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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37982311


INTRODUCTION: Children grow up spending most of their time within the family social environment, where they can experience stressful situations such as marital conflict, a non-cohesive environment, parental alcohol use disorder, parental depression, and other parental mental health issues. All these factors are associated with children's developmental delays. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to conduct a scoping review on family stress and family resilience associated with child development delays to examine familial conditions associated with child development. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review of observational studies published between January 2000 to July 2023, indexed in MEDLINE and LILACS databases. We included observational studies that evaluated the history of exposure to violence, and behavioral or emotional symptoms, or mental health problems among children aged 4-12. Data were independently extracted using a structured form. RESULTS: Database searches identified 12,990 different records. A total of 43 articles were included in the review. Three main findings emerged: (1) parental mental health problems, especially depressive symptoms in mothers, were associated with child developmental delays and mental health problems; (2) better parenting practices and cohesive home environment were positively associated with child development, and (3) Vulnerable social environments (e.g., poverty and housing insecurity) may be linked to child mental health problems. CONCLUSIONS: Studies reviewed show that promoting better family dynamics and increasing family cohesion, as well as parenting abilities, are beneficial to a child's socio-emotional development and prevention of child mental health problems. Moreover, increasing family and children's resilience improves the quality of life within family units.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;45(3): 105-113, May.-Jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395094


Abstract Introduction The rapid spread of the pandemic due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, more commonly known as COVID-19, required sanitary measures, such as social distancing and quarantining, which represented non-normative stressors for Mexican families. Objective Obtaining evidence of the validity and reliability of a family coping scale in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method A questionnaire was developed containing 48 items, and responses were collected using Google forms with a total of 558 participants. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to obtain the reliability and validity of the scale. Results The instrument is made up of six factors that explain 67.27% of the variance. The scale had a McDonald's omega coefficient of .82, and the model had a good fit with most values equal to or higher than .90. Discussion and conclusions The final items showed proper theoretical congruence and good indicators of fit. These results allow for the assertion that factors 1, 2, 5, and 6 allude to a good family adaptation in the face of the pandemic. Meanwhile, factors 3 and 4 indicate a poor family adaptation. Among the main contributions of this study is that this is one of the first scales to address the subject in Mexico, followed by statistical data that suggests the scale possesses appropriate psychometric properties to be used in the Mexican population.

Resumen Introducción La rápida propagación de la pandemia por el virus SARS-CoV-2, más conocido como COVID-19, requirió medidas sanitarias, como el distanciamiento social y la cuarentena, que representan estresores no normativos para las familias mexicanas. Objetivo Obtención de evidencia de la validez y confiabilidad de una escala de afrontamiento familiar ante la pandemia por COVID-19. Método Se desarrolló un cuestionario que contenía 48 ítems y las respuestas se recopilaron mediante un formulario de Google con un total de 558 participantes. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio para obtener la confiabilidad y validez de la escala. Resultados El instrumento está compuesto por seis factores que explican el 67.27% de la varianza. La escala tuvo un coeficiente Omega de McDonald's de .82, y el modelo tuvo un buen ajuste con la mayoría de los valores iguales o superiores a .90. Discusión y conclusiones Los ítems finales mostraron adecuada congruencia teórica y buenos indicadores de ajuste. Estos resultados permiten afirmar que los factores 1, 2, 5 y 6 aluden a una buena adaptación familiar ante la pandemia. Por su parte, los factores 3 y 4 indican mala adaptación familiar. Entre los principales aportes de este estudio se encuentra que esta es una de las primeras escalas que aborda el tema en México, seguido de datos estadísticos que sugieren que la escala posee propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para ser utilizada en población mexicana.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 117-138, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356331


