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Sensors (Basel) ; 24(13)2024 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39000991


In today's digital landscape, organizations face significant challenges, including sensitive data leaks and the proliferation of hate speech, both of which can lead to severe consequences such as financial losses, reputational damage, and psychological impacts on employees. This work considers a comprehensive solution using a microservices architecture to monitor computer usage within organizations effectively. The approach incorporates spyware techniques to capture data from employee computers and a web application for alert management. The system detects data leaks, suspicious behaviors, and hate speech through efficient data capture and predictive modeling. Therefore, this paper presents a comparative performance analysis between Spring Boot and Quarkus, focusing on objective metrics and quantitative statistics. By utilizing recognized tools and benchmarks in the computer science community, the study provides an in-depth understanding of the performance differences between these two platforms. The implementation of Quarkus over Spring Boot demonstrated substantial improvements: memory usage was reduced by up to 80% and CPU usage by 95%, and system uptime decreased by 119%. This solution offers a robust framework for enhancing organizational security and mitigating potential threats through proactive monitoring and predictive analysis while also guiding developers and software architects in making informed technological choices.

Software , Humanos , Segurança Computacional , Computadores
Int J Cult Stud ; 25(3-4): 404-427, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37519849


Notions of 'race' and disease are deeply imbricated across the globe. This article explores the historical, complex entanglements between 'race', disease, and dirtiness in the multicultural Chilean context of Covid-19. We conducted a quantitative content analysis and a discourse analysis of online readers' comments (n = 1233) in a digital news platform surrounding a controversial news event to examine Chileans' cultural representations of Haitian migrants and explore online racism and anti-immigrant discourse. Drawing on a decolonial approach, we argue that Covid-19 as a crisis has been fabricated at the expense of a constructed 'other'. We show how colonial racist logics not only endure in digital spaces, but are made viral in new ways by representing Haitian migrants as 'filthy' and 'disease carriers'. We identified two contemporary forms of racism - online cultural racism and online aggressive racism - through which people construct imaginaries of racial superiority in digital spaces.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(2): 603-608, Fev. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356076


Resumen En este texto se busca problematizar una representación dominante sobre las epidemias, pandemias y grandes catástrofes, que describe su origen como externo, exótico, extranjero y foráneo. En general, tanto desde el cine catástrofe hollywoodense, hasta los discursos médico-científicos, como desde la filosofía hasta las teorías conspirativas y los discursos de odio, se coloca cualquier amenaza o mal afuera de la propia sociedad, siempre existe un "otro", quien posee una falla moral que justifica la necesidad de combatirlos, aislarlos o eliminarlos. Proponemos analizar ciertas argumentaciones que han circulado en torno a la actual pandemia de coronavirus, especialmente aquellas que colocan la posibilidad de salvación en el aislamiento y el miedo, para problematizar ciertas ideas naturalizadas en los discursos que luego se traducen en prácticas o acciones políticas.

Abstract This text seeks to problematize a dominant representation about epidemics, pandemics and major catastrophes, which describes its origin as external, exotic and foreign. In general, both from Hollywood catastrophe cinema, to medical-scientific discourses, and from philosophy to conspiracy theories and hate speech, any threat or evil is placed outside of society itself, there is always another, who prosecutes a moral fault that justifies the need to combat, isolate or eliminate them. We propose to analyse arguments that have circulated around the current coronavirus pandemic, especially those that place the possibility of salvation in isolation and fear, to problematize certain ideas naturalized in discourses that are later translated into political practices or actions.

Humanos , Fala , COVID-19 , Medo , Pandemias , Ódio
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33921402


The objective of this study is, on the one hand, to analyse emotional responses to the construction of hate speech relating to gender identity on Twitter. On the other hand, the objective is to evaluate the capabilities of trainee primary education teachers at constructing alternative counter-narratives to this socially alive issue, surrounding the approval of the Ley de Identidad de Género [Gender Identity Law] in Chile, in 2018. With this two-fold objective in mind, quantitative, descriptive, and inferential analysis and qualitative analysis techniques are all applied. The results inform us of the influence of socially constructed emotions and feelings that are expressed in social narratives. However, the narratives of the participants neither appeared to reach satisfactory levels of reflection on the social issues that stirred their own emotional responses, nor on the conflict between reason and the value judgements that they expressed in the digital debate (counter-narratives). These results point to the need to consider both emotions and feelings, as categories of social analysis, and to reflect on their forms of expression within the framework of education for inclusive democratic citizenship.

