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Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(1): 20-25, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381778


Objetivo: Evaluar radiográficamente tratamientos en- dodónticos del sector posterior de la cavidad bucal y com- parar la frecuencia de aceptabilidad en cada pieza dentaria involucrada. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron 5000 radiogra- fías de archivo de tratamientos endodónticos realizados apro- ximadamente entre 2005 y 2019 en premolares y molares mandibulares y maxilares en Argentina. Se consideraron tratamientos correctos e incorrectos de acuerdo con: 1) con- formación de la preparación quirúrgica; 2) límite apical de la obturación; 3) homogeneidad de la obturación. Se obtuvo la fre- cuencia absoluta y relativa de correctos e incorrectos. El aná- lisis entre frecuencias y pieza dentaria se realizó con la prueba de chi cuadrado y el cálculo del coeficiente V de Cramer. Para la comparación entre grupos de piezas dentarias se utilizó la partición del valor de chi cuadrado obtenido en los corres- pondientes grados de libertad. Nivel de significación P <0.05. Resultados: La partición del valor de chi cuadrado no mostró diferencias significativas entre primeros y segundos premolares mandibulares. Las otras comparaciones exhibie- ron diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: Un alto porcentaje de los tratamientos endodónticos de la población estudiada tiene por lo menos una condición que permite categorizarlos como incorrectos según el criterio establecido en este trabajo. Este porcentaje es más preponderante en anatomías complejas (AU)

Aim: To evaluate radiographically endodontic treat- ments performed in the posterior area of the oral cavity and compare the frequency of acceptability in each tooth involved. Materials and methods: 5,000 archival radiographs of endodontic treatments performed between 2005 and 2019 on mandibular and maxillary premolars and molars in Argentina were evaluated. The percentages of correct and incorrect treatments were considered according to 1) shaping of the preparation; 2) apical limit of the obturation; 3) homogeneity of the obturation. The absolute and relative frequencies of correct and incorrect treatments were calcu- lated. The association between these frequencies and tooth type was analyzed using the chi-square test and Cramer's V coefficient. For the comparison between groups of teeth, the partition of the chi-square value obtained in the corre- sponding degrees of freedom was used. Level of significance was P <0.05. Results: The partition of the chi-square value did not show a significant difference between the first and second lower premolars. The differences were significant in the other comparisons. Conclusions: A high percentage of the endodontic treat- ments in the study population have at least one condition war- ranting their classification as incorrect according to the crite- ria established in this study. This percentage is more prevalent in complex anatomies (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/estatística & dados numéricos , Dente Pré-Molar , Dente não Vital/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Molar , Argentina/epidemiologia , Obturação do Canal Radicular/estatística & dados numéricos , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Resultado do Tratamento , Ápice Dentário/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula , Maxila
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 107(2): 42-48, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015526


Objetivo: Evaluar radiográficamente, en dientes extraídos, el grado de homogeneidad y adaptación de las obturaciones endodónticas realizadas por alumnos de grado, comparando las técnicas de condensación lateral e híbrida. Materiales y métodos: Entre 2003 y 2017, los alumnos de tercer año de la Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad del Salvador / Asociación Odontológica Argentina realizaron 5.384 tratamientos endodónticos ex vivo empleando, para la obturación, las técnicas de condensación lateral e híbrida. En las radiografías posoperatorias, un docente especialista en endodoncia evaluó la homogeneidad y la adaptación de cada obturación para categorizarla como correcta o incorrecta. Para la comparación entre técnicas, dentro de cada año lectivo, se utilizó la prueba exacta de Fisher, y para el análisis porcentual de las observaciones, la prueba de Chi cuadrado. El nivel de significancia fue establecido en P<0,05. Resultados: Del total de 5.384 tratamientos, 4.970 (92,3%) mostraron obturaciones correctas. Con la técnica de condensación lateral, de los 1.741 tratamientos, 1.560 (89,6%) mostraron obturaciones correctas con la técnica híbrida, de los 3.643 tratamientos, 3.410 (93,6%) tuvieron obturaciones correctas. En función del tamaño total de las muestras, sumando todos los años, puede estimarse con 95% de confianza que la diferencia de obturaciones incorrectas entre ambas técnicas está entre el 2,3% y el 5,7%. Con la prueba del Chi cuadrado, se observa una diferencia significativa de obturaciones correctas a favor de la técnica híbrida (P<0,01) Conclusiones: La evaluación radiográfica de los tratamientos endodónticos realizados ex vivo por alumnos de pregrado mostró un alto porcentaje de obturaciones correctas. Así mismo, el empleo de la técnica híbrida dio, en general, mejores resultados de compactación de la masa del material obturador que la técnica de condensación lateral (AU)

