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J Hist Dent ; 71(3): 194-200, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38039110


Oral and maxillofacial pathology, the branch of dentistry concerning clinical and histopathological diagnosis of pathologies of the oral and maxillofacial region, started to develop in Colombia in the mid- 19th century. Since 1950s, dedicated dental clinicians from different dental schools played an important role in its inception and subsequent development. The first significant wave of progress occurred in the 1970s with the appearance of the first formally trained oral pathologists. It was sometime in the late 1980s and early 1990s that dentists Ines Velez and Benjamin Herazo had separate initiatives and created the first oral pathology postgraduate programs in Bogotá. It was in the late 80's and early 90's that dentists Ines Velez and Benjamin Herazo had their own initiatives and created the first oral pathology postgraduate programs in the city of Bogotá. A concomitant of their achievements was the establishment of the first on-site oral pathology biopsies units and registers at Colegio Odontãlogico Colombiano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Escuela Colombiana de Medicina dental schools. The programs have trained many dentists in the field over the years and two of them remain active and fully accredited. The past and present contributions and leaderships of some academic figures and graduates have allowed a steady evolution of the specialty nationwide. Currently, the ability to manage and overcome educational and professional challenges is necessary to advance the growth of this specialty in this country.

Medicina , Patologia Bucal , Colômbia
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1521913


Introducción: Numerosas mujeres han contribuido al desarrollo de la estomatología en Cuba y en Cienfuegos. Sin embargo, en este sentido, existen escasas fuentes locales que aborden el accionar de las féminas. Objetivo: Profundizar en la vida y obra de la Dra. María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez, de manera que se puedan rescatar elementos de la evolución histórica de la estomatología cienfueguera. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo histórico-biográfica en el período de octubre del 2016 a diciembre del 2020. Como forma de reseñar la historia se emplearon las memorias. Los métodos utilizados fueron analítico-sintético y deductivo-inductivo; y los submétodos empleados fueron el cronológico, la numismática, la diplomática y la iconografía. Para recolectar datos se emplearon técnicas de la investigación histórica: la revisión documental y las entrevistas. Como fuentes primarias de la investigación se consultaron documentos histórico-legales en el Registro del Estado Civil (2), y en la Universidad de La Habana (1), así como entrevistas orales a profundidad (13), con testimonios de informantes clave. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica, con cuatro referencias de artículos y libros. Resultados: María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez fue la primera mujer lajera dentista -negra además-, graduada en 1944, de clase media. Tuvo un accionar revolucionario notorio, posterior a 1959. Se destaca la donación de todos sus instrumentos al policlínico "Manuel Piti Fajardo" de Cruces, del cual fue dentista fundadora. Conclusiones: La vocación de la primera dentista lajera por la pedagogía y su compromiso con la causa revolucionaria fueron elementos de vital importancia en el desarrollo de la estomatología crucense(AU)

Introduction: Numerous women have contributed to the development of stomatology in Cuba and in Cienfuegos. However, in this sense, few local sources broach the lives of these women. Objective: To deepen in the life and work of Dr. María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez, so that elements of the historical evolution of Cienfuegos stomatology can be rescued. Methods: A historical-biographical research was carried out from October 2016 to December 2020. Memoirs were used as a way of reviewing the history. The methods used were analytical-synthetic and deductive-inductive; and the sub-methods employed were chronological, numismatic, diplomatic and iconographic. Historical research techniques were used to collect data: documentary review and interviews. As primary sources of the research, historical-legal documents were consulted at the Civil Status Registry (2), and at the University of Havana (1), as well as oral interviews (13), with testimonies of key informants. A bibliographic search was carried out, with four references of articles and books. Results: María Narcisa Isacia Agramonte Jiménez was the first middle class female dentist from Lajas -also black-, graduated in 1944. She had an active revolutionary presence, after 1959. The donation of all her dental equipment to the "Manuel Piti Fajardo" polyclinic in Cruces, of which she was the founding dentist, stands out. Conclusions: The vocation of the first dentist from La Paz for pedagogy and her commitment to the revolutionary cause were elements of vital importance in the development of stomatology in Cruces(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Recursos Humanos em Odontologia , Pessoas Famosas , História da Odontologia , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Medisan ; 27(1)feb. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440573


En el presente trabajo se resaltan las facetas y los aportes sustanciales de personalidades que contribuyeron con sus esfuerzos al inicio del proceso de enseñanza de la ortodoncia y a la formación de nuevos especialistas. Se enfatizan los principales aportes a la bibliografía científica, docente e investigativa, tanto en el país como en el extranjero. Finalmente, se pretende resumir el desarrollo creciente de la ortodoncia en los 50 años de iniciada la formación académica en Santiago de Cuba, la cual se nutrió de nuevos profesionales capaces de conservar los principios y valores éticos propiciados por sus antecesores, con evidentes resultados científico-técnicos y calidad en el desempeño profesional.

This article highlights the facets and substantial contributions of personalities that added with their efforts to the beginning of orthodontics teaching process and the training of new specialists. The main contributions to scientific, educational and investigative literature, either in the country or abroad are emphasized. Finally, it is sought to summarize the growing development of orthodontics in the 50 years of academic training in Santiago de Cuba, with new professionals able to conserve the principles and ethical values promoted by their predecessors, with evident scientific-technical results and quality in professional performance.

