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Psicol. clín ; 31(2): 367-385, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020214


The aim of this study was to produce a list of indicators of aggression for the draw-a-person test and to investigate evidence of their validity. First, 21 items were developed, which were evaluated by agreement among judges. Next, it was assessed whether these items were able to discriminate groups of children with higher and lower aggression scores according to a self-report measurement. Finally, it was investigated whether these items could identify children with or without a history of aggression. The items "clawed fingers", "presence of teeth" and "exaggerated shoulders in the human figure" were found to be potentially capable of identifying aggression in the sample, corroborating the findings in the literature. The data, however, is inconclusive and further studies are needed to appraise the validity of the proposed items for the evaluation of aggression through the draw-a-person test.

O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar e investigar evidências de validade de uma lista de indicadores de agressividade no desenho da figura humana. Primeiramente, foram elaborados 21 itens, os quais foram avaliados por meio da concordância entre juízes. Então, foi avaliado se tais itens eram capazes de discriminar grupos de crianças com maiores e menores escores de agressividade segundo uma medida de autorrelato. Finalmente, investigou-se se esses mesmos itens poderiam discriminar crianças com e sem histórico de agressividade. Os itens "dedos em ponta de garras", "presença de dentes" e "ombros reforçados na figura humana" foram os que se mostraram potencialmente capazes de identificar agressividade na presente amostra, corroborando os achados da literatura. Os dados, porém, são inconclusivos e novos estudos são necessários para investigar a validade dos itens propostos para avaliação da agressividade por meio do desenho da figura humana.

El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar e investigar la evidencia de validez de una lista de indicadores de agresión en el test del dibujo de la figura humana. Primero, se elaboraron 21 ítems y se evaluó el acuerdo entre evaluadores. Posteriormente, se evaluó si estos ítems podían discriminar grupos de niños con puntajes de agresividad más altas y más bajas según una medida de autoinforme. Por fin, se investigó si estos mismos ítems podían identificar a los niños con y sin histórico de agresividad. Los items "dedos en garras", "presencia de dientes" y "hombros reforzados en la figura humana" fueron aquellos potencialmente capaces de identificar la agresividad en la presente muestra, corroborando los hallazgos de la literatura. Sin embargo, los datos no son concluyentes y se necesitan nuevos estudios para investigar la validez de los ítems propuestos para la evaluación de la agresividad por medio del dibujo de la figura humana.

Bol. psicol ; 65(142): 73-82, jan. 2015.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-67712


O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar, no desenho, parâmetros de análise que permitam destacar como se manifestam as características conflitivas típicas do desenvolvimento psicossexual de crianças em grupos específicos de faixa etária e etapa de desenvolvimento psíquico. Foram analisados 173 Desenhos da Figura Humana de crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos com idade variando de 4 a 15 anos. A análise dos desenhos permitiu dividi-los em seis grupos etários característicos. Em cada grupo foi possível identificar aspectos relevantes do desenho que permitiram alcançar as angústias predominantes nas diferentes etapas do desenvolvimento. Além disso, foram identificadas diferenças entre os desenhos de meninos e meninas. Estas observações permitem apontar a importância do desenho no diagnóstico e sua riqueza para discriminar as angústias predominantes em cada faixa etária. (AU)

The purpose of this work is to identify through children's drawings, elements that can be used, as an analyses parameter to highlight how typical conflicting characteristics of psychosexual development, of specific groups of children, of specific age range and psychic development stage, emerge in their drawings. We analyzed the "Draw a Person Test" of 173 children and adolescents, of both sexes, ranging from 4 to 15 years of age. The analysis of their drawings allowed to divide them into six age groups. It was possible to identify in each group relevant drawing aspects which allowed us to recognize the predominant anxiety at different developmental stages. It was also possible to observe differences between boys' and girl's drawings. These observations allow to indicate the relevance of drawing in psychodiagnosis, and its potential to distinguish anxieties in each age stage. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Técnicas Projetivas , Desenvolvimento Psicossexual , Criança , Adolescente , Desenho/análise
Bol. psicol ; 65(142): 73-82, jan. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: lil-791626


