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Rev. APS ; 24(3): 542-554, 2021-12-29.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359764


Introdução: Políticas públicas nacionais são necessárias para consolidar a articulação entre o ensino e os serviços de saúde no processo de formação profissional. Nesse sentido, a participação ativa de estudantes de Medicina e médicos é essencial para mudar esse contexto. Objetivo: Compreender as representações sociais de estudantes de Medicina e médicos sobre as novas Políticas Públicas para a formação de médicos voltados às necessidades do SUS. Método: Pesquisa do tipo transversal com abordagem qualiquantitativa. A parte quantitativa contou com 124 professores médicos e 243 estudantes da primeira a sexta séries de Medicina. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da aplicação de questionário e analisados pelo programa computacional SPSS v. 17. A qualitativa contou com 123 entrevistas em uma amostragem por sorteio. Os dados foram organizados pelo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: A maioria dos estudantes não almeja atuar na Atenção Primária e dos docentes se mostra contra o Programa Mais Médicos. A maior parte dos entrevistados se mostrou a favor de alterações na formação médica para o SUS e que no internato devem ser desenvolvidas atividades na Atenção Primária e em Urgência e Emergência. Conclusões: Entre as formas de desenvolver conteúdos e práticas essenciais à formação médica há a articulação efetiva entre instituição de ensino e rede de saúde. Entretanto, é fato que o exercício da prática médica na APS implica, potencialmente, o encontro com ambientes de grandes dificuldades sociais e com a vida cotidiana que se opõe a panoramas idealizados que muitos estudantes constituem para si e para o exercício de sua profissão.

Introduction: National public policies are needed to consolidate the link between education and health services in the professional training process. In this sense, the active participation of medical students and physicians is essential to change this context. Objective: To understand the social representations of medical students and physicians regarding new Public Policies to train physicians focused on the needs of the SUS. Method: Cross- sectional research with a quali-quantitative approach. One hundred and twenty-four medical professors and 243 students from the first to the sixth grade of medicine participated in the study. Data were obtained through the application of a questionnaire and analyzed by the computer program SPSS v.17. The qualitative approach included 123 interviews in a random sampling. Data were organized by the Discourse of the Collective Subject. Results: Most students do not intend to work in Primary Care and teachers are against the "Mais Médicos" ("More Physicians") Program. Most respondents were in favor of promoting changes in medical training for the SUS and having internship activities being developed in Primary Care and in Emergency. Conclusions: Among the ways to develop content and practices essential to medical training there is the effective articulation between educational institution and health network. However, it is a fact that the exercise of medical practice in PHC potentially implies finding environments of great social difficulties and daily life that opposes idealized panoramas that many students constitute for themselves and for their profession.

Atenção Primária à Saúde , Política Pública , Sistema Único de Saúde
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 8(3): 447-452, dic. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734725


Las urgencias odontológicas ambulatorias comprenden un conjunto de patologías bucomaxilofaciales, de aparición súbita, de etiología múltiple, que se manifiestan principalmente por dolor agudo y que provocan una demanda espontánea de atención. El objetivo de esta investigación fue reconocer la evolución de la urgencia odontológica en los sistemas de Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) entre los años 2009 y 2013. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo para analizar la demanda entre los años mencionados; la información se obtuvo desde los registros estadísticos mensuales de las comunas pertenecientes al Servicio de Salud Araucanía Sur (SSAS) y fueron analizados con estadística descriptiva en el programa computacional Microsoft Excel. Los resultados mostraron una tendencia a la disminución de las consultas por urgencia tanto en las garantías explicitas en salud (GES) como en las no incluidas (No GES) en los últimos años; grupos prioritarios aun son consultantes en la urgencia donde el grupo de embarazadas sufrió un aumento en las atenciones de urgencia odontológica durante los años analizados; del total de urgencias se observó una disminución de 25.000 consultas aproximadamente desde el año 2009 hasta el año 2013 con variaciones menores entre los años 2010 y 2011. Se concluye que existe una tendencia a disminuir las consultas por urgencia GES y No GES en la población analizada aunque se deben analizar las condicionantes de grupos prioritarios en la urgencia odontológica.