História da Odontologia , Universidades
Medisur ; 20(6)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440596


Muchas son las mujeres que han contribuido al desarrollo de la Estomatología en Cuba. En Cienfuegos, se encuentra entre las más destacadas en dicho ámbito, la Dra. Mercedes Verónica Diego Cobelo, personalidad que este artículo se propone abordar mediante la descripción de los acontecimientos significativos de su vida y obra, pasando por su trayectoria en el plano estudiantil, laboral y político. Se realizó una investigación histórica, en el periodo de octubre a diciembre de 2016. Como forma de reseñar la historia se emplearon las memorias; así como los métodos analítico-sintético y deductivo-inductivo. Se emplearon técnicas de la investigación histórica: revisión documental; y entrevistas orales a profundidad con testimonio de la propia Mercedes, como fuente primaria de obtención de la información. Es considerada iniciadora de la docencia estomatológica y médica media en la provincia de Cienfuegos desde 1970, al participar en la inauguración de los servicios estomatológicos de todos sus municipios, además de ser elegida presidenta provincial de la Sociedad Cubana de Salud Pública. El estudio evidencia la trascendencia de su labor en el establecimiento de los servicios estomatológicos en Cienfuegos, su entrega a la docencia desde su etapa estudiantil, y la vinculación íntegra a la obra revolucionaria en todos los ámbitos.

There are many women who have contributed to the development of Stomatology in Cuba. In Cienfuegos, one of the most prominent in this field is Dr. Mercedes Verónica Diego Cobelo, a personality that this article intends to address through the description of the significant events of her life and work, going through her career in the student, labor and political fields. A historical research was carried out, from October to December 2016. As a way of reviewing the history, her memories were used; as well as the analytic-synthetic and deductive-inductive methods. Historical research techniques were used: documentary review; and in-depth oral interviews with testimony from Mercedes herself, as the primary source for obtaining the information. She is considered the initiator of stomatology and medical education in Cienfuegos province since 1970, by participating in the inauguration of the stomatology services of all its municipalities, in addition to being elected provincial president of the Cuban Society of Public Health. The study evidences the transcendence of her work in the establishment of stomatological services in Cienfuegos, her dedication to teaching from her student stage, and the integral link to the revolutionary work in all areas.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 9(1): 2-24, 2022-05-04.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524480


This literature review aims to name the influential female pioneers who broke the conservative barriers in place for their gender and set the standards for those who followed in their paths as either dentists or forensic odontologists, with the purpose of increasing the visibility of their identities, feats, and positions of authority, hence, diminishing the states of exclusion that may be still practiced towards the recognition of their contributions to dentistry. It is our expectation that contemporary female forensic dentists can, by accessing this reading, acknowledge and promote the female performance in the forensic field, from its beginning to the present time, and be reassured of the representation and the excellence of women in it. We anticipate that all these professionals' names will not be mentioned due to lack of information from sound resources or unawareness. We also hope to witness similar literature reviews in the future

Esta revisão de literatura tem como objetivo nomear as influentes pioneiras que romperam as barreiras conservadoras de gênero e estabeleceram os padrões para aquelas que seguiram seus caminhos como dentistas forenses ou odontolegistas, com o objetivo de aumentar a visibilidade de suas identidades, feitos e posições de autoridade, diminuindo, assim, os estados de exclusão que ainda podem ser praticados para o reconhecimento de suas contribuições para a Odontologia. É nossa expectativa que as odontolegistas contemporâneas possam, ao acessar essa leitura, reconhecer e promover a atuação feminina no campo forense, desde o seu início até os dias atuais e ter a certeza da representação e da excelência da mulher nela. É possível que outros nomes não foram mencionados por falta de informação segura ou desconhecimento. Também esperamos testemunhar revisões de literatura semelhantes no futuro

Medisur ; 20(2)abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405913


RESUMEN Numerosas hechos y personalidades han formado parte de la evolución histórica de la Estomatología en Cienfuegos. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de describir los acontecimientos significativos de la vida y obra de los doctores René Laurentino Miní Rodríguez Cobre y Carlos Manuel Miní Llorens. Se realizó una investigación de tipo histórica, mediante técnicas como la revisión documental y entrevistas orales a profundidad, con testimonios de informantes claves como fuente primaria de obtención de la información. También se consultaron documentos históricos legales. René Miní, una vez graduado en Estados Unidos, regresó a su natal Lajas para ejercer en ella como el primer dentista oficial. Dicho legado fue asumido por su hijo, continuador de la labor paterna, graduado de la Universidad de La Habana. Permanecieron en Cuba hasta 1972, cuando emigró a España toda la familia. El estudio de la vida y obra de estos profesionales de la Estomatología permitió conocer y patentar datos históricos acerca de los inicios de esta en Cienfuegos, especialmente en Lajas. Ambos pusieron a disposición de la población lo más avanzado en esta rama de la ciencia para inicios del siglo XX.

