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Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;55dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536587


Introduction: Regarding the origin of Eating Disorders, different psychological variables such as the personality, have been identified as risk factors for the onset and subsequent development of these pathologies. This study aimed to analyse the relationships between personality and different risk variables for the development of ED in the population of female students without disorders. Method: Participants included 627 women, Spanish university students, who completed the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3) and the Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Correlation and regression analyses were conducted in order to observe patterns of common variation among the variables, and to determine the contribution of the personality traits in the explanation of the variables. Results: Neuroticism correlated significantly with all scales and is the main predictor of the risk scales (drive for thinness, bulimia and body dissatisfaction), and the seven psychological scales. The remaining factors showed negative correlations with all of the scales. Extraversion was the main predictor variable in the explained variance of interpersonal insecurity and interpersonal alienation. In addition, conscientiousness and agreeableness demonstrated an effect on different scales in combination with other factors. Conclusion: The study sustained the importance of personality in the risk of developing ED. Neuroticism is the factor that is most closely related to the risk variables and psychological constructs which are conceptually relevant in the development and maintenance of these disorders. The study of personality should help in identifying at-risk populations, and will enable adopting solutions aimed at the prevention of ED.

Introducción: En el origen de los trastornos alimentarios han sido identificadas diferentes variables psicológicas como factores de riesgo, como la personalidad, para el inicio y posterior desarrollo de estas patologías. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las relaciones entre la personalidad y diferentes variables de riesgo para el desarrollo de trastornos alimentarios, en la población de mujeres universitarias sin trastornos. Método: Las participantes fueron 627 mujeres, estudiantes universitarias españolas, que completaron el Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3) y el Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Se realizaron análisis de correlación y regresión para observar los patrones de variación común entre las variables y para determinar la contribución de los rasgos de personalidad en la explicación de las variables. Resultados: El neuroticismo correlacionó significativamente con todas las escalas, y fue la principal variable predictiva en la varianza explicada de las escalas de riesgo (obsesión por la delgadez, bulimia e insatisfacción corporal), y siete escalas psicológicas. Los rasgos de personalidad restantes mostraron correlaciones negativas con todas las escalas. Extraversión fue la principal variable predictora de la varianza explicada de inseguridad interpersonal y alienación personal. Además, responsabilidad y amabilidad mostraron efecto en combinación con otros factores en diferentes variables. Conclusión: El estudio apoyó la importancia de la personalidad en el riesgo de desarrollar trastornos alimentarios. El neuroticismo es el factor que más se relaciona con las variables de riesgo y constructos psicológicos conceptualmente relevantes en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de estos trastornos. El estudio de la personalidad debería ayudar a identificar a las poblaciones de riesgo y adoptar soluciones dirigidas a la prevención.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444290


Some studies have associated Parkinson's disease with specific personality traits. We aimed to analyze personality profiles in Parkinson's disease based on the Five- Factor Model, using the following 3 instruments as parameters: NEO Personality Inventory, revised NEO Personality Inventory, and NEO Five-Factor Inventory. A systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched. The initial search resulted in 232 studies, and 11 studies were selected for full-text review. The personality traits most commonly associated with Parkinson's disease were high neuroticism and low extraversion and conscientiousness. These results cannot be attributed only to Parkinson's disease because other associated diseases were present in the included studies. Evidence from these studies is insufficient to state that there is a typical personality profile associated with Parkinson's disease, given that this profile is nonspecific and found in many psychopathological disorders that differ considerably from each other. This study was registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42021271526)

Alguns estudos têm associado a doença de Parkinson a traços de personalidade específicos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o perfil de personalidade na doença de Parkinson com base no Modelo dos Cinco Fatores, utilizando como parâmetro três instrumentos baseados nessa teoria: NEO Personality Inventory, NEO Personality Inventory revisado e NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de acordo com os critérios de Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Foram consultadas as bases de dados PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science. A busca inicial resultou em 232 estudos, e 11 deles foram selecionados para análise completa. Os traços de personalidade mais frequentemente associados à doença de Parkinson foram o elevado neuroticismo e baixos níveis de extroversão e de conscienciosidade. Estes resultados não podem ser atribuídos apenas à doença de Parkinson, uma vez que outras doenças associadas estavam presentes nos trabalhos avaliados. Não há evidências suficientes nestes estudos para afirmar que existe um perfil de personalidade típico associado à doença de Parkinson, visto que esse perfil é inespecífico e encontrado em muitos transtornos psicopatológicos que diferem consideravelmente entre si. Este estudo foi registrado na plataforma International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews ­ PROSPERO (número CRD4202127151526)

