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Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 11(1): 72-82, 20240601.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556126


Disaster victim identification is structured according to international recommendations on the attempt to optimize forensic logistics. The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) establishes primary and secondary methods for human identification. This study aimed to revisit the existing literature to address the forensic importance of tattoos. The scientific literature has shown advances in the forensic analyses of tattoos specially when it comes to the application of especial imaging techniques, namely photography with infrared light to visualize latent tattoo inks and cover-up tattoos, as well as the use of biochemical processing to distinguish components of the tattoo inks. Other relevant aspect is the fields dedicated to tattoo descriptions in software used worldwide for disaster victim identification, namely PlassData. Coding systems have been proposed as well to facilitate communication in the human identification process. The future of forensic analyses of tattoos is promising considering the increase of research in recent years. Forensic practice might benefit from it with more scientific evidence to support the utilization of tattoo analyses in casework

A identificação de vítimas de desastres em massa é estruturada de acordo com recomendações internacionais na tentativa de otimizar a logística forense. A INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) estabelece métodos primários e secundários para identificação humana. Este estudo teve como objetivo revisitar a literatura existente para abordar a importância forense das tatuagens. A literatura científica tem mostrado avanços nas análises forenses de tatuagens, especialmente no que diz respeito à aplicação de técnicas especiais de imaginologia, como a fotografia com luz infravermelha para visualizar tintas latentes de tatuagens e tatuagens de cobertura, bem como a utilização de processamento bioquímico para distinguir componentes das tintas de tatuagem. Outro aspecto relevante são os campos dedicados à descrição de tatuagens em softwares utilizados mundialmente para identificação de vítimas de desastres em massa, como o PlassData. Sistemas de codificação também foram propostos para facilitar a comunicação no processo de identificação humana. O futuro das análises forenses de tatuagens é promissor considerando o aumento das pesquisas nos últimos anos. A prática forense pode beneficiar-se com mais evidências científicas para apoiar a utilização de análises de tatuagens na condução de casos periciais

Forensic Sci Res ; 9(2): owad046, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38903907


Several studies have evaluated the parameters of normality of the sella turcica (ST), which is important to face different craniofacial syndromes that may affect this structure. Therefore, this research summarized the scientific evidence on the role of ST in the sex estimation of non-syndromic individuals. The research protocol was registered (Prospective International Registry of Systematic Reviews # CRD42021256469), followed by an electronic search in six databases (PubMed, LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, and LIVIVO) and gray literature (Google Scholar and OpenGrey). Meta-analysis of linear (width, length, height, and diameter) and volumetric measurements, in addition to an assessment of risk of bias (RoB) and certainty of evidence, were performed. After the screening of 986 articles, 13 were evaluated by meta-analysis (1 307 males and 1 231 females). In subgroup analysis, females had lower values for width (lateral radiograph; -0.67 mm; P = 0.040), length (computed tomography; -0.23 mm; P = 0.020), and diameter (computed tomography; -0.27 mm; P < 0.001) compared to males. There was no statistically significant difference regarding height (P = 0.95), area (P = 0.72), and volume (P = 0.21). Most studies exhibited moderate RoB, and the certainty of evidence of the outcomes was very low. In this review, significant differences were observed between the sexes for the length and diameter of the ST; however, the heterogeneity of the studies must be considered. Key points: Studies from different geographic regions evaluated the morphology of ST according to sex and showed this anatomical structure as an important indicator of dimorphism.Meta-analysis showed shorter ST length and diameter in women.Subgroup analysis found lower ST width in women based on lateral skull radiographs.Subgroup analysis found smaller lengths and diameters in women based on CT scans.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 41(1): 3-12, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558406


Resumen Introducción: La anemia de células falciformes se define como la hemoglobinopatía estructural autosómica recesiva más prevalente en todo el mundo, puede presentar fenómenos vasooclusivos y la anemia hemolítica que son los responsables de las principales complicaciones de esta enfermedad, una de estas es el síndrome torácico agudo, siendo una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en estos pacientes. Objetivo: correlacionar los hallazgos de la autopsia médico legal, con las generalidades de la fisiopatología de la anemia de células falciformes actualizadas y disponibles. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó el análisis del protocolo de la autopsia médico legal efectuada, y revisión bibliográfica en un caso de una femenina de 37 años que en apariencia padecía de "dolor por nervio ciático", quien falleció en su casa de habitación, tras presentar un dolor intenso localizado en la espalda y disnea. Tras la autopsia médico legal se estableció como causa de muerte el síndrome torácico agudo por drepanocitosis. Conclusiones: La anemia de células falciformes se debe tener presente al momento de la valoración médico legal como una posible causa de muerte, para ello es necesario conocer la fisiopatología de esta enfermedad, y poder identificar dichas afectaciones al momento de realizar la autopsia médico legal, para esto es necesario contar con todas las herramientas posibles para poder realizar un diagnóstico certero.

