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Humanidad. med ; 23(1)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506380


En la formación ético-ambiental se requiere del desarrollo de acciones dirigidas a lograr una actitud consciente y valorativa, en función de una gestión sostenible de la vida en el planeta. El objetivo del trabajo es exponer los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de una estrategia para la formación ético-ambiental del estudiante universitario, mediante un pre-experimento pedagógico. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos, los cuales permitieron sistematizar la información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada, evaluar comportamientos y actitudes manifiestas por los estudiantes, así como los logros obtenidos después de aplicada la propuesta. El aporte fundamental de este artículo radica en valorar los resultados de la implementación de dicha estrategia en la práctica educativa, dentro de estos se destacan: el desarrollo de un comportamiento ético-reflexivo y una actitud para perfeccionar posiciones propias ante la multiplicidad de ámbitos de su actuación profesional, como parte de la implicación protagónica en la conservación del medio ambiente. El estudio se realizó en la carrera de Biología de la universidad de Camagüey en la etapa comprendida entre abril del 2018 y mayo de 2020.

Ethical-environmental training requires the development of actions aimed at achieving a conscious and evaluative attitude based on sustainable management of life on the planet. The objective of the work is to assess the effectiveness of the strategy for the ethical-environmental training of the university student, through a pedagogical pre-experiment. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were applied, which allowed systematizing the information from the bibliography consulted, evaluating behaviors and attitudes manifested by the students, as well as the results obtained after applying the proposal. The fundamental contribution of this article lies in assessing the results of the implementation of said strategy in educational practice, within these the following stand out: the development of an ethical-reflexive behavior and an attitude to perfect their own positions before the multiplicity of areas of their professional action, as part of the protagonist involvement in the conservation of the environment. The study was carried out in the career of Biology of the university of Camagüey in the stage understood between April of the 2018 and May of 2020.

Humanidad. med ; 21(3)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405061


RESUMEN La formación ético-ambiental constituye un proceso esencial para el desarrollo de conductas reflexivas y autovalorativas que repercuten favorablemente en una actitud de respeto hacia el medio ambiente. El objetivo del trabajo es describir una estrategia para la formación ético-ambiental del estudiante universitario. En su concepción se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos. La misma se estructura en tres etapas con acciones concretas que favorecen, desde una concepción ética, la reflexión, autovaloración, prevención y solución de problemas morales relacionados con la dignidad de los seres humanos; así como su actuación hacia la sostenibilidad del entorno natural.

ABSTRACT Ethical-environmental training constitutes an essential process for the development of reflective and self-evaluating behaviors that have a favorable impact on an attitude of respect towards the environment. The objective of the work is to describe a strategy for the ethical-environmental training of the university student. In its conception, theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used. It is structured in three stages with concrete actions that favor, from an ethical conception, reflection, self-assessment, prevention and solution of moral problems related to the dignity of human beings; as well as its action towards the sustainability of the natural environment.

Educ. med. super ; 34(4): e2720, oct.-dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1154088


El deterioro del medio ambiente es un hecho indiscutible. Se llama a la comunidad internacional, a los Gobiernos y pueblos a frenar el daño causado y a colaborar con la recuperación. No obstante, el perjuicio resulta cada vez mayor. Diversos problemas naturales destruyen la Tierra, también los causados por el ser humano, como el cambio climático y la contaminación, cuyas nefastas consecuencias generan y agravan los problemas de salud vegetal, animal y humana. El cambio climático influye en el comportamiento de enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles. La contaminación, a través de contaminantes ambientales, como los disruptores endocrinos, pueden conllevar a la aparición de enfermedades crónicas. A pesar de que estas condiciones afectan al medio ambiente y en particular al hombre, no existe una verdadera conciencia ambiental, por lo que cabe preguntarse: ¿por qué persiste esta situación a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados y de la divulgación de esta problemática no solo en Cuba sino también a nivel mundial? Los insuficientes conocimientos de la temática ambiental y su no interiorización influyen en la falta de conciencia, por eso es imprescindible impartirlos en la carrera de medicina para lograr una verdadera formación en esta esfera, que contribuya con el desarrollo de una conciencia ambiental en la población, pues una de las funciones del médico es educar. Cuba tiene potencialidades que le permiten enfrentar los problemas ambientales que atentan contra el desarrollo socioeconómico, en general, y contra la vida, en particular, para así poder lograr un desarrollo humano sostenible(AU)

