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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 127-136, jul./dez. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513065


Os objetivos deste estudo são: relatar a experiência do desenvolvimento das atividades de sensibilização dos trabalhadores relacionadas à promoção da saúde no ambiente laboral e à humanização no trabalho realizadas em dois serviços de saúde de um município do estado de Minas Gerais e avaliar junto à equipe a realização dessas atividades. As atividades de alongamento, massagens, escalda-pés, dinâmica de grupo e oficina da beleza foram realizadas na atenção primária e secundária. Utilizou-se um questionário e as respostas foram apresentadas por estatística simples. Os trabalhadores avaliaram as atividades como "excelentes"; referiram melhorar o dia de trabalho; sentiram-se valorizados e mais dispostos para o trabalho, além de solicitarem a continuidade de ações de promoção da saúde e humanização no trabalho. Por mais simples que sejam, essas atividades proporcionaram momentos de reflexões e a pausa laboral, tendo em vista a saúde do trabalhador e melhor qualidade de vida no trabalho.

The objectives of this study are: to report the experience of developing awareness activities for workers related to health promotion and humanization at work, carried out in two health services in a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais; and assess with the team these activities. Stretching activities, group dynamics, massages, foot baths, beauty workshop and health promotion were carried out in primary and secondary care. A questionnaire was used and the answers were presented by simple statistics. The workers rated the activities as "excellent"; reported improving their working day; they felt valued and more willing to work, in addition to requesting the continuity of actions to promote health and humanization at work. As simple as they are, these activities provided moments of reflection and a break from work, with a view to the worker's health and better quality of life at work.

Front Oral Health ; 5: 1431726, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39092199


Introduction: Globally, oral health diseases surpass all other non-communicable diseases in prevalence; however, they are not well studied in underserved regions, where accessibility to dental services and oral health education is disparately worse. In Ecuador, further research is needed to understand such disparities better. We aimed to assess the effect of oral health disease on individuals' quality of life and how social disparities and cultural beliefs shape this. Methods: Individuals 18 or older receiving care at mobile or worksite clinics from May to October 2023 were included. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving semi-structured interviews, Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) measures, and extra-oral photographs (EOP). Results: The sample (n = 528) included mostly females (56.25%) with a mean age of 34.4 ± 9.44. Most participants (88.26%) reported brushing at least twice daily, and less than 5% reported flossing at least once per day. The median OHRQoL score was 4 (min-max), significantly higher among individuals ≥40 years old, holding high school degrees, or not brushing or flossing regularly (p < 0.05). Identified barriers to good oral health included affordability, time, and forgetfulness. Participants not receiving care with a consistent provider reported fear as an additional barrier. Participants receiving worksite dental services reported these barriers to be alleviated. Dental providers were the primary source of oral hygiene education. Most participants reported oral health concerns, most commonly pain, decay, dysphagia, and halitosis - consistent with EOP analysis. Discussion: Findings underscore a need for multi-level interventions to advance oral health equity.

Univ. salud ; 26(2): C11-C18, mayo-agosto 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551956


Introduction: Primary Health Care (PHC) has acquired different meanings for different people, at specific times and places, which poses important challenges for its understanding. Objective: To analyze the meaning(s) and sense(s) of Primary/Basic Health Care in the academic views on Nursing/Health in the context of undergraduate Nursing courses offered at two public Higher Education Institutions. Materials and methods: Qualitative study with an exploratory approach. Semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis were used as data collection techniques. Results: The senses/meanings of Primary Health Care converge with the population's gateway to the health system at the first care level and with the first contact of a person with the health service. However, it is still considered as a less important service within the care network. Conclusion: Primary Health Care means a relevant possibility for Nursing/Health care through health promotion and disease prevention actions, with a commitment to respond to most of the population's health needs.

Introducción: La Atención Primaria de Salud ha adquirido diferentes significados para diversas personas, en momentos y lugares específicos, lo cual plantea importantes retos para su entendimiento. Objetivo: Analizar los significados y sentidos de la Atención Primaria de Salud desde una visión académica en Enfermería y en el contexto de cursos de pregrado en Enfermería ofrecidos en dos Instituciones Públicas de Educación Superior. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo con un enfoque exploratorio, para la recolección de datos se emplearon entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis documental de contenidos. Resultados: Los sentidos/significados de la Atención Primaria de la Salud convergen con el ingreso de la población al sistema de salud en el primer nivel de atención y la primera experiencia de la persona con el servicio de salud. Sin embargo, dicha Atención Primaria todavía se considera un servicio de baja importancia dentro de la red asistencial. Conclusión: La Atención Primaria de Salud representa una posibilidad relevante para el cuidado de Enfermería a través de acciones de promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades, que debe fortalecerse para responder la mayoría de las necesidades de salud de la población.