Aim: To evaluate radiographically the degree of homogeneity and adaptation of endodontic obturations completed by undergraduate students in extracted teeth using lateral and hybrid condensation techniques. Materials and methods: Between 2003 and 2017, third year students of a the School of Dentistry of the Universidad del Salvador / Asociación Odontológica Argentina performed 5384 ex vivo endodontic treatments using lateral condensation and hybrid technique. In the postoperative radiographs, a specialist in endodontics assessed the homogeneity and adaptation of each obturation and categorize it as correct or incorrect. The data were submitted to statistical analysis to compare results obtained with the two techniques. Fisher and Chi-square tests were used and significance level was set at P<0.05. Results: Out of 5384 treatments, 4970 (92.3%) showed correct obturation. Within the 1741 treatments completed with the lateral condensation technique, 1560 (89.6%) were correct while within the 3634 where a hybrid technique was used, 3410 (93.6%) were correct. When the whole sample was considered (sum of treatment carried out during each of the academic years) a statistically significant difference (P<0.01) favoring the hybrid technique was found. The difference in incorrect cases can be estimated to be between 2.3% and 5.7% with 95% confidence. Conclusions: The radiographic evaluation completed by undergraduate students in extracted teeth showed a high percentage of correct fillings. The use of the hybrid technique showed, in general, better compaction of the obturation material than the lateral condensation technique (AU)

Humanos , Obturação do Canal Radicular/métodos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/estatística & dados numéricos , Dente não Vital/diagnóstico por imagem , Educação Pré-Odontológica , Argentina , Adaptação Marginal Dentária
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 7-34, jul. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984530


En el marco de las políticas públicas en Colombia sobre calidad de la educación superior se encuentran los lineamientos para que el Estado reconozca los programas de pregrado como de alta calidad, entre tales lineamientos se consideran los sistemas de evaluación de los estudiantes basados en políticas institucionales claras y transparentes que propicien una identificación integral de las condiciones académicas y actitudinales de los estudiantes por lo que es imprescindible tecnificar y modernizar los procesos de evaluación para fortalecer la emisión de inferencias confiables sobre el logro académico. En este artículo se describe una aplicación de la Teoría de Grafos usando algunas de sus definiciones y teoremas básicos con la intención de potenciar su uso para el estudio del supuesto de unidimensionalidad de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem como alternativa para robustecer la evaluación. La unidimensional fue entendida en el sentido de la homogeneidad escalar y de criterio para las relaciones de orden definidas por la dominación tanto para ítems como para evaluados: para los ítems conforme al número de evaluados que los contestaron correctamente y a la dificultad; para los evaluados respecto al número de respuestas correctas y a la habilidad. Se aplicó la combinación de las dos teorías a un caso de estudio que contempla el instrumento de la prueba diagnóstica del Examen de Clasificación de Matemáticas Básicas en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, con esto se ofrece un valor agregado porque se evidencian los resultados de forma algorítmica y visual con ayuda de herramientas informáticas especializadas.

