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J Fish Biol ; 104(3): 780-796, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37984817


The study of diet is one of the mechanisms by which competition for resources between species that cohabit in the same ecosystem can be inferred. Therefore, the relationships of the indices that measure specialization in the diet of fish species are necessary to characterize the nutritional quality of these populations and the ecosystem's environmental health. Three species of catfish were selected: one invasive (Clarias gariepinus) and two natives (Trachelyopterus striatulus and Rhamdia quelen), with similar distribution along the Guapi-Macacu River, in the Guapimirim Protection Area (Rio de Janeiro). Fifty-nine catfish of the three species were collected in total, along 32 collection points in the Guapi-Macacu River in two periods (dry and rainy) in 2018. Non-parametric statistics showed the partition of resources between species and the influence of abiotic factors (temperature, pH, transparency, and dissolved oxygen) contributing to the selection of available resources in the environment. Diet-related indices-repletion index (RI), condition factor (K), niche width, and trophic position (TP) of the specimens collected-contributed to measuring the nutritional status of each of these catfish species, showing that R. quelen has a relationship between RI and K, tending to absorb and metabolize nutrients faster than other species. In addition, the invasive species occupies a wide range of TPs compared to native species, confirming its feeding plasticity. On the contrary, T. striatulus needs large amounts of terrestrial insects to maintain its poor condition factor. Also, the RI showed direct influences of abiotic variables, with the temperature being the most prominent. Our results suggest that the invasive species can benefit from this environment that shows signs of environmental degradation.

Peixes-Gato , Ecossistema , Animais , Rios , Estado Nutricional , Brasil , Espécies Introduzidas
Saúde Soc ; 33(2): e230336pt, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570077


Resumo A justificativa para a implementação de megaempreendimentos no Brasil perpassa discursos de interesse político, econômico, social e ambiental, a fim de promover o desenvolvimento do país. Neste levantamento, busca-se compreender como são contadas as histórias sobre a implementação dessas iniciativas em territórios onde povos camponeses habitam cotidianamente, bem como lançar um olhar para a interface entre megaempreendimentos e saúde mental, a fim de provocar reflexões que possibilitem a criação de ações interventivas de cuidado em saúde mental com os povos camponeses. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que consultou quatro bases de dados e analisou 36 escritos, que apontaram importantes considerações como o fato de a implementação de megaempreendimentos impactar diversos âmbitos da vida daqueles que residem no percurso das obras, ocasionando um processo de vulnerabilização desses povos. Quanto à saúde mental da população rural, sua compreensão na literatura ainda se focaliza na presença de transtornos. Ancorada no binômio saúde-doença, verifica-se a invisibilização da pluralidade de sentidos que a saúde mental tem para povos camponeses, bem como o desinteresse em conhecer os caminhos trilhados no próprio território para o encaminhamento do cuidado em saúde mental, através de seus saberes, cosmologias e tradições.

Abstract The justification for mega-project implementation in Brazil permeates discourses of political, economic, social and environmental interest aimed at promoting its development. This survey aims to understand how stories about the implementation of mega-projects in territories in which peasant people live on a daily basis have been told, as well as to look at the interface between mental health and mega-projects to provoke reflections that enables the creation of interventional actions for the mental health care of people in rural areas. This integrative review uses four databases. A total of 36 writings were integrated for analysis, which pointed out important considerations: the implementation of mega-projects impacts several different areas, leading to a process of vulnerability experienced by the people who live at the site of these construction works. As for the mental health of the rural population, its understanding in the literature is still shown from the focus on the presence of the disorder. Anchored in the health-disease binomial, it makes the plurality of meanings mental health has for rural people invisible and shows a lack of interest in knowing the paths taken in their own territory for mental health care referrals by their knowledge, cosmologies, and traditions.

População Rural , Saúde Ambiental , Saúde Mental , Alteração Ambiental , Meio Ambiente , Minorias Desiguais em Saúde e Populações Vulneráveis
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e260615, 2024. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374660