Dental emergencies in ambulatory system included multiple oral and maxillofacial diseases with sudden onset and different etiologies; acute pain and related conditions are associated to spontaneous admission. The aim of this research was to know the evolution of the dental emergency in the public health system related to "Primary Health Attention" (HPA) between 2009 to 2013. A retrospective research was carried out on admissions between 2009 and 2013; the information was obtained from the statistical register of "Servicio de Salud Araucanía Sur"; the data was studied by descriptive statistic with Microsoft Excel software. The results showed a tendency to decrease the consultation by dental emergency in the GES group and the No-GES group; priority groups continue to use dental emergency services and the pregnant group showed an increase in dental emergency consult during the last few years; from the total amount of consults a reduction of approximately 25,000 was observed from 2009 to 2013 with lesser variations in the 2010 and 2011 period. It is concluded that there is a tendency of fewer GES and No-GES consultations in the analyzed population and it is necessary to understand the condition of priority groups in the dental emergency.

Acta odontol. venez ; 47(2): 299-305, jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-630158


Objetivo: Se averiguó la percepción de los gestores y trabajadores de la salud con respecto al modelo de gestión, recursos humanos, materiales, financieros y programas implantados. Este trabajo fue realizado en cinco municipios de pequeño porte del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, los cuales priorizan la gestión en atención primaria a la salud. Métodos: El presente es una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa, en la cual se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado por medio de entrevistas con gestores y trabajadores de la red pública de salud. Resultados: Fueron entrevistados 78 trabajadores de la salud de los cinco municipios. El tiempo promedio de ejercicio en la función de los profesionales fue de 3,6 años, siendo que el trabajo realizado estaba comprendido en el servicio de atención primaria. Referente a los recursos disponibles para atender la demanda de los servicios de salud, la mayoría relató ser insuficientes tanto los recursos humanos (60,5%), como los materiales (37,7%) y los financieros (72,7%). En relación a la Estratégica de la Salud de la Familia (ESF) implantada en esos municipios, fue considerada buena u óptima por el 59,2% de los entrevistados. Conclusión: Los recursos fueron considerados escasos, haciendo necesario que los gestores y trabajadores planifiquen mejor la ocupación de esos cargos, para minimizar los problemas durante la gestión. La ESF fue considerada un importante instrumento para el fortalecimiento de la Atención Primaria en la Salud.

Objective: To verify the perception of health managers and workers about managerial model, humans, materials and financers recourses, and implanted programs. This study was developed on five small load cities of São Paulo State, Brazil, and these cities priorize management on health basic care. Methods: this study is a qualitative and quantitative research and for this, a questioner semi-structured was applied by the interview form with managers and workers of health public system. Results: just 78 health workers (n=78) from the five cities were interviewed. The medium time of function exercise of these professionals was 3,6 years, but the realized work was comprised on primary care service. About recourses available to attend the demand of health services, the majority related to be insufficient the human recourses (60,5%), material recourses (37,7%) and financer recourses (72,7%). About Family Health Strategy (FHS) implanted on theses cities, was considered good or excellent by 59,2% of interviewed people. Conclusion: the recourses were considered deficient, needing of managers and workers, with better planning to occupation of theses functions, to reduce the problems during management. The FHS was considered an important instrument for the fortification of Health Basic Care.

Acta odontol. venez ; 44(1): 103-110, ene. 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629968


El propósito del presente artículo es caracterizar las respuestas que el Estado pandemia que cada día afecta a mayor cantidad de venezolanos, y analizar la situación actual del Plan Venezolano ha concretado en el Plan Estratégico Nacional VIH-SIDA, como políticas de salud, a esta, a la luz de los diagnósticos previos desde el punto de vista epidemiológico, asistencial, preventivo, apoyo a las personas enfermas con VIH/SIDA, aspectos institucionales, evaluación , monitoreo, y acceso a los medicamentos.

The purpose of the present article is to characterize the answers that the Venezuelan State has summed up in the Plan Strategic National HIV-AIDS, as political of health, to this pandemic that every day affects to bigger quantity of Venezuelans, and to analyze the current situation of the Plan, by the light of the previous diagnoses from the epidemic, assistance, preventive point of view, I support sick people with VIH/SIDA, institutional aspects, evaluation and monitoreo, and access to the medications.