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Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 83(1): 15-25, ene. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144860


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluación de niveles de cohesión y adaptabilidad en familias nucleares y transgeneracionales con historia de abuso sexual comparadas con aquéllas sin tal historia. Material y Métodos: Afronte no experimental, cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo-comparativo, de corte prospectivo y transversal. Resultados: Utilizando la prueba U de Mann-Whitney para muestras independientes, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a niveles de cohesión entre los padres de familia (de origen o transgeneracional) que habían sufrido abuso y los que no lo habían tenido (U=1578,5, z=2,09, p=0,037). El hallazgo fue similar en cuanto a miembros individuales víctimas de abuso vs. aquéllos sin tal experiencia (U=1616,5, z=2,35, p=0,019). En cuanto a adaptabilidad, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las madres de familia (de origen o transgeneracional) que han sufrido un evento de abuso y las que no lo han tenido (U=1605 z=2,07 p=0,023). Conclusiones: Los patrones se repiten de una generación a otra, desencadenando niveles de disfunción familiar, independientemente de la presencia o ausencia de historia de abuso sexual.

Summary Objective: Comparison de cohesion and adaptability levels between nuclear and transgenerational families with and without a history of sexual abuse. Material and Methods: Non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive-comparative, prospective and transversal approach. Results: Using the Mann Whitney U test for independent samples, statistically significant differences about cohesion levels were found between parents of original or transgenerational families who had suffered sexual abuse event and those who had not (U = 1578.5, z = 2.09, p = 0.037). A similar finding was seen in individual family members who were victims of abuse vs. those who did not have such experience. (U= 1616.5, z = 2.35, p = 0.019). About adaptability, statistically significant differences were found between mothers of original or transgenerational families who has suffered a sexual abuse event and those who had not (U = 1605, z = 2.07, p = 0.023). Conclusions: Patterns repeat themselves from one generation to another, triggering levels of family dysfunction, regardless of the presence or absence of a history of sexual abuse.

Nova perspect. sist ; 22(47)2013.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-69962


O objetivo da pesquisa foi caracterizar as estruturações familiares na atualidade, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica das publicações sobre família nos anos de 2006 a 2010. Analisou-se 61 artigos, buscando identificar qual a configuração de família evidente em cada um destes e qual a conotação de família que se mostrava subjacente. Os resultados permitiram a criação das seguintes categorias de sentido: família nuclear, monoparental, extensa, patriarcal, plural, com pais homossexuais, adotivas e famílias que optam por não terem filhos. Identifica-se a prevalência do modelo burguês de família nuclear como a ideal; um ranço do movimento higienista no Brasil que defende a família nuclear como sinônimo de bem estar para seus membros. Os resultados, contudo mostram que a família nuclear não é necessariamente satisfatória.(AU)

The aim of this research was to review the academic literature from 2006 to 2010 in order to describe family structures in contemporary times. Sixty-one articles were analyzed in order to identify both the evident configuration of family portrayed and the subjacent meaning of it. Results were organized in the following categories of meanings: nuclear family, single-parent family, extended family, patriarchal family, plural family, homosexual-parents family, adoptive family and families that choose not to have children. It was identified the prevalence of the bourgeois nuclear family model as an ideal; which indicates the influence of hygienist movement in Brazil and its advocacy of nuclear family as a standard of well being. However, results show that nuclear family is not always satisfactory.(AU)

Univ. psychol ; 11(4): 1317-1326, oct.-dic. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-675438


Los estudios sobre estrés materno durante la crianza infantil han considerado variables contextuales para explicarlo. El nivel socioeconómico (NSE) así como la configuración familiar han sido variables relevantes, asociándose monoparentalidad en familias de bajos ingresos a mayores niveles de estrés materno. Se estudian los niveles de estrés materno en familias chilenas nucleares y monoparentales de NSE bajo, considerando el estrés en distintas dimensiones, asociado al rol materno, a la interacción madre-hijo y a la percepción de dificultades en el niño percibidas por la madre. Se estudia un total de 169 diadas, 80 pertenecientes a familias monoparentales y 89 pertenecientes a familias nucleares con niños entre los 4 y 15 meses de edad. Se evaluaron los niveles de estrés materno con el Parental Stress Index, versión abreviada, desarrollado por R. Abidin (1995). Los resultados muestran niveles de estrés significativamente más altos en las madres pertenecientes a familias monoparentales en el estrés asociado al rol materno, a la percepción del niño como difícil y en el estrés total.

