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Kinesiologia ; 43(1)20240315.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552600


Introducción. Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) en Chile corresponden a la segunda causa de muerte en menores de 1 año, requiriendo cirugías paliativas y/o correctivas el 65% de estas. En el post operatorio frecuentemente se utiliza ventilación mecánica invasiva (VM) y succión endotraqueal (SET) para remover secreciones. Sin embargo, la kinesiología respiratoria (KTR) ha mostrado mejoras significativas en la distensibilidad toracopulmonar (Cest) y resistencia de vía aérea (Rva) en otros grupos de usuarios pediátricos y adultos en VM. Objetivo. Comparar los cambios en la Cest y Rva en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita (CCC) sometidos a KTR versus SET exclusiva. Métodos. Revisión sistemática de estudios publicados en bases de datos PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo y Google Scholar que comparan el uso de KTR ó SET sobre los cambios en mecánica ventilatoria en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita, limitados a inglés, español y portugués, excluyendo a sujetos con traqueostomía o con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea. Se utilizó guía PRISMA para la selección de artículos. Se revisaron 397 artículos y se seleccionó 1 artículo extra de los artículos sugeridos. Se eliminó 1 artículo por duplicidad. Por títulos y resúmenes se seleccionaron 2 artículos, los cuales al leer el texto completo fueron retirados debido a que la población no correspondía a cardiópatas. Resultados. El final de artículos seleccionados fue de 0 artículos, debido a lo cual se removió el operador Booleano "NOT", y se removió la población de cardiopatías. De este modo quedaron 2 artículos seleccionados para la revisión cualitativa final donde se compara KTR versus SET, y KTR en kinesiólogos especialistas y no especialistas, mostrando ambos aumento en la Cest y disminución de la Rva a favor de la KTR, hasta los 30 minutos post intervención. Conclusiones. No se encontraron artículos que demuestren cambios en Cest y Rva con el uso de KTR + SET versus SET exclusiva, en usuarios pediátricos ventilados posterior a CCC. Con la remoción de filtros seleccionamos 2 artículos que demuestran aumento de Cest y disminución de Rva en sujetos pediátricos en VM, uno comparando con SET, y por grupos de especialistas y no especialistas en respiratorio. Se sugieren estudios primarios para evaluar los efectos de esta intervención en esta población.

Introduction. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are the second general cause for children death under 1 year. In Chile, approximately 65% CHD need surgery, could was palliative or corrective. In the postoperative period, invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) is frequently used as a life support method, but it is associated with complications. Tracheal suction (SET) is regularly used to remove secretions; however, respiratory chest physiotherapy (KTR) has shown significant improvements in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in other groups of pediatrics and adult's users in MV. Objetive. to compare changes in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in pediatric subjects under mechanical ventilation after congenital heart disease surgery comparing chest physiotherapy and exclusive tracheal suction. Methods. systematic review of studies published in PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo and Google Scholar databases who compares KTR or SET use on changes in ventilatory mechanics in pediatric users under MV after congenital heart disease surgery, limited to English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, excluding user with tracheostomy or extracorporeal membrane of oxygenation. It was use the PRISMA guide to articles selection. A search was carried out, with a total of 397 articles reviewed (English: PubMed = 3, PeDro = 8, Scholar = 383; Spanish: Scholar = 3, Scielo = 0; and Portuguese: Scielo = 0). One extra article was selected from the suggested articles, and 1 article was eliminated due to duplication. By titles and abstracts, 2 articles were selected, but the population did not correspond to heart disease. Results. the final selected articles were 0 articles. By this reason, it were removed: Boolean operator "NOT", and congenital heart disease population. Thus, 2 articles were selected for the final qualitative review where it was compares KTR versus SET, and KTR by specialist and non-specialist. Both articles shown improvement in compliance and resistance until 30 minutes post intervention. The CC population was in a 40 to 60% range in both studies. Conclusions. it was no found articles that demonstrate changes in compliance and resistance in the airway with the use of KTR + SET versus exclusive SET in pediatric users after CCC connected to MV. After filter remotion, we found 2 studies shown improves in increase compliance and reduce resistance in pediatric user in MV, ones comparing with SET, and the other one comparing between specialists in respiratory pediatric physiotherapy and not specialists. It suggests to made primary clinical studies about this intervention in CC population.

J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech ; 9(4): 101327, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37928561


An aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) is a rare variation of normal anatomy occurring in 0.5% to 1.8% of the population. No current guidelines are available regarding ARSA management, and surgical intervention should be evaluated carefully. Moreover, symptomatic patients with a dominant left arch and aberrant ARSA require a surgical approach from the right side of the chest for ligation and division of the aberrant artery at its origin on the aorta. The ARSA can then be reimplanted onto the right common carotid artery via a supraclavicular incision. The extensive mobilization in the chest allows for easy reimplantation in the supraclavicular region and eliminates reliance on the collateral circulation. Postoperative monitoring is reliable and easy with radial pulse examinations.