Introdução: A Atenção Primária à Saúde tem adquirido diferentes significados para diferentes pessoas, em momentos e locais específicos, o que coloca desafios importantes para a sua compreensão. Objetivo: Analisar os sentidos e significados da Atenção Primária à Saúde na perspectiva acadêmica em Enfermagem e no contexto dos cursos de graduação em Enfermagem oferecidos em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas. Materiais e métodos: Estudo qualitativo com abordagem exploratória, utilizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas para coleta de dados e análise de conteúdo documental. Resultados: Os sentidos/significados da Atenção Primária à Saúde convergem com a entrada da população no sistema de saúde no primeiro nível de atenção e a primeira experiência da pessoa com o serviço de saúde. Contudo, a referida Atenção Básica ainda é considerada um serviço de baixa importância dentro da rede de saúde. Conclusão: A Atenção Primária à Saúde representa uma possibilidade relevante para o cuidado de Enfermagem por meio de ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças, que devem ser fortalecidas para responder à maioria das necessidades de saúde da população.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Prevenção Primária , Promoção da Saúde , Sistemas de Custos em Instituições de Saúde
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563436


Os grupos em saúde nascem para fomentar práticas coletivas de saúde, tendo se expandido para a atenção básica, encontrando ressonância na promoção da saúde e da qualidade de vida. Baseados nas teorias de Pichon-Rivière e de Yalom e Leszcz, esses grupos são capazes de contribuir para mudanças significativas na qualidade de vida de seus usuários participantes. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as contribuições dos grupos operativos da atenção primária à saúde a partir da visão de seus usuários e compreender a operacionalização desses grupos. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e analítica de caráter qualitativo, realizada em quatro grupos operativos em saúde da atenção básica de um município do Rio Grande do Norte, no interior do semiárido nordeste brasileiro. Os dados foram coletados por questionário socioeconômico e grupos focais entre março e agosto de 2023, sendo utilizada estatística descritiva para os questionários e análise temática de conteúdo para os grupos focais. Os questionários revelaram um predomínio de participantes do sexo feminino, com faixa etária acima dos 60 anos e situação socioeconômica de baixa renda. A análise de conteúdo demonstrou a efetividade dos grupos em produzir vetores grupais e fatores terapêuticos, além de seu potencial, como campo para a educação popular em saúde, em fomentar as redes sociais, o apoio, o acolhimento e o bem-estar biopsicossocial. Os grupos em saúde são estratégias eficazes na promoção da saúde e na qualidade de vida. Entretanto, ressalta-se a necessidade de pesquisas que avaliem a eficácia global dos grupos nos processos de morbimortalidade.

Health care groups were created to promote collective health practices and were expanded into Primary Care, helping to promote health and quality of life. Based on the theories of Pichon-Rivière and Yalom and Lezscz, these groups can contribute to significant changes in the quality of life of their participating users. Thus, this article analyzes the contributions of Primary Health Care operating groups from users' perspective and understands their operationalization. A descriptive analytical qualitative research was conducted with four health operating groups in Primary Care from a municipality in Rio Grande do Norte, in the semi-arid northeastern Brazil. Data were collected by means of a socioeconomic questionnaire and focus groups between March and August 2023, and investigated using descriptive statistics (questionnaires) and thematic content analysis (focus groups). The questionnaires revealed a predominance of female participants over 60 years old and with low-income socioeconomic status. Content analysis showed the groups' effectiveness in producing group vectors and therapeutic factors, as well as their potential as a field for popular health education in fostering social networks, support, user embracement, and biopsychosocial well-being. Health groups are effective strategies for promoting health and quality of life, future research should evaluate their global effectiveness in morbidity and mortality.

Los grupos de salud se crearon para promover prácticas de salud colectiva y se expandieron a la atención primaria, repercutiendo en la promoción de la salud y la calidad de vida. Basados en las teorías de Pichon-Rivière y Yalom y Lezscz, los grupos son capaces de contribuir a cambios significativos en la calidad de vida de sus usuarios participantes. Este artículo tuvo por objetivo analizar las contribuciones de los grupos operativos de atención primaria de la salud desde la perspectiva de sus usuarios, así como comprender la operacionalización de estos grupos. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y analítica, realizada en cuatro grupos operativos de salud en atención primaria de un municipio de Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil), en el interior de la región semiárida del Nordeste de Brasil. Los datos se recogieron de un cuestionario socioeconómico y de grupos focales en el período entre marzo y agosto de 2023, utilizando estadística descriptiva para los cuestionarios y análisis de contenido temático para los grupos focales. Los cuestionarios revelaron un predominio de los participantes del sexo femenino, mayores de 60 años y con nivel socioeconómico de bajos ingresos. El análisis de contenido demostró la eficacia de los grupos en la producción de vectores grupales y factores terapéuticos, además de su potencial como campo de educación popular en salud para fomentar redes sociales, apoyo, acogida y bienestar biopsicosocial. Los grupos de salud son estrategias efectivas para promover la salud y la calidad de vida. Sin embargo, se destaca la necesidad de investigaciones que evalúen la efectividad global de los grupos en los procesos de morbimortalidad.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 225-237, 20240726.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566001


O Brasil vive uma transição demográfica que favorece o aparecimento e desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). Em um cenário em que as DCNT estão entre as principais causas de mortes, reforçar a importância de uma alimentação saudável é imprescindível, e medidas preventivas tomam lugar de destaque. Pensando nisso, foram realizadas 11 intervenções de educação alimentar e nutricional em um grupo de atividade física intergeracional, com o objetivo de promover autonomia alimentar. O estudo contou com 25 participantes, na faixa etária de 37 a 83 anos, sendo a maior incidência de 61 a 69 anos (n=12) e predominância de pessoas do gênero feminino (92%). Os parâmetros para avaliar o grupo foram os feedbacks das(os) participantes e o grau de adesão, no qual houve aumento significativo ao longo do período interventivo. Destaca-se a importância de ampliar a abordagem dos hábitos alimentares saudáveis em diversos ambientes, sendo os grupos de atividades físicas um campo fértil, que requer a adaptação da linguagem e formato das atividades, considerando o nível de escolaridade das(os) participantes. Assim, a educação alimentar e nutricional pode ser usada como ferramenta efetiva para a promoção da saúde, a prevenção e o tratamento de DCNT.

