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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(67): 13-30, mai-ago.2025.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572541


Objetivo: Analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o uso tópico de óleos essenciais como potencial agentes para a atividade de clínica odontológica. Métodos: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados BVS e PubMed. Selecionando artigos-chave que abordavam a aplicação de óleos essenciais em odontologia, utilizando como palavras-chave o nome científico e popular associado a "dentistry", nos idiomas português e inglês, publicados no período de 2018 a 2022. Resultados: Obteve-se uma tabela contendo os principais óleos essenciais de utilização comum ­ 54 óleos ­, sendo 34 excluídos por não possuírem ligação com a odontologia, e 20 óleos fazendo referência a utilização na prática clínica, dessa maneira analisados as suas principais propriedades, notou-se eficácia em diversas áreas como em: periodontia; endodontia; odontopediatria; cicatrização de lesões na cavidade oral; analgésicos, anti-inflamatórios e anestésicos. Conclusão: Dessa forma, pode-se observar que há aplicação de óleos essenciais na odontologia, e que possui diversos benefícios quando utilizada de maneira correta e adequada, manifestando efeitos que abordam o paciente em sua universalidade. Nesse sentido, é necessário maiores estudos nessa área, pois apresentou um número considerável de resultados positivos na utilização de óleos essenciais na atividade odontológica para poder tirar proveito dos benefícios oferecidos através dos óleos.

Objective: To analyze the available evidence in the literature regarding the topical use of essential oils as potential agents for dental clinic activities. Methods: BVS and PubMed databases were utilized. Key articles addressing the application of essential oils in dentistry were selected, using scientific and common names associated with "dentistry" as keywords in Portuguese and English, published between 2018 and 2022. Results: A table was compiled containing the main essential oils commonly used­54 oils in total. Thirty-four oils were excluded as they had no connection to dentistry, leaving 20 oils associated with clinical practice. The analysis of these oils revealed their primary properties, showing efficacy in various areas such as periodontics, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, healing of oral cavity lesions, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic effects. Conclusion: Thus, it can be observed that there is an application of essential oils in dentistry, and they offer various benefits when used correctly and appropriately, manifesting effects that address the patient universally. In this regard, further studies in this area are necessary as it presented a considerable number of positive results in the use of essential oils in dental practice to fully take advantage of the benefits offered by these oils.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 84-103, jan-abr.2025. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1570715


Introdução: A fitoterapia se baseia na utilização de plantas medicinais, através de diferentes formulações farmacêuticas com fins terapêuticos. Na Odontologia, os fitoterápicos têm sido alvo de estudos, devido suas propriedades benéficas, além de apresentarem biocompatibilidade, baixo custo e fácil acesso. Objetivo: Realizar um levantamento na literatura científica sobre a utilização da fitoterapia na Odontologia, com vistas aos efeitos antimicrobiano, anti-inflamatório e reparador. Material e Métodos: A busca ocorreu entre fevereiro a julho/2023, nas bases PubMed e LILACS, além de livre busca, cruzando-se os descritores "Phytotherapy", "Dentistry", "Anti-inflamatory Agents", "Anti-Infective Agents", "Wound Healing", "Fitoterapia", "Odontologia", "Anti-inflamatório", "Antimicrobiano" e "Cicatrização". Após leitura inicial, seguida da análise crítica com aplicação dos critérios estabelecidos, foram selecionadas 50 referências. Desenvolvimento: Diversas plantas são empregadas sob a forma de fitoterapia, como Aloe vera (babosa), Matricaria recutita (camomila), Copaifera (copaíba), Punica granatum (romã), Uncaria tomentosa (unha-de-gato), Malva sylvestris (malva), Althaea officinalis (malvaísco), Myracrodruon urundeuva (Aroeira), Lippia sidoides (Alecrim pimenta) e Glycyrrhiza glabra (Alcaçuz). Na Odontologia, pesquisas evidenciaram resultados satisfatórios para o tratamento de afecções da cavidade oral, especialmente com caráter inflamatório e infeccioso, além de aclerar a cicatrização. Esses achados apontam que a fitoterapia é um tratamento eficaz, acessível e com mínimos efeitos colaterais. Considerações finais: Com base na literatura revisada, a fitoterapia parece ser uma alternativa promissora no tratamento de afecções orais, devido aos seus notáveis efeitos cicatrizantes, antimicrobianos e anti-inflamatórios. Contudo, mais pesquisas com metodologias adequadas são necessárias para que se estabeleçam protocolos clínicos seguros e eficazes.

Introduction: Phytotherapy is based on the use of medicinal plants through different pharmaceutical formulations for therapeutic purposes. In Dentistry, phytotherapeutics have been the subject of studies due to their beneficial properties, as well as their biocompatibility, low cost, and easy accessibility. Objective: To conduct a literature review on the use of phytotherapy in Dentistry, focusing on antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and reparative effects. Materials and Methods: The search took place between February and July 2023, using PubMed and LILACS databases, in addition to a free search, crossing the descriptors "Phytotherapy," "Dentistry," "Anti-inflammatory Agents," "Anti-Infective Agents," "Wound Healing," "Fitoterapia," "Odontologia," "Anti-inflammatory," "Antimicrobial," and "Cicatrização." After an initial reading, followed by critical analysis with the application of established criteria, 50 references were selected. Development: Various plants are employed in phytotherapy, such as Aloe vera (aloe), Matricaria recutita (chamomile), Copaifera (copaiba), Punica granatum (pomegranate), Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw), Malva sylvestris (mallow), Althaea officinalis (marshmallow), Myracrodruon urundeuva (Brazilian copaiba), Lippia sidoides (rosemary pepper), and Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). In Dentistry, research has shown satisfactory results for the treatment of oral cavity conditions, especially those with inflammatory and infectious characteristics, as well as accelerating healing. These findings suggest that phytotherapy is an effective, accessible treatment with minimal side effects. Final considerations: Based on the reviewed literature, phytotherapy appears to be a promising alternative in the treatment of oral conditions due to its notable healing, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, more research with appropriate methodologies is necessary to establish safe and effective clinical protocols.

