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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 199-210, jul./dez. 2024. tab; ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554831


Objetivo: investigar a percepção do peso corporal e as dificuldades encontradas pelas pessoas com deficiência visual na aquisição, na preparação e no consumo dos alimentos. Metodologia: estudo observacional transversal, com adultos e idosos com deficiência visual em Pelotas/RS, realizado no período de abril a maio de 2023. Foi utilizado um questionário composto de 42 itens. Os dados coletados foram analisados por análise descritiva e analítica, e apresentados como média ± desvio padrão ou percentual. Resultados: a amostra contou com 20 pessoas, predominantemente do sexo feminino e idosas. Em relação ao consumo alimentar, 50% dos participantes consomem feijão, 75% frutas e hortaliças, 50% bebidas adoçadas, biscoitos recheados e doces. Referente à percepção do peso corporal, percebeu-se que a maior parte do grupo sente que está acima do peso adequado e se sentem "insatisfeitos(as)". Sobre as dificuldades encontradas, 85% dos participantes relataram dificuldade extrema para identificar a validade dos alimentos, 70% para comprar alimentos frescos e perecíveis e 40% para usar a faca para cortar e descascar os alimentos. Conclusão: verificou-se que a maior parte do grupo sente que está acima do peso adequado e estão "insatisfeitos(as)" em relação ao peso corporal. Além disso, dependem de outra pessoa para escolher os alimentos a serem comprados, saber o prazo de validade, preparar alimentos que precisam ser porcionados, servir refeições no prato, cortar carnes, descascar vegetais e frutas, utilizar faca, entre outros. Esta dependência pode influenciar diretamente no seu consumo alimentar quando essas pessoas se encontram sozinhas, optando por consumir alimentos industrializados de fácil preparo ou prontos.

Objective: to investigate the perception of body weight and the difficulties encountered by people with visual impairments in acquiring, preparing and consuming food. Methodology: cross-sectional observational study, with adults and elderly people with visual impairment in Pelotas/RS, carried out from April to May 2023. A questionnaire composed of 42 items was used. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical analysis, and presented as mean ± standard deviation or percentage. Results: the sample included 20 people, predominantly female and elderly. Regarding food consumption, 50% of participants consume beans, 75% fruits and vegetables, 50% sweetened drinks, stuffed cookies and sweets. Regarding the perception of body weight, it was noticed that the majority of the group feels that they are overweight and feel "dissatisfied". Regarding the difficulties encountered, 85% of participants reported extreme difficulty in identifying the expiration date of food, 70% in purchasing fresh and perishable foods and 40% in using a knife to cut and peel food. Conclusion: it was found that the majority of the group feels that they are overweight and are "dissatisfied" with their body weight. Furthermore, they depend on someone else to choose the food to be purchased, know the expiration date, prepare food that needs to be portioned, serve meals on the plate, cut meat, peel vegetables and fruits, use a knife, among others. This dependence can directly influence their food consumption when these people are alone, choosing to consume easily prepared or ready-made processed foods.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 81-90, jul./dez. 2024. ilus; tab.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562672


Introdução: os primeiros anos de vida são essenciais para o crescimento e o desenvolvimento. A criança já nasce com a preferência pelo sabor doce, e ao consumir preparações açucaradas, propicia--se uma alimentação de baixa qualidade nutricional. O objetivo do estudo é descrever a ingestão de alimentos que contenham açúcar por crianças com dificuldades alimentares menores de 2 anos atendidas em um centro especializado. Material e métodos: trata-se de um estudo observacional retrospectivo, com dados obtidos do prontuário de crianças de ambos os sexos, atendidas no Centro de Excelência em Nutrição e Dificuldades Alimentares (CENDA), localizado no município de São Paulo. Dentre os alimentos consumidos foram selecionados aqueles que continham açúcar de adição em sua composição. Para categorizar os alimentos foi usada a classificação da What We Eat in America (WWEIA). Resultados: participaram do estudo 31 crianças com dificuldades alimentares, 77,4% apresentaram consumo de pelo menos um alimento contendo açúcar. Os alimentos mais consumidos foram biscoitos e brownies, bolos e tortas, milk-shakes e outras bebidas lácteas. Discussões e Conclusão: a fase de alimentação complementar pode se tornar um grande desafio para os pais e cuidadores, a mesma foi o ponto de partida para a maioria das crianças com dificuldade alimentares. O aprendizado do comer é um processo complexo que exige aquisição de habilidades na oferta de alimentos adequados e variados, contudo, o contexto se torna favorável com as práticas inadequadas, sendo uma delas a permissão do consumo de alimentos e produtos adoçados pelas mesmas.