O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar, no desenho, parâmetros de análise que permitam destacar como se manifestam as características conflitivas típicas do desenvolvimento psicossexual de crianças em grupos específicos de faixa etária e etapa de desenvolvimento psíquico. Foram analisados 173 Desenhos da Figura Humana de crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos com idade variando de 4 a 15 anos. A análise dos desenhos permitiu dividi-los em seis grupos etários característicos. Em cada grupo foi possível identificar aspectos relevantes do desenho que permitiram alcançar as angústias predominantes nas diferentes etapas do desenvolvimento. Além disso, foram identificadas diferenças entre os desenhos de meninos e meninas. Estas observações permitem apontar a importância do desenho no diagnóstico e sua riqueza para discriminar as angústias predominantes em cada faixa etária

The purpose of this work is to identify through children's drawings, elements that can be used, as an analyses parameter to highlight how typical conflicting characteristics of psychosexual development, of specific groups of children, of specific age range and psychic development stage, emerge in their drawings. We analyzed the "Draw a Person Test" of 173 children and adolescents, of both sexes, ranging from 4 to 15 years of age. The analysis of their drawings allowed to divide them into six age groups. It was possible to identify in each group relevant drawing aspects which allowed us to recognize the predominant anxiety at different developmental stages. It was also possible to observe differences between boys' and girl's drawings. These observations allow to indicate the relevance of drawing in psychodiagnosis, and its potential to distinguish anxieties in each age stage

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Desenvolvimento Psicossexual , Técnicas Projetivas , Desenho/análise
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 297-322, dic. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734362


Los objetivos del estudio que se informa fueron analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Test del Dibujo de Dos Figuras Humanas - Madurativo (T2F-M) de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a) y obtener normas de este test en una muestra de 654 niños del grupo indígena yaqui (México) de 5 a 11 años de edad. El análisis de la validez se realizó a través del estudio evolutivo de los ítemes madurativos y de la correlación entre el funcionamiento de los niños en el T2F-M y el Test de Matrices Progresivas Coloreadas (MPC) de Raven (1993). En cuanto a la fiabilidad, se estudió la consistencia interna de los ítemes evolutivos y el acuerdo interevaluadores. Las normas específicas se compararon con las de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a) para determinar la adecuación de estas normas en la población yaqui. Los resultados indicaron: (a) diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el número total de ítemes madurativos según la edad de los niños, con un aumento en la media de ítemes presentes en los dibujos a medida que se incrementa su edad, (b) una correlación positiva significativa de baja a moderada entre el funcionamiento en el T2F-M y el MPC, (c) una consistencia interna muy alta entre los ítemes del test, (d) un acuerdo intercalificadores muy alto y (e) diferencias entre las normas de puntuación obtenidas en la muestra de niños yaquis y las de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a). Se concluye que el T2FM es útil para evaluar el nivel de madurez mental de los niños de esta comunidad indígena, pero con el uso de normas locales que aseguren la realización de interpretaciones correctas de las puntuaciones que obtienen estos niños.

