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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(6): e09172023, Jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557522


Resumo O estudo analisa o acesso ao cuidado em saúde de mulheres encarceradas no estado do Ceará, rastreando transtornos mentais comuns. Estudo analítico, transversal, de natureza quantitativa, desenvolvido na única penitenciária feminina do Ceará. Participaram 90 detentas, todas com alguma das seguintes questões de saúde: gestantes, puérperas, portadoras de hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes mellitus, tuberculose, sífilis, hepatite B ou HIV/Aids. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista estruturada. Evidenciou-se acesso limitado à atenção à saúde das detentas, violando direitos básicos sob tutela do Estado. Foram constatadas limitações de exames de rastreamento de doenças nas presidiárias na ocasião de seu acesso ao cárcere, principalmente as que não se encontravam grávidas no momento do encarceramento. Houve diferenças entre as distintas condições de saúde analisadas, com prioridade da atenção às gestantes e puérperas. Entre as detentas, 68,24% apresentavam risco de transtornos mentais comuns (SRQ > 7). Houve correlação positiva entre idade e saúde mental (p = 0,0002). Embora exista legislação pertinente de garantia de acesso à saúde no cárcere, o sistema prisional está despreparado para atender às necessidades de portadoras de comorbidades, gestantes e puérperas.

Abstract This study investigated access to health care among female prisoners in the state of Ceará, Brazil, and screened for common mental disorders. We conducted an analytical cross-sectional study in the only female prison in the state. Ninety detainees participated in the study. All participants were either pregnant or postpartum women or had one or more of the following health problems: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The findings reveal that access to health care was limited, violating the fundamental rights of the prisoners. Screening for diseases on admission to prison was limited, especially among non-pregnant women. Differences in health care were found between health conditions, with priority being given to pregnant and postpartum women. Most of the inmates (68.24%) were found to be at risk for common mental disorders (SRQ score > 7). A positive correlation was found between age and mental health problems (p = 0.0002). Despite legislation guaranteeing access to health care in prisons, the prison system is unprepared to meet the health needs of female prisoners with comorbidities and pregnant and puerperal women.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(3): 103-114, jul.-set.2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510571


O presente texto pretende responder à pergunta: a obrigatoriedade de vacinação imposta pelo Estado é conflitante com a liberdade individual? Diante do recente cenário de caos sanitário resultante da pandemia de COVID-19, a dimensão pública, transindividual, da saúde foi posta em dúvida por discursos pautados na ideia de que as pessoas teriam o direito a não serem vacinadas. Em que pesem a legislação brasileira e a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal terem pacificado o tema em favor da obrigatoriedade da vacina, busca-se apresentar o problema a partir de sua perspectiva epistemológica ou hermenêutica. Nesse sentido, mostra-se que, a menos que a comunidade jurídica reveja seu discurso acerca dos princípios constitucionais e direitos fundamentais, ou seja, a sua compreensão e metodologia de aplicação, tais dicotomias que surgem no debate público e nos tribunais persistirão como obstáculos à plena efetivação do Estado democrático de direito e, particularmente, do direito à saúde.

This text aims to answer the question: is the mandatory vaccination imposed by the State in conflict with individual freedom? Given the recent scenario of health chaos resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the public, transindividual dimension of health was questioned by discourses based on the idea that people would have the right not to be vaccinated. Although the Brazilian legislation and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court have settled the issue in favor of the mandatory vaccine, we seek to present the problem from an epistemological or hermeneutic perspective. In this sense, it is shown that, unless the legal community reviews its discourse about constitutional principles and fundamental rights, in other words, its understanding and methodology of application, such dichotomies that arise in the public debate and in the courts will persist as obstacles to the full realization of the democratic State of law and, particularly, the right to health.