Terapêutica , Cicatrização , Odontologia , Fitoterapia , Anti-Inflamatórios , Boca
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 1-18, set-dez.2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1567809


O manejo clínico em Odontopediatria é individual, podendo variar nas diversas culturas mundiais. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura é reunir as principais diretrizes de diferentes países ao redor do mundo, incluindo o Brasil, visando identificar como em cada lugar o uso das técnicas de comportamento são aplicadas e sua eficiência. Inicialmente, foram selecionados os principais guias nacionais e internacionais, sendo eles retirados da Associação Internacional de Odontopediatria (IAPD) e Associação Americana de Odontopediatria (AAPD), além de artigos de diferentes países e continentes, como Argentina, Brasil, Europa e Ásia, também foram analisados se o protocolo dos principais guias estão condizentes com os protocolos do Departamento de Clínica Infantil da Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Os resultados obtidos nos guias para manejo clínico odontológico brasileiro, americano, internacional e os artigos estudados recomendam inicialmente utilizar técnicas menos invasivas, com o intuito proporcionar um atendimento tranquilo e sem criar traumas para a criança, uma vez que muito do comportamento não cooperativo vem de experiências anteriores traumáticas. Entretanto, técnicas avançadas podem ser utilizadas para casos mais desafiadores. Concluímos com o estudo dos guias e artigos, que o cirurgião dentista possui diversas técnicas a serem aplicadas para que o atendimento infantil seja atraumático e restabelecer saúde ao paciente.

Clinical management in Pediatric Dentistry is individual and varies across different cultures around the world. The objective of this literature review is to bring together the main guidelines from different countries around the world, including Brazil, aiming to identify how the use of behavioral techniques are applied and their efficiency in each place. Initially, the main national and international guides were selected, taken from the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD) and the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), as well as articles from different countries and continents, such as Argentina, Brazil, Europe and Asia, as well as It was analyzed whether the protocols of the main guides are consistent with the protocols of the Children's Clinic Department of the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto - USP. The results obtained in the guides for Brazilian, American and international dental clinical management and the articles studied recommend initially using less invasive techniques, with the aim of providing calm care and without creating trauma for the child, since much of the uncooperative behavior comes from previous traumatic experiences. However, advanced techniques can be used for more challenging cases. We conclude from studying the guides and articles that the dental surgeon has several techniques to be applied so that child care is atraumatic and restores health to the patient.

Odontopediatria , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças , Padrões de Prática Odontológica , Eficiência
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(3): e26003, jul-set. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572469


La investigación tiene como objetivo describir la resiliencia de los estudiantes de odontología, los factores asociados y las consecuencias en sus respectivas actividades académicas. Se realizó una investigación y recopilación de información bibliográfica especializada, en revistas indexadas de repositorios internacionales como Elsevier, PubMed Scielo, entre otras, con artículos publicados desde el 2019 hasta el 2023. La literatura ha demostrado que la resiliencia carece de una definición unánime, y su significado varía según las disciplinas que la estudian. Sin embargo, todas las definiciones hacen referencia a la capacidad de enfrentar adversidades y obtener resultados positivos. La resiliencia en estudiantes de odontología es crucial para equilibrar el crecimiento académico, la calidad del cuidado al paciente y el bienestar personal, lo que conduce a una experiencia educativa más exitosa y satisfactoria en esta profesión. También es importante resaltar que las instituciones educativas son el lugar ideal para promover la resiliencia.

The research aims to describe the resilience of dental students, the associated factors and the consequences in their respective academic activities. A research and compilation of specialised bibliographic information was carried out, in journals indexed in international repositories such as Elsevier, PubMed Scielo, among others, with articles published from 2019 to 2023. The literature has shown that resilience lacks a unanimous definition, and its meaning varies according to the disciplines that study it. However, all definitions refer to the ability to cope with adversity and achieve positive outcomes. Resilience in dental students is crucial to balancing academic growth, quality patient care and personal well-being, leading to a more successful and satisfying educational experience in this profession. It is also important to note that educational institutions are the ideal place to foster resilience.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35080, 29 ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1570459


Introdução:Na odontologia moderna, a estética vem ocupando um espaço cada vez mais expressivo, e o desejo por dentes mais brancos, a insatisfação com o alinhamento dos dentes e com a anatomia dentária, têm sido os motivos mais relevantes de procura dos pacientes nos consultórios odontológicos.Objetivo:O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever, através de relato de caso clínico, uma abordagem terapêutica estética e conservadora para fechamento de múltiplos diastemas anterossuperiores com a utilização de facetas de resina composta.Relato de caso:Paciente do sexo masculino, 21 anos de idade, procurou atendimento queixando-se de insatisfação estética pelos diastemas apresentados. Por meio de um planejamento digital das facetas em resina, com mockup e modelo impresso em 3D, as restaurações foram feitas respeitando anatomia, forma, opacidade e cores dos dentes naturais do paciente. O resultado dos procedimentos adotados foi satisfatório, demonstrando que a técnica empregada foi eficaz, sendo capaz de devolver um sorriso estético e biológico ao paciente. A odontologia contemporânea tem ofertado cada vez mais materiais com capacidade de devolver estética e função em dentes de forma minimamente invasivas, além de passar total confiabilidade em tratamentos a longo prazo, agradando o paciente desde a apresentação digital do planejamento traçado pelo cirurgião dentista com previsibilidade dos resultados, até o momento final do tratamento.Conclusões:O recontorno estético com resina composta representa uma opção funcional e de baixo custo para o tratamento de pacientes que apresentam diastemas múltiplos, principalmente em pacientes jovens pela preservação daestrutura dentária e possibilidade de reparo, sendo considerado um procedimento reversível, rápido e de baixo custo (AU).