Introduction: the first years of life are essential for growth and development. Children are born with a preference for sweet tastes, and through sugary consumption, they are provided with a diet of low nutritional quality. The objective of the study is to describe the intake of foods containing sugar by children with eating difficulties under 2 years of age treated in a specialized center. Material and methods: this is a retrospective observational study, with data obtained from the medical records of children of both sexes, attended at the Center for Excellence in Nutrition and Eating Difficulties (CENDA), located in the city of São Paulo. Among the foods consumed, those that contained added sugar in their composition were selected. To categorize foods, the What We Eat in America (WWEIA) classification was used. Results: 31 children with eating difficulties participated in the study, 77.4% consumed at least one food containing sugar. The most consumed foods were cookies and brownies, cakes and pies, milkshakes and other dairy drinks. Discussions and Conclusion: the complementary feeding phase can become a great challenge for parents and caregivers, as it was the starting point for the majority of children with eating difficulties. Learning to eat is a complex process that requires the acquisition of skills in offering adequate and varied foods. However, the context becomes favorable to inappropriate practices, one of which is allowing the consumption of sweetened foods and products, for the same reasons.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 702-711, Septiembre 16, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571842


Introducción. Etimológicamente la palabra íleo proviene del griego eileos que significa rodando o girando; es descrito como el retraso temporal de la motilidad gastrointestinal. Mundialmente es reconocido que el íleo postoperatorio es una de las principales complicaciones después de cirugía y representa un problema importante por su elevado costo sanitario. Se ha investigado respecto al uso preventivo de medidas físicas y farmacológicas, como los procinéticos, para el manejo del íleo postoperatorio. Métodos. Investigación clínico-terapéutica, comparativa, de corte longitudinal prospectivo de seguimiento, con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, conformado por cuatro grupos con 25 pacientes cada uno, atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General entre mayo y agosto de 2021. Resultados. Los pacientes presentaron una media de edad de 49,4 ± 19,6 años y el 53 % fueron hombres. El 86 % de los pacientes presentaron ruidos intestinales antes de 24 horas posteriores a la operación. La primera evacuación en los pacientes que ingirieron café tipo espresso fue a las 42,6 horas y para aquellos en el grupo de café americano fue a las 43,4 horas en comparación con 89,4 horas en el grupo control (p < 0,001). Conclusión. Se recomienda el uso del café como una medida segura y económica para el inicio de la dieta, como una alternativa al esquema tradicional, constituyéndose en una opción para el manejo del íleo postoperatorio

Introduction. Etymologically the word ileus comes from the Greek eileos, which means rolling or turning. It is described as the temporary delay of gastrointestinal motility. It is recognized worldwide that postoperative ileus is one of the main complications after surgery and represents an important problem due to its high healthcare cost. Research has been done regarding the preventive use of physical and pharmacological measures, such as prokinetics, for the management of postoperative ileus.Methods. Clinical-therapeutic, comparative, prospective longitudinal follow-up research, with non-probabilistic convenience sampling, made up of four groups with 25 patients each, treated in the General Surgery Service between May and August 2021. Results. The patients had a mean age of 49.4 ± 19.6 years and 53% were male; 86% of patients had bowel sounds within 24 hours after the operation. The first bowel movement in patients who ingested espresso coffee was 42.6 hours and for those in the American coffee group it was at 43.4 hours compared to 89.4 hours in the control group (p < 0.001). Conclusion. The use of coffee is recommended as a safe and economical measure to start the diet as an alternative to the traditional fashion, becoming an option for the management of postoperative ileus.

Humanos , Período Pós-Operatório , Café , Íleus , Dieta , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Motilidade Gastrointestinal
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(8): e05762023, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569034


Resumo O objetivo foi analisar a qualidade dos dados antropométricos de crianças menores de cinco anos em dois sistemas de informação no estado de São Paulo. A amostra compreendeu 2.117.108 crianças do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (Sisvan) e 748.551 do Projeto Estadual do Leite (Vivaleite). Inicialmente, avaliamos a frequência de valores faltantes e fora do espectro do equipamento, e calculamos o índice de preferência de dígito para peso. Após calcular os índices de altura para idade (A-I), peso para idade (P-I) e índice de massa corporal para idade (IMC-I), identificamos os valores biologicamente implausíveis (VBI) e calculamos o desvio-padrão (DP). Para cada município, calculamos a média e o DP de A-I, P-I e IMC-I; e plotamos os valores de DP em função da média. A preferência de dígito no peso foi maior em crianças de 24 a 59 meses no Sisvan. A frequência de VBI para A-I (SISVAN 2,56%; Vivaleite 0,98%) foi maior do que para P-I (Sisvan 2,10%; Vivaleite 0,18%). Para o índice A-I as variações entre os municípios foram mais acentuadas no Vivaleite do que no Sisvan. A variável altura apresentou baixa confiabilidade nos dois sistemas. A variável peso apresentou qualidade satisfatória no Vivaleite e insatisfatória no Sisvan.

Abstract This paper involves the analysis of the quality of anthropometric data on children under five years of age in two information systems in the State of São Paulo. The sample included 2,117,108 children from the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN), and 748,551 from the State Milk Project (VIVALEITE). Initially, we evaluated the frequency of missing values and others outside the equipment spectrum and calculated the digit-to-weight preference index. After calculating height-for-age (HAZ), weight-for-age (WAZ), and body mass index-for-age (BAZ), we flagged the biologically implausible values (BIV) and calculated the standard deviation (SD). For each municipality, we calculated the mean and the SD of HAZ, WAZ, and BAZ; and plotted the SD values as a function of the mean. The digit-to-weight preference index was greater among children aged between 24 and 59 months in SISVAN. The frequency of BIV for HAZ (SISVAN 2.56%; VIVALEITE 0.98%) was higher than for WAZ (SISVAN 2.10%; VIVALEITE 0.18%). For HAZ, variations among municipalities were more pronounced in VIVALEITE than in SISVAN. The height variable presents low reliability in both systems. The weight variable reveals satisfactory quality in VIVALEITE and unsatisfactory quality in SISVAN.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(8): e03032023, ago. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569041