El presente texto pretende responder a la pregunta: ¿la obligación de vacunación impuesta por el Estado es contraria a la libertad individual? Frente al reciente escenario de caos sanitario resultante de la pandemia de COVID-19, la dimensión pública, transindividual, de la salud fue puesta en duda por discursos basados en la idea de que las personas tendrían el derecho a no ser vacunadas. Aunquela legislación brasileña y la jurisprudencia del Supremo Tribunal Federal hayan pacificado el tema en favor de la obligatoriedad de la vacuna, se busca presentar el problema desde unaperspectiva epistemológica o hermenéutica. En este sentido, se muestra que, a menos que la comunidad jurídica revise su discurso sobre los principios constitucionales y derechos fundamentales, es decir, su comprensión y metodología de aplicación, tales dicotomías que surgen en el debate público y en los tribunales persistirán como obstáculos a la plena realización del Estado democrático de derecho y, particularmente, del derecho a la salud.

Direito Sanitário
World Dev Perspect ; 30: 100508, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37193198


Scholars and officials have argued that the strengthening of communities and community-led development constitute an important policy goal in the fight against emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, most strategies to address such crises fail to consider the significance of community-driven solutions, community-level knowledge, and actors. At the same time, researchers have recognized that communication, such as through local newspapers, promotes community development by increasing communities' social capital and cohesion. But the role of community communication in the encouragement and exercise of other levels of agency and in the development of community capacity, including to address emergencies, remains underexplored. This article investigates whether and how community journalists in a Rio de Janeiro favela have expressed and sought to develop favela residents' individual and collective agency during the COVID-19 pandemic. We do so by analyzing thematically the COVID-19 virus-related articles that appeared in a community-based newspaper, Maré Online, between March and September 2020. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with Maré Online reporters to augment our analysis and supplemented that data with participant observation of relevant virtual community-led organizing meetings and events. Our study shows how community-based journalists revealed and promoted individual and collective agency through what we term a "care-based, participatory solutions journalism," which supported favela residents' "communicative freedom" as conceptualized by Benhabib (2013). This analysis stresses the connection between communicative freedom and community capacity. It illustrates the importance of community-produced communication in development of and in community, especially when those populations are pejoratively framed in the media, public policy, and often also, research.

J Bioeth Inq ; 20(1): 125-138, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36630062


Several countries have implemented COVID-19 health passes or certificates to promote a safer return to in-person social activities. These passes have been proposed as a way to prove that someone has been vaccinated, has recovered from the disease, or has negative results on a diagnostic test. However, many people have questioned their ethical justification. This article presents some practical and ethical problems to consider in the event of wishing to implement these passes. Among the former, it is questioned how accurate diagnostic tests are as a means of ensuring that a person is not contagious, whether vaccination guarantees immunity, the fact that health passes can be forged, whether they encourage vaccination, and the problem that there is no universally recognized health pass. Among the ethical issues, it is discussed whether health passes promote discrimination and inequality and whether they violate rights to privacy and freedom. It is concluded that health passes have enough ethical justification to be implemented.

COVID-19 , Humanos , Liberdade , Privacidade
Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 160(1): 345-350, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36404724


On February 21, 2022, the Colombian Constitutional Court decided that the existing regulation of abortion was unconstitutional and repealed it (Sentencia C-055/2022). The new abortion law, as per the Court's decision, considers the voluntary interruption of a pregnancy a crime only when it happens after week 24 and does not fall under the health, rape, or malformation indications developed through precedent from 2006 to 2022. The decision is generally binding and of immediate application. The decision's rationale builds on the right to health, substantive equality, and freedom of conscience. It acknowledges severe restrictions in access to abortion faced by Colombian women and the costs these restrictions have on their lives. It also recognizes that the indications model forces women to obtain permission from medical doctors to access abortion, and thus fails to recognize women's freedom of conscience.

