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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418893


La idea del encuentro con el amor destinado, anhelado, perdido, es uno de los mitos del amor romántico que hunde sus raíces en el Banquete de Platón. La alienación y luego la separación, fundante del sujeto está en la base de esta ilusión perdida. Soy yo en el Otro y el Otro en mí, en un espejismo eterno, ahora ofrecido como un gadget de la industria biotecnológica. El avance de la genética nos produce ese estado de vértigo y asombro (Ansermet, 2019) que nos deja al borde del estado confusional. La promesa del encuentro con mi familia genética, la posibilidad de construir el árbol genealógico genético, el estudio prenupcial del mapeo genético de mi prometido y finalmente, el screening cromosómico de mi futuro hijo/a son actualmente prácticas cada vez más accesibles y extendidas. Las planetarias bases de datos genéticas se hayan en un imparable crecimiento inundando nubes bioinformáticas con bases de nucleótidos humanos. Si todo puede ser dicho por la ciencia y mi destino está encerrado en el ADN, que lugar queda para la verdad subjetiva, el deseo o el encuentro con las diferencias. La única salida a esta maquinaria de desciframiento genético parece ser la serendipia, que en el amor y en la ciencia dejan abierto el terreno al azar del encuentro con la causa.

The idea of encountering love destined, longed for, lost, is one of the myths of romantic love that has its roots in Plato's Banquet. Alienation and then separation, the foundation of the subject, is at the base of this lost illusion. It is me in the Other and the Other in me, in an eternal mirage, now offered as a gadget for the biotechnology industry. The advancement of genetics produces us that state of vertigo and amazement (Ansermet, 2019) that leaves us on the edge of a confusional state. The promise of meeting my genetic family, the possibility of building the genetic family tree, the prenuptial study of the genetic mapping of my fiancé and finally, the chromosome screening of my future child are currently increasingly accessible and widespread practices. The planetary genetic databases are in an unstoppable growth flooding bioinformatic clouds with human nucleotide bases. If everything can be said by science and my destiny is locked in DNA, what place is there for subjective truth, desire or the encounter with differences. The only way out of this machinery of genetic decipherment seems to be serendipity, which in love and in science leaves open the chance field of the encounter with the cause.

Humanos , Biotecnologia , Amor , Filosofia , Humanos , DNA , Genética
Ide (São Paulo) ; 40(64): 199-214, jul.-dez. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-975547


Pretende-se examinar uma tirinha de Laerte, que aborda o tema da repetição literal, evidenciando a singular posição da personagem. Para isso, propõe-se pensar a tira - em comparação com o filme Feitiço do tempo (1993) - como uma possível resposta a alguns dos problemas formulados tanto por Nietzsche, ao nomear o eterno retorno, como por Freud, ao analisar a compulsão de destino. De tal forma, o objetivo mais geral é contribuir para a investigação psicanalítica do destino, através de uma análise específica.

We aim to examine one of Laerte's strips, which addresses the theme of literal repetition, highlighting the singular position of the character. For this, we propose to think of the strip - comparing to the film Groundhog Day (1993) - as a possible answer to some of the problems formulated by both Nietzsche in naming the eternal return and Freud in analyzing the destiny compulsion. In such a way that our more general purpose is to contribute to the psychoanalytic investigation of destiny, through a specific analysis.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-986958


El siguiente artículo se inscribe en el Proyecto de Investigación UBACyT: "Operadores conceptuales de la segunda tópica freudiana: alcances y límites". Programación científica 2014-2017. La formulación de Más allá del principio del placer constituye un punto de inflexión que permite recortar una satisfacción pulsional más allá del principio de placer. Sin embargo, será la formulación de la segunda tópica la que permitirá fundamentar el núcleo en el que se sustenta el nuevo principio, recortar nuevos fenómenos, precisar observaciones previas y producir un reordenamiento del campo clínico. En este contexto, la indagación de la "compulsión de repetición", en particular la "compulsión de destino" introduce ciertas anticipaciones que luego se constituyen como aportes consecuentes con la formulación de la segunda tópica. Dichos aportes posibilitan esclarecer distintos desarrollos de la nueva tópica, y llevan a incluir y resignificar, dentro del campo de las neurosis, otras formas del padecimiento diversas del síntoma.

