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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 363-377, abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430605


Resumen El presente trabajo se inscribe en los estudios sobre las migraciones contemporáneas a Chile, campo iniciado en los años noventa al momento de una transición democrática y una economía presentada como exitosa. Expone breves referencias a la migración hacia Chile proveniente de Haití y algunos elementos de la historia de Haití que conforman una situación migratoria particular. El objetivo es identificar el racismo presente en las interacciones entre profesionales de los centros de la red pública de salud y pacientes haitianos/as que acuden a ellos en Santiago de Chile. Este trabajo proviene de un proyecto mayor que analizó la sociabilidad y las competencias culturales de estos profesionales al interactuar con migrantes. Desde una metodología cualitativa se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales de la red pública de salud y grupos focales a pacientes haitianos. El marco de referencia se centra en el racismo como sistema y como relación social, en la discriminación racial y sus efectos en las personas. Se analizan las palabras de los/as pacientes y los/as profesionales, se presentan algunas conclusiones sobre el racismo y la violencia registradas como forma de sociabilidad, entendiéndola como el modo en que se da el trato entre dos actores, uno de ellos en una posición superior. Estos procesos precisan ser reflexionados para dar cuenta del sufrimiento producido en hombres, mujeres y niños/as haitianos que buscan atención en la red de salud pública. Por último, se avanzan algunas orientaciones tendientes a superarlos.

Abstract The present work is inscribed within the field of contemporary migration studies in Chile, a line of investigation initiated during the nineties. At the time, various people from South America and the Caribbean arrived to the country, which was undergoing a democratic transition and presented itself as a successful economic model. Twenty-five years later, migrants from Haiti began arriving. Despite not constituting the largest group of migrants, they have become one of the most targeted by Chilean society, the media, the political class and government authorities. Since the election of Sebastián Piñera in 2018, certain measures were taken that signaled a policy aimed towards reducing Haitian presence in the country: namely, a "humanitarian" return plan exclusively for Haitians and the creation of a consular visa as the main permit in order to enter the country. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they were singled out as disobedient to the measures imposed by the state of emergency and the sanitary restrictions put in place. Chilean society agrees with restrictive norms and policies and looks with suspicion at a migrant group that it perceives as different. Chile, a country colonized in the name of humanist and republican values, which upholds cultural homogeneity, does not look favorably on the arrival of migrants from elsewhere in the region, and even less so on a migrant group whose skin color has been negatively evaluated, to the point of linking it to physical, cultural and psychological characteristics. This work makes brief references of the context of migrating to Chile, of doing so from Haiti, and of some elements of Haiti's history that make up this particular migratory situation. The proposed objective is to identify racism present within the interactions between public health workers and Haitian patients who approach them for help or treatment in the city of Santiago. This work stems from a larger project that analyzed the sociability and cultural skills of different public health professionals interacting with migrants. Employing a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals from the public health service and focus groups were organized with Haitian patients. The frame of reference focuses on racism as a system and as a social relationship, on racial discrimination and its effects on people. The words of patients and professionals are analyzed and conclusions are drawn in regards to racism and registered violence as forms of sociability, the latter understood as the way in which two actors interact when one of them is in a position of superiority. These processes need to be reflected upon in order to account for the damages caused to Haitian men, women and children seeking care in the public health network. Considering the importance of the right to migrate in current times and the multiple obstacles that impede it, Haitian life in Chile emerges as a "problem" when it comes to being attended, cared for or assisted to by health professionals, an issue that is linked to the fact that contemporary migrations have been repeatedly characterized as a "problem" and not as a social phenomenon that needs to be seriously analyzed with academic accuracy. Racist criticism emerges violently, offending and harming Haitian migrants who, in order to avoid it, sometimes prefer not to go public health centers, to look for alternatives when dealing with the ailments that afflict them, or straightforwardly abandon the possibility of being attended at all. Finally, some guidelines are advanced which may help to overcome these situations by training professionals in order to improve communications between them and Haitian migrants.

RECIIS (Online) ; 15(2): 333-345, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254701


As ameaças e xingamentos racistas direcionados à parlamentar Talíria Petrone, no exercício do seu mandato, expressam a especificidade dos riscos de adoecimento e morte que as mulheres negras enfrentam na política institucional. Partindo do reconhecimento desse fenômeno como uma realidade traumática, como demonstra Kilomba, analisamos os episódios de racismo cotidiano (idem), numa perspectiva interseccional, a partir de uma publicação da deputada no Instagram, e seu significado dentro da herança colonial escravagista brasileira. A análise corrobora a necessidade de plataformas que contemplem e governos que implementem ações efetivas para coibir este tipo de crime e assegurar os direitos políticos e a saúde plena dessas mulheres.

The racist threats and insults against the parliamentarian Talíria Petrone, in the exercise of her mandate, express the specificity of the risks of illness and death that black women face in the institutional politics. Based on the recognition of this phenomenon as a traumatic reality, as Kilomba shows us, we analyzed the episodes of everyday racism, in an intersectional perspective, from a post published by the deputy in her Instagram profile, and their meaning within the Brazilian colonial slavery heritage. The analysis corroborates there is a need for platforms contemplating and governments implementing effective actions to hinder this type of crime and to ensure the political rights and the complete health of these women.

Las amenazas y los insultos racistas dirigidos a la parlamentaria Talíria Petrone, en ejercicio de su mandato, expresan la especificidad de los riesgos de enfermedad y muerte que enfrentan las mujeres negras en la política institucional. Apoyando en el reconocimiento de este fenómeno como una realidad traumática, como demonstra Kilomba, analizamos los episodios de racismo cotidiano, en una perspectiva interseccional, teniendo en cuenta una publicación en el perfil de Instagram de la diputada, y su significado dentro de la herencia de esclavitud colonial brasileña. El análisis corrobora la necesidad de que las plataformas contemplen y los gobiernos implementen acciones efectivas para cohibir ese tipo de crimen y asegurar los derechos políticos y la salud integral de esas mujeres.

Humanos , Política , Brasil , Rede Social , Racismo , Mulheres , Feminismo