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Entropy (Basel) ; 24(10)2022 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37420458


The electron spin correlation is shown to be expressible in terms of a bona fide probability distribution function with an associated geometric representation. With this aim, an analysis is presented of the probabilistic features of the spin correlation within the quantum formalism, which helps clarify the concepts of contextuality and measurement dependence. The dependence of the spin correlation on conditional probabilities allows for a clear separation between system state and measurement context; the latter determines how the probability space should be partitioned in calculating the correlation. A probability distribution function ρ(ϕ) is then proposed, which reproduces the quantum correlation for a pair of single-particle spin projections and is amenable to a simple geometric representation that gives meaning to the variable ϕ. The same procedure is shown to be applicable to the bipartite system in the singlet spin state. This endows the spin correlation with a clear probabilistic meaning and leaves the door open for a possible physical picture of the electron spin, as discussed at the end of the paper.

Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (34,supl.1): 23-30, jun. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-902119


Resumen Introducción: conocer las variables asociadas a la prevalencia de mastitis clínica (PMC) ayuda a diseñar medidas de control más eficientes. Objetivos: cuantificar la PMC en un hato de especialización lechera, de acuerdo con la influencia del orden de parto (OP) y el efecto del componente racial (CR). Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal, mediante el cual se calculó la PMC según el OP (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 o más), la probabilidad condicional (PC), la PMC para cada CR y la PMC según el OP para cada CR. Se realizó prueba de x2. Resultados: se observó una PMC global de 15 %. Se estableció una relación directamente proporcional entre el OP y la PMC. Las prevalencias calculadas fueron 9,9; 10,9; 12,2; 21,6; 21,7 y 21,4 %, para los OP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 o más, respectivamente, con diferencias estadísticas significativas. La PC varió entre 9 % (1 y 2 OP) y 22,8 % (3 y 4 OP). Se observó una PMC de 16,7 % para la holstein (H), 8,9 % para el F1 de H por blanco orejinegro (BON) y de 9,4 % para la 3/4H x 1/4BON, sin diferencias significativas. No obstante, al comparar la H con los cruces por BON, sin importar el porcentaje del componente racial BON, se observaron diferencias estadísticas significativas. Conclusiones: la PMC incrementa con el aumento del OP; por tanto, los programas de vigilancia de la enfermedad deben intensificarse en vacas mayores. La raza BON aporta un factor de rusticidad a sus cruces que disminuye la PMC.

Abstract Introduction: The knowledge of the variables associated with the prevalence of clinical mastitis (PCM) can help to design more efficient control measures. Objectives: To quantify PCM in a specialized dairy herd, according to the influence ofbirth order (BO) and the effect of racial component (RC). Materials and methods: A transversal study was carried out to calculate PCM according to BO (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, or more), conditional probability (CP), PCM for each RC, and PCM according to BO for each RC. The x2 test was performed. Results: An overall PCM of 15% was observed. A directly proportional relationship was established between BO and PCM. The calculated prevalences were 9.9, 10.9, 12.2, 21.6, 21.7, and 21.4% for BO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 or more, respectively, with significant statistical differences. CP varied between 9% (BO 1 and 2) and 22.8% (BO 3 and 4). A PCM of 16.7% was observed for Holstein (H) cows, 8.9% for Holstein F1 with Blanco Orejinegro cows (BON), and 9.4% for % H x V BON, with no significant differences. However, when comparing H with BON crosses, regardless of the percentage of the BON racial components, significant statistical differences were observed. Conclusions: PCM increases with increased BO; therefore, disease surveillance programs should be intensified in older cows. The BON breed contributes a rusticity factor to its crosses that decreases PCM.