The study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the developmental items of the Two Human Figures Test (T2F-M - Maganto & Garaigordobil, 2009a) and to obtain standards of this test on a sample of 654 children from the Yaqui indigenous group (Mexico) between 5 and 11 years old. The validity analysis was performed using the developmental study of items and the correlation between the performance of children at T2F-M and the Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (CPM) (Raven, 1993). The internal consistency of developmental items and interrater agreement was studied to determine reliability. In order to obtain the T2F-M norms of the Yaqui children sample, the criterion of assignment of standardized scores of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) was applied to the data obtained in this study, to each of the developmental items of both human figures (feminine and masculine) and for the different age groups. That is, items with a frequency of 85% or more were classified in category 1, items with a frequency between 84 and 50% in category 2, items with a frequency between 49 and 15% in category 3 and items with a frequency of 14% or less in category 4. Specific rules were compared with those of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) in order to determine the suitability of these standards to the Yaqui population. The results on the psychometric qualities of the T2F-M indicate: (a) statistically significant differences in the total number of developmental items according to children's age [F(6, 654) = 100.374; p < .01], the mean of items present in the two drawings increases with children's age, from 27.52 for the 5 years old to 59.20 for the 11 years old, (b) significant positive correlation, low to moderate, between performance in the T2F-M and the CPM; in most age groups the correlation between T2F-M and the CPM was significant, positive and with low values (between .211 and .382), except for the age group of 7 years, where the correlation was not significant; considering the total sample, the correlation was positive and significant and presented a moderate value (.608); (c) high internal consistency among test items; Cronbach Alpha coefficients and Spearman-Brown in the different age groups ranging from high (.814) and very high (.922); in the total sample, both coefficients were very high (.950 and .939, respectively), (d) high interrater agreement (.993). Regarding the second objective of this work, obtaining specific rules in the T2F-M and comparing them with those of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a), the results show a decrease in developmental items of categories 1 and 2 and an increase of items in categories 3 and 4 in the sample of Yaqui children when compare with Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) standards. These differences indicate that the use of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) scoring rules of the T2F-M is not adequate to establish interpretations of Yaqui children performance in this test because, in all age groups, the use of these norms under -estimates their performance. In general terms, the Yaqui children of this sample drew less T2F-M elements in their drawings of feminine and masculine human figures, than did the Spanish children sample of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a). We conclude that T2F-M is useful in assessing the level of conceptual maturity of the indigenous community children, but only the use of local rules can ensure the correct interpretations of the scores obtained by these children.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 297-322, dic. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-131465


Los objetivos del estudio que se informa fueron analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Test del Dibujo de Dos Figuras Humanas - Madurativo (T2F-M) de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a) y obtener normas de este test en una muestra de 654 niños del grupo indígena yaqui (México) de 5 a 11 años de edad. El análisis de la validez se realizó a través del estudio evolutivo de los ítemes madurativos y de la correlación entre el funcionamiento de los niños en el T2F-M y el Test de Matrices Progresivas Coloreadas (MPC) de Raven (1993). En cuanto a la fiabilidad, se estudió la consistencia interna de los ítemes evolutivos y el acuerdo interevaluadores. Las normas específicas se compararon con las de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a) para determinar la adecuación de estas normas en la población yaqui. Los resultados indicaron: (a) diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el número total de ítemes madurativos según la edad de los niños, con un aumento en la media de ítemes presentes en los dibujos a medida que se incrementa su edad, (b) una correlación positiva significativa de baja a moderada entre el funcionamiento en el T2F-M y el MPC, (c) una consistencia interna muy alta entre los ítemes del test, (d) un acuerdo intercalificadores muy alto y (e) diferencias entre las normas de puntuación obtenidas en la muestra de niños yaquis y las de Maganto y Garaigordobil (2009a). Se concluye que el T2FM es útil para evaluar el nivel de madurez mental de los niños de esta comunidad indígena, pero con el uso de normas locales que aseguren la realización de interpretaciones correctas de las puntuaciones que obtienen estos niños.(AU)