Humanos , Doença de Parkinson/psicologia , Personalidade , Neuroticismo
Curr Psychol ; : 1-15, 2022 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35967491


Studies indicate that loneliness and self-esteem are predictive factors of problematic social media use. Further, it is proposed that self-presentation and extraversion may explain individual differences in online activity and problematic social media use. The present study confirms the relationship of loneliness and self-esteem with problematic Facebook use and investigates the hypothesis that these psychological factors may be linked to problematic Facebook use through their association with self-presentation and extraversion. The sample of university students consisted of 477 Facebook users, 64% females, aged 18-64. Social media usage intensity was assessed by collecting passive data on the total time spent and the number of sessions on Facebook per day for the last 6 months. The psychological factors, personality, motives and problematic Facebook use were assessed via self-report measures. Results showed that the relationship of loneliness and self-esteem with problematic Facebook use was significantly positive and negative respectively. The relationship between self-esteem and problematic Facebook use was found to be inconsistently mediated by both self-presentation and extraversion, while loneliness was partially mediated by self-presentation only. The total effect of loneliness and self-esteem remained positive and negative respectively, although extraversion and self-presentation had a suppressing effect on the relationship between self-esteem and problematic Facebook use. Further, the prevalence of 'at-risk' Facebook users was found to be 6.0%. It was also determined that the usage intensity of 'at-risk' users was significantly different from other Facebook users. These results highlight the existence of different patterns of associations linking psychological factors, usage intensity and problematic Facebook use. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12144-022-03505-0.

J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 593-604, 2022 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856532


Consumerism favours the culture of the disposable, excessive extroversion, and superficiality. Data manipulation, the shadow of information technology, harms individual and collective lives. In a world filled with prejudice, intolerance, violence and social inequality, nature is neglected putting our survival at risk. The lack of appreciation for subjectivity and self-knowledge and the demand for greater performance foster physical and emotional problems expressed through anxiety, depression, anguish and burnout. It is thus urgent to develop a pattern of consciousness that allows us to overcome polarization and cope with the opposites by the means of dialogue and an appreciation of the dialectical and symmetrical relationship between the polarities. Carlos Byington, in his symbolic psychology, named this the archetypal pattern of alterity, and considered it the basis of solidarity, respect for difference, democracy and sustainability.

Le consumérisme favorise une culture du jetable, une extraversion excessive, et la superficialité. La manipulation de l'information, l'ombre de la technologie de l'information, font du tort aux vies individuelles et collectives. Dans un monde rempli de préjugés, d'intolérance, de violence, d'inégalité sociale, la nature est victime de négligence, et ceci met en péril notre survie. Le manque de reconnaissance de la subjectivité et de la connaissance de soi ainsi que l'exigence d'une performance plus grande nourrissent l'apparition de problèmes physiques et émotionnels qui s'expriment par de l'angoisse, de la dépression, de la douleur et de l'épuisement (burnout). Ainsi il est urgent de construire un schéma de conscience qui nous permette de surmonter la polarisation et de nous débrouiller des opposés par le moyen du dialogue et d'une revalorisation de la relation dialectique et symétrique entre les polarités. Carlos Byington, dans sa psychologie symbolique, a appelé ceci le schéma archétypal de l'altérité, et considère ceci comme le fondement de la solidarité, du respect de la différence, de la démocratie, et de la durabilité.

El consumismo favorece la cultura del descarte, de la extroversión excesiva y la superficialidad. La manipulación de datos, la sombra de la información tecnológica daña las vidas individuales y colectivas. En un mundo lleno de prejuicios, intolerancia, violencia, desigualdad social, se descuida la naturaleza, poniendo en riesgo nuestra sobrevivencia. La falta de apreciación por la subjetividad y el autoconocimiento y la demanda de mejor rendimiento propician los problemas emocionales a través de la ansiedad, depresión, angustia y el agotamiento. Es, por lo tanto, urgente desarrollar una forma de consciencia que posibilite superar la polarización y hacer frente a los opuestos a través del diálogo y la apreciación por una relación dialéctica y simétrica de las polaridades. Carlos Byington, en su psicología simbólica, lo denominó patrón arquetípico de la alteridad y lo consideró la base de la solidaridad, respeto por la diferencia, democracia y sustentabilidad.