This article describes the environmental impacts of producing a single seedling in forest nurseries of selected districts (i.e., Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra) of Hazara Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. This study was based on the cradle-to-gate approach which begins with the pre-nursery stage and progresses toward the main nursery before transplanting seedlings into the plantation site. Data or life cycle inventory (LCI) of seedling production were collected through questionnaire surveys and personal meetings with forest nurseries managers and workers regarding consumption of different inputs such as electricity, diesel, fertilizers, herbicides, and polyethylene bags, organic manure, and water consumption. The SimaPro software version 8.5 and the CML2000 v2.05 environmental model was applied to perform life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) for a single seedling production in forest nurseries in the study area. In line with the objectives of the study, primary data regarding inputs and outputs of the nurseries were collected from 35 nurseries in the study area by using a random questionnaire method. In addition, secondary data were taken from online databases such as Eco-invent v.3.2 CORRIM and peer-reviewed published literature. For this study, a functional unit of a single seedling was considered. Production weighted average data were modeled in the latest environmental modeling software i.e., SimaPro v.8.5 for ten US-EPA most wanted environmental impacts, such as global warming potential (GWP), abiotic depletion (AD), eutrophication potential (EP), acidification potential (AP), freshwater aquatic eco-toxicity (FAE), marine water eco-toxicity (MWE), terrestrial eco-toxicity (TE), ozone layer depletion (OLD), photochemical oxidation (PO), and human toxicity (HT). The results showed that the highest environmental impact posed by a single seedling was marine aquatic eco-toxicity (11.31360 kg 1,4-DB eq), followed by global warming potential (0.02945 kg CO2 eq) and (0.01227 kg 1,4-DB eq) human toxicity. The primary reason for these environmental burdens was the use of synthetic fertilizers in forest nurseries and the consumption of fossil fuels in nursery mechanization and transportation activities. The total cumulative energy demand for a single seedling was (0.800 MJ) with more than 90% contribution from fossil fuel energy resources such as petrol and diesel. It is therefore highly recommended to use renewable energy resources and organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers in forest nurseries to avoid and minimize greenhouse gas emissions (GHS) and other toxic emissions in the study area.

Este artigo descreve os impactos ambientais da produção de uma única muda em viveiros florestais de distritos selecionados (Haripur, Abbottabad e Manshera) da divisão Hazara, de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão, usando a abordagem de avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV). Este estudo baseou-se na abordagem "do berço ao portão", que se inicia na fase pré-viveiro e progride em direção ao viveiro principal antes do transplante das mudas para o local de plantio. Os dados ou inventário de ciclo de vida (ICV) da produção de mudas foram coletados por meio de questionários e reuniões pessoais com o gerente e os trabalhadores dos viveiros florestais sobre o consumo de diferentes insumos, como energia elétrica, diesel, fertilizantes, herbicidas, sacos de polietileno, adubo orgânico e consumo de água. O software SimaPro, versão 8.5, e o modelo ambiental CML2000, v2.05, foram aplicados para realizar a avaliação de impacto do ciclo de vida (AICV) de uma única produção de mudas em viveiros florestais na área de estudo. Em consonância com os objetivos do estudo, os dados primários relativos às entradas e saídas dos viveiros foram coletados de 35 viveiros na área de estudo por meio de um método de questionário aleatório. Além disso, dados secundários foram obtidos de bancos de dados online, como Eco-invent v.3.2 CORRIM e literatura publicada revisada por pares. Para este estudo, foi considerada uma unidade funcional de uma única plântula. Os dados médios ponderados de produção foram modelados no software de modelagem ambiental mais recente, ou seja, SimaPro, v.8.5, para 10 impactos ambientais mais desejados pela US-EPA, como potencial de aquecimento global (PAG), depleção abiótica (DA), potencial de eutrofização (PE), potencial de acidificação (PA), ecotoxicidade de água doce (EAD), ecotoxicidade da água marinha (EAM), ecotoxicidade terrestre (ET), destruição da camada de ozônio (DCO), oxidação fotoquímica (OF) e toxicidade humana (TH). Os resultados mostraram que o maior impacto ambiental causado por uma única muda foi a ecotoxicidade da água marinha (11,31360 kg 1,4-DB eq), seguido pelo potencial de aquecimento global (0,02945 kg CO2 eq) e toxicidade humana (0,01227 kg 1,4-DB eq) eq). A principal razão para esses ônus ambientais foi o uso de fertilizantes sintéticos em viveiros florestais e o consumo de combustíveis fósseis nas atividades de mecanização e transporte de viveiros. A demanda total acumulada de energia para uma única muda foi de 0,800 MJ, com mais de 90% de contribuição de recursos energéticos de combustíveis fósseis, como gasolina e diesel. Portanto, é altamente recomendável usar recursos de energia renovável e fertilizantes orgânicos em vez de fertilizantes químicos em viveiros florestais para evitar e minimizar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) e outras emissões tóxicas na área de estudo.