Brazil is undergoing a demographic transition that favors the onset and development of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). In a scenario where NCDs feature among the main causes of death, reinforcing the importance of healthy eating is essential and preventive measures should take place. Consequently, eleven Food and Nutritional Education interventions were conducted with an intergenerational physical activity group to promote food autonomy. A total of 25 individuals aged 37 to 83 years participated in the study, with the highest prevalence of 61 to 69 years (n=12) and women (92%). Evaluation parameters were participant feedback and the degree of adherence, which increased significantly over the interventional period. Results highlight the importance of broadening the approach to healthy eating habits in various environments, with physical activity groups being a fertile setting which requires adapting language and the format of activities according to participants' schooling level. Nutritional Food Education can be used as an effective tool for health promotion, prevention and treatment of NCDs.

Brasil vive una transición demográfica que favorece la aparición y desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT). En un escenario en que entre las principales causas de muerte están las ECNT, se hace imprescindible reforzar la importancia de una alimentación saludable; para ello se destacan las medidas preventivas. Así, se realizaron 11 intervenciones de educación alimentaria y nutricional en un grupo de actividad física intergeneracional, con el objetivo de promover la autonomía alimentaria. Este estudio contó con una muestra de 25 participantes, en la franja etaria de 37 a 83 años, siendo la mayor prevalencia de los de entre 61 y 69 años (n=12), y predominancia de personas del género femenino (92%). Los parámetros que evalúan al grupo fueron las respuestas de las(los) participantes y el grado de adhesión, en el cual hubo un aumento significativo a lo largo de la intervención. Se destaca la importancia de ampliar el foco en los hábitos alimentarios saludables en diversos ambientes, y los grupos de actividades físicas son un campo fértil que requiere la adaptación del lenguaje y el formato de las actividades, considerando el nivel de escolaridad de las(los) participantes. Así, la educación alimentaria nutricional puede ser utilizada como herramienta efectiva para la promoción de la salud, la prevención y el tratamiento de las ECNT.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(13)2024 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38998863


AIM: The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) scale in Colombian university students. METHODS: This was a methodological study to verify reliability and construct validity. A total of 763 undergraduate university students in Cali, Colombia, agreed to participate in the study by filling out a form that included information on sociodemographic characteristics and the HPLP-II scale Spanish version. Data were collected between February and June 2021. To determine construct validity, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and internal consistency was determined through Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: The confirmatory factor analysis of the proposed theoretical model showed that the goodness-of-fit indices of the scale demonstrated an acceptable level of validity nearing an excellent level of fit (χ2 = 7168.98; gl = 1268; p < 0.001; root mean square error of approximation = 0.08; normed fit index, adjusted goodness-of-fit index = 0.95). Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.94, and the subscales ranged from 0.68 to 0.89. CONCLUSIONS: The HPLP-II Spanish version is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the health-promoting lifestyle profile of university students.

Nutrition ; 126: 112493, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39018986


OBJECTIVES: Mexico exhibits one of the highest prevalence rates of overweight and obesity globally, accompanied by a surge in non-communicable diseases, which in turn leads to elevated mortality rates. Existing efforts to address rising obesity rates have shown limited effectiveness. Maternal weight, diet, and physical activity (PA) during pregnancy affect the mother's and offspring's health. Despite the importance of establishing and engaging in healthy behaviors during pregnancy, little is known about which factors impact these behaviors among pregnant women in Mexico. This study explored perspectives on factors impacting healthy dietary behaviors and PA in pregnancy from pregnant women and health care professionals in Mexico. METHODS: We conducted semistructured interviews with 11 pregnant women and 12 health care professionals working in prenatal care. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis in a stepwise inductive approach. RESULTS: Classifying factors at the 1) individual level, 2) relational level, and 3) health care system level, three overall themes emerged. At the individual level, challenges with lack of time and competing priorities as well as knowledge of healthy dietary behaviors and PA were identified. At the relational level, influencing factors encompassed financial, social, and emotional support along with descriptive norms. At the health care system level, guidelines for PA during pregnancy and the quality of care were noted. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified factors impacting healthy dietary behaviors and PA in pregnancy in Mexico. Important considerations for future interventions include addressing sociocultural norms around healthy dietary behaviors and PA in pregnancy and involving pregnant women's families, closest social networks, and health care professionals working at the prenatal care unit.