Introduction:Aesthetics have been occupying an increasingly significant role in modern dentistry, and the desire for whiter teeth, dissatisfaction with tooth alignment, and dental anatomy concerns have been the most relevant reasons for patients seeking dental care. Objective:This article aims to describe an aesthetic and conservative therapeutic approach for closing multiple anterior upper diastemas using composite resin veneers in a clinical case report. Case report:A 21-year-old male patient sought treatment, expressing dissatisfaction with the diastemas he had. The restorations were performed using digital planning of the resin veneers with a mockup and a 3D-printed model, while respecting the patient's natural tooth anatomy, shape, opacity, and colors. The results of the adopted procedures were satisfactory, demonstrating effectiveness of the employed technique in restoring an aesthetic and biologically harmonious smile to the patient. Contemporary dentistry has been offering increasingly more materials capable of providing aesthetics and function to teeth through minimally invasive approaches. This not only ensures long-term treatment reliability, but also pleases the patient with a digital presentation of the treatment plan outlined by the dentist, predicting the results up to the final stages of the treatment. Conclusions:Aesthetic contouring using composite resin presents a functional and cost-effective option for treating patients with multiple diastemas, especially among young patients due to its preservation of dental structure, repair potential, and being considered a reversible, fast, and low-cost procedure (AU).

Introducción: En la odontología moderna, la estética viene ocupando un espacio cada vez más destacado, y las ganas de tener dientes más blancos, la insatisfacción con el alineamiento de los dientes, y la anatomía dental son las razonesmás relevantes por las cuales los pacientes acuden a las consultas odontológicas. Objetivo:El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir, a través de un relato de caso clínico, un abordaje terapéutico estético y conservador para el cierre de múltiples diastemas anterosuperiores mediante el uso de carillas de resina compuesta. Informe de caso:Paciente del sexo masculino, 21 años de edad, buscó atendimiento quejándose de insatisfacción estética debido a los diastemas presentados. A través de una planificación digital de las carillas en resina, con un mockup y un modelo impreso en 3D, las restauraciones fueron ejecutadas, respetándose la anatomía, forma, opacidad y colores de los dientes naturales del paciente. El resultado de los procedimientos adoptados fue satisfactorio y demostró que la técnica utilizada fue eficaz, siendo capaz de restituir una sonrisa estética y funcional al paciente. La odontología contemporánea viene ofreciendo cada vez más materiales con la capacidad de devolver estética y función a los dientes de maneras mínimamente invasivas, además de brindar total confiabilidad en tratamientos a largo plazo, satisfaciendo al paciente desde la presentación digital del plan trazado por el cirujano dentista con la previsibilidad de los resultados, hasta el momento final del tratamiento. Conclusiones:El recontorneado estético con resina compuesta representa una opción funcional y de bajo costo para el tratamiento de pacientes con múltiples diastemas, especialmente en pacientes jóvenes, debido a la preservación de la estructura dental y la posibilidad de reparación. Se considera, de este modo, que se trata de un procedimiento reversible, rápido y económico (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Resinas Compostas/química , Facetas Dentárias , Diastema/terapia , Estética Dentária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent ; 25(5): 707-714, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39152279


PURPOSE: Little is known about the knowledge of paediatric dentists on bruxism in children. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the knowledge of paediatric dentists on the concept, associated factors of bruxism and management of sleep bruxism (SB) in children'. METHODS: An electronic questionnaire was sent to paediatric dentists in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Information was collected on (1) characteristics of the participants; (2) the concept of bruxism; (3) diagnosis; (4) associated factors; (5) strategies for the management of SB; and (6) updated knowledge on bruxism in children. The data were analysed descriptively. RESULTS: Fifty-seven paediatric dentists participated (10.7% of the total number of professionals). A high level of agreement was found with statements on the concepts of SB (94.7%) and awake bruxism (96.5%). The main strategy for the diagnosis was the combination of a parental report and a clinical examination (79.0%). Most participants indicated that bruxism is associated with anxiety/stress (96.5%), screen use (93%), airway obstruction (91.2%), and sleep apnoea (91.2%). In suspected cases of bruxism, the dentists would send the child for assessment by other health care providers (87.7%). The management options frequently indicated were the use of an occlusal splint, aromatherapy, and homeopathy. More than 70% of them considered themselves to be updated on the issue and sought information through scientific articles and discussions with colleagues. CONCLUSION: Paediatric dentists have knowledge on the concept of bruxism and associated factors. However, further information is needed on the management of this condition in children.

Odontopediatria , Bruxismo do Sono , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Brasil , Feminino , Masculino , Criança , Inquéritos e Questionários , Odontólogos , Adulto , Bruxismo/complicações , Padrões de Prática Odontológica/estatística & dados numéricos , Competência Clínica
BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil ; 16(1): 166, 2024 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39123270


BACKGROUND/AIM: Orofacial and dental injuries in athletes, both amateur and professional, are highly prevalent. Mouthguards are devices to prevent this type of injury; however, athletes believe that the mouthguard limits their performance in the game and decreases their confidence. This study analyzed the perception that some basketball, rugby and soccer players from a public university in Colombia have about the use of mouthguards. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Comprehensive qualitative study with ethnographic approach. Twenty-nine players participated. Three data collection tools were used: semi-structured interviews, field diary and discussion groups. Content analysis was carried out using a categorical matrix and triangulation of sources. RESULTS: Participants perceive the mouthguard as a device to prevent orofacial and dental injuries, but unattractive to wear during competitions. Factors that determine the use or non-use of the mouthguard are player comfort and adaptability, communication and economic cost. CONCLUSIONS: Players' perception of mouthguards in soccer, basketball and rugby is multifactorial, and is mediated by the idea of contact risk during sports practice, prevention of orofacial injuries, influence on sports performance, comfort and adaptability to the mouthguard.

