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Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 64(2): 21-26, dic. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537813


OBJETIVO: describir el estado ácido base en pacientes obstétricas críticamente enfermas a muy alta altitud, al momento de su ingreso a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: estudio descriptivo transversal. Se incluyen todas las pacientes obstétricas internadas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Adultos del Hospital del Norte de la ciudad de El Alto, La Paz a 4150 metros sobre el nivel del mar, ingresadas en el periodo enero 2019-enero 2022. RESULTADOS: se ingresaron 79 pacientes, con media de edad de 29 años (desviación estándar 8.06 años), 52 casos (66%) por preeclampsia severa, 14 casos (18%) por hemorragia obstétrica, 8 casos (10%) por sepsis obstétrica y 5 (6%) por diagnósticos diversos como taquicardia supraventricular e intoxicaciones, existieron 8 pacientes fallecidas (10% de mortalidad) destacando la sepsis obstétrica con mayor fallecimiento y mayor tiempo de internación. CONCLUSIÓN: los cambios fisiológicos propios del embarazo, la convierten en una paciente de riesgo, identificando la diferencia de iones fuertes aparente y abreviada como posibles factores pronóstico en la paciente obstétrica en estado crítico. PALABRAS CLAVE: estado acido-base, obstetricia crítica, gran altitud

OBJECTIVE: to describe the acid base status in critically ill obstetric patients at very high altitude, at the time of admission to the Intensive Care Unit. METHODOLOGY: retrospective descriptive study. All obstetric patients admitted to the Adult Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital del Norte in the city of El Alto, La Paz at 4150 meters above sea level, in the period January 2019-January 2022, are included. RESULTS: 79 patients were admitted, with a mean age of 29 years (standard deviation 8.06 years), 52 cases (66%) due to severe preeclampsia, 14 cases (18%) due to obstetric hemorrhage, 8 cases (10%) due to obstetric sepsis. and 5 (6%) due to various diagnoses such as supraventricular tachycardia and poisoning, there were 8 deceased patients (10% mortality), highlighting obstetric sepsis with the highest death rate and longest hospital stay. DISCUSSION: the physiological changes during pregnancy make her a risk patient, identifying the apparent and abbreviated strong ion difference as possible prognostic factors in the critically ill obstetric patient

Humanos , Adulto , Gravidez , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva
Clin Invest Ginecol Obstet ; : 100906, 2023 Jun 29.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38620219


There is very limited evidence regarding the use of prone position as part of the treatment of severe ARDS in pregnant patients. Currently, recommendations for invasive ventilatory management in this population are very scarce and are based on the extrapolation of conclusions obtained in studies of non-pregnant patients. The available literature asserts that the anatomy and physiology of the pregnant woman undergoes complex adaptive changes that must be considered during invasive ventilatory support and prone position. With prone ventilation, the benefits obtained for the couple far outweigh the eventual risks. Adequate programming of the mechanical ventilator correlates with a clear and simple concept: individualization of support. In any case, the decision on the timing of termination of pregnancy should be based on adequate multidisciplinary clinical judgment and should be supported by strict monitoring of the product.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 45(3): 202-206, jul.-sep. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409788


Resumen: La identificación de múltiples factores de riesgo que predisponen a la hemorragia durante el evento obstétrico, como la hemofilia adquirida que es un trastorno que se desarrolla por la generación de autoanticuerpos inhibidores de factores de la coagulación, la interpretación objetiva de las pruebas de laboratorio rutinarias, el desarrollo de un pensamiento sistematizado en la integración diagnóstico-terapéutica por parte del personal de salud, y la disposición de los recursos farmacológicos hospitalarios, es lo que determina frecuentemente el pronóstico en pacientes obstétricas con morbilidad extrema que requieren atención multidisciplinaria en las diferentes unidades hospitalarias del sector salud de nuestro país. El objetivo es presentar un caso clínico de morbilidad extrema por hemofilia adquirida, su presentación clínica, evolución y desenlace fatal. Se presenta un caso referido de otra unidad del Sector Salud ISEM (Instituto de Salud del Estado de México), atendido en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Obstétricos del Hospital «Mónica Pretelini Sáenz¼, resaltando la importancia en la integración diagnóstico-terapéutica y la interacción multifactorial de variables relacionadas con su desenlace fatal. Conclusiones: Desconocimiento de la patología, retraso en el diagnóstico, múltiples procedimientos condicionantes de hemorragia iatrógena y la limitación en recursos terapéuticos son factores que contribuyen a un desenlace fatal.

Abstract: The identification of multiple risk factors that predispose to bleeding during the obstetric event, such as acquired hemophilia, which is a disorder that develops due to the generation of autoantibodies that inhibit coagulation factors, the objective interpretation of routine laboratory tests , the development of systematized thinking in diagnostic-therapeutic integration by health personnel, and the provision of hospital pharmacological resources, is what frequently determines the prognosis in obstetric patients with extreme morbidity who require multidisciplinary care in the different hospital units of the health sector of our country. The objective is to present a clinical case of extreme morbidity due to acquired hemophilia, its clinical presentation, evolution and fatal outcome. A case referred from another unit of the ISEM (Instituto de Salud del Estado de México) Health Sector, treated at the Obstetric Intensive Care Unit of the «Mónica Pretelini Sáenz¼ Hospital, is presented, highlighting the importance of diagnostic-therapeutic integration, and the multifactorial interaction of variables related to its fatal outcome. Conclusions: Ignorance of the pathology, delay in diagnosis, multiple conditioning procedures of iatrogenic hemorrhage and the limitation in therapeutic resources are factors that contribute to a fatal outcome.