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Summa psicol. UST ; 12(2): 43-51, 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-908549


La formación del psicólogo implica el abordaje tanto de competencias técnicas y específicas como el desarrollo de competencias genéricas y actitudinales. No obstante, existe escasez de instrumentos para evaluar las competencias actitudinales en población de psicólogos y estudiantes de psicología. Por esta razón el objetivo del estudio fue describir el proceso de construcción y análisis psicométrico preliminar de un instrumento de medición del perfil actitudinal en psicólogos y estudiantes de Psicología (IAPE). En las distintas fases del estudio participaron 152 estudiantes y egresados de psicología. Los participantes respondieron el IAPE y dos instrumentos para evaluar validez convergente y divergente. Los resultados indican que el instrumento final, de 17 ítems, posee una estructura unifactorial con adecuada consistencia interna. Además, los resultados dan cuenta de su validez (convergente, divergente y discriminante del instrumento). Se discute acerca de la utilidad de este instrumento en el medio nacional, a la vez que se deja claro que éste es un estudio preliminar que requiere ser replicado en el futuro.

The process of training psychologists involves addressing both technical skills and generic or attitudinal competencies. However, there are not instruments for assessing attitudinal skills in psychologists and psychology students. Therefore, the aim of the study was to describe the process of construction and preliminary validation of an instrument of attitudinal competencies in psychologists and psychology students (IAPE). 152 students and graduates of psychology were considered in the different phases of the study. Participants answered the IAPE and another two instruments to assess convergent and divergent validity. Results showed that the final instrument consist of 17 items has one-factor structure with adequate internal consistency. Furthermore, they showed the validity (convergent, divergent and discriminant) of the instrument. Finally, it is discussed the usefulness of this instrument in the national context. At the same time it is been said that this is a preliminary study, being necessary futher researchs to conclude about IAPE validity.

Humanos , Atitude , Competência Profissional , Psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/psicologia , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Autorrelato
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 8(1): 101-121, jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639854


El presente estudio tiene como propósito elaborar y validar un instrumento de autopercepción de las competencias genéricas del egresado de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Cali, necesarias para enfrentar las demandas del entorno laboral actual. Se identificaron y se seleccionaron 37 competencias comunes a once carreras de pregrado mediante la revisión de los antecedentes empíricos y teóricos; estas fueron sometidas a validación de contenido por once jueces expertos, y a una prueba piloto con 22 egresados de las carreras de pregrado. Se aplicó a una muestra de 574 egresados pertenecientes a las once carreras, obteniendo un instrumento final con 33 competencias genéricas, con un coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,912 y se aceptan los 33 ítems del instrumento.

This article describes the development and validation of an instrument to assess the self-perception of generic competencies in graduates of a private university in the city of Cali, Colombia. Initially, the common competences from 11 undergraduate careers were selected based on the review of academic programs, empirical and theoretical backgrounds. Then, competencies were defined to build the instrument, which was evaluated by 11 expert judges, in a process of content validation. The questionnaire was applied to 22 graduates of undergraduate programs in a pilot application. Subsequently, it was applied to a sample of 574 graduates of the 11 careers, obtaining a final instrument composed of 33 generic competencies. A Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.912 was obtained and all 33 items were accepted.

Interdisciplinaria ; 28(2): 299-322, dic. 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639641