Curr Pediatr Rev ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39143876


BACKGROUND: In dental extractions, particularly when local anesthesia is used, it usually offers analgesic relief for a few hours. However, pain can become a notable concern in the immediate postoperative period due to the trauma experienced by both soft and hard oral tissues. OBJECTIVES: This systematic review aimed to evaluate the most effective strategies for managing postoperative pain in primary tooth extractions. METHODS: Two examiners conducted a search across five electronic databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, CENTRAL, and OpenGray. Studies were included if they met the following criteria after reviewing their titles and abstracts: they involved children and evaluated pain management following primary tooth extraction. Subsequently, articles that described extractions performed under any form of sedation, were not conducted under local anesthesia, in an outpatient setting, and in children aged 0 to 12 years, or were not randomized controlled trials, were excluded. RESULTS: The search yielded 374 relevant articles, of which 9 were included. Among these, 5 utilized preoperative medications as a pain management strategy, one evaluated low-level laser therapy (LLLT) postoperatively, one assessed calendula drops postoperatively, and another explored virtual reality during the procedure and arnica in solution both pre and postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Among all the strategies evaluated, the strategy involving analgesics administered 30 minutes before tooth extractions was supported by better-designed studies. However, there is a high risk of bias.

J Dent Educ ; 2024 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39118257


PURPOSE: To assess the impact of transformations in pediatric dental clinics following reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric dentistry procedures performed by dental students. METHODS: Data were collected from electronic clinical records of Integrated Dental Clinical disciplines (I, II, III, and IV) from 2018 to 2023. The procedures were categorized into phases: prevention/stabilization, restorative/definitive, and maintenance. The data were analyzed descriptively and by t-test considering the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods (α = 5%). RESULTS: During the pandemic, Integrated Dental Clinics I and III saw increased prevention/stabilization procedures percentages (92.4% and 74.3%) compared to pre-pandemic (84.9% and 70%), while Integrated Dental Clinic II and IV saw a decline (76.6% and 66.1%) compared to pre-pandemic (79.1% and 67.9%). Restorative/definitive procedures decreased in Integrated Dental Clinic I and III (5.5% and 20.3%) from pre-pandemic period (10% and 24.1%) but increased in Integrated Dental Clinic II and IV (18.3% and 26.2%) from pre-pandemic (15.3% and 25%). Maintenance procedures decreased in Integrated Dental Clinic I, II, and III (2.1%, 5%, and 5.4%) compared to pre-pandemic (5.1%, 5.6%, and 6%), except for Integrated Dental Clinic IV, which saw an increase (7.8% from 7.2%). Despite the percentage changes, no significant differences were found between the periods analyzed (p > 0.05). However, when considering the total procedures across all disciplines and phases, there was a significant decrease during the pandemic in phases 1 and 3 (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Despite the changes in pediatric dentistry procedures, the transformations within the dental clinic suggest tangible benefits for the teaching-learning process and safe patient care.

Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 12(2): e195, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119123


Objective: Compare: frequency, severity and location of dental caries between archaeological populations of the Sacsayhuamán and Machupicchu samples. Material and Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional and observational study. The variable dental caries was observed directly in the Sacsayhuamán and Machupicchu samples from the Cusco culture directorate. 39 individuals from the Sacsayhuamán sample with 566 teeth and 49 individuals from the Machupicchu sample with 467 teeth were analyzed. The unit of analysis was the tooth. The variable was statistically analyzed by frequencies and proportions and the differences were analyzed using the Chi test. -square. Results: In the Sacsayhuamán sample, pieces with cavities had a frequency of 31.8%, while in the Machupicchu sample they reached a frequency of 23,6%. Regarding the location: in the Sacsayhuamán sample: The following frequencies were obtained: occlusal caries 44,38%, coronary caries 3,37%, caries in the amelocemental line 32,58%, root caries 19,66%; while in the Machupicchu sample the following were obtained: occlusal caries in 60,91%, coronary caries in 3,62%, caries in the amelocemental line in 24,55%, root caries in 12,91%. Regarding severity, we found the following frequencies: in the Sacsayhuamán sample: enamel/cementum caries in 52,81%, dentin caries 33,71%, pulp involvement caries 13,14%, while in the Machupicchu sample: enamel/cementum caries 49,09%, cavities of dentin in (27,27%), caries involving pulp involvement 23,64%. Conclusions: When comparing the samples, differences were found with respect to the frequency of dental caries and with respect to the location, but no differences were found with respect to the severity.

Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 12(2): e196, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119131


BACKGROUND: Obesity in Mexico is an alarming problem that has been increasing in recent decades. Dietary factors make this pathology more common at younger ages and closely related to oral health. This study attempts to investigate the association between the oral health status of a Mexican population in the state of Yucatan and their dietary habits. OBJECTIVE: This study explores the relationship between oral health-related quality of life and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in a disadvantaged population in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. METHODS: The research was conducted in July 2023 in Merida, Yucatan (Mexico). The sample consisted of 109 individuals aged between 4 and 72 years old. Data analysis focused on factors such as body mass index (BMI), oral health-related quality of life, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet. RESULTS: A notable presence of caries is observed in individuals with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet (Correlation coefficient 0.040, p=0.682). This underscores the potential interaction between oral health, obesity, and dietary habits. The mean Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHIP-14Sp) score was 13.19 ±13.57, median 8.00. CONCLUSIONS: This research adds to the increasing evidence that highlights the significance of a balanced diet in enhancing the oral quality of life for people. More research is necessary to explore preventive measures and treatment to raise awareness about oral health within the community.