Abstract Objective: To correlate the findings of the medical legal autopsy carried out with the updated and available generalities of the pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia. Materials and methods: The analysis of the protocol of the medical-legal autopsy carried out, and a bibliographic review, were carried out. A 37-year-old female who apparently suffered from "sciatic nerve pain," who died in her home after experiencing intense pain located in her back and dyspnea. After the medical-legal autopsy, acute chest syndrome due to sickle cell disease was established as the cause of death. Conclusions: Sickle cell anemia must be kept in mind at the time of the medical-legal evaluation as a possible cause of death, for this it is necessary to know the pathophysiology of this disease, and to be able to identify these effects when performing the Medical- Legal Autopsy, for this It is necessary to have all the possible tools to be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(1): 162-168, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565143


RESUMEN A pesar de los numerosos esfuerzos de la comunidad internacional en pos de erradicar todas las formas de violencia contra las mujeres, esta problemática se encuentra lejos de ser resuelta. Según la ONU, una de cada tres mujeres ha sufrido violencia física o sexual por parte de la pareja, violencia sexual fuera de la pareja, o de ambas, al menos una vez en su vida. El abordaje de esta problemática, en tanto necesidad social de salud de grupos poblacionales, permite una aproximación a la violencia de género como un problema de salud colectiva. En el plano de la violencia física, la estrangulación/sofocación ha sido identificada como una de las formas más letales de violencia doméstica y agresión sexual; se ha reportado que una víctima que es estrangulada una primera vez tiene 7,5 más probabilidades de ser asesinada posteriormente por el mismo abusador. Una víctima de estrangulación/sofocación puede perder la conciencia en segundos o morir en minutos, días o semanas después del ataque o sufrir daño cerebral permanente o invalidez, además del trauma emocional. Recientemente, se han generado cambios legales en la configuración de este delito; las penas han aumentado en el Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Australia y Nueva Zelandia. El propósito de esta revisión de literatura de tipo narrativo, no sistemática, está orientada a presentar aspectos médico-legales actualizados de la estrangulación/sofocación no fatal en el contexto de la violencia de género, y se resaltan aquellas implicancias relevantes para la práctica clínica.

ABSTRACT Despite the numerous efforts of the international community to eradicate all forms of violence against women, this problem is far from being resolved. According to the UN, one in three women has suffered physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner, sexual violence outside the couple, or both at least once in their life. Addressing this problem as a social health need of population groups allows an approach to gender violence as a collective health problem. At the level of physical violence, strangulation/suffocation has been identified as one of the most lethal forms of domestic violence and sexual assault. Victims of domestic violence who have been choked or strangled are 7.5 times more likely to be killed by their partner. A victim of strangulation/suffocation can lose consciousness in seconds or die within minutes, days or weeks after the attack, as well as suffer permanent brain damage or disability or emotional trauma. Recently, legal changes have been generated in the configuration of this crime, the penalties have increased in United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. The current non-systematic narrative review of literature sought to explore updated medico-legal aspects of non-fatal strangulation/suffocation in the context of gender violence, and are highlightedrelevant implications for clinical practice.

Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1567289


Este estudo descritivo parte de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, visando esboçar uma gênese e constituição das Perícias Médico-Previdenciárias (PMP) no país e buscando ressaltar seu conteúdo crítico. Foi empreendida então a Análise de Conteúdo para categorizar os núcleos temáticos em periodizações históricas que, a partir do método dialético, nos possibilitaram conjugar uma análise diacrônica e sincrônica do papel, do lugar e da função social das PMP. Desvela-se de sua institucionalização legal uma postura historicamente conservadora e antitrabalhadora, que sustenta a ação pericial no âmbito do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS) e nos permite afirmar que sequer tal campo de poder têm relação com qualquer resolução dos problemas em Saúde do Trabalhador (ST), pois o paradigma da causalidade dos agravos à saúde se dá pela precedência das condições de trabalho em uma visão (a)histórica e descontextualizada das relações econômicas, políticas, ideológicas e sociais que influem nos nexos entre trabalho e saúde/doença