Resumo O objetivo do artigo é verificar se existem diferenças entre os sexos quanto aos fatores que se associam à ingestão de cálcio. Estudo realizado com dados de inquérito de saúde, em amostra de 1.640 indivíduos de 20 anos ou mais residentes no município de Campinas-SP. A ingestão de cálcio foi obtida por meio de um recordatório de 24 horas (R24h) e analisada segundo variáveis sociodemográficas, de comportamentos de saúde, frequência de refeições e índice de massa corporal (IMC); a presença de associações foi verificada por meio de testes de regressão linear múltipla. O perfil de fatores associados à ingestão de cálcio diferiu entre os sexos. A prática de atividade física no contexto de lazer só se associou ao consumo de cálcio no sexo masculino, enquanto cor da pele, tabagismo, renda, excesso de peso e frequência do café da manhã mostraram associação apenas no sexo feminino. Escolaridade e realização de lanches intermediários mostraram-se associadas à ingestão de cálcio em ambos os sexos. A análise aponta segmentos da população feminina e masculina em que a importância da ingestão de cálcio precisa ser mais enfatizada; além disso, alerta para a importância do desenvolvimento de análises de saúde estratificadas por sexo em decorrência de diferentes padrões comportamentais que prevalecem entre os sexos.

Abstract The scope of this article is to verify if there are differences in factors associated with calcium intake between men and women. It is based on a study conducted with data from a health survey in a sample of 1641 individuals aged 20 years or more living in the urban area of the city of Campinas, in the State of São Paulo. Calcium intake was obtained from a 24-hour recall (24hr recall method) and analyzed according to sociodemographic variables, health behavior, frequency of meals and body mass index (BMI). The existence of associations was verified by multiple linear regression tests, and it was detected that the profile of associated factors differed between genders. Physical exercise in the leisure context was only associated with calcium intake in males, while skin color, smoking, income, overweight/obesity, and frequency of having breakfast only revealed an association in females. Schooling and having snacks were associated with calcium intake in both sexes. The analysis of the associated factors indicates segments of the female and male population in which the importance of calcium intake needs to be more closely examined. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of conducting health analyses stratified by sex due to the different behavioral patterns that prevail between the sexes.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570111


La seguridad alimentaria es "cuando toda persona en todo momento tiene acceso económico y físico a suficientes alimentos inocuos y nutritivos para satisfacer sus necesidades alimentarias y preferencias en cuanto alimentos a fin de llevar una vida sana y activa". Por lo que el objetivo evaluar seguridad alimentaria y calidad de vida de la población vulnerable en la provincia Cusco, Perú. Para lo que se aplicó metodología con enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, basada en cuestionarios aplicados y entrevistas a una muestra de estudio (249 pobladores), la misma que previo a su aplicación superó las pruebas de validez y confiabilidad. Se realizó pruebas de frecuencia a los resultados de la opinión de los encuestados y correlación de Sperman's. Se evidencia que en un 65,9% la percepción de la población es que existe una inadecuada seguridad alimentaria, asimismo en un 85,1% que existe una mala calidad de vida, y desde una perspectiva estadística entre las citadas variables se obtuvo una significancia de 0,000 con un Rho de Sperman de 0,442, lo que demuestra la vulnerabilidad que se encuentra la población de Cusco. Concluyendo que entre las dos variables de estudio existe una relación directamente proporcional y de nivel moderado, denotando que en la media que se mejora los aspectos asociados a las dimensiones de la seguridad alimentaria, por consecuencia se tendría una mejora calidad de vida de la población de la provincia de Cusco, lo que evidencia que en la medida que se refuerce los aspectos asociados a la seguridad alimentaria, el bienestar físico y psicológico aspecto relacionado a la salud de dichas personas tendrá la oportunidad de mejorar.

Food security is "when everyone at all times has economic and physical access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy and active life." Therefore, the objective is to evaluate food security and quality of life of the vulnerable population in the province of Cusco, Peru. For which a methodology with a quantitative approach was applied, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, based on questionnaires applied and interviews to a study sample (249 residents), which, prior to its application, passed the validity and reliability tests. Frequency tests were carried out on the results of the respondents' opinion and Sperman's correlation. It is evident that in 65.9% the perception of the population is that there is inadequate food security, also in 85.1% that there is a poor quality of life, and from a statistical perspective, a significance was obtained between the aforementioned variables of 0.000 with a Sperman's Rho of 0.442, which demonstrates the vulnerability of the population of Cusco. Concluding that between the two study variables there is a directly proportional relationship and of a moderate level, denoting that on average the aspects associated with the dimensions of food security are improved, consequently there would be an improved quality of life for the population of the province of Cusco, which shows that to the extent that the aspects associated with food security are reinforced, the physical and psychological well-being, an aspect related to the health of these people, will have the opportunity to improve.

