 months old had a negative vertical crossing of -4.7 mm. Early treatment with a fixed palatal grid was performed for 1 year. At the end of the treatment, the vertical overpass was 1.1 mm and after 2 years of control, the vertical overpass remained positive with 1.7 mm showing the stability of the treatment. After 5 years, and due to the sucking and lingual interposition habit, there was a recurrence of the open bite. Interdisciplinary follow-up is extremely important to eliminate the factors responsible for the origin of deleterious habits, thus solving the changes resulting from these habits and providing long-term stability. How to cite this article: Justulin AF, Rossato PH, Conti ACCF, et al. Relapse of Anterior Open Bite: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021;14(1):140-144.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 526-531, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385752


To evaluate differences in cooperation of adolescent patients in active orthodontic treatment between those who received one phased treatment (no prior interceptive or early treatment) and two phased treatment (prior interceptive or early treatment and subsequent corrective treatment). A prospective cohort study was carried out in 132 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment between 10 and 17 years old at CES University Dental Clinics and in 9 private practices in Medellín Colombia; two groups of 66 patients were defined; one that received two phased treatment and one that received one phased treatment. The Orthodontic Patient Cooperation Scale (OPCS) was applied to all individuals every three months during the first year of treatment in order to assess cooperation. Statistical differences between both groups were assessed using the SSPS® software program. Significantly greater cooperation (M = 4.6) was observed in patients who had received two phased treatment compared with those who were only subjected to one phased treatment (M = 2.3). Patient cooperation during orthodontic treatment does not seem to be affected by two phased treatment and to the contrary seems to have a positive impact when comparing it with individuals with one phased treatment. The most important factors found to influence cooperation were correlated with attitude, interest and commitment to treatment, patient and parental motivation. The OPCS scale proved to be useful for evaluating cooperation and making comparisons with other studies.

Evaluar las diferencias en la cooperación de los pacientes adolescentes en el tratamiento de ortodoncia activa entre los que recibieron una fase de tratamiento (sin tratamiento interceptivo previo o temprano) y los que recibieron el tratamiento de dos fases (tratamiento interceptivo previo o temprano y tratamiento correctivo posterior). Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo en 132 pacientes sometidos a tratamiento de ortodoncia entre 10 y 17 años en la clínica odontológica de la Universidad CES y en 9 consultorios privados en Medellín Colombia; se definieron dos grupos de 66 pacientes; uno que recibió dos fases de tratamiento y otro que recibió una fase de tratamiento. La Escala de Cooperación del Paciente de Ortodoncia (OPCS) se aplicó a todas las personas cada tres meses durante el primer año de tratamiento para evaluar la cooperación. Las diferencias estadísticas entre ambos grupos se evaluaron utilizando el programa de software SSPS®. Se observó una cooperación significativamente mayor (M = 4.6) en pacientes que habían recibido tratamiento dos fases en comparación con aquellos que solo fueron sometidos a una fase de tratamiento. (M = 2.3). La cooperación del paciente durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia no parece verse afectada por el tratamiento en dos fases y, por el contrario, parece tener un impacto positivo cuando se compara con individuos con un tratamiento en una fase. Los factores más importantes que influyeron en la cooperación se correlacionaron con la actitud, el interés y el compromiso con el tratamiento, la motivación del paciente y de los padres. La escala OPCS demostró ser útil para evaluar la cooperación y hacer comparaciones con otros estudios.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Doenças Periodontais/etiologia , Doenças Periodontais/terapia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estudos Prospectivos , Cooperação do Paciente , Relações Dentista-Paciente , Má Oclusão
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;32(3): 116-126, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1345509


Abstract This 2-year-follow up study compared and evaluated the stability of early anterior open bite (AOB) treatment based on different appliances. Children from 7 to 10 years with Angle Class I, AOB larger than 1.0 mm and fully erupted maxillary and mandibular permanent central incisors were eligible. The initial sample was 99 patients distributed, by simple randomization, into four groups: BS (bonded spurs), CC (chincup), FPC (fixed palatal crib) and RPC (removable palatal crib). Cephalometric analysis was performed at baseline (T1), final (T2) and 2-year post-treatment (T3) by taking the overbite measurements as the main outcome. Blinding was possible to cephalometric analysis. At T3, with dropouts, there were 63 individuals, being BS (n=15; overbite 0.19 mm; 11.54 years; 10 female (F)/5 male (M)); CC (n=11; overbite -0.19 mm; 11.41 years; 8 F/3 M); FPC (n=21; overbite 1.23 mm; 11.44 years; 15 F/6 M) and; RPC (n=16; overbite 0.73 mm; 11.67 years; 6 F/10 M). Changes in dentoskeletal variables and breaking deleterious oral habits during the follow up were statically analyzed with p<.05. Mandibular skeletal linear measurements and vertical dental components have gradually increased with age, manly at pubertal growth spurt and at the establishment of permanent dentition after treatment. Incisor teeth extrusion had impact on AOB correction and stability in 4 groups, which recorded a 1.15 mm-improvement of overbite after treatment (T3-T2). The experimental appliances were effective with stable results, being FPC the device recorded the highest AOB correction and the lowest patient withdrawal rate.