Aborto Induzido , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Aborto Legal , Colômbia , Crime
Saúde debate ; 47(spe1): e8153, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560511


RESUMO Neste ensaio, aborda-se a interface entre gênero e direito por meio do recorte da inclusão social de pessoas trans e travestis e do caso da liberdade morfológica. Os objetivos são: i) apresentar um mapa conceitual e das lutas que configuram a questão trans no Brasil; ii) destacar a importância de propostas mais inclusivas de direitos, enfatizando a Perspectiva dos Funcionamentos (PdF); iii) inserir o debate em um campo de reflexão emergente, fomentando o interesse pelos estudos transumanistas, enfatizando a liberdade morfológica como um direito transumano. Após a apresentação de algumas das principais nuances da questão trans no Brasil, defende-se a necessidade de que o rol dos chamados concernidos morais seja ampliado, oferecendo uma perspectiva normativa a mais inclusiva possível. Com base na adoção da noção de sistemas funcionais, chama-se a atenção para o ganho de substituir a noção de direitos humanos pela de direitos básicos, apresentando a PdF. Finaliza-se apontando a concepção de direitos transumanos, que pode indicar uma ampliação tanto dos concernidos quanto das liberdades garantidas, destacando a liberdade morfológica, que parece fundamental para o exercício de uma incontornável dimensão da existência das pessoas trans e travestis.

ABSTRACT In this essay, we address the interface between gender and law through the social inclusion of transgender and transvestite people and the case of morphological freedom. Our objectives are: i) to present a conceptual map and the struggles that configure the trans issue in the Functionings Approach (PdF); iii) to include the debate in an emerging field of reflection, fostering interest in transhumanist studies, emphasizing morphological freedom as a transhuman right. After presenting some of the main nuances of the trans issue in Brazil, we advocate expanding the list of the so-called moral concernants, offering a more inclusive normative perspective as possible. Based on the adoption of functional systems, we draw attention to the gain of replacing the notion of human rights with that of fundamental rights, presenting the PdF. We conclude by presenting the concept of transhuman rights, which may indicate an expansion of those concerned and the freedoms guaranteed, highlighting morphological freedom, which seems fundamental to us for the exercise of an unavoidable dimension of the existence of transgender and transvestite people.

Serv. soc. soc ; 146(2): e6628323, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522987


Resumo: Este artigo buscou caracterizar o atendimento familiar no contexto da liberdade assistida do Distrito Federal, com base nas percepções dos profissionais que nele atuam. Utilizou-se formulário eletrônico de coleta de respostas com 21 profissionais. A análise de conteúdo revelou as estratégias utilizadas: atendimento por família, atendimento com grupos de famílias e visitas domiciliares. Os atendimentos contribuem para o êxito da medida socioeducativa e para o bom relacionamento familiar.

Abstract: This article aims to characterize family support within the context of supervised freedom in Distrito Federal, based on the perceptions of professionals working in this context. An electronic form was used with 21 professionals. Through content analysis, the results pointed out the support strategies: family support, support to groups of families and home visits. Support services can contribute to the success of the socio-educational measure itself and relationships among family members.

Pers. bioet ; 26(2)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534983


Los avances de la biotecnología y las fascinantes perspectivas de la genómica nutricional en el escenario de la práctica clínica conducen a la consideración de distintos aspectos que impactan en el beneficio integral del ser humano. En ese sentido, la integración de la nutrición personalizada en la atención clínica requiere de un análisis bioético centrado en la unidad de la persona que, con base en su perfil nutrigenético único, contribuya al cuidado de la salud por medio del tratamiento nutricional individualizado. El análisis bioético contempla los principios de totalidad terapéutica, libertad e integridad. Además, el uso de las pruebas nutrigenéticas destaca no solo la confidencialidad de datos, que se presupone, sino que lleva a considerar el derecho a la intimidad.

The advances in biotechnology and the fascinating perspectives of nutritional genomics in clinical practice have led to considering various aspects that impact the comprehensive benefit of the human being. Integrating personalized nutrition in clinical care requires a bioethical analysis focused on the person who, based on their unique nutrigenetic profile, contributes to health care through individualized nutritional treatment. The bioethical analysis contemplates the principles of therapeutic totality, freedom, and integrity. In addition, the use of nutrigenetic tests highlights not only the confidentiality of data, which is assumed, but also the right to privacy.