Resumen Las familias, en la actualidad, enfrentan nuevos retos y cambios que comprometen su capacidad de adaptación y su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir y comparar indicadores de resiliencia familiar y bienestar familiar de 442 familias colombianas ubicadas geográficamente en Bogotá (n = 196), Santa Marta (n = 81) y Cali-Palmira (n = 145). El diseño fue analítico transversal. Las familias diligenciaron el Índice Familiar de Regeneración y Adaptación (FIRA-G) para valorar la resiliencia y el Índice de Bienestar de los miembros de la Familia (FMWB). Los resultados demostraron relaciones significativas y positivas entre bienestar familiar y resiliencia familiar al igual que una relación inversa y significativa entre indicadores de resiliencia negativos como tensión, distrés y tensión familiar con indicadores positivos de resiliencia familiar tales como coherencia, fortaleza y apoyo social. La comparación entre ciudades evidenció divergencias entre las familias de Bogotá y Cali-Palmira, en los niveles de bienestar familiar, estresores familiares y apoyo de parientes y amigos. En el caso de la ciudad de Santa Marta se encuentran diferencias en los estresores familiares con Cali-Palmira y en apoyo social comunitario con Bogotá. La discusión se orienta a mostrar que la resiliencia familiar es resultado de la participación de varios elementos: los recursos familiares adaptativos positivos que le permiten a las familias reducir el estrés y enfrentar las demandas del ambiente, la presencia de los dos padres en familias sin indicadores clínicos que hace que la carga de estrés sea compartida -lo cual abona el terreno para la resiliencia familiar-, y el apoyo social manifestado en ayudas externas al núcleo familiar por parte de la comunidad, los parientes y los amigos.

Abstract Currently, modern families are coping with different stressful situations. The family studies are focused on the conceptual perspective, political perspective and methodological topic and they leave aside the familiar dynamics and functioning. This paper was interested in describing and comparing indicators of family resilience and family welfare of 442 Colombian families. This study had three hypotheses: The first one is focused on differences in well-being family dimension per location; the second hypothesis was focused on significant differences in family resilience per location, and the third one was interested in significant relations in family resilience and family well-being. The theoretical support to this research is the McCubbin and Patterson's resilience model called Double ABCX and Family Adaptation and Adjust Response Model by Patterson. The family well-being is considered a result of internal family functioning and is measured by the family member perception about the concern about health problems, fears, anger and sadness. Family resilience is understood as the capacity to recover from adversity. This capacity strengthens families and improves their resources. In this theoretic resilience approach the resilience is a dynamic result to the adaptation phase and the family well-being is the final adjustment. The design was cross-sectional analytical with a convenience sample. The families were interviewed in their homes, from each family both parents and a child between 9 and 17 years old participated. They are located geographically in Bogotá (n = 196), Santa Marta (n = 81) and Cali-Palmira (n = 145). Families completed the Family Member Well-being Index (FMWB) and the Family Regeneration and Adaptation Index (FIRA-G) to assess resilience. Families residing in Bogotá showed significant differences with those of Cali-Palmira in the dimension of family well-being, family stress and support from friends and family. While families located in Santa Marta showed differences with respect to the families located in Cali-Palmira in family stress and in community and social support. The father correlations between the family resilience index and the well-being family index is strong and inverse with the family stress and the family well-being summarized. The mother well-being family perception is significant associated with family resilience, and these correlations was strongest with family well-being summarized. The family stress index, strains and distress exposed moderate and inverse relations with the positive resilience family summarized. The discussion deals with family resilience as a product of the dynamic interaction in the hole family system and is oriented to the fact that the presence of support from family and friends reduces the burden of family stress, promotes support in the face of crisis and, in general, improves the well-being and family adaptation. In general, the differences reflect varied resilience trajectories that depend on the challenges posed by the close context of the city where they live. An approach to this result leads us to think as a hypothesis not yet widely explored, in the mobility factor of cities, which limits contact with close family networks. In big cities like Bogotá, its internal mobility compromises the times and spaces of daily life, and thus allows or prevents families from organizing their relationships in the different areas of their social life. Resilience occurs through positive adaptive family resources that included social support and family coherence and allow families to reduce stress and meet the demands of the environment. On the other hand, the presence of the two parents in families without clinical indicators shows that the burden of shared stress helps family resilience, which is also fed by the presence of external aids to the family nucleus, such as the support of the community, family and friends.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1222331


El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la relación entre la percepción de las estrategias de afrontamiento familiar y la percepción de bienestar familiar e infantil en familias en condición de vulnerabilidad. La investigación es de corte cuantitativo con diseño analítico transversal. Se evaluaron 113 familias a través de cuestionarios sobre afrontamiento y bienestar familiar; adicionalmente, los hijos diligenciaron un inventario de bienestar infantil. Los resultados demostraron que los hijos reportan mayor puntuación media moderada en bienestar familiar, seguido de los padres y, finalmente, las madres. Para el afrontamiento familiar, las madres demostraron niveles de afrontamiento promedio más alto, seguidas de los padres y los hijos. Las correlaciones bivariadas indicaron relaciones significativas entre el bienestar infantil (IBI), el afrontamiento familiar (Family Coping Index - FAMCI) y el bienestar general percibido. La discusión se concentra en la madre como promotora del bienestar al interior de la familia, los estresores que la familia padece y la relación con experiencias de desplazamiento en el pasado que influyen en las estrategias de afrontamiento seleccionadas.