In Colombia, public policies about quality of higher education involve student assessment systems as a relevant characteristic. These systems should have clear and transparent institutional policies requiring comprehensive identification of attitudinal and academic conditions about examinee performance. Consequently, on the way of continuous improvement of academic services offered by institutions of higher education, an assessment process adequately technified allowing valid inferences about academic achievement is required. In this sense, the Rasch measurement model of Item Response Theory is a modern alternative to strengthen educational measurement estimating the ability of the student and the difficulty of the item on a comparable scale. Unidimensionality, local independence and internal consistency are assumptions made in Rasch measurement model. Unidimensionality assumption has several definitions, one of them is the occurrence of a dominant factor influencing test performance. Another definition is considered in the present study. Here, unidimensionality was interpreted as scalar and criterial homogeneity for the order relations defined by domination for items and assessed applicants. Graph Theory is an ideal mathematical modelling approach to this assumption inasmuch as represent intangible interactions as required. In order to achieve this, Graph Theory and Item Response Theory were combined to examine the qualifying test for the Basic Mathematics subject at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University as a case study. This test was composed by 45 items divided in three blocks. With several combinations of these blocks, three virtual booklets were obtained each one comprising 30 of them. From the application of June 2011, a test sample of 509 responses chains was obtained. Three data bases were processed one for each booklet, the first spanned 175 responses chains, the second 170 and the third one 164. To begin with the exmination on the Rasch measurement model, the parameters reliability, separation, Cronbach Alpha and item residual correlation were estimated to gauge and determine performance test for getting acceptable values in each booklet applied. Tatsuoka was followed to undertake the path to unidimensionality from Graph Theory gathering a real case experience processed with suitable software. Additionally, the sensitivity of the order relation was verified through: 1) ordering by number of correct responses per item (1I order) and items difficulty (2I order); 2) ordering by number of correct responses per applicant (1E order) and estimated ability (2E order). Furthermore, the linear models were obtained collating these orders. In like manner, three Guttman scales and their adjacency matrices were schematized one for each booklet. Subsequently, the respective graphs were processed and represented using Gephi just as a specialized tool that enables running some algorithms like Force Atlas. Afterwards, the second power of each adjacency matrix was found using Matlab 2014b and domination matrices were calculated for both items and applicants in the aforementioned orders for a total of 12 matrices. Consistency index developed by Cliff was computed for the domination matrices. As a result, moderate consistency was observed. Significant domination for the entries of these matrices was analyzed through McNemar test in order to have an asymmetric dominance relation. Moreover, a reachable matrix was calculated for each one of these significant domination matrices as a limit ofa sequence of boolean powers. Finally, dominance hierarchies were illustrated with vertex degrees and compared with student maps by the means of Winsteps 3.73. The combination of Graph Theory and Item Response Theory allowed a deeper comprehension of unidimensionality assumption. Thereupon, universities can optimize their resources offering to applicant differential academic options per individual position in the ability scale. The results can be used to outline advantages for the applicants who can evidence their position in the ability scale and identify the different areas to improve.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;49(1): 36-47, ene.-abr. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-901969


Resumen La mayoría de la literatura sobre la psicopatía gira en torno a su medida. Cuatro son los instrumentos y familias de referencia en la evaluación de la psicopatía: la Psychopathy Checklist (PCL), la Levenson's Primary and Secondary Psychopathy Scales (LPSP), la Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (SRP), y el Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI). Ante este estado de la cuestión, nos planteamos llevar a cabo un metaanálisis psicométrico correlacional con el cual someter a prueba la validez convergente de estos instrumentos a nivel unidimensional y en los dos factores comunes a todos ellos: el factor afectivo y el factor antisocial. Los resultados mostraron una validez convergente positiva, significativa y generalizable entre los instrumentos, tanto en la dimensión psicopatía como en los factores afectivo y antisocial. Asimismo, los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que la PCL es el instrumento más idóneo para la evaluación de la psicopatía en poblaciones clínicas y el PPI en población subclínica.