Os progressos da biotecnologia e as fascinantes perspectivas da genômica nutricional no cenário da prática clínica conduzem à consideração de diferentes aspectos que impactam no benefício integral do ser humano. Nesse sentido, a integração da nutrição personalizada no atendimento clínico requer de uma análise bioética centralizada na unidade da pessoa que, com base em seu perfil nutrigenético único, contribua para o cuidado da saúde por meio do tratamento nutricional individualizado. A análise bioética contempla os princípios de totalidade terapêutica, liberdade e integridade. Além disso, o uso das provas nutrigenéticas destaca não somente a confidencialidade de dados, que se pressupõe, mas sim que leva a considerar o direito à intimidade.

Rev. polis psique ; 12(2): 130-152, 2022-12-21.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1517504


Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar como o projeto de vida de adolescentes que cumprem medida socioeducativa de Liberdade Assistida (LA) é abordado no instrumento institucional Plano Individual de Atendimento ­ PIA. Para tanto, foi feita a análise documental de 26 PIAs produzidos em um Creas da zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, bem como entrevista com a psicóloga à frente do Serviço de Acompanhamento a adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa da referida instituição. Ao final, percebeu-se que o PIA não é usado como base instrumental para o trabalho articulado a um projeto de vida dos adolescentes, mas é reduzido a um contrato firmado com eles no início do cumprimento da medida com registro de expectativas de futuro. Isso aponta para a necessidade de o PIA avançar de um campo de registro de expectativas de futuro para um de trabalho com o projeto de vida dos adolescentes. (AU)

This article aims to present how the life project of adolescents serving socio-educational measure of assisted freedom is addressed in the institutional instrument Individual Plan of Attendance ­IPA. To this end, a documentary analysis of 26 IPAs produced in a Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was carried out, as well as an interview with the psychologist, who is one of the techniques of the referred institution. In the end, it was noticed that the IPA is not used as an instrumental basis for the work articulated to a life project, but is reduced to a contract signed with them at the beginning of the fulfillment of the measure with a record of future expectations. This points to the need for the IPA to move from a field of recording expectations of the future to one of working with the adolescents' life project. (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar cómo el proyecto de vida de los adolescentes que cumplen con una medida socioeducativa de libertad asistida se aborda en el instrumento institucional Plan Individual de Asistencia­PIA. Para ello, se realizó un análisis documental de 26 PIAs producidos en un Centro de referencia especializado en asistencia social en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, así como una entrevista con el psicólogo, quien es uno de los técnicos de la institución. Al final, se advirtió que el PIA no se utiliza como base instrumental del trabajo articulado al proyecto de vida, sino que se reduce a un contrato firmado con ellos al inicio del cumplimiento de la medida con un registro de expectativas futuras. Esto apunta a la necesidad de que el PIA pase de un campo de registro de expectativas de futuro a uno de trabajo con el proyecto de vida. (AU)

Registros/estatística & dados numéricos , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Medida Socioeducativa , Delinquência Juvenil/legislação & jurisprudência , Serviço Social , Crime/prevenção & controle , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida
Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 15: 3297-3312, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36387040


Purpose: Both psychological empowerment and job stress have been the subjects of great concern, studied mainly in developed countries. In emerging economies, few studies have contributed to the knowledge of the relationship between these two constructs. This study analyzed the relationship between the dimensions of psychological empowerment and job stress in tenured professors from public higher education institutions in Ecuador during 2019, providing insights for achieving better results regarding the productivity and well-being of teachers. This research seeks to bridge the knowledge gap concerning psychological empowerment and job stress within an academic context in an emerging economy. Methods: In this quantitative study, a confirmatory model was proposed. Correlation analysis was used to investigate whether psychological empowerment dimensions are related to job stress. Data were collected from a sample of 200 tenured professors working at public universities located in Zone 3 of Ecuador in 2019. The instrument applied for psychological empowerment was proposed by Spreitzer, composed of four dimensions-meaning, competence, impact, and autonomy. For job stress, the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (OSI-R) instrument applied was proposed and revised by Osipow. Results: Through structural equation modeling with partial least squares, it was possible to demonstrate that psychological empowerment reduces levels of job stress only when it is perceived that there is autonomy, fewer limitations, and more freedom. No evidence was identified that other components of psychological empowerment, such as meaning, competence, and impact, are related to job stress. Conclusion: The results indicated that the model used to explain the relationship between these variables had weak predictive power. Furthermore, only one research hypothesis is accepted. Finally, these findings are corroborated and explained by the different perspectives presented by various authors.

