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Ann Afr Med ; 17(2): 58-63, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29536958


BACKGROUND: Most studies have focused on ill-tendons with a little insight on how intrinsic factors correlate with the Achilles tendon (AT) morphology. AIM: This study aims at establishing how blood pressure (BP), blood glucose (BG), and body mass index (BMI) correlate with the morphology of the AT with emphasis on width changes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Participants were volunteers who were recruited during and after an organized health fair by the Medical Students' body of All Saints University, School of Medicine, Commonwealth of Dominica. A total of 336 people, consisting of 135 males and 201 females volunteered for the study. The most dominant age group was between 60 and 65 years. A self-administered questionnaire was used to acquire necessary information, and a preliminary clinical procedure was used to check for BP, BG, and BMI. Ultrasound examination was done in B-mode using a linear array high-frequency probe with a mediolateral approach at the AT. RESULTS: Among the participants, 42.68%, 69.75%, and 30.38% had normal BP, BG, and BMI readings, respectively. BP, BG, and BMI statistically supported the hypothesis. Individuals with extreme BP, BG, and BMI had their AT width wider when compared with individuals with normal systemic readings. Sonographic examination revealed most participants with normal tendon morphology while some identifiable changes were observed among others. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that BP, BG, and BMI could affect the morphological integrity of the AT. It indicates that asymptomatic high blood sugar and BP could weaken the AT, leading to pain which may appear unrelated to the physician and patient.

Contexte: La plupart des études se sont concentrées sur les tendons avec un aperçu sur la façon de faire correspondre le tendon d'Achille (AT) morphologie. But: Cette étude vise à établir la pression artérielle (BP), la glycémie (BG), et l'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) en corrélation avec la morphologie de l'AT en mettant l'accent sur les changements de largeur. Matériel et Méthodes: Les participants étaient des volontaires qui ont été recrutés pendant et après une foire organisée de la santé par Corps des étudiants en médecine de l'Université All Saints de l'École de médecine du Commonwealth de la Dominique. Un total de 336 personnes, composé de 135 hommes et 201 femmes se sont portées volontaires pour l'étude. Le groupe d'âge le plus dominant était entre 60 et 65 ans. Un questionnaire auto-administré était utilisé pour acquérir les informations nécessaires, et une procédure clinique préliminaire a été utilisée pour vérifier BP, BG et BMI. Examen échographique a été effectuée en mode B en utilisant une sonde à haute fréquence à réseau linéaire avec une approche médiolatérale à l'AT. Résultats: Parmi les participants, 42,68%, 69,75% et 30,38% avaient des valeurs normales de pression artérielle, de glycémie et d'IMC, respectivement. BP, BG et BMI ont statistiquement soutenu l'hypothèse. Les personnes atteintes de TA, de BG et d'IMC extrêmes avaient une largeur AT supérieure par rapport aux personnes ayant des lectures systémiques normales. L'examen échographique a révélé la plupart des participants ayant une morphologie tendineuse normale, tandis que certains changements identifiables ont été observés chez autres. Conclusion: Cette étude suggère que BP, BG et BMI pourraient affecter l'intégrité morphologique de l'AT. Il indique que asymptomatique l'hyperglycémie et la TA pourraient affaiblir l'AT, entraînant une douleur qui peut sembler sans rapport avec le médecin et le patient. Mots-clés: tendon d'Achille, glycémie, tension artérielle, indice de masse corporelle, chaussures à talons hauts, activités sportives, échographie.

Tendão do Calcâneo/diagnóstico por imagem , Glicemia/análise , Pressão Sanguínea , Índice de Massa Corporal , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Adulto , Idoso , Dominica , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 12(6)Nov.-Dec. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: lil-504883


INTRODUÇÃO: Em nossa sociedade, temos observado uma oferta cada vez maior de modelos, cores, estilos, altura e diversos tipos de salto. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o uso de calçados de salto alto influencia nas alterações posturais com base em um conjunto de variáveis mensuradas por meio da fotogrametria computadorizada. MÉTODOS: Vinte indivíduos que utilizam salto alto com freqüência (grupo 1) e 20 indivíduos que utilizam salto alto esporadicamente (grupo 2) foram fotografados no plano frontal anterior e sagital em três momentos: a) sem utilização de calçado, b) utilizando salto agulha e c) utilizando salto plataforma, sendo estas fotografias aleatorizadas e analisadas por um experimentador cego por meio da fotogrametria. A análise estatística foi realizada a partir da análise de variância em esquema fatorial 2x3, ou seja, comparando-se a freqüência do uso de salto com o tipo de calçado, com 5 por cento de significância. RESULTADOS: Apenas o ângulo protrusão da cabeça apresentou diferença quando comparados grupo 1 e 2 (p<0,01). O efeito do tipo de calçado ocorreu na variável alinhamento do joelho direito, sendo que houve diferença apenas entre o sapato agulha e os pés descalços (p=0,03); também para a variável ângulo tibiotársico, o efeito esteve presente em todos os tipos de calçado. Os demais ângulos avaliados não apresentaram diferenças entre a freqüência no uso de salto e os outros tipos de sapato. CONCLUSÕES: A freqüência do uso de salto e o tipo de salto praticamente não modificam a postura estática avaliada pela fotogrametria.

INTRODUCTION: In our society, it is observed an increasing number of models, colors, styles, heights and types of high heels. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the use of high heel shoes results in postural changes, based on a set of variables measured through computerized photogrammetry. METHODS: Twenty individuals who often used high heels (group 1) and 20 individuals who only used high heels sporadically (group 2) were photographed in the frontal and sagittal planes at three conditions: a) without using footwear; b) using stiletto heels; and c) using high platform heels. These photographs were randomized and analyzed by a blinded examiner, by means of photogrammetry. Statistical analysis was performed, using a 2x3 factorial analysis of variance to compare the frequency of high heel use with the type of shoe, at the 5 percent significance level. RESULTS: Only the head protrusion angle showed a difference between groups 1 and 2 (p<0.01). The effect of the type of shoe observed in the alignment of the right knee, which only showed a difference between stiletto heels and barefoot (p=0.03). For the tibiotarsal angle variable, the effect was also observed for all types of footwear. The other angles evaluated did not present any differences regarding the frequency of high heel use and the types of shoe. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency and type of high heel practically did not change the static posture evaluated by photogrammetry.