ABSTRACT Many events and personalities have been part of the Stomatology historical evolution in Cienfuegos. This article aims to describe the significant events in life and work of René Laurentino Miní Rodríguez Cobre and Carlos Manuel Miní Llorens doctors. A historical research was carried out, using techniques such as documentary review and in-depth oral interviews, with testimonies from key informants as the primary source for obtaining information. Historical legal documents were also consulted. René Miní, once graduated in the United States, returned to his native Lajas to practice there as the first official dentist. Said legacy was assumed by his son, follower of his father's work, graduated from the Havana University. They remained in Cuba until 1972, when the whole family emigrated to Spain. The study of the life and work of these Stomatology professionals allowed knowing and patenting historical data about the beginnings of this in Cienfuegos, especially in Lajas. Both made available to the population the most advanced in this branch of science at the beginning of the 20th century.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 33(2): 64-74, July-Dec. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394656


Resumen La estética dentaria es un tema de amplia relevancia en la odontología actual, tanto en el ambiente universitario como en la práctica privada. Cuando las personas expresan que desean una sonrisa más hermosa, dentistas y pacientes piensan automáticamente en aclarar el color de los dientes como un componente importante de este proceso. ¿Cuál es la razón de esta concordancia tácita? Algunos podrían argüir que una sonrisa saludable es naturalmente más blanca, pero sabemos que la funcionalidad fisiológica no necesariamente está asociada a una estética socialmente determinada. Es más, muchas veces los procedimientos estéticos implican modificaciones corporales que no necesariamente son naturales, ni saludables. El objetivo de esta revisión, es brindar elementos de discusión acerca de aspectos históricos y culturales relacionados con el posicionamiento del color dentario como parte importante de un ideal estético. Se pretende argumentar, que el deseo de tener dientes más blancos reside eminentemente en influencias culturales. Asimismo, se invita a la reflexión de que, si los "dientes blancos" debiesen ser equiparados a "dientes saludables", con las consecuentes ramificaciones que implicaría esta suposición, en nuestro mundo profesional.

Abstract Dental aesthetics is a topic of wide relevance in current dentistry, both in dental education and in private practice. When people express that they want a beautiful smile, both dentists and patients think of whitening tooth color. What is the reason for this tacit agreement? Some might argue that a healthy smile is naturally whiter, but we know that physiological functionality is not always associated with socially determined aesthetics. Furthermore, some aesthetics procedures might involve body modifications that are not necessarily natural nor healthy. The aim of this review is to to provide elements of discussion about historical and cultural aspects related to the positioning of tooth color as an important part of an aesthetic ideal. To argue that the desire for whiter teeth resides in cultural influences. To invite reflection if "white teeth" should be equated with "healthy teeth", with the consequences this assumption would imply in our professional field.

Estética Dentária , História da Odontologia , Clareamento Dental , Percepção de Cores
Medisan ; 25(5)2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1346552


Se realizó una investigación de carácter histórico con el fin de exponer brevemente el desarrollo de la periodontología en Santiago de Cuba desde 1974 hasta la actualidad. Esta especialidad se ha venido fomentando de forma paulatina y hoy día cuenta con profesionales preparados integralmente para brindar una atención estomatológica especializada de calidad; también se vincula a la actividad docente-asistencial, con un claustro de 14 profesores altamente calificados. Puede afirmarse, entonces, que la formación del capital humano se ha cumplimentado por años -de acuerdo a la demanda poblacional y a los requerimientos del Sistema Nacional de Salud-, pues se ha contribuido, en gran medida, al perfeccionamiento y la preparación de estos especialistas con vistas a preservar, durante el presente y en el futuro, la salud periodontal de la población santiaguera.

An investigation of historical character aimed at briefly exposing the development of periodontology was carried out in Santiago de Cuba from 1974 to the present time. This specialty has been encouraging gradually and nowadays it has integrally prepared professionals to offer a specialized stomatological care with quality; it is also linked to the teaching-assistance activity, with a staff of 14 highly qualified professors. It can be affirmed then, that the human capital training has been fulfilled per years -according to the populational demand and the requirements of the National Health System-, because it has been contributed, in such an extent, to the improvement and preparation of these specialists aiming at preserving, during present and future times, the periodontal health of people from Santiago de Cuba.

Periodontia/história , Capacitação Profissional , Cuba , Odontologia
Gac. méd. espirit ; 23(1): 88-103, ene.-abr. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250009


RESUMEN Fundamento: Marcelino Weiss fue un reconocido estomatólogo que luchó para que el dentista fuera un médico especializado. Objetivo: Describir la vida personal y profesional de Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges y su legado a la estomatología de Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio relacionado con la historia en ciencias de la salud, sobre la vida de Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges desde su nacimiento en Sancti Spíritus 1877 hasta su fallecimiento en La Habana en 1927, para lo cual se confeccionó una estrategia de búsqueda de la información, se consultaron bases de datos disponibles en el portal de Infomed. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y métodos empíricos. Conclusiones: La vida y obra del Dr. Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges constituye un paradigma a seguir para las actuales y futuras generaciones de profesionales de la estomatología espirituana. Por sus valores, destacada labor patriótica, notable trayectoria asistencial, docente e investigativa, logró el reconocimiento y la admiración de todos.

ABSTRACT Background: Marcelino Weiss was a renowned stomatologist who fought for the dentist to be a specialized physician. Objective: To describe the personal and professional life of Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges and his legacy to stomatology in Sancti Spíritus. Methodology: A study related to the history of health sciences was conducted on Marcelino´s Weiss y Gramatges life from his birth in Sancti Spíritus in 1877 to his death in Havana in 1927, for that, an information search strategy was prepared, some databases available on the Infomed site were consulted. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Conclusions: The life and work of Dr. Marcelino Weiss y Gramatges is a paradigm to be followed by current and future generations from Sancti Spíritus dental professionals. For his values, outstanding patriotic work, and remarkable care, teaching and research career, he achieved total recognition and admiration.