O consumismo favorece a cultura do descartável, da extroversão excessiva e da superficialidade. A manipulação de dados, a sombra da tecnologia da informação, prejudica vidas individuais e coletivas. Em um mundo cheio de preconceito, intolerância, violência, desigualdade social, a natureza é negligenciada, colocando nossa sobrevivência em risco. A falta de valorização da subjetividade e do autoconhecimento e a demanda por maior desempenho promovem problemas físicos e emocionais expressos por ansiedade, depressão, angústia e burnout. Portanto, é urgente desenvolver um padrão de consciência que nos permita superar a polarização e lidar com os opostos por meio do diálogo e da relação dialética e simétrica entre as polaridades. Carlos Byington, em sua psicologia simbólica, denominou-o padrão arquetípico de alteridade e considerou-o a base da solidariedade, do respeito à diferença, da democracia e da sustentabilidade.

Saúde Mental , Autoimagem , Humanos , Preconceito , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Dement Neuropsychol ; 16(2): 187-193, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35720659


Changes in personality traits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are extremely common throughout the course of the pathology, and these behavioral changes present themselves as challenges in clinical management and as a significant cause of caregivers' burden. Objective: Using a personality inventory based on the five-factor model of personality, this study aimed to assesses the change in these factors by comparing the premorbid and current personality of individuals recently diagnosed with AD. Methods: A total of 30 AD patients were recruited, and their respective family members responded to the personality inventory at home through a hosted site. The patients were also divided into two groups according to the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): mild dementia (CDR 1) and moderate dementia (CDR 2). Results: Among all patients, there was a significant increase in neuroticism factor levels and a significant decrease in the extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, and socialization factors. When comparing the groups, only the extraversion factor showed a difference, with CDR 1 group accusing a higher change in scores. Higher scores in the factor neuroticism in the premorbid personality correlated with the current severity of the disease. Conclusions: This research draws the attention of family members and health professionals to changes in personality traits or behavior of relatives or patients, because it can reflect an underlying neurodegenerative process.

Mudanças em traços de personalidade em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) são extremamente comuns ao longo do curso da referida patologia, e essas alterações comportamentais apresentam-se como desafios no manejo clínico e como causa significativa de esgotamento dos cuidadores. Objetivo: Por meio de um inventário de personalidade baseado nos cinco fatores de personalidade, este estudo avalia a mudança nos escores desses fatores comparando a personalidade pré-mórbida e a atual dos indivíduos com DA. Métodos: O total de 30 pacientes com DA foi recrutado, e seus familiares responderam ao inventário de personalidade. Os pacientes também foram divididos em dois grupos conforme a avaliação clínica da demência: demência leve (CDR1) e demência moderada (CDR2). Resultados: Em todos os pacientes, houve aumento significativo nos escores do fator neuroticismo e decréscimos significativos nos fatores extroversão, realização, abertura e socialização. Quando feita a comparação entre grupos, apenas o fator extroversão apresentou diferença, com o grupo CDR 1 mostrando maiores mudanças nos escores. Os níveis do fator neuroticismo da personalidade pré-mórbida correlacionaram-se com a gravidade da doença no momento do diagnóstico. Conclusões: Este estudo procura esclarecer aos familiares e profissionais de saúde que mudanças em traços de personalidade de seus parentes ou pacientes podem refletir processos neurodegenerativos subjacentes.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 16(2): 187-193, Apr.-June 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384673


ABSTRACT. Changes in personality traits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) are extremely common throughout the course of the pathology, and these behavioral changes present themselves as challenges in clinical management and as a significant cause of caregivers' burden. Objective: Using a personality inventory based on the five-factor model of personality, this study aimed to assesses the change in these factors by comparing the premorbid and current personality of individuals recently diagnosed with AD. Methods: A total of 30 AD patients were recruited, and their respective family members responded to the personality inventory at home through a hosted site. The patients were also divided into two groups according to the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): mild dementia (CDR 1) and moderate dementia (CDR 2). Results: Among all patients, there was a significant increase in neuroticism factor levels and a significant decrease in the extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, and socialization factors. When comparing the groups, only the extraversion factor showed a difference, with CDR 1 group accusing a higher change in scores. Higher scores in the factor neuroticism in the premorbid personality correlated with the current severity of the disease. Conclusions: This research draws the attention of family members and health professionals to changes in personality traits or behavior of relatives or patients, because it can reflect an underlying neurodegenerative process.