J Prim Care Community Health ; 13: 21501319221121462, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36112863


INTRODUCTION: Assisted suicide and euthanasia are controversial issues today and have been throughout the history of humanity, mainly because there are individuals for and against them. Currently, the legalization of these practices is being discussed in Chile, and the perception of physicians regarding this issue is unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to assess physicians' perception of Chile's euthanasia and assisted suicide. METHODS: A nationwide cross-sectional study was carried out in Chile. A questionnaire of physicians' attitudes and opinions on assisted suicide and euthanasia was used. The population was the doctors who work in Chile, and the sample was convenient with a sample calculation of 384 physicians. About 20 variables were considered and included in a form created through the Google forms option, which was distributed through social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. To guarantee the anonymity of the participants, the option to request and remember the participant's email was deactivated. A generated database allowed the quantitative analysis of the variables and their expression through frequencies, percentages, and graphs. The European University of the Atlantic's research ethics committee approved this study as stated in the document CE-55 of March 2021. RESULTS: A total of 410 physicians were surveyed. 50.7% (n = 208) of the participants identified themselves as men, and 69.8% (n = 286) were Chilean. The city of Santiago was the area of residence of 72.9% (n = 299) of the participants. About 34.6% (n = 142) of participants were general practitioners, and 39.3% (n = 161) of the physicians had more than 20 years of experience. About 68.7% had favorable attitudes toward euthanasia and 54.4% toward assisted suicide; However, although the majority favored legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide, approximately 48.8% stated that they would not participate in an assisted suicide procedure. CONCLUSIONS: There was evidence of support for the implementation and legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide by physicians in Chile. However, there are still professionals who have not yet decided on a definitive position on these practices.

Eutanásia , Médicos , Suicídio Assistido , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Chile , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Masculino , Percepção
J Law Med Ethics ; 50(2): 304-311, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35894561


This chapter explores the tension between public health protection and the freedom of commercial expression from a Commonwealth Caribbean perspective, using Barbados and Jamaica as case studies. First, it assesses the scope of the right to freedom of expression. Second, it discusses the extent to which public health protection may be invoked to restrict the right. The authors conclude that Commonwealth Caribbean states can justifiably restrict commercial speech about tobacco products and unhealthy food and beverages.

Liberdade , Saúde Pública , Barbados , Região do Caribe , Humanos , Jamaica
J Law Med Ethics ; 50(2): 291-297, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35894575


In Brazil, the normative landscape around advertising is complex, not the least because of limitations inherent to dispute resolution mechanisms. Focusing on unhealthy food and beverages, this case study identifies some challenges and opportunities around advertising restrictions, including in relation to freedom of speech.

Publicidade , Televisão , Bebidas , Brasil , Alimentos , Indústria Alimentícia , Humanos
Glob Public Health ; 17(4): 622-640, 2022 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35167763


ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 health crisis has so far involved enormous consequences in human pain, suffering and death. While biomedical science responded early, its response has been marked by several controversies between what appeared to be mainstream perspectives, and diverse alternative views; far from leading to productive debate, controversies often preceded polarisation and, allegedly, exclusion and even censorship of alternative views, followed by the pretense of scientific consensus. This paper describes and discusses the main controversies in the production of COVID biomedical knowledge and derived control measures, to establish if alternative positions are also legitimate from a 'normal science' perspective (rather than comparing them for superiority); explores potential non-scientific explanations of the alleged exclusion of certain views; and analyzes ethical issues implied. The operation of non-scientific factors in scientific and regulatory processes (e.g. various forms of subtle corruption) has been documented in the past; the intervention of such influences in the mishandling of controversies (i.e. on early management, non-pharmacological prevention and vaccination) cannot be ruled out and deserves further investigation. Some of these controversies, increasingly visible in the public domain, also involve ethical challenges that need urgent attention. Polarisation, censorship and dogma are foreign to true science and must be left behind.