Madeira , Agricultura Florestal/métodos , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Paquistão
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253107, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355911


Abstract Life cycle assessment was carried out for a conventional wooden furniture set produced in Mardan division of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan during 2018-19. Primary data regarding inputs and outputs were collected through questionnaire surveys from 100 conventional wooden furniture set manufacturers, 50 in district Mardan and 50 in district Swabi. In the present study, cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment approach was applied for a functional unit of one conventional wooden furniture set. Production weighted average data were modelled in the environmental impacts modelling software i.e., SimaPro v.8.5. The results showed that textile used in sofa set, wood preservative for polishing and preventing insects attack and petrol used in generator had the highest contribution to all the environmental impact categories evaluated. Total cumulative energy demand for wooden furniture set manufactured was 30,005 MJ with most of the energy acquired from non-renewable fossil fuel resources.

Resumo A abordagem de avaliação do ciclo de vida foi realizada para um conjunto de móveis de madeira convencional produzido na divisão Mardan da província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa do Paquistão durante 2018-19. Os dados primários sobre entradas e saídas foram coletados por meio de pesquisas por questionário de 100 fabricantes de conjuntos de móveis de madeira convencionais, 50 no distrito de Mardan e 50 no distrito de Swabi. No presente estudo, a abordagem de avaliação do ciclo de vida do berço ao portão foi aplicada para uma unidade funcional de um conjunto de móveis de madeira convencional. Os dados da média ponderada da produção foram modelados no software de modelagem de impactos ambientais, isto é, SimaPro v.8.5. Os resultados mostraram que os têxteis usados ​​no conjunto de sofás, o preservativo de madeira para polir e prevenir o ataque de insetos e a gasolina usada no gerador tiveram a maior contribuição em todas as categorias de impacto ambiental avaliadas. A demanda total acumulada de energia para o conjunto de móveis de madeira fabricado foi de 30.005 MJ, com a maior parte da energia adquirida de recursos de combustíveis fósseis não renováveis.

Meio Ambiente , Decoração de Interiores e Mobiliário , Paquistão
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469303


Abstract Life cycle assessment was carried out for a conventional wooden furniture set produced in Mardan division of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan during 2018-19. Primary data regarding inputs and outputs were collected through questionnaire surveys from 100 conventional wooden furniture set manufacturers, 50 in district Mardan and 50 in district Swabi. In the present study, cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment approach was applied for a functional unit of one conventional wooden furniture set. Production weighted average data were modelled in the environmental impacts modelling software i.e., SimaPro v.8.5. The results showed that textile used in sofa set, wood preservative for polishing and preventing insects attack and petrol used in generator had the highest contribution to all the environmental impact categories evaluated. Total cumulative energy demand for wooden furniture set manufactured was 30,005 MJ with most of the energy acquired from non-renewable fossil fuel resources.

Resumo A abordagem de avaliação do ciclo de vida foi realizada para um conjunto de móveis de madeira convencional produzido na divisão Mardan da província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa do Paquistão durante 2018-19. Os dados primários sobre entradas e saídas foram coletados por meio de pesquisas por questionário de 100 fabricantes de conjuntos de móveis de madeira convencionais, 50 no distrito de Mardan e 50 no distrito de Swabi. No presente estudo, a abordagem de avaliação do ciclo de vida do berço ao portão foi aplicada para uma unidade funcional de um conjunto de móveis de madeira convencional. Os dados da média ponderada da produção foram modelados no software de modelagem de impactos ambientais, isto é, SimaPro v.8.5. Os resultados mostraram que os têxteis usados no conjunto de sofás, o preservativo de madeira para polir e prevenir o ataque de insetos e a gasolina usada no gerador tiveram a maior contribuição em todas as categorias de impacto ambiental avaliadas. A demanda total acumulada de energia para o conjunto de móveis de madeira fabricado foi de 30.005 MJ, com a maior parte da energia adquirida de recursos de combustíveis fósseis não renováveis.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 193: 115240, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37429158


Biodiversity conservation has been a critical challenge faced by environmental managers worldwide. From 2020 to 2022, a total of 576 underwater visual censuses focused on reef fishes, marine litter (ML), and non-native species were performed in the newest Brazilian Hope Spot, to understand the distribution, characteristics, and effects of ML and Tubastraea spp., on the reef fish community. Plastic was the main category recorded (34.54 %), followed by Metal and Line (mostly fishing gear within a Marine Protected Area). Tubastraea spp. was widely distributed, especially between 10-20 meters deep. The t-test analysis showed that fish abundance and richness were significantly higher at low Tubastraea cover areas. Our efforts present the baseline of ML (mean 1.92 ± 1.5 items/100 m2) and non-native species occurrence (15) and distribution (including three new records) showing their negative impacts on rocky reef ecosystems and provide managers support in the elaboration of marine conservation strategies.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Recifes de Corais , Peixes , Brasil , Biodiversidade
Environ Monit Assess ; 195(6): 738, 2023 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37233821