RESUMO. Mudanças em traços de personalidade em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) são extremamente comuns ao longo do curso da referida patologia, e essas alterações comportamentais apresentam-se como desafios no manejo clínico e como causa significativa de esgotamento dos cuidadores. Objetivo: Por meio de um inventário de personalidade baseado nos cinco fatores de personalidade, este estudo avalia a mudança nos escores desses fatores comparando a personalidade pré-mórbida e a atual dos indivíduos com DA. Métodos: O total de 30 pacientes com DA foi recrutado, e seus familiares responderam ao inventário de personalidade. Os pacientes também foram divididos em dois grupos conforme a avaliação clínica da demência: demência leve (CDR1) e demência moderada (CDR2). Resultados: Em todos os pacientes, houve aumento significativo nos escores do fator neuroticismo e decréscimos significativos nos fatores extroversão, realização, abertura e socialização. Quando feita a comparação entre grupos, apenas o fator extroversão apresentou diferença, com o grupo CDR 1 mostrando maiores mudanças nos escores. Os níveis do fator neuroticismo da personalidade pré-mórbida correlacionaram-se com a gravidade da doença no momento do diagnóstico. Conclusões: Este estudo procura esclarecer aos familiares e profissionais de saúde que mudanças em traços de personalidade de seus parentes ou pacientes podem refletir processos neurodegenerativos subjacentes.

Humanos , Doença de Alzheimer
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(1): 1-23, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376227


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar nuevas evidencias de calidad psicométrica para la adaptación argentina de la versión reducida del Cuestionario de Personalidad de Eysenck (EPQ-RS). Participaron 1136 personas de población general (52.5% femenino, edad media = 29.6 años, DE = 11.9) residentes en Buenos Aires, Argentina. La adaptación argentina se compone de 42 ítems con formato de respuesta dicotómica. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio a partir de la matriz de correlaciones tetracóricas. Esto permitió replicar la estructura propuesta por Eysenck para el modelo PEN (Psicoticismo-Extraversión-Neuroticismo) y la escala Sinceridad. Posteriormente, se ajustó el modelo logístico de dos parámetros por separado para los ítems de cada escala. Los ítems no mostraron funcionamiento diferencial según género. La discriminación de los ítems resultó moderada-alta. Los parámetros b se localizaron en rangos acotados de cada uno de los rasgos medidos, lo que originó que la precisión de las escalas varíe en el recorrido de los continuos. La escala Neuroticismo aporta más información en niveles medios del rasgo, Psicoticismo en los medio-bajos y Extraversión en los medio-altos. La escala Sinceridad mostró una función de información relativamente plana en todo el recorrido del rasgo. Se brindan evidencias de validez basadas en la relación con otras pruebas que miden facetas del neuroticismo y sintomatología. Las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad obtenidas ofrecen garantías de calidad suficientes para la aplicación de este instrumento en el contexto local y confirman la vigencia del modelo teórico que operacionaliza el EPQ-RS.

Abstract The aim of this work is to provide new evidence of psychometric quality for the Argentinean adaptation of the brief version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-RS). 1136 people from the general population (52.5% female, mean age = 29.6 years, SD = 11.9) residing in Buenos Aires, Argentina participated. The Argentinean adaptation consists of 42 items with dichotomous response format. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed from the tetrachoric correlation matrix. This allowed replicating the structure proposed by Eysenck for the PEN model (Psychoticism - Extroversion - Neuroticism) and the Lie scale. Subsequently, the two-parameter logistic model was adjusted separately for the items of each scale. The items did not show differential functioning by gender. Items discrimination was moderate-high. Parameters b were located in narrow ranges of each one of the measured traits, which caused the precision of the scales to vary along the trait continuums. The Neuroticism scale provides more information at medium levels of the trait, Psychoticism in the medium-low and Extraversion in the medium-high. The Lie scale showed a relatively flat information function throughout the trait. Evidence of validity based on the relationship with other tests that measure facets of neuroticism and symptomatology is provided. The evidence of validity and reliability obtained offers sufficient quality guarantees for the application of this instrument in the local context and confirms topicality of the theoretical model that operationalizes the EPQ-RS.