The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between the perception of family coping strategies and the perception of family and child well-being in families in vulnerable conditions. The research is quantitative with a cross-sectional analytical design. 113 families were evaluated through questionnaires on family coping and well-being; the children also completed a child welfare inventory. Results showed that children report the highest moderate average score in family well-being, followed by fathers and finally mothers. For family coping, mothers demonstrated higher average coping levels, followed by fathers and children. Bivariate correlations indicated significant relationships between child well-being (IBI), family coping coping (Family Coping Index -FAMCI), and perceived general well-being. The discussion focuses on the mother as a promoter of well-being within the family, the stressors that families suffer and the relationship with experiences of displacement in the past that influence the selected coping strategies.

Humanos , Proteção da Criança/psicologia , Família , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Saúde da Família
J Lat Psychol ; 7(2): 105-122, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31777845


The current six-wave longitudinal study tested the Family Stress Model among 204 Mexican-origin families in which an adolescent pregnancy had occurred. Wave 1 (W1) occurred when adolescents (M age = 16.80 years; SD = 1.00) were pregnant, and the last wave (W6) occurred when children were 5 years of age. In the current study, the Family Stress Model was expanded to include parenting relations among adolescent mothers and fathers, and among adolescent mothers and grandmothers. In support of the Family Stress Model, findings indicated that W1 family income was negatively associated with W6 child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors via increased W2 economic pressure, increased W3 maternal depressive symptoms, increased W4 mother-grandmother coparenting conflict, and increased W5 maternal parenting hassles. Additionally, W4 mother-father coparenting conflict was positively associated with W6 child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors via W5 maternal parenting hassles. Findings are discussed with attention to the processes by which family income informs child problem behaviors over time. El presente estudio longitudinal de seis años analizó el Family Stress Model con una muestra de 204 familias de origen mexicano en las cuales había ocurrido un embarazo durante la adolescencia. La primera fase (W1) del estudio se llevó a cabo cuando las adolescentes (M edad= 16.80 años; DE= 1.00) estaban embarazadas, y la última fase (W6) ocurrió cuando sus niños tenían cinco años. En el presente estudio, el Family Stress Model se amplió para incluir variables sobre la co-paternidad entre las madres adolescentes y los padres, y entre las madres adolescentes y las abuelas. Los resultados apoyaron las ideas del Family Stress Model; ingreso familiar en W1 mostró un efecto negativo con problemas de comportamiento y problemas de internalización de los niños en W6 a través del aumento de la presión económica en W2, el aumento de síntomas de depresión maternos en W3, el aumento del conflicto de la co-paternidad entre madre y abuela en W4, y el aumento de problemas de crianza maternas en W5. Adicionalmente, conflicto de la co-paternidad entre la madre y el padre mostró un efecto positivo con problemas de comportamiento y problemas de internalización de los niños en W6 a través de problemas de crianza maternas en W5. Varias ideas se presentan en la Discusión sobre como el ingreso familiar informa el comportamiento problemático en niños a largo plazo.

Child Obes ; 15(3): 156-166, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30676769


BACKGROUND: Early-life conditions are important for the development of obesity. We hypothesized that home and family characteristics reflective of less supportive environments during childhood will be associated with higher adult BMI and faster BMI growth between ages 5 and 21 years. We also examined the timing and acceleration of BMI increase by adult weight status (normal weight, overweight, obese, and extremely obese) to discern how BMI increase differs across group and across time. METHODS: BMI was assessed in 1000 Chilean youth (52% female) at ages 5, 10, 15, and 21 years. Latent growth curve analysis modeled BMI trajectories from 5 to 21 years. Observer and maternal ratings assessed children's home and family environments and parenting at 1 and 10 years. RESULTS: The four weight groups differed in acceleration of BMI increase starting at age 5, with bigger children getting bigger faster. Higher 21-year BMI related to family stress, father absence, maternal depression, frequent child confinement (in playpen), an unclean home environment at 1 year, and low provision for active stimulation and few stimulating experiences at 10 years. Accelerated BMI increase related to lower learning stimulation in the home at 1 year and less parental warmth and acceptance at child age 10. CONCLUSIONS: Home and family characteristics that reflect an absence of support for children's development were associated with overweight/obesity in young adulthood and accelerated BMI growth. Findings identify several home and family characteristics that can serve as preventive or intervention targets.

