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Front Psychol ; 15: 1352729, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38686082


Introduction: Materialism has consistently been associated with mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, and with a decline in overall wellbeing. This article seeks to deepen the understanding of whether or not the level of materialism is reduced when a sense of gratitude is instilled and, if so, how. Methods: After a thorough literature review, two empirical studies are presented. Study 1 has a quasi-experimental design and a sample of adolescent individuals in a major city in Brazil. Study 2 takes the form of a survey, completed by parents, in the same city. Results: Study 1 demonstrates that a gratitude-based intervention can reduce the subjects' belief that material wealth brings happiness and signifies success. Study 2 suggests that parents who express gratitude have a perception of raising less materialistic children. Discussion: These conclusions add to the theory and practice of consumer psychology and responsible consumption, particularly in relation to the behavior of young people, pointing toward ways to reduce excessive consumption through a simple and easily applied intervention: the stimulus of gratitude.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 42(1): 1-14, 20240131.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554968


Este estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar el Cuestio-nario de Gratitud (gq-6) a la población brasileña. La muestra estuvo constituida por 1 850 participantes con una edad media de 25.13 años (dt = 5.36), 50 % mujeres y 50 % hombres, con representación de todos los estados brasileños. Se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio (afe) y análisis factorial confirmatorio (afc), y correlaciones entre gratitud (gq-6) y satisfac-ción con la vida (swls), optimismo (lot-r), esperanza (ahs), felicidad (shs), afectos positivos y negativos (panas), y personalidad (bfi). Los resultados de efay cfa indicaron una solución unidimensional con los elementos que soportan cargas (λ > 0.39) en el factor y un ajuste aceptable para la solución de un factor (χ2(9) = 59, p < 0.001; cfi= 0.956, rmsea= 0.078). Las correlaciones indican una asociación con variables externas relevantes. Se concluye que el cuestionario presenta evidencia de validez y confiabilidad para su uso en investigación en el contexto brasileño

This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Gratitude Questionnaire (gq-6) to the Brazilian population. The sample consisted of 1 850 participants with a mean age of 25.13 years (sd = 5.36), 50 % female and 50 % male and the sample represents all Brazilian states. Exploratory factor analysis (efa) and confirmato-ry factor analysis (cfa) were run, along with correlations between gratitude (gq-6) and life satisfaction (swls), optimism (lot-r), hope (ahs), happiness (shs), positive and negative affects (panas), and personality (bfi). The efa and cfa results indicated a one-dimensional solu-tion with the items loading satisfactorily (λ > 0.39) in the factor and acceptable fit for the one-factor solution (χ2 (9) = 59, p < 0.001; cfi= 0.956, rmsea= 0.078). Correlations indicate relevant relationships with exter-nal variables. In conclusion, the questionnaire shows evidence of validity and reliability for research use in the Brazilian context

Este estudo investigou as propriedades psicométricas do Questionário de Gratidão (gq-6) na população bra-sileira. Participaram 1 850 respondentes com média de idade de 25.13 anos (dp= 5.36), sendo 50 % do sexo feminino e 50 % do sexo masculino e com representação de todos os estados brasileiros. Foram rodadas análi-ses fatoriais exploratória (efa) e fatorial confirmatória (cfa), e correlações entre gratidão (gq-6) e satisfação com a vida (swls), otimismo (lo-r), esperança (ahs), felicidade subjetiva (shs), afetos positivos e negativos (panas) e personalidade (bfi). Os resultados da efa e da cfa indicaram uma solução unidimensional com os itens carregando com cargas adequadas (λ > 0.39) no fator e ajuste aceitável para a solução unifatorial (χ2 (9) = 59, p < 0.001; cfi= 0.956, rmsea = 0.078). As correlações indicaram relações com variáveis externas relevantes. Conclui-se que a escala apresenta evidências de validade e fidedignidade para uso em pesquisa no Brasil.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1565578


Este artigo pretende discutir o texto seminal de Melanie Klein, Inveja e gratidão (1957), no intuito de articulá-lo com os fenômenos da esperança, desesperança, criatividade e destrutividade. Na leitura realizada, observamos que a inveja é um solo fértil para o crescimento da desesperança e destrutividade. Enquanto a capacidade de ter gratidão pode levar o indivíduo a ser esperançoso e ter uma vida criativa, o contrário seria possível? Ser invejoso e ao mesmo tempo ter criatividade e esperança? Com base no dualismo pulsional freudiano, do qual Klein não abriu mão na construção da sua metapsicologia, respondemos que sim, primordialmente a partir da introjeção do objeto bom, que possibilita a elaboração da inveja, elemento que enfatizaremos a partir da figura do analista no processo clínico. Para elucidarmos cada um desses elementos, iremos utilizar o conto "A legião estrangeira" de Clarice Lispector (1999) como fio condutor ao longo de todo o texto.