Urbanization and changes in urban spaces have caused severe environmental and social problems in large Brazilian cities. As such, this study presents a methodological proposal to analyze urban sprawl, negative environmental impacts, and land degradation. The methodology employed involves a combination of remote sensing data, environmental modeling techniques, and mixed-method analyses of environmental impacts from 1991 to 2018. Analyzed variables included vegetation, surface temperature, water quality, and soil degradation within the study area. These variables were assessed based on an interaction matrix used to evaluate environmental impacts (low, medium, or high impacts). The obtained results show conflicts of land use and land cover (LULC), a lack of urban sanitation infrastructure, and an absence of environmental monitoring and inspection. A reduction of 24 km2 of arboreal vegetation was observed from 1991 to 2018. High values of fecal coliforms were found in March across nearly all analyzed points, indicating a seasonal discharge of effluents. The interaction matrix presented various negative environmental impacts, including increased land surface temperature, soil degradation, inappropriate solid waste disposal, devastation of remaining vegetation, water pollution by domestic effluents, and the incidence of erosive processes. Ultimately, the impact quantification determined that the study area has a medium degree of significance in terms of environmental impacts. Thus, refining this quantification method will contribute to future research by making the analysis processes more objective and efficient.

Meio Ambiente , Monitoramento Ambiental , Cidades , Brasil , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Urbanização , Solo
Environ Monit Assess ; 195(5): 542, 2023 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37017798


Water clarity is a key parameter of aquatic ecosystems impacted by mining tailings. Tracking down tailings dispersion along the river basin requires a regional monitoring approach. The longitudinal fluvial connectivity, river-estuary-coastal ocean, and the lateral connectivity, river-floodplain-alluvial lakes are interconnected by hydrological flows, particularly during high fluvial discharge. The present study aims to track the dispersal of iron ore tailing spill, from the collapse of the Fundão dam (Mariana, MG, Brazil), on November 5, 2015, in the Lower Doce River Valley. A semi-empirical model of turbidity data, as a water clarity proxy, and multispectral remote sensing data (MSI Sentinel-2), based on different hydrological conditions and well-differentiated water types, yielded an accuracy of 92%. Five floods (> 3187m3 s-1) and five droughts (< 231m3 s-1) events occurred from 2013 to 2020. The flood of January 2016 occurred one month after the mining slurries reached the coast, intruding tailings on some alluvial and coastal plain lakes with highly turbid waters (> 400 NTU). A fluvial plume is formed in the inner shelf adjoining the river mouth on high flow. The dispersion of river plume was categorized as plume core (turbidity > 200 NTU), plume core and inner shelf waters (100-199 NTU), other shelf water (50-99 NTU), and offshore waters (< 50 NTU). Fluvial discharge and local winds are the main drivers for river plume dispersion and transport of terrigenous material along the coast. This work provides elements for evaluating the impact of mining tailings and an approach for remote sensing regional monitoring of surface water quality.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Brasil , Ecossistema , Oceanos e Mares , Rios , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise
Environ Monit Assess ; 195(4): 456, 2023 Mar 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36892675


Since the Fundão Dam rupture in Southeastern Brazil caused an enormous amount of iron ore tailing (IOT) to be discharged into the Doce River Catchment, various works have been published on the soil, water, and biota contamination by potentially hazardous trace metals. However, the objective of this study is to investigate changes in the main chemical composition and the mineral phases, which has not been studied yet. We present an analysis of sediment samples collected in the Doce River alluvial plain, before and after the disaster, as well as the tailing deposited. Granulometry, main chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, mineralogy by X-ray diffractometry, quantification of mineral phases using the Rietveld method, and scanning electron microscope imaging are shown. We conclude that the Fundão Dam rupture introduced fine particles into the Doce River alluvial plain, increasing the Fe and Al content in the sediments. The high Fe, Al, and Mn contents in the finer iron ore tailing fractions represent environmental risks for soil, water, and biotic chains. The IOT mineralogical components, mainly the muscovite, kaolinite, and hematite present in the finer particles can increase the sorption and desorption capacity of harmful trace metals depending on the natural or induced redox conditions, which are not always predictable and avoidable in the environment.