The study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the developmental items of the Two Human Figures Test (T2F-M - Maganto & Garaigordobil, 2009a) and to obtain standards of this test on a sample of 654 children from the Yaqui indigenous group (Mexico) between 5 and 11 years old. The validity analysis was performed using the developmental study of items and the correlation between the performance of children at T2F-M and the Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (CPM) (Raven, 1993). The internal consistency of developmental items and interrater agreement was studied to determine reliability. In order to obtain the T2F-M norms of the Yaqui children sample, the criterion of assignment of standardized scores of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) was applied to the data obtained in this study, to each of the developmental items of both human figures (feminine and masculine) and for the different age groups. That is, items with a frequency of 85% or more were classified in category 1, items with a frequency between 84 and 50% in category 2, items with a frequency between 49 and 15% in category 3 and items with a frequency of 14% or less in category 4. Specific rules were compared with those of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) in order to determine the suitability of these standards to the Yaqui population. The results on the psychometric qualities of the T2F-M indicate: (a) statistically significant differences in the total number of developmental items according to childrens age [F(6, 654) = 100.374; p < .01], the mean of items present in the two drawings increases with childrens age, from 27.52 for the 5 years old to 59.20 for the 11 years old, (b) significant positive correlation, low to moderate, between performance in the T2F-M and the CPM; in most age groups the correlation between T2F-M and the CPM was significant, positive and with low values (between .211 and .382), except for the age group of 7 years, where the correlation was not significant; considering the total sample, the correlation was positive and significant and presented a moderate value (.608); (c) high internal consistency among test items; Cronbach Alpha coefficients and Spearman-Brown in the different age groups ranging from high (.814) and very high (.922); in the total sample, both coefficients were very high (.950 and .939, respectively), (d) high interrater agreement (.993). Regarding the second objective of this work, obtaining specific rules in the T2F-M and comparing them with those of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a), the results show a decrease in developmental items of categories 1 and 2 and an increase of items in categories 3 and 4 in the sample of Yaqui children when compare with Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) standards. These differences indicate that the use of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a) scoring rules of the T2F-M is not adequate to establish interpretations of Yaqui children performance in this test because, in all age groups, the use of these norms under -estimates their performance. In general terms, the Yaqui children of this sample drew less T2F-M elements in their drawings of feminine and masculine human figures, than did the Spanish children sample of Maganto and Garaigordobil (2009a). We conclude that T2F-M is useful in assessing the level of conceptual maturity of the indigenous community children, but only the use of local rules can ensure the correct interpretations of the scores obtained by these children.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 101-118, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708514


El Test del Dibujo de la Figura Humana (DFH - Goodenough & Harris, 1926) es una herramienta psicométrica diseñada para dar cuenta de la evolución de la madurez conceptual, definida como la habilidad para desarrollar conceptos con mayor grado de abstracción (Harris, 1963). A pesar de ser una prueba muy difundida y frecuentemente utilizada en el ámbito profesional, sus propiedades psicométricas no han sido estudiadas en el contexto local. El estudio que se informa propone un avance en su adaptación métrica para niños que cursan la escolaridad elemental en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense. Para cumplir con este objetivo se analizaron la homogeneidad y la dificultad de los reactivos y se identificaron los ítemes evolutivos esperados, comunes y excepcionales según la propuesta original de Koppitz (1968) para cada franja etaria. Se aporta, además, evidencia de validez discriminante con respecto al Test de Bender. La utilidad práctica del estudio realizado reside en la descripción de esta habilidad madurativa por medio de la inclusión de partes del gráfico que se convierten en esperables para determinado momento evolutivo y de la ausencia de detalles que implicarían una posible inmadurez conceptual; es reconocida a partir del diagnóstico clínico diferencial y resulta clave en situaciones de evaluación aplicada. Entre las limitaciones de esta investigación debe destacarse la muestra utilizada, procurando en trabajos futuros disponer de un mayor número de participantes. Es por esto que los resultados deben considerarse como tendencias cuya generalización deberá analizarse en nuevos estudios y también mediante la introducción de nuevas líneas de discusión.

The Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD -Goodenough & Harris, 1926) is a psychometric scale developed to measure individual evolution of conceptual maturity in children of school age. This concept is described as the ability to develop concepts with an increasing degree of abstraction (Harris, 1963). In despite of being a widely applied test in professional contexts, its psychometric properties were not properly analyzed in local populations. This paper proposes an advance on its metrical adaptation, in order to be used in scholars from Buenos Aires and its suburbs. To reach this research goal, item homogeneity and difficulty indexes were calculated. Following original Koppitz's proposals (1968), expected developmental items were identified, as well as the common and exceptional ones in each age interval considered. Discriminate validity evidences regarded to Bender's Gestalt Scale were also analyzed. Considering children's age, common parts composing the human figure were identified, meaning that 85% per cent (and more) of the children in a given age included that part as an important detail in the drawing. This way, it became an expectable item for that age interval. Unusual elements were also identified (15% of the cases or less) in protocols of each analyzed group. This analysis showed that some parts were omitted for the majority of children in the studied sample. The applied utility of this particular analysis consists in the identification of items which would be present in drawings produced by children without problems in each age level in local population, when a normative criterion is followed in the individual assessment. The importance of an item omission when it is expected must be highlighted, because of its importance as a relevant indicator of potential problems. The contribution here intended consists in the description of this maturational ability using parts of the drawing which become expectable in a given developmental age. The absence of certain details may imply conceptual immaturity; these two kinds of indicators are characterized in the differential diagnosis and are key signs in applied assessment situations. Concerning discriminate validity evidences, a significant average and positive association between scores of conceptual maturity (HDF) and visual-motor ability (Bender's) was verified in the whole simple. Associations became lower if the simple was spitted by age. Developmental motorist and perceptual aspects appear to converge with conceptual abilities measured in the sample, existing an overlapping of both of them in the activities involved, although not lower enough to speak about abilities related but about abilities of a different nature. Despite both scales (HFD and Bender's) demand a graphic action to be responded, they intend to assess theoretical concepts hypothetically differentiated. Otherwise, empirical verifications seem to speak about a significant relationship between them. Analyzing the association between these abilities through an increasing curve of age during childhood allows to infer a decrease in values of Pearson coefficients as chronological age increases (.259*; .234**; .474**, .179*, .283**, .189*, and .251). Such results can be interpreted as a gradual discrimination between perceptual, motorist and conceptual abilities, when developmental level shows an ascendant peak. One of the limitations of this research lies in the sample employed, which involved a restricted number of participants across each age included. Future developments must improve this issue, in order to challenge these findings. For this reason these results must be analyzed as preliminary tendencies. Their potential intention of generalization should be tested in future studies, and also by means of the generation of new research lines. These advances are disposable to be tested in new populations, and they intent to become a contribution for applied practice of psychological assessment with children.

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 101-118, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-130329


El Test del Dibujo de la Figura Humana (DFH - Goodenough & Harris, 1926) es una herramienta psicométrica diseñada para dar cuenta de la evolución de la madurez conceptual, definida como la habilidad para desarrollar conceptos con mayor grado de abstracción (Harris, 1963). A pesar de ser una prueba muy difundida y frecuentemente utilizada en el ámbito profesional, sus propiedades psicométricas no han sido estudiadas en el contexto local. El estudio que se informa propone un avance en su adaptación métrica para niños que cursan la escolaridad elemental en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense. Para cumplir con este objetivo se analizaron la homogeneidad y la dificultad de los reactivos y se identificaron los ítemes evolutivos esperados, comunes y excepcionales según la propuesta original de Koppitz (1968) para cada franja etaria. Se aporta, además, evidencia de validez discriminante con respecto al Test de Bender. La utilidad práctica del estudio realizado reside en la descripción de esta habilidad madurativa por medio de la inclusión de partes del gráfico que se convierten en esperables para determinado momento evolutivo y de la ausencia de detalles que implicarían una posible inmadurez conceptual; es reconocida a partir del diagnóstico clínico diferencial y resulta clave en situaciones de evaluación aplicada. Entre las limitaciones de esta investigación debe destacarse la muestra utilizada, procurando en trabajos futuros disponer de un mayor número de participantes. Es por esto que los resultados deben considerarse como tendencias cuya generalización deberá analizarse en nuevos estudios y también mediante la introducción de nuevas líneas de discusión.(AU)

The Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD -Goodenough & Harris, 1926) is a psychometric scale developed to measure individual evolution of conceptual maturity in children of school age. This concept is described as the ability to develop concepts with an increasing degree of abstraction (Harris, 1963). In despite of being a widely applied test in professional contexts, its psychometric properties were not properly analyzed in local populations. This paper proposes an advance on its metrical adaptation, in order to be used in scholars from Buenos Aires and its suburbs. To reach this research goal, item homogeneity and difficulty indexes were calculated. Following original Koppitzs proposals (1968), expected developmental items were identified, as well as the common and exceptional ones in each age interval considered. Discriminate validity evidences regarded to Benders Gestalt Scale were also analyzed. Considering childrens age, common parts composing the human figure were identified, meaning that 85% per cent (and more) of the children in a given age included that part as an important detail in the drawing. This way, it became an expectable item for that age interval. Unusual elements were also identified (15% of the cases or less) in protocols of each analyzed group. This analysis showed that some parts were omitted for the majority of children in the studied sample. The applied utility of this particular analysis consists in the identification of items which would be present in drawings produced by children without problems in each age level in local population, when a normative criterion is followed in the individual assessment. The importance of an item omission when it is expected must be highlighted, because of its importance as a relevant indicator of potential problems. The contribution here intended consists in the description of this maturational ability using parts of the drawing which become expectable in a given developmental age. The absence of certain details may imply conceptual immaturity; these two kinds of indicators are characterized in the differential diagnosis and are key signs in applied assessment situations. Concerning discriminate validity evidences, a significant average and positive association between scores of conceptual maturity (HDF) and visual-motor ability (Benders) was verified in the whole simple. Associations became lower if the simple was spitted by age. Developmental motorist and perceptual aspects appear to converge with conceptual abilities measured in the sample, existing an overlapping of both of them in the activities involved, although not lower enough to speak about abilities related but about abilities of a different nature. Despite both scales (HFD and Benders) demand a graphic action to be responded, they intend to assess theoretical concepts hypothetically differentiated. Otherwise, empirical verifications seem to speak about a significant relationship between them. Analyzing the association between these abilities through an increasing curve of age during childhood allows to infer a decrease in values of Pearson coefficients as chronological age increases (.259*; .234**; .474**, .179*, .283**, .189*, and .251). Such results can be interpreted as a gradual discrimination between perceptual, motorist and conceptual abilities, when developmental level shows an ascendant peak. One of the limitations of this research lies in the sample employed, which involved a restricted number of participants across each age included. Future developments must improve this issue, in order to challenge these findings. For this reason these results must be analyzed as preliminary tendencies. Their potential intention of generalization should be tested in future studies, and also by means of the generation of new research lines. These advances are disposable to be tested in new populations, and they intent to become a contribution for applied practice of psychological assessment with children.(AU)

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 23(1): 64-72, jan.-abr. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-49567


O objetivo do estudo foi examinar a presença de indicadores emocionais no Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH), utilizando o sistema Koppitz, em crianças transplantadas e sem problemas de saúde, comparando-as de acordo com o sexo. Quarenta e sete crianças transplantadas e 88 sem problemas de saúde com idades entre 5 e 12 anos completaram o DFH e responderam a uma entrevista sobre o mesmo. O teste t mostrou que os meninos transplantados apresentaram mais indicadores emocionais que os meninos sem problemas de saúde. Análise de regressão logística evidenciou que o indicador integração pobre das partes e DFH na posição esquerda do papel são características típicas das crianças transplantadas. Os resultados indicam que as crianças transplantadas, especialmente os meninos, possuem maiores riscos de apresentar problemas psicológicos. Uma avaliação sistemática desses pacientes é necessária para minimizar eventuais conseqüências emocionais relacionadas à doença crônica e ao transplante de órgãos na infância.(AU)

This study aims at examining the presence of emotional indicators in the Draw-A- Person Test (DAP), employing the Koppitz Scoring System, in transplanted and healthy children comparing them according to their gender. Forty-seven transplanted and 88 healthy children aged 5-12 completed the DAP and answered an interview about it. The T-test showed that male transplanted children presented more emotional indicators than male healthy children. Logistic regression analysis (LRA) demonstrated that 'poor integration of parts' indicator and DAP in the left side of the paper are typical characteristics of transplanted children. It seems that transplanted children, especially boys, are at higher risk to present psychological problems. A systematic evaluation of those patients is necessary to minimize emotional consequences due to chronic disease and organ transplantation in childhood.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Transplantes , Técnicas Projetivas , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Emoções , Testes Psicológicos
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 23(1): 64-72, jan.-abr. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-549206