A segurança alimentar é "quando todos têm, em todos os momentos, acesso económico e físico a alimentos seguros e nutritivos suficientes para satisfazer as suas necessidades dietéticas e preferências alimentares para levar uma vida saudável e activa". Portanto, o objetivo é avaliar a segurança alimentar e a qualidade de vida da população vulnerável na província de Cusco, Peru. Para o qual foi aplicada uma metodologia de abordagem quantitativa, com desenho transversal não experimental, baseada na aplicação de questionários e entrevistas a uma amostra do estudo (249 residentes), que, antes da sua aplicação, passou em testes de validade e fiabilidade. Foram realizados testes de frequência sobre os resultados das opiniões dos entrevistados e correlação de Spearman. Evidencia-se que em 65,9% a percepção da população é que há segurança alimentar inadequada, também em 85,1% que há má qualidade de vida, e do ponto de vista estatístico obteve-se significância entre as variáveis citadas de 0,000, com um Speman Rho de 0,442, o que demonstra a vulnerabilidade da população de Cusco. Concluindo que entre as duas variáveis do estudo existe uma relação diretamente proporcional e moderada, denotando que em média os aspectos associados às dimensões da segurança alimentar são melhorados, consequentemente haveria uma melhoria na qualidade de vida da população do província de Cusco, o que mostra que à medida que se reforçam os aspectos associados à segurança alimentar, o bem-estar físico e psicológico, aspecto relacionado à saúde dessas pessoas, terá a oportunidade de melhorar.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570118


La contaminación de las áreas de preparación al entrar en contacto con los alimentos crudos o cocinados, es por esto que una de las principales causas de la contaminación de las superficies inertes es la inadecuada manipulación de los alimentos a la hora de ser preparados. Con el objetivo de controlar la aplicación de normas de higiene en las áreas de preparación y consumo de alimentos mediante análisis microbiológicos para disminuir los riesgos de contaminación alimentaria. Esta investigación es de carácter descriptivo, en la cual se realizó una inspección visual del establecimiento con el propósito de evaluar las condiciones higiénicas sanitarias, mediante la aplicación de la Guía Técnica para el Análisis Microbiológico de Superficies en contacto con Alimentos y Bebidas. Para el análisis microbiológico de las muestras se emplearon las técnicas de inoculación, método de estriado, aislamiento bacteriano, tinción diferencial y utilización de las pruebas bioquímicas como: TSI, SIM, Citrato de Simmons, Urea, Lisina, Catalasa y Oxidasa, además de la utilización de medios de cultivo selectivo y diferencial como agar EMB y agar MacConkey para la identificación de bacterias entéricas como: E. coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, Pseudomona aeruginosa. Los resultados arrojaron que la frecuencia bacteriana de las superficies inertes de los restaurantes en el área de preparación de alimentos (mesón y tabla de picar) tienen presencia de bacterias: Salmonella con mayor frecuencia; E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae y Pseudomonas aeruginosa de mediana frecuencia y de baja para Shigella, y en el área de consumo de alimentos (mesas) la bacteria de mayor frecuencia es la E. coli y Shigella, la Klebsiella pneumoniae de mediana y Pseudomona aeruginosa se encuentra en baja frecuencia. Se llegó a la conclusión que las superficies inertes tanto en el área de preparación como en el área de consumo de alimentos se encuentran contaminados por lo que hay un riesgo de infección alimentaria para los comensales de la Universidad Técnica de Machala.

Contamination of preparation areas when coming into contact with raw or cooked foods, which is why one of the main causes of contamination of inert surfaces is inadequate handling of food when it is being prepared. With the aim of controlling the application of hygiene standards in the areas of food preparation and consumption through microbiological analysis to reduce the risks of food contamination. This research is descriptive in nature, in which a visual inspection of the establishment was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the sanitary and hygienic conditions, through the application of the Technical Guide for the Microbiological Analysis of Surfaces in Contact with Food and Beverages. For the microbiological analysis of the samples, inoculation techniques, streaking method, bacterial isolation, differential staining and use of biochemical tests such as: TSI, SIM, Simmons Citrate, Urea, Lysine, Catalase and Oxidase, in addition to use of selective and differential culture media such as EMB agar and MacConkey agar for the identification of enteric bacteria such as: E. coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, Pseudomona aeruginosa. The results showed that the bacterial frequency of the inert surfaces of the restaurants in the food preparation area (counter and cutting board) have the presence of bacteria: Salmonella more frequently; E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa of medium frequency and low frequency for Shigella, and in the food consumption area (tables) the most frequent bacteria are E. coli and Shigella, Klebsiella pneumoniae of medium and Pseudomona aeruginosa It is at low frequency. It was concluded that the inert surfaces in both the preparation area and the food consumption area are contaminated, so there is a risk of food infection for diners at the Technical University of Machala.