Desastres , Compostos de Ferro , Oligoelementos , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Monitoramento Ambiental , Brasil , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Compostos de Ferro/análise , Oligoelementos/análise , Minerais/análise , Rios/química , Solo/química , Água/análise , Ferro/análise
Sci Total Environ ; 865: 161293, 2023 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36592906


Microplastics (MPs) become ubiquitous contaminants in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) that have been planned as a conservation strategy. The present study provides a comprehensive overview of the occurrence, abundance, and distribution of MPs potentially affecting MPA worldwide. Data on MP occurrence and levels in sediment and biota samples were collected from recent peer-reviewed literature and screened using a GIS-based approach overlapping MP records with MPA boundaries. MPs were found in 186 MPAs, with levels ranging from 0 to 9187.5 items/kg in sediment and up to 17,461.9 items/kg in organisms. Peaked MPs concentrations occurred within multiple-use areas, and no-take MPAs were also affected. About half of MP levels found within MPA fell into the higher concentration quartiles, suggesting potential impacts on these areas. In general, benthic species were likely more affected than pelagic ones due to the higher concentrations of MP reported in the tissues of benthic species. Alarmingly, MPs were found in tissues of two threatened species on the IUCN Red List. The findings denote urgent concerns about the effectiveness of the global system of protected areas and their proposed conservation goals.

Microplásticos , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Plásticos , Sedimentos Geológicos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Biota
Protoplasma ; 260(3): 949-954, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36454318


Tanneries are considered some of the most polluting industries due to the heavy use of toxic compounds, most of which are released into water bodies, thus exerting adverse effects on aquatic biota. However, the effects on organisms of treated effluents when released into the natural environment are rarely evaluated. This study aims to assess the physicochemical parameters of a tannery effluent after treatment (TE) at a Common Effluent Treatment Plant as well as the water of the receiving stream and to evaluate cytogenotoxic effects in Allium cepa. Three sampling sites (A: TE discharge point; B: 100 m downstream from site A along the receiving stream; C: 100 m upstream from site A along the stream) were selected. Onion bulbs were exposed to TE (100%, 80%, 60% v/v), water samples from sites B and C, and tap water for 72 h. Chromosomal aberration and mitotic index were analyzed on the root cells of A. cepa. The TE was above the standard limits for ammoniacal nitrogen, COD, and total nitrogen. No cytogenotoxicity was observed in A. cepa exposed to samples from sites A and C. However, the stream water sampled downstream from the TE discharge site significantly reduced the mitotic index, indicating a cytotoxic effect. Therefore, this demonstrates the effects of interactions between the receiving water and the complex chemical mixtures in the TE. The findings thus showed that the toxicity assessment of treated effluents along with the receiving water body would provide valuable and more realistic information about the joint toxicity of chemical pollutants in aquatic environments.

Cebolas , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Água , Índice Mitótico
Sci Total Environ ; 856(Pt 2): 159049, 2023 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36167134


Aquaculture is an increasingly important supplier of food worldwide. However, due to its high dependence on agricultural and fishing resources, its growth is constantly constrained by environmental impacts beyond aquaculture production systems. Within the European Union, Spain accounts for approximately 25 % of total aquaculture production, which implies that environmental impacts in rivers and marine ecosystems must be monitored to understand the role of aquaculture systems. While studies on the environmental performance of mussels or turbot production have been reported in the literature, Spanish rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has not received much attention despite its relative importance. In this sense, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study of rainbow trout produced in a medium-sized plant in Galicia (NW Spain) was carried out in the present study. The study considered the production of round weight trout, as well as some commonly produced processed products, including filleting. The life cycle modelling included a high level of primary data in the foreground system. In addition to the widely considered environmental impact categories for this activity (e.g., global warming potential, terrestrial acidification and freshwater eutrophication), the recent proposed antibiotic resistance (ABR) enrichment impact category was included to explore the potential impact of antibiotic release in freshwater microbiota. The results highlighted the high contribution of aquafeed to most impact categories, due to upstream agricultural and fishing processes, whereas farm operation was responsible for the larger part of the impact in freshwater eutrophication, mainly due to direct emissions of nutrients from fish feeding. Amoxicillin release to recipient water bodies was the main driver to the ABR enrichment category. In contrast, the processing phase (i.e., gutting, freezing and packaging) showed low environmental burdens. In order to improve the environmental performance of the rainbow trout production system, decreasing the feed conversion ratio (FCR), shifting to renewable energy, using low environmental burden ingredients in aquafeed, and alternatives to control diseases without antibiotics could be considered.