Desenvolvimento Infantil/fisiologia , Poder Familiar , Obesidade Infantil/epidemiologia , Características de Residência , Adolescente , Desenvolvimento do Adolescente/fisiologia , Adulto , Índice de Massa Corporal , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Chile , Feminino , Gráficos de Crescimento , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Estresse Psicológico , Adulto Jovem
J Marriage Fam ; 80(2): 317-333, 2018 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29887641


Despite increasing recognition of the critical importance of legal status for understanding the well-being of immigrants and their families, there has been scant research on this topic due to data limitations. Using Wave 1 of the Los Angles Family and Neighborhood Survey (2000-2002) and the 2000 decennial census, we investigate how parenting strain among Mexican-origin mothers varies by legal status and neighborhood context. We find significant differences in parenting strain by nativity and legal status, with undocumented mothers reporting the lowest level. Results from multilevel models with cross-level interactions reveal that the influence of neighborhood immigrant concentration differs by legal status. Percent foreign born in the neighborhood is associated with reduced parenting strain for documented Mexican-origin mothers while it is associated with heightened parenting strain for undocumented Mexican-origin mothers. Findings provide empirical support for the need to recognize legal status distinctions in studies of the well-being of immigrants and their families.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online);31(1): 87-96, Jan-Mar/2015. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-746015


Este estudo procurou investigar as relações existentes entre morbilidade psicológica, stress familiar e qualidade de vida (QV) da pessoa idosa. A amostra foi constituída por 126 idosos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: The Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), Quality of Life (WHOQOL-Bref), Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GSI), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS); e Index of Family Relations (IFR). Os resultados revelaram a importância da idade, estado civil, escolaridade e número de patologias assim como o género na capacidade funcional, morbilidade, stress familiar e QV. Ao nível dos preditores, a depressão foi a variável que mais contribuiu para a QV. Não foram encontradas variáveis moderadoras no modelo. A discussão e implicações dos resultados são abordadas bem como a intervenção psicológica nesta população.

This study sought to understand the relationships among psychological morbidity, family stress and quality of life (QL) of elderly. The sample consisted of 126 elderly. The following instruments were used: the Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL); Quality of Life (WHOQOL-Bref), Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GSI), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and the Index of Family Relations (IFR). Results revealed the importance of age, marital status, education and number of pathologies as well as gender on functional capacity, morbidity, family stress and QV. In terms of predictors, depression was the variable that contributed the most to QL. There were no moderating variables in the model. Discussion and implications of results are addressed as well as psychological interventions.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 2(2): 242-257, fev. 2008.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-49007


Todos os pais experimentam algum grau de stress mas focalizar a situação dos pais em grupos de migrantes/imigrantes é imperativo uma vez que pesquisa-ação e intervenções psicossociais podem não ser meios reconhecidos em sua cultura e não prover as suas necessidades. O stress parental e da família decorre de vários fatores: a magnitude dos estressores, os recursos disponíveis e o valor que os pais dão, individual ou coletivamente, a dadas situações. A literatura aponta a importância dos recursos e valores para que as famílias construam estratégias efetivas de manejo do stress. Prover recursos válidos dentro da cultura dos pais no tempo apropriado e de forma eficiente é um mecanismo para apoiá-los e orientá-los. Este artigo apresenta os modelos MRM (Magnitude, Recursos e Sentidos) de manejo do stress familiar e CRSRP (Provimento de recursos específicos e culturalmente significantes) que podem orientar intervenções para prevenir ou reduzir o stress parental. A intervenção em discussão é da Educação para a vida em família, que pode ser novidade para alguns leitores. (AU)

All parents experience some level of parental stress, but focusing on parents in migrant/immigrant groups is imperative because action research and interventions might not be culturally relevant and fail to meet the needs of this population. Family/parental stress is a function of several factors, notably the magnitude of stressors, the resources available, and the appraisals given by parents individually and conjointly to the situation. An implication from current literature is that resources and appraisals are important determinates of the extent of family, and thus parental, stress experienced. Resource shortfalls influence the extent and intensity of resources available to families and thus hinder development of effective stress management strategies or appropriate parental responses to youth. Providing culturally relevant resources in a timely and efficient manner is a mechanism to help parents feel supported and less pressured by stress and distress. This paper presents the MRM(Magnitude, Resources, Meaning) family stress model and the CRSRP (Culturally Relevant and Specific Resource Provision) intervention model to guide the creation of appropriate interventions to prevent and/or reduce parental stress. An intervention discussed is Family Life Education, an intervention that might be novel for some readers. (AU)