Contaminação das áreas de preparo ao entrar em contato com alimentos crus ou cozidos, por isso uma das principais causas de contaminação de superfícies inertes é o manuseio inadequado dos alimentos no momento do preparo. Com o objetivo de controlar a aplicação de padrões de higiene nas áreas de preparação e consumo de alimentos através de análises microbiológicas para reduzir os riscos de contaminação alimentar. Esta pesquisa é de natureza descritiva, na qual foi realizada uma inspeção visual do estabelecimento com a finalidade de avaliar as condições sanitárias e higiênicas, por meio da aplicação do Guia Técnico para Análise Microbiológica de Superfícies em Contato com Alimentos e Bebidas. Para a análise microbiológica das amostras foram utilizadas técnicas de inoculação, método de estrias, isolamento bacteriano, coloração diferencial e utilização de testes bioquímicos como: TSI, SIM, Citrato de Simmons, Ureia, Lisina, Catalase e Oxidase, além de utilização de testes seletivos e diferenciais. meios de cultura como ágar EMB e ágar MacConkey para identificação de bactérias entéricas como: E. coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, Pseudomona aeruginosa. Os resultados mostraram que a frequência bacteriana das superfícies inertes dos restaurantes na área de preparo de alimentos (balcão e tábua de corte) apresentam com maior frequência a presença de bactérias: Salmonella; E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Pseudomonas aeruginosa de média frequência e baixa frequência para Shigella, e na área de consumo alimentar (tabelas) as bactérias mais frequentes são E. coli e Shigella, Klebsiella pneumoniae de média e Pseudomona aeruginosa Está em baixa frequência . Concluiu-se que as superfícies inertes tanto na área de preparação como na área de consumo de alimentos estão contaminadas, pelo que existe risco de infecção alimentar para os comensais da Universidade Técnica de Machala.

J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 16(2): 98-107, Agosto/2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571620


Objetivo: A obesidade populacional afeta inúmeras nações do mundo, implicando custos econô¬micos, sociais e ambientais severos, comprometendo a condição de desenvolvimento sustentável. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a evolução da situação de sobrepeso e obesidade popu¬lacional dos países-membros da OCDE e do Brasil. Métodos: Este estudo analisa dados sobre a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade populacional disponibilizados pela OCDE para os seus paí¬ses-membros e pelo sistema Vigitel para o Brasil. Resultados: Os países da OCDE apresentam uma variabilidade grande na prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade, e a prevalência média está na faixa dos 50%. Para o Brasil, a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade populacional aumentou expressiva¬mente nos últimos anos, indo de cerca de 45% em 2010 para 53,5% em 2020. Conclusão: A maioria dos países analisados está classificada em uma condição de taxa média de prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade superior a 50% e uma tendência de crescimento dessa prevalência. O estudo ainda apresenta algumas ações e políticas públicas promovidas em outros países com o propósito de promover a redução da prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, e que poderiam ser adaptadas e implementadas no contexto brasileiro.

Objective: Population obesity affects many nations of the world, implying severe economic, social and environmental costs, compromising the condition of sustainable development. This study aims to analyze the evolution of the situation of overweight and obesity in the OECD member countries and Brazil. Methods: This study analyzes data on the prevalence of overweight and obesity made available by the OECD for its member countries, and by the Vigitel System for Brazil. Results: The OECD countries show a great variability in the prevalence of overweight/obesity, with the average prevalence being in the range of 50%. For Brazil, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population has increased significantly in recent years, going from about 45% in 2010 to 53.5% in 2020. Conclusion: Most of the countries analyzed are classified in a condition of average prevalence rate of overweight and obesity greater than 50% and a tendency for this prevalence to increase. The study also presents some actions and public policies promoted in other countries with the purpose of promoting the reduction of the prevalence of overweight and obesity, which could be adapted and implemented in the Brazilian context.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(39): 51954-51970, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39136918


Phthalates, such as di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) and di-isopentyl phthalate (DiPeP), are pollutants with a high potential for endocrine disruption. This study aimed to evaluate parameters of endocrine disruption in specimens of the Neotropical fish Rhamdia quelen exposed to DBP and DiPeP through their food. After 30 days of exposure, the fish were anesthetized and then euthanized, and blood, hypothalamus, liver, and gonads were collected. DBP caused statistically significant alterations in the serotoninergic system of males (5 and 25 ng/g) and females (5 ng/g) of R. quelen and it increased testosterone levels in females (25 ng/g). DiPeP significantly altered the dopaminergic system in females, reduced plasma estradiol levels (125 ng/g) and hepatic vitellogenin expression (25 ng/g), and changed the antioxidant system in gonads (125 ng/g). The results suggest that DBP and DiPeP may have different response patterns in females, with the former being androgenic and the latter being anti-estrogenic. These findings provide additional evidence regarding the molecular events involving DBP and DiPeP in the endocrine disruption potential in juvenile specimens of Rhamdia quelen.