Resumos This article aims to discuss Melanie Klein's seminal text, "Envy and gratitude" (1957), in order to articulate it with the phenomena of hope, hopelessness, creativity, and destructiveness. In ours readings, we observed that envy is a fertile soil for the growth of hopelessness and destructiveness. While the ability to have gratitude can lead an individual to be hopeful and have a creative life. Would the opposite be possible? To be envious and at the same time creative and hopeful? Based on Freudian Dualism drive, which Klein did not give up in the construction of her metapsychology, we answer yes, primarily from the introjection of the good object, which allows the elaboration of envy, an element that we will emphasize from the figure of the analyst in the clinical process. To elucidate each of these elements, we will use the short story "The foreign legion" by Clarice Lispector (1999) as a guiding thread throughout the text.

Cet article discute le texte fondateur de Melanie Klein, "Envie et gratitude" 27 (1957), afin de l'articuler avec les phénomènes de l'espoir, du désespoir, de la créativité et de la destructivité. Au cours de notre lecture, nous avons observé que l'envie est un terreau fertile pour la croissance du désespoir et de la destructivité. En revanche, la capacité à être reconnaisant peut conduire les individus à être plein d'espoir et à mener une vie créative. Le contraire serait-il possible? Être envieux et en même temps créatif et plein d'espoir? Sur la base du dualisme pulsionnel freudien, que Klein n'a pas abandonné dans la construction de sa métapsychologie, nous répondons par l'affirmative, notamment par l'introjection du bon objet qui permet d'élaborer l'envie, élément que nous soulignerons à travers la figure de l'analyste dans le processus clinique. Afin d'élucider chacun de ces éléments, nous utiliserons la nouvelle "La Légion étrangère" (1999) de Clarice Lispector comme fil conducteur tout au long du texte.

Este artículo pretende discutir el texto fundamental de Melanie Klein, "Envidia y gratitud" (1957), para articularlo con los fenómenos de esperanza, desesperanza, creatividad y destructividad. En la lectura realizada se observa que la envidia es un campo fértil para el crecimiento de la desesperanza y la destructividad. Mientras que la capacidad de expresar gratitud puede llevar al individuo a tener esperanza y tener una vida creativa. ¿Sería posible lo contrario? ¿Ser envidioso y al mismo tiempo tener creatividad y esperanza? Partiendo del dualismo pulsional freudiano, al que Klein no abandonó en la construcción de su metapsicología, este texto responde que es posible esto, principalmente desde la introyección del objeto bueno, que posibilita la elaboración de la envidia, elemento que se enfatizará a partir de la figura del analista en el proceso clínico. Para dilucidar cada uno de estos elementos se utiliza el cuento "La legión extranjera", de Clarice Lispector (1999), como hilo conductor a lo largo del texto.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 55(1): 40863, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | Index Psicologia - Periódicos, LILACS | ID: biblio-1571806


Gratitude can be understood as a guide for life and ability to perceive and appreciate the positive in the world. The present study aimed to map how many and which instruments are available to measure gratitude, the circumstances of the evaluation and the predominant population. This systematic review located papers in four databases, resulting in a total of 36 papers. Of these, 16 original scales were found, and the remainder indicated as adaptations and validations. The main results show the numerical disparity of the perception of gratitude between genders and in relation to the age group evaluated. GQ-6 and GRAT are the most frequently used scales, with a greater variety of contexts and application audiences. The measures used to assess consistency have demonstrated, in most studies, concise reliability. It concludes by bringing the need for greater access to validated gratitude measures, in addition to the progress in the discussion regarding mental health