The following article is part of the UBACyT Research Project: "Conceptual Operators of the Second Freudian Topic: Scope and Limits". Scientific programming 2014-2017. The formulation of Beyond the pleasure principle constitutes a point of inflection that allows to cut a drive satisfaction beyond the pleasure principle. However, it will be the formulation of the second topic that will allow to base the nucleus on which the new principle is based, to cut new phenomena, to specify previous observations and to produce a reorganization of the clinical field. In this context, the investigation of the "repetition compulsion", in particular the "compulsion of destiny" introduces certain anticipations that are then constituted as contributions consistent with the formulation of the second topic. These contributions make it possible to clarify different developments in the new topic, and lead to the inclusion and resignification, within the field of neuroses, of other forms of the various conditions of the symptom.

Princípio do Prazer-Desprazer , Psicanálise
Sensors (Basel) ; 16(7)2016 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27428979


Mobile data has allowed us to sense urban dynamics at scales and granularities not known before, helping urban planners to cope with urban growth. A frequently used kind of dataset are Call Detail Records (CDR), used by telecommunication operators for billing purposes. Being an already extracted and processed dataset, it is inexpensive and reliable. A common assumption with respect to geography when working with CDR data is that the position of a device is the same as the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) it is connected to. Because the city is divided into a square grid, or by coverage zones approximated by Voronoi tessellations, CDR network events are assigned to corresponding areas according to BTS position. This geolocation may suffer from non negligible error in almost all cases. In this paper we propose "Antenna Virtual Placement" (AVP), a method to geolocate mobile devices according to their connections to BTS, based on decoupling antennas from its corresponding BTS according to its physical configuration (height, downtilt, and azimuth). We use AVP applied to CDR data as input for two different tasks: first, from an individual perspective, what places are meaningful for them? And second, from a global perspective, how to cluster city areas to understand land use using floating population flows? For both tasks we propose methods that complement or improve prior work in the literature. Our proposed methods are simple, yet not trivial, and work with daily CDR data from the biggest telecommunication operator in Chile. We evaluate them in Santiago, the capital of Chile, with data from working days from June 2015. We find that: (1) AVP improves city coverage of CDR data by geolocating devices to more city areas than using standard methods; (2) we find important places (home and work) for a 10% of the sample using just daily information, and recreate the population distribution as well as commuting trips; (3) the daily rhythms of floating population allow to cluster areas of the city, and explain them from a land use perspective by finding signature points of interest from crowdsourced geographical information. These results have implications for the design of applications based on CDR data like recommendation of places and routes, retail store placement, and estimation of transport effects from pollution alerts.

Rev. psicanal ; 18(3): 647-667, 2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-836416


Partindo da invenção da narrativa heróica – tal como Freud a concebe em Psicologia de grupo e a análise do Eu – e passando pela função da tragédia na constituição do espaço político – tal como Jean-Pierre Vernant a elabora –, Laurence Kahn tenta abordar aquilo que lhe parece ser uma das problemáticas da obra de Imre Kertész, apoiando-se igualmente nos textos de Hannah Arendt. Recusando qualquer comiseração para com o extermínio e seu caráter irrepresentável, Kertész tenta encontrar uma língua para significar a liquidação da tragédia e fazer uma pergunta: o que é ser inocente?

Starting from the invention of the heroic narrative – such as it is conceived by Freud in Group psychology and the analysis of Me – and passed through by the tragedy function in the constitution of the political space – such as Jean-Pierre Vermant elaborates it – Laurence Khan tries to address what she thinks it could be one of the issues of the work of Imre Kertesz, equally relying on Hannah Arendt’s texts. Refusing any commiseration with extermination and its unrepresentative character, Kertesz tries to find a language to give meaning to liquidation of tragedy and to make a question: what is to be innocent?

Partiendo de la invención de la narrativa heroica – tal como la concibe Freud en Psicología de grupo y el análisis del Yo – y pasando por la función de la tragedia en la constitución del espacio político – tal como la elabora Jean-Pierre Vernant –, Laurence Kahn trata de enfocar aquello que le parece ser una de las problemáticas de la obra de Imre Kertész, apoyándose igualmente en los textos de Hannah Arendt. Rechazando cualquier conmiseración para con el exterminio y su carácter irrepresentable, Kertész busca encontrar una lengua para significar la liquidación de la tragedia y hacer una pregunta: ¿qué es ser inocente?

Humanos , Campos de Concentração , Processos Grupais , Holocausto/história