Abstract Most of the literature on psychopathy is focused on its measurement. There are four reference tools used to assess psychopathy: the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL), the Levenson's Primary and Secondary Psychopathy Scales (LPSP), the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (SRP), and the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI). In order to do this, a psychometric correlational meta-analysis was designed to test the convergent validity between these tools on the psychopathy dimension and the two common factors among them: the affective and antisocial deviation factors. The results showed a positive, significant and generalisable convergent validity between tools, in the psychopathy dimension, as well as in the affective and antisocial factors. Moreover, the results also showed that the PCL was the most appropriate tool to measure psychopathy in clinical samples, and the PPI was so in sub-clinical cases.

Metanálise , Estudo de Avaliação , Psicometria , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;65(1): 293-303, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897542


Abstract:In fish reproduction, previous information of ovary oocyte distribution is necessary, when oocytes quantitative estimates are required to estimate batch or annual fecundity. Heterogeneous oocyte distribution requires a standardized sampling protocol to prevent bias in estimates, whereas homogeneous distribution, allows sampling of any portion of gonads with no risk of bias. We studied gonad oocyte distribution patterns in the hogfish Lachnolaimus maximus population from Southern Gulf of Mexico. For this, 23 mature females were selected from a total of 47 individuals exhibiting visible oocytes in the ovaries. These females were classified by reproductive phase and sub-phase (early developing-ED, developing-D, spawning capable-SC and actively spawning-AS). Six histological sections were taken from the anterior, middle and posterior regions of the left and right ovary lobes of each individual. Digital image processing (AxioVision and Image ProPlus programs) was used to estimate oocyte density per unit area, and for different development stages. Contingency tables were used to analyze oocyte distribution frequencies between the regions of each lobe, and between the lobes of each ovary. This was supported with a Pearson's χ2 test for goodness-of-fit and a replicated G test to confirm distribution heterogeneity. Oocyte stage distribution was homogeneous in almost all 23 females regardless of the ovary lobe. In the left ovary lobe, oocyte distribution was uniform in all three regions sampled regardless the female phase or sub-phase. In the right ovary lobe, oocyte frequencies were similarly uniform for the ED, D and AS phase and sub-phases; nevertheless, during SC phase, some heterogeneity was observed in tertiary vitellogenesis-Vtg3 oocytes, especially in samples from middle and posterior regions of this lobe. Females in AS sub-phase are normally used to estimate batch fecundity in fish such as L. maximus, which has shown to have asynchronous oocyte development and batch spawning. Given the homogeneous oocyte distribution pattern within and between the ovary lobes in females in AS sub-phase, no systematization is required of the gonad histological sampling protocol to estimate species batch fecundity. Nevertheless, due to the heterogeneous Vtg3 oocytes distribution in the right ovary lobe of females in the SC phase, it is best to systematically take sections of any region in the left ovary lobe when conducting a study encompassing all of a species' reproductive aspects. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 293-303. Epub 2017 March 01.