A gratidão pode ser entendida como orientação para vida e capacidade de perceber e apreciar o positivo no mundo. O presente estudo objetivou mapear quantos e quais instrumentos estão disponíveis para mensuração da gratidão, as circunstâncias da avaliação e população predominante. Esta revisão sistemática localizou artigos em quatro bases de dados, resultando em um total de 36 artigos. Destes, foram encontradas 16 escalas originais e o restante indicado como adaptações e validações. Os principais resultados demonstram a disparidade numérica da percepção de gratidão entre gêneros e em relação à faixa etária avaliada. GQ-6 e GRAT são as escalas usadas com mais frequência, tendo maior variedade de contextos e públicos de aplicação. As medidas utilizadas para avaliação da consistência demonstraram, na maioria dos estudos, fidedignidade concisas. Conclui-se trazendo a necessidade de maior acesso a medidas de gratidão validadas, além do avanço na discussão referente à saúde mental

La gratitud se entiende como una guía para la vida y la capacidad de percibir y apreciar lo positivo del mundo. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo mapear cuántos y qué instrumentos están disponibles para medir la gratitud, cuales circunstancias de la evaluación y la población predominante. Esta revisión sistemática ubicó artículos en cuatro bases de datos, lo que resultó en un total de 36 artículos. De estas, se encontraron 16 escalas originales y el resto se indicó como adaptaciones y validaciones. Los principales resultados muestran la disparidad numérica de la percepción de gratitud entre géneros y en relación al grupo de edad evaluado. GQ-6 y GRAT son las escalas más utilizadas, con una mayor variedad de contextos y públicos de aplicación. Las medidas utilizadas para evaluar la coherencia han demostrado, en la mayoría de los estudios, una fiabilidad concisa. Se concluye planteando la necesidad de un mayor acceso a medidas de gratitud validadas, además de los avances en la discusión sobre salud mental

Emoções , Escala de Avaliação Comportamental , Saúde Mental
J Res Adolesc ; 2023 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38014484


The first goal of the current research was to study the short-term developmental patterns of ingroup and outgroup prosocial behavior during the middle adolescence stage among Uruguayan and Colombian adolescents. The second goal was to study the probability of inclusion in each trajectory class arising from gratitude and forgiveness (understood as the absence of negative emotions and the presence of positive emotions toward an aggressor) while controlling for gender and age. The study included two short-term longitudinal samples from two Latin American countries: Colombia (N = 212, M age = 13.82 years, SD = 1.25) and Uruguay (N = 269, M age = 14.02 years, SD = 1.39). The data were collected at three time points within a 3-month interval. The first finding indicated that different patterns in ingroup and outgroup prosocial behavior in adolescents emerged in both Latin American countries. Moreover, two classes-high and low-were identified in the trajectory of ingroup prosocial behavior, while three different classes-high, moderate, and low-were found in the trajectory of outgroup prosocial behavior in both countries. The results indicated that high levels of gratitude increased the probability that Uruguayan adolescents were included in the group of adolescents with high levels of ingroup prosocial behavior. High levels of positive emotions toward an aggressor (a dimension of forgiveness) increased the probability that a Colombian adolescent belonged to the group of adolescents with high levels of ingroup prosociality. Regarding outgroup prosocial behavior, different predictors were also identified between the countries. The results indicated that high levels of gratitude and positive emotions toward an aggressor increased the probability that Uruguayan adolescents were included in the group of adolescents with high or moderate levels of outgroup prosocial behavior. Only positive emotions toward an aggressor increased the probability that Colombian adolescents were included in the group of adolescents with high or moderate levels of outgroup prosocial behavior.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(1): 42-52, ene.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519890


Resumen Las investigaciones han sugerido que las personas agradecidas son más felices, enérgicas y tienen mayor esperanza de tener experiencias positivas. A pesar de que el GQ-6 es un instrumento ampliamente utilizado para evaluar la gratitud, su estructura factorial no ha sido explorada en población mexicana. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del GQ-6 en una muestra mexicana. Participaron 566 personas de población general de 18 a 67 años. El GQ-6 fue administrado junto con la Escala de Afecto Positivo y Afecto Negativo (PANAS) y el Test de Orientación Vital (LOT-R). Los resultados indicaron una estructura unifactorial con seis indicadores la cual mostró una buena bondad de ajuste y confiabilidad aceptable (α = .79); estos resultados se mantuvieron independientemente del sexo. Puede concluirse que el GQ-6 es un instrumento con buenas propiedades psicométricas para evaluar la disposición para experimentar gratitud en población mexicana.