Antioxidantes , Peixes-Gato , Dibutilftalato , Disruptores Endócrinos , Neurotransmissores , Vitelogeninas , Animais , Vitelogeninas/metabolismo , Vitelogeninas/sangue , Dibutilftalato/toxicidade , Disruptores Endócrinos/toxicidade , Feminino , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Masculino , Neurotransmissores/metabolismo , Poluentes Químicos da Água/toxicidade , Ácidos Ftálicos/toxicidade , Gônadas/efeitos dos fármacos
Food Chem ; 460(Pt 2): 140553, 2024 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39126739


In Chile, limited information is available on colorants in commonly consumed foods among vulnerable age groups. We developed and validated a rapid HPLC-DAD method to simultaneously evaluate 11 synthetic colorants in candies, beverages, ice cream, and cereals. The method exhibited excellent analytical performance for all 11 colorants with LOD (0.44 - 1.55 mgL-1), LOQ v(1.32 - 4.70 mgL-1), precision (4.0 and 7.3% RSD), and recovery (80 - 105%) in fortified matrices (10-50-100 mgL-1). The highest detection frequencies were as follows: cereals > candies > beverages > ice cream. Sunset Yellow was the most prevalent colorant in all food matrices, followed by Allura Red and Azorubine. Positive samples contained between 1 and 5 synthetic colorants. With the exception of cereals, the colorant concentrations in the remaining matrices exceeded the Codex Alimentarius regulations and the values reported in other studies worldwide, indicating the Chilean population is at risk.

Corantes de Alimentos , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Chile , Corantes de Alimentos/análise , Grão Comestível/química , Bebidas/análise , Doces/análise , Sorvetes/análise , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise
Diabetes Obes Metab ; 26(10): 4734-4743, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39140219


AIM: Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP2) dynamics in human plasma and its association with feeding behaviour remain poorly understood. Therefore, this study aims: (a) to investigate fasting LEAP2 in participants with normal weight or with overweight or mild obesity (OW/OB); (b) to study the association between fasting LEAP2 and anthropometric and metabolic traits, feeding behaviour, LEAP2 genetic variants and blood cell DNA methylation status; and (c) to ascertain postprandial changes in LEAP2 after high protein intake and the association with feeding behaviour and food intake. METHODS: Anthropometric and behavioural measures, genotyping, methylation profiling, plasma glucose and LEAP2 concentrations were assessed in 327 females and males. A subgroup of 123 participants received an ad libitum high-protein meal, and postprandial LEAP2 concentration and behavioural measures were assessed. RESULTS: LEAP2 concentration was higher in participants with OW/OB (p < 0.001) and in females (p < 0.001), and was associated with LEAP2 single nucleotide polymorphisms rs765760 (p = 0.012) and rs803223 (p = 0.019), but not with LEAP2 methylation status. LEAP2 concentration was directly related to glycaemia (p = 0.001) and fullness (p = 0.003) in participants with normal weight, whereas it was associated with body mass index (p = 0.018), waist circumference (p = 0.014) and motor impulsivity in participants with OW/OB (p = 0.005). A negative association with reward responsiveness was observed in participants with OW/OB (p = 0.023). LEAP2 concentration was inversely associated with food intake (p = 0.034) and decreased after a high-protein meal (p < 0.001), particularly in women (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: Increased LEAP2 in participants with OW/OB is associated with behavioural characteristics of obesity. Our results show sexual dimorphism in LEAP2 concentration before and after food intake and highlight the role of LEAP2 in feeding regulation.

Proteínas Alimentares , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Impulsivo , Estado Nutricional , Obesidade , Recompensa , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Obesidade/genética , Obesidade/metabolismo , Obesidade/psicologia , Obesidade/sangue , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Período Pós-Prandial , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Sobrepeso/genética , Sobrepeso/metabolismo , Sobrepeso/sangue , Metilação de DNA , Jejum , Proteínas Sanguíneas , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos
Inflammopharmacology ; 32(5): 3399-3410, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150493


Eugenia flavescens is a species cultivated in Brazil for food purposes. Given the potential application of essential oils from plants of the genus Eugenia, this study was carried out to investigate the chemical composition, acute toxicity, antioxidant, antinociceptive, gastroprotective activities, and possible mechanisms of action of the essential oil from the leaves of E. flavescens (EOEf). The EOEf was extracted by hydrodistillation, and the chemical composition was obtained using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The antioxidant activity was evaluated, as well as the acute toxicity and the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects in mice. In addition, the gastroprotective effect was investigated using an acute gastric lesion model, considering possible mechanisms of action. The major components found in the EOEf were guaiol (19.97%), germacrene B (12.53%), bicyclogermacrene (11.11%), and E-caryophyllene (7.53%). The EOEf did not cause signs of toxicity in the acute oral toxicity test and showed in vitro antioxidant activity with IC50 ranging from 247.29 to 472.39 µg/mL in the tests ABTS and DPPH. In the nociceptive test, EOEf showed a 72.05% reduction in nociception at a dose of 100 mg/kg. In evaluating the anti-inflammatory effect, the essential oil inhibited paw edema by 95.50% and 97.69% at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg. The results showed that EOEf has a gastroprotective effect, acting through the sulfhydryl compounds (-SH), nitric oxide (NO), and synthesis PGE2 pathways. The results suggested that EOEf is a promising source of constituents with antioxidant, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, and gastroprotective properties with application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Analgésicos , Anti-Inflamatórios , Antioxidantes , Etanol , Eugenia , Inflamação , Óleos Voláteis , Dor , Folhas de Planta , Úlcera Gástrica , Animais , Úlcera Gástrica/tratamento farmacológico , Úlcera Gástrica/induzido quimicamente , Óleos Voláteis/farmacologia , Camundongos , Folhas de Planta/química , Analgésicos/farmacologia , Analgésicos/isolamento & purificação , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Masculino , Anti-Inflamatórios/farmacologia , Anti-Inflamatórios/isolamento & purificação , Dor/tratamento farmacológico , Dor/induzido quimicamente , Eugenia/química , Inflamação/tratamento farmacológico , Brasil , Antiulcerosos/farmacologia , Antiulcerosos/isolamento & purificação , Feminino
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39133515