Oncorhynchus mykiss , Animais , Ecossistema , Espanha , Aquicultura , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida
J Environ Manage ; 326(Pt A): 116719, 2023 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36372036


Lemons are a relevant agricultural commodity in Uruguay, mainly exported for fresh consumption. Food eco-labels are on the rise worldwide as consumers and authorities are increasingly demanding them. However, there is a lack of scientific studies estimating the environmental impacts of Uruguayan citrus production. This study aims to assess the environmental performance of lemon production in Uruguay taking into account inter-seasonal variability by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and following the Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) guidelines. A cradle-to-farm gate assessment was carried out based on both mass and spatial functional units. Primary data was gathered from a representative orchard of the region for four harvest seasons (2016-2020). Environmental impact categories recommended by EN 15804 + A2 standard were assessed. Specifically, blue water scarcity was assessed using the AWARE method. In addition, human and freshwater ecotoxicity were assessed using USEtox. Results show that on-field emissions and input production are critical for most of the categories assessed (on average, 84% CC, 88% Ac, 98% MEu, and 85% TEu), whereas blue water consumed for irrigation is the main hotspot in blue water scarcity (86%, on average). As expected, inter-seasonal impacts present higher variability when expressing results per tonne vs. per hectare because, although agricultural inputs applied are the same, climatic variability influences water requirements and also affects yield. Blue water scarcity exhibits the highest variability because water consumption depends strongly on agroclimatic conditions, mainly on rain and irrigated water and on water dynamics in soil. Nitrate leaching is a key emission for freshwater eutrophication and, to a minor degree, for climate change, which also depends on the water dose and timing, either from rain or irrigation. Optimising the N application is crucial to minimise on-field emissions, a hotspot in the present study. Along these lines, improved agricultural practices are suggested to enhance the environmental profile of Uruguayan lemons. Replacement or minimisation of the dose of certain inputs (e.g., copper oxide) through the implementation of complementary agricultural practices is suggested. Finally, up-to-date techniques to decrease blue water scarcity are proposed. Methodological recommendations for future studies include modelling N emissions using mechanistic models, incorporating potential reductions in N emissions due to certain agricultural practices, and harmonizing the methodology to quantify water consumption. This study sets a baseline LCA for Uruguayan citrus fruit production. It highlights inter-seasonal variability as an issue to be considered, even when agricultural practices do not change, and especially relevant in countries with high climatic variability like Uruguay. The study also provides scientific and quantitative evidence to support the environmental decisions of both citrus producers and consumers.

Agricultura , Citrus , Humanos , Animais , Estações do Ano , Uruguai , Agricultura/métodos , Água , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(1): e220041, 2023. mapas, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418156


Small-scale fisheries provide income and food security to local peoples around the world. In the Brazilian Amazon, the pescada (Plagioscion squamosissimus) is among the fishes that contributes most to catches in small-scale fisheries. Our main goal was to evaluate the abundance, size, relevance to small-scale fisheries and trophic ecology of P. squamosissimus in the Tapajós and Tocantins rivers, in the Brazilian Amazon. We combined data from fishers' local ecological knowledge (LEK) and fish sampling. We expected that fishers in the Tapajós River, less altered by anthropic changes, would cite a higher abundance, larger size and more prey and predators of P. squamosissimus. We interviewed 61 and 33 fishers and sampled fish in nine and five sites in the Tapajós and Tocantins rivers, respectively. The comparison between fishers' citations and fish sampled indicated a higher relevance of P. squamosissimus to fishers in the Tapajós River, where this fish had an average larger size and where the fishers mentioned more food items. This pattern could be partially related to the history of anthropogenic changes in the Tocantins River. These results indicated that P. squamosissimus is a generalist fish, which could be resilient to fishing and environmental pressures.(AU)

A pesca de pequena escala fornece renda e segurança alimentar para as populações locais em todo o mundo. Na Amazônia brasileira, a pescada (Plagioscion squamosissimus) está entre os peixes que mais contribuem para as capturas em pescarias de pequena escala. Nosso objetivo principal foi avaliar a abundância, tamanho, relevância para a pesca artesanal e ecologia trófica de P. squamosissimus nos rios Tapajós e Tocantins, na Amazônia brasileira. Combinamos dados do conhecimento ecológico local dos pescadores (CEL) e amostragem de peixes. Esperávamos que os pescadores do rio Tapajós, menos alterado por mudanças antrópicas, citassem maior abundância, maior tamanho e mais presas e predadores de P. squamosissimus. Entrevistamos 61 e 33 pescadores e amostramos peixes em nove e cinco locais nos rios Tapajós e Tocantins, respectivamente. A comparação entre as citações dos pescadores e os peixes amostrados indicou uma maior relevância de P. squamosissimus para os pescadores do rio Tapajós, onde este peixe teve um tamanho médio maior e onde os pescadores mencionaram mais itens alimentares. Esse padrão pode estar parcialmente relacionado ao histórico de mudanças antrópicas no rio Tocantins. Esses resultados indicaram que P. squamosissimus é um peixe generalista, que pode ser resiliente à pesca e às pressões ambientais.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes , Caça , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico , Conhecimento , Níveis Tróficos
Plants (Basel) ; 11(24)2022 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559689