ANTECEDENTES: La obesidad en México es un problema alarmante que ha ido en aumento en las últimas décadas. Los factores dietéticos hacen que esta patología sea más común en edades más tempranas y muy relacionada con la salud bucal. Este estudio intenta investigar la asociación entre el estado de salud bucal de una población mexicana en el estado de Yucatán y sus hábitos alimentarios. OBJETIVO: Este estudio explora la relación entre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea en una población desfavorecida del estado de Yucatán, México. Métodos: La investigación se realizó en julio de 2023 en Mérida, Yucatán (México). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 109 individuos con edades comprendidas entre 4 y 72 años. El análisis de los datos se centró en factores como el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea. RESULTADOS: Se observa una notable presencia de caries en individuos con baja adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (coeficiente de correlación 0,040, p=0,682). Esto subraya la posible interacción entre la salud bucal, la obesidad y los hábitos alimentarios. La puntuación media de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal (OHIP-14Sp) fue 13,19 ± 13,57, mediana 8,00. CONCLUSIONES: Esta investigación se suma a la creciente evidencia que resalta la importancia de una dieta equilibrada para mejorar la calidad de vida bucal de las personas. Es necesaria más investigación para explorar medidas preventivas y tratamientos para crear conciencia sobre la salud bucal dentro de la comunidad.

J Dent Res ; 103(9): 863-869, 2024 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39104034


In 2020, the Brazilian federal government launched the "Prevent Brazil" program to incentivize cities to improve their performance across 7 health care indicators, including prenatal dental care. Our study examines the impact of this policy on the use of oral health care among pregnant women in Brazil. We used a series of cross-sectional data from the Brazilian Public Health System from 2018 to 2023. We linked publicly available data from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Our outcome was the proportion of pregnant women receiving prenatal care who had at least 1 dental visit during the past year. Covariates included city-level socioeconomic (income and literacy), demographic (gender, race, and urban areas), and workforce variables (number of dentists working in the public health system per city/year). We estimated the impact of the policy on prenatal dental visits nationwide and stratified by geographic region using interrupted time-series analysis. Our analyses included 99.9% of all Brazilian cities (n = 5,562). The use of oral health care among pregnant women increased from 15% in 2018 to 69% in 2023. Adjusted estimates show that, after initiation of the Prevent Brazil, dental care use among pregnant women increased nationally at a rate of 4.6 percentage points per 4-mo period (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.5; 4.7). The policy's largest impact was in the North and Northeast regions, which have the lowest socioeconomic profiles (adjusted time-series rate 5.7 [95% CI 5.3; 6.1] and 5.2 [5.0; 5.4] percent points, respectively). Our findings support the positive impact of the Prevent Brazil policy on prenatal dental care in Brazil. The policy was associated with a countrywide improvement in prenatal dental care use, with a greater impact in socioeconomically disadvantaged regions.

Assistência Odontológica , Política de Saúde , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Humanos , Brasil , Cuidado Pré-Natal/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Gravidez , Assistência Odontológica/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Fatores Socioeconômicos
BMC Oral Health ; 24(1): 928, 2024 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39127650


INTRODUCTION: Edentulism is the partial or total loss of teeth, it is irreversible and disabling due to its sequelae in the masticatory, phonetic and aesthetic function that affect the quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To establish the impact of edentulism and sociodemographic factors on the quality of life of the Salvadoran population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Secondary cross-sectional analysis of data in 3322 users of the Public Health System of El Salvador, aged 15 to > 60 years. The variables under study were sociodemographic, edentulismo and quality of life. Edentulism was determined by clinical examination using the Oral Impact on Daily Performance scale. The statistical analysis was performed using χ2, OR, multiple regression analysis and set the significance threshold at p < 0.05. RESULTS: Partial edentulism in the upper jaw was present in 68.24% people, partial edentulism in the lower jaw was present in 72.42% people and complete edentulism was observed in 2.02% people. There were significant sex differences and a relationship between sex and quality of life (p < 0.004); the self-perception of severe/very severe impacts was greater in women. People without education or with primary or secondary education only were the most affected (p < 0.05). Tooth loss increases with age, affecting quality of life in a severe/very severe manner. Complete edentulism had greater impacts on quality of life in terms of eating (25.64%), speaking (21.15%), and socializing/enjoying contact with people (10.90%). A severe/very severe impact on quality of life of teeth lost was reported mainly by those over 60 years of age, with an average of 11 missing posterior teeth, 6 missing anterior teeth and 13 missing teeth per patient. Those missing up to 6 anterior teeth were times more likely to perceive severe/very severe impacts on quality of life than those without any missing teeth (OR:5.788). Edentulism affected the quality of life of those examined, especially the loss of upper anterior teeth.

Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , El Salvador , Fatores Sexuais , Escolaridade , Boca Edêntula/epidemiologia , Boca Edêntula/psicologia , Idoso
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 9-14, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553271


Restaurações diretas em resina composta são amplamente utilizadas em odontologia para restaurar dentes posteriores. Todavia, quando há grande destruição coronária, onde a distância do istmo excede dois terços da distância intercuspídea, as restaurações indiretas em resina composta são indicadas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar a análise de um prontuário de um paciente que recebeu uma restauração indireta em resina composta em dente posterior amplamente destruído. Através da análise de prontuários de pacientes atendidos nas disciplinas de Estágios Supervisionados do Curso de Odontologia da FSG Centro Universitário no ano de 2023, foi selecionado um prontuário de um paciente que compareceu a clínica odontológica da FSG com uma restauração em amálgama fraturada com reparo em resina composta que apresentou sintomatologia dolorosa. O procedimento diagnóstico ocorreu através de exame clínico e radiográfico, que constatou a indicação de substituição da restauração insatisfatória e realização de uma restauração indireta em resina composta. Os resultados estéticos e funcionais apresentados demostraram a viabilidade da técnica restauradora indireta em resina composta para reabilitar dentes posteriores com ampla destruição coronária(AU)