The descriptive study, based on bibliographic and documentary research, outlines the genesis and institutionalization of Social Security Medical Experts (PMP) in Brazil, highlight its critical content. Content Analysis categorized the thematic cores into historical periods that, based on the dialectical method, allowed us to combine a diachronic and synchronic analysis of the role, place, and social function of PMP. Their legal institutionalization reveals a historically conservative and anti-worker(s) stance that supports the expert action within the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), allowing us to affirm that such a field of power has no intention to solve occupational health issues, for the causality paradigm of health problems is given a priori by the working conditions under an ahistorical and decontextualized view of economic, political, ideological and social relations that influence the link between work and health/disease

Previdência Social/história , Saúde Ocupacional , Prova Pericial/legislação & jurisprudência , Medicina Legal/história , Ergonomia
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514470


El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), es trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se caracteriza por algún grado de dificultad en la interacción social y la comunicación, que comienza en el periodo de desarrollo temprano, y se clasifica según el grado de severidad en grado 1, 2 y 3, según lo establecido en el DSM-5. Dicho Trastorno se encuentra abarcado por la Ley 7125 de Pensión Vitalicia para Personas con Parálisis Profunda, y su reforma 8769. Con el objetivo de analizar los criterios establecidos para la valoración de estos procesos, se presenta el caso de una persona masculina de 6 años con diagnóstico de TEA, de quien se interpuso demanda para ser tomado en cuenta dentro de dicha Ley. En el mismo y tras el análisis respectivo, de acuerdo con los datos de la literatura científica actualizada, y de los criterios establecidos, se pudo constatar que si calificaba según lo indicado en la Ley 7125.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by some degree of difficulty in social interaction and communication, which begins in the early development period, and is classified according to the degree of severity in grade 1, 2 and 3, as established in the DSM-5. Said Disorder is covered by Law 7125 of Life Pension for people with deep cerebral palsy, and its reform 8769. In order to analyze the criteria established for the assessment of these processes, the case of a 6-year-old male person with diagnosis of ASD, of whom a lawsuit was filed to be taken into account within said Law. In it and after the respective analysis, according to the data of the updated scientific literature, and the established criteria, it was possible to verify that if qualified as indicated in Law 7125.

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Pensões , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/diagnóstico , Cobertura Universal de Saúde , Costa Rica
Univ. salud ; 25(3): [C18-C22], septiembre-diciembre. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531205


Introduction: Judicially demanding the right to health involves different elements and can lead to changes in continuing education programs. The current trend is to follow this pathway to access low-frequency and high-cost medications. In addition, the Constitutional Court of Costa Rica requests a technical concept from forensic doctors. Objective: To raise the need for continuous updating in specific theoretical-practical academic knowledge required by forensic doctors to guarantee the right to health services. Reflection: The training of forensic medical doctors is focused on evidence and encourages continuous education. Nevertheless, a commitment is necessary in continuing medical education programs such as literature search strategies, critical assessment of evidence, and academic practices that incorporate particular circumstances comparing them with scientific studies. These programs must take into account prevalent medications and pathologies as well as technical-scientific factors that differ in each service provider. Conclusion: A continuing education program about the interpretation and assessment of scientific evidence for proper decision making on health issues would allow medical doctors to judge existing health problems and choose a medication that is the most beneficial for a patient.

Introducción: La judicialización del derecho a la salud involucra a distintos actores y puede propiciar cambios en programas de educación continua; pues la tendencia actual es recurrir a esta vía para acceder a medicamentos de baja frecuencia y alto costo. Adicionalmente, en Costa Rica la Sala Constitucional solicita el criterio técnico a médicos forenses. Objetivo: Plantear la necesidad de actualización continua en conocimientos académicos teóricos-prácticos específicos que requiere el médico forense para garantizar el derecho a los servicios de salud. Reflexión: El médico forense cuenta con formación basada en evidencias y se incentiva su formación continua, sin embargo, es necesario un compromiso con los programas de educación médica continua: en estrategias de búsqueda de literatura, valoración crítica de la evidencia encontrada y práctica académica que incorpore las circunstancias particulares, comparándolo con los resultados de estudios científicos; tomando en cuenta medicamentos y patologías prevalentes y los factores técnico-científicos de divergencia entre los prestadores de servicios. Conclusión: Un programa de formación continua sobre interpretación y valoración de la evidencia científica para la toma de decisiones en salud, permitiría a estos especialistas responder con mejor criterio si un medicamento es el tratamiento más beneficioso para un paciente debido a sus problemas de salud.