ResumenPara el estudio de la reproducción de los peces es necesario, un conocimiento previo sobre la distribución de los ovocitos en el ovario, así como estimaciones cuantitativas del número de ovocitos para estimar la fecundidad por lote o anual. Una distribución heterogénea exige tener un protocolo de muestreo estandarizado para prevenir sesgos en las estimaciones, mientras que una distribución homogénea permite utilizar muestras de cualquier parte de las gónadas sin riesgo de sesgo. Nosotros estudiamos el patrón de distribución de los ovocitos de la población de la doncella de pluma Lachnolaimus maximus del sur del Golfo de México. Para este propósito, 23 hembras maduras fueron seleccionadas de un total de 47 individuos que presentaron ovocitos observables a simple vista en los ovarios. Estas hembras fueron clasificadas según su fase o sub-fase reproductiva (desarrollo temprano-DT, desarrollo-D, aptitud para desovar-AD y desove activo-DA). Seis secciones histológicas fueron realizadas de las regiones anterior, media y posterior de los lóbulos derecho e izquierdo del ovario de cada individuo. Un procesamiento digital de imágenes (AxioVision e Image ProPlus) fue utilizado para estimar la densidad de los ovocitos, en diferentes estadios de desarrollo, por unidad de área. Las frecuencias de distribución de los ovocitos fueron analizadas entre regiones de un mismo lóbulo y entre lóbulos de cada ovario por medio de tablas de contingencia. Este análisis involucró la aplicación de la prueba de bondad de ajuste del χ2 de Pearson y de la prueba de G replicada en el caso de observar una distribución heterogénea. La mayoría de las 23 hembras analizadas presentó una distribución homogénea de los diferentes estadios de ovocito, en cualquier lóbulo considerado. En el lóbulo ovárico izquierdo, la distribución de los ovocitos fue similar en las tres regiones muestreadas, en cualquier fase o sub-fase de las hembras. En el lóbulo ovárico derecho, las frecuencias de los ovocitos fueron semejantes para las hembras en fase y sub-fases de DT, D y DA; sin embargo, durante la sub-fase de AD, una heterogeneidad en el desarrollo de los ovocitos en vitelogénesis terciaria-Vtg3 fue observada, especialmente en las muestras de las regiones media y posterior de este lóbulo. Las hembras en sub-fase de DA son usualmente utilizadas para estimar la fecundidad por lote en las especies de peces como L. maximus, la cual presenta un desarrollo asincrónico de los ovocitos y realiza desoves sucesivos por lote. Debido al patrón de distribución homogéneo de los ovocitos en y entre los lóbulos ováricos de las hembras en sub-fase de DA, no se requiere estandarizar un protocolo de muestreo histológico de las gónadas para estimar la fecundidad por lote de la especie. Sin embargo, debido a la distribución heterogénea de los ovocitos en Vtg3 en el lóbulo ovárico derecho de las hembras en fase de DA, es preferible tomar sistemáticamente secciones de cualquier región del lóbulo ovárico izquierdo cuando se realiza un estudio que incluye todo los aspectos reproductivos de la especie.

Animais , Feminino , Oócitos/fisiologia , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Ovário/fisiologia , Reprodução/fisiologia , Perciformes/fisiologia , Valores de Referência , Estações do Ano , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Golfo do México
Rev. chil. nutr ; 43(4): 359-367, dic. 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-844487


Introduction: The gold standard to estimate individual usual intake Is the mean of multiple day's intake. This estimation procedure is based on Beaton's model, who consider independence and two sources of variation: between and within subjects. There are evidences and physiological arguments against validity of Beaton's hypothesis, this fact could have relevant effects in dietetic assessment. Subjects and Methods: A food consumption of 43 middle class university women was recorded during 28 days. They were trained in order to assure quality records. Results: Low values in energy intake were reported, and no differences between energy intake during weekend and weekdays was observed. Considering reported intakes for each person as a time series, no autocorrelations was observed considering lags within I to 7 days. Differences in within subjects variances was observed. Conclusion: Deficiencies in subject's energy intake corresponds to disorders in university students' nutrition, such deficiencies could be the explanation of the observed independence in daily energy intake despite evidences of the existence of correlations reported in different papers. The hypothesis of variance homogeneity was not true, so it was not correct to talk about a "within variance", instead a population's probability distributions for variances was considered, as a consequence Beaton's model must be modified. A probability distribution to characterize the number of days needed to estimate energy intake for subjects in population was considered.