COVID-19 , Humanos , Princípios Morais , SARS-CoV-2
J Hand Surg Am ; 47(10): 1019.e1-1019.e9, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34657765


PURPOSE: To determine whether children and adults with unilateral congenital upper limb amputation can control myoelectric prostheses with multiple degrees of freedom (DOF) using pattern recognition (PR) technology. METHODS: Seven participants (age 9-62 years) with unilateral congenital transradial amputation were tested on both their residual and sound side limbs to determine proficiency in controlling a virtual prosthesis using electromyographic signals captured by an array of surface electrodes that were processed using PR technology. Proficiency was measured through a virtual environment game called the target achievement control test, in which the testing protocol asked participants to match increasingly complex prosthesis postures with 1, 2, and 3 DOF. RESULTS: All the participants successfully created a PR calibration at 1, 2, and 3 DOF with their residual limb during testing, and no differences in calibration accuracy were observed when comparing the residual versus sound upper limbs. No differences were noted in the mean completion rate on the target achievement control test between the residual and sound limbs. CONCLUSIONS: Participants with a congenital upper limb amputation achieved PR control calibration of multi-DOF prostheses with proficiency and quality results of PR calibration that were comparable to those of their sound limb. This capability was observed in children as well as in adults. This demonstrates the potential for children and adults with a unilateral congenital transradial amputation to benefit from myoelectric prostheses with PR control. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The results from this study highlight the potential for patients in this population to benefit from myoelectric prostheses with PR control. Persons with unilateral congenital upper limb amputations can be considered for provision of this technology and enrollment in future research activities.

Amputados , Membros Artificiais , Adolescente , Adulto , Amputação Cirúrgica , Criança , Eletromiografia/métodos , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Desenho de Prótese , Extremidade Superior/cirurgia , Adulto Jovem
Dev World Bioeth ; 22(2): 105-111, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33599371


What does the Chilean Constitution say about euthanasia? When we read the Chilean Constitution we cannot find the word "euthanasia" in the text, and there is no such thing as a right to die, therefore the answer should apparently be that the Constitution does not say anything about euthanasia and, in short, euthanasia is not allowed. However, on a second reading we can find out some statements from which we can infer another answer. My aim is to show that there is room for the acceptance of euthanasia in the Chilean Constitution, and in other similar Constitutions and international regulations in which freedom of conscience is granted.

Eutanásia , Direito a Morrer , Chile , Eutanásia Passiva , Liberdade , Humanos , Autonomia Pessoal
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 34: e242492, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1376079


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é focar, a partir da filosofia de Espinosa, no conceito de "sofrimento ético-político", articulando-o necessariamente aos conceitos de "bons encontros" desenvolvido por Giles Deleuze e "potência de ação" de Espinosa. Para tanto, tecemos uma reflexão sobre liberdade para este autor, passando por sua principal obra, a Ética, articulada com alguns de seus leitores e interlocutores. Argumentamos que reconhecer a base ontológica e epistemológica destes conceitos permite demarcar um direcionamento ético e político que pode ser útil à Psicologia Social Crítica no Brasil. A ideia de liberdade como ontologia afirma a expansão da vida como fundamento do humano ou como desejo que nos move em busca de encontros que aumentem nossas possibilidades de existência singulares e coletivas. O cerceamento desse desejo está na gênese do sofrimento ético-político.

Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es enfocar, a partir de la filosofía de Spinoza, el concepto de "sufrimiento ético-político", articulándolo necesariamente a los conceptos de "buenos encuentros" desarrollado por Giles Deleuze y el "poder de acción" de Spinoza. Para ello, tejemos una refección sobre la libertad para este autor, pasando por su obra principal, Ética, articulada con algunos de sus lectores e interlocutores. Argumentamos que reconocer la base ontológica y epistemológica de estos conceptos nos permite demarcar una dirección ética y política que puede ser útil para la Psicología Social Crítica en Brasil. La idea de la libertad como ontología afirma la expansión de la vida como fundamento de lo humano o como un deseo que nos mueve en busca de encuentros que aumenten nuestras posibilidades de existencia singulares y colectivas. La reducción de este deseo está en la génesis del sufrimiento ético-político.