Introdução: A judicialização do direito à saúde envolve diferentes atores e pode promover mudanças nos programas de educação continuada; porque a tendência atual é recorrer a esta via para ter acesso a medicamentos de baixa frequência e alto custo. Além disso, na Costa Rica, o Tribunal Constitucional solicita critérios técnicos aos médicos forenses. Objetivo: Levantar a necessidade de atualização contínua em conhecimentos acadêmicos teórico-práticos específicos que o médico forense necessita para garantir o direito aos serviços de saúde. Reflexão: O médico forense tem formação baseada em evidências e sua formação continuada é incentivada, porém é necessário o compromisso com programas de educação médica continuada: em estratégias de busca bibliográfica, avaliação crítica das evidências encontradas e prática acadêmica que incorpore as circunstâncias particulares , comparando-o com resultados de estudos científicos; levando em consideração medicamentos e patologias prevalentes e fatores técnico-científicos de divergência entre prestadores de serviços. Conclusão: Um programa de formação contínua sobre interpretação e avaliação de evidências científicas para a tomada de decisões em saúde, permitiria a estes especialistas responder com melhores critérios se um medicamento é o tratamento mais benéfico para um paciente devido aos seus problemas de saúde.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Atenção à Saúde , Educação , Categorias de Trabalhadores , Pessoal de Saúde , Educação Profissionalizante , Direito à Saúde , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde
J Forensic Leg Med ; 99: 102591, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37717366


Drowning is a significant global cause of unintentional injury fatalities, and accurate forensic diagnosis of drowning remains a challenge due to the nonspecific nature of post-mortem findings obtained through classical autopsy methods. Our manuscript addresses this issue by focusing on the emerging use of paranasal sinus fluid as a valuable tool in determining the cause of death, specifically in distinguishing drowning from non-drowning cases. The study provided a comprehensive summary of available evidence from observational studies that compared findings in the paranasal sinuses between drowning and non-drowning victims, analyzing parameters such as the presence of fluid, fluid volume, and density. The study encompassed a total of 14 selected studies involving 1044 subjects and utilized rigorous risk of bias assessment and data synthesis techniques. The meta-analysis demonstrated a strong association between the presence of fluid in the paranasal sinuses and drowning (OR = 17.1; 95% CI 7.2 to 40.5; p < 0.001). In addition, drowning victims had a significantly greater volume of fluid (SMD = 0.8; 95% CI 0.5 to 1.2; p < 0.001) and lower fluid density (SMD = -1.4; 95% -2.5 to -0.4; p = 0.008) compared to non-drowning cases. The results support the utility of paranasal sinus fluid analysis as a valuable diagnostic method in cases where drowning is suspected but cannot be definitively confirmed through traditional approaches.

Afogamento , Seios Paranasais , Humanos , Afogamento/diagnóstico , Causas de Morte , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Autopsia/métodos
J Forensic Leg Med ; 97: 102543, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37321156


OBJECTIVE: To prospectively determine injury recovery time in the medical-legal examinations of non-fatal injuries and their associated factors, carried out by the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Colombia to create a multivariate analysis. METHODS: A prospective medical-legal assessment of non-fatal injuries was carried out on 281 individuals with complete follow-up, in which the observational unit of analysis was the most serious injury. Variables, such as sex, circumstances of the injury, the mechanism that caused the injury, medical certificate of incapacity to work, among others were related to the injury recovery time, measured in days. The Kruskal Wallis (K-W) ANOVA and a multivariate analysis using the ordinal regression model were applied. RESULTS: In the multivariate analysis, the factors most associated with longer recovery time were the extent of joint damage (CR95%:1.47-5.94,p = 0.0001) and bone damage (CR95%:2.92-7.42,p < 0.001). In terms of circumstances of the injury, traffic accidents (CR95%:1.03-2.96,p < 0.001), medical-legal impairments (CR95%:0.34-2.19,p = 0.007), and complications of the primary injury (CR95%: 1.18-2.57,p < 0.001) had the greatest impact on recovery time. Others factors that significantly impacted injury recovery time are surgical treatments (IC95%: 0.33-3.26,p = 0.0164) and delayed treatment (CR95%:1.41-4.72,p < 0.001). A direct correlation (significant and moderately strong) was found between the recovery time of the injury and the days of incapacity for work (r = 0.802, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This prospective analysis determined which variables were most strongly related to the medical-legal assessment of non-fatal injuries and the recovery time of said injuries. Further studies aimed at improving the strategies to help individuals complete the legal process are required.