Direct composite resin restoration are widely used in dentistry to restore posterior teeth. However, when there is large coronary destruction, that the distance from the isthmus exceeds two- thirds of the intercuspal distance, indirect composite resin restorations are indicated. This study aimed to report the analysis of a dental record of a patient who received an indirect restoration in composite resin in a badly destroyed posterior tooth. Through the analysis of dental records of patients seen in the disciplines of Supervised Internship of the Dentistry Course at FSG Centro Universitário in the year 2023, the dental record of a patient who attended the FSG dental clinic with fractured amalgam restoration with composite resin repair was selected who had painful symptoms. The diagnostic procedure took place through clinical and radiographic examination, which revealed the indication of replacing the unsatisfactory restoration and carrying out an indirect restoration in composite resin.The aesthetic and functional results presented demonstrated the viability of the indirect composite resin restoration technique for rehabilitating posterior teeth with extensive coronal destruction(AU)

Resinas Compostas , Restauração Dentária Permanente , Reparação de Restauração Dentária , Assistência Odontológica
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 24-33, maio-ago. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553292


Os dentistas são um grupo de alto risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças de desordens musculoesqueléticas e tendo em vista que o sistema de produção industrial desenvolve produtos que atendem a maioria da população destra, os estudantes canhotos precisam se adequar a uma formação acadêmica, usando instrumentais, cadeiras odontológicas eoutros objetos projetados para destros. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a coletade informações sobre os canhotos nos cursos de Odontologia da cidade de Uberlândia ­Minas Gerais. Foram incluídos todos os alunos canhotos matriculados no ano de 2022 e que estavam cursando ou já cursaram disciplinas com atividades laboratoriais ou clínicas. Questionários foram aplicados para identificação do perfil, das dificuldades, da ergonomia e das dores osteomusculares dos alunos canhotos em suas atividades. Os dados foram em seguida tabulados e passaram por análise estatística. Da quantidade total de alunos das três instituições (n=1.578), foram entrevistados 45 (2,8%) alunos canhotos, sendo a maioria feminina (80%), na qual identificou-se um posicionamento inadequado do operador canhoto quando comparado ao preconizado pela ISO-FDI, além da limitação de movimento na presença de auxiliar (82,2%). Os locais com maior frequência de dor/desconforto foram: pescoço (79%), costas superior esquerda (63%) e inferior esquerda (61%) e punhos/ mãos esquerda (56%). A intensidade da dor variou entre alguma, moderada e bastante. O impedimento de realizar atividades diárias foi relatado por 17% dos alunos (n=7) e destes somente 1 buscou atendimento médico. Não houve diferença estatística na comparação entre instituição pública e privada. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que os canhotos representam minoria dos alunos de Odontologia e apresentam várias regiões de dor/ desconforto devido às adaptações e posturas erradas durante os atendimentos. Apesar de grande parte apresentar dor, poucos tiveram impedimento de atividades rotineiras ou procuraram ajuda médica(AU)

Dentists are a high risk group for the development of musculoskeletal disorders and considering that the industrial production system develops products that serve the majority of the right-handed population, lefthanded students need to adapt to an academic training, using instruments, dental chairs and other objects designed for right-handers. This study aimed to collect information about left-handers in Dentistry courses in the city of Uberlândia - Minas Gerais. All left- handed students enrolled in the year 2022 and who were taking or had taken courses with laboratory or clinical activities were included. Questionnaires were applied to identify the profile, difficulties, ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain of left-handed students in their activities. The data were tabulated and then undergo statistical analysis. Of the total number of students from the three institutions (n=1,578), 45 (2.8%) left-handed students were interviewed, the majority being female (80%), in which an inadequate positioning of the left-handed operator was identified when compared to the recommended one by ISO-FDI, in addition to limitation of movement in the presence of an assistant (82.2%). The places with the highest frequency of pain/discomfort were: neck (79%), upper left back (63%) and lower left back (61%) and left wrists/hands (56%). The intensity of pain varied between some, moderate and a lot. The impediment to carrying out daily activities was reported by 17% of the students (n=7) and of these, only 1 sought medical attention. There was no statistical difference when comparing public and private institutions. In view of the results, it was concluded that left-handers represent a minority of dentistry students and have several regions of pain/discomfort due to adaptations and wrong postures during consultations. Although most of them had pain, few were prevented from performing routine activities or sought medical help(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lateralidade Funcional , Dorso
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 58-64, maio-ago. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553299


A assistência odontológica é imprescindível para a prevenção de doenças infecciosas e para a manutenção da integridade da cavidade oral de pacientes internatos em unidades de terapia intensiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento e as práticas de higiene oral dos acadêmicos do curso de Enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior, que realizam estágio em hospital, no controle de higiene bucal de pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. Participaram do estudo 40 alunos, que responderam 14 perguntas com o intuito de avaliar o conhecimento e as práticas no controle de higiene bucal, realizadas por eles, em pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. Os resultados demonstraram que os acadêmicos entrevistados tinham idade média de 25,8 anos, sendo 95% do sexo feminino e apenas 5% do sexo masculino. Destes, 42,5% afirmaram não haver presença de um Cirurgião-Dentista em ambiente hospitalar e 82,5% responderam que o responsável pela saúde bucal dos pacientes é do técnico de enfermagem. Quanto aos cuidados em pacientes internados em UTI, 52,5% dos entrevistados relataram que estes pacientes recebem higienização bucal, porém 30% alegaram que esta pratica não era realizada e 17,5% não sabiam responder. Além disso, 47,5% dos entrevistados afirmam ter insegurança ao realizar os procedimentos de higiene bucal dos pacientes. Pode-se concluir que os acadêmicos entrevistados possuem bom conhecimento acerca da importância dos cuidados com a saúde bucal dos pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. No entanto, ainda existem muitas dúvidas relacionadas ao manejo clínico de procedimentos de promoção de saúde bucal, que poderiam ser solucionados com a presença de um profissional de Odontologia inserido em uma equipe multidisciplinar(AU)

