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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 334-350, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430603


Resumen El consumo se ha instaurado en las sociedades posmodernas como un medio regulador de las relaciones sociales. En este contexto, la compra compulsiva se establece como patológica y genera un malestar psicológico significativo en las personas, al punto de deteriorar el funcionamiento social y profesional. A esto se suman graves problemas económicos como producto del endeudamiento. Bajo este escenario, los jóvenes son particularmente sensibles, ya que con el consumo acceden a objetos simbólicos que forman parte de su construcción de identidad. Una dimensión relacionada con la compra compulsiva y el acceso al consumo bajo elementos simbólicos es la discrepancia del yo, la cual establece la distancia entre quién soy y quién me gustaría ser de acuerdo a patrones sociales que motivan el consumo como extensión del sujeto y materialización de la propia identidad. En base a lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el efecto de la discrepancia del yo sobre las actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. A través de una regresión lineal múltiple se aprecia que la discrepancia del yo físico (belleza), económico y el sexo son predictores significativos de la compra compulsiva. De igual manera, se observa que las mujeres son un grupo con mayores puntuaciones en cuanto a las compras compulsivas que los hombres, las cuales pueden verse mayormente afectadas por el contexto, y las campañas de marketing pueden influir en una mayor brecha entre el yo real y el yo ideal.

Abstract Consumption has been established in postmodern societies as a means of regulating social relations. In this context, compulsive buying could be established as pathological, creating significant psychological discomfort in people, to the point of impairing social and professional functioning, coupled with serious economic problems resulting from indebtedness. Along the same lines, in the construction of a social identity and a socially shared reality, consumption patterns arise that are linked to what the public should be and what they want to be. Therefore, while compulsive buying has been conceptualized for decades, it is a substantial threat to psychological and financial well-being. Few studies have explored the link between self-discrepancy and compulsive buying within an identity construction context. In this scenario, it is young people who become particularly sensitive, since with consumption they access symbolic objects that are part of their identity construction and a dimension related to compulsive buying. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that access to the consumption of symbolic elements is self-discrepancy. That is why this research aims at determining the effect of the self-discrepancy on attitudes towards compulsive buying in Chilean university students. The study uses a quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental cross-sectional design. Study sample was comprised of 1 229 Chilean university students, who responded to the scale of attitudes towards consumption, the self-discrepancy scale, and answered questions for sociodemographic characterization including: gender (male/female), age, geographical area of residence (rural/urban), people with whom they live, and whether they have any bank credit cards. Prior to data collection, a letter was sent to Faculty Deans and Program Directors of all the universities associated with the Council of Rectors of Chile; these letters described the aims of the study, and requested information and authorization for the distribution of the instrument previously described. It is important to indicate that, after this, a random sampling process was initiated, after which each participant was contacted, so that they could sign an informed consent form, thus ensuring the anonymity ethical guidelines of the study. The data was processed through SPSS version 22 software, looking for the presence of univariate and multivariate outliers through Z-scores and Mahalanobis distance. A descriptive analysis of the variables was then carried out based on the dispersion, central trend and shape measurements. Subsequently, the data was analysed through bivariate statistics through Pearson correlations, to indicate into empirical relationships between compulsive purchase as a dependent variable and sociodemographic variables (sex and bank credit card holding) and the dimensions associated with the self-discrepancy (intellectual, physical, physical beauty, personal, social, emotional and economic) as independent variables. Once the behaviour of the variables was observed, a hierarchical multiple linear regression was performed. Regarding the results of this research, multiple linear regression shows that physical self-discrepancy (beauty), economic self-discrepancy and gender are significant predictors of compulsive buying. Similarly, it is noted that women are a group with higher scores in terms of compulsive purchases than men, which may be mostly affected by the context, where marketing campaigns can influence a greater gap between the real self and the ideal self.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 30(3): 338-346, sep.-dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-669247


Este artículo plantea la posibilidad de abordar la construcción de identidades en médicos desde el análisis de campo planteado por Pierre Bourdieu. La pregunta que dirige la revisión es: ¿cómo es la aplicación de la teoría de campo en la construcción de identidad? Inicialmente se desarrolla un breve recorrido sobre la integración micro/macro y acción/estructura en la sociología contemporánea hasta llegar a la teoría de los campos; luego se presenta el concepto de identidad desde la distinguibilidad; y finalmente, a manera de ejemplo, se considera la aplicación del análisis de campo en la aproximación teórico-metodológica del campo médico.

This paper presents the possibility of addressing the issue of identity construction from the standpoint of Pierre Bourdieu’s field analysis. The question addressed in the review is ''how is field theory applied to identity construction?'' Initially, a brief overview of the micro/macro and action/structure integration in contemporary sociology is presented together with Bourdieu’s field theory. Then, the concept of identity is presented from the standpoint of distinguishability. Finally, and as an example, the authors discuss the application of field analysis to the theoretical and methodological approach of the medical field.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 8(2): 809-820, jul.-dec. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-605044


Los procesos de socialización y construcción de identidad de los niños y niñas, vistos desde lamulticulturalidad y las actuales problemáticas que los afectan, son tema central de reflexión en este artículo. Eneste empeño se retoman aspectos teóricos y conceptuales de importantes investigadores e investigadoras sociales quehan convertido en objeto de reflexión y comprensión estos cruciales temas. Así mismo, se retoman diversos aspectosde los grupos sociales, sus características culturales y su incidencia en la formación de las nuevas generaciones.

Os processos de socialização e construção de identidade dos meninos e das meninas, vistos a partirda multiculturalidade e as problemáticas atuais que os afetam são o assunto central da reflexão apresentadaneste artigo. Com este propósito retomam-se aspectos teóricos e conceptuais de pesquisadores e pesquisadorassociais importantes os quais tem tornado em objeto de reflexão e compreensão estes assuntos tão significativos.Igualmente, retomam-se vários aspectos da formação das novas gerações.

Children socialization processes and identity construction are seen from multicultural pointof view, current issues affecting these processes are the central theme of discussion in this article. To advance inthis direction we base on the conceptual and theoretical thinking of important social researchers on these crucialissues. Also we have reflected on the cultural characteristics of different social groups, and their impact on thesocialization of the new generations.

Cultura , Socialização
Trastor. ánimo ; 6(1): 57-64, ene.-jun. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-594254


For the analysis of a clinical case I’ve chosen a woman that belongs to the latin-american artistic history, and that was also Pablo Neruda’s partner for nearly twenty years. Delia del Carril’s life is colored by the effort and the defence of social ideals of change, which did not free her from dealing with the difficulties and costs that this implied. However, she can be looked as a stoic and strong woman concerned about her beliefs and personal decisions. “The Ant” is personified in this article from a narrative/constructivist perspective, referring to personal myths and the process of identity construction to reveal some social and ideological elements that are important, and to be considered in therapeutic work

A modo de análisis de caso clínico, he elegido a una mujer que forma parte de la historia artística de Latinoamérica, además de haber sido pareja por veinte años del vate Pablo Neruda. La vida de Delia del Carril está teñida por el esfuerzo y la defensa de ideales de cambio social, frente a lo cual no queda exenta de la vivencia de las dificultades y costos que esto implicaba. Sin embargo, se observa como una mujer estoica y firme respecto de sus creencias y opciones. “La Hormiga” es personificada en este trabajo desde una perspectiva narrativo/constructivista, tomando los mitos personales y el proceso de construcción de identidad para hacer alusión a ciertos elementos sociales e ideológicos que son relevantes de ser considerados en el trabajoterapéutico

Humanos , Feminino , Status Social , Arte/história , Personalidade , Psicologia Social