Dieta Saudável , Exercício Físico , Pessoal de Saúde , Gestantes , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Feminino , México , Gravidez , Adulto , Exercício Físico/psicologia , Dieta Saudável/psicologia , Dieta Saudável/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Pessoal de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Gestantes/psicologia , Cuidado Pré-Natal/estatística & dados numéricos , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Adulto Jovem , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Medo/psicologia
Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1356040, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040898


Introduction: Brazilian Primary Health Care (PHC) is responsible for all-sanitary actions for a community-based population, including health promotion and mental health care. Mindfulness Based Health Promotion (MBHP) is an intervention that can promote self-care and psychosocial support in PHC. Objective: To discuss the effects of mindfulness based psychosocial group interventions for health promotion in primary care units in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods: The intervention was based on the MBHP model adapted for SUS. Nine groups were held in Rio de Janeiro. A quali-quanti research was held with two parts: (a) quantitative study, pre and after the 8 weeks intervention, evaluating the effect on mindfulness and self-compassion and their association with levels of anxiety, depression, and quality of life. (b) Qualitative research using Focus Groups with the participants to investigate their experience at the end of the mindfulness groups. Results and discussion: Sixty-two participants finished the 9 groups where 86% were women, mostly between 30 and 59 years of age and low income, and around 80% under regular medical care in PHC in SUS. In the studied sample 80% had at least one chronic health condition under treatment, including 42% with anxiety and 35% with depression. The effects included significant improvement in Anxiety and Depression and in Quality of Life, mainly in the psychological but also in the physical and interrelation domains. The qualitative study showed that most patients joined the group on the recommendation of health professionals for managing physical and mental health symptoms. Patients reported being able to use the practices taught in the sessions to manage symptoms such as insomnia and emotionally distressing situations in their daily lives. Including family members in mindfulness practices was a strategy to negotiate not only a space at home to meditate, but also to obtain a different approach to health problems. Participants pointed to mindfulness as a complementary therapeutic option to medication and psychotherapy. Conclusion: Mindfulness-Based Intervention have shown to be a feasible, well-accepted and efficacious method of offering psychosocial support and promoting well-being for low-income patients in primary care in LAMIC.

Invest Educ Enferm ; 42(1)2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39083815


Objective: To assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention on perceived stress and metabolic syndrome parameters among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Method: Fifty-one adults (aged 48.73±7.84; 86.3% of women) were included in a non-randomized clinical trial performed in a healthcare unit for six months (Brazilian Clinical Trial Registry: RBR-43K52N). All participants were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (intervention group, n=26; control group, n=25). The intervention consisted of a nurse-led educational health-promoting program with a multidisciplinary approach organized in seven workshops. The primary outcome was decreased perceived stress, and the secondary outcome was improvement in metabolic syndrome parameters according to perceived stress levels. These outcomes were assessed at two points in time, at the baseline and follow-up. Results: Participation in the intervention program resulted in a significant decrease in perceived stress (p=0.028). The stressed participants in the intervention group experienced a significant decrease in blood glucose levels (p=0.001) and a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (p=0.003) concentrations after the six-month intervention. Conclusion: The nurse-led educational health-promoting program decreased perceived stress among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, improving fasting blood glucose and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among the stressed participants in the intervention group.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Síndrome Metabólica , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto , Estresse Psicológico , Humanos , Síndrome Metabólica/terapia , Síndrome Metabólica/psicologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/psicologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto/métodos , Glicemia/análise , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , HDL-Colesterol/sangue
Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(1): 1-9, 17/06/2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560876


Introdução: A longevidade é uma conquista na sociedade e dessa forma, é indispensável o apoio dos profissionais da saúde, a fim de ressignificar o envelhecimento. A promoção da saúde do idoso pode ser realizada por meio de ações em grupos. Objetivo: Compreender as ações promotoras da saúde, que são praticadas pelas pessoas idosas, participantes de atividades remotas em grupo. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, exploratório de caráter qualitativo. Foram convidados idosos participantes de um projeto de extensão universitária. Os critérios de inclusão foram idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, independente do gênero, e grau de escolaridade. O grupo remoto ocorreu semanalmente, durante 13 encontros, com uma hora de duração. Os dados foram coletados através de uma entrevista semiestruturada contendo questões sobre a compreensão referente às ações promotoras da saúde que realizavam em seu cotidiano. As respostas foram categorizadas através da Análise de Conteúdo, modalidade temática. Resultados: Participaram 11 pessoas idosas, com idade entre 60 e 81 anos, predominantemente mulheres e viúvas. Três categorias emergiram das análises sendo elas: 1. Autocuidado: ações promotoras da saúde, 2. Dificuldades vivenciadas para promover a saúde; 3. Percepção sobre a qualidade de vida e satisfação quanto à saúde. Conclusão: A compreensão do grupo abarcou a promoção da saúde em seus aspectos físico, mental e o social, distanciando-se do pensamento focado na ausência de doença. Cada pessoa idosa maneja, a seu modo, as formas de se manter saudável. (AU)

Introduction: Longevity is an achievement in society and, therefore, the support of health professionals is essential to give new meaning to aging. Promoting the health of the elderly can be carried out through group actions. Objective: To understand health-promoting actions, which are practiced by elderly people, participants in a group of remote activities. Methodology: Descriptive, exploratory study of qualitative nature. Elderly people participating in a university extension project were invited. The inclusion criteria were age equal to or over 60 years old, regardless of gender, and level of education. The remote group took place weekly, for 13 meetings, lasting one hour. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview containing questions about understanding regarding the health-promoting actions they carried out in their daily lives. The responses were categorized using Content Analysis, thematic modality. Results: 11 elderly people participated, aged between 60 and 81 years, predominantly women and widows. Three categories emerged from the analyses: 1. Self-care: health-promoting actions, 2. Difficulties experienced to promote health; 3. Perception of quality of life and health satisfaction. Conclusion: The group's understanding encompassed the promotion of health in its physical, mental and social aspects, moving away from thinking focused on the absence of disease. Elderly people manage, in their own way, ways to stay healthy. (AU)