O objetivo do estudo foi examinar a presença de indicadores emocionais no Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH), utilizando o sistema Koppitz, em crianças transplantadas e sem problemas de saúde, comparando-as de acordo com o sexo. Quarenta e sete crianças transplantadas e 88 sem problemas de saúde com idades entre 5 e 12 anos completaram o DFH e responderam a uma entrevista sobre o mesmo. O teste t mostrou que os meninos transplantados apresentaram mais indicadores emocionais que os meninos sem problemas de saúde. Análise de regressão logística evidenciou que o indicador integração pobre das partes e DFH na posição esquerda do papel são características típicas das crianças transplantadas. Os resultados indicam que as crianças transplantadas, especialmente os meninos, possuem maiores riscos de apresentar problemas psicológicos. Uma avaliação sistemática desses pacientes é necessária para minimizar eventuais conseqüências emocionais relacionadas à doença crônica e ao transplante de órgãos na infância.

This study aims at examining the presence of emotional indicators in the Draw-A- Person Test (DAP), employing the Koppitz Scoring System, in transplanted and healthy children comparing them according to their gender. Forty-seven transplanted and 88 healthy children aged 5-12 completed the DAP and answered an interview about it. The T-test showed that male transplanted children presented more emotional indicators than male healthy children. Logistic regression analysis (LRA) demonstrated that 'poor integration of parts' indicator and DAP in the left side of the paper are typical characteristics of transplanted children. It seems that transplanted children, especially boys, are at higher risk to present psychological problems. A systematic evaluation of those patients is necessary to minimize emotional consequences due to chronic disease and organ transplantation in childhood.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Emoções , Técnicas Projetivas , Transplantes , Testes Psicológicos
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 21(2): 332-337, 2008. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-494670


O Teste do Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH) é amplamente utilizado como uma técnica de avaliação do desenvolvimento cognitivo, porém, o reconhecimento da validade deste instrumento ainda hoje não está completo. No Brasil, o Sistema Wechsler de avaliação cognitiva do DFH já foi aprovado pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia. No entanto, considerando a necessidade de periodicamente se reavaliar o instrumento, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a validade convergente e concorrente do DFH-Sistema Cognitivo de Wechsler. Para validade convergente foi utilizado o teste das Matrizes Coloridas Progressivas de Raven, validado nacional e internacionalmente. Para validade concorrente, utilizou-se uma escala de desempenho escolar. Participaram 90 crianças, de 6 a 12 anos (M=8,99 e DP=1,79), 37 meninas e 53 meninos, oriundas de escolas públicas (pré-escola a 6ª série), que não realizavam atendimento psicológico e não tinham problemas de aprendizagem. Os resultados apontam a existência de correlações significativas moderadas entre o DFH, o Raven e a escala de desempenho escolar, confirmando que o DFHSistema Wechsler é válido como medida do desenvolvimento cognitivo. Sugere-se, então, que o DFH possa ser incluído em baterias de avaliação de crianças ou em triagens para futuras avaliações mais complexas.

Draw-a-Person Test (DAP) is widely used to assess cognitive development, although, the recognition of the validity of this instrument is not complete. In Brazil, the Wechsler system of evaluation of DAP has already been approved by the Federal Psychology Board. However, considering the need to periodically re-evaluate an instrument, this study attempted to test both convergent and concurrent validity of the DAP - Cognitive System according to Wechsler. Thus, Raven's Progressive Matrices, a nationally and internationally validated instrument, was used to analyze convergent validity and a school performance scale was used to analyze concurrent validity. Ninety children from 6 to 12 years old (M=8,99 and SD=1,79), 37 girls and 53 boys, from public schools (kindergarten to 6th grade), who did not engage in psychological treatment and did not have learning disabilities participated in this study. Results showed moderate positive correlations among the three instruments, confirming that DAP scored via Wechsler' system is a valid measure of cognitive development. Suggestions are made in the sense of including DAP in assessment batteries or using it as a brief assessment.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Cognição , Desenho/análise , Testes de Inteligência