Medicina Legal , Ferimentos e Lesões , Humanos , Acidentes de Trânsito , Colômbia , Análise Multivariada , Ferimentos e Lesões/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino
Autops Case Rep ; 13: e2023430, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37287565


Introduction: the autopsy is an essential medical procedure; however, its use has declined over the decades. In autoimmune and rheumatological diseases, anatomical and microscopic diagnosis is critical to diagnose of the cause of death. For this reason, our objective is to describe the cause of death in patients diagnosed with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases who underwent an autopsy in a Pathology reference center in Colombia. Materials and methods: a retrospective and descriptive study of autopsy reports. Results: between January 2004 and December 2019, 47 autopsies of patients with autoimmune and rheumatological diseases were performed. Systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis were the most common diseases. The leading cause of death was related to infections, being opportunistic infections in the majority of the cases. Conclusions: our autopsy-based study was focused on patients with autoimmune and rheumatological conditions. Infections are the leading cause of death, particularly opportunistic infections, diagnosed mainly by microscopy. Thus, the autopsy should continue to be considered the "gold standard" to determine the cause of death in this population.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430758


La fractura orbitaria por estallido o fractura en "blow out" es una de las fracturas más comunes a nivel facial por lo que su importancia reside en saber identificarlas por el enmascaramiento clínico que podría o no, estar presente. Es de vital importancia complementar la valoración clínica con estudios de imagenología que confirmen las sospechas clínicas. De no hacerlo si el paciente no consulta a un servicio médico quirúrgico la pérdida de la capacidad funcional o la debilitación persistente en la salud ocasionada por la fractura no podrá ser validada en un Dictamen Médico Legal de Secuelas.

The orbital blow out fracture is one of the most common fractures at facial level, so its importance lies in knowing how to identify them due to the clinical masking that may or may not be present. It is of vital importance to complement the clinical evaluation with imaging studies to confirm the clinical suspicions. Otherwise, if the patient does not consult a surgical medical service, the loss of functional capacity or the persistent debilitation in health caused by the fracture cannot be validated in a Forensic Medical Report of Sequelae.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Fraturas Orbitárias/diagnóstico , Diplopia , Traumatismos Faciais/diagnóstico por imagem , Costa Rica , Medicina Legal
Acta méd. costarric ; 65(1): 26-31, ene.-mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1527610


Resumen La pericia médico legal es compleja y su resultado debe estar fundamentado considerando el análisis de varios elementos de juicio, como: la historia médico legal, el examen físico, el análisis de los expedientes médicos, estudios de laboratorio e imágenes radiológicas y en algunos casos, inclusive una interconsulta realizada a otros especialistas. El perito médico forense utiliza la interconsulta a especialistas para solventar la brecha que existe entre el conocimiento profesional y específico que posee una especialidad y una interrogante médico legal, por lo que difiere en gran manera en el objetivo, formulación y resultado de una interconsulta médica hospitalaria. Por esta razón, esta reflexión pretende contextualizar la importancia del recurso de interconsulta médica dentro del análisis pericial forense, que es un tema poco conocido en la medicina asistencial, y justificar la relevancia de la educación médica continua para los médicos especialistas que realizan las interconsultas y para quienes las solicitan.

Abstract The medical-legal report is complex and its result must be based on the análisis of various elements of judgment, such as: the legal medical history, the physical examination, the analysis of the medical records, laboratory and radiological images and in some cases, even an interconsultation with other specialists. The forensic medical expert uses the interconsultation with specialists to solve the gap that exists between the professional and specific knowledge that a specialty has and a legal medical question, for which it differs greatly in the objective, formulation and result of a hospital medical interconsultation. For this reason, this reflection aims to contextualize the importance of the resource of medical interconsultation within the forensic expert analysis, which is a little-known topic in healthcare medicine, and to justify the relevance of continuing medical education for medical specialists who perform interconsultations and for those who request them.