Ensino/história , Serviços de Integração Docente-Assistencial/história , História da Odontologia
Odontoestomatol ; 22(35): 80-88, jul. 2020. ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | BNUY, LILACS | ID: biblio-1103069


Proyectado en varias etapas, el edificio de la Facultad de Odontología se inauguró en 1940, cumpliendo uno de los anhelos de la comunidad de odontólogos en Uruguay. La construcción realizada transparentaba su lógica funcional y estructural, utilizaba elementos industrializados y apostaba por la abstracción en sus acabados. Además, carecía prácticamente de elementos clásicos, con lo cual denotaba una vez más su pretensión de objetividad. Esta, con su ineludible carga estética, hacía referencia al mundo de las máquinas, la revolución científica y la precisión, mundo al cual la odontología como disciplina no era ajena. No obstante, los diferentes proyectos del edificio demuestran que su proyectista no siempre sostuvo estas ideas y también jugó con proyectos más expresivos, con alusiones a otras tradiciones arquitectónicas.

Projected in several stages, the building of the School of Dentistry was opened in 1940, fulfilling one of the wishes of the community of dentists in Uruguay. The construction made transparent its functional and structural logic, used industrialized elements and opted for abstraction in its finishes. In addition, it practically lacked classical elements, which denoted once again its claim to objectivity. This, with its inescapable aesthetic load, referred to the world of machines, the scientific revolution and precision, a world to which dentistry, as a discipline, was not alien. However, the different projects of the building show that its designer did not always support these ideas and toyed with more expressive projects, alluding to other architectural traditions.

Projetado em várias etapas, o prédio da Faculdade de Odontologia foi inaugurado em 1940, cumprindo um dos desejos da comunidade de dentistas no Uruguai. A construção tornou transparente a sua lógica funcional e estrutural, utilizou elementos industrializados e optou pela abstração em seus acabamentos. Além disso, praticamente não possuía elementos clássicos, o que denotava mais uma vez sua reivindicação de objetividade. Isso, com sua inescapável carga estética, referia-se ao mundo das máquinas, à revolução científica e à precisão, um mundo do qual a odontologia como disciplina não era alheia. No entanto, os diferentes projetos do edifício mostram que o projetista nem sempre apoiou essas ideias e também jogou com projetos mais expressivos, com alusões a outras tradições arquitetônicas.

Faculdades de Odontologia , Arquitetura de Instituições de Saúde , História da Odontologia , Uruguai
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 23(6): 933-940, nov.-dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092858


RESUMEN Introducción: en momentos cruciales de la nación cubana estuvieron presentes los estomatólogos que, por incorporarse a la lucha independentista, dieron su paso al frente para estar al lado del deber. Objetivo: la contribución de la actividad independentista de Enrique Canals Infante durante la época colonial, al desarrollo de la nación cubana y a la formación del modelo del profesional de la carrera de Estomatología. Métodos: se realizó una investigación histórica sustentada en el método materialista-dialéctico. Dentro del nivel teórico se emplearon métodos como el de análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción e histórico-lógico. En el nivel empírico se realizó el análisis documental de 14 artículos bibliográficos procedentes de diferentes bases de datos, en el período de diciembre a enero 2019. Conclusiones: Enrique Canals Infante es un patriota insigne de la estomatología pinareña. Las características de la etapa colonial en Cuba y en Pinar del Río fueron determinantes para su actividad independentista, significativa en la formación de la nacionalidad cubana. Su actuar trascendió a la obra de otros revolucionarios como Isabel Rubio y Antonio Maceo, desde su espíritu de lucha contra la dominación extranjera. Los estudiantes de Estomatología son formados en los valores de patriotismo y humanismo heredados de figuras distintivas de la profesión como este héroe, con notables aportes al proceso de liberación nacional que lo convierte en un modelo a seguir para las presentes y futuras generaciones de vueltabajeros.

ABSTRACT Introduction: at crucial moments in the Cuban nation, dentists were present who, by joining the independence struggle, stepped forward to be on the side of duty. Objective: the contribution of the independence activity of Enrique Canals Infante during the colonial era to the development of the Cuban nation and to the training of a model of professional in dentistry studies. Methods: a historical research was carried out based on the materialistic-dialectic method. Within the theoretical level, methods such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical were applied. At the empirical level, the documentary analysis of 14 bibliographic articles from different databases was carried out between December and January 2019. Conclusions: Enrique Canals Infante is an outstanding patriot of Pinar del Río dentistry specialty. The characteristics of the colonial period in Cuba and in Pinar del Río were determinant for his significant independence activity in the development of Cuban nationality. His actions transcended the work of other revolutionaries as Isabel Rubio and Antonio Maceo, from his spirit of struggle against foreign domination. Dentistry students are trained in the values of patriotism and humanism inherited from distinctive figures of the profession such as this patriot, with notable contributions to the process of national emancipation; building a model to be followed for the present and future generations of Pinar del Río citizens.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(2)abr.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508194


Los monumentos funerarios que contienen varias tumbas se denominan panteones. El objetivo es describir algunos elementos históricos del Panteón del Colegio Estomatológico de La Habana ubicado en la Necrópolis "Cristóbal Colón". Se trata de una investigación histórico-descriptiva, realizada desde junio de 2015 hasta diciembre de 2017. Se revisaron documentos referentes en la Necrópolis de Colón. La información se organizó cronológicamente para poder relatar acontecimientos referentes al panteón y se hizo una búsqueda bibliográfica en Internet y en bibliotecas para el esclarecimiento de definiciones, así como también el hallazgo de investigaciones similares. Toda la información fue tamizada en una biblioteca creada en EndNote X7 para facilitar el procesamiento del texto en Microsoft Word. El panteón fue vendido al Colegio Odontológico de La Habana el 21 de abril de 1939 como un terreno en la Necrópolis "Cristóbal Colón". Se encuentra situado en el Cuartel Sur-Oeste, Cuadro No. 6 de la Zona de Monumentos de Tercera, marcada con el No. 22361. Las inhumaciones en el mismo comenzaron el 14 de enero de 1940 y los mármoles empleados para su construcción fueron proporcionados por "Mármoles Pennino"(AU)