Environmental degradation is an indisputable fact. The international community, governments and peoples are called upon to stop the damage caused and to collaborate with its recovery. However, the damage is increasing. Various natural problems destroy the Earth; also those caused by humans, such as climate change and pollution, whose dire consequences generate and aggravate plant health, animal health and human health problems. Climate change influences the behavior of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Pollution, through environmental pollutants, such as endocrine disruptors, can lead to the appearance of chronic diseases. Despite the fact that these conditions affect the environment and the human being in particular, there is no true environmental awareness, so it is worth asking: Why does this situation persist despite efforts made and the disclosure of this problem not only in Cuba but also worldwide? Insufficient knowledge about environmental issues and its lack of internalization influence the lack of awareness; that is why, it is essential to teach them in the medical major, in order to achieve real training in this area, which contributes to the development of environmental awareness among the population, because one of the functions of the physician is to educate. Cuba has potential resources that allows to face environmental problems that threaten socioeconomic development, in general, and against life, in particular, in order to achieve sustainable human development(AU)

Humanos , Mudança Climática , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Educação Médica , Poluição Ambiental , Desenvolvimento Sustentável/tendências
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 38(1): e142, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093378


Introduction: Universities confront the challenge to train professionals to face different problems, deterioration of the environment is one of them. Universities must promote the environmental training of professionals through the inclusion of the environmental dimension in the teaching process. In the case of health professionals this issue has a greater connotation due to the relationships between environmental problems and health problems. Objective: To propose a strategy on environmental training aimed at the sustainable human development in medical studies. Methods: Literature review on the topic was done and theoretical methods were used. Different definitions and varied structures were contrasted. Results: Structure of the proposed strategy including components and stages was designed. Conclusions: A strategy for environmental training aimed at the sustainable human development to introduce the environmental dimension in the medical studies is proposed(AU)

Humanos , Educação Médica/métodos , Crescimento Sustentável , Desenvolvimento Humano
Educ. med. super ; 30(4): 382-389, oct.-dic. 2016. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-840243


Introducción: los efectos negativos de la globalización y el neoliberalismo conducen a que la situación ambiental a nivel global, regional, territorial e incluso local se agrave cada día más, lo que hace necesaria la modificación de la conducta humana en relación con los problemas de la naturaleza, del ser humano y de la sociedad. En el caso de los médicos lo anterior adquiere mayor relevancia dada la relación entre los problemas ambientales y los problemas de salud, por esto es importante introducir la Dimensión Ambiental en los planes de estudio, vinculándola al objeto de trabajo y objetivos de la profesión, tanto desde lo curricular como de lo extracurricular. Objetivos: diseñar un programa de un curso electivo sobre Medio Ambiente y Salud como otra forma de educación ambiental desde lo extracurricular que contribuya a la formación ambiental del médico. Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre la Dimensión Ambiental al comienzo del curso. Métodos: se diseñó el curso electivo para estudiantes de 4to año de Medicina, con el sistema de tareas y actividades que lo conforman. Se aplicó una prueba diagnóstica inicial a dichos estudiantes. Resultados: la prueba diagnóstica fue desaprobada por el 60 por ciento de los estudiantes obteniéndose estos menos de 21 puntos de un total de 30. El 100 por ciento de los estudiantes aprobaron el curso, alcanzando la máxima calificación el 80 por ciento de ellos. Conclusiones: el curso, desde lo extracurricular puede contribuir al desarrollo de la Educación Ambiental en estudiantes de Medicina(AU)

Introduction: The negative effects of neoliberalism and globalization lead to the environment's global, regional, territorial, and even local situation worsening day by day, which makes necessary the modification of the human conduct regarding the problems of nature, the human being and the society. In the case of physicians, the latter becomes more relevant given the relation between the environmental and health problems; therefore, it is important to present the environmental dimension into the curricula, relating it with the object of work and objectives of the profession, from both the curricular and the extra-curricular approaches. Objective: Design an elective course program about Environment and Health as a way for environmental education, from the extracurricular approach, which contributes to the physician's environmental training. Assess, at the beginning of the course, the students' level of knowledge about the environmental dimension. Methods: The elective course with the system of tasks and activities was designed for four year medical students. These students were applied an initial diagnostic test. Results: 60 percent of the students did not pass the diagnostic test; they obtained less than 21/30 points. 100 percent of the students passed the course; 80 percent of them obtained the highest qualification. Conclusions: The course, from the extra-curricular approach, may contribute to the development of environmental education on medical students(AU)

