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Suma psicol ; 25(2): 122-132, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004728


Resumen En este artículo se identificó el dominio del inglés de los futuros egresados de los programas de psicología colombianos. Para tal fin, se analizaron los resultados del componente en inglés del Examen de Estado de Calidad de la Educación Superior (Saber Pro) presentado por los futuros egresados de los programas de psicología de las instituciones de educación superior (IES) entre el 2011 y 2016, en los tres tipos de modalidades que existen: presencial, virtual y a distancia, y teniendo en cuenta si el programa se encontraba o no acreditado. Los resultados muestran que, de los 102 programas, solo 6 cumplieron en el 2014 con la meta establecida por el Gobierno colombiano del 20% de sus egresados en nivel pre-avanzado o superior para ese año. Todos corresponden a la modalidad presencial y de los 30 programas que estaban acreditados en dicho año, solo el 13% cumple con la meta establecida. Además, se discute el cumplimiento de la meta para los demás años. Se discuten los resultados a la luz de las metas establecidas por el Gobierno Nacional respecto al nivel de inglés de los egresados y de las competencias comunicativas establecidas para los psicólogos en el proyecto Tuning, entre otros.

Abstract This study aimed to identify the English proficiency of future graduates of Colombian psychology programs. To this end, we analyze the results of the mandatory English component of the State Examination of Quality of Higher Education (Saber Pro) presented by future graduates of the psychology programs between 2011 and 2016. The document also compares the results by the delivery method (face-to-face, virtual and distance) and national accreditation. The Colombian Government set the exit target that 20% of undergraduates should reach at least pre-advance by 2014. The results show that, of the 102 programs, only 6 met the goal in 2014. All programs that reached the target used a face-to-face delivery method. Results also show that 13% of the accredited 30 programs in that year met the goal. The results are discussed in light of the goals established by the national government regarding the level of graduate English and the communication skills set for the psychologists in the Tuning project, among others.

Interdisciplinaria ; 28(2): 299-322, dic. 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639641


El trabajo que se informa presenta los resultados finales del diseño y validación de contenido de un diccionario de competencias genéricas para el profesional en Psicología. Se hace un recuento de las diferentes definiciones dadas al concepto de competencia, desde el enfoque sociolingüístico de Hymes (1972) y del desempeño en el trabajo (McClelland, 1973). Se concluye que éstas integran el saber ser (automotivación, iniciativa y trabajo colaborativo con otros), el saber conocer (observar, explicar, comprender y analizar) y el saber hacer (desempeño basado en procedimientos y estrategias) (Braslavsky & Acosta, 2006; Cejas, 2003; Echeverría, 2002; Ibarra, 2000; Tobón, 2004). Se propone una clasificación teórica del concepto de competencia, retomando autores como Álvarez, Gómez y Ratto (2004), Peiró (2003) y Roe (2003), entre otros, la cual realiza una distinción entre competencias académicas, profesionales y laborales. Se utilizan los planteamientos de Montero y León (2005), así como los de Carretero y Pérez (2007), quienes proveen las herramientas y criterios metodológicos para la validación del diccionario de competencias mediante la evaluación de seis jueces expertos y la aplicación piloto de un instrumento a siete estudiantes y 16 egresados de la Carrera de Psicología. Los resultados de la investigación permitieron la creación de un diccionario de competencias para uso público, el cual constituye una herramienta oportuna para afrontar los retos, demandas y posibilidades para el desempeño del psicólogo, dados los cambios socioeconómicos, demográficos y culturales del Siglo XX1 que influyen sobre la formación y funciones del profesional.

The following article presents the final results of the design and content validation of a generic competencies dictionary for the trained psychologist. Different authors, such as Collazos and Garcia (1999), argue that the research and identification of competencies have helped to solve the weakness of traditional psychometric tests used to predict worker's productivity. Moreover, Peiró (2003) mentions that in defining the objectives to be achieved by education, it is required to determine the qualifications or competencies that should have a professional. However, in the field of Psychology, there is little research leading to the development of tools for identifying and evaluating competencies among students and professionals (ANECA, 2005; Castro Solano, 2004; González, 2007; Herrera, Restrepo & Uribe, 2008; Pérez-Santamarina & López, 2006; Ruiz, Jaraba & Romero, 2005; Uribe, Aristizábal, Barona & López, 2009). A theoretical overview of the concept of competency has been made, taking in to account different approaches, like the sociolinguistic (Hymes, 1972) and the job performance (McClelland, 1973). From the revised definitions and interpretations given to the concept of competence, it is concluded that they integrate self-knowledge (motivation, initiative, and teamwork with others), self-teaching (observation, explanation, comprehension, and analysis), and ‘know-how' (performance based on strategies and procedures) (Braslavsky & Acosta, 2006; Cejas, 2003; Echeverría, 2002; Ibarra, 2000; Tobón, 2004). Different classifications to the concept of competencies that have been applied to different contexts were also reviewed. For instance, Gordillo (2003) argues that competencies can be grouped into methodological, technical, social, and individual. Álvarez, Gómez, and Ratto (2004) classify them in technique and general competencies, similar to the one proposed by Ruiz, Jaraba, and Romero (2008) and the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA, 2005), whoever divide them in general (or transverse) and specific competencies. For the purpose of this research and taking in to account these classifications, it is proposed for this work a distinction between academic, professional, and work-related generic competencies. The creation of the generic competencies dictionary for the trained psychologists followed the guidelines for instrumental studies as suggested by Montero and León (2005) and Carretero and Pérez (2007): the conceptual outline of the evaluation subject, and the design and qualitative evaluation of the items. In the content validation by expert evaluators, participated six professional psychologists with expertise in the fields of research methodology and Organizational Psychology, who are teachers of the Department of Social Sciences from a private university in Cali (Colombia). Subsequently, the pilot application of the instrument was attended by 23 people: 7 final year students of the Career of Psychology and 16 graduates of the same university. These research findings led to the creation of a generic competencies dictionary for public use, composed by 13 academic competencies, 12 professional competencies, and 10 work-related competencies. This dictionary is the result of a research aimed to identify the most significant competencies, as well as the definitions that fit these best, to ensure the recognition of crucial requirements in the field and their adequate implementation among psychologists. It is concluded that this dictionary is useful to understand standards and determine competencies that a professional psychologist must obtain from educational institutions, at least in the work and academic contexts where the research was conducted. It also constitutes a timely contribution to meet the challenges, demands, and possibilities of professional performance, given the socio-economic, demographic, and cultural changes of the 21st century, which impact the training and functions of a professional psychologist.

Psicol. Caribe ; (28): 133-165, jul.-dic. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-650002


Actualmente, en Colombia, ha crecido el interés por la identificación y evaluación de las competencias como elemento de formación y posterior desarrollo profesional. Es de interés de este artículo, abordar el concepto de competencia a partir de múltiples definiciones y posturas teóricas del concepto, y que dan cuenta al lector acerca de la pluralidad que entrañan según sea su utilización. También se mostrarán diferentes clasificaciones que los estudiosos del constructo atribuyen a la competencia y, finalmente, se describirán algunos estudios y posiciones que se han desarrollado sobre las competencias del psicólogo profesional, con énfasis en el caso colombiano.

Nowadays, in Colombia, the interest to identify and assess competences has grown as an element of training and professional development. The aim of this article is to approach the concept competence from an educational view, showing several meanings and theoretical views of the concept with the idea to locate the reader on the plurality and multiplicity of its meanings depending on its use. The article will also show different classifications of the concept developed by various researchers. Finally, it describes the studies and positions that have been stated about professional psychologist's competences, focusing on the Colombian case.