Funerary monuments containing several tombs are called burial vaults. The purpose of the study was to describe some historical elements of the burial vault of the Dental College of Havana in Colon Cemetery. A historical-particular-descriptive study was conducted from June to December 2017. A review was performed of documents related to the topic in Colon Cemetery. The information obtained was arranged chronologically to facilitate the description of events related to the burial vault, and a search was carried out on the Internet and libraries to clarify the definitions and find similar research studies. All the information was scanned in a library created on EndNote X7 to facilitate the processing of the text in Microsoft Word. The burial vault was sold to the Dental College of Havana on 21 April 1939 as a parcel of land in Colon Cemetery. It is located in the South-West Quarter, Lot No. 6 of the Third Class Monuments Area, and carries the number 22361. Burials in the vault started on 14 January 1940, and the marble used for its construction was supplied by "Mármoles Pennino"(AU)

Humanos , História da Odontologia , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , História do Século XX , Práticas Mortuárias
Edumecentro ; 11(1): 42-57, ene.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984346


RESUMEN Fundamento: la especialidad Prótesis Estomatológica es una rama de la Estomatología destinada a la rehabilitación de los pacientes con ausencias dentarias, así como a la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las alteraciones del sistema estomatognático. Objetivo: elaborar un software educativo utilizando una base de datos sobre el desarrollo histórico de la formación de especialistas en Prótesis Estomatológica en Camagüey. Método: se realizó un estudio de innovación tecnológica para la creación de un software con la herramienta de autoría orientada a la creación de multimedias Mediator v9.0 en la Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos para la interpretación y procesamiento de la información; empíricos: análisis documental de archivos personales de autores y colaboradores y del Departamento de Cuadros y Secretaría General de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey y se valoró el producto por especialistas y usuarios a través de una encuesta en su modalidad de cuestionario. Resultados: se elaboró un software educativo sobre el desarrollo histórico de la docencia y formación de especialistas en Prótesis Estomatológica en Camagüey que permitió complementar la carencia de la literatura existente sobre el tema. Conclusiones: el producto fue valorado por los especialistas y usuarios como necesario y útil, de gran aplicabilidad, con calidad en los contenidos tratados.

ABSTRACT Background: the Dentistry Prosthesis specialty is a branch of Dentistry aimed at the rehabilitation of patients with dental absences, as well as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of alterations of the stomatognathic system. Objective: to develop the educational software using a database on the historical development of the training of the Dental Prosthesis specialists in Camagüey. Method: a technological innovation study was carried out for the creation of software with the authoring tool oriented to the creation of Mediator v9.0 multimedia in the Faculty of Dentistry of Camagüey Medical Sciences University. Theoretical methods were used for the interpretation and processing of information; empirical ones: documentary analysis of personal files of authors and collaborators and of the management Department and General Secretariat of Camagüey University of Medical Sciences and the product was evaluated by specialists and users through a questionnaire survey. Results: the educational software was developed on the historical development of the teaching and training of specialists in dental Prosthesis in Camagüey that allowed complementing the lack of existing literature on the subject. Conclusions: the product was valued by specialists and users as necessary and useful, of great applicability, with quality in the content treated.

Educação Médica , Projetos de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação , História da Odontologia
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 4(3): [67-88], set.-dez.2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-912587


Em seus primórdios, a Odontologia Legal se destacou, principalmente, por viabilizar a investigação da identidade no âmbito forense. Gradativamente, novas técnicas foram incorporadas e aceitas dentre o rol de atividades desempenhadas nesta seara. Extrapolando as barreiras do empirismo, esta "arte dentária" percorreu caminhos desafiadores até ser aceita e reconhecida como ciência. Ao passo em que Odontologia Legal era consolidada enquanto técnica e ciência, a justiça era munida de ferramentas periciais para a elucidação de casos com significante impacto social. Contudo, apesar de aceita perante a justiça e sociedade, esta ciência pouco se desenvolveria fora dos limites acadêmicos. Restando-se necessária sua inserção neste contexto, a Odontologia Legal passou a ser considerada como importante componente da educação superior no Brasil. Foi na década de 30 que esta ciência integrou legalmente a formação dos Cirurgiões-dentistas, e dela fez parte até os dias atuais. A partir desta data, esta ciência se disseminou de maneira mais abrangente uma vez que figurou entre as disciplinarias obrigatórias requeridas em território nacional. Consideravelmente distinta das demais áreas da Odontologia, a Odontologia Legal veio a ser reconhecida como especialidade aproximadamente 40 depois do seu surgimento nos cursos de graduação. Neste ínterim, somam-se 677 Cirurgiões-dentistas registrados nesta especialidade. Sua origem e inserção como disciplina e especialidade possibilitaram um desenvolvimento exponencial por meio do ensino, pesquisa e extensão, assim como da educação continuada respectivamente. Compilando informações literárias científicas e não científicas, o presente trabalho resgata importante peça histórica da Odontologia Legal e contribui para o enriquecimento da literatura odontológica nacional.