Introducción: La longevidad es un logro en la sociedad y, por ello, el apoyo de los profesionales de la salud es fundamental para darle un nuevo significado al envejecimiento. La promoción de la salud de las personas mayores se puede realizar a través de acciones grupales. Objetivo: Comprender acciones de promoción de la salud, practicadas por las personas mayores, participantes de un grupo de actividades a distancia. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, de carácter cualitativo. Se invitó a personas mayores que participan en un proyecto de extensión universitaria. Los criterios de inclusión fueron edad igual o mayor a 60 años, independientemente del sexo y nivel de estudios. El grupo remoto se desarrolló semanalmente, durante 13 reuniones, con una duración de una hora. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una entrevista semiestructurada que contenía preguntas sobre la comprensión de las acciones de promoción de la salud que realizaban en su vida diaria. Las respuestas fueron categorizadas mediante Análisis de Contenido, modalidad temática. Resultados: Participaron 11 personas mayores, con edades entre 60 y 81 años, predominantemente mujeres y viudas. De los análisis surgieron tres categorías: 1. Autocuidado: acciones promotoras de la salud, 2. Dificultades vividas en la promoción de la salud; 3. Percepción de calidad de vida y satisfacción con la salud. Conclusión: La comprensión del grupo abarcó la promoción de la salud en sus aspectos físicos, mentales y sociales, alejándose del pensamiento centrado en la ausencia de enfermedad. Cada persona mayor logra, a su manera, maneras de mantenerse saludable. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Envelhecimento , Compreensão , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Satisfação Pessoal , Qualidade de Vida , Autocuidado , Saúde do Idoso , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Fonoaudiologia
Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8732, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560530


RESUMO As hortas comunitárias inspiradas em modelos agroecológicos já são tendências nas cidades que buscam estimular ambientes positivos. Entre as possíveis estratégias, permitem integrar políticas que visam à erradicação da fome, a garantia de qualidade alimentar e o aumento da economia familiar. O presente estudo objetiva analisar os significados simbólicos e afetivos dos usuários diante de suas atividades nas hortas comunitárias urbanas. Foram 40 entrevistados com idade média entre 45 e 80 anos, por meio do Instrumento Gerador de Mapas Afetivos. A pesquisa foi realizada in loco e os participantes foram convidados a desenhar a horta e responder à entrevista. As imagens produzidas foram analisadas a partir de suas estruturas, sentimentos e sentidos. Constatou-se que as vivências nesses ambientes foram mediadas por sentimentos de agradabilidade, pertencimento e restauração. Entre os sentidos atribuídos, destacaram-se a conexão com a natureza e a interação social. Conclui-se que tais dimensões presentes nas hortas estudadas podem contribuir para a promoção da saúde, da sustentabilidade e a preservação ambiental.

ABSTRACT Community gardens inspired by agroecological models are trends in cities that seek to stimulate positive environments. Among the possible strategies, they allow us to integrate policies that aim to eradicate eradicate hunger, guarantee food quality and increase the family economy. This study aims to analyze the symbolic and emotional meanings of users during their activities in urban community gardens. There were 40 interviewees with average age between 45 and 80 years old, through the Affective Map Generator Instrument. The research was carried out on site and the participants were invited to develop the information and respond to the interview. The images produced are analyzed from their structures, feelings and senses. It is confirmed that experiences in these environments are mediated by feelings of pleasantness, belonging and restoration. Among the senses attributed, the connection with nature and social interaction stand out. It is concluded that these dimensions present in the studied gardens can contribute to the promotion of health, sustainability and environmental preservation.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564260


Obesity is a global Non-Communicable Chronic Disease (NCD) associated with various comorbidities and a high mortality rate. This scenario has increasingly affected the female population, leading to a rise in prevalence and related health issues. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the health-related quality of life of women with overweight or obesity and symptoms of COVID-19 using a multi-professional intervention model. This research was conducted as a parallel group and repeated measures pragmatic trial, in which 28 participants aged between 25 and 65 were allocated into two groups: experimental (intervention group) and control (non-intervention participants). The Body Mass Index (BMI) was (30.5 ± 5.45 kg/m²) in the Experimental Group, and the Control Group was (31 ± 8.2 kg/m2). The 12-Item Health Survey (SF-12) questionnaire was applied to assess the quality of life in the physical and mental domains of COVID-19 survivors with different symptom severities (mild, moderate, severe) compared to the control group. At the end of the program, 28 participants finished the study (15 from the experimental group and 13 from the control group). The results indicated a significant improvement in the mental health domain only in the experimental group after the intervention period (p 0.05). Considering these findings, multi-professional actions emerge as a crucial component for enhancing the quality of life, particularly within mental health, during the 16-week intervention period.

