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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 318-333, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430602


Resumen Las huellas digitales que se dejan al participar de un mundo altamente digitalizado e hiperconectado acompañan a los individuos durante toda su vida y son elementos constitutivos de la identidad digital. Este estudio de caso de tipo descriptivo, no experimental, de corte transversal basado en el paradigma cuantitativo tiene por objetivo describir el yo físico en medios digitales,considerando las diferencias prresentes según el género bajo su conceptualización binaria de hombre y mujer, de manera de identificar conductas estereotípicas que debiesen ser consideradas en el proceso formativo en estudiantes del área de ciencias de la salud chilenos. Se evaluó a 224 estudiantes universitarios a través de una encuesta, para identificar el tipo de información de su yo físico compartido en la red y cuáles son los medios de conectividad que utilizan para ingresar a la red. En términos generales, se concluyó que los universitarios utilizan preferentemente el celular como dispositivo de acceso a internet, son altamente transparentes y veraces al momento de autentificarse en plataformas y redes sociales, pero son las mujeres las más proclives a autentificarse con datos personales fidedignos. Este hecho abre la necesidad de incluir en el proceso formativo de los futuros profesionales de la salud competencias digitales relativas al autocuidado y la gestión identitaria.

Abstract The fingerprints left by participating in a highly digitized and hyper-connected world accompany individuals throughout their lives and are constitutive elements of their digital identity. This descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional case study based on the quantitative paradigm aims to describe the physical self in digital media, according to gender under its binary conceptualization of man and woman, in order to identify stereotypical gender behaviors that should be considered in the training process in students of the Chilean Health Sciences area. From the perspective of the participants, this research considered a non-probabilistic sample of 224 university students (164 women and 60 men) who participated voluntarily. Nonparametric tests were used since the data is ordinal and one of the advantages of these tests is that they should not fit any distribution and can be applied even if the parametric validity conditions are not met. To look for differences by gender, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test was applied (95 %; .05). Among the relevant results is the fact that men preferably use the internet connection available at home, women choose the one provided by their cell phone (p = .0469 and p = .0404, respectively). Likewise, the cellphone is the main technological device from which both prefer to access the network. From the sample, 79.88 % of women and 76.67 % of men state that they are, at least, 3 hours a day connected to the network. Women tend to identify themselves on digital platforms more frequently than men, using their real name and surname. Meanwhile, men tend to use nicknames more often than women. In this research it was concluded that students in the Health Sciences area are highly truthful in relation to the information they share in digital media, leaving data available that allows for a clear identification of their physical self on the internet. In addition, their main means of connection are their cellphones and the data networks that they provide through the use of their phone plans. There is a clear reflection of correspondence between their face-to-face and digital life, maintaining certain behaviors that can be attributed to gender stereotypes, but to a low degree. Finally, there is a clear need to include aspects related to digital competences in the training process that address the importance and proper management of communications in digital media, as well as the development and management of digital identity from a professional ethics perspective, since their actions on the network can involve and affect not only the construction of their own personal and professional digital identity, but also the personal lives of their patients and colleagues. It is important to note that these conclusions have some limitations, since this research is a cross-sectional study, and the sample was intentional per volunteer subject and not random. This implies that the results obtained are limited to the sample studied and describe its behavior at a given time. However, according to the purpose of the study, this type of sample manages to build a theoretical body that describes the common elements and the differences inherent in a collective case study, so it can be considered a good approximation to the Chilean reality. From a practical point of view, the conclusions of this research provide higher education institutions with evidence that allows progress towards a comprehensive, solid, and coherent training regarding the digital skills required by a university professional graduating in a highly digitized world. Considering the above, it would be advisable to advance in future studies that consider knowing what digital protection measures are incorporated in the training of university students.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(3): 195-199, junio 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1368230


La revolución digital que se produjo con la llegada de la web 2.0 y el advenimiento de las redes sociales, ha cambiado la forma de comunicación entre los seres humanos, y la relación médico-paciente no escapa a este nuevo ecosistema. La génesis de una identidad digital es fundamental para poder participar como comunicadores en las redes sociales, pero el profesionalismo digital debe enmarcarse en las recomendaciones de buena práctica con marcos ético-legales bien definidos. El objetivo de este documento es brindar herramientas para el buen uso de las redes sociales y la presencia digital, considerando el cuidado de la imagen personal y de la información que se difunde.

The digital revolution resulting from the emergence of the Web 2.0 and the arrival of social media have changed how humanbeings communicate, and the physician patient relationship is not an exception to this new environment. The origin of a digital identity is critical for our participation in social media as social communicators, but digital professionalism should be framed within good practice recommendations with well-defined legal and ethical outlines. The objective of this article is to provide tools for the adequate use of social media and digital presence, taking the protection of personalimage and disseminated information into consideration.

Humanos , Mídias Sociais , Profissionalismo , Pediatras
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 31(2): e1406, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138850


Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la variación de la posición de una universidad amazónica peruana en el ranking Webometrics luego de aplicar un modelo de gestión de la identidad digital del investigador. Para esto se realizó un estudio pre-experimental, de corte longitudinal, a 120 docentes de la universidad, a los que se capacitó para mejorar sus habilidades en gestión de la identidad digital y publicación de artículos científicos. Luego se diseñó y aplicó una encuesta para determinar el nivel de logro de esas habilidades. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, el 26,7 y el 73,3 por ciento de los docentes lograron habilidades altas y regulares en gestión de la identidad digital del investigador; se ha logrado desarrollar habilidades para la publicación de artículos científicos con correcta filiación institucional y en enero del año 2019 la universidad pasó del puesto 64 al 46 en el ranking. La variación ha sido positiva, ya que la universidad ha mejorado su posición en el ranking Webometrics(AU)

The objective was to evaluate the variation of the position of a Peruvian amazonian university in the Webometrics ranking after applying a model for researcher's digital identity management. For this, we carried out a pre-experimental, longitudinal study with 120 university professors trained to improve their skills in digital identity management and papers publication. We designated an applied a survey to determine the level of achievement of those skills. According to the results obtained, 26.7 percent and 73.3 percent of the professors achieved high and regular skills in managing the researcher's digital identity. It has been possible to develop skills for papers publication with correct institutional affiliation and in January 2019, the university went from position 64 to 46 in the ranking. The variation has been positive, as the university has improved its position in the Webometrics ranking(AU)

Humanos , Publicações , Pesquisadores , Software , Bibliometria , Docentes , Acesso à Internet , Peru , Estudos Longitudinais