Identidade de Gênero , Mídias Sociais , Chile , Emoções , Feminino , Ódio , Humanos , Masculino , Fala
Rev. psicol. polit ; 19(46): 528-542, set.-dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058845


No período de instauração do processo de investigação das "pedaladas fiscais" realizadas pela presidenta Dilma Rousseff, as redes sociais on-line, dentre elas o Facebook, eram usadas pelos seus navegadores para expressar seus posicionamentos a favor e contra o pedido de investigação, bem como para divulgar as mobilizações e atos públicos de apoio e oposição a esse processo. Dentre as postagens publicadas nesse período, o discurso de ódio se sobressaiu e parecia unir alguns sujeitos que compartilhavam das mesmas posições ideológicas e políticas. Com o objetivo de compreender por que este discurso se fazia tão presente neste momento e quais seriam seus possíveis efeitos, que realizamos um estudo de caso e analisamos a partir do referencial psicanalítico, alguns desses discursos de ódio. Percebemos como o Facebook, as bolhas online reforçaram esse discurso e como este foi usado politicamente para legitimar o pedido de investigação e o resultado desse processo.

In the period of the process of the investigation of the "taxpedaling" carried out by President Dilma Rousseff, the online social networks, including Facebook, were used by their browsers to express their positions for and against the investigation request, as well as to publicize the mobilizations andpublic acts of support and opposition to this process. Among the posts published during this period, hate speech stood out and seemed to unite some subjects who shared the same ideological andpoliticalpositions. In order to better understand why this discourse was so present at this moment and what would be its possible effects, which we analyzed through case study, supported by the psychoanalytic framework, some of these hate discourses. We realizedfrom this study that Facebook, the online bubbles reinforced this discourse and how it was usedpolitically to legitimize the investigation request and the outcome of this process.

En el período de instauración del proceso de investigación de las "pedaleadas fiscales" realizadas por la presidenta Dilma Rousseff, las redes sociales online, entre ellas Facebook era utilizado por sus navegadores para expresar sus posicionamientos a favor y contra la solicitud de investigación, así como para divulgar las movilizaciones y actos públicos de apoyo y oposición a ese proceso. Entre las posturas publicadas en este período el discurso de odio se sobresalía y parece haber unido a algunos sujetos que compartían las mismas posiciones ideológicas y políticas. Para comprender mejorpor qué este discurso estaba tan presente en este momento y cuáles serían sus posibles efectos, que analizamos a través del estudio de caso, apoyados por el referencial psicoanalítico, algunos de estos discursos de odio. Nos damos cuenta a través de este estudio, cómo el Facebook, las burbujas en línea, reforzó ese discurso y cómo éste fue utilizado políticamente para legitimar la petición de investigación y el resultado de esse proceso.

Au cours de la période de investigacion sur les «pédalier fiscales¼ effectué par la présidente Dilma Rousseff, les réseaux sociaux en ligne, dont Facebook, ont été utilisés par leurs navigateurs Web pour exprimer leurs positions pour et contre la demande d'enquête, ainsi que de faire connaitre les mobilisations et les actespublics de soutien et d'opposition à ceprocessus. Parmi les articlespubliés au cours de cette période, les discours de haine se distinguent et semblent unir certains sujetspartageant les mêmes positions idéologiques et politiques. Afin de mieux comprendre pourquoi ce discours était si présent en ce moment et quels en seraient les effets possibles, que nous avons analysés à travers des études de cas, étayées par le cadre psychanalytique, certains de ces discours de haine. Nous avons réalisé à partir de cette étude que Facebook, les bulles en ligne ont renforcé ce discours et son utilisation politiquement pour légitimer la investigation et les résultats de ce processus.

Data Brief ; 26: 104223, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31508461


The data set is composed of 2285 definitions posted on the Urban Dictionary platform from 1999 to May 2016. The data was classified as misogynistic and non-misogynistic by three independent researchers with domain knowledge. The data set is available in public repository in a table containing two columns: the text-based definition from Urban Dictionary and its respective classification (1 for misogynistic and 0 for non-misogynistic).