Butter is among the most popular and commercially valuable dairy products. Its high commercial value makes it a major target for adulteration, which aims to reduce production costs by using lower-quality fats and oils from other sources. The annual global market is around USD 30 billion (2023), expected to reach USD 36 billion in 2028, which also justifies the enormous interest in adulteration. In this work, a confirmed case of butter adulteration was studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Stable Carbon Isotopic Ratio Analysis (SCIRA) techniques, employed to detect the inclusion in butter production of vegetable oils, such as soybean and palm oils. A total of 21 samples seized by the Brazilian Federal Police were analysed by NMR and SCIR, and compared to original butter obtained from commercial sources. The composition of all the seized samples was a mixture of butter (dairy fat of animal origin) with fat of vegetable origin (soybean and palm oil) and did not contain milk as a major component. While NMR was an unequivocal choice to discriminate the chemical composition of food samples, identifying the short-chain saturated fatty acids present in milk fat, including the butyryl alkyl chain, SCIRA was able to discriminate the origin of fat present in the butter samples as C3 sources, such as palm vegetable oils.

Manteiga , Contaminação de Alimentos , Manteiga/análise , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética , Fraude/prevenção & controle , Brasil , Humanos , Análise de Alimentos , Animais , Ciências Forenses
J Multidiscip Healthc ; 17: 3957-3970, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39161541


Purpose: This work sought to describe the experience of managers and caregivers with feeding and nutrition for older adults with dementia, in Colombian gerontological services. Participants and Methods: This is a qualitative focus group study with fourteen gerontological care centers for people with dementia. Results: The study reveals that care related to food and nutrition for people with dementia is organized based on the comprehensive assessment of the resident. Although there are basic support strategies, each caregiver requires specific knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and institutional support, to generate a context that favors the health and quality of life of those involved. Conclusion: The experience of caring for people with dementia in aspects related to their food and nutrition, seen from the perspective of managers and caregivers of gerontological services in a developing country, strengthens specific strategies and public policies. This, in turn, reduces the burden on caregivers.

Front Microbiol ; 15: 1392333, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104589


Introduction: Foodborne infections, which are frequently linked to bacterial contamination, are a serious concern to public health on a global scale. Whether agricultural farming practices help spread genes linked to antibiotic resistance in bacteria associated with humans or animals is a controversial question. Methods: This study applied a long-read Oxford Nanopore MinION-based sequencing to obtain the complete genome sequence of a multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli strain (L1PEag1), isolated from commercial cape gooseberry fruits (Physalis peruviana L.) in Ecuador. Using different genome analysis tools, the serotype, Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST), virulence genes, and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes of the L1PEag1 isolate were determined. Additionally, in vitro assays were performed to demonstrate functional genes. Results: The complete genome sequence of the L1PEag1 isolate was assembled into a circular chromosome of 4825.722 Kbp and one plasmid of 3.561 Kbp. The L1PEag1 isolate belongs to the B2 phylogroup, sequence type ST1170, and O1:H4 serotype based on in silico genome analysis. The genome contains 4,473 genes, 88 tRNA, 8 5S rRNA, 7 16S rRNA, and 7 23S rRNA. The average GC content is 50.58%. The specific annotation consisted of 4,439 and 3,723 genes annotated with KEEG and COG respectively, 3 intact prophage regions, 23 genomic islands (GIs), and 4 insertion sequences (ISs) of the ISAs1 and IS630 families. The L1PEag1 isolate carries 25 virulence genes, and 4 perfect and 51 strict antibiotic resistant gene (ARG) regions based on VirulenceFinder and RGI annotation. Besides, the in vitro antibiotic profile indicated resistance to kanamycin (K30), azithromycin (AZM15), clindamycin (DA2), novobiocin (NV30), amikacin (AMK30), and other antibiotics. The L1PEag1 isolate was predicted as a human pathogen, matching 464 protein families (0.934 likelihood). Conclusion: Our work emphasizes the necessity of monitoring environmental antibiotic resistance, particularly in commercial settings to contribute to develop early mitigation techniques for dealing with resistance diffusion.

Int J Food Sci ; 2024: 6624083, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105167


Recently, fish consumption has been increasing; subsequently, the number of by-products has also increased. However, generated residues are frequently discarded, and an appropriate management is necessary to properly use all fish by-products. Fishery by-products are well known for their content of bioactive compounds, such as unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, minerals, peptides, enzymes, gelatin, collagen, and chitin. Several studies have reported that fishery by-products could provide significant properties, including antioxidant, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiobesity. Consequently, fish discards are of considerable interest to different industrial sectors, including food, nutraceuticals, medical, and pharmacology. In the food industry, the interest in using fishery by-products is focused on hydrolysates as food additives, collagen and gelatin as protein sources, chitin and chitosan to form edible films to protect food during storage, and oils as a source of Omega-3 and useful as antioxidants. Although different studies reported good results with the use of these by-products, identifying new applications in the food sector, as well as industrial applications, remains necessary.