Encaminhamento e Consulta , Prova Pericial , Medicina Legal , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Médicos Legistas
Forensic Sci Med Pathol ; 19(1): 16-23, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35763190


Although there are physiological methods to determine the postmortem interval (PMI), interval forensic histopathology can be applied to obtain accuracy. The aim was to describe the histological changes in human lingual striated musculature at different PMI. Seven groups were formed according to increasing PMI of 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h postmortem (PM). Each group was made up of 16 samples of tongues from each cadaver. The samples were fixed in buffered formaldehyde at 10% and processed for embedding in paraplast. Section 5 µm thick were cut and dyed with H&E for analysis. The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. The histological changes in the striated muscle cells of the tongue were associated with the different PMI. From 6 to 24 h PM, there were initial changes in the cellular and nuclear morphology. At 48 h PM, at least 50% of the samples presented poorly conserved and reduced muscle striations. At 72 h PM, 100% of the cases presented myofibers with altered morphology, cytoplasmic vacuoles (93.75%), edema (68.55%) and pyknosis (93.75%). At 96 and 120 h PM, the myofibers presented pyknotic nuclei, and they were absent in the rest. The changes in the histology of the human lingual striated muscle make it possible to estimate the PMI, either in the early phase (0-72 h) or the late phase (92-120 h). However, further research is needed to verify, refine and expand on these results.

Músculo Esquelético , Mudanças Depois da Morte , Humanos , Cadáver , Autopsia , Língua
Autops. Case Rep ; 13: e2023430, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439478


ABSTRACT Introduction the autopsy is an essential medical procedure; however, its use has declined over the decades. In autoimmune and rheumatological diseases, anatomical and microscopic diagnosis is critical to diagnose of the cause of death. For this reason, our objective is to describe the cause of death in patients diagnosed with autoimmune and rheumatic diseases who underwent an autopsy in a Pathology reference center in Colombia. Materials and methods a retrospective and descriptive study of autopsy reports. Results between January 2004 and December 2019, 47 autopsies of patients with autoimmune and rheumatological diseases were performed. Systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis were the most common diseases. The leading cause of death was related to infections, being opportunistic infections in the majority of the cases. Conclusions our autopsy-based study was focused on patients with autoimmune and rheumatological conditions. Infections are the leading cause of death, particularly opportunistic infections, diagnosed mainly by microscopy. Thus, the autopsy should continue to be considered the "gold standard" to determine the cause of death in this population.

Rev Bras Med Trab ; 20(2): 178-184, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36127904


Introduction: Different forms of rationalization are introduced through work, which result from economic, political, and social changes that increase the need for labor force. Within this context, there are institutions that neglect the effects of poor work environments on workers' health, such as the development of work-related mental and psychological disorders. Objectives: To understand what it means to work as an official expert at a forensic medicine institute and investigate occupational and workplace factors that may contribute to emotional and psychological stress and/or depression. Methods: We conducted an exploratory, qualitative study at a forensic medicine institute of a Brazilian capital city. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with study participants, which were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Occupational factors, including physical organization and psychological demand, may generate or contribute to the development of psychological and emotional stress and/or depression in forensic medicine workers. Working conditions are related to the quality and quantitative performance of the worker and influence whether worker productivity meets the demands of those using the services provided by the institute. Conclusions: This study revealed the reality of those working at a forensic medicine institute and identified possible factors that may cause emotional instability, psychological and emotional stress, and/or depression. We identified the need for changes in the workplace and the creation of social policies focused on mental health to minimize occupational illness.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(15)2022 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35953927