Meio Ambiente e Saúde Pública , Currículo , Estudantes de Medicina , Cursos de Capacitação
Rev. luna azul ; (39): 186-206, jul.-dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-735020


El objetivo de este trabajo fue hacer una revisión y comparación de trabajos de investigación que han hecho contribuciones significativas al tema de la formación ambiental en la educación superior en Iberoamérica. Se revisan 51 trabajos de diferentes investigadores de nueve países (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, España, México y Venezuela) que aportan argumentos conceptuales suficientes para derivar de allí los criterios con los cuales se ha realizado la formación ambiental en la educación superior en los últimos 15 años en los países de la región. Los criterios de análisis empleados para la revisión y comparación entre investigaciones fueron: ámbitos de la formación ambiental en las universidades, lo pedagógico, lo didáctico y el currículo en la formación ambiental universitaria. Como resultados principales se encuentra que, aunque se cuenta con experiencias enriquecedoras dirigidas a la innovación curricular, aún son muchos los procesos con tendencias hacia la visión fragmentada de la realidad, con currículos semejantes a planes de estudio y educación ambiental centrada en lo disciplinar. A modo de conclusión, se hace una propuesta de formación ambiental universitaria alternativa.

The aim of this research was to review and compare investigations of researches that have done significant contributions to the topic of environmental education in higher education in Latin America. A review of 51 works of different researchers of nine countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Spain, Mexico and Venezuela) that contribute with sufficient conceptual arguments to derive the criteria with which environmental education has been carried out in higher education institutions in the last 15 years in the countries of the region. The analysis criteria used for the review and comparison between researches were: areas of environmental education in the universities; and the pedagogical and the didactic and the curriculum in environmental education at the university. As principal results it is found that, though there are interesting and relevant experiences directed to curricular innovation, there are still many processes with trends towards the fragmented vision of reality, with curricula similar to plans of study and environmental education centered in disciplines. As a conclusion, the research proposes an alternative university environmental education.

Humanos , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Currículo , Educação Continuada , Universidades
Rev. luna azul ; (34): 214-239, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-659391


Se ha asumido el reto de pensar la formación de líderes ambientales comunitarios. En este sentido, desde: a) lo sociológico, se reflexiona sobre la cultura desde una perspectiva compleja, sobre el sujeto, la cultura y la identidad, b) lo deontológico, se piensa el tipo de sujeto que se quiere para la ciudad, además, se piensa en el perfil del líder ambiental, c) lo epistemológico, se piensa sobre los conocimientos, sentidos y acciones que pueden ser propias del líder, y sobre la dinámica a través de la cual se construyen las características del perfil, d) lo pedagógico, se propone el sentido que debe cobrar la educación y consecuentemente se propone el "Modelo para la formación de líderes ambientales comunitarios", e) desde lo didáctico, es posible proponer diversas alternativas que respondan a las necesidades de los contextos, pero articuladas a través del enfoque transversal o integrador denominado: "Formación centrada en proyectos".

The challenge of thinking Environmental Leaders Training has been assumed. In this sense from: a) the sociological viewpoint, culture is reflected as a complex perspective about the person, the culture and identity; b) from the deontological viewpoint, the type of individual who is wanted in the city, and the environmental leaders’ profile are considered;, c) from the epistemological viewpoint, the knowledge, feelings and actions that may be characteristic of the Leader are addressed and the dynamics through which the profile characteristics are constituted are considered;, d) from the pedagogical viewpoint, the sense that education should have is proposed and consequently the "Model for Environmental Community Leaders Training" is suggested; e) from the teaching viewpoint, it is possible to propose various options which can respond to the needs of different contexts, but articulated through a transversal or integrative approach called Project-Based Education.