Commonly known as a subsistence culture, cassava came to be considered a commodity and key to adding value. However, this tuber's processing for starch and flour production is responsible for generating a large amount of waste that causes serious environmental problems. This biomass of varied biochemical composition has excellent potential for producing fuels (biogas, bioethanol, butanol, biohydrogen) and non-energetic products (succinic acid, glucose syrup, lactic acid) via biorefinery. However, there are environmental challenges, leading to uncertainties related to the sustainability of biorefineries. Thus, the provision of information generated in life cycle assessment (LCA) can help reduce bottlenecks found in the productive stages, making production more competitive. Within that, this review concentrates information on the production of value-added products, the environmental impact generated, and the sustainability of biorefineries.

Sci Total Environ ; 835: 155213, 2022 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35421497


The objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental performance of an integrated water supply and wastewater system that employs a system of ponds at the wastewater treatment system. Additionally, this study aimed to understand the contribution of each stage of the system to the analyzed impact categories, and to evaluate alternative scenarios that consider the reduction of water losses in distribution, as well as the operation of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The evaluation was performed through life cycle assessment (LCA) that considered the stages of water withdrawal, treatment, and distribution along with wastewater collection and treatment. The system was modeled in the OpenLCA software using the Ecoinvent 3.7.1 database. Environmental impacts were assessed using the ReCiPe method and cumulative energy demand. The results show that the water withdrawal stage is the potential source of the greatest environmental impacts. There are exceptions in the categories of climate change and photochemical oxidant formation, which are most impacted by the WWTP. Analysis of alternative scenarios revealed that the decrease in water loss rates during distribution contribute to a linear reduction in potential environmental impacts of the analyzed categories. The operation of a UASB reactor in the WWTP leads to a reduction in impacts on the categories of climate change (41.4%) and formation of photochemical oxidants (11.6%), and to increases in impacts on the other categories analyzed. The data presented provide important information for the improvement of public policies aimed at sanitation in developing countries.

Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos , Águas Residuárias , Animais , Reatores Biológicos , Brasil , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Lagoas , Esgotos , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Água , Abastecimento de Água
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e52771, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368075


The existence of environmental disturbances is an important facilitating factor to the establishment of biological invasions (BI). Biological invasions are considered the second biggest threat to the planet's biodiversity, behind only anthropic actions such as deforestation and habitat fragmentation. Thus, all environments are subjected to biological invasions, including Conservation Units (CU). The objective of the work was to evaluate the impacts of the exotic invasive Ricinus communis L. on the native biota of the Morro do Urubu Environmental Protection Area, Aracaju, Sergipe State, Brazil. Plots were allocated in places invaded by exotic invasive and in non-invaded places. Within the sample units, the number of individuals of each species present was counted. With these data, the statistics of the present study were performed. In the plots plotted on the non-invaded sites, 28 species were found. In the plots plotted on the invaded sites, only three species were sampled, among them the exotic invader studied, which showed to be the most abundant taxon in the area. In total, 75 individuals were counted in the invaded sites, of which 72 were from R. communis. In the non-invaded sites, 210 individuals. The average number of species was statistically higher in the plots where the exotic invader was removed, while from the second reading and remained until the eighth reading, the same happened for the average number of individuals. The results of this study showed the impacts caused by invasive exotic Ricinus communis on the composition, richness, diversity and resilience of an invaded Atlantic Forest area.(AU)

Ricinus , Produtos Biológicos , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade , Biota , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(3): 1049-1060, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364681


