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Front Plant Sci ; 8: 960, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28642774


Anemia due to iron deficiency is a worldwide issue, affecting mainly children and women. Seed iron is a major source of this micronutrient for feeding, however, in most crops these levels are too low to meet daily needs. Thus, increasing iron allocation and its storage in seeds can represent an important step to enhance iron provision for humans and animals. Our knowledge on seed iron homeostasis is mainly based on studies performed in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, where iron accumulates in endodermis cells surrounding the embryo provasculature. It has been reported that cotyledon provasculature pattern complexity can be modified, thus we hypothesize that changes in the complexity of embryo vein patterns may affect total iron content in Arabidopsis seeds. This approach could be used as basis to develop strategies aimed to biofortify seeds.

Biol. Res ; 43(4): 417-427, 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-582856


Root anatomical responses to water deficit are diverse and regulation of water uptake strongly depends on plant anatomy. The ancestors of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars are the wild common beans. Because wild beans adapt and survive well in theon atural environment, it is hypothesized that wild common bean roots are less affected than those of domesticated beans at low substrate water potential (ψW). A wild common bean accession from Chihuahua Mexico and cv. Bayomex were studied. Seedlings with a mean root length between 3 and 4 cm were maintained for 24 h in vermiculite at ψW of -0.03 (well hydrated), -0.65, -1.48 and -2.35 MPa (partially dry). Ten anatomical characteristics of differentiation and cell division in root regions were evaluated. Thickness of epidermis and protoderm diminished similarly in wild and domesticated beans growing at low substrate ψW (between -0.65 and -2.35 MPa). At the same time, parenchymatic cell area diminished by 71 percent in the domesticated variety, but by only 32 percent in the wild bean at -2.35 MPa. Theon umber of cells in the cortex and the thickness of the xylem wall increased in both wild and domesticated beans at low substrate ψW;on evertheless, the effect was significantly lower in the wild bean. Theon umber of xylem vessels increased in the cultivar (up to 40 percent) while in the wild bean it decreased (up to 33 percent). The diameter of xylem vessels and transverse root area diminished (15 and 57 percent, respectively) in the cultivar, but in the wild common bean wereon ot affected. Anatomical root characteristics and their modifications in both differentiation and cell division in root regions demonstrated that the wild bean reacted quite differently to substrate ψW than the domesticated common bean.

Phaseolus/anatomia & histologia , Phaseolus/metabolismo , Raízes de Plantas/anatomia & histologia , Raízes de Plantas/metabolismo , Água/metabolismo , Phaseolus/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Xilema/anatomia & histologia , Xilema/metabolismo
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;52(6): 1473-1483, Nov.-Dec. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-539114


Aspects related to the nature of stem thickening in monocotyledons have been the subject of many studies. Primary thickening has been attributed to the Primary Thickening Meristem (PTM). According to most authors, it gives rise, besides the adventitious roots, to the vascular tissues and part of the cortex. In other words, it has centripetal and centrifugal activity. For some authors, however, it gives rise only to the vascular system, and for others, only to part of the cortex. However, this work demonstrated that PTM corresponds to the pericycle in the meristematic phase or to the pericycle associated with the endodermis, also with meristematic activity. It was observed that the pericycle was responsible for the formation of the vascular system of the rhizome and of the adventitious roots; the endodermis gave rise to cell layers with radial disposition which comprised the inner portion of the stem cortex, and which corresponded to the region known as the derivatives of the meristematic endodermis (DME). A continuity was also demonstrated between the tissues of the stem and root in species of Scleria Berg. (Cyperaceae).

Aspectos relacionados à natureza do espessamento em caules de monocotiledôneas têm sido objeto de estudo de muitos pesquisadores. O espessamento primário vem sendo atribuído ao meristema de espessamento primário (MEP). Segundo a maioria dos autores origina, além das raízes adventícias, os tecidos vasculares e parte do córtex. Para alguns autores, no entanto, origina apenas o sistema vascular e para outros, apenas parte do córtex. Entretanto, demonstra-se neste trabalho, que o MEP corresponde ao periciclo em fase meristemática ou ao periciclo associado à endoderme, também com atividade meristemática. Verificou-se que o periciclo é responsável pela formação do sistema vascular do rizoma e pela formação das raízes adventícias; a endoderme origina fileiras radiais de células que constituem a porção interna do córtex caulinar e que correspondem à região denominada derivadas da endoderme meristemática (DEM). Demonstra-se também, a continuidade entre os tecidos do caule e da raiz nas espécies de Scleria Berg. (Cyperaceae).

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(1): 108-116, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-480846


Conhecida comumente como erva-de-colégio, erva-grossa e sussuaiá, Elephantopus mollis Kunth (Asteraceae) é uma espécie herbácea perene, de base sublenhosa, ramos curtos e flores arroxeadas. Suas folhas são empregadas como emoliente, resolutivo, sudorífico e no tratamento de bronquite, tosse e gripe na medicina popular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar caracteres anatômicos foliares e caulinares, a fim de fornecer subsídios aplicáveis à identificação da planta medicinal. Folhas adultas e fragmentos de caules foram fixados, seccionados e corados com azul de astra/fucsina básica ou com azul de toluidina. Testes microquímicos e análise ultra-estrutural de superfície foram também executados. A folha possui epiderme uniestratificada, recoberta por cutícula estriada e, em vista frontal, tem células com contorno ondulado. Ocorrem tricomas tectores e glandulares. Os primeiros são eretos, pluricelulares e unisseriados. Os tricomas glandulares são capitados e bisseriados. O mesofilo é dorsiventral e a nervura central é percorrida por feixes vasculares colaterais dispostos em arco aberto. O caule, em estrutura secundária inicial, possui epiderme unisseriada com cutícula estriada e tricomas semelhantes aos da folha. No córtex, observam-se colênquima anelar alternado com clorênquima e endoderme com estrias de Caspary. Calotas esclerenquimáticas apõem-se ao floema. Este é formado pelo câmbio vascular em direção à periferia e o xilema é gerado de modo centrípeto. A medula é parenquimática. Pequenos cristais de oxalato de cálcio estão presentes na folha e no caule.

Commonly known as erva-de-colégio in Portuguese, Elephantopus mollis Kunth (Asteraceae) is a perennial herb, with slightly lignified base, short branches and purple flowers. Its leaves are used as emollient, vulnerary and diaphoretic, and to treat bronchitis, coughs and influenza in folk medicine. The aim of this work was to study leaf and stem anatomical characters, in order to expand the knowledge for this medicinal plant identification. Adult leaves and stem fragments were fixed, sectioned and stained either with astra blue/basic fuchsine or toluidine blue. Microchemical essays and scanning electron analysis were also carried out. The leaf has wavy-contoured cells in surface view, forming a single layer and coated with striate cuticle. Non-glandular and glandular trichomes occur. The former is erect, multicellular and uniseriate. The glandular ones are capitate and biseriate. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the midrib is traversed by collateral vascular bundles arranged in open arc. The stem, in initial secondary growth, has uniseriate epidermis coated with striate cuticle and trichomes similar to the leaf. In the cortex, annular collenchyma alternates with chlorenchyma and an endodermis with Casparian strips is found. Sclerenchymatic caps adjoin the phloem, which is formed outwards by the vascular cambia, while the xylem is produced inwards. The pith is parenchymatic. Small calcium oxalate crystals are present in the leaf and stem.

Asteraceae/anatomia & histologia , Caules de Planta/anatomia & histologia , Folhas de Planta/anatomia & histologia