Resumo Os objetivos do presente estudo foram comparar e avaliar a estabilidade do tratamento precoce da mordida aberta anterior (MAA) com diferentes dispositivos. A amostra inicial foi composta por 99 pacientes randomizados em quatro grupos experimentais: BS - esporões colados; CC - mentoneira; FPC - grade palatina fixa; RPC - grade palatina removível. Análise cefalométrica foi realizada para avaliar os dados do período inicial (T1), final do tratamento (T2) e 2 anos após tratamento (T3), sendo a variável overbite o desfecho principal. Em T3, após perdas de seguimento, haviam 63 indivíduos, sendo BS (n=15; overbite 0.19 mm; 11.54 anos; 10 Feminino (F)/5 Masculino (M)); CC (n=11; overbite -0.19 mm; 11.41 anos; 8 F/3 M); FPC (n=21; overbite 1.23 mm; 11.44 anos; 15 F/6 M) e; RPC (n=16; overbite 0.73 mm; 11.67 anos; 6 F/10 M). Comparações das alterações nas variáveis dentoesqueléticas e abandono de hábitos bucais deletérios durante o tempo de acompanhamento foram estatisticamente analisados com p<.05. Medidas esqueléticas lineares mandibulares e componentes verticais aumentaram gradualmente com a idade, principalmente com o surto de crescimento puberal e estabelecimento da dentição permanente no pós-tratamento. O overbite foi significantemente melhorado durante o tratamento, permanecendo estável com alterações positivas. A extrusão dos incisivos impactou na correção da MAA e estabilidade nos 4 grupos, que registraram uma melhora de 1.15 mm no pós-tratamento (T3-T2). Com suas limitações, todos dispositivos experimentais foram efetivos e mostraram resultados estáveis no tratamento precoce da MAA, sendo que a FPC apresentou a maior correção da MAA e o menor índice de desistência.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Mordida Aberta/terapia , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle , Cefalometria , Seguimentos , Mandíbula
Lasers Med Sci ; 36(5): 1039-1046, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32901379


To evaluate the efficiency of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) in the midpalatal suture (MPS) and pain sensation in patients undergoing rapid palatal expansion (RPE). Thirty-four individuals with the diagnosis of skeletal maxillary hypoplasia were divided in two groups: laser (n = 18) and control (n = 16). Treatment plan consisted of the use of the Hyrax expander in all patients. Subjects in the laser group were irradiated with diode laser (980 nm, 0.3 W) in six spots bilaterally distributed along the MPS for 10 s during the active phase of treatment and after overcorrection (passive phase of RPE). Control group received sham irradiations with the laser in standby mode to characterize the placebo effect. Digital occlusal radiographs were performed at different time-points for bone formation evaluation in both groups. The effects of laser irradiation on pain were assessed by the visual analog scale (Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale). Bone formation between groups was not significantly different (p = 0.2273). At 3 months, bone formation was not yet complete in both groups. Pain sensation was similar between groups (p = 0.3940). However, pain was significantly higher for the first 7 days of treatment compared with the 14th day. PBMT did not accelerate bone regeneration in the MPS and pain sensation was similar.

Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Osteogênese/efeitos da radiação , Técnica de Expansão Palatina , Palato/fisiologia , Palato/efeitos da radiação , Suturas , Regeneração Óssea/efeitos da radiação , Humanos , Masculino
Int J Paediatr Dent ; 31(5): 583-597, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32946646


BACKGROUND: The beneficial effect of the extraction of primary canines in the resolution of incisor irregularity and its side effects are controversial. AIM: To systematically review the effects of the extraction of primary canines in incisor irregularity and dental arch morphology. DESIGN: Controlled non-randomized (non-RCT) and randomized clinical trials (RCT) evaluating children treated with extraction of primary canines compared with those without intervention. RESULTS: A total of 984 articles were found, of which two RCTs and one non-RCT met the inclusion criteria. Both had a low RoB. A high level of evidence was observed through GRADE. A meta-analysis showed the extraction of primary canines produced a significant decrease in incisor irregularity (95% CI: -3.56, -2.09 mm). This decrease, however, was associated with a reduction of arch length (95% CI: -1.58, -0.94 mm), intermolar width (95% CI: -0.61, -0.22 mm), and overjet (95% CI: -075, -018). A mild overbite increase was found (95% CI: 0.10, 0.76 mm). CONCLUSION: A high level of evidence showed that the extraction of primary canines improved incisor irregularity in the mixed dentition. Side effects included reduced arch length and intermolar width. A slight reduction in overjet and a mild increase in overbite were also observed. When they are not part of the treatment goal, these occlusal changes can be prevented by installing a lingual arch.

Arco Dental , Má Oclusão , Dentição Mista , Humanos , Incisivo , Má Oclusão/terapia , Extração Dentária