Abstract Studies suggest that gratitude contributes to the development of prosocial behaviors and strengthens interpersonal relationships. Research has suggested that grateful people are happier, more energetic, and have a higher hope of having positive experiences. There are currently several instruments available to measure gratitude, with the Gratitude Questionnaire-6 (GQ-6) being the most widely used. The GQ-6 is a self-report questionnaire with the objective of evaluating the willingness to experience gratitude, which is available in several languages and has been validated in different countries around the world. Its original six-item unifactorial structure has been replicated in several countries; however, a five-item unifactorial solution was more appropriate in some studies in the adult population. Despite the above, the factorial structure of the GQ-6 has not been explored in the Mexican population, so the objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the GQ-6 in a Mexican sample. It was an instrumental study through non-probability sampling. The sample consisted of men and women aged 18 to 67 years. Participants were 566 adults of the general population (64.6% women and 35.5% men) from different states of Mexico. The GQ-6 was administered together with the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and the Life Orientation Test (LOT-R). For the performance of EFA, the sample was divided in half randomly (N = 280). The analysis indicated a unifactorial structure with six indicators which explained 48.58% of the variance, which was maintained according to the sex of the participants (46.47% women and 46.66% men). Using the other half of the participants (N = 286), the CFA and the multigroup analysis were performed in relation to sex. The GQ-6 showed good fit and adequate internal consistency (α = .79) for both women (α = .77) and men (α = .76). Data on the convergent and divergent validity of GQ-6 showed a positive association with LOT-R (rs = .456, p < .001), Positive Affect (rs = .253, p < .001), and Negative Affect (rs = - .186, p < .001). Therefore, it can be concluded that GQ-6 is an instrument with good psychometric properties to evaluate the willingness to experience gratitude in the Mexican population.

Psico USF ; 28(2): 225-238, Apr.-June 2023. il, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1448911


Objetivou-se explorar os parâmetros psicométricos do Cuestionario de Gratitud por meio da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI), utilizando o Modelo de Resposta Graduada. Para tanto, participaram 533 respondentes (M idade = 29,9), a maioria mulheres (67,7%). Inicialmente, checou-se a dimensionalidade da escala, que apoiou uma estrutura quadrifatorial (CFI = 0,99; TLI = 0,99). Os parâmetros dos itens foram realizados separadamente para cada fator, e os resultados indicaram que todos os itens discriminam adequadamente os participantes. Os itens do fator Reconhecimento de Dons exigiram uma maior quantidade de theta para serem completamente endossados e o fator Gratidão Interpessoal demandou menor quantidade de theta para ser a opção de reposta, talvez por ser melhor aceito socialmente. Estima-se que os objetivos do estudo foram alcançados, conhecendo evidências psicométricas de uma medida que avalia a gratidão numa perspectiva mais integradora, recomendando-se o seu uso em possibilidades futuras. (AU)

The aim of this study was to explore the psychometric parameters of the Gratitude Questionnaire through the Item Response Theory (IRT), using the Graduated Response Model. Therefore, 533 respondents participated (Mage = 29.9), mostly women (67.7%). At the beginning, we checked the dimensionality of the scale, which supported a quadratic structure (CFI = 0.99; TLI = 0.99). The parameters of the items were performed separately for each factor, and the results indicated that all items adequately discriminate participants. The items of the Gift Recognition factor required a greater amount of theta to be fully endorsed and the Interpersonal Gratitude factor required less amount of theta to be the answer option, perhaps because it is better accepted socially. It is estimated that the objectives of the study were reached, knowing psychometric evidence of a measure that evaluates gratitude in a more inclusive perspective, recommending its use in future possibilities. (AU)

Se objetivó conocer los parámetros psicométricos del Cuestionario de Gratitud por medio de la Teoría de Respuesta al Item (TRI), utilizando el Modelo de Respuesta Graduada. Participaron 533 sujetos (M edad = 29,9), la mayoría mujeres (67,7%). Inicialmente, se verificó las dimensiones de la escala, que apoyó una estructura cuadrifatorial (CFI = 0,99; TLI = 0,99). Los parámetros de los ítems fueron realizados separadamente para cada factor, y los resultados indicaron que los ítems discriminan adecuadamente a los participantes. Los elementos del factor Reconocimiento de Dons requirieron una mayor cantidad de theta para ser completamente endosados y el factor Gratitud Interpersonal demandó menor cantidad de theta para ser la opción de respuesta, tal vez por ser mejor aceptado socialmente. Se estima que los objetivos del estudio se alcanzaron, conociendo evidencias psicométricas de una medida que evalúa la gratitud en una perspectiva más integradora, recomendándose su uso en posibilidades futuras. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Semântica , Angústia Psicológica , Psicologia Positiva , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudo de Validação , Análise de Dados
Front Psychol ; 14: 1254789, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38282855