Introducción: El estándar de oro para la estimación de la ingesta habitual de las personas es el promedio del consumo de múltiples días. Esta estimación descansa en el modelo de Beaton, que considera independencia y dos fuentes de variación: entre y dentro de los individuos. Existen evidencias y argumentos fisiológicos de que esto no necesariamente se cumple siempre, lo cual tendría efectos muy relevantes sobre los procedimientos de evaluación dietética. Sujetos y Métodos: Durante 28 días se registró el consumo diario de alimentos a 43 mujeres, universitarias de clase media; capacitadas y supervisadas para recoger la información. Resultados: Se registraron bajos niveles de ingesta calórica total, sin diferencias al comparar días entre semana y fines semana. Considerando los valores de ingesta de cada persona como una serie cronológica, no se encontraron autocorrelaciones considerando retardos entre 1 y 7 días. Se presentaron diferencias entre las varianzas de las ingestas de las participantes. Conclusión: Las ingestas insuficientes coincidieron con los problemas de alimentación reportadas en este grupo poblacional; los que también pudieran explicar la independencia entre días pues se esperaba algún tipo de autocorrelación según los reportes en la literatura. La hipótesis de homogeneidad de las varianzas de los individuos no se cumplió, por lo que no fue correcto hablar de una varianza "dentro" sino de una distribución poblacional de las varianzas. El modelo de Beaton debió ser modificado y considerar una distribución de probabilidad para la caracterización del número de días en que deberían evaluarse las ingestas.

Humanos , Mulheres , Ingestão de Energia , Dieta , Estado Nutricional , Universidades , Comportamento Alimentar
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 104(4): 143-149, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-869378


Objetivo: evaluar radiográficamente la calidad de 700 tratamientos endodónticos realizados a nivel nacional entre los años 2004 y 2014. Materiales y métodos: en un total de 700 tratamientos endodónticos de incisivos y caninos inferiores y superiores humanos, se analizó la calidad de la obturación endodóntica en relación con su límite apical, homogeneidad, material empleado y el respeto de la anatomía original. Asimismo, fueron consideradas la restauración coronaria y la existencia de anclajes intrarradiculares. En cuanto a la calidad global, se calculó la frecuencia porcentual de casos incorrectos y el correspondiente intervalo de confianza (95 por ciento). Resultados: se observó un 48,1 +- 3,7 por ciento de tratamientos deficientes. Del total de dientes evaluados clínicamente, el 26,7 por ciento presentaba restauraciones coronarias, el 65,9 por ciento coronas y el 7,4 por ciento obturaciones temporarias o ausencia de restauración. En el análisis radiográfico, el 63 por ciento tenía anclajes intrarradiculares. Conclusión: la frecuencia de tratamientos deficientes hallada es una información relevante al establecer políticas para la atención de la salud y la formación de recursos profesionales.

Aim: the radiographic evaluation the quality of 700 endodontic treatments performed during 2004-2014, in the national environment. Materials and methods: The endodontic obturationquality in relation to the apical limit, homogeneity, material usedand the original anatomic consideration were analyzed in 700 radiographic images from human maxillary and mandibular incisors and canines. The coronal restoration and the presence of intracanal anchorage were also considered. In the case of overal lquality, percent frequency of incorrect treatments as well as thecorresponding confidence interval (95%) was calculated. Results: 48.1 ± 3.7% of deficient treatments were observed. From the total of the clinical evaluated teeth 26.7% showed coronal restorations, 65.9% crowns and 7.4% temporaryor absent coronal fillings. In the radiographic analysis 63% showed intracanal anchorage. Conclusion: The frequency of deficient treatments thatwas found is relevant information that has to be taken intoaccount when establishing policies for health care servicesand professional training.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Obturação do Canal Radicular/estatística & dados numéricos , Controle de Qualidade , Dente não Vital , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/estatística & dados numéricos , Dente Canino , Incisivo , Restauração Dentária Permanente/estatística & dados numéricos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Ápice Dentário
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 28(65): 14-20, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-762477