Studies on maternal stress during child raising have taken into consideration contextual variables to explain it. The socioeconomic level, as well as the family constitution have been relevant variables, associating single-parenting in low-income families with greater levels of maternal stress. Maternal stress levels in Chilean, nuclear and single-mother low income families are studied, considering stress in various dimensions, associated to the maternal role, to the mother-child interaction and to the difficulties the mother perceives in the child. 169 Dyads are studied, 80 of them of single-mother families and the other 89 of nuclear families, with children between the ages of 4 to 15 months. Maternal stress levels were measured with the Parental Stress Index, abbreviated version, developed by R. Abidin (1995). The results show significantly higher stress levels in mothers of single-parent families on stress associated to the maternal role, to the perception of a difficult child, and to total stress.

Psicologia Social , Chile
Rev. cienc. cuidad ; 9(2): 52-63, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, COLNAL | ID: biblio-906889


Objetivo: identificar el riesgo familiar total en salud y grado de salud familiar en las familias de los pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo de la Clínica San José de Cúcuta. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo transversal; en el que se calculó una muestra de 165 familias por muestreo no probabilístico. La recolección de la información se realizo por medio de los instrumentos RFT: 5-33 y ISF GEN-21 donde se clasifico el riesgo familiar total y se percibió el grado de salud familiar. Resultados: se evidencia que las familias están conformes con el modelo habitual de organización familiar en función de cada uno de los integrantes y del grupo como tal. Lo cual nos indica que toda la familia del paciente coronario lo ayuda a sobrellevar el proceso de salud-enfermedad y tiene claro el papel que juega dentro de ella permitiendo así la funcionalidad y la unidad que requiere este tipo de pacientes para su rehabilitación. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo biológicos, sociales y del medio ambiente que clasifican a la población estudiada dentro de riesgo familiar bajo. Se evidenció un alto grado de organización y satisfacción asegurando en gran medida la adaptación y el éxito de las familias frente al proceso de salud- enfermedad por la que atraviesan algunos de los miembros especialmente si es un paciente coronario.

Objective: To identify the total health familial risk and degree of family health in families of patients with acute coronary syndrome Clinic San Jose de Cucuta. Materials and Methods: A quantitative, descriptive transversal which calculated a sample of 165 families by non-probability sampling. The data collection was performed using instruments RFT: 5-33 and ISF GEN-21 where you rate the overall familial risk and the degree of perceived family health. Results: We found that families conform to the usual pattern of family organization in terms of each of the members and the group as such. This indicates that the whole family of coronary patients helps them cope with the health-disease process and is clear about the role played in it allowing the functionality and unit requiring such patients for rehabilitation. Conclusions: biological risk factors, social and environment that classify the study population within low familial risk. It showed a high degree of organization and ensuring satisfaction largely successful adaptation and families facing the health-disease process being experienced by some members especially a coronary patient.

Objetivo: Identificar o risco total da saúde familiar e grau de saúde da família de famílias de pacientes com síndrome coronária aguda Clínica San José de Cúcuta. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo transversal que calculou uma amostra de 165 famílias por amostragem não-probabilística. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de instrumentos RFT: 5-33 e ISF GEN-21, onde você classificaria o risco global familiar e do grau de saúde da família percebida. Resultados: Encontramos que as famílias estão em conformidade com o padrão habitual de organização familiar, em termos de cada um dos membros e do grupo como tal. O que indica que toda a família de pacientes coronarianos ajuda a lidar com o processo saúde-doença e é claro sobre o papel desempenhado no mesmo permitindo a funcionalidade e unidade de exigir tais pacientes para a reabilitação. Conclusões: fatores de risco biológicos, sociais e ambientais que classificam a população do estudo dentro de risco familiar baixa. Ele mostrou um alto grau de organização e garantir a satisfação de adaptação muito bem sucedida e famílias que enfrentam o processo saúde-doença está sendo experimentado por alguns membros especialmente um paciente coronariano.

Síndrome Coronariana Aguda , Núcleo Familiar , Risco
Psicol. clín ; 21(2): 381-396, 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-538913


A intenção deste artigo é a de delinear a construção teórica do campo da perversão, nos registros teórico e clínico, desde o começo do século XIX, nas suas relações com a constituição da família nuclear e o discurso da biopolítica. Para isso, pretende inscrever a emergência da experiência da perversão na articulação entre o novo poder social materno e o lugar privilegiado ocupado então pela figura da criança no imaginário social da modernidade.