El trabajo que se informa presenta los resultados finales del diseño y validación de contenido de un diccionario de competencias genéricas para el profesional en Psicología. Se hace un recuento de las diferentes definiciones dadas al concepto de competencia, desde el enfoque sociolingüístico de Hymes (1972) y del desempeño en el trabajo (McClelland, 1973). Se concluye que éstas integran el saber ser (automotivación, iniciativa y trabajo colaborativo con otros), el saber conocer (observar, explicar, comprender y analizar) y el saber hacer (desempeño basado en procedimientos y estrategias) (Braslavsky & Acosta, 2006; Cejas, 2003; Echeverría, 2002; Ibarra, 2000; Tobón, 2004). Se propone una clasificación teórica del concepto de competencia, retomando autores como Álvarez, Gómez y Ratto (2004), Peiró (2003) y Roe (2003), entre otros, la cual realiza una distinción entre competencias académicas, profesionales y laborales. Se utilizan los planteamientos de Montero y León (2005), así como los de Carretero y Pérez (2007), quienes proveen las herramientas y criterios metodológicos para la validación del diccionario de competencias mediante la evaluación de seis jueces expertos y la aplicación piloto de un instrumento a siete estudiantes y 16 egresados de la Carrera de Psicología. Los resultados de la investigación permitieron la creación de un diccionario de competencias para uso público, el cual constituye una herramienta oportuna para afrontar los retos, demandas y posibilidades para el desempeño del psicólogo, dados los cambios socioeconómicos, demográficos y culturales del Siglo XX1 que influyen sobre la formación y funciones del profesional.

The following article presents the final results of the design and content validation of a generic competencies dictionary for the trained psychologist. Different authors, such as Collazos and Garcia (1999), argue that the research and identification of competencies have helped to solve the weakness of traditional psychometric tests used to predict worker's productivity. Moreover, Peiró (2003) mentions that in defining the objectives to be achieved by education, it is required to determine the qualifications or competencies that should have a professional. However, in the field of Psychology, there is little research leading to the development of tools for identifying and evaluating competencies among students and professionals (ANECA, 2005; Castro Solano, 2004; González, 2007; Herrera, Restrepo & Uribe, 2008; Pérez-Santamarina & López, 2006; Ruiz, Jaraba & Romero, 2005; Uribe, Aristizábal, Barona & López, 2009). A theoretical overview of the concept of competency has been made, taking in to account different approaches, like the sociolinguistic (Hymes, 1972) and the job performance (McClelland, 1973). From the revised definitions and interpretations given to the concept of competence, it is concluded that they integrate self-knowledge (motivation, initiative, and teamwork with others), self-teaching (observation, explanation, comprehension, and analysis), and ‘know-how' (performance based on strategies and procedures) (Braslavsky & Acosta, 2006; Cejas, 2003; Echeverría, 2002; Ibarra, 2000; Tobón, 2004). Different classifications to the concept of competencies that have been applied to different contexts were also reviewed. For instance, Gordillo (2003) argues that competencies can be grouped into methodological, technical, social, and individual. Álvarez, Gómez, and Ratto (2004) classify them in technique and general competencies, similar to the one proposed by Ruiz, Jaraba, and Romero (2008) and the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA, 2005), whoever divide them in general (or transverse) and specific competencies. For the purpose of this research and taking in to account these classifications, it is proposed for this work a distinction between academic, professional, and work-related generic competencies. The creation of the generic competencies dictionary for the trained psychologists followed the guidelines for instrumental studies as suggested by Montero and León (2005) and Carretero and Pérez (2007): the conceptual outline of the evaluation subject, and the design and qualitative evaluation of the items. In the content validation by expert evaluators, participated six professional psychologists with expertise in the fields of research methodology and Organizational Psychology, who are teachers of the Department of Social Sciences from a private university in Cali (Colombia). Subsequently, the pilot application of the instrument was attended by 23 people: 7 final year students of the Career of Psychology and 16 graduates of the same university. These research findings led to the creation of a generic competencies dictionary for public use, composed by 13 academic competencies, 12 professional competencies, and 10 work-related competencies. This dictionary is the result of a research aimed to identify the most significant competencies, as well as the definitions that fit these best, to ensure the recognition of crucial requirements in the field and their adequate implementation among psychologists. It is concluded that this dictionary is useful to understand standards and determine competencies that a professional psychologist must obtain from educational institutions, at least in the work and academic contexts where the research was conducted. It also constitutes a timely contribution to meet the challenges, demands, and possibilities of professional performance, given the socio-economic, demographic, and cultural changes of the 21st century, which impact the training and functions of a professional psychologist.