During the armed conflict in Colombia, homemade improvised antipersonnel landmines were used to neutralize the adversary. Many active artifacts remain buried, causing damage to biodiversity by exploding. The extensive literature describes the effects and injuries caused to humans by conventional landmines. However, there is considerably less information on the behavior and effects of homemade antipersonnel landmines on fauna and good field investigation practices. Our objectives were to describe the characteristics of a controlled explosion of a homemade antipersonnel landmine (using ammonium nitrate as an explosive substance), to compare the effectiveness of some evidence search patterns used in forensic investigation, and to determine the effects on a piece of an animal carcass. The explosion generated a shock wave and an exothermic reaction, generating physical effects on the ground and surrounding structures near the point of explosion. The amputation of the foot in direct contact with the device during the explosion and multiple fractures were the main effects on the animal carcass. Finally, it was determined that finding evidence was more effective in a smaller search area. Many factors can influence the results, which must be weighed when interpreting the results, as discussed in this manuscript.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 30(2): 346-354, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387731


Resumo Conhecer o paradigma ético que fundamenta o código moral da medicina é fundamental para atuar não só na assistência, mas também em processo pericial. A partir de revisão da literatura, propõe-se avaliar a maneira como os quatro princípios éticos fundamentais (beneficência, não maleficência, autonomia e justiça) se aplicam antes, durante e após a perícia psiquiátrica, como perito ou como assistente técnico. Novos desafios éticos vêm surgindo na psiquiatria forense. Com a pandemia de covid-19, a tecnologia foi adotada para permitir a prática da telemedicina, mas ainda se debate se seria suficiente para promover avaliação pericial psiquiátrica adequada. Considerando a complexidade da área, cada situação deve ser analisada de forma individual e abrangente, sendo recomendável buscar auxílio para debater as perspectivas éticas e legais das perícias psiquiátricas quando necessário.

Abstract Knowing the ethical paradigm that bases the medicine moral code is fundamental to act not only in care but also in the expert testimony process. From a revision of the literature, we propose to evaluate the way the four fundamental ethical principles (beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice) apply before, during, and after the psychiatric expert testimony, be it as expert or as technical assistant. New ethical challenges have been appearing in forensic psychiatry. With the COVID-19 pandemic, technology was adopted to allow the practice of telemedicine, but debates still occur if that would suffice for an adequate psychiatric expert testimony evaluation. Considering the complexity of the area, each situation must be analyzed in an individualized and all-encompassing way and seeking help to debate the ethical and legal perspectives of psychiatric expert testimonies is recommended when necessary.

Resumen Conocer el paradigma ético que subyace en el código moral de la medicina es fundamental para actuar no solo en la asistencia, sino también en el proceso pericial. A partir de una revisión bibliográfica, se propone evaluar cómo se aplican los cuatro principios éticos fundamentales (beneficencia, no maleficencia, autonomía y justicia) antes, durante y después de la pericia psiquiátrica, ya sea como perito o como asistente técnico. Están surgiendo nuevos desafíos éticos en la psiquiatría forense. Con la pandemia del Covid-19, se utilizó la tecnología para permitir la práctica de la telemedicina, pero aún está en debate si esto es suficiente para promover una adecuada evaluación psiquiátrica forense. Considerando la complejidad del área, se debe analizar cada situación de manera individual e integral y, cuando sea necesario, buscar ayuda para debatir las perspectivas éticas y legales de la pericia psiquiátrica.

Psiquiatria Legal , Teoria Ética , Ética , Prova Pericial , Medicina Legal , Princípios Morais
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(4): 1289-1300, abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374925


Abstract This article aims to analyze the association between characteristics of death - type of certifier and place of death - and the odds of an external cause death being certified as unspecified in Brazil. Cross-sectional study of deaths due to external causes from the Mortality Information System, 2017. Unspecified external cause (UEC) is the outcome variable in the models. Type of certifier physician, place of death and the interaction of these variables were the explanatory variables. Confounders were controlled by multiple logistic regression. UEC were the initial underlying cause for 22% of the 159,720 deaths from external causes in Brazil and 31% of hospital deaths issued by coroners. After adjustment for confounders, the odds of UEC in a hospital death certified by a coroner was 98% greater (OR=1.98; 95%CI: 1.53; 2.56) than in a home/street death issued by another certifier. This was greater than the odds for certifications by coroners (OR=1.23; 95%CI: 1.14; 1.33) and hospital deaths (OR=1.44; 95%CI: 1.32; 1.58). External causes certified by coroners and/or occurring in hospitals have a higher presence of UEC than other deaths; and indicate the need for coordinated initiatives by the health and public security sectors.