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the indirect influence of recalling the consumption of types of gifts, experiential and material, on gratitude by increasing autonomy support. In addition, we tested the conditional influence of the presumed motives of gift-givers from the perspective of gift recipients based on the postulates of Self-Determination Theory. First, participants were randomly to assigned to one of the following conditions: Consumption-of-experiential gift or consumption-of-material gift conditions. After, participants filled out a battery of questionnaires assessing autonomy support and gratitude. Results showed that the consumption of experiential gifts was construed as more autonomy supportive than the consumption of their material counterparts, which then had a positive relationship with gratitude. In experiment two, we tested the proposed mediator, autonomy support, by asking participants to either recall the consumption of the gift that was consistent with their true values or the consumption of an ordinary gift and completed a set of questions assessing autonomy support and gratitude. Results showed that recalling a gift consistent with consumers' true values led to higher levels of autonomy support than recalling an ordinary gift, which was then positively correlated with gratitude. In the third experiment, we conducted a conceptual replication of experiment one and added the examination of the presumed motives of gift-givers as a potential moderator. Results replicated the significant mediation effect found in study 1 and showed that the conditional indirect effect was stronger when gift recipients attributed integrated motives to the gift-givers. The findings were discussed.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33074, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521327


Resumo Neste trabalho, examino as percepções de mulheres sobre o cuidado recebido no parto através da presença ou ausência da gratidão em relatos de parto de dois sites ingleses. Nos relatos, nem sempre a gratidão é expressa e nem sempre ela se dirige à equipe de saúde - agradece-se às doulas ou aos próprios sites, cujos vídeos de preparação para o parto teriam sido importantes para uma experiência positiva. O bom cuidado no parto nesses relatos está associado a uma boa comunicação entre parturiente e midwife (parteira), especialmente nas informações recebidas sobre os procedimentos e sobre o que fazer ao longo do trabalho de parto. Assim, tanto nesses relatos quanto na literatura de saúde pública sobre o parto, a boa equipe é aquela que dá à mulher condições de tomar suas próprias decisões, de fazer suas escolhas informadas. Ao fazê-lo, empodera a mulher e reduz a assimetria na relação entre profissional e paciente. Ao contrário, informações contraditórias ou pouca informação podem produzir ansiedade e desconforto. Argumento, assim, que o sentimento de gratidão, ausente ou presente nos relatos de parto, ilumina as dinâmicas da assistência ao parto na Inglaterra, revelando o que se constitui um bom cuidado.

Abstract In this paper, I examine women´s perceptions of birth care through the presence or absence of gratitude in birth stories from two English websites. In these narratives, gratitude is not always expressed nor is it necessarily addressed to the health team - doulas or the websites themselves are thanked for helping prepare for childbirth and for a positive experience. Good birth care in these stories is associated with good communication between women and midwife, especially regarding the information they receive about the procedures and about what to do during labor. Thus, both in these narratives and in the public health literature on childbirth, a good care team is one that enables women to make their own decisions and informed choices. In doing so, it empowers women and reduces asymmetry in the professional-patient relationship. On the contrary, contradictory or little information can produce anxiety and discomfort. Therefore, I argue that the feeling of gratitude, absent or present in birth reports, illuminates the dynamics of childbirth care in England, revealing what constitutes good care.

Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 21: eRW0371, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448192


ABSTRACT Introduction Gratitude has several implications. Over time, a logical relationship has been established between gratitude and well-being. In addition, researchers aimed to establish associations between gratitude and other factors of positive feelings using scientific methods. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions to develop gratitude and its benefits to human beings. Objective This study aimed to evaluate and quantify the available scientific evidence on interventions to acquire knowledge on gratitude as a quantifiable causal factor of benefit to human beings. Methods A systematic literature search was conducted to identify studies that investigated the effects of gratitude interventions. MEDLINE, Embase, and Central Cochrane databases were searched in addition to gray (Google Scholar) and manual search. Two authors independently evaluated the titles and abstracts, and selected the studies that met the inclusion criteria. The searches were conducted between January and July 2022. Results Sixty-four randomized clinical trials were included. The meta-analysis demonstrated that patients who underwent gratitude interventions experienced greater feelings of gratitude, better mental health, and fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. Moreover, they experienced other benefits such as a more positive mood and emotions. Conclusion The results demonstrate that acts of gratitude can be used as a therapeutic complement for treating anxiety and depression and can increase positive feelings and emotions in the general population. Prospero database registration: ( under the number CRD42021250799.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36554626