The aim of this paper is to outline the historical constitution of the perversion field, in both theoretical and clinics levels, since the beginning of the XIX century, and its relationship with the constitution of a biopolitical speech and the nuclear family. In order to achieve this, the paper intends to inscribe the historical emergency of the perverse experience in the juncture between the new social power attributed to motherhood and the prominent place taken by children in modern society's social imaginary field.

Humanos , Comportamento , Comportamento Materno/psicologia , Relações Familiares , Criança , Características da Família
Salud ment ; Salud ment;31(1): 63-68, ene.-feb. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632781


Introduction Asthma is a current problem worldwide. By one hand the prevalence of the disease has been increasing in México during the last decades; on the other hand there is a considerable number of patients in whose the disease can not be controlled. The analysis of familiar function is a convenient weapon to approach in a more integrated manner such problem. In this systematic focus, the family becomes the protagonist in the symptoms of the indicated patient. It is within the family where the study proposes to find characteristics that instigate the development of the psychosomatic disease. The psychosomatic family basically suffers problems with boundaries. As with most family problems, the psychosomatic illness pertains to this dynamic group of families where the family roles are intermixed. The desire for a unified family creates a difficult home environment for individual spaces. This difficulty interpreted by Minuchin (1990) as the absence of psychological distance and defined it as the moment where one, or various family members begin to function as a family subsystem to which they do not pertain. According to Onnis (1990), there are four main characteristics of the psychosomatic family: Agglutination This refers to the reciprocal over-involvement of the family members. Each member is prone to intrusive actions, thoughts, feelings and communication with the other members. Reciprocal over-protection The members of the family demonstrate a high grade of diligence and reciprocal interest, encouraging and supplying answers that are of a protective type. As a result, the illness of the patient has a protective function towards the family. Rigidity This is the principal characteristic of the psychosomatic family. The family is resistant to change, and show itself as a unified and harmonious one, where the only problem is the illness of the patient. Outside relationships are scarce and the family remains stuck in the attempt to maintain it's own homeostasis. Avoidance of conflict There is a very low capacity for tolerating conflicts by the family and applies all possible methods to avoid it, which in the end the family only manages to hide the problem. In such a pattern, the patient plays a central and vital role by interfering every time the tension between the parents raises to a threat and the appearance of a symptom blocks the conflict by attracting the attention of the family members towards him/herself. The present study was done to characterize the organizational and functional profile of the nuclear family with one asthmatic child. Methods This is a descriptive semi-quantitative, non-experimental study to understand the family behavior and function of twenty nuclear families with one asthmatic child. The family function was evaluated in nine different areas with Emma Espejel Acco's the Scale of Family Function. This instrument was chosen because they could attain the desired objective and they were standardized for the Mexican population with a sensibility of 0.91 to discriminate between dysfunctional and functional families. Emma Espejel Acco's Scale of Family Function include the following areas: support, affect, disruptive conduct, communication, resources, authority, supervision, negative affect and control and final evaluation of each areas were reported in four categories: functional, fairly functional, poor functional and dysfunctional, attending Espejel Acco's recommendations. The study population was taken from a pool containing 102 psychosomatics families, whose participated in a previous study to characterize clinical patterns of asthma in children, also their relation with social and environmental factors leaded by Rodríguez-Orozco at the University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México. Those nuclear families with an asthmatic children, within the ages six and twelve years, were included. There were only twenty families that fit the nuclear typology also, requirements for the study and those twenty were the ones included in this study; 95% was considered statistically significant and Pearson's Correlation was applied to study the relations between explored areas of the Scale of Family Function. The written consent was previously received for participant families and this study was run during 2005 at the University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México. Results The 80% of the families were poorly functional in the area of affect. The communication was poorly functional in 60% of the families, in the area of resources 50 % of the families were fairly functional. Attending authority (75%), supervision(95%) and control (50%) of the families were fairly functional. 70 % of the families were fairly functional in support, and 65% were fairly functional when disruptive conducts were analized. In the area of negative affect almost 50% of the families were fairly functional. Within the obtained results, there was a positive correlation with a significance P <0.05 between the following areas authority and disruptive conduct r= .545 between the areas of authority and communication r=.518, and between disruptive conduct and resources r=.524 Discussion The principal characteristics found in the studied nuclear psychosomatic families with one son with asthma were agglutination, overprotection, rigidity and avoidance of conflict according to the four main characteristics referred in psychosomatic families. The familiar dinamics was really complex, even when all areas of the familiar function are compromised there is a predominance of poor efficacy to demonstrate affect and to communicate their feelings; it is associated with persistence of negative feelings which can not be treat adecuately due to a limited number of resources to solve conflicts. There was a positive correlation between authority and communication; authority and disruptive conduct and disruptive conduct and resources. This means that when authority resides in a parental subsystem, feelings are good expressed within the family; the emerging situations such as addictions and innapropiate social behaviour are well-discussed, despite of the major part of this innapropiate conducts remain unsolved because the family can not recognize the instruments to solve this problems. Conclusions The nuclear psychosomatics families with an asthmatic son, are rigid ones, and all areas of familiar functioning according. Espejel's Scale are affected, in agreement to other authors rigidity, as the crucial characteristics accompanied of avoidance of conflict, reciprocal-overprotection and agglutination. All evaluated areas of family function were affected in nuclear psychosomatic families with an asthmatic son. That is the way to stop the psychosomatic system. The psychological assistance is necessary to integrate to the medical treatment.