La obesidad es una Enfermedad Crónica No Transmisible (ECNT) global asociada a diversas comorbilidades y una alta tasa de mortalidad. Este escenario ha afectado cada vez más a la población femenina, lo que ha llevado a un aumento en la prevalencia y problemas de salud relacionados. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de mujeres con sobrepeso u obesidad y síntomas de COVID-19 mediante un modelo de intervención multiprofesional. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo como un ensayo pragmático de grupos paralelos y medidas repetidas, en el que 48 participantes con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 65 años fueron alocadas en dos grupos: experimental (participantes de la intervención) y control (participantes de la no intervención). En el grupo experimental el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) fue de (30,5 ± 5,45 kg/m²). En el grupo control, el IMC fue (31 ± 8,2 kg/m²). Se utilizó el cuestionario de 12-Item Health Survey (SF-12) para evaluar la calidad de vida en los dominios físico y mental de las sobrevivientes de COVID-19 con diferentes grados de gravedad de síntomas (leves, moderados, graves) en comparación con el grupo de control (participantes que no recibieron intervenciones). Al final del programa, 28 participantes terminado el estudio (15 participantes de la intervención y 13 sin intervención). Los resultados indicaron una mejora significativa en el dominio de la salud mental solo en el grupo experimental después del período de intervención (p 0.05). A la luz de estos hallazgos, la rehabilitación multiprofesional emerge como un componente crucial para mejorar la calidad de vida, especialmente en el ámbito de la salud mental durante el período de intervención de 16 semanas.

A obesidade é uma Doença Crônica Não-Transmissível (DCNT) com alcance mundial, associada a diversas comorbidades e alta taxa de mortalidade. Esse quadro tem afetado cada vez mais o público feminino, com aumento da prevalência e doenças correlatas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de mulheres com sobrepeso ou obesidade com sintomas da COVID-19 utilizando um modelo de intervenção multiprofissional. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida como um ensaio pragmático de grupos paralelos e medidas repetidas, no qual 28 participantes de idade entre 25 a 65 anos foram distribuídas em dois grupos: experimental (participantes das intervenções) e controle (não participantes das intervenções). No grupo experimental o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) foi de (30,5 ± 5,45 kg/m²) e no grupo controle, IMC foi de (31 ± 8,2 kg/m²). Utilizou-se o questionário 12-Item Health Survey (SF-12) para analisar a qualidade de vida nos domínios físico e mental das sobreviventes da COVID-19 nas diferentes sintomatologias (COVID leve, moderada e grave) em comparação com o grupo controle (não participantes das intervenções). Ao final do programa, 28 participantes finalizaram o estudo (15 do grupo experimental e 13 do grupo controle). Os resultados indicaram uma melhoria significativa no domínio de saúde mental apenas no grupo experimental após o período de intervenção (p 0,05). Diante dos resultados a reabilitação multiprofissional emerge como componente importante para a melhoria da qualidade de vida, especialmente no âmbito da saúde mental durante as 16 semanas de intervenção.

Rev. Enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min. ; 14: 4872, jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1566301


ResumenObjetivos: comprender el cotidiano de familiar de niños y niñas de enseñanza prebásica y básica en una escuela del sector Barranco Amarillo, región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena; conocer la experiencia de cuidados relacionados con la prevención de la obesidad infantil y la promoción de la salud de sus familias. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo-exploratorio, basado en la sociología comprensiva y del cotidiano de Michel Maffesoli, con la participación de doce familias. Resultados: las familias tienen conocimientos sobre una buena salud, tratando de comer de forma sana, pero les resulta difícil aplicarlos porque no encuentran una rutina apropiada, por el mayor costo de los alimentos saludables, el sedentarismo y la preferencia por comidas rápidas, entre otros. Conclusión: es preciso instaurar estrategias de intervención en la prevención de la obesidad infantil, teniendo como foco la promoción de la salud para una vida digna y saludable.

AbstractObjectives: to understand the daily life of families of boys and girls in pre-school and basic education in a school in the Barranco Amarillo sector, Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region; to know the experience of care related to the prevention of childhood obesity and the promotion of the health of their families. Method: qualitative, descriptive-exploratory study, based on the Comprehensive and Daily Sociology of Michel Maffesoli, with the participation of twelve families. Results: families have knowledge about good health, trying to eat healthy, but it is difficult for them to apply them because they do not find an appropriate routine, due to the higher cost of healthy foods, sedentary lifestyle, and the preference for fast foods, among others. Conclusion: it is necessary to establish intervention strategies in the prevention of childhood obesity, focusing on health promotion, for a dignified and healthy life

ResumoObjetivos: compreender o cotidiano das famílias de meninos e meninas na educação pré-escolar e básica em uma escola do setor Barranco Amarillo, Magalhães e Região Antártica Chilena; conhecer a experiência de cuidados relacionados à prevenção da obesidade infantil e à promoção da saúde de seus familiares. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo-exploratório, baseado na Sociologia Compreensiva e Cotidiana de Michel Maffesoli, com a participação de 12 famílias. Resultados: as famílias têm conhecimento sobre a boa saúde, procurando se alimentar de forma saudável, mas têm dificuldade em aplicá-los por não encontrarem uma rotina adequada devido ao maior custo dos alimentos saudáveis, sedentarismo e preferência por fast foods, entre outros. Conclusão:é necessário estabelecer estratégias de intervenção na prevenção da obesidade infantil, com foco na promoção da saúde para uma vida digna e saudável.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Prevenção Primária , Atividades Cotidianas , Família , Prevenção de Doenças , Obesidade Infantil , Promoção da Saúde
ABCS health sci ; 49: [1-9], 11 jun. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572587


Serious games emerge as teaching tools with a purpose beyond entertainment, aiming to improve some aspect of the teaching-learning process. Given the high prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases in the Brazilian population, this study aimed to evaluate, through a systematic literature review, the potential of serious games as a tool for Food and Nutrition Education. To this end, we searched the PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, and SciELO databases for articles published in the last five years in english and portuguese. A total of 63 studies were identified, of which only 10 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria established for this review. Most studies reported positive outcomes with the use of serious games as an educational tool, finding positive effects on the retention of knowledge learned about food and nutrition, and their use showed promise as an alternative to traditional teaching methodologies. Despite this, the studies had limitations regarding the duration of the interventions and the representativeness of their sample sizes, indicating the need for future studies with methodological designs that fill such gaps. This review shows that gamified approaches to nutrition education seem promising in the context of the teaching-learning process but still lack methodological standardization for interventions based on serious games to be validated as a tool for Food and Nutrition Education.