College students face unique challenges that the consequences of COVID-19 might aggravate. To explore the pandemic's consequences on college students' well-being, we conducted an online survey with 634 students from a private university in Cali, Colombia. The study sought to assess students' well-being due to COVID-19, and to explore the mediating effects of optimism, gratitude, and emotional closeness on college students' well-being. Results showed that COVID-19 affected students' mental health and well-being. Being optimistic and grateful mediated with life satisfaction and happiness. Optimism, emotional closeness, and gratitude also mediated the negative effect of fear of infection and the pandemic's impact on students' academic performance. The results of this analysis will promote discussion of the implementation of coping strategies to help students thrive, promote resilience, and contribute to students' well-being and better mental health.

COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Países em Desenvolvimento , Emoções , Estudantes
Junguiana ; 40(1)jan.- jun. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1434727


O presente artigo tem como objetivo abordar diferentes leituras a respeito da gratidão, traço emocional que já foi estudado por psicanalistas, pesquisadores da psicologia positiva e da personalidade humana. A autora articula essa diversidade de abordagens e propõe uma leitura analítica a respeito da gratidão como fator de saúde emocional, observando também que este mesmo traço pode adotar características sombrias que merecem discriminação. Ressalta a importância do trabalho consciente acerca da gratidão no caminho de individuação.

The current article intends to describe several approaches regarding gratitude, an emotional trait that has been studied by psychoanalysts, positive psychology and human personality researchers. The author reviews this diversity of approaches and proposes an analytical discussion on gratitude as an aspect of emotional health, observing that it can also adopt shadowy characteristics that deserve discrimination. It emphasizes the importance of conscious work on gratitude in the path of individuation.

Este artículo pretende abordar diferentes lecturas sobre la gratitud, un rasgo emocional que ya ha sido estudiado por psicoanalistas, investigadores de la psicología positiva y de la personalidad humana. La autora articula esta diversidad de enfoques y propone una lectura analítica sobre la gratitud como factor de salud emocional, advirtiendo también que este mismo rasgo puede adoptar características oscuras que merecen discriminación. Destaca la importancia del trabajo consciente sobre la gratitud en el camino de la individuación.

Individuação , Otimismo , Psicologia Positiva
Aust Dent J ; 67(2): 172-177, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35233768


BACKGROUND: This study analysed the impact of oral rehabilitation with implant-supported fixed complete dentures (IFCDs) on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and its relationship with self-esteem and gratitude. METHODS: 66 patients were interviewed to collect data on OHRQoL (OHIP-14), gratitude and self-esteem, after denture delivery. OHIP-14 scores were analysed over time and contrasted between groups with IFCD complication or not. RESULTS: OHIP-14 changed from 22.1 ± 13.8 at baseline to 1.8 ± 2.3 after rehabilitation. Gratitude and self-esteem mean scores were 38.6 ± 3.0 and 36.9 ± 3.8, respectively. OHIP-14 was statistically different from baseline (22.1 ± 13.8) and 1, 3 and 5 years after rehabilitation (2.3 ± 3.7, 1.9 ± 3.1 and 1.8 ± 2.3). No difference was found between the follow-up times and among OHIP-14 domains. Thirteen out of 66 patients (19.7%) had repairable prosthetic complications, but OHIP-14 did not differ between patients with or without complications. Gratitude and self-esteem showed a moderate association (rs = 0.36; P = 0.003), but no association with OHIP-14. CONCLUSIONS: IFCD treatment has a long-term positive impact on patient's OHRQoL, even among patients who had prosthetic complications. The long-term stability in improved OHRQoL is not associated with self-esteem and gratitude. © 2022 Australian Dental Association.

Implantes Dentários , Qualidade de Vida , Austrália , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante/efeitos adversos , Humanos , Saúde Bucal , Estudos Prospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Int J Psychol ; 57(3): 336-340, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34993962


In one experiment, we tested the influence of bringing to mind the memory of a special moment versus an ordinary moment from high school on gratitude and the relationship between gratitude and optimism. Participants were first asked to report how the current pandemic has affected their lives. After, participants were randomly assigned to either recalling a special moment from their high school years or recalling an ordinary event from the same life period. Participants then completed a battery of questionnaires assessing gratitude, optimism and some demographics. Results showed a positive influence of bringing to mind the memory of a special moment on gratitude. Gratitude was then positively related to optimism. Hence, the positive relationship between recalling a special event and optimism was mediated by gratitude. Our results showed that brief interventions might help individuals see a brighter future under the current difficult conditions of prolonged lockdowns.

COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Emoções , Humanos , Otimismo , Pandemias
Front Psychol ; 13: 1033630, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36687808


In four studies, we tested the influence of type of purchase on autonomy support and the relationships between autonomy support, gratitude, and ease of justification. In each of the three studies, participants were randomly assigned to either the experiential purchase condition or the material purchase condition. In our fourth and last study, participants were assigned to an either autonomy supportive purchase condition or ordinary purchase condition. Results from study 1 showed a positive direct influence of experiential purchases on autonomy support and a direct and indirect significant relationship with gratitude. Results from study 2 with a sample of older consumers showed a positive influence of experiential purchases on autonomy support and a direct and indirect positive relationship with gratitude. In study 3, consumers who brought to mind an expensive experiential purchase reported higher autonomy support than participants who brought to mind an expensive material purchase and this experimental effect had an indirect positive relationship with gratitude and ease of justification. Last, consumers who brought to mind a purchase that truly reflected who they were reported higher levels of autonomy support than consumers who reported an ordinary purchase and this elicited autonomy had a positive relationship with gratitude. The implications of the results were discussed.

Heliyon ; 8(12): e12560, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619444


The present study explored the psychometric properties of the Multi-Component Gratitude Measure (MCGM), in Spanish with a sample of Colombian children. The sample was composed of 540 schoolchildren between 8-12 years old (265 females, mean age 10.04 years; 75 males, mean age 10.08 years). The MCGM aims to examine more comprehensively the moral virtue of gratitude as a construct with 3 components (emotional, conative/attitudinal, and behavioral) distributed across 6 subscales. We translated the MCGM into Spanish and validated the factor structure in a principal component analysis, basing the analysis on the 6 subscales. We corroborated that gratitude can be understood as a complex, multi-component construct from children's perspectives. Overall, the MCGM subscales showed good reliability coefficients between 0.7 and 0.9. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a 4-factor model structure (obtained in the PCA) presented the best-adjusted fit indices. Factor 1 represented the feelings subscale, factor 2 represented the attitudinal component, and factors 3 and 4 the behavioral component. Convergent validity was evaluated with other instruments of gratitude, along with additional variables including positive emotion, prosocial behavior and wellbeing, in a subsample of 210 children. Multiple sources of evidence indicate that the translated and validated measure, the MCGM-Spanish Youth (MCGM-SY), is an instrument with good reliability and validity for measuring gratitude in Spanish-speaking children.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 11(2): 171-182, jul.-dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565618


Resumen En este estudio se realizó una revisión de la literatura para examinar el aprecio corporal con relación a la alimentación intuitiva y la gratitud en mujeres y hombres, adolescentes y adultos. Los artículos publicados entre septiembre de 2010 y octubre de 2021 se identificaron utilizando las palabras clave aprecio corporal, alimentación intuitiva y gratitud, escritas en inglés y en español. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos PubMed, ProQuest Central, EBSCO y Web of Science. Los estudios fueron incluidos si eran trabajos empíricos, publicados en revistas científicas, escritos en idioma inglés o español y evaluaron la relación entre aprecio corporal, alimentación intuitiva y gratitud por sexo. Treinta y un estudios transversales y uno longitudinal cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad y mayormente se realizaron en Norteamérica. La relación entre gratitud, aprecio corporal y alimentación intuitiva fue positiva y significativa tanto en hombres como en mujeres, adolescentes y adultos. Además, la gratitud predice el aprecio corporal, el cual a su vez media la relación entre gratitud y alimentación intuitiva, en mujeres. Este estudio aportó información valiosa sobre la importancia de ser agradecido para desarrollar y/o mantener una imagen corporal positiva y hábitos alimentarios adaptativos. Este hallazgo es importante, debido a que la gratitud puede ser modificada por medio de intervenciones terapéuticas

Abstract In this study, a literature review was conducted to examine body appreciation in relation to intuitive eating and gratitude in women and men, adolescents and adults. Articles published between September 2010 and October 2021 were identified using the keywords body appreciation, intuitive eating and gratitude, written in English and Spanish. The search was performed in PubMed, ProQuest Central, EBSCO and Web of Science databases. Studies were included if they were empirical, published in scientific journals, written in English or Spanish, and evaluated the relationship between body appreciation, intuitive eating, and gratitude by sex. Thirty-one cross-sectional and one longitudinal study met the eligibility criteria and were mostly conducted in North America. The relationship between gratitude, body appreciation and intuitive eating was positive and significant in both men and women, adolescents and adults. Furthermore, gratitude predicts body appreciation, which in turn mediates the relationship between gratitude and intuitive eating, in women. This study provided valuable insights into the importance of being grateful in developing and/or maintaining positive body image and adaptive eating habits. This finding is important, because gratitude can be modified through therapeutic interventions.