In the early times, Forensic Dentistry was known for having potential application in human identification cases. Gradually, new techniques were included and accepted among those performed by the Forensic Dentist. Along the challenging paths to extrapolate the barriers of empiricism, the "dental art" evolved into science. While in one hand Forensic Dentistry consolidated as technique and science, on the other hand justice improved with tools to elucidate cases of significant social impact. Despite accepted by justice and society, Forensic Dentistry could not develop more out of the academic limits. Over the next years, Forensic Dentistry was discussed and considered as an important part to be included in the undergraduation courses in Brazil. In the 30's this science was legally implemented in the higher education and remained up to the present date. From that moment, Forensic Dentistry was disseminated broadly and became mandatory in dental trainings. Considerably distinct from the other fields in Dentistry, Forensic Dentistry was formally recognized as specialization nearly 40 years after implemented in the undergraduation courses. Currently, the Brazilian Federal Council of Dentistry accounts 677 professionals registered as Forensic Dentists. The origin and acceptance of Forensic Dentistry as subject in undergraduation and graduation allowed a stronger development mainly through research and teaching. The present study compiles the literature to retrieve important information from the history of Forensic Dentistry in Brazil and contributes to the improvement of the scarce scientific literature in the field.

Odontologia Legal , História da Odontologia , Legislação Odontológica
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 4(2): [87-103], mai.-ago. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-912044


Ao longo das últimas décadas, a Odontologia Legal demarcou território dentre as especialidades odontológicas respaldando a Justiça e demonstrando sua importância em meio às necessidades da lei. Assim como a Odontologia moderna de Fauchard progrediu ao ponto de se fazer independente da Medicina, a Odontologia Legal de Amoedo emergiu como arte até se tornar especialidade odontológica. Registros históricos acerca da evolução desta especialidade retratam sua transformação do empirismo à consolidação científica. Como preconizada em seus primórdios no território nacional, a Odontologia Legal oferece uma vertente alternativa à prática clínica, extrapolando os limites do consultório em direção aos tribunais. O odontolegista, Cirurgião-dentista especialista em perícias ­ envolto neste contexto, aplica seus conhecimentos para a elucidação da verdade no ambiente administrativo, judiciário e legislativo. Atualmente, a Odontologia Legal desempenha papel fundamental nos exames cadavéricos e no vivo, sendo aceita mundialmente como uma ferramenta confiável para diversas modalidades periciais, como a identificação humana, a estimativa de idade e a valoração do dano corporal pós-traumático. Pelo evidente incremento nas demandas pericias dos últimos anos, a Odontologia Legal obteve maior notoriedade, destacando-se no âmbito policial e acadêmico. Consequentemente, a busca pelos conhecimentos que residem nesta especialidade foi incentivada, promovendo um acréscimo no número de profissionais que nela atuam. Cabe aos que militam nesta ciência o rastreamento das informações que permeiam o seu passado e a perpetuação destas às demais gerações que pela Odontologia Legal se dedicam. O presente trabalho fornece subsídio literário para alicerçar a história da Odontologia Legal no Brasil, salientando sua origem enquanto técnica e ciência.

During the last decades, forensic dentistry consolidated among the other specialties in dentistry supporting the justice under the needs of Law. As the modern dentistry of Fauchard progressed becoming independent from medicine, forensic dentistry of Amoedo emerged as art to become a specialty. Historical documents on the development of this specialty register its transformation from empiric knowledge to science. As initially designed in Brazil, forensic dentistry offers an alternative to the clinical practice, extrapolating the limits of the dental office towards the Courts. The forensic dentist, specialist in expertises, applies techniques to elucidate the truth in administrative, judicial and legislative scenarios. Currently, forensic dentistry plays an essential part for exams in the deceased and the living, and is accepted worldwide as a tool for several modalities of expertise, such as human identification, age estimation and quantification of bodily injury. Due to the increase in forensic expertises over the last years, forensic dentistry became more notorious and important in the police and academic fields. Consequently, the search for education in this specialty was encouraged expanding the number of professionals working in the field. Forensic dentists must track back in time information on the foundations of forensic dentistry making it available for further generations of professionals. The present study aims to provide historical information of forensic dentistry in Brazil, highlighting its origin as technique and science.

Odontologia Legal , História da Odontologia , Legislação Odontológica
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 4(1): [78-106], jan.-abr. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-911100


Luiz Lustosa da Silva assina a autoria do primeiro livro brasileiro de Odontologia Legal (1924) como ciência autônoma, à parte da, então, Medicina Legal Aplicada à Arte Dentária. Entretanto, permanecia pouco conhecida sua biografia, 120 anos após seu nascimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um vasto levantamento histórico em acervo bibliográfico e jornalístico que trouxesse luz à sua trajetória profissional. Graduado em Odontologia, também teria cursado Engenharia e Direito. Sua carreira foi marcada por uma significativa quantidade de publicações, inclusive citadas em obras estrangeiras clássicas, como o 'Forensic Odontology' de Gustafson (1966). Teve excepcional atuação em diversas searas da especialidade, onde se destacam perícias em casos de repercussão, como a identificação por parâmetros odontológicos do 'Desconhecido de Collegno', o estudo prosopográfico do crânio do Regente Feijó, além de atuações em casos de responsabilidade profissional. De temperamento forte, foi aclamado enquanto cientista, docente, perito e inventor. Ensinou Odontologia Legal na Academia de Polícia de São Paulo por 34 anos. É documentalmente reconhecido como o criador da Odontologia Legal após marcante participação no Primeiro Congresso Panamericano de Medicina Legal, Odontologia Legal e Criminologia, em Havana (1946), onde discursou delimitando as bases científicas que tornaram a disciplina uma área independente da Medicina Legal. Faleceu em 1974, frustrado com os Conselhos Federal de Odontologia e Regional de Odontologia de São Paulo pelo não reconhecimento de seu diploma de graduação, obtido na Escola de Livre de Odontologia e Pharmacia de Pindamonhangaba (SP). O legado deixado por Luiz Lustosa às gerações posteriores foi fundamental para a consolidação da Odontologia Legal e dentre as homenagens póstumas recebidas, a mais recente foi feita pela Associação Brasileira de Ética e Odontologia Legal (ABOL), em 2016, instituindo a comemoração do Dia Nacional do Odontolegista em 4 de setembro, coincidindo com sua data de nascimento.