Glob Health Action ; 17(1): 2358602, 2024 12 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38860498


BACKGROUND: Community engagement is recognized as a vital component of health-related research and programs, particularly during infectious disease outbreaks and epidemics. Despite the importance of engaging communities in the response to COVID-19, relatively little research has examined how this was (or was not) achieved, and even less in low- and middle-income countries. This article describes the community engagement that accompanied efforts to strengthen COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment as part of the ECO Project in Cochabamba, Bolivia and highlights lessons for future pandemic response. METHODS: Community engagement involved formative assessment, co-creation to develop a health information campaign, ongoing community listening and evaluation. Qualitative data were collected during workshops, project meetings and focus groups. Questionnaire-based surveys were conducted to assess COVID-19-related attitudes, knowledge and practices. RESULTS: The collected data highlighted the value of working closely with well-established community health committees and involving community members with social media skills in the design of COVID-19-related messages to address on- and offline misinformation. Co-creation sessions enabled the adjustment of the information campaign in terms of content and approach based on the needs and preferences of community members and health staff. The continuous listening with community and health personnel facilitated the ongoing adaptation of project activities. CONCLUSION: Through a stepped and multi-pronged approach, incorporating co-creation and community listening, the engagement could respond to emerging local challenges during the pandemic. The project created spaces for dialogue and opportunities for collaboration that strengthened links between the community and the health services.

Main findings Key elements of community engagement to improve COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment in Cochabamba, Bolivia, included working closely with well-established community health committees, involving community members with social media skills in the co-design of COVID-19-related messages, and continuous listening with community and health personnel facilitated the ongoing adaptation of project activities.Added knowledge With little research on community engagement for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment in Latin America, this study reports the results of mixed methods research on the impact of a comprehensive approach to engagement that highlights lessons for future health emergencies.Global health impact for policy and action Lessons for engagement in health emergencies include the need for a multi-pronged approach, incorporating co-creation and community listening, to respond to emerging local challenges.

COVID-19 , Participação da Comunidade , Humanos , Bolívia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/diagnóstico , COVID-19/terapia , Participação da Comunidade/métodos , SARS-CoV-2 , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Masculino
J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 15(4): 100932, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38925044


Integral health encompasses the way individuals live, considering their quality of life. An inadequate lifestyle can harm human health, increasing the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases, which represent 71% of the causes of death worldwide and 54.7% in Brazil. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to impacts on quality of life, resulting from lifestyle changes, especially among health professionals. This constitutes an important factor in the health-disease relationship and the core of the healthcare approach embraced by Ayurveda. The present study evaluated the role of daily Ayurvedic practices in improving the quality of life of health professionals working in the Family Health Strategy of SUS in Paty do Alferes/RJ, Brazil. Ayurveda practices based on Trayopastamba were introduced to 30 health professionals through lectures and guided activities from July to October 2021, spanning three months. Quality of life was assessed using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire before and after the intervention. An improvement in perceived quality of life was observed in the physical, psychological, and environmental domains (p > 0.05), while the social domain did not show statistically significant results. The physical domain demonstrated the most substantial score increase (10.95). Conversely, the social domain displayed the smallest rise in scores (5.83). In conclusion, the daily Ayurvedic practices demonstrated the potential to enhance the quality of life in this group, contributing to health promotion in a practical and economically accessible manner.

Glob Public Health ; 19(1): 2360982, 2024 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38937916


Transgender women (TGW) and men who have sex with other men (MSM) often encounter disparities in accessing HIV testing, leading to delayed diagnoses and worse prognoses. We analysed barriers and facilitators for accessing HIV rapid testing by TGW and MSM in Brazil, 2004-2023. Citations were included whether the study population consisted of individuals aged ≥18y old, and studies addressed HIV testing and have been conducted in Brazil. The study protocol was based on Joanna Briggs' recommendations for scoping reviews. We included 11 studies on TGW and 17 on MSM. The belief that one is not at risk of contracting HIV infection, fear expressed in different ways (e.g. lack of confidentiality) and younger age were the main barriers. Feeling at risk for HIV infection, curiosity, and favourable characteristics of the setting where the testing takes place were cited as the main facilitators. Barriers and facilitators specifically for HIV self-testing included, respectively, concerns about conducting the test alone vs. autonomy/flexibility. Brazil is unlikely to achieve the UN' 95-95-95 goal without minimising testing disparities. Combating prejudice against TGW and MSM in testing settings, along with educational campaigns and transparent protocols to ensure confidentiality, can help increase HIV testing among these populations.