Objetivos: El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar la adaptación y homogeneidad de la obturación en los tercios cervical, medio y apical depremolares inferiores unirradiculares, utilizando las técnicas de condensación lateral e híbrida de Tagger con los cementos de Grossman y AH 26. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 32 premolares inferiores humanos extraídos, unirradiculares, con ápice maduro. Las piezas fueron instrumentadas con sistema Protaper Universal hasta F3. Luego fueron divididas aleatoriamente en 4 grupos de 8 muestras cada uno. Grupos A y B se obturaron con técnica de condensación lateral, grupos C y D con técnica híbrida de Tagger. En A y C su uso cemento deGrossman, en B y D AH 26. Se realizaron cortes transversales a nivel coronario, medio y apical que se evaluaron con microscopio quirúrgico a X 2,5. Se realizó test no paramétrico U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Para determinar si existía diferencia entre las dos técnicas de obturación al usar cemento de Grossman se utilizó Test deMann-Whitney. Se observó diferencia significativa entre las medianas de scoring de ambos grupos (U=192; p<0,05). Al evaluar las dos técnicas utilizando AH 26 existió diferencia significativa entre las medianas de scoring de ambos grupos (U=191,5; p<0,05). Conclusión: Los conductos ovales obturados con técnica híbrida de Tagger, presentaron mejor homogeneidad y mayor adaptación a lasparedes en los tres tercios que los obturados con técnica de condensación lateral. Al utilizar cemento de Grosmann o AH 26 como sellador no se observó diferencia significativa en ninguna de las dos técnicas.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the adaptation and homogeneity of the filling in the thirds cervical, middle and apical of single-rooted premolars, using lateral condensation technique and Tagger's hybrid technique with Grossman sealer and AH 26. Materials and Methods: We used 32 extracted human premolars, single-rooted, with mature apex. The pieces were instrumented with ProTaper Universal system to F3. Then they were randomly divided into 4 groups of 8 samples each. Groups A and B were filled with lateral condensation technique, groups C and D with Tagger's hybrid technique. In A and C Grossman sealer were use, in B and D AH 26. Crosscuts were made at coronary, medium and apical level and all were evaluated with 2.5 X surgical microscope. We performed nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. Results: To determine if there was difference between the two filling techniques using Grossman sealer was used Mann-Whitney test. Significant difference was observed between the medians of scoring from both groups (U = 192, p <0.05). In evaluating the two techniques using AH 26, significant difference observed between the medians of scoring from both groups (U = 191.5, P <0.05). Conclusion: The oval canal sealed with Tagger's hybrid technique, showed better homogeneity and better adaptation to the walls in the three thirds that filling with lateral condensation technique. Using Grosmann sealer or AH 26 sealer there was no significant difference in any of the two techniques.

Humanos , Dente Pré-Molar , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular/química , Obturação do Canal Radicular/métodos , Controle de Qualidade , Adaptação Marginal Dentária , Infiltração Dentária/diagnóstico , Teste de Materiais , Obturação do Canal Radicular/estatística & dados numéricos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Salud ment ; Salud ment;28(5): 34-39, sep.-oct. 2005.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985914