Abstract The aim of this article is to focus, based on Spinoza's philosophy, on the concept of "ethical-political suffering", necessarily articulating it to the concepts of "good encounters" developed by Gilles Deleuze and Spinoza's "power of acting". For that, we weave a reflection on the concept of freedom for this author, going through his masterpiece, Ethics, articulated with some of his readers and interlocutors. We argue that recognizing the ontological and epistemological basis of these concepts allows us to demarcate an ethical and political direction that can contribute with Critical Social Psychology in Brazil. The idea of freedom as an ontology claims life expansion as a human foundation or as a desire that moves us in search of encounters that increase our possibilities of singular and collective existence. The restriction of this desire is at the genesis of the ethical-political suffering.

Filosofia , Política , Ética , Liberdade , Angústia Psicológica , Psicologia Social
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e241222, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1422383


O percurso experimentado por jovens que praticam atos infracionais está longe de ser aquele explorado pelos discursos menoristas e culpabilizantes, isto é, de uma vida perversa e perigosa. Com efeito, muitos fatores entram em jogo, a exemplo da vida familiar, dos vínculos afetivos que, na situação de marginalidade, medeiam sua relação com as drogas e com o crime, mas também permitem novas conexões e um contínuo florescer. A partir dos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Teoria Ator-Rede e da Cartografia, ampliando a visão estatístico-jurídica das infrações juvenis e obsoletando as lógicas individualizantes e causais, este artigo pretende discutir juventude e ato infracional, sua relação com as Medidas Socioeducativas (MSE) de Liberdade Assistida (LA) e dar visibilidade aos atores que compõem as redes historiais desses sujeitos, bem como dar mais atenção aos meandros que compõem essas conexões e seus coengendramentos. A história de vida singular de Yasmim exemplificará, de certo modo, os obstáculos e agruras que estão emaranhadas na rede estabelecida pelos adolescentes em cumprimento de LA, bem como as tentativas, os esforços e as resistências que se engendram numa constante (re)construção de vida. Este estudo possibilitou uma melhor compreensão dos processos que se tecem para a configuração do ato considerado ilícito.(AU)

The journey of young people who practice infractions experience is far from being that exploited by discourses of the minor and the guilty, of a perverse and dangerous life. In fact, many factors come into play, like family life, affective bonds that, in a marginal situation, mediate their relationship with drugs and crime, but also allow new connections and a continuous flourishing. Based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the Actor-Network Theory and Cartography, expanding the statistical-legal view of juvenile infractions and making obsolete the individualizing and causal logics, this article intends to discuss youth and infractions act, their relationship with the Socio-educational Measures (MSE) of Assisted Freedom (AF) and give visibility to the actors that make up these subjects' historical networks, as well as shine a light on the intricacies that make up these connections and their engenderings. Yasmim's singular life history will exemplify, in a certain way, the obstacles and hardships that are entangled in the network established by adolescents in compliance with AF, as well as the attempts, efforts, and resistances that are engendered in a constant (re)construction of life. This study allowed a better understanding of the processes that are woven to configurate the act considered illicit.(AU)