Luiz Lustosa da Silva signed the first Brazilian book on Forensic Dentistry (1924) as an autonomous science, apart from the so called Legal Medicine Applied to Dental Art. However, his biography was scarcely known, 120 years after his birth. The objective of this study was to carry out a vast historical survey on bibliographic and journalistic files to shed light on his professional trajectory. Graduated in Dentistry, he would have also studied Law and Engineering. His career was marked by a significant amount of publications (papers and books), which were even cited in classic foreign books, such as Gustafson's 'Forensic Odontology' (1966). He has had exceptional performance in several areas of the specialty, and excelled in notorious cases, such as the identification by dental means of the 'John Doe from Collegno', the prosopographic study of the skull of the Regent Feijó, as well as cases on professional liability. With a strong temperament, he was acclaimed as scientist, professor, expert and inventor. Silva taught Forensic Odontology at the São Paulo Police Academy for 34 years. Silva is documented as the creator of the Forensic Dentistry subject after a distinguished participation in the First Pan American Congress of Legal Medicine, Forensic Odontology and Criminology in Havana (1946), where he addressed the scientific bases that made the discipline an independent field from Forensic Medicine. Silva died in 1974, frustrated with the Federal and São Paulo Regional Councils of Dentistry for not recognizing his undergraduate degree, obtained at the Free School of Dentistry and Pharmacology of Pindamonhangaba (SP). Luiz Lustosa Silva´s legacy to the later generations was fundamental for the consolidation of Forensic Dentistry. Among the posthumous honors received by him, the most recent one was made by the Brazilian Association of Ethics and Legal Dentistry (ABOL) in 2016, establishing the commemoration of the National Day of the Forensic Dentist on September 4th, coinciding with his date of birth.

Antropologia Forense , Odontologia Legal , História da Odontologia , Biografia
Medisur ; 15(2): 180-189, mar.-abr. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841745


La Modernidad se percibió en Cuba en las grandes y medianas ciudades hacia finales de la década del 70 del siglo XIX, extendiéndose hasta 1930 aproximadamente; trajo consigo cambios económicos y sociales. Movilidad urbana, tráfico de noticias, desarrollo tecnológico, todo era sinónimo de Modernidad. Cienfuegos por estos años tenía su economía totalmente consolidada, en lo que influyó el poderoso desenvolvimiento económico del mundo moderno. La Odontología cienfueguera no se quedó al margen de lo que estaba sucediendo y cobró esplendor con la llegada de especialistas de reconocido prestigio. El trabajo ofrece un panorama histórico de esta profesión en Cienfuegos, destacando el desarrollo del arte dental en el contexto de la Modernidad. Se exponen los servicios y aportes de los profesionales de esta rama en esa etapa, con énfasis en la personalidad de Serafina C. Daumy Martínez, odontóloga cubana considerada la primera mujer graduada de Cirugía Dental en Cuba.

Modernity was perceived in Cuba in large and medium-sized cities by the end of the 1970s, extending to about 1930; it brought economic and social changes. Urban mobility, news traffic, technological development, was all synonym of Modernity. By these years Cienfuegos had a totally consolidated economy influenced by powerful economic development of the Modern World. The Cienfuegos Dentistry was not alien to this process and gained splendor with the arrival of specialists of recognized prestige. This paper offers a historical panorama of this profession in Cienfuegos, highlighting the dental art development in the context of Modernity. Services and contributions by the professionals of this branch in this period are presented. With emphasis on the personality of Serafina C. Daumy Martínez, Cuban odontologist considered to be the first woman graduated in Dental Surgery in Cuba.

Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 35(2): 207-217, 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-827269


A história da Odontologia no Brasil iniciou-se de maneira rudimentar com instrumentos primitivos e sem preocupações com higiene. Não havia nenhuma referência à ciência, apenas à prática da profissão. No século XVII, evidencia-se um aumento no número de cáries e maior demanda por serviços odontológicos estéticos. Porém, apenas em 1879 inicia-se o estudo da Odontologia, no Brasil, e outras faculdades começam a se instalar somente a partir do século XX. A comprovação da origem bacteriana da doença cárie e surgimento de mais estudos referentes às doenças bucais ocorreram somente a partir da década de 1940. A fluoretação da água de abastecimento público foi o primeiro procedimento preventivo realizado no Brasil e o primeiro estudo epidemiológico nacional foi realizado em 1986. O Ministério da Saúde declarou que no ano de 2012, a quantidade de atendimentos odontológicos oferecidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde foi de 150 milhões de consultas no país, além disso, o governo ampliou o sistema para 90% das cidades brasileiras atingindo uma população de 92 milhões de beneficiados e implementou serviços de promoção, prevenção e recuperação da saúde bucal. Apesar desse grande avanço, o controle da doença cárie em todas as faixas etárias ainda está longe de ser alcançado. Fazer com que todos os progressos obtidos até o momento cheguem a todos os cidadãos deve ser a meta deste século. (AU)