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Summary Introduction Insomnia affects 30% of population; 10% suffers from chronic insomnia. Quantitative approaches have predominated in the clinical assessment of insomnia; however, the importance of evaluating qualitative aspects has been outlined in the last decade. This has been reflected in diagnostic criteria of classification systems. According to DSM-IV-TR, ICD-10, and ICSD, the diagnosis of insomnia does not require the objective quantification of reduced sleep. For many years, sleep diaries/logs have been used in the measurement of insomnia, and although they contemplate the individual's subjective perception of sleep, they assess only sleep quantity. In addition to the sleep diaries/logs, several instruments for the measurement of sleep problems have been developed on the basis of different clinical and/or research needs; the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Leeds Sleep Questionnaire, and the St. Mary's Hospital Sleep Questionnaire are some of them. Recently, the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) has been presented. In contrast with previous instruments, AIS is based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnostic criteria for insomnia. This paper presents the results of a translation into Spanish and the validity study of the AIS with a sample of Mexican population. Method The AIS is a self-rating instrument of eight items. In its instructions, the requisites for sleep problems frequency and duration are established, and correspond to criterion B of insomnia (ICD-10). Nevertheless, the time period of study can be modified to adjust it to research and/or clinical interests. The first four items of AIS asses sleep problems from a quantitative point of view, and the fifth item assesses sleep quality. These five items correspond to criterion A. The last three items evaluate the impact of insomnia during the day (criterion C). A simplified version, consisting of the first five items has been proposed by the authors. Each item can be rated in a 0-3 scale, where cero means the lack of problems and three the most severe condition. Total score is obtained from the sum of scores on eight items (range 0-24). The guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) were followed with the aim of securing the equivalence between Spanish and English versions of the AIS. In this way, a bilingual group of experts revised the conceptual structure of the original scale and approved its susceptibility of translation. The instrument was translated into Spanish and this text was examined by the bilingual group and a monolingual group. Minor corrections were suggested by the monolingual group. Then, the Spanish text was back translated into English by another bilingual expert. After revising this back-translated text, the bilingual group considered that the Spanish version was equivalent to the original. The sample consisted of a control group (n=146) of high school, undergraduate, and postgraduate students, and a clinical group of psychiatric outpatients (n=48) and inpatients (n=51). After giving their informed consent to participate, all subjects completed the AIS (eight items) with a modification in the time period of assessment. Internal reliability coefficient, total-item correlations, and differences in scores for gender and group were calculated. Also, the AIS was subjected to factorial analysis. Results The sample was composed by young adults with a slightly larger proportion of women (57%) than men. Psychiatric patients showed significantly higher scores than control subjects, and obtained higher scores than men, but this difference was not significant. Age showed a significant but weak positive relation with AIS scores. The AIS showed a high internal reliability in the whole sample (Cronbach's alpha=0.90). The lowest coefficient (0.77) was observed in the control group and the highest one (0.93) in psychiatric outpatients. Total-item correlations ranged from moderate to high; again, control patients obtained the lowest and psychiatric patients the highest. In the factorial analysis, the eight items emerged as a single component with a high percentage of explained variance (59.5%) and item-item correlations ranged from 0.38 to 0.75. Discussion These findings showed that AIS (Spanish text) is a useful instrument in the assessment of insomnia. Its brief and simple format let the clinician and/or researcher have a numerical index about sleep problems in just a few minutes. Another of the AIS's attributes is the possibility of changing the time period of assessment. This contrasts with some other instruments which require longer times for rating and scoring. Besides, some questionnaires are less flexible and are designed to asses predetermined time periods. Internal reliability obtained with the whole sample and with each group is almost identical to that obtained in the original report with a translation into Greek. This finding supports the efficiency of WHO's guidelines for translation of instruments, documents the cultural stability of certain constructs, and facilitates the integration of data from different investigations. Even when several instruments are available for the evaluation of sleep problems, the PSQI is probably the most used, and as far as we know the only one which translation into Spanish has been subjected to a validity study. In comparison with AIS, the Spanish versions of PSQI have shown a less stable internal consistency. Furthermore, total-item and item-item correlations have been less satisfactory for the PSQI than for AIS. The high degree of internal homogeneity of AIS is also supported by the results of factorial analysis where the eight items emerge as a single component, and total-item correlations ranged from moderate to high. As an additional evidence for AIS validity, women and psychiatric patients showed higher scores, and agerelated positively, but weakly, with AIS scores. Recently, the results of a diagnostic validity study with AIS have been published and a cutoff score of six has shown to be the best balance between sensitivity and specificity for a correct case identification. Future research should focus on the relation between AIS scores, age, and gender; the applicability of AIS in samples of patients with specific sleep disorders or different psychiatric disorders, and the AIS sensitivity to change (e.g., with or without pharmacological and/or no pharmacological interventions). In conclusion, the AIS is a brief and reliable instrument for the measurement of insomnia in clinical practice and sleep research.