Resumo Introdução: conhecer as variáveis associadas à prevalência de mastite clínica (PMC) ajuda a desenhar medidas de controle mais eficientes. Objetivos: quantificar a PMC em um rebanho de especialização leiteira, de acordo com a influência da ordem de parto (OP) e o efeito do componente racial (CR). Materiais e métodos: se realizou um estudo transversal, mediante o qual se calculou a PMC segundo o OP (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 ou mais), a probabilidade condicional (PC), a PMC para cada CR e a PMC segundo o OP para cada CR. Realizou-se exame de x2. Resultados: se observou uma PMC global de 15 %. Se estabeleceu uma relação diretamente proporcional entre o OP e a PMC. As prevalências calculadas foram 9,9; 10,9; 12,2; 21,6; 21,7 e 21,4 %, para os OP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 ou mais respectivamente, com diferenças estatísticas significativas. A PC variou entre 9 % (1 e 2 OP) e 22,8 % (3 e 4 OP). Observou-se uma PMC de 16,7 % para a Holstein (H), 8,9 % para o F1 de H por branco orelhas negras (BON) e de 9,4 % para a 3/4H x 1/4BON, sem diferenças significativas. Não obstante, al comparar a H com os cruzamentos por BON, sem importar a porcentagem do componente racial BON, se observaram diferenças estatísticas significativas. Conclusões: a PMC incrementa com o aumento do OP; portanto, os programas de vigilância da doença devem intensificar-se em vacas mais velhas. A raça BON proporciona um fator de rusticidade aos seus cruzamentos que diminui a PMC.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 91(2): 441-53, 2015 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25467169


Benthic indices are commonly used tools for assessing the environmental quality, because they represent a simple source of scientific information. However, their performance could vary depending on the application area and perturbation types, thus they should be tested before used in other remote geographic regions. This study aims to test the use of some of the most widely common benthic biotic indices for assessing the environmental quality of Montevideo's coastal zone at a seasonal scale against many physicochemical variables. From all the evaluated indices, AMBI appears to be the most suitable one to assess the environmental quality. The study also allowed us to infer the most relevant physicochemical variables: protein, lipid and heavy metal sediment concentration. Additionally, site-specific threshold effect levels for heavy metals and biopolymers were established, which appear to be useful to determine tolerable levels of such stressors in future assessments or monitoring programs for the study area.

Cidades , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Estuários , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Biopolímeros/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental/normas , Metais Pesados/análise , Uruguai
Acta colomb. psicol ; 13(2): 119-128, jul.-dic. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635254


Los procesos inferenciales de niños de cuatro años de edad son observados utilizando una tarea de coordinación de hasta cinco criterios de clasificación. Se encontraron tres tipos de razonamientos probabilísticos: adivinanza (37,8%), transicional (22,2%) resolutorio (40%). La búsqueda tipo adivinanza es el esbozo de una relación entre "búsqueda espacial" y reducción del espacio muestral sobre la base de las acciones concretas (intervenciones) aplicadas directamente a la tarea. La búsqueda tipo transicional es un laboratorio de experimentación que le permite al niño observar la relación entre las intervenciones y el resultado de dichas acciones donde se agencia una probabilidad condicional intra-variable. La búsqueda tipo resolutorio cristaliza una coordinación que implica operaciones clasificatorias con niveles sofisticados de abstracción porque se demanda la intersección de dos o más variables.

Inferential processes in four year old children are observed using a task that involves coordinating up to five classification criteria. Three types of probabilistic reasoning were found : riddle (37.8%), transitional (22.2%) and solving (40%). The riddle search type is the outline of a relationship between "space search" and sample space reduction based on individual concrete actions (interventions) applied directly to the task. The transitional search type is an experimental laboratory that allows the child to observe the relationship between interventions and the outcome of those actions where an intra-variable conditional probability is generated. The solving search type crystallizes a coordination that involves classification operations with sophisticated levels of abstraction since they demand the intersection of two or more variables.