The history of dentistry in Brazil initiated in a rudimentary way with primitive tools and no hygiene preoccupations. There was no reference to science, only the practice of the profession. In the seventeenth century there is evidence about the increase of the number of dental caries and demand for aesthetics dental services. However, only in 1879 began the study of Dentistry in Brazil and new faculties were installed on the twentieth century. Evidence of bacterial decay and the emergence of more studies about oral diseases only occurred since the 1940s. Fluoride supplies of public water was the first preventive procedure performed in Brazil and the first national epidemiological study was conducted in 1986. The Ministry of Health stated that in the year 2012, the amount of dental care offered by the National Health System was 150 million consultations in the country, besides the government expanded the system to 90% of Brazilian cities reaching a population of 92 million of beneficiaries and implemented health promotion, prevention and recovery of oral health services. Despite this breakthrough, the control of caries in all age groups is still far from being achieved. Make all the progress made so far reaching all citizens should be the goal of this century. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Odontologia em Saúde Pública , Educação em Odontologia , História da Odontologia , Brasil , Cárie Dentária/história
Rev. ADM ; 72(6): 333-343, nov.-dic. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-786693


Incluso sin la historia médica de Don Porfi rio, sólo por escuchar unainteresante crónica del historiador Juan Manuel Villalpando, hoy en el centenario de su muerte, y ante la encontrada opinión de quienes sin saber mucho de historia lo juzgan como un tirano dictador y otros más enterados y ante el legado histórico y cultural lo llaman héroe liberal. Éste es un relato alineado y paralelo a lo que probablemente pasó en la boca y dientes de Don Porfirio cuando su encía desguarnecida ostentaba dolor en algunos dientes. Con las obras consultadas y las fuentesencontradas no sabemos bien qué fue lo más doloroso; tal vez el dolor de la derrota, o el dolor insoportable por una muela rota

Though a detailed medical history of Porfirio Díaz has yet to be un-covered, much can be learned from an interesting chronicle published by historian Juan Manuel Villalpando in what is the centenary of the death of this former Mexican president, one regarded as a tyrant dicta-tor by those with only a limited knowledge of history, while the more informed proclaim him to be a liberal hero, based on his historical and cultural legacy. This complementary and parallel account provides a picture of what is likely to have been going on in the mouth and teeth of the president as he endured the exposed gum and the toothache that affected several of Don Porfi rio’s teeth. Based on the works consulted and sources found, we cannot be certain which was the greater of Don Pofi rio’s woes: the pain of defeat or the unbearable agony of a broken tooth.

História do Século XIX , Doenças da Gengiva/história , Governo Federal/história , História da Odontologia , Odontalgia/história , Educação em Saúde Bucal/história , Extração Dentária/história , México , Odontologia Preventiva/história , Odontólogos/história
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 18(5): 831-840, sep.-oct. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-740085


Introducción: la Educación Superior Cubana centra su atención en formar profesionales capaces de orientar su actuación en la profesión con iniciativa, flexibilidad y autonomía, partir de la integración de conocimientos, habilidades, motivos y valores que se expresan en su desempeño. La limitante del diseño curricular de la asignatura Historia de la Estomatología y del libro de texto, que no incluye los elementos del contexto universitario local motivó la investigación que trazó como Objetivo: determinarlas limitantes existentes de los materiales de ense ñanza empleados en el proceso de aprendizaje de la asignatura Historia de la Estomatología del Plan D. Material y método: investigación pedagógica con enfoque dialéctico materialista que empleo diversos métodos, materialista-dialéctico, análisis histórico-lógico y empírico. Se revisaron documentos, se realizaron encuestas, y valoraciones de expertos. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados: los estudiantes de 2do. y 4to. año de la Carrera de Estomatología evidenciaron desconocimiento en mas del 80% de los encuestados sobre la Historia de la formación de recursos humanos en Estomatología en la Provincia de Pinar del Río, el 100% creyó importante conocer el desarrollo de dicha formación y coincidieron en la necesidad de literatura docente para adquirir estos conocimientos. Conclusiones: es insuficiente la literatura existente para el estudio de los referentes locales en la formación de recursos humanos en Estomatología y se propone elaborar un material docente para la asignatura Historia de la Estomatología, que describa La Historia de la formación de recursos Humanos en Pinar del Río desde 1959 hasta 2013.

Introduction: Cuban Higher Education centers its attention towards training professional capable of directing their performance profile with initiative, flexibility and autonomy, starting from the integration of knowledge, skills, motivation, and values expressed in their performance. The limiting component of the syllabus design for the subject History of Dentistry and the textbook, not including the elements of the university local context, motivated this research. Objective: to determine the limiting aspects existing in regard to the teaching material used in the learning process of the subject History of Dentistry in the D Syllabus Plan. Material and method: cross-sectional descriptive research using diverse methods: materialistic-dialectical, historic and logical analysis and empirical ones. Papers were reviewed, surveys were conducted, and experts were interviewed for their evaluations. The results were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. Results: the second and fourth years Dentistry students showed lack of knowledge in more than 80% of the surveyed, regarding the history of human resources training in Dentistry in Pinar del Río Province. The total 100% considered important to know the development of such training and coincided in the idea that the teaching materials and bibliography are needed to acquire these knowledge. Conclusions: the existing literature is insufficient for the study of the local referents in the training of human resources in Dentistry, and it has been proposed to elaborate a teaching material for the subject History of Dentistry, which describes the history of human resources training in Pinar del Río from1959 to 2013.