Infecções por HIV , Homossexualidade Masculina , Pessoas Transgênero , Humanos , Masculino , Brasil , Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico , Feminino , Teste de HIV , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Adulto
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1571506


Objetivo: Identificar estratégias utilizadas para a gestão de imunobiológicos e as limitações para a adesão às vacinas pelos trabalhadores da área da saúde. Métodos: Revisão integrativa que selecionou publicações em cinco bases de dados, utilizando a estratégia PICo, no período de 2016 a 2020. Utilizou-se os softwares Endnote X5 e Rayyan para identificação de documentos duplicados e cegamento dos avaliadores. Resultados: Totalizaram 15 artigos, dos quais um foi classificado com grau de recomendação alto e 10 artigos com nível de evidência 4, em relação ao delineamento, foram encontrados sete estudos transversais. Constatou-se que 14 (93,3%) abordaram o imunobiológico contra o vírus Influenza. Os estudos foram agrupados em duas categorias para melhor organização das estratégias de gestão e das limitações na adesão às vacinas pelos trabalhadores da saúde. Conclusão: Observou-se como um fator concordante nos diversos estudos para superar as barreiras da hesitação vacinal é importante intensificar as campanhas de comunicação e divulgação, focadas em ações de educação em saúde. Tais estratégias podem ser difundidas e replicadas em diferentes contextos dos serviços de saúde ocupacional. Este estudo contribui para avançar e fortalecer a utilização de estratégias para o gerenciamento de vacinação na saúde do trabalhador. (AU)

Objective: The aim of the study was to identify vaccine management strategies and barriers of adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers. Methods: An Integrative Review was conducted using five databases. The selection of the studies that had been published from the years 2016 to 2020 was based on the PICo strategy. To allow blinded evaluation and exclude duplicate references, the softwares Endnote and Rayyan were used. Results: 15 articles were selected. One was classified as having a high degree of recommendation and 10 other studies received level of evidence 4. Regarding design, seven studies were cross-sectional. 14 of the total (93.3%) addressed Influenza vaccines. The studies were split in two categories: management strategies and barriers of adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers. Conclusion: Several studies agreed that, in order to overcome barriers of adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers, it is important to intensify strategies and campaigns focused on communicating and disseminating health education. Those strategies can be disseminated and replicated in different contexts of occupational health services. This study contributes to advancing and strengthening the use of occupational vaccination management strategies. (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias utilizadas para la gestión de inmunobiológicos y las limitaciones para la adherencia a las vacunas por trabajadores de la salud. Métodos: Revisión integradora que seleccionó publicaciones en cinco bases de datos, utilizando la estrategia PICo, en el período de 2016 a 2020. Se utilizó el software Endnote X5 y Rayyan para identificar documentos duplicados y cegar a los evaluadores. Resultados: Un total de 15 artículos, uno de los cuales fue clasificado como de alto grado de recomendación y 10 artículos con nivel de evidencia 4, en relación al diseño, se encontraron siete estudios transversales. Se encontró que 14 (93,3%) abordaron la inmunobiología frente al virus Influenza. Los estudios se agruparon en dos categorías para una mejor organización de las estrategias de gestión y las limitaciones en la adherencia a las vacunas por parte de los trabajadores de la salud. Conclusión: Se observó como factor de concordancia en varios estudios para superar las barreras de la vacilación vacunal, es importante intensificar las campañas de comunicación y difusión, enfocadas en acciones de educación en salud. Estas estrategias pueden difundirse y replicarse en diferentes contextos de los servicios de salud ocupacional. Este estudio contribuye a avanzar y fortalecer el uso de estrategias de gestión de la vacunación en la salud del trabajador. (AU)

Cobertura Vacinal , Programa de Saúde Ocupacional , Vacinas , Enfermagem , Humanização da Assistência
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791826


BACKGROUND: Surveys conducted in different regions of the world show that the prevalence rates of health risk behaviors (HRBs) in university students are sometimes higher than those found in non-university populations. This study aims to identify the prevalence rates and demographic and academic environment correlates associated with HRBs among Brazilian university students. METHODS: In a cross-sectional epidemiological study, a random sample of 5310 university students answered an online questionnaire, with demographic (sex, age, skin color, marital status, and paid work) and academic setting information (housing type, size of campus, year, and shift of study), as well as items clustered in four HRB domains: personal safety and violence, sexual behavior and contraception, addictive substance use, eating habits, physical activity, and sleep. The data were analyzed statistically using bivariate analysis and hierarchical multiple regression. RESULTS: The highest prevalence rates occurred in HRBs clustered in the domain of eating habits, physical activity, and sleep (>60%), while HRBs for personal security and violence were less prevalent (<15%). From 15% to 35% of university students assumed HRBs regarding addictive substance use, and approximately 50% reported risky sexual behavior. The university students most susceptible to HRBs were men, aged ≥ 22 years, living far from their family, studying on larger campuses, attending night classes, and with two or more years of study at the university. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that policies and interventions in the university context aimed at students' readiness to engage in a healthy lifestyle should target specific correlates associated with HRBs.

Comportamentos de Risco à Saúde , Estudantes , Humanos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Masculino , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Feminino , Universidades , Adulto Jovem , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Prevalência , Adolescente , Inquéritos e Questionários , Comportamento Sexual/estatística & dados numéricos , Exercício Físico , Assunção de Riscos