Oral care is essential for the prevention of infectious diseases and for maintaining the integrity of the oral cavity of patients hospitalized in intensive care units. The objective of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and oral hygiene practices of Nursing students at a higher education institution, who carry out internships in a hospital, in controlling the oral hygiene of patients admitted to a hospital environment. 40 students participated in the study, who answered 14 questions with the aim of evaluating the knowledge and practices in controlling oral hygiene, carried out by them, on patients hospitalized in a hospital environment. The results demonstrated that the academics interviewed had an average age of 25.8 years, with 95% being female and only 5% being male. Of these, 42.5% stated that there was no presence of a Dental Surgeon in a hospital environment and 82.5% responded that the nursing technician is responsible for the patients' oral health. Regarding care for patients admitted to the ICU, 52.5% of those interviewed reported that these patients receive oral hygiene, however 30% claimed that this practice was not performed and 17.5% did not know how to answer. Furthermore, 47.5% of those interviewed say they are insecure when carrying out oral hygiene procedures for patients. It can be concluded that the academics interviewed have good knowledge about the importance of oral health care for patients hospitalized in a hospital environment. However, there are still many doubts related to the clinical management of oral health promotion procedures, which could be resolved with the presence of a dentistry professional within a multidisciplinary team(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pacientes Internados
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 24(1): 6-13, jan.-mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1563226


Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas sobre as manifestações orais de doenças autoimunes. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo analítico, observacional e transversal do tipo inquérito. O universo foi composto por Cirurgiões-Dentistas devidamente cadastrados nos Conselhos Regionais de Odontologia (CRO) do Brasil, atuantes tanto em instituições ou consultórios privados quanto em instituições públicas. A amostra foi constituída por conveniência e a participação dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas foi realizada através de formulários digitais que foram enviados aos e-mails e redes sociais dos profissionais. Ao todo 111 Cirurgiões-Dentistas participaram da pesquisa. Resultados: Do total de indivíduos que constituíram a amostra, 45,9% foi do gênero feminino e 54,1% do gênero masculino, com idades entre 22-46 anos, média de 29,57 ± 6,10. Quando avaliada a média percentual de acertos dos participantes da pesquisa, a amostra de Cirurgiões-Dentistas demonstrou um moderado conhecimento acerca das manifestações orais de doenças imunologicamente media[1]das e autoimunes (M=63,6%; DM= 23,4; DP= 29,1). Conclusão: Os Cirurgiões-Dentistas ainda demonstram uma carência considerável de conhecimento acerca de doenças imunomediadas e autoimunes, dificultando a realização de diagnósticos precoces e tratamentos adequados. A maioria dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas demonstra desconhecer completamente qual terapêutica deve ser adotada corretamente para cada caso... (AU)

Objective: To assess the level of knowledge of dentists about the oral manifestations of autoimmune diseases. Methodology: This is an analytical, observational and cross-sectional study of the survey type. The universe was composed of Dental Surgeons duly registered in the Regional Councils of Dentistry (CRO) in Brazil, working both in institutions or private offices and in public institutions. The sample was constituted for convenience and the participation of the Dental Surgeons was carried out through digital forms that were sent to the professionals' e-mails and social networks. A total of 111 Dental Surgeons participated in the survey. Results: Of the total number of individuals who constituted the sample, 45.9% were female and 54.1% were male, aged between 22-46 years, mean of 29.57 ± 6.10. When the average percentage of correct answers of the research participants was evaluated, the sample of Dental Surgeons demon[1]strated a moderate knowledge about the oral manifestations of immunologically mediated and autoimmune diseases (M=63.6%; DM= 23.4; SD= 29, 1). Conclusion: Dental surgeons still demonstrate a considerable lack of knowledge about immune-mediated and autoimmune diseases, making it difficult to carry out early diagnoses and adequate treatments. Most dentists are completely unaware of which therapy should be correctly adopted for each case... (AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimiento de los odontólogos sobre las manifestaciones bucales de las enfermedades autoinmunes. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio analítico, observacional y transversal del tipo encuesta. El universo estuvo compuesto por Cirujanos Dentistas debidamente registrados en los Consejos Regionales de Odontología (CRO) de Brasil, actuando tanto en instituciones o consultorios privados como en instituciones públicas. La muestra se constituyó por conveniencia y la participación de los Cirujanos Dentistas se realizó a través de formularios digitales que fueron enviados a los correos electrónicos y redes sociales de los profesionales. Un total de 111 Cirujanos Dentales participaron en la encuesta. Resultados: Del total de individuos que constituyeron la muestra, el 45,9% eran del sexo femenino y el 54,1% del sexo masculino, con edades entre 22-46 años, media de 29,57 ± 6,10. Cuando se evaluó el porcentaje promedio de respuestas correctas de los participantes de la investigación, la muestra de Cirujanos Dentistas demostró un conocimiento moderado sobre las manifestaciones orales de las enfermedades inmunológicas y autoinmunes (M=63,6%; DM= 23,4; DE= 29,1). Conclusión: Los cirujanos dentistas aún demuestran un desconocimiento considerable sobre las enfermedades inmunomediadas y autoinmunes, lo que dificulta la realización de diagnósticos tempranos y tratamientos adecuados. La mayoría de los odontólogos desconocen por completo qué terapia se debe adoptar correctamente para cada caso... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Mucosa Bucal
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 24(1): 55-62, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1572051