Os processos inferenciais de crianças de quatro anos são observadas através de uma tarefa de coordenação de até cinco critérios de classificação. Encontramos três tipos de raciocínio probabilístico: adivinhança (37,8%), de transição (22,2%), resolutório (40%). A pesquisa tipo adivinhança é o esboço de uma relação entre "pesquisa espacial" e redução do espaço da amostra com base em ações concretas (operações) aplicadas diretamente para a tarefa. A pesquisa do tipo de transição é um laboratório de experimentação que permite a criança observar a relação entre as intervenções e os resultados destas ações, onde se agencia uma probabilidade condicional intravariável. O tipo de pesquisa resolutório cristaliza uma coordenação que envolve operações classificatórias com níveis de abstração sofisticados, já que se exige a interseção de duas ou mais variáveis.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Probabilidade , Teorema de Bayes
Interdisciplinaria ; 27(1): 163-174, jul. 2010. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633467


Se ha mostrado en la literatura de Psicología Cognitiva que las personas generalmente tienen dificultades para resolver problemas de probabilidad condicional. Sin embargo, también se ha mostrado que, bajo ciertas condiciones, las respuestas mejoran de manera significativa. Desde mitad de la década de 1990 hubo un gran debate acerca de cómo dar cuenta de dicho efecto facilitador. Se han propuesto dos hipótesis rivales, la hipótesis de frecuencias naturales que dice que el efecto facilitador se debe a presentar la información de manera frecuentista, y la hipótesis de conjuntos anidados que dice que dicho efecto se debe a la clarificación de las relaciones de conjunto del problema. En este artículo intentaremos clarificar el debate y analizar la evidencia empírica relevante. La pregunta a responder es la siguiente: ¿Se ha producido alguna experimentación crucial en favor de alguna de las dos hipótesis? Nuestra respuesta será negativa, aunque reconociendo que la hipótesis de conjuntos anidados parece hasta ahora, mejor respaldada que su rival.

In the early '70s, Tversky and Kahneman founded a research program in Cognitive Psychology called Heuristics and Biases. This program found extensive evidence that shows that people tend to commit reasoning errors when making judgments under uncertainty. A particular case is that people tend to fail when reasoning about conditional probability problems, that is, problems that ask for the probability of some event given the fact that another event has occurred (e.g. the probability of raining given that it is cloudy). But in the mid '90s, Gigerenzer and other evolutionary psychologists came along and gave an important turn to the state of the art. They showed that if the conditional probability problems used in the literature are framed in a different way, people's performance greatly improves. More specifically, if the problems present the information under a specific format called natural frequency format, around 50% of participants get the correct answer. Since the mid ´90s researchers engage in an important debate on how to account for such a facilitation effect. There are two main proposals, one by the Evolutionary Psychology Program and the other by Heuristic and Biases Program. The natural frequency hypothesis supported by the Evolutionary Program basically says that the natural frequency format is the responsible factor for the improvement in people's performance. The Heuristic and Biases Program, in turn, has proposed the nested-set hypothesis to explain the facilitation effect. The basic idea is that natural frequency versions tend to make transparent the relevant subset relations of the problem. When people see clearly the set relations involved in this kind of problems (the argument goes) they tend to use correctly base rates and thus, their performance improves. They point out that, according to this view, the success of the frequency effect does not have to do with natural frequency formats per se. They predict that any format whatsoever that make the relevant set relations clear will show the same effect. The key question is, then, as follows. Is this a case of crucial experimentation in favor of one of our rival hypotheses? In other words, is there an experiment or a series of experiments such that our rival hypotheses predict opposite results, so that we can claim one of them as victorious over the other? The empirical evidence on the matter is mixed. Some studies seem to support the natural frequency hypothesis while others seem to support the nested-set hypothesis. We will then try to clarify this debate by focusing on the diverse strategies and techniques used in the literature to settle the dispute. We will argue that the right strategy to discriminate between both hypotheses is to use genuine probability problems with a clarified set structure and see whether these conditions elicit or not a performance comparable to the natural frequency effect. Within this general strategy, we review the literature and found that there are three techniques, namely, the improved wording technique, the natural chance technique and the graphical representation technique that seem to provoke a performance as good as the one elicited by natural formats, giving, thus, a stronger support for the nested set hypothesis. However, a careful analysis shows that neither the improved wording technique nor the chance technique has provided both consistent and clear results in favor of the nested-set hypothesis. As for the graphical representation technique, the evidence still seems very slim. The improvement in performance was shown in two studies that worked with only one problem each. Furthermore, neither of these problems seems completely adequate. Thus, we do not think the last word about the matter has been said and more empirical work is needed to settle the issue.