Vertex ; XXXII(152): 29-34, 2021 06.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34783793


OBJECTIVE: To describe the perceptions of renal transplant patients of the need for information about their donors and the potential influence of their donors' biological sex and age. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analytical, observational, cross-sectional and prospective study. Kidney transplant patients over 18 years old who had been transplanted, at least, one year before were included. A semi-structured survey was conducted, and data were collected from medical records. RESULTS: 104 patients were analyzed, 58% (n=60) were women; median age: 47 years; and median post-transplantation period: 7 years. Seventy-six percent (n=79) expressed that they were interested in knowing their donors' biological sex and age (p < 0.001). When asked whether they would choose their donors' sex and age, only 13% (n=14) answered that they would (p < 0.001). When asked whether they felt that their donors' sex and age might have an influence on them, 78% (n=81) answered that they did not, while 22% answered that they did (p < 0.001). Of the 79 patients who expressed an interest in knowing their donors' biological sex and age, 62% (n=49) stated that appreciation was the reason for it (p=0.0025). CONCLUSION: The appreciation towards that person about whom only sex and age are known would allow patients to imaginarily construct their donors.

Transplante de Rim , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Doadores Vivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção , Estudos Prospectivos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33803073


Recently, studies linking the emotion of dispositional gratitude to cyberbullying have attracted attention. However, this is still a seminal research area that requires further scientific studies. Through longitudinal data, this study aims to analyze the mitigating effect of gratitude on cybervictimization and two indicators of adolescent subjective well-being, namely school and life satisfaction. To this end, 221 adolescents attending private schools in Peru (age: mean (M) = 12.09; standard deviation (SD) = 0.89) were selected to respond to a self-administered questionnaire in two waves that were six months apart. Descriptive data show that 27% of cybervictims also suffer other types of traditional bullying. The overlaps between forms of bullying contribute to higher probabilities of experiencing low school and life satisfaction compared to non-victims after six months. The results of the moderation analysis show that experience high gratitude help students to maintain stable levels of life satisfaction regardless of the prevalence of cyberbullying after six months The results are discussed in terms of the relevance of fostering gratitude from early ages.

Bullying , Vítimas de Crime , Cyberbullying , Adolescente , Humanos , Lactente , Internet , Satisfação Pessoal , Peru , Fatores de Proteção , Instituições Acadêmicas , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33916410


Materialism at work refers to a higher importance attached to extrinsic (e.g., money, fame, image) versus intrinsic (self-development, affiliation, community participation) employees' 'aspirations'. Research from self-determination theory has consistently found that materialism at work is strongly detrimental for both employees and organizations. For example, materialism is negatively associated with lower job satisfaction and engagement and positively associated with higher turnover intentions and job insecurity. Unfortunately, there are no viable strategies for reducing materialism in the workplace yet. In this sense, based on emergent research in psychology, we theorized that dispositional gratitude-a key construct within the Positive Organizational Psychology field-could be a protecting factor against materialism. Further, we conducted a three-wave longitudinal design among a large sample of Chilean workers (n = 1841) to test, for the first time, the longitudinal link between gratitude and materialism. We used two novel methodologies: A cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) to test between-person changes and a trait-state-occasion model (TSO) to test within-person changes. We found that both the CLPM as well as the TSO models showed that gratitude at work prospectively predicted further lower workplace materialism. Specifically, the CLPM shows that individuals with higher than average gratitude at Ti, are more likely to show lower than average materialism at Ti+1. The TSO shows that individuals with a higher than their usual level of gratitude at Ti are more likely to show a lower than their usual level of materialism at Ti+1. Important implications for materialism research as well as for the Positive Organizational Psychology field are discussed.

Satisfação no Emprego , Local de Trabalho , Chile , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Reorganização de Recursos Humanos