BMC Oral Health ; 21(1): 7, 2021 01 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33407342


BACKGROUND: Perception is defined as the ability to distinguish through the senses. All perception is dependent on factors such as personality, previously lived experiences and cultural elements. When planning an aesthetic treatment, consider the way the patients perceive the changes and outcomes is essential for reaching their expectations. The objective of this study was to assess if there was predominance of a personality trait of patient undergoing dental bleaching and if this treatment could promote changes in this traits, in the psychosocial impact and quality of life of these individuals. METHODS: The assessment of personality characteristics, quality of life, psychosocial and self-perception was a cross-sectional observational study and it was carried out by applying questionnaires to 55 patients that were submitted to a clinical phase. The psychometric instruments used were NEO FFI-R (personality), PIDAQ (psychosocial effect) and WHOQOL-BREF (quality of life). Each test domain was prior and after bleaching by Wilcoxon Signed Rank test (α = 0.05). The internal consistencies of each scale were evaluated by Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: No statistical significant differences among personality traits means were observed among participants but there was predominance of two predominant personality traits in this study: conscientiousness (45.5%) and extraversion (34.5%). In four test domains of the PIDAQ, significant differences were observed before and after dental bleaching. The overall perception of the PIDAQ was also statistically significant demonstrating an improvement. There were no differences on overall or specific domains scores of the WHOQOL before and after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects who underwent dental treatment improved their self-confidence and reduced concerns about dental aesthetics, social and personality impact of dental alterations. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was conducted in parallel to a clinical investigation that aimed to evaluate tooth sensitivity related to dental bleaching technique and registered in REBEC clinical registry under protocol RBR-6pt2n3 in 13 November 2013.

Estética Dentária , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Personalidade , Inquéritos e Questionários
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 42(2): 179-184, Apr.-June 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1139822


Abstract Introduction In December 2019, an outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) probably occurred in Wuhan, China. By March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) had declared a pandemic. Containment measures such as social distancing and hand hygiene were recommended. In this study, we start from the hypothesis that engaging with containment measures in a pandemic situation should be more comfortable for some people than for other people. Thus, individual differences should be associated with engagement with containment measures. Objective To investigate to what extent two personality traits, extroversion and conscientiousness, are associated with engagement with two containment measures (social distancing and handwashing). Methods The sample consisted of 715 Brazilian adults aged 18-78 years, who answered the Big Five Inventory 2 Short (BFI-2-S) and factors from the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2 (IDCP-2). Results Higher scores for extroversion were associated with lower means for social distancing (p < 0.001) and higher scores for conscientiousness were associated with higher means for social distancing and handwashing (p < 0.05). Conclusion The findings indicate the importance of acknowledging extroversion and conscientiousness traits as relevant to people's engagement with the measures recommended for COVID-19 containment.

Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Personalidade , Pneumonia Viral/prevenção & controle , Comportamento Social , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Desinfecção das Mãos , Infecções por Coronavirus/prevenção & controle , Fidelidade a Diretrizes , Extroversão Psicológica , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Brasil , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Estudos Transversais , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 8(2): 42-58, abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001097


Resumen Se entiende el temperamento como el conjunto de diferencias individuales en reactividad y autorregulación, manteniéndose relativamente estable a través del tiempo, y siendo influenciado por la herencia, la maduración biológica y el contacto con el ambiente. En el presente estudio se buscó establecer si se dan diferencias en las dimensiones de temperamento de extraversión, afecto negativo y autorregulación según nivel socioeconómico, en niños chilenos asistentes a sala cuna. Se evaluaron 103 niños de ambos sexos, a los 12 y a los 30 meses de edad, con los cuestionarios IBQ-R-VSF y ECBQ-VSF, los cuales respondieron los padres. Los resultados mostraron que entre los 12 y 30 meses la extraversión se mantuvo constante, mientras que las dimensiones de afecto negativo y autorregulación disminuyeron de manera significativa. A los 12 meses los niños de NSE alto mostraron una mayor autorregulación, mientras que a los 30 meses los niños de NSE bajo evidenciaron un mayor afecto negativo. Se discuten los resultados en base a la evidencia encontrada sobre las diferentes realidades en los distintos niveles socioeconómicos.

Abstract Temperament is understood as the set of individual differences in reactivity and self-regulation, considered as stable through time, and influenced by the heritability, the biological maturation, and the interaction with the environment. The aim of this study was to determine if the dimensions of temperament (extraversion, negative affect, and self-regulation) show differences according to socioeconomic status in Chilean children attending to nurseries. For this study, 103 children from both genders were evaluated at 12 and 30 months old, using the IBQ-R-VSF and ECBQ-VSF questionnaires, which were answered by their parent. Results showed that between 12 and 30 months, extraversion remained constant, while the dimensions of negative affect and self-regulation decreased significantly. Children from high socioeconomic status showed higher self-regulation at age of 12 months, while the ones from low socioeconomic status decreased their negative affect at 30 months old. Results are discussed based on evidence about realities from different socioeconomic statuses.

Chronobiol Int ; 34(2): 280-286, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28055273


A polymorphism in the PER3 (period circadian clock 3) gene has been associated with neuropsychiatric disorders and endophenotypes. We evaluated the possible association of personality domains with the PER3 polymorphism in a sample of healthy subjects: 271 individuals were evaluated with the Big Five Inventory and genotyped for the PER3 Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) polymorphism. We found a significant association between the PER3 polymorphism and the extraversion personality trait (p = 0.0093). The 5/5 genotype carriers showed higher scores for extraversion. This is the first time that a significant association between the PER3 VNTR polymorphism and extraversion is reported.

Extroversão Psicológica , Proteínas Circadianas Period/genética , Personalidade , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Adolescente , Adulto , Alelos , Ritmo Circadiano/genética , Colômbia , Feminino , Frequência do Gene , Estudos de Associação Genética , Genótipo , Voluntários Saudáveis , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Repetições Minissatélites , Fenótipo , Sono/genética , Adulto Jovem
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 46(4): 461-471, dic. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-791757


A psicopatia configura-se como um grave transtorno da personalidade. Apesar de resultados indicarem a extroversão e amabilidade como dois dos marcadores dos big five como seus preditores, são escassas as evidências no Brasil. Portanto, este estudo objetivou conhecer em que medida os fatores de personalidade normal se correlacionam com os três fenótipos avaliados pela Medida Triádica de Psicopatia (TriPM). Participaram da pesquisa 228 estudantes universitários de João Pessoa (PB), apresentando idade média de 25,1 anos, a maioria do sexo feminino (76%). Estes responderam a TriPM, o Inventário dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade e perguntas demográficas. Os resultados indicaram que os fatores extroversão, abertura à mudança e amabilidade predisseram a psicopatia, corroborando estudos prévios. Estes achados são discutidos tomando como base o modelo dos big five para compreender este traço socialmente desviante, onde a ausência de afeto e o comportamento manipulador são características centrais.

Psychopathy is a severe personality disorder. Despite results indicating that extraversion and agreeableness are two markers of the big five as its predictors, evidence in Brazil are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to know whether normal personality (non-psychotic) factors predict the three phenotypes evaluated by the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM). Participants were 228 undergraduate students from João Pessoa (PB), with mean age of 25.1 years, mostly were female (76%). They answered the TriPM, the Big Five Inventory, and demographic questions. Results indicated that the factors extraversion, openness to experience and agreeableness predicted psychopathy, which corroborated previous studies. These findings are discussed on the basis of the big five model in order to understand this socially deviant trait, in which the lack of affection and the manipulative behavior are central features.

La psicopatía se configura como un transtorno grave de la personalidad. Aunque los estudios indican extraversión y amabilidad como dos de los cinco marcadores como sus predictores, se ha observado poca evidencia en Brasil. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer en qué medida los factores de la personalidad normal se correlacionan con fenotipos contemplados por la Medida Triádica de Psicopatía (TriPM). Los participantes han sido 228 universitarios de João Pessoa (PB), con una edad promedia de 25.1 años, en mayoría mujeres (76%). Éstos contestaron la TriPM, Inventario de los Cinco Grandes Factores de Personalidad y preguntas demográficas. Los resultados indicaron que los factores extraversión, apertura a la experiencia y amabilidad se asociaron con la psicopatía, corroborando estudios previos. Se discuten estos hallazgos según el modelo de los cinco grandes, poniendo énfasis en ese rasgo socialmente desviante, caracterizado por la falta de afecto y la conducta manipuladora.

Psicologia , Psicopatologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial
Psicol. inf ; 15(15): 13-38, jan.-dez. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-52917


O papel do pai na participação da prestação de cuidados ao bebê tem-se vindo a alterar nos últimos tempos, tornando o pai mais participativo e ativo. No entanto, nem todos os pais partilham os cuidados do bebê, sendo ainda a mãe a principal cuidadora na maior parte dos casos. Um dos fatores que poderão explicar uma maior responsabilização e consequente participação na prestação de cuidados por parte do pai são os traços de personalidade. Deste modo, para compreender de que forma a personalidade influencia a participação da prestação de cuidados ao bebê, utilizou-se um questionário com cinco perguntas referentes à prestação de cuidados e o Questionário de Personalidade de Eysenck, na sua versão reduzida [Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-R48]. Responderam voluntariamente aos questionários 52 pais, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 53 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que os fatores de personalidade Neuroticismo/ Estabilidade, Extroversão/Introversão e Psicoticismo/Superego parecem influenciar a prestação de cuidados. De acordo com os resultados, observaram- se correlações positivas significativas entre o neuroticismo e a ida às consultas pré-natais (r = - 0,277; p = 0,047); extroversão e partilha de dúvidas e sentimentos por parte do pai (r = 0,348; p = 0,01); e psicoticismo e confiança na prestação de cuidados (r= 0,290; p = 0,037). Em suma, a personalidade tem algum impacto na participação da prestação de cuidados ao bebê, não se demonstrando, no entanto, a principal influência, ficando por esclarecer que outras variáveis intervêm no processo. (AU)

The father’s role in the childcare is changing since the last years and they are turning more participative and active. However, some fathers don’t share the childcare and in the most cases the mother is the principal responsible for that. One of the factors that may explain the participation of the father is the personality traces. Accordingly, to understand how the personality can influence the participation of the father in the baby’s care it was developed five questions related to childcare and it was used the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-R48 to measure the personality of the fathers. These questionnaires were completed by 52 volunteers with ages between 20 and 53 years old. The results showed that neuroticism/ stability, extroversion/introversion, and Psychoticism/Superego appear to be an influence in the childcare. In the results, it was possible to verify a positive correlation between neuroticism and to go to the prenatal appointments (r = -0,277; p = 0,047); extraversion and to share concerning and feelings (r = 0,348; p = 0,01); and psychoticism and confidence in giving childcare (r = 0,290; p = 0,037). In summary, the personality has some impact in the father’s childcare but it is not the principal influence, staying forunderstand the others variables that take part in this process. (AU)

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Relações Pai-Filho , Recém-Nascido , Personalidade
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 19(1): 37-44, ene.-jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-568797


Se sabe que la música puede influir en dos componentes de las emociones: el arousal y la valencia. En particular, se ha reportado que el tempo o rapidez de la música está directamente relacionado con el arousal, aunque su relación con la valencia o medida de afecto no es aún clara. En este trabajo se analizó la influencia del tempo en ambos componentes mediante la exposición de 24 estudiantes de licenciatura a treinta extractos musicales de distinto tempo. Además se evaluó la posible modulación de la relación tempo-valencia por el rasgo de personalidad extroversión/introversión. Los resultados confirmaron la influencia del tempo sobre el arousal, pero no sobre la valencia, así como una posible mediación de la dimensión de personalidad introversión-extroversión sobre la valencia.

Arousal and valence, two main components of emotion, are known to be influenced by music. Particularly, some studies have shown a positive relationship between tempo (music speed) and arousal, but no conclusive evidence about tempo and valence relationship has been found. In this experiment, the effect of tempo on both arousal and valence was studied.Twenty four undergraduate students were exposed to 30 musical excerpts with different tempo. In addition, the possible mediation of the extraversion-introversion personality trait on the relationship tempo-valence was also determined. The results confirmed the effect of tempo on arousal but not on valence, and a mediating effect of introversion-extraversion personality dimension on valence.

Humanos , Emoções , Música/psicologia , Determinação da Personalidade