J Sci Food Agric ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39139005


BACKGROUND: Worldwide, vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, as well as food allergies and intolerance (e.g. lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy) demand the development of alternatives to dairy-based probiotic foods. In the present study, probiotic Lacticaseibacillus casei CECT 9104 was added to alginate-based edible coatings enriched with inulin and oligofructose and applied to fresh-cut apple. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory quality parameters of the apple cubes were monitored during 8 days of refrigerated storage. Lacticaseibacillus casei was tested for its antagonistic effect against inoculated Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli O157:H7. The viability of the probiotic strain during refrigerated storage and after simulated gastrointestinal digestion (GID) was evaluated. RESULTS: After 8 days of storage, 9.52-9.64 log colony-forming units (CFU) g-1 of L. casei were detected in apple samples. The functional apple cubes retained 8.31-8.43 log CFU g-1 of the probiotic after GID, without a significant effect of prebiotic addition. The microbiological quality and nutritional properties were maintained by the use of active coatings, whereas the sensory quality decreased after 8 days of storage. A bactericidal effect was exerted by the probiotic strain loaded in the coating against L. innocua artificially inoculated on apple cubes. Escherichia coli O157:H7 counts were reduced by 2.5 log after 8 days. CONCLUSION: This study has demonstrated the suitability of apple cubes as an alternative matrix to milk for carrying probiotic L. casei CECT 9104 and prebiotics, offering a promising alternative for the development of plant-based functional foods. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.

Foods ; 13(15)2024 Jul 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39123500


Arazá is a fruit native to the Amazonian region with characteristic properties such as aroma, texture, color, and marked acidity. Additionally, the fruit is rich in bioactive compounds in its three fractions (seed, pulp, and peel), such as ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds (and their derivatives), and carotenoids, which have been extensively investigated in the literature for their beneficial properties for human health. However, it is a little-known fruit, and the role it can play in health-promoting activities related to the treatment and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) when incorporated into the diet is also unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to know the profile of bioactive compounds and the biological properties Arazá possesses, which is the aim of this review.

Foods ; 13(15)2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39123606


Unconventional food plants, popularized in Brazil as PANC, remain underutilized globally. In that sense, this study aims to explore the nutritional and functional properties of taioba (Xanthosoma sagittifolium), a plant with edible leaves and tubers, and to investigate its potential for industrial-scale application as a source of starch. A systematic review was carried out and meta-analysis following the PRISMA guidelines was conducted based on a random effects synthesis of multivariable-adjusted relative risks (RRs). The searches were carried out in seven search sources, among which were Web of Science, Elsevier's Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, Hindawi, Scielo, ACS-American Chemical Society, and Google Scholar. The systematic review was guided by a systematic review protocol based on the POT strategy (Population, Outcome, and Types of studies), adapted for use in this research. Mendeley was a resource used for organization, to manage references, and to exclude duplicates of studies selected for review. The findings revealed that taioba leaves are abundant in essential nutrients, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, the tubers offer rich starch content along with vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium, making them an ideal substitute for conventional sources on an industrial scale. This research highlights the significance of studying the functionalities, applicability, and integration of this PANC in our diets, while also emphasizing its capability as a substitute for traditional starch varieties. Moreover, exploiting this plant's potential adds value to Amazonian resources, reduces import costs, and diversifies resource utilization across multiple industrial sectors.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(15)2024 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39124183


This work demonstrates the effectiveness of using alternative solvents to obtain jambolan extracts with a high content of bioactive compounds compared to conventional organic solvents, being the first study to evaluate the best ecological solvent alternative for Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. Five alternative solvents were used for extraction: water at 25 °C (W25), water at 50 °C (W50), water at 75 °C (W75), water with citric acid at 2.4% (CA2), and water with citric acid at 9.6% (CA9) in comparison with three conventional solvents: ethanol (EtOH), water with ethanol at 50% (WE), and water with methanol at 50% (WM). A protocol was then established for the extraction and concentration of samples obtained with these solvents. The highest content of total phenolic compounds (TPCs) in the extracts was obtained with the solvent W75 (1347.27 mg GAE/100 g), while in the concentrates it was the solvents EtOH (3823.03 mg GAE/100 g) and WM (4019.39 mg GAE/100 g). Total monomeric anthocyanins (TMAs) increased by 209.31% and 179.95% in extractions with CA2 and CA9, respectively, compared to pulp (35.57 mg eq c-3-g/100 g), demonstrating that they are the most efficient alternative solvents in this extraction. The levels of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity varied according to the solvents used. Delphinidin 3,5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside, delphinidin 3-glucoside, petunidin 3,5-diglucoside, cyanidin 3-glucoside, peonidin 3,5-diglucoside, malvidin 3,5-diglucoside, petunidin 3-glucoside, and malvidin 3-glucoside were identified in most of the samples by UPLC-MS/MS. This study suggests that a simple procedure using alternative solvents can be used as an environmentally friendly strategy to achieve efficient extraction of bioactive compounds in jambolan.