Objetivo: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa cujo objetivo foi sumarizar a literatura atual referente à documentação odontológica e suas aplicações, relacionada à responsabilidade civil do cirurgião-dentista. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Periódicos CAPES, e na literatura cinza (Google Acadêmico) entre agosto e setembro de 2022, bem como em endereços eletrônicos oficiais para busca de leis e normativas, utilizando a combinação dos descritores: "documentação", "responsabilidade legal", "odontologia" e "odontologia legal". Resultados: Encontrou-se dez publicações no âmbito da odontologia forense quatro relacionadas à documentação odontológica (prontuários, termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, odontograma, imagens), quatro em relação as ações judiciais, uma sobre prescrição de medicamentos e uma sobre notificação dos casos suspeitos e confirmados de violência. Conclusão: As universidades, instituições de ensino superior e as unidades de saúde tem um papel importante na formação e capacitação do odontólogo para o preenchimento correto das prescrições de medicamentos, de prontuário, de notificações compulsórias, armazenamento de documentos odontológicos, bem como, esclarecimento sobre responsabilidade subjetiva e objetiva do cirurgião dentista, dano e nexo causal... (AU)

Objective: This is an integrative review whose objective was to summarize the current literature regarding dental documentation and its applications, related to the civil liability of the dental surgeon. Methodology: A search was carried out in the databases PubMed, LILACS, Scielo and Periódicos CAPES, and in gray literature (Google Scholar) between August and September 2022, as well as in official electronic addresses to search for laws and regulations, using the combination of descriptors: "documentation", "legal responsibility", "dentistry" and "legal dentistry". Results: Ten publications were found in the field of forensic dentistry, four related to dental documentation (medical records, informed consent form, odontogram, images), four related to legal actions, one on medication prescription and one on case notification suspected and confirmed cases of violence. Conclusion: Universities, higher education institutions and health units have an important role in training and qualifying dentists to correctly fill out medication prescriptions, medical records, compulsory notifications, and storage of dental documents, as well as, clarification on the dentist's subjective and objective liability, damage and causal link... (AU)

Objetivo: Se trata de una revisión integradora cuyo objetivo fue resumir la literatura actual sobre la documentación odontológica y sus aplicaciones, relacionadas con la responsabilidad civil del cirujano dentista. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, LILACS, Scielo y Periódicos CAPES, y en literatura gris (Google Scholar) entre agosto y septiembre de 2022, así como en direcciones electrónicas oficiales para buscar leyes y regulaciones, utilizando la combinación de descriptores: "documentación", "responsabilidad legal", "odontología" y "odontología legal". Resultados: Se encontraron diez publicaciones en el campo de la odontología forense, cuatro relacionadas con documentación odontológica (historia médica, consentimiento informado, odontograma, imágenes), cuatro relacionadas con acciones legales, una sobre prescripción de medicamentos y una sobre notificación de casos sospechosos y confirmados. de violencia. Conclusión: Las universidades, instituciones de educación superior y unidades de salud tienen un papel importante en la formación y calificación de los odontólogos para el correcto llenado de recetas de medicamentos, historias clínicas, notificaciones obligatorias y almacenamiento de documentos odontológicos. así como, aclaración sobre la responsabilidad subjetiva y objetiva del odontólogo, daño y nexo causal... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pacientes , Prontuários Médicos , Responsabilidade Legal , Responsabilidade Civil , Odontologia Legal
J. Oral Diagn ; 9Jul. 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1571113


Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the main characteristics of this disease in relation to diagnosis, clinical aspects, progression and treatment as well as correlating them with remission time. Material and Methods: A systematic search was performed following the guidelines given by PRISMA and the Joanna Briggs Institute. PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus were the databases used. Results: The final analysis resulted in 108 articles with 173 clinical cases. The longest remission time for signs and symptoms (>7 weeks) was registered among male patients (p = 0.02) and outside the oral cavity; however no significant correlation was observed (p>0.05). A high risk of bias was the most common rating among the articles analyzed (55%); followed by moderate (27%) and low (18%). The lack of standardization in clinical case report descriptions made it difficult to gain a thorough knowledge of the essential characteristics of the NS patho-logical processes. Conclusion: It is recommended that publications follow the standards recommended by the literature; in addition, studies using advanced technologies to better understand NS's pathological path are recommended so as to propose effective treatments for this disease. (AU)

Humanos , Glândulas Salivares , Sialometaplasia Necrosante , Odontologia Baseada em Evidências , Patologia Bucal , Diagnóstico
Dent J (Basel) ; 12(7)2024 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056988


Background: Antibiotic pastes used as intracanal medication in cases of revascularization therapy might cause negative effects on tooth properties, such as a reduction in dentin microhardness. This in vitro study investigated dentin microhardness in three different locations distancing from the canal lumen after 20 days of treatment with a tri-antibiotic paste (ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline), and with a double-antibiotic paste (ciprofloxacin and metronidazole), with calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] UltracalTM XS-treated dentin as comparison. Material and Methods: Human mandibular premolars (n = 48) had the root canals cleaned and shaped and were used to produce dentin slices. Dentin slices remained immersed in the medications for 20 days. The Knoop microhardness (KHN) test was performed before (baseline/Day-0) and after treatment (Day-20) with the medications. Indentations were made at 25 µm, 50 µm, and 100 µm distances from the root canal lumen. The KHN was compared intra-group using Wilcoxon's test. Independent groups were compared using Mann-Whitney's and Kruskal-Wallis' tests, at α = 5%. Results: The microhardness in all the tested groups was reduced at Day-20 in comparison with Day-0 (p < 0.001) (intra-group comparison/same distances). The Day-0 values were similar, and the Day-20 values were higher for the Ca(OH)2 group (p < 0.05) (comparison between groups/same distances). Conclusions: Calcium hydroxide for 20 days would be preferred rather than antibiotic pastes to minimize the expected reduction in dentin microhardness during regenerative procedures.