El recorrido que experimentan los jóvenes que practican infracciones está lejos de ser el utilizado por los discursos minoristas y culpables, es decir, aquel de una vida perversa y peligrosa. De hecho, entran en juego muchos factores, como el de la vida familiar, los lazos afectivos que, en una situación marginal, median su relación con las drogas y la delincuencia, pero también permiten nuevas conexiones y un florecimiento continuo. A partir de los supuestos teóricos y metodológicos de la Teoría Actor-Red y Cartografía, que amplían la visión estadístico-jurídica de las infracciones juveniles y dejan obsoletas las lógicas individualizadoras y causales, este artículo pretende discutir la juventud y el acto infraccional, su relación con las Medidas Socioeducativas (MSE) de Libertad Asistida (LA), además de dar visibilidad a los actores que conforman las redes históricas de estos sujetos y los meandros de estas conexiones y sus engendraciones. La historia de vida singular de Yasmin puede ejemplificar y exponer, en cierto modo, los obstáculos y dificultades que se enredan en la red establecida por los adolescentes en cumplimiento de LA, así como los intentos, esfuerzos y resistencias que se engendran en una (re)construcción constante de la vida. Este estudio propició una mejor comprensión de los procesos que se tejen para configurar el acto considerado ilícito.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Crime , Teoria Social , Liberdade , Preconceito , Responsabilidade Social , Apoio Social , Serviço Social , Violência , Comportamento do Adolescente , Educação , Relações Familiares , Usuários de Drogas , Mapeamento Geográfico , Marginalização Social , Comportamento Criminoso , Respeito
Psicol. esc. educ ; 26: e223597, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1387024


Este artigo, de natureza teórica, tem como objetivo apresentar a compreensão de um grupo de pesquisa acerca do conceito de imaginação na perspectiva da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, focalizando, sobretudo, as ideias desenvolvidas por Vigotski e alguns de seus interloculores. Com base nesta perspectiva, compreende-se a imaginação como uma função psicológica superior responsável por criar horizontes, libertando o sujeito de sua realidade concreta. Por possibilitar, imbricada ao pensamento, que o sujeito alcance formas abstratas de pensar, a imaginação assume grande relevância no processo de ensino/aprendizagem, sendo fundamental, portanto, às ações desenvolvidas na escola. Intenta-se, ainda, neste artigo, refletir sobre o conceito de liberdade na relação com a imaginação, visando destacar a importância dos processos imaginativos para o desenvolvimento do sujeito. Ainda, é realizad uma análise com relação ao conceito de liberdade, tal como proposto pela Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e sua relação com a imaginação. O artigo se encerra destacando-se a necessidade de avanços na compreensão da imaginação e sua importância na promoção do desenvolvimento de adolescentes e para a apropriação do conhecimento escolarizado.

En este artículo, de naturaleza teórica, se tiene como objetivo presentar la comprensión de un grupo de investigación acerca del concepto de imaginación en la perspectiva de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural, centrando, sobre todo, en las ideas desarrolladas por Vygotsky y algunos de sus interlocutores. Con base en esta perspectiva, se comprende la imaginación como una función psicológica superior responsable por crear horizontes, libertando el sujeto de su realidad concreta. Por posibilitar, imbricada al pensamiento, que el sujeto alcance formas abstractas de pensar, la imaginación tiene gran relevancia en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje, y es fundamental, por lo tanto, a las acciones desarrolladas en la escuela. Se intenta, aún, en este artículo, pensar sobre el concepto de libertad en la relación con a la imaginación, con objetivo de destacar la importancia de los procesos imaginativos para el desarrollo del sujeto. Aún, se realiza un análisis con relación al concepto de libertad, tal como propuesto por la Psicología Histórico-Cultural y su relación con la imaginación. El artículo se clausura destacándose la necesidad de avances en la comprensión de la imaginación y su importancia en la promoción del desarrollo de adolescentes y para la apropiación del conocimiento escolarizado.

This theoretical article aims to present a research group's understanding about the concept of imagination from the perspective of Historical-Cultural Psychology, focusing, above all, on the ideas developed by Vigotski and some of his interlocutors. Based on this perspective, imagination is understood as a higher psychological function responsible for creating horizons, freeing the subject from his concrete reality. By enabling, intertwined with thought, the subject reaches abstract ways of thinking, the imagination assumes great relevance in the teaching/learning process, being fundamental, therefore, to the actions developed at school. It is also intended, in this article, to reflect about the concept of freedom in relation to the imagination, aiming to highlight the importance of imaginative processes for the subject's development. Furthermore, an analysis is carried out in relation to the concept of freedom, as proposed by Historical-Cultural Psychology and its relationship with imagination. The article ends by highlighting the need for advances in the understanding of imagination and its importance in promoting the adolescents' development and in appropriating school knowledge.

Instituições Acadêmicas , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Liberdade , Imaginação