Atas saúde ambient. ; 3(3): 26-47, dez. 2015.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-10871


This work seeks to ascertain the role and reach of internet and social networks in information society as diffusers of hate speech and its mediations, such as new interpretations, philosophical points of view and legal analyzes. The expansion of the world wide web and subsequently the social networks formed in this virtual medium, impressively potentiated the offense to peoples honor and many kinds of intolerance. The enhancement of hate speech was intensified as quickly as Internet and social networks have settled in our society. Opinions, ideas and feelings are easily manifested in a pace as never before imagined. However, it is important to point out that hate speech is closely related to minorities and social exclusion, being used today as a strong aspect and condition of this context and concept. Considering the digital environment as a result of the artificial environment created by man, hate speech degrades this type of environment, turning against the respect toward individual and collective dignity, values ensured by the constitution. The degradation of the environment affects its health.(AU)

O presente artigo pretende verificar qual o papel e alcance da internet e das redes sociais na chamada sociedade da informação, como meio difusor do discurso do ódio e suas mediações. O advento da expansão da rede mundial de computadores (internet) e, posteriormente, das redes sociais que se formaram nesse meio virtual potencializaram, de forma impressionante, a ofensa à honra das pessoas e a intolerância de toda ordem. A ampliação do discurso do ódio foi intensificada pela mesma rapidez em que a internet e as redes sociais se fixaram em nossa sociedade. A velocidade em que se manifestam opiniões, ideias e sentimentos ocorrem numa facilidade nunca antes imaginada. Não há como deixar de apontar, entretanto, que o discurso do ódio está intimamente ligado a questão da exclusão social sendo hoje acionado como forte aspecto e condição destes próprios contextos e conceitos. Considerando o meio ambiente digital como fruto do meio ambiente artificial criado pelo homem, tem-se que o discurso do ódio constitui degradação deste meio ambiente, voltando-se contra a garantia do respeito à dignidade de pessoa humana individual e coletivamente considerada, conforme assegurado pelo ordenamento jurídico constitucional. A degradação do meio ambiente, por sua vez, atinge a saúde ambiental.(AU)

Humanos , Ódio , Fala , Meio Ambiente , Saúde , Internet/tendências , Mídias Sociais , Pessoalidade , Internet/instrumentação
Atas Saúde Ambient ; 3(3): 26-47, dez. 2015.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463687


This work seeks to ascertain the role and reach of internet and social networks in information society as diffusers of hate speech and its mediations, such as new interpretations, philosophical points of view and legal analyzes. The expansion of the world wide web and subsequently the social networks formed in this virtual medium, impressively potentiated the offense to peoples honor and many kinds of intolerance. The enhancement of hate speech was intensified as quickly as Internet and social networks have settled in our society. Opinions, ideas and feelings are easily manifested in a pace as never before imagined. However, it is important to point out that hate speech is closely related to minorities and social exclusion, being used today as a strong aspect and condition of this context and concept. Considering the digital environment as a result of the artificial environment created by man, hate speech degrades this type of environment, turning against the respect toward individual and collective dignity, values ensured by the constitution. The degradation of the environment affects its health.

O presente artigo pretende verificar qual o papel e alcance da internet e das redes sociais na chamada sociedade da informação, como meio difusor do discurso do ódio e suas mediações. O advento da expansão da rede mundial de computadores (internet) e, posteriormente, das redes sociais que se formaram nesse meio virtual potencializaram, de forma impressionante, a ofensa à honra das pessoas e a intolerância de toda ordem. A ampliação do discurso do ódio foi intensificada pela mesma rapidez em que a internet e as redes sociais se fixaram em nossa sociedade. A velocidade em que se manifestam opiniões, ideias e sentimentos ocorrem numa facilidade nunca antes imaginada. Não há como deixar de apontar, entretanto, que o discurso do ódio está intimamente ligado a questão da exclusão social sendo hoje acionado como forte aspecto e condição destes próprios contextos e conceitos. Considerando o meio ambiente digital como fruto do meio ambiente artificial criado pelo homem, tem-se que o discurso do ódio constitui degradação deste meio ambiente, voltando-se contra a garantia do respeito à dignidade de pessoa humana individual e coletivamente considerada, conforme assegurado pelo ordenamento jurídico constitucional. A degradação do meio ambiente, por sua vez, atinge a saúde ambiental.

Humanos , Fala , Internet/tendências , Meio Ambiente , Saúde , Ódio , Internet/instrumentação , Mídias Sociais , Pessoalidade