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os impactos socioambientais e sanitários decorrentes do monocultivo da cana-de-açúcar em um município da Zona da Mata pernambucana. Foi realizado um mapeamento coletivo, com uso da cartografia social. Os problemas investigados foram representados graficamente em mapas, cujas versões finais foram elaboradas pelo Software ArcGIS 10.2. O estudo foi realizado no distrito de Tejucupapo, situado em Goiana, selecionado por sua proximidade dos canaviais. No ambiente observou-se aumento do desmatamento, degradação do mangue, assoreamento dos rios, diminuição do pescado e contaminação das águas e de outras culturas por agrotóxicos e esgoto. Para a saúde, foram apontados problemas respiratórios pela queima da cana, intoxicações por agrotóxicos e precariedade da rede assistencial. Na dimensão sociocultural foram identificados conflitos relacionados ao uso e à ocupação das terras, com perda, expropriação e destruição de objetos e símbolos históricos da comunidade, tendo como reflexos a perda da identidade cultural. Os problemas relacionados ao cultivo da cana afetam severamente a saúde e destroem o território tanto em seus aspectos ambientais como na própria construção identitária da comunidade, ameaçando os modos de vida tradicionais.

Abstract This study aims to analyze the socio-environmental and health effects of sugarcane crops in a county in the Zona da Mata of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. A collective mapping was carried out with use of social cartography. The issues investigated were plotted on maps, whose final versions were elaborated by means of the ArcGIS 10.2 software. The study was carried out in the district of Tejucupapo, located in the municipality of Goiana, selected due to its proximity to the sugarcane fields. In the environment there was an increase in deforestation, mangrove degradation, silting of rivers, reduction of fish and contamination of water and other crops by pesticides and sewage. For health, respiratory problems were pointed out by sugarcane burning, pesticide poisoning and the precariousness of the governmental health care. In the socio-cultural dimension, conflicts related to land use and occupation were identified, with loss, expropriation and destruction of historical objects and symbols of the community, reflecting the loss of cultural identity. The problems related to sugarcane production severely affect human health and destroy the territory both in its environmental aspects and the very identity construction of the community, threatening traditional livelihoods.

Saccharum , Brasil , Produtos Agrícolas , Rios
Environ Monit Assess ; 194(3): 153, 2022 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35132516


The cement industry is intensive in energy and feedstock use. It includes three main phases: raw materials and energy supply, transport, and manufacturing. The sector is known for its considerable environmental impacts. The increase in energy efficiency and the use of non-fossil fuels and raw materials are considered mature technologies in cement industries. We evaluate different environmental impacts of the production of 1 t of cement in four Brazilian scenarios. We compare one business-as-usual reference scenario (case 1) to three alternative 2030 carbon mitigation sectoral plan scenarios (cases 2, 3a, and 3b) that assume mature technologies. We analyze all 18 impact categories within the ReCiPe 2016 Life Cycle Assessment methodology. Results show reductions in 17 impact categories, ranging from no change in ozone depletion (case 2) to 39% reduction in fossil resource scarcity (case 3b). The effects on climate change decreased 14% in case 2 and 33% in cases 3a and 3b. The clinkerization process is the greatest contributor to atmospheric impacts, while raw material consumption to toxicity impacts. In contrast, there is no single main process contributing to resource depletion impacts. The changes in cement production lead to carbon emission reductions above expected levels and to reductions in other environmental impact categories modeled in ReCiPe 2016 method.

Indústria da Construção , Monitoramento Ambiental , Perda de Ozônio , Animais , Brasil , Mudança Climática , Meio Ambiente
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35162216


Mining in Ecuadorian territory comprises three stages of Ecuadorian history: pre-Columbian, colonial, and republican times. In its beginnings, this activity did not have regulations or a legal foundation. The first Mining Law dates back to 1830, and it has been modified until the most recent update in 2009. The Andean region consists of 10 provinces, 9 of which have registered gold concessions, the most important of which are Loja, Azuay, and in recent years, Imbabura and Pichincha, which are the provinces with the highest number of reported concessions. The objective of this study focused on analyzing the historical and current situation of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASGM) and the emergence of large-scale (industrial) mining. For the elaboration of this study, different methodological techniques were used, such as literature review, field interviews, and expert judgment validation. The main findings show that the provinces of Loja, Azuay, Imbabura, and Pichincha are the most conflictive areas in the region due to the impacts caused by mining activities. In socio-economic terms, there are conflicts between inhabitants in favor and against these activities and problems associated with human health. In environmental terms, the findings suggest historical contamination of water sources by heavy metals, which has altered the surrounding aquatic and terrestrial systems. Finally, the study concludes that implementing public policies should be promoted to balance socio-economic and environmental aspects in gold mining activities in the Andean region of Ecuador, strengthening the use of new technologies and education to raise awareness of the serious effects of mining activities.

Ouro , Mercúrio , Equador , Meio Ambiente , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Humanos , Mercúrio/análise , Mineração , Fatores Socioeconômicos