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a associação entre características do óbito - tipo de certificador e local do óbito - e a chance de um óbito por causa externa ser certificado como inespecífico no Brasil. Estudo transversal com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade de 2017. Causa externa inespecífica (CEI) é a variável desfecho nos modelos. As exposições de interesse foram tipo de médico certificador, local do óbito e a interação destas variáveis. Variáveis confundidoras foram controladas por regressão logística múltipla. As CEI foram a causa básica inicial de 22% dos 159,7 mil óbitos por causas externas no Brasil e 31% dos óbitos hospitalares emitidos por médicos-legistas. Após ajuste para confundidores, a chance de CEI em um óbito hospitalar certificado por legista foi 98% maior (OR=1,98; IC95%: 1,53; 2,56) do que em um óbito domiciliares/via pública emitido por outro certificador. Esta foi maior do que as chances para certificação por legista (OR=1,23; IC95%: 1,14; 1,33) e óbito hospitalar (OR=1,44; IC95%: 1,32; 1,58). As causas externas certificadas por médicos-legistas e/ou ocorridas em hospitais têm maior presença de CEI do que outras mortes; e indicam a necessidade de iniciativas coordenadas dos setores da saúde e segurança pública.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 39(1)mar. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386305


Resumen El análisis por toxicomanía representa un proceso común solicitado por la Autoridad Judicial para determinar si un usuario presenta hallazgos compatibles con el uso de una droga a nivel clínico, componentes histológicos, patológicos y toxicológicos que puedan generar su uso. Es necesario destacar las limitaciones del ambiente clínico donde se pueden generar múltiples hallazgos, y de la toxicología forense donde a pesar de la especificidad a la que se asocia; también se encuentra limitada por la capacidad de sus equipos tecnológicos. La resonancia magnética nuclear cuantitativa de hidrógeno representa grandes ventajas al demostrar la presencia de una droga ilegal, así como la posibilidad de disminuir costos y tiempo laboral. El uso del MDMA como tratamiento con una reciente aprobación para un estudio de fase III por la FDA, también requiere que se valore el motivo de su uso, por lo que para realizar un análisis médico legal se contemplaron diversos elementos de juicio a fin de satisfacer la evaluación sobre la toxicomanía por MDMA en un usuario que presentó un tejido granular blanco tipo polvo en la sección distal del tabique nasal y negó el consumo de metanfetaminas.

Abstract The analysis for drug addiction represents a common process requested by the Judicial Authority to determine if a user presents findings compatible with the use of a drug at a clinical level, histological, pathological and toxicological components that may generate its use. It is necessary to highlight the limitations of the clinical environment where multiple findings can be generated, and of forensic toxicology where despite the specificity to which it is associated; it is also limited by the capacity of its technological equipment. Quantitative hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance represents great advantages when demonstrating the presence of an illegal drug, as well as the possibility of reducing costs and labor time. The use of MDMA as a treatment with a recent approval for a phase III study by the FDA, also requires that the reason for its use be assessed, therefore, in order to carry out a legal medical analysis, various elements of judgment were considered in order to satisfy evaluation of MDMA drug addiction in a user who presented with white powder-like granular tissue in the distal section of the nasal septum and denied the use of methamphetamine.

Humanos , N-Metil-3,4-Metilenodioxianfetamina , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/diagnóstico , Estimulantes do Sistema Nervoso Central/análise , Costa Rica
Forensic Sci Res ; 7(4): 643-649, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36817255


The suicide phenomenon involves complex interactions between psychological, biological, cultural and socio-environmental factors. This study aimed to assess the epidemiological and toxicological profiles of officially confirmed suicide victims. A retrospective study was performed using autopsy reports, forensic anthropology examinations and police summaries of all suicide cases that underwent toxicological analysis at an Official Forensic Laboratory (Minas Gerais, Brazil) in 1 year. The sample set was composed of 351 suicide victims, predominantly men (70.32%), most of them were adults between 31 and 64 years old (62.11%), with mixed skin colour (48.89%) and low educational level (66.44%). The most common suicide method was hanging (57.79%), followed by intoxication (30.45%). Most victims presented positive toxicological results (56.41%), especially for the presence of medicines (37.6%), illicit drugs (36.3%) and pesticides (26.1%). Our study corroborated previous data that most suicide victims have low educational levels. The most common toxicological findings were medicines, especially prescription drugs, followed by illicit drugs and pesticides. We hope this study contributes to reflections and planning of preventive suicide programmes, considering the described profiles of victims.