Introducción El asma es un problema de salud mundial, su incidencia continúa aumentando en nuestro medio y para su control en muchos casos no resulta suficiente el tratamiento farmacológico; por ello una perspectiva más integradora para su atención debe incluir el manejo de las circunstancias que detonan las crisis y las apuntan hacia la cronicidad de la enfermedad en la familia, la escuela y el trabajo. Bajo este enfoque sistemático, en la familia se encuentran las características que instigan el desarrollo de la enfermedad psicosomática y deviene en protagonista de los síntomas que el paciente exhibe. La familia psicosomática sufre básicamente problemas con las fronteras y los papeles que sus miembros tienden a entremezclar en una complicada madeja; en consecuencia, los deseos de unidad familiar están ligados a las dificultades para mantener los espacios individuales. Según Onnis (1990), existen cuatro características principales que caracterizan a la familia psicosomática: la aglutinación, la hiperprotección recíproca, la rigidez y la evitación de conflicto. La aglutinación se refiere al hecho de que los miembros de la familia se sobreinvolucran recíprocamente; cada uno mantiene tendencias intrusivas en los pensamientos, acciones, sentimientos y comunicaciones de los demás; los límites generacionales e interindividuales son frágiles, y se confunden papeles y funciones. La hiperprotección recíproca se establece cuando miembros de una familia muestran entre sí un alto grado de solicitud e interés recíproco; se estimulan y aportan respuestas de protección, en especial cuando el paciente asume el comportamiento sintomático todos se movilizan para protegerlo. La rigidez es una de las características más importantes del entorno psicosomático, una familia rígida es resistente al cambio aunque con frecuencia se presente unida y armónica, con escasas relaciones externas por lo que, aparentemente, el problema único es la enfermedad del paciente. La evitación del conflicto es otro de los rasgos típicos de la familia psicosomática, se aplican varios mecanismos para evitar el conflicto y ocultar el problema. Existe en la familia un bajo umbral de tolerancia al conflicto, por lo que es frecuente encontrar un niño en quien la aparición del síntoma consigue el bloque de las tensiones entre los padres y atrae hacia él la atención de la familia. Métodos La presente investigación se realizó en la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán, durante el año de 2005; es una investigación de tipo cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal y descriptiva; se estudiaron 20 familias nucleares con un hijo asmático con edades entre seis y 12 años; el objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar el funcionamiento y la organización de la familia por su relación con la detonación y persistencia de los síntomas asmáticos en el miembro de la familia que experimenta la enfermedad. Para obtener las mediciones se aceptó un rango con 95% de confiabilidad y se usó la Correlación de Pearson para estimar la relación entre las áreas de función familiar evaluadas. Para estimar el funcionamiento de la familia se usó la Escala de Funcionamiento Familiar de Emma Espejel que permite evaluar nueve áreas: apoyo, recursos, afecto, conducta disruptiva, afecto negativo, comunicación, autoridad, supervisión y control, ésta última está validada para la población mexicana y puede discriminar familias funcionales de familias disfuncionales con una sensibilidad de 0.91. Resultados De las familias estudiadas 80% se mostraron poco funcionales en el área de afecto; 60% fueron poco funcionales en la comunicación; y 50% moderadamente funcionales en recursos. En las áreas de supervisión, autoridad y control fueron moderadamente funcionales 95%, 75% y 50% respectivamente. Fueron moderadamente funcionales en el area de apoyo, 70%. El 65% de las familias fueron moderadamente funcionales en el área que explora conductas disruptivas. En el área afecto negativo 50% de las familias fueron moderadamente funcionales. Las correlaciones positivas que más llamaron la atención entre las áreas de función familiar estudiadas fueron: entre autoridad y conducta disruptiva, r=.545, P<0.05; entre autoridad y comunicación, r=.518, P<0.05, y entre conducta disruptiva y recursos r=.524, P<0.05. Discusión El perfil organizativo-funcional encontrado en estas familias correspondió con las principales características reportadas por otros autores en las familias psicosomáticas: rigidez, sobreprotección, evitación de conflicto y aglutinación. Esta dinámica causa poca eficacia en cuanto a la demostración del afecto y para sustentar la comunicación, lo anterior se traduce en una permanencia de sentimientos negativos que repercute en la pobre utilización de recursos para salir adelante y, en ocasiones, se desconoce la existencia de éstos. La existencia de correlaciones positivas entre autoridad y comunicación, entre autoridad y conducta disruptiva y entre conducta disruptiva y recursos, significa que cuando la autoridad radica en el sistema parental los sentimientos son mejor expresados por la familia, se favorece el intercambio de puntos de vista y las situaciones emergentes como las adicciones y los comportamientos inapropiados son mejor discutidos. De igual forma los problemas en el comportamiento de la familia y las conductas inadecuadas tienden a no quedar resueltos debido a la limitación en el reconocimiento y manejo de las herramientas adecuadas para salir adelante.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 2(2): 25-37, jul.-dez. 2002.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-64461


Desenvolver uma história da Terapia de família é minha proposta. Inicio contextualizando o nascimento da família moderna, a partir da história. Assim, considero a estreita relação entre o modelo de família nuclear e a idéia de intervenção terapêutica, própria da modernidade. Esta história é narradaa partir da idéia de família e da intervenção terapêutica, desenvolvendo os questionamentos elaborados, posteriormente, pela Terapia de Família Feminista, pelo Construtivismo e pelo Construcionismo Social. Minuchin (1990a, 1990b; 1991, 1995a, 1995b, 1998) e Andolfi (1980, 1989a, 1989b, 1996, 1998) são citados para discutir o modelo de família nuclear na terapia. Outros autores, como Rampage e Avis (1998) e Anderson e Goolishian (1988), exemplificam a crítica feminista e o movimento pósmoderno na Terapia de família. (AU)

My proposal in the present study is to develop a history of Family Therapy. I begin by presenting the origins of the modern family in a historical context, thus taking into account the close relationship between a nuclear family model and the idea of contemporary therapeutic intervention, typical ofmodern times. I begin narrating its history starting from the idea of the family and expert (therapist) interventions, developing questions that were later elaborated by Feminist Family Therapy, by Constructivism and by Social Constructionism. Minuchin and Andolfi are mentioned in the discussionnuclear family model in therapy. Others authors, Rampage, Anderson; Goolishian and Fruggeri, exemplify the feminist criticism and the postmodern movement in the history of Family Therapy. (AU)

Humanos , Terapia Familiar , Família/história , Família/psicologia
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 2(2): 25-37, jul.-dez. 2002.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-768648


Desenvolver uma história da Terapia de família é minha proposta. Inicio contextualizando o nascimento da família moderna, a partir da história. Assim, considero a estreita relação entre o modelo de família nuclear e a idéia de intervenção terapêutica, própria da modernidade. Esta história é narrada a partir da idéia de família e da intervenção terapêutica, desenvolvendo os questionamentos elaborados, posteriormente, pela Terapia de Família Feminista, pelo Construtivismo e pelo Construcionismo Social. Minuchin (1990a, 1990b; 1991, 1995a, 1995b, 1998) e Andolfi (1980, 1989a, 1989b, 1996, 1998) são citados para discutir o modelo de família nuclear na terapia. Outros autores, como Rampage e Avis (1998) e Anderson e Goolishian (1988), exemplificam a crítica feminista e o movimento pósmoderno na Terapia de família.

My proposal in the present study is to develop a history of Family Therapy. I begin by presenting the origins of the modern family in a historical context, thus taking into account the close relationship between a nuclear family model and the idea of contemporary therapeutic intervention, typical ofmodern times. I begin narrating its history starting from the idea of the family and expert (therapist) interventions, developing questions that were later elaborated by Feminist Family Therapy, by Constructivism and by Social Constructionism. Minuchin and Andolfi are mentioned in the discussion nuclear family model in therapy. Others authors, Rampage, Anderson; Goolishian and Fruggeri, exemplify the feminist criticism and the post modern movement in the history of Family Therapy.

Humanos , Terapia Familiar , Família/história , Família/psicologia