Humanos , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Botânica , Jardins , Liderança
Bioikos (Campinas, Online) ; 25(1): 53-63, 2011.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425304


No início do Século XXI, várias crises se entrelaçam e a crise ambiental é a mais planetária de todas. Para uma crise complexa e planetária, que tem implicações sociais, econômicas, tecnológicas, etc., as soluções não virão de uma única fonte, e sim de um somatório de esforços de toda a sociedade (incluindo todas as suas instâncias, governo, empresários, população etc.). O objetivo dessa revisão foi discutir a necessidade de formar "ambientalmente" profissionais que, por sua atividade, interfiram de alguma maneira na qualidade do meio ambiente. Entendemos que em última instância, é a qualidade do meio ambiente que vai garantir a qualidade de vida em uma sociedade mais justa. Pensar a formação de professores, como educadores ambientais, nos cursos de graduação (licenciaturas) das universidades, significa ter como referência a ideia de totalidade (ambiental, política, pedagógica, social, científica etc.) na diversidade que essas áreas possuem. Mesmo sendo muitas as dificuldades para inserção da temática, a partir de uma abordagem complexa, na estrutura universitária, acreditamos ser esse um dos melhores caminhos para formação ambiental.

At the beginning of the 21st century, several crises are intertwined and the environmental crisis is the most global of them all. For a complex and global crisis, which has implications of a social, economic, technological nature, etc., solutions will probably not come from a single source, but rather the sum of efforts of society as a whole (including all its instances, government, business, population, etc.). The objective of this review was to discuss the need to produce "environmental" professionals who, through their activities, are in some way involved with the quality of the environment. We believe that, ultimately, it is the quality of the environment that will ensure the quality of life in a fairer society. Thinking about the training of teachers, as environmental educators in undergraduate (bachelor) universities, means having as a reference the idea of wholeness (environmental, political, educational, social, scientific, etc.) in the diversity that these areas possess. Even though there are many difficulties involved in getting this topic included in the university structure, based on a complex approach, we believe this is one of the best paths toward environmental training.

Humanos , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Meio Ambiente , Capacitação de Professores/tendências , Universidades
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 26(1): 78-89, ene.-jun. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-636908


La educación ambiental es pilar fundamental de la generación de cambios de actitud y aptitud y de lograr un equilibrio entre el hombre y su entorno. La educación ambiental requiere del apoyo de casi todas las disciplinas, por lo que la resolución de los problemas ambientales debe contar con la participación activa de un amplio conjunto de personas e instituciones. Este artículo examina la educación ambiental en Colombia apoyándose en el caso de los programas de capacitación, haciendo hincapié en un estudio de caso ocurrido en la ciudad de Medellín, capital del departamento de Antioquia. Los resultados destacan que existe una carencia de conceptualización clara sobre por qué y para qué se hace la educación ambiental, lo que ha llevado a la formulación de objetivos y estrategias demasiado generales dirigidas a la realización de acciones concretas y aisladas. Además, la descoordinación entre instituciones y grupos ha traído como consecuencia la duplicación de esfuerzos y la poca racionalización de los recursos existentes. Se concluye que la educación ambiental en el país es aún ineficiente y debe transitar a niveles superiores, atendiendo a tres perspectivas: ambiental, educativa y pedagógica.

Environmental education is a condition to enable an attitudinal and aptitudinal generation of change, a condition that facilitates the balance between man and his surroundings. Environmental education needs the support of almost every discipline. In order to solve environmental problems, one must count on the active participation of a wide set of people and institutions. This article examines environmental education in Colombia focusing on the case of training programs, making emphasis on a case study that took place in Medellín, capital of the department of Antioquia. Results show there is a lack of clear conceptualization about the reasons and ultimate purposes concerning why environmental education is finally accomplished. That situation has conducted to the formulation of objectives and strategies that are too general to be properly fulfilled, and the implementation of detailed, and isolated actions. Lack of coordination between institutions and groups has resulted in duplicity of functions and efforts, which in turn result in a far from rational use of scarce resources. The conclusion is that environmental education in Colombia is still inefficient and must advance to higher levels, taking into account these three main perspectives: environmental